The Collegian Wednesday, January 25 Ask Dear Readers, I was cleaning out ;My mailbox from last semester, and I found two unanswered letters. Sorry it took so long to respond. If you can remember back as far as Thanksgiving when a somewhat embittered Snow White asked, "Is it old fashioned and obsolete to wait for Prince Charming....?" Well I'm here to tell you, Snow White, there really is a Prince Charming, and he writes: Dcar Louanne, You asked, if there are still any Prince Charmings out here....well„ hat I am. My former friends have been talking about sex since they were high school freshmen. Meanwhile, I asked myself why a-girl with any common sense at all would even want to talk to these guys. The way they treated girls was (and still is) unbelievable. Talk about people who "Love 'ern and leave 'cm!" These guys gave new meaning to the word "asshole." rthink if there is mutual love and respect, then there is no need to think about "how far you can get." If you're with someone you think you love, and you' think she loves you, then try just sleeping together, no sex. If there is something special it shouldn't make a bit of diffrence. To me, making love to someone who really loves you should be the greatest experienc.e in a relationship, not just something :',vie4Q.e..vp,CY:El4.44.o*-7..... Dear Snow White. and Prince Charming, I sure hope you' find each other. • , Dear Lonanne, I have a terrine girlfriend. We have been - seeing radii other for over a year and everything is going veal. except.. There is this other gitl to whom I am really attracted. I don't want to mess up my present relationship, but I find myself thinking about the other girl all ofihe tithe. Dating both girls is out of the question - that never really works. I want to stay with my steady girlfriend, but I am't.get,the other girl off of my mind. What can I do? tr ; • Dear Insane, I hope haven't waited so long to answer that they've locked . you up somewhere. From where I sit, it, lookS like you've got three alternatives. I. You can take the coward's way out, cheat on your - girlfriend and , hope you don't get caught. Then you'll only have feelings of guilt OR your mind all of the time. 2. You can tell your girlfriend you think both of you should get- to -know others to help find out if you really are meant for each other. (Would you believe I tried that on my husband before •we were married and we've been together 27 'years?) 3. You can avoid that other girl and wear a rubber band on your wrist. Give yourself a' whack' every time she pops into your mind and get busy doing something else-, Believe it or not:it- works on all kinds of 'obseisitais. Of course - I =fall 'guarantee you • Won't get locked up if -you •-go around 'constantly whacking 4roarrself with a rubber .band. ' • . 'Okay finds; rzn toady fir new letters. Send them to me at the •Pionatud'xinseling Offiees,find ,Glenhillfanabouse: , • EE HELP Louanne I==:3= Still looking too, sth sem. Prince Charming Signed, Insane - Minority College Enrollment Drops CP S Despite intense recruiting efforts, there were fewer black men on American campuses in 1986 than there had been in 1976; a new census claimed. Some 470,000 black - men were enrolled in colleges in 1976, the American Council on Education (ACE) reported Jan. 16, compared to 436,000 in 1986. The ACE's David Merkowitz found the decline "alarming." The enrollment of black women, by contrast, stayed about the same 5.2 percent of the total U.S. college student population it had been 10 years earlier. Holiday Cont. from pg. 10 Let's see now: the moon is round, the sun is round, the rest of the planets are round and the stars are round. Gee, DID WE THINK THAT WE WERE SPECIAL OR SOMETHING? Toss it. Halloween: A pretext to dress funny, act strange and stuff our faces with candy (it almost sounds like Valentines Day, doesn't it?). Let's keep it. Election Bay: . AHAHAH AH!!!! Are you SERIOUS?!? Thanksgiving: A good reason to go off of your diet. Everyone gets to celebrate this one except ►~~~:rr~~i~~~r~.rM There are many ways to acknowledge it . i .. one lasts a lifetime. Your College Class Ring - from Balfour! Select yours at: Wed. & Thur. Balfour 0 No one remembers in To bring in more black men, the ACE's report said campuses must develop "comprehensive programs designed to recruit, retain and graduate a more culturally and racially diverse population." Most colleges have been trying to do that for years. But Marilyn Frahm, a spokeswoman for Michigan's Saginaw Valley State University, said pressures • to increase academic standards may have sabotaged those goals. Both the ACE report and a separate study issued by the Joint Center for Political Studies maintain another reason for the Richard Simmons, who should be locked in Julia Child's kitchen with Julia Child until he weighs as much as his hair, or a Yugo, whichever comes first. Christmas: One of my favorite holidays. Not only do I have to shop for everyone, but people come home from school. There arc: * the people you don't want to * the people that you do want to sec, but they're having a better life than you are * and all the women who ever broke your heart, CALL YOU UP, SEND YOU CARDS AND The Bookstore Get $2O OFF 10k Gold Get $35 OFF 14k Gold Get $5O OFF 18k Gold Feb. 15-16 Page 13 decline might be attributed to retreat in civil rights enforcement in higher education under the Reagan administration. The Joint Center study by Gary Orfield, a University of Chicago professor, says black enrollment peaked in 1980 at 1.1 million as a result of the government's commitment to enforcing civil rights during the 1960 s and 19705. Under Reagan, Orfield said, staffing for the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights was cut by one fourth and its budget reduced by $2.8 million. WANT TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE WONDERFUL GUY THEY'RE SEEING!! Really, Christmas is my favorite holiday. And the Ayatola Kohmeni is my idea of the perfect baby sitter. I suppose we could keep it, as long as someone does my shopping for me. Please? And there you have it. No fuss, no muss, no hassle. One last note: all Federal holidays, like National Flashlight Week (I'm not kidding!) would be eliminated. Of course my (10am-4pm) so many ways
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