The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, December 27, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE TIMES, NEW BL00MF1EL1), PA., DECEMBER 27. 1881.
On snd sftr-r Monday, December ISth, lSIl, trains
will ran as follow! :
Mlftlln Accommodation :M A. M. .Tohnotnwn Ex.
V' 11:41 A. M. Mall. ruuuIiiK to lUiTlBbunr
only, 0:43 I". M. .....
I er The only trnln rtmnltw beyond IlarriBburj, la
the Johustuwu Expreas.
Philadelphia F.xpress (every day) flair, 4 : . Way
PaHenKer (every day) ; 11 A. M. Mail, (dally ex
cept Htuidnv) 8:04. Mifflin Accoinnifidallou, (dally
exrepf Holiday) H;(I7. Plttaburg- Expreea, (daily ex
cept Sunday) flair 11 :1.
Mifflin Accommodation, dally except Sunday
P.Kl A. M.
Johnstown Express, dally exocpt Sunday. 18:10
P, M.
Mall, (everyday), 7 :tl P. M.
t sr"The only train running beyond Harrialmrff is
the JohuMtowu Express.
Philadelphia F.xprosa, dully, tin?, 4:31
Vny 1'usHcnirer, daily. 8:4i A. M.
Mail, dally except Humtay, 1 :87 P. M.
Milllln Acoomoiodation, daily except Rundny
l'ltt.ibiirnr Express, daily except Sunday, ilatr
. 10:62 P. M.
Urtol" ItumM.
The canal was closed for tbe season
on Baturday.
Singing In Markelville next Saturday
See advertisement of small farm cheap.
Mrs. Campbell must sell and here is a
Ickesburg congregation , M. E. church .
srreeted their imstor with a Christmas
present in the form of a substantial doJ
nation, for wnicn be returns tnanks.
Why, after going to the expense of
lamps and posts, can't we have the
streets in this borough- lighted V Let us
have light.
A sum of money was found a few davs
ago between Darlington's and Zimmer
man's in Centre twp. The loser can get
more information at this office.
Several cases of small-pox are report- I
ed in Altoona. The authorities are try
ing hard to keep it within its present
V. R. Dum.of Spring twp., killed
four hogs recently which averaged 821
pounds apiece. He has also a lamb
of the Cotswold breed,only seven month
S)U1 that weighs 100 pounds. j
. The roads in Spring twp., north of
Blue Ball are in better condition now
than they have ver been known to be.
11 tie cause or tnis is, more money nag
been used to put them in this condition.
Ed Clouser came Into town on lasts
Fridav with a larcft red fox hanclnid
over nis snouiuer. it is preuy cental
oeain ror tox or uimey, to get too
Ed when he has his gun with him
On Tuesday last Bice's stage broke an
axle, when about a mile below town.
The driver returned here and hitched to
It a nanr cin era nrffVi it V Via siftrvt t-ilnt
his trip, but not in time to make mail
connections. .
See changes in railroad schedule. The
changes are very great. The faclUry for
going east are the worst ever baa since
we knew anything about the road. One
chance in 24 hours, and that at 11.42 A.
M., to go-east of Harrisburg,
Two men named Nicholson and
Yeingst, while engaged at digging a well
near Mt. Holly, made a narrow escape
from being killed or badly hurt. The
hoisting bucket became detached from
tbe chain and fell to the bottom, but in
foiling it luckily only grazed Yeingst.
We acknowledge a card from Col.
Feger, of St. Elmo Hotel, Philadelphia,
enclosing his bill of fare for Christmas
dinner. We regret we cannot accept
his invitation to dinner, but we don't
know as he offers a much better dinner
than we have had there many a time.
In fact his dinners are always good.
In the western part of Franklin Co.,
on November 19th, George W. Hornber
eer and G. W. Simpson quarreled ;
Hornberger was knocked down, his
head striking a bench and receiving in
juries from which he died several days
ago. Simpson is hiding among the
mountains, and the crime has just been
returned to the District Attorney.
The cash assets of the defunct State
Caiptal Mutual Insuranoe Company o
Harrisburg, have been ascertained by the
receiver, and amount to $o5. The office
fixtures and all other property of tbe
concern is estimated at about $1,200. The
reoeiver 1 constantly besieged by policy
holders, who are anxious to realize on
their policies, but their hopes are dashed
by an examination of the state of affairs
as they exist.
--PtH-simal. We received calls from a)
( great many fine looking teachers last
week. We might omit some of tbe names
if we attempt to mention wegive
tViom nil o irnnnrtl 1 n itI to t rt its tall
again. J
Kev. George Crist, of Duncannon,
who was very ill, has began to improve
and his friends now hope for his speedy
Ilenry.K. Bridge, son of Mr. Henry
Bridge, of Wheattield twp.. is in from
Illinois on a short visit. He likes the
west very much. .
Mr. Hollenbaugh has been compelled!
no resign tbe charge of the Grammar
School in this borough owing to ill
health. In accepting his resignation the
following letter was sent him by the
fechool board.
New Bloomfleld, Pa., Dec. 23, 1881.
. To Mr. B. F. HoUcubauKh Tliu Bloomfleld
Bpard baa accepted your resignation with
regret, and desire by tLif resolution to o testl
fy.aud express their condolence with yon in your
sickness nod to Lope for your speedy recovery.
Q. K. Baunett, President,
i. jldoar, secretary.
(adopted at their Meeting Dec. 23, 1881,)
We are sorry to learn Mint John M.
McKee son of Wilson McKee of this bor
ough had the middle linger of his left
hand smashed so badly that It had to be
amputated. He is employed at South
I'tlebla. Colorado. ..
Mr. Chnrles and Wm. M. Wltherow,
of Altoona, spent Christmas with their
friends In Centre township.
Mr. John It. Lefever and his Rlster
Fannie, of Harrisburg, are visiting
friends in this place.
Miss Irene Kuhn, of Hummelstown,
ia visiting friends in this section. She
formerly resided in this town.
Mr. Alfred Shearer, who Is attending
lectures in New York, is spending the
week with his parents, in Centre town
ship. Mr. Charles Bollinger, who is attend
ing the College of Pharmacy in Philadel
phia, Is spending this week at home. He
brought a friend with him.
Mrs. Amanda Mickey, of Bedford
county, is visiting her mother, in this
Miss Marian E. Spahr spent Christ
mas with her parents in this place.
Thieves Aronihl. On Monday night
iome person stole Borne tools from the
smith shop of Harry Smith In this place.
The same night an attempt was made to
break Into Garber, McKee & Co's. ware
house In Newport but the thieves were
discovered andtlred at. unfortunately
without doing them any Injury. The
tools taken from Mr. Smith's shop In this"
place,were found atNewport,' where they
were left by the thieves.
llf r Mififilnc TirrliTjTr , woman resld
ing In Spring twp., lost a brood of tur
nr. t
keys, nine in number some four weeks
since. Last week her husband was on
the ridge and found a man who ha
just shot three wild turkeys and he said
there were several more that he ought to
have got. The farmer then bunted
them up and found what was left of his
Iwlfe's tu'isalnir turkevs. All but four
had been shot for wild ones. Now she
wants the hunter to pay for the thwe
she knows he shot.
Jimmy Flynn's Horse. This horBe ob
jects to having a store box put into a
buggy, and so when Jimmy put one into
his buggy on Thursday evening, the
animal forcibly expressed his objections
by kicking till he knocked the box ou
and then ran away. When near Bar
nett's mill he lost the road, and went
over the stone wall doubling himself up
badly, and making the vehicle look like
a pile of kindling wood. Mr. Flynn
escaped with a few ugly bruises, which,
considering the fall he had was a remark
able escape.
Another Swindle. Some people will
never learn what a great risk they are
running in signing papers for strangers,
especially without reading it over or
carefully examining it. The following,
we clip from the Waynesboro Gazette, is
given to our reader as about the ninety
ninth warning, but still we would not
be surprised to hear of the same swindle
being perpetrated upon some of our citi
zens before our next issue : " A barefac
ed swindle was perpetrated on Mr. Wm.
Wiles, near this place, a short time ago.
We have been unable to get the full par
ticulars, but from what we have heard
the following are about the facts in the
case. Several weeks ago a couple of men
stopped at Mr. Wiles' and asked him to
take the agency for a patent Wind En
gine and asked the privilege of erecting
one on his premises as a sample. Mr. W.
agreed to take the agency and had the
Engine put up with the understanding
that it was only as a specimen of the
article and be would not be required to
pay for it. In the course of the business
constituting him agent It was necessary,
they told him, to sign several papers,
which were articles of agreement. This
he did and in a short time the Engine
came on and was put up. Several weeks
afterward Mr. W. received notice from
the Hagerstown bank, we think,, that
they held a note against him for a sum
of money which he would oblige them
by lifting, how much we are unable to
state. It now turns out that what Mr.
Wiles thought were articles of agreement
that he was signing were notes. What
the result will be we must patiently
wait to see.
Juniata County. We copy the follow
ing from the Juniata county papers of
last week :
I From Tfu Port Royal Timet.
'On Wednesday of last week a fodder
stuck belonging to Mr. John Thompson,
on his farm In Spruce Hill township,
was ignited by a spark from his steam
saw mill aud the fodder was entirely
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland county
papers of last week :
From Via Ntwville Enterprttt.
A serious accident befell our towns,
man aud traveling salesman, Mr. J. H.
ltllntt. whrt wan married on ThnrHflnv
I luut, leaving on the evening train for a
i trip through some of the Southern
states, stopping all night at Hogues-
town. uu .rriuuy morning ue siurieu
on his journey over the Shenandoah
Valley It. It., and when at Shepherds,
town, Va., he went forward in tbe
car to see the brakesman, and, while
standing along side the stove the gna
exploded the stove, throwing the steam
and dirt into Mr. Elliott's face knock
ling him to the floor aud burning hlin
severely on the face and neck. Mr.
.Elliott was ta'iten in charge s.nrl a
telegram sent to his parents Rt this place,
notifying them of his return to Newville,
on the afternoon train. On arriving at
this place he wns conveyed to the rest
dence of Mrs. Skinner, where he Is un
der medical treatment, and Is improv.
Ing slowly and satisfactorily to all bis
From I'Ae Valley Sentinel)
Mr. Ilellbrenncr, the rag merchant,
while driving on the pike Tuesday fell
oft the load of rags and broke his arm
between the wrist and elbow. He was
brought to town by Mr. John Wetzel,
and taken to Dr. Hemminger's oillce
where the fracture was reduced.
One night recently, Mr. W. W. Gut
shall, of near Carlisle Springs, hearing
the door of his corn crib slapping (as he
supposed by the wind), left his warm
bed and hurried to the crib. After fast
ening it securely, he returned to the
house, thinking no more of the occur
rence. How surprised he was the next
i morning you may imagine, when he
Vound that a thief had been pilfering his
(Yib, and that he had actually shut the
fellow In. Of course the thief made good
his escape during the night.
A Farmer's Opinion.
. Mn. Editor 1 noticed what you said last
week about paying road tax la money, and let
ting tbe enpervlsor hire bis men. I would be
In favor or this, and believe as you say, that
we will not have good roads till that way Is
mado a law. I am sure we would have better
roads, and I have no doubt that our taxes
would be less than they are now. I, for one,
would like to tee this plan tried. Let us hear
eotno others Ideas on this subject.
Bprlng twp., Dec 21st, 1831. Farmer.
Perry County Teachers' Institute.
The following proceedings were had
at the Teachers' Institute held in the
Court House in this borough, December
10th, 20th, 21st, 22ud and 2:Jrd, 1881 :
The thirty-second annual meeting of the Ferry
County Teachers' Institute convened In the Court
House at New nioomncKl, December loth, 1H81, ot
1 o'clock, P. M.,and was called to order by the
County superintendent, Prof. J. It Flicklnger.
Hev. John Edirar opened by rending a portion ot
Scripture and offered prayer. Pro!. FHckinger, In
a short and appropriate address, explained theob-
oct of the teachers' meeting. The election of ofll-
lers was next in order and resulted as follows :
TTfce President, 3. 8. Campbell! Secretaries
avid Boyd aud A. K. Soulier i Reporter, aeorge H,
larnett j Treaturer, Vt'm. IVlllls ; Receiving IVllcr,
J. W. Soule.
One hundred and thlrtj--two teachers present
Considerable dispute arose In regard to paying
an enrollment fee of 85 cents, which amount was
cnrrled by a largo majority. SIuclc, followed by
the reading of a paper on the subject ot Language
Lessons by Prof. B. B. Fnhnestoek. On motion It
was agreed that the hours of meeting and ad
journing should be tho same as our school hours
from 9 A. M. to 18 M., and 1 to 4 P. St., with the ex
ception of Frldny morning's session, which U to
open as 8 and adjourn at 11 o'clock, A. M.
Mosoat Evening Hkssion. Institute opened by
music. P. a. Kell read a paper on the topic, "To
what extent should onr public schools prov ide op
portunities of acquiring a business education." He
proposed that all school work should be of a prac
tical nature. Prof. Silas Wright made some re
marks and suggestions on the subject and henrtlly
endorsed the views presented by Mr. Kell.
Prof. s. ;ileiges, of York, was then Introduced by
the President. He delivered a lecture on the sub
ject of "Dame Knturc's Apparent Absurdities."
The Professor took up many examples and showed
conclusively that what appeared as absurdities In
nature were but the wise provisions of the Creator.
Instltuto adjourned to meet Tuesday morning at
9 o'clock.
Mounino Sksbion. Tho opening exercises were
conducted by Bcv. A. II. Spnngler, who read tbe 1st
Psalm aud offered prayer, followed by music by tho
Professor Helges then gave the teachers a talk on
the subject of Sonse Culture, He outlined his work
as follows ; 1, Possibility and necessity ; a, Habit of
observation j 3, Condition, care of organs, atten
tion ; 4, Exercise, (n) Object Lessons, (b) Topical
Spelling, (c) Drawing, (d) Descriptive Essays, (e)
Natural Sciences. In the course of bis remarks he
suggested that recitations of primary classes
should last about ten minutes, as tuat Is about tbe
time their attention can be held.
A pleco of music was had, after which Percentage
was explained In a paper by itev. John Edgar.
Bemarks were made by Prof. McCoskey, Messrs.
Harklns, Baker and Wright. Prof. Fnhnestoek
concluded his paper on Language Lessons. Tho
subject was discussed In a very interesting and
practical manner by Messrs. J. E. Stephens, Har
klns, Kev. J. J. Hnmllton, D. A. Hagr.r, Prnf. Mc
Coskey, Rev. Edgar and Prof. Helges. Adjourned
until 1 o'clock.
Afternoon Session opened with music, followed
by a talk by Prof. Helges on the "Development of
the Mind." A selection entitled "the Charcoal
Man," was next read by Georgo W. Gehr. The
participles and lnnnltlves were discussed In a paper
read by -A. L. Anderson. Bemnrks by Rev. Edgar
and others.
J. C. Prelsler read a paper on ProfesKlonal Litera
ture In our common schools. Another talk was
given by Prof. Wright on the subject of "Primary
work In school." He discussed this work In a very
Interesting, instructive and enthusiastic manner.
"Shall we compel pupils to use the right hand on
all occasions ?" was discussed by Prof. Helges and
Number of teachers enroh?d, 147.
Evening Session opened with ttuslc Miss Brown,
of Newport, reau a paper on thf subject of "Alm
tos Teaching." Tho quiet an-i close attention of
a crowded hou8' shuwed that the lady's essay was
well appreciated by alL Applause. Music by the
Glee Club, "Beautiful mils," a song and chorus.
After another piece of mulc a poem was read by
Hev.J. J. Hamilton.
Ell Perkins, the lecturer for the evening, was
then Introduced by the President. His subject was
the "Philosophy of Fun." The lecturer kept his
audience In good humor for about an hour aud a
half. Ills lecture was not only humorous but ar
gumentative and well arranged, and all who heard
It expressed themselves as much pleased.
After a piece of music was sung tho Institute
Mornino Session. Institute opened with devo
tional exercises, conducted by Mr. Buck, followed
by muiilc. Pint. Silas Wright coi.tluutd his sub
ject of yesterday, "Primary Teaching." Ho very
highly recuuimemled the "Word Method'' In teach
ing the subject cf re.Kltsig. Ncxl In order was a
talk by Prof, Helges, nibjnct, "object Lessons,"
which was followed by music.
A committee consisting of Prof. Hllns Wright., ,T.
3. Asper and .1. Calvin Sliclbley, was appointed by
tho President to exnmlne pupils' work on exhibi
tion In the Court House In counectlon with the
Next in order was the rending of a selection enti
tled "No Sect in Heaven," by a. W. (lehr. This
was followed by a paper on school organization, by
J. Elmer Stephens. He divided the subject Into
two pnrls, class organisation and school organiza
tion. The subject of percentage was continued
from yesterday's resslon by Kev. John Edgar. He
takes Brook's Arithmetic as his standard on the
subject ot Percentage. Ho Illustrated on the
blackboard his method ot computing Interest.
Afternoon Session. Meeting called to order by
the County Superintendent, and opened with
music, followed by the reading of a paper by ProL
McOaskey, subject, "How con the teacher attain ft
higher degree of professional power " Professor
MeCaskey spoke In a very earnest mnnner and was
warmly applauded.
A telegram from the Dauphin County Institute
was rend by the chninnan, the teachers of that
Institute tending greetings ot friendship. On mo
tion, the President appointed Messrs. Fahnestock,
Wright and McCnskoy to respond by telegraph.
After a piece of music was sung a paper was
read on the question, "What shall we teach V
The reader, I. E. Stephens, summed up his paper
with the answer, Moral Courage. Report by the
chairman of committee on response to Dnuphtn
county Institute was accepted. Prnf . Helges con
tinued his Instructions on Object Lessons. Prof.
Mct'nskey made illustrations on a sand moulding
board which he uses In his school for teaching grt
ography. He gave among other Illustrations that
of nn active burning volcano.
d. W. Gehr rend "The examination of a wit
ness," and "charcoal." Rev. J. Edgar resumed
his Instruction on Percentage. ProL Wright put
an outline on the blackboard to Bhow "How to
tench Literature" and made some very good sug
gestions. Messrs. Fahnestock and McCaskey,gave
their methods of teaching the snme subject.
Evenino Session Opened with muslo by the
glee club. A laughable poem of German twang,
"The wonderful one hoss Shlay" was read by W.
E. Baker, This was followed by the "Plantation
Prof. Daniel Flelshcr, principal of the Newport
Select School, Introduced "Our Profession" by an
able paper on the subject. Miss Moyer recited the
"Bell of the Atlantic." Music by the Institute.
A declamation by ,1. M. Eshleman, Title, Bernar
do del Carplo. Another by L E. Stephens, called
"Schneider's Hide." Music by the Institute, was
followed by Prof. Helges with a talk on "The Pow
ers of t he Sunbeam." He divided bis subject Into
two topics "Natural Heat" and "Artinclal Heat."
The Instructions on tills subject, were very lnter
eitlng and Instructive. Adjourned.
Morninu Session Devotional exercises conduct
ed by Rev. Jno. Edgar. After some muslo by tho
Institute Prof. Silas Wright continued his Instruc
tion on "Primary School Work." The "Word Meth
od" was explained and the method was further
discussed. Music by the Institute. Prot Helges
took up the subject Introduced by ProL Wright
and some practical Information. He followed
with a lesson on color to a class ot 9 children.
Ho presented the primary colors on a card and
showed by nn experiment that by the mixing of
these three primary colors, the secondary colors
are produced.
Prof. L. B. Kerr presented the subject ot visiting
schools by Directors. He sold that In Savllle twp.,
the Directors divided themselves Into three divis
ions for convenience, and visited each school once
a mouth took notes of school work, to lje read at
the monthly meetings ot the school board which
the teachers are obliged to attend In order to ob
tain checks In payment ot their snlarles. He ad
vocated the payment of one dollar per day to direc
tors for school work done by them.
On motion, a query box was opened for referred
questions. This was followed by further remarks
on vlsltntlon of schools, after which Institute ad
journed. Afternoon Session. Institute oponed with sing
ing. An election of County Committee on Perma
nent Certificates took place. Mr. Baker answered
tho question "how do you teach reading In the 8nd
and 3rd Readers?" To day being director's day
most of the topics were opened by them, Mr.
McKeehan answored the question : "How can di
rectors create a spirit of emulation among their
teachers. Explanations from the County Supu,
were made In regard to examination papers sent
to him by the teachers of the County. Considera
ble discussion took place on tha subject Introduced
by Mr. McKeehan, Messrs. Baker and Buck ad
vocated the district Institutes. Prof. Helges was
called on by the President. He advised the hold
ing ot district Institutes If properly conducted.
With respect to visiting schools he favored the
paying of competent persons to do this work.
After another piece of music Prof. McCaskey
gave an Illustration on the molding board, of an
earthquake. While he was preparing for this tho
ladles and some of the gentlemen showed - some
uneasiness, but the experiments were a succesB
and nobody was hurt.
. Prof. Helges gave a talk on the construction of
school bouses,and showing In a very practical way
how any room may be ventilated. He recommend
ed comfortable seats for pupils In school, also
advised the teachers to be very careful about the
moral Instructions given to the pupils, "Practice
what you teach" and always bo sure you teach
Mr. D. R. Kane Introduced the subject of Reci
tation. Prof. Helga9 gave some very valuable
Instruction on on conducting recitations. Prof.
Fahnestock and others took part In the general
Music by the Institute. Messrs. Spangler, Smi
ley and.Selbert were appointed by the chair to
count tho vote for Committee on permanent cer
tificates. The Institute adjourned after the an
nouncements for the evening session were made.
Evenino Session Institute called to order by
Presidents opened with music by the Glee Club.
J, LMcCaskey answered the question "How do
you teach HLstory t" A paper on the "Teachers
Literary Preparation," was read by Miss Moyer of
Dr. O. Tiffany, of Philadelphia, was Introduced
to the audience by the County Supt., J. It Flick,
lnger. The Dr. delivered a lecture on the subject
"Work and Its Worth." He classes all society Into
three classes, viz i Paupers, Working Class and
Aristocrats ; the 1st consists of all the beggars,
the and the Farmers, Mechanics, Merchants and
Professional men, and all laboring classes, and
the 3rd, the rich noblemen. The 1st and 3rd class
es live on the labor of the 2nd class. He recited
some of tho manifold works of progress that the
working men of the world take up and carry on
boldly and energetically. The speaker closed with
a line tribute to the working class ; to the "Worth
ot Work." Great applause by the audience.
The quiet and close attention of an over crowded
house showed the appreciation of the lecture by
the aurtk-nce. Music, after which tho Institute
adjourned till o'clock Friday morning.
Ilcv, W. (Handing, ot Newport, conducted the
di'Vitlornl excreta. W.A.Smith, cotductor of
the musical exercise? during the Institute, led In
On motion of Prof. Fahnestock, an en roll men t.
foe was llxcd permanently at 75 centi.
"How to manage unruly boys" was answered
by W. K. Baker, Klelslier and McCaskey. Report
of chairman of commit tea on Examination of
Scholars' work, was presented and accepted. The,
chairman of the commit tee to count the votes cast
tor committee on Permnnent CertMcates reported
that the following persons had received the high
est number of votes i J. L. Mct'nskey, Silas Wright,
S. B. Fahnestock, J. B. Campbell and Isnlall E. Ste
phens. lTof. Helges concluded hli Instruction on color,
gave rules for determining the different kinds cf
Iron ore, and closed by thanking the teachers for
the courtesy shown lilra. On motion, a vote of
thanks was tendered to ProL Helges, tor M.i faith
ful labors as Instructor,
Prof. McCaskey gave the following chemical
parts for his experiments ; Equal parts chlorate
Potash and Dry White Sugar, place a small por
tion in the volcano and a drop of Sulphuric Acid
applied will cause It to Ignite and burn with a
lighted flame, put In a lit Ho gun powder and you
have an earthquake.
A discussion among teachers on the subject r.t
monthly reports, was then had, nfter which came
the closing address of the County finpt. Rev. ,T.
Edgnr pronounced the bendlctlon and the Instlutc
adjourned. ,
mvin Bovn.l
A. K.
OUXH,l "
Church Notices.
Presbyterian Church Preaching next
Sunday at 11 A. M. andOt P. 1,1. Sun
day School at half past 9 A. M, Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening.
M. E. Church Preaching next Sun
day at 0J P.M.
ST. FXMO HOTEL Ko. S17 and 310,
Arch Street, Philadelphia. Kates re
duced to Two Dollars Per Dat.
The traveling publio still find at this
Hotel the same liberal provision for their
comfort. It is located in the immediate
centres of business and places of amuse
ment and the different Bail Kdad depots,
as well as all parts of the city, are easily
accessible by Street Cars constantly pass
ing the doors. It oilers special induce
ments to those visiting the city for
business or pleasure.
Your patronage is respectfully solicited.
Jos. M. Fkger, Proprietor.
Important to Travelers. Special In
ducements are oflered you by the Bur
lington Route. It will pay you to read
their advertisement to be found else
where in this issue.
The Coat Sale. We still have a
good line of Coats aud Dolmans, and as
they must be closed out, they, will be
sold at reduced prices. Come and get a
bargain. . F. Mortimer.
A. OA.IlI.
To all who are Buffering from tbe errors and
Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I wii)
end a recipe that will cure yon, FREE OF,,
CHARGE. Thin great remedy was discover
ed by a missionary In South America. Bend
a self-addressed envelope to tbe Rev. Joseph
T. Ihman, Station D, Niw York City. 44 B 17
County Trice Current.
BLOOMriBI.D, Dec. 25 , 1481
Flm-SeeU I &
Potatoes 100
Buttor 9 pound 8023
Egg V dozen, 27 "
Dried Apples f) pound 4
Dried Punches 12 18 CM. f
Newport, Decembar 21, ML
Klour, Kxira, 15 (0
" Super .'. 8.25
White Wheat old V bush m
Red Wheat, oil 13a
Rye 90ff!
Corn .-. 7;"7f
Oats V 32 pound 4i0 42
Clover Beed per pound 74 Scents.
Timothy Seed 2 CO
Flax Seed I 0;
Potatoes 1003100-
Bacon 10810- '
Lard lfecnrs
Hams,... 11 eents.
Ground Alum Halt I 10 Ol 1ft
Llmebnrner's Coal. $1 (8 O 1
8tovCoal 4 7S t 8 (!
Iea Coal 8 CO
Buckwheat Coal ti JO
(lordou s Food per Saok $2 00
Philadelphia Proilnee Market.
Philadelphia, Deo. 21, 1S8L
Flour unsettled; extras 13 003 6 : FriiniTl
vanla family. M.S0 14.75 Minnesota do., II. Sua
16.12; patent and high grades. $o.6oy7.0ti
Rye flour, t- tefiii.&.
Cornmeal. 12.20.
. Wheat. 137 U 140
Corn yellow. 6rtffift9i3. ; mixed 6S8Wj.
Oats quiet: Pennsylvania aud westers white'
4'Wc. : western niixed,4iiS45.
Oish Lkkflkr. On Dec. the ISth, lvi, at, tbe
M. K. parsonage, Sewport, by Rv. . w. Colhnm. ,
Benjamin P. tilsh, ot Hunter's Valley, to Martli
Lellier, ot Buffalo.
Oakman Fleck. On Dec. 22nd, van, at the res
idence of the bride's parents In Hurrlburtr, by
Rev. Wm. A. West, Wm. V. Uarman aud Sallle E.
Fleck, both formerly of Shermansdale, tuts Co,
Death notice not exceeding I lines innerteit wlihcut
cluttve. Butscanta per Hue will invariably be clianr
ed fur Tribute uf Ueapr.t, Puvtry. or other remarks -
Abjtdt On Deo, 18th, 18S1, In Newport, Horace;
son of Mnt JvuiikelAru.di1atfed4year3, 4 uioutha
audSdaya. 0 -
Bkasu. On Dec. lSth.lSSr,' m Newport, vuie
O., daughter of Mrs. A. L, Beard, aged 6 years, 4
months and 8 dnys.
Fkks. On December 19th, 1SS1, In New Buffalo,
Eruent Stanley, son of Brant aud Mary Frw, uticd i
years, 1 month and 16 days.
A Small Farm For Sale.
About SO acres, with new Lost Ho3se and
double Lojr Burn. 40 acres cleared and a
ItiUi'nL the residue valuable wood laud, Fiiuaiu
lu Tell township, Huntingdon county 5 uaies
north of Waterloo, of access, mar In
school, mill, c. will bo sold privately very
soon, and dirt ulieap. Anyone wlihlux a hoiutv
at a trUle, had beii.T cuU or vvrne wiuu. .Vi
dros MAUN D. A. t'AMPHKU-or
tlfcKY TH'StX, Agnnu
b WaUfrbe, Juniata Co., Pa.