S. AWIIW W III THIS TIMES, XHW nLOOMJHKLt), PA.. DECEMUKIt 27, 1881. ARlUABtl ntBW S3" g'i ?W "."I CNSEAStt W THI M 4VV nt,rnn RlNOWOflM, Vf" SwAYtity EnvmPlL, if O.MMtNT. BAROtRS' T A 1?V "ccnoM 4 Itcm Br '" . TT1 lUTtni the la ' ' - V" !" llehlin and BORES, T r . jf Innnrlrui .wwl re. jw TMB Cum AT A Ar 8 Itchiho PtlEI," if J kl l W 'WAYNt SON, I IrtaiA. iAJ aii. ?-.VA'VU ffw if 'v..!-. r OlD V,'. t, September 20, 18Rlly fulra RAILROADS. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Arrangement of Passenger Trains. Dkcevher 10th, 1861. Trains Learn lTarrMwrp as follotrs : For New York, via Allentown, 8.05 a. m. and 1.45 p. m. For New Yoi k via Philadelphia and "Bound' Brook Route," 6.30, 8 i a. in., mid 1.45 p. in. For Philadelphia, 6.30, 8.0a, V.fiO a.m., 1.43 and 4 :0fl p. ni. , For Ueiiding.5.20, 6.30, 8.05, 9 50 a. in., 1.45 4.00, and 8.00 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 5.20. 8 05 9 50a. in., 1.45 and 4.00 p. m., and via Hclmvlkilt & Susquehanna Krancli at 2 40 p. m. For Auh irn, 8,10 a. m. For Allentown, 5.20, 8 05, MA) a. in., 1.45 and 4.00 p. m. The 8.05 a. m., and 1.45 p. m., train have through ears Tor New York -ia Allentown. SUNDAYS. For Allentown and Way Htatlon, 5.20 a. m For Heading. Fhllad'a, and Way Stations. ,20 a, m. and 1.45 p. in. Train for Harris' vrg iettce follow: Leave New York, via Allentown, 8.45 a. m. 1.00 and 5 .30 p. in. Leave New York, via "Hound Brook Route,' and Philadelphia, 7.45 a.m., 1.30, 4.H), and 5.30 p. in., arriving at HarrisbuiK 1.60, 8.20, 20 p. m., and li a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 945 a. m. 4.00, 5.50 and 7.45 p m. Leave Pottsvllle, 6.00, 9.10 a.m., and 4.40 p. m. Leave Reading, 4.J0. 7.30, 11.60 a.m., 1.25. ami 10.3,i p. in. Leave l'oitsvllle, v.a Bihnvlklll & Susque hanna Branch, 8.15 a. in., and 4.40 p. in. Leave Allentown, 0.00, 9.00 a. in.. 12.10,4.30, and 8.05 p. in. SUNDAYS. Leave Xew York, via Allentown, 5.30 p. in. Philadelphia 7.45 p. m. Leave Heading 7.30 a. m and 10 35 p. m. Leave Allentown at 9.05 p. in. BALDWIN BRANCH. Leave HARRISBURG tor Paxton, Lochlel, and Stcelton daily, except Suuduv, 5.25, 6.40, ft35 a. m.,l:35 and 9:40 p. in. i dallv, except Saturday and Sunday. 5.35 p. id., aal oh Sat urday only, 4.45, and 6.10 p. m. RetnrninE.leave 8TEELTON dally, except 8unday, 10, 7:00, in:on a. m.. 2.10, and lu:l0 p.m.; daily except Saturday and Hundav. 6.10 p. ni., and on Saturday only, 5:lu, aud 6:30, p.m. J. E. Woottkn, C. O. Hint-one, Gen'l 1'ass'i fc TMtt Ag'i. rj-HE MANSION HOUSE, New Bloomfield, Penn'a. GEO. F. EXSMINUKlt, Proprietor. HAVING leased this propertyand furnish, ed it in a comfortable manner, I auk a share ot the public patronage, and admire my friends who stop wt! ine that every exer ertion will te trade to reuder tbeir stay pleasant. -A careful hostler always In attend ance. April . 1878 tf Free to Everybody. A Iteauliful Book for the Asulug ! By applying personally at. the nearest rvf flce of THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., (or by postal card If at a distance) any adult person will be presented with a beauti fully Illustrated copy of a New Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED, ob ma Stery of the Sewing Machine. containing a handsome and costly steel en graving Irontlplrf; also, 28 Qnely engrav ed wood cuts, and bound In an elaborate blue and gold lithographic cover. No charge whatever is made for this handsome book, which can be obtained only by application ni the I) ranch and subordinate ottlces of The Singer Manufacturing Co. The Singer Man'fg Co., Principal Office, 31 Union Square, :SSly , New York City, N. Y. V ALU ABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. ACOOD FARM situate in Ravllln lo uhlp. one and a half miles south of Ickesburg, this county, containing .A."bout OO .Acres, , Having thereon erected a Frame House, Bank Burn, OARPEfcTER SHOP, AND OTHER OUT BUILDINGS. A good portion of the tract Is excellent bottom land and is under good eulllvatlon. This property Is pleasantly lo. cuted In a good nlgli-torhood. convenient, to churches, stores aiidschools. . 1. The above property will be sold at a r-uHtittb:e price aud ou easy terms. For further pari iculars call at this otUce. 20 An Exciting Adventure. IT WAS during the Mexican war, when I was a suit In a cavalry regl lueut, that I found myself ou duty at Vera Cruz. Tempted by the high moun tains in the vicinity, the beautiful soen. eiy and above all the superb hunting, I sallied forth early one morning accom panied by no one Bave my Newfound land dog. I was an ardent sportsman, my double-barreled gun worked to a charm, aud not until the deepening Bhades of evening, accompanied by an unmistakable growl of thunder, did 1 give a thought to the flight of time or the Importance of retracing my steps to the city. I had not anticipated dauger from the eneiuy unless it might be in the shape of a Bmall band of guerillas lurking amid the mountain gorges, ac tuated more by the hopes of plunder than by patriotic motives. There is little twilight, you know, in the trop ics. The sua had disappeared in the folds of an immense cloud which was rapidly spreading Itself over the entire heavens, while from its sable depths darted lurid Bheets of lightning, follow ed by the increasing roar of thunder which had already found an echo through the valleys and gorges of the mountain. I did uot fancy a wet jacket and, whistling for uiy dog, I was ou the point of retracing my steps down the rough mountain road when the jingling of spurs and accoutrements, the tramp ling of horses and the hoarse word of command was ufllcient for me to draw back into a tall tuft of grass growing behind me. A number of Mexican lan cers were before me preparing to bivouac for the night, and my retreat down the road was out of the question. High, precipitous rocks hemmed me In on three sides, through when the road I had traveled had been originally cut. The outlet was now In the possession of the lancers, while In frout of me the steep side of the mountain, verging almost to a precipice, sloped towards the city. To remain where I was would be only to coutt death, a nameless fate, an un known grave, for discovery was certain to follow when the sentinels should be posted. Cautiously 1 examined the smooth sides of the precipice, covered here and there by a network of vines clinging to the crevices and rifts in the rock for its uncertain life. Further on I beheld a dark, irregular line disappearing in the murky depths below, which proved to be a deep, dry gully, the channel of some mountain stream long since dried up. Dropping ray fowling-piece and bidding my noble dog to shift for himself, I swung myself over the precipice, cling ing to the network of vines which shook and complained beneath my weight. The darkness had increased with as tonishing rapidity, and as I swung over that rayless void I found it impossible to pierce the gloom. I heard the short, sharp howl of my dog as he started oft in search of me; then, amid the rush of the squall, came the confused shouts of men, a straggling shot or two mingled with the crash of the heavy artillery rolling In the vaet expanse above me. Depending principally upon the strength of my arms, I carefully and cautiously felt my way .along the verge of the preci pice, working in the direction of the gully, which, once gained, promised to afford me the means of escape from the dangers which encompassed me. Broad sheets of lightning lit up with dazzling distinctness the fearful scene', bringing out every undulation of the rocks, every crevice and blade o" grass, once when I found a slight support for my feet, and was giving my aching arms a rest, I glanced above amid the yellow glare of the lightning and beheld the fierce dark whiskered face of a Mexican, peering over the brink, his eyes apparently fast ened upon me as I hung suspended and flattened against the cliff but a few feet below him, while the electricity twisted and writhed like tongues of infernal serpents around the muzzle of his car bine. It was a trying moment, a situa tion well calculated to inspire a feeling of terror in the heart of the boldest. But whether it was the rain which was falling in torrents and driving furiously before the gale or the glare of the light ning which prevented the lancer from discovering me I am unable to say. At all events I escaped his notice, the shot did not come, and watching my chance in the lulls of the tempest, I continued my perilous course. I bad but little strength to spare when at last found myself crouchlug on the muddy bottom of the old mountain gorge. Nerved on by the strength of despair, I rushed down the steep declivity, reek lcbs as to where my feet might wander. Completely blinded between the mingled glare of the lightning and the intense darkness that followed each flash I stumbled on, feeling that every moment my steps were becoming uusteadler. The water was already up to my knees and rushing by with a force that made me grip desperately to whatever projec tion I could find along the ravine. The lnexplorable waters rose yet and the danger of the tempest grew wilder still. My strength, and even faculties were falling fast, my feet were lifted from be neath me, and quicker than thought was rushing helplessly along, enveloped amid the spray and foam of the niaden lng whirl. I think I must have lost myself for a moment, but awaked amid the darkness and roaring waters, nearly strangled to death. Another instant and I was whirled heavily against some yielding object. I rallied my strength for a final effort. The next flash reveal ed the wreck nf a tree, with the roots still clinging tenaciously to the side of the bank. I drew myself out of the rush of the current and crawled to a Arm foothold on the shelving bank of the torrent. The cool rain revived me. I stumbled forward, feeling my way amid debris of fallen trees, pit-holes and large rocks, all scattered promiscuously about on the steep side of the mountain, until a faint glimmer of light streamed tremulously across my path. It was a welcome light, aud, prisoner or no prisoner, I made up my mind to risk life and liberty and demand shelter from the terrible storm that Btlll raged, but gave signs of abating. I I was unarmed ; the only weapon I had sallied forth with had been aban ed on the edge of the precipice previous to my attempting the perilous passage. I felt my heart beat faster as I reared the door of that tumbled down ranch which loomed up, a huge, shapeless mass, amid the gloom and solitude of that wild spot. A moment's hesitation and I knocked resolutely at the door. "Quicro vive?" (who come there V) and heard the click of a weapon. "I am an American," I replied, bitter ly, in English. "A United States officer, who has lost his way on the side of this cursed mountain." With a jerk the door was thrown back on its rusty hinges, revealing the figure of a man of brawny porportlons, armed to the teeth, and of most villain ous aspect. He held a flaring torch on high, the uncertain light of which fell across his scarred and scowling visage. Keenly and deliberately he scanned the torn and tattered remains of my uniform then lu a voice harsh and 'growling he demanded. "What do you want here, and how many of you are there V" I replied in the best Spanish that I could master that I was alone, aud re peated my doleful Btory of being lost in the storm. At that moment, to my surprise and astonishment, the faithful Newfound land, who, by some keen Instinct of his nature, had succeeded in scenting me burst from the surrounding obscurity, testifying his joy by leaping upon me and baying In his deep powerful tones. "The man's appearance was indica tive of a mixture of ferocity aud cun ning, while his eye, wild and unsettled, lit up with an expression I could not fathom, as he bade me enter. Strange forebodings filled my heart as I gazed about the recess of the hovel. It was almost bare of furniture, save a table and two broken chairs. A fire blazed cheerily in the fire-place, before wbjoh were Btretched three dark forms wrapped in tattered and greasy blankets. The gleam of firearms, as they lay piled in a corner, did not escape my attention, and you may be sure I did not feel the easiest in my mind as I drew up before the Are with my dog coiled up at my feet. . In my exhausted state, despite the danger I felt was lurking around me, I must have dropped off to Bleep, my head finding a support against a pro. jection of thechimuey. The low monotonous hum of voices fell upon my ear, and cautiously recon nolterlng from beneath the visor of my cap I found that the three sleepers had aroused themselves and were in deep earnest consultation with the gentleman whom I had first accosted. Straining my ears to the utmost I could manage to catch occasional frag ments of sentences as they dropped from the lips of the four comrades, who were as promising candidates for the gallows as ever I care to meet again under like circumstances. The howl and rush of tha gale had ceased, but the occasional patter of rain drops fulling from the leaves and the roof of the ranch proved that the storm had but recently passed away. "Do you notice the glitter of ihose buttons f" remarked one of the four. "Curse the buttons!" broke in anoth er fiercely, "of what value are they V It's the glitter of gold I like to see aud we have already wasted too much valu able time. for one say kill him. If the Yankee dog had a dozen lives they should all be forfeited. He has come here unasked; he shall not depart so easily." "Hush, Juan ; you are too hasty. The question Is, will it pay better to dispose of him ourselves aud share the plunder or take him to Canales V He might come down handsome. Suppose the fellow should prove an officer of Importance V" "Bab! You talk like tt fool. Do you not see he Is too young to have gained any Importance. As for Canales, Car rajo! You will get nothing for pains from him." All this I heard distinctly and much which Is unnecessary to repeat. That my life was doomed was beyond all doubt; but I was not disposed to make a vacancy in the corps without a strug gle, and especially after undergoing what I had In escaping from the lau cers. I felt the blood coursing through my veins with renewed vigor as looked the situation square In the face. My brain grew clearer as the imminence of the peril I was In grew more apparent. The dying embers of the fire emitted fitful gleams which fell across, the pol lshed arms of the scoundrels, piled pro miscuously together lu the corner of the ranch. At that moment, and as I was casting wistful glances at a carbine, the beetle browed rascal who had lighted me into the den glided across the floor, slipping a stout bar across the door. "Now, boys, finish the job, and then share alike," were the words I heard. Every nerve In my body jarred, the" blood rushed back to my heart as the decisive moment arrived. Up to that time I had not stirred or changed my position, leading the scoundrels to count upon an easy victory, no doubt. The odds were fearfully against me, and, as the four turned their wolfish eyes in my direction, the clear ringing notes of a bugle came rising and falling, filled the air with its melody. A wild cry of joy burst involuntarily from my Hps, a thrill of hope pervaded my whole being as I listened. It came from my own gallant lads a detachment sent out iu all probability in search of their missing officer. My four friends here paused, uncertain and undecided how to act. They turned for an instant toward the door, leaving me to take advantage of their stupidity. When they again confronted me was In possession of the coveted corner, with a rifle to my shoulder, looking them grimly in the face, while my dog, his hair bristling with rage, stood brave ly beside me, displaying his white fangs to the enraged gaze of the greasy four. "Knife him, lads before they are atop of us. Put him out of Bight, or we'll all swing," but not one of them stirred. That dark death-dealing rifle barrel had a wonderfully tranqulllzlng ef fect. "Curses on ye," shouted the leader, foaming with rage, aa he dashed forward knife in hand. "Are you all afraid of the Yankee V I let him in here and this knife shall give him permission to leave." Perhaps the villain expected to shake my nerves and cause me to throw away my shot, but I never felt firmer, more determined, in my life. I covered his left breast with the sight of the weapon, and with the report the scoundrel fell headlong to the floor. Charging through the smoke the remaining three rushed upon me, but were met by the dog, who buried his teeth In the flesh of one of them. remember of striking out with my clubbed rifle, of parrying rapid thrusts and cheering on the dog, when by some means in the melee a horn or cannlster of powder must have fallen amid the hot embers of the fire. It ex ploded with tremendous violence, blow ing otf the roof of the bouse, rending the walls assunder and hurling me to one side half Buffocated and nearly in sensible. When I fully realized what was passing about me, my own troops were removing the debris of the ranch from my limbs, and the Newfoundland was licking my face. It was, as I sup posed, a party Bent out in search of my unfortunate self, and they were return ing from a bootless search when the report of a rifle, followed by an explo sion and the glare of flames, attracted their attention. Of course we made short work of the three miscreants, who were dragged forth from the burning wreck. They howled vigorously for merey, but that was not thought of in their . case. A swing from the nearest bough termina ted their career, and rode back to Vera Cruz with my mind firmly made up that during the remainder of the cam paign nothing should ever tempt me to wander alone among the hills of Mexico in quest of game. A Remarkable Coincidence. It la a matter of journalistic record, that come years since, a schooner set sail from Baltimore, having on board a orew of thirteen men. By a most singular freak of nature, the entire force was attacked by a skin disease, which mani fested itself in large ulcerated sores on the arms and hands, wholly Incapacitat ing the men from duty. The result was that the vessel was towed back to the city where the men were placed in the hospital. Moral ! Had Swayne's Oint ment for skin diseases been used in the first place, the crew would have recover ed in from 1:2 to 48 hours. C04t Spoopently lie's Buby. "w HAT'S the matter with the baby V" growled Spoopendyke, as ho sat up In bed and rubbed his eyes. "Can't you Btop this fuss?" " llusli h h 1" cooed Mrs. Bpoopen- dyke, dandling the Infant. "Dou't e ky, Dada 'ants to t'ecp. Baby's all be dood." Mr. Spoopendyke eyed the proceeding cynically for a moment and then the baby burst out again. "Dry up!" shouted Mr. Spoopendyke. "There's nothing the matter with you. Why don't you go to sleep like a Chris tian V" "There, there, there I" cooed Mrs. Spoopendyke. "She's dess too tweet for anyslng. Poor 'ittle dlrl ! Now, go to seep 'Ike a a 'Ittle dear !" Whereat the baby howled more dis mally. "Can't you give her something V" demanded Mr. Spoopendyke. " Can't you dose her. S'poae I'm going to lay awake all night for the fun of appreciat ing that I'm the head of the family ? Here, let me take her, I'll fix her," and Mr. Spoopendyke grabbed his off spring and began to pace the floor with her. ' " Be careful of her, and I'll heat some water, and try a little pepperment and sugar," Bald Mrs. Spoopendyke, as she promptly raked out a battered tin cup, well blacked around the bottomed and Bides which Bhe promptly converted Into a boiler. " A baby never cries unless there's a pin sticking in her," argued Mr. Spoop endyke as he held the infant across his arm and began to undo her night dress, " What's this thing you,ve got wrapped around her?" "That's her "belly band," don't touch it," squeaked Mrs. Spoopendyke, waving the cup a foot from the gas jet in her trepidation. "Oh! I see," retorted Mr. Spoopendyke fishing out the pins," What's that other thing here, the " brltchlngV" Hold on, Cleopatra!" he continued as the bawling young one made a spring, "don't make the mistake of trying to fool with Spoop endyke," and the fond father groped around for the cause of the disturbance. "Since you've got the rest of the harness on, p'raps you'd better drive this baby with martingales. And I'll tell you one thing, Mrs. Spoopendyke, this baby's clothes ain't more'n half aired. No won der she howls. Cutchee, cutchee, outch ee; dod gast the thing! Say, what do you call this rifle barrel business V What's this breastpin doing here under her chest?" "Good gracious, that's a safety pin I "Let it alone!" said Mrs. Spoopen. dyke. "What's the combination of this rack et anyhow V" demanded Mr. Spoopen dyke, tugging at the pin. " Who solder ed this thing on? What's it for? Giva me the combination I" and he jerked it loose with results he had scarcely con templated, for It left the baby stitch less. The startled young one shivered and was quiet for a moment. " Told you so," Bald Mr. Spoopendyke, with an air of triumph. "It only needs a little com mon sense to take care of a baby. " But at that instant the infant tuned up again with redoubled vigor. " Let me take her," pleaded 'Mrs! Spoopendyke " she'll freeze to death !" "Let her freeze!" roared Mr. Spoopen dyke. "If this measley baby is going to have her own way about howling, she's going to have it about freezing. Cutchee cutchee, cutchee! Dry up, will you?" and Mr. Spoopendyke set his teeth and pranced around, all of which extracted the most frightful row from bis infant. " She wants medicine, and I've got it ready for her," said Mrs Spoopendyke, " come to mamma, now, what a little dear ! Come to mamma and be comfort ed," and as Bhe took the child the crie died'away into sobs and were burled in snifs. "I knew I could quiet her," said Mr. Spoopendyke, as he watched the baby. " You don't know anything about chil dren, or you never would have put that tin anchor in her clothes. That was what ailed her." "t wasn't either," snapped Mrs. Spoopendyke. "She's got the colic, little dear! and you almost killed her. "Anyway, she stopped her howling," retorted Mr. Spoopendyke, "and ebe howled because you wanted her to stand in the shafts all night. Another time you'll know enough to unhitch the young one before you put her in the stall." Mrs. Spoopendyke made no re sponse, but ladled in peppermint qnali fied with a little warm water and sugar. Then she carefully dressed the baby and turned in. "Going to put out the gas?" demanded Mr. Spoopendyke from under the clothes which he had pulled up to hU eye brows. " No," replied Mrs. Spoopendyke shortly. " Then it can burn !" howled the hus band. "If you thing I'm going to roust out you're mlatakeu." But ten minutes later he thought of the bill, and thinking bis wife fast asleep he got up and gave the screw a vindica tive wrench and tumbled back to bed; unoonbcious of the hysterical giggle that followed bis lust exploit. j