The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, December 13, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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lo&il Dcphi'tment.
(In mill after ttniclay, Oct. lint, WSI, Passenger
Trnlurf will ruu at roiiuw. ,
Mm. .I'm Mill
Auo. Ex. Tt'u
A.M. cm r.M.
. 1.1,(1 7. HO
. 19. us 7.0H
19 .24 Ht
M l!).7 .4H
Hi'D ll.liH S.M
B Ml 1. 57 II 22
B 40 11.44 6.10
B.00 . (M .i
10.42 lit
p. I'll H.ti
B.m n.os
B.ll) 9. Hi
A.M. A.M A.M.'ltd.,
Pass Tr'n Tr'u Kx.
8. Oil
Lewlstnwll J.,
a. (hi
Ill) III. at)
41 10.59
"I I
ID 11.91
00 11. 4H!
i t
9. in
a. id
I. Ml
l. in
S.IW1 1:1ft T.on riTTSUCllUII.
r.M.IA.M.,P.M. A.M.
MrTitti'lmi-KliRxr-ress WmI will stop at lMiurnniintt
at 1H.R2, Newport at 11. Id and Millurutowu at 11. ill p.m.
when HAKKeU.
rwOolnu West. the Way PnnniiKr leave. Harris
bura Dully the other trlnn Daily except Bun (lay.
Fust line Wool, daily, atnppins; pit Huniat ONI.T, at
Dunmnnnn 4.BB, Newport, 4.62 I. M
Paeilli: KiprMw, Wiit, Icuwh rtiiluriVlphin, daily lt.M
P. M., aud utopa at Duucauuou, (1''ihkj 4.43 Newport
6.08 A. M.
Atlantic F.jprces, cnat.lcavea Fittslnnwh atSitiie. m
Altoonu 1:11, Tyrone. 7:116, Hmiltnitilon :lt, Mount
I'lllon f ;:(, M'Vevtown t 0:04, Lew Mown f 11 :3ll. Mil I till
11,62, Newport 1 IU;IM, lnu:uniioii I ll.uJ.HirlvloKiit 11.11
riHlnim at 11 :Hli r. M. ami I'hilailelpnia at B:l6 A. M. (In
Humluyn will atop at Port ltoyal, MlllerHtuwu and Ha
ley atutloUH, when flaKKod.
Next Sunday a change of schedule In
the 1. 11. K. la promised.
The Advocate has put a Cottrel &
Bnbcoek nower nress into their oiltue.
f James Eoiory, of Horse Valley, shot
I two wna turkeys at one snot.
7 There are no very large porkers In the
upper end of the county this fall. Cause,
scarcity of corn. . S
V The dedication of the M. E. Church aft
Thompsontown has been postponed till
( sometime in January.
The passenger agency at Juniata
Bridge has been discontinued for the
The answer to the enigma in last
week's times is, "The town lamps
A public sale of choice Kentucky and
' West Virginia cattle, is to be held at
. Loysvllle, on the 20th Inst. lit
Mr. Fred Wahls, of Duncannon, last
week Bhot a twenty-four pound wild
turkey. -
Borne medicine Intended for Mrs. Geo.
Bumbaugh, of Juniata county, was by
mistake given to a baby, causing the
death of the infant the bhuio day.
On Friday a week Mr. Jacob Spease
was so unfortunate as to fall from the
loft over his wagon shed, dislocating one
of his elbows.
Not lonir since B. F. Smith, of New
Germantown, shot 32 gray squirrels in
one day, along the north side of theTus;,
I carora. Who can beat it V
John Adams, of Walker townshlpX
Juniata county, slaughtered four hogs
recently, whose aggregate weight was
9.471 iwiumld TIihv wri nf the Poland.
China breed. A
Emanuel Dugan, of Wheatfield twp..
had a mule Btolen from him a short time
since, but a telegram stopped the thief at
Carlisle and interferred with him selling
the animal, which he had oliereu lor Su.'
Five men, who the police say are bur
glars, were captured in Harrisburg on
Wednesday. From some goods in their
possession they thought they had the
chaps who robbed Hlrsch's store in Iun
cannon on Monday night.
The large boiler for the McCormicks'
was loaded in Carlisle last week, on a
truck. When a short distance from town
the axle broke but after some delay it
was again started on its way to Perry Co.
The weight of the boiler is 15000 pounds.
We are told that a furnace is to be erect
ed on that property.
The report that the fare on the P. R.
R. would be four cents per mile, after
January 1st, arose from an order to
ticket agents to charge four cents for
any distance less than a mile ; but three
cents per mile will be the charge for any
distance greater than a mile, same as
A man named Auner, residing at 501
Walnut street, died suddenly between 0
and 7 o'clock this morning. Mr. Auner
retired last night in apparent good health
and awoke about li o'clock, remarking
to his wife that lt-would not be necessary
to go to market to-day, be went to Bleep
again. At 7 o'clock when his wife went
to call him he wag dead. Deceased was
subject to attacks of asthma, and it is
supposed he died from that disease.
Harrisburg Telegraph, 0th inst.
Personals. Rev. Geo. Crist, editor of
the Record, Is boused up with the ty
phoid malaria. We hope he may soou
(' Mr. Wilson Lupfer, who went to Colo-'
rado, for the benefit of his health has'
returned without being improved. He,
is now at Millersburg. J
Rev. J. B. Soule. who Is now located at U
Lancaster, on Saturday a week, immers-f
ed twenty-six converts. w
Ben. B. Harnlsh, who has been living
in Deivalu county, ill., for some time.
has returned to this county to pass the
It is but a few months since we record-;
eu tne marriage ot ja. is. Bponsier,i8q.,
and Miss lieBBie Jacuson, ana now we
are called upon to record the death of,
the bride. The sudden decease of one so
amiable and universally esteemed, and!
who had so recently began her wedded!
life with such brieht prospects, was
sad blow to the man V 'friends and re a
- lives and a shock to our cltizenBgenerally,
i tie neartrelt sympathy of this commi
uity is extended to tue young nusua
in his sad alllictiou.
r i
A Had Mix. Mr. J. It. Sanderson, of
New Germantown had a very serious
loss, one day last week, lie had com
pleted threshing his crop which amount
ed to 270 bushels of wheat, 218 bushels
of oats, and G5 bushels of rye. He had
all these in his granery, he had erected
R new barn during the summer. The
posts of the granery had not been mor
Used, but only nailed fast, thus making
It very Insecure, consequently, the gran
ery gave way, depositing wheat, oats
and rye In one promiscuous heap in the
stable below.
Wenther Itcport. B. Mclntlre, Esq.,
hands us the following report of the
weather for the month of November.
Average of Thermometer at 8 o'clock
A. M. 40 15', and of Barometer 00
Inches minus 4 tenths. Average of great
est heat 45 10', and of cold 84 CO'.
Thursday the !ird, was the warmest day,
and Friday the 25th, the coldest, the
the mercury sinking to 20. There fell
2 Inches and 5 tenths of rain there was
a little snow fell on Wednesday the 23rd.
The first Ice was formed on the night of
the loth.
Attaching Their Wages. Alderman
Jackson has issued sixty-four attach
ments on the wages of Pennsylvania
railroaders who failed to settle their
board bills with a hotel keeper at Patter
son, Pa. Of the sixty-four about one
half have left the employ of the com
pany. The wages of the balance will
be held by the company, and providing
no liquor is included in the bills they
will be paid.
Alderman Price has served thlrty
etght attachments of the same character
on railroaders, but only eighteen of the
men are at present on the road. Pa
Mot, Store Robbed. On Tuesday morning
last between one and two o'clock, five
robbers entered Mr.Henry Hlrsch's store
on Market street, by breaking the glass
in the door and then unlocking it by
some means or other. The also chloro
formed the dog that was 'iept in the
store. So quietly did they enter the
room that they were not discovered or
heard until each of them had secured all
the articles they could carry and were
about departing with their booty when
Mr. William Mutabaugh happened
along from work and gave chase to the
thieves, who took to the railroad and
started westward. One of the robbers
stopped and fired a shot at Mr. M., but
without effect. After pursuing them for
a hundred yards or so they found Blllle
gaining on them and not being able to
get away with their bundles, dropped
them and got out of town as soon as
possible. - The stolen goods ' were then
gathered up and taken care of till morn
ing when they were returned to Mr.
Hlrsch, who immediately dispatched to
Newport to keep a watch and arrest any
suspicious looking character that might
drop into that place.
Mr. Hirsch presented Mr. Mutza
baugh with a fine clock, and informed
him that that was not all the compensa
tion he would receive. This makes the
foutth time Mr. H's store has been en
tered by robbers. Duncannon Record.
A Boy Instantly Killed. The Chambers
burg Herald gives the following account
of the killing of a boy at that place on
Friday morning :
Yesterday morning, a colored boy,
aged about 15, named Charlie Lewis,
was run over by a freight train in the
Cumberland Valley-road freight yards
at this place and instantly killed. The
particulars as developed at the inquest
were that the boy has been in the habit
of jumping on moving trains and has
frequently been chased off by brakemen
and conductors. Just before hla death
he attempted to board a moving freight
train and was called off. He made a
second attempt and a third which was
successful. He was between the eighth
and ninth car from the end where he
was "playing circus," holding on to the
hand rails and swinglug out. It is
thought that his foothold slipped and he
was precipitated underneath the cars.
Eight cars and a caboose passed over his
abdomen literally severing him in half.
Juniata County. We copy the follow
ing from the Juniata county papers of
last week :
From The Port Royal Timet.
On Friday evening last the party of
hunters from this place, who spent two
weeks In Licking Creek, the gentlemen
composing the party being Dr. A. W.
Shelley, Samuel and Joseph Kelster,
Daniel Lesh and G. W. Llnthurst, re
turned home with a large deer, several
wild turkeys, rabbks and some other
small game.
Information was lodged before 'Squire
Shindle against twenty-twoof the Young
America of Port Royal on Saturday of
last week, by Mrs. Charlotte Snyder, for
alleged injury her property sustained
while the boys were enjoying their usual
liberty of serenading a newly married
couple. A number of them have walked
up to the Captain's office and paid their
fine, fl.60, and others will do so. Quite
a bonanza for the 'Squire.
From tin Juniata Ti-Bmne.
McAlisterville la in a ferment and
MlHllntown loses one of her citizens.
Theyild story a woman In It.
About 200 dlfllerent parties visited J.
H. Thomas' big hog this week. It weighs
eight hundred or a thousand pounds.
Henry Strayer, of McAllstervlIln, at
tempted suicide on Wednesday night by
taking a dose of arsenlo. )ometio In fa.
cllity ii snlil to have been the cause. Dr.
A. J. Fisher wn In attendance mid as
we go to pre. Mr. ri's recovery Is con
sldered doubtful.
On Wednesday evening of last week
D. K. Fusselman, of McCulloch's Mills,
was Instantly killed by an empty engine
near Manayunk station on the P. R. R.
lie hud been working in a sand bank
near Manayunk and on quitting work
he got aboard a freight train to ride a
short distance, aud on jumping oil he
landed on the track on which an empty
engine was approaching and before he
could get out of the way he was knocked
off the track, crushing his head and
breast in a horrible manner, and causing
instant death. His remains were brought
to Patterson the same night on Atlantic
express and taken to McCulloch's Mills
for Interment.
The 311,(11 Inloim Sentinel.
The past ten days have been hard days
on wild cats. John Tyson trapped a
large one on Shade mountain, and has it
alive at his place at the first lock north
of town, and Reuben Carter and Samuel
Carabatigh each shot one not far from
Johnstown. Their, dogs treed the cats.
Richard Doyle's gun was borrowed to
bringdown the game.
Robert M. Foltz, a nine-year-old son
Daniel Foltz living In Mlllford township
was accidentally pushed from the portico
of the Muddy Run school house one day
last week. The fall to the ground pro
duced a fracture of both bones of the
right arm below the elbow, Dr. Banks
was called and rendered Biich surgical
attention as the case required. The boy
is doing well.
Dr. Crawford and Banks were s uni
rnoned to Lewistown last Thursday to
render professional service to a freight
train brakeman from Tyrone, named
McClellan, who had been run over by a
freight train of cars. The cars had pass
ed over him about where body and legs
are united. His Injuries place him
beyond the reach of human professional
skill. He died. He leaves a wife ami
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland county
papers of last week :
From Vie Il-.raUl Mirror
One night last week, a certain man in
North Middletown heard a noise in one
of the rooms on the second-story of the
house he was visiting. Arming himself
he remained below thinking the burglar
would come down shortly. That burglar
was in no hurry, and said man was in
no hurry to go up. He remained on the
watch until daylight, when he ventured
to the room where he had heard the
noise, and there discovered to his horror
a large cat. The laugh la on the wrong
sideof his mouth when his girl mentions
the burglar business.
From the &htpensmre 2feus.
On Tuesday evening about 9 o'clock,
our citizens were startled by the an
nouncement of the sudden aud unexpect
ed death of Mrs. Sallie Rutter. She Was
apparently in good health until a few
moments before she died, and was on her
way home from the house of some friend
whom she had been visiting when she
was met by an acquaintance to whom
she complained of being ill. She was
taken into a neighbor's house where she
almost immediately expired. Heart dis
ease Is assigned as the cause of her death.
She was aged about sixty-five years.
Church Notices.
Preaching in the M. E. Church next
Sunday at 10 i A. M. Communion at
at Laudisburg at 7 P. M.
Presbyterian Church Preaching next
Sunday at 11 A. M. and Hi P. M. Sun
day School at half past 0 A. M. Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening.
Important to TraTclcrs. Special in
ducements are offered you by the Bur
lington Route. It will pay you to read
their advertisement to be found else
where in this issue.
ST. ELMO HOTEL iVba. S17 and 319
Arch Utreet, Philadelphia. Rates re
duced to Two Dollars Per Day.
The traveling public still find at this
Hotel the same liberal provision fortheir
comfort. It is located in the immediate
centres of business and places of amuse
ment and the different Rail Road depots,
as well as all parts of the city, are easily
accessible by Street Cars constantly pass
ing the doors. It oilers special induce
ments to those visiting the city for
business or pleasure.
Your patronage is respectfully solicited.
Jos. M. Feoeh, Proprietor.
Make Money. $50 per month and
expenses. Send 25 cts for particulars
and outfit to
Chas. Anderson & Co's Aoext.
4t New Bloom field, Perry Co., Pa.
. Still Alive t I am still alive and ready
to cut aud fit suits in good style. If
wanting any work in my line, give me
a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Samuel Bkntzel,
April 6, ' New Bloomfieid, P.
Christmas is soon coming and it is a
good time now to select your Christmas
presents. F. Mortimer has a great vari
ety of Handkerchiefs, Collars, Ties,
Tidies, Splashers, Chinese brackets and
other ornaments, Majolica ware of vari
ous kinds and many other useful and
pretty articles suited for Christmas of
ferings. Walnut Lumber Wanted. Persona
having Walnut boards, 1 Inch, to sell or
lumber to cut into that shape, are re
quested to write to the subscriber, stat
ing quality and price, delivered at New
port sttttiou. D. H. ENGLE,
8t Mount Joy, Pa.
If yon wish tr see some chenp and
pretty Coats and Dolmans call and look
at the stock now on sale at F. Mohti
Men and Boy'sl'eavy Boots, and
Ladles' mid Children's Shoes at bottom
prices. M. Dukes & Co.
A full lino of Watches, Clocks, Jewel
ry, Blank Books, Pass Books, Wall
Paper, Stationary of all kind", Acoorde
ons, School Books, Velvet Frames, Ac,
Ac, to be found at W. II. Gantt'h,
Newport, Pa. 80 Jy
To All who lire iulTerliig from tlis etron and
lnillcretlon of yoiilU, nervous weakness,
early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will
send rrcp that will cure yon, FREE OF
CHARGE. This great rnmcdy wan discover
ed by a missionary lo South America. Send
a clf-addresed envelope to the Rrv. Joskph
T. iNMAif, Station D, Xeu York City. 44 B 17
County Price Current.
JBLOOMriai.Ti, rpo. 12, nn
KlA-i4e.l , r 25
PotRIIIK:, 100
Butter W pound, 23tT-8
RKK ft dozen 25 "
Dried Apples y poitad,.. 4'ts
Dried Penohos 12 O Uoti. V
NBwroRT, December 10, lB8l.
Klour, Kxtla (5 00
' Super. 8.2)
White Wheat old t bush 1l7
Red Wheat, all 123
Rye fc-ijgi
Corn, TOO TO
Oats V 82 pounds 428 42
Clover Seed per pound,.... 89fl(!eiils
Timothy Seed i 80
Flax Heed 100 '
Totatoes 100100
Hacon 10 8 10
Laid 12t!ents
Hams 11 cents.
Ground Alum Suit 1 10 1 HI
Mmebunier's Coal II 00 O 1 25
Stove Coal 4 75 O 8 M
Pea Coal 3 00
Hack wheat Coal 2 5d
Cordon's Food per Sack fi Ott
rgHndcluhfa Produce Market.
Puii.ADKi.rniA. Deo. 10, 188L
Flour unsettled! extras 13 O0M fi; Pennsvl
vanla family, 14.60 J4.75 Minnesota do., 14.800
". 12: patent ami hiph grades. J6.5oa7.O0
Rye Hour. H.2f,fa.26.
(,'ornmeal. l'i.2l).
Wheat. 143 144
Corn yellow. 7(iOo.72: mixed. 6RB70e.
Oats quiet t Pennsylvania aud western white
4Sf5r,oc. western mixed, 4:i(it5.
AuiitKinT rum. On December 4th. lsfil. by
Rev. J. A. Clemin, Mr. David C. AlbrlRhtto Miss
Mary M. Balr, both of Ducks Valley, l'eny coun-
I llnoo Qwvtwn Tin TIam.-I.m la. 1COl . tWA
nniie s iionie, uv J(ev. H. O. Hlilndle, Mr.U. V.
Ouss. of Ttirbelt townshl p. and Miss heckle J.
Snyder, of Port ltoyal.
Death notices not exceeding I Hues Inserted vdttimit
cbarKo. Hut 5 cents per Hue will itivuriatily be c-lmnr
ed for Tributes of Hoapect, Poetry, or other remark!
Funk.-Oii of December, 1S81. In Walker
twp., .lunlala county, Joseph Funk, aged 70 yeais,
6 months and 12 davs.
Kinbh, At Clav Centre, Kansas, of diphtheria,
on Nov. SOtli. 1881, James F., son of B. F. and
Hatah Klner, (formerly of Aliens Cove, this couu
ty), aged 12 years. 1 month and 7 4ay&
Hthoobb. At Mexico, Juniata Co., on Dec. Bth,
1881, David Wiiherow, son of David aud Alloe
Btrouse, aged 1 mon 111 and 18 days.
ESTATE! NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Riven,
that letters of administration on the estate
of Daniel A. (iarlln.late ot Tyrone townshl p.Perry
county, deceased.
All persons Indebted to said estate are request
ed to make Immediate payment and those having
claims will present them, wlthou delay, to
Jdskis, Attorney. Administratrix.
6C 3,
fOTlCE. Notice is hereby given to all whom It
may concern, not lo sell or lo give to George
A. Ultner auythiugon my account as I won't see
It paid. He left home without any Justcause.aud
1 won't stand for any of his transactions.
Ladies of Perry County,
if you go to her for your
40 52
Cheapest and Best Books iw thi World.
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Champions of the American Prize IliiiK. Contains
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trated. S5o
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fiKtiatifc's H'roee, No. t; John O. Hoe nan. Portraits
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New York by (iaaliKht Rich and Racy. Illustrated SJe
Bfhind the Hoenea. bpicy theatrical revelation, il
lustrated. JSC
Police (tazette AnntioL AVlt, Humor and Sensation Sao
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Folly's gueens. W omen whose loves have ruled the
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Laud Invite Boulter. All the Latetit Irinh!8omn. luc
KukrraviiiK of the He-uau sod Kayrrs Pri?.t rVht,
with Kt-y , fcuHraviutf aud Key, both suitable fuT
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The huudHomtst il'twt rated papvr in America, and
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cuj.y - -IJC
. In the Court of Common I'leas of F'errv eniintv,
notice Is hereby Riven, that mi application will lie
made to the said court, on Tuesday, the 201 h dav
of December, IHDI. under the Act of Assembly (if
tlie oonimnnweltli of lnnvlviila. entitled an
Act tn provide for Incorporation and regulation
I certain corporation, approved April at, l7s,
and the supplements thereto, for the cbirterltm
Vi "J'""'!"1 eoriK.isilon, to be called "The
World's Marrlane and llenellelBl Association for
unmarried persons." '1 he character and object
of which Is to Issue eertlilcates of membership In
certa ii spenllled amounts, aud to pay the parties
for whose benellt the certlllcite was made, from '
a fund to be raised In each case of marrlairo by
an assessment of the members. The principle
upon which the association la to be conducted
lielBK that of assessments upon Its members, and
for tliesepuriMisestohave.pmssess and saloy all.
rlRhts. bmiettis and prlvllenes confined by said
Act of Assembly and Its supplements. j
December 6, lm. 1.KVYT.S I'OTTRIt
T1iB.oriy Cniln(y Teachers' Institute will con
Hu ,?J.?,Hi"nl"il r"'!"1. In tlfl Court House, la
hir'i i.elidiiK?t 1 n.0mk " M''dav.Iecem.
oer liiiii. iHSl. ami continue In session uulll the
uonn of the following Friday.
In accordance with the provisions of an Act.
fePinh.rr '.V"h day ' "'" A.l,l"sl,the
1?.a o'" ,V t,,e ""'"'ty are allowed the time to at
ih2 l'r"?'? I',,t',,",fl. d w shall expect
the teachers to take advantage of this privilege.
.,n.- 2 arB '-'l''tea lo tiring with them pit-
December a. 188., U1M'Sv
Exhibits or School Work nt Teachers'
The following will i7rve as an outline of the
ii,. -i-i"1,0' W'V, w,,rk W""1 '"r exhibition at
the Teachers Institute, to he held In HloomUeld
commencing on Holiday, December 19th! , lasl i
JlTfX'' ot Pr""e" " written work
ill""!" 'Kun(fe. (1) Specimens of written
work, Including spelling of short words with
proper syllabication. () (leography, InclndltiB
'".T'i0"" V"1 '""v" on direction and (list" ice
h, Wft" ,Sfih"1 " nl , siirro, mt
fir Ad,i,?"tl,"Je,tlc- r"B wml,8 of number.
aJiluY '"',e-. U language. The opening ami
definitions of words, with dlacretlcal marli, a d
the general rules for capitals and periods.
(2) Ueography.-Townshlpaud county gcogra-
i(ili,HH,!!n,el,ie-"Vrno "o1" aay Problem
s"gns used utwiractlon, with explanation of
.Y,i;'rf"'e (" T'nniaKfl. Definitions of parts
USSStS a"u co,"trnctlu" ol
ii,(iL"1?ra,'hy.,)Mnr'l1,lve fnclndlng que.
,5s 4" ' eiinsylvanla and map drawiiiir.
ii.MMiMrl"","'5il0-':Th0 '""daineiital rules, with
problems "olutl"n8 of common practical
(4) History. T-ocal, wllhexplanatlonsof terms,
,r''e- If'.'Knage. Aiialyala and synthesis
ot sentences. The writing of equivalent forms of
expression and short composition.
ii) Ueography. Description and relative im
Po'ance of the different political divisions.
,,0) Arithmetic. Practical problems, Including
the writing of checks, drafts, notes, receipts, and
,,,r Percenliineaad practical measurement '
hii..).li'"i07,Tc.H,!"ty,?tatean,i National with
biographical sketches of prominent men of our
The above covers only the common school
branches, but the teachers of schools In which
higher branchesare taught, are also requested to
bring specimens of work done In those branches.
We desire a full exhibited of the eopy books
i8Jn?ok.rJro.m I01' $rile the different
schools. The teachers of the borough schools are
requested to classify their work lit conformity
with the county course of study, so that the proper
comparison may be made. All the work from a
school, apart from the copy books, must be writ
ten neatly on paper with namo and age of pupil.
1 hen bound together and labelled with na ne ol
school, teacher and district.,stIy Vet " he teachers of the
county to take part in this display, so that th
Fn our schools &bi" 6e the k ot work dou
FrH.',',k. """enbangh, of the Bloomfieid "
schools, will take charge of this work, and teach
ers are requested to place It In his hands at the
opening ol the Institute.
, ,, J. K. PMCKlNOEK,Co.8upt.
Bloomfieid, December 6 1881. 2i H
Situated on the public road leading from New.
port to Germantown. in tne village of Green Park,
he Improvements are all good and the property
15S ,uuie? '? ,? settlement, convenient to
Mills, Schools, Churches. &c. A splendid loca
tion for a good Coachmaker, the shop Is suitable
for that business.
The above property will be sold or let on Itea
souable terms by applying soon.
Addiessorapplv to
November 17, 10$ fOT -
So Is New Year, and agents wanting to make
large sums of money for the Holidays, and alter
ward too, should lose no time, but send at once
for terms and full particulars of WHEELKK'H
Practical, Thorough;) pages;over 100 full pane
Ill ust rations and accurate maps. Handsomo, at
tractive. Bo arranged chronologically as to make,
one continuous narrative of thrilling and absorb
ing Interest. Having an Immense sale. Abso
lutely Indispensable to every teacher and student
of the Bible. The grandest aid po'sible to the
perfect understanding of "Goe's Word." Just
the book for Holiday presents. Price fU 0. Out
fit with free Instructions fl.00. Territory eoina
rapidly. THAYER, MKRKIAM&CO., (Limited.)
7at Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. i 53
Grand Opening. .
Now open a full line of the most stylish and de
sliable goods in Beaver. Plush, and all other
tirades, from the best to the cheapest. No stock
In the county will compare with mine. Ail orders
Hilled on short notice, for weddings or funerals.
Also a splendid line of woolen goods, coats, ie,
Mr Hkaxcii Stokb at Ei.i.iottshuku. in chrj:e
of Miss Dromgold, has a full assortment of our
millinery, at same prices, call at either placs aud
see stock and prices.
Near the deot.
' 0 Newport. ,
Epectacles for the old. middle aged, and yocng,-
bpectacles for all kinds of sights.
Spectacles for Headacbo.
A One and varied assortment
Adjusted properly to suit all eyes by
CeslM and CpUdaa, '
KO. 21 SOUTH 3rd 8TKHET.
(Brtween Market and Chestnut Sts.,)
J-Ofllce hours from IA.U. to 3 P. M.
Or send a three cent stamp for the "Improved
method of adjusting Spectacles aud Eye ula-ses
by tne uoe ot whieh jou cau vexr your own