THE TIMES, NEW M.00JUTHL1), l'A.. DlX.'KMlSKlt (!.' 1881. THE TIMES. PENNSYLVANIA K. B.-UIDDLB DIVISION. nn uti.l aft.r Monrlsy, Oct Vint, iwli PMtemrer Trains will riiuasioiiDw., WESTWAtlO. EASTWARD. Way Finn Vnll Tr'n 8 (10 P.M. Am. nta. lei. MnT. J'ni M ill Aon. Ux. Tr'u Tin A.M , T.U. f.M. 4l I ui 7 . mi . 13. W 7.IH 123 13.14 l.kl) .H,IU.U 144 "8 la.Ufl I.8S 61 11,67 411 U.44 B.10 B.OU J llfi iiiiia i. m .111 I.W s.m l.o? t.ui l.w A.M A.M A.M. BTATIONS. II. M t).a Philadelphia, lUrrlBhiirK, Mtiryiivlll, DutU'HUtlOU, A. B.oo s.i t.llU, Lis. Ml 10.81 ! ft. 171 i MM ! 6.0711. IB, 3. IK 11.31 1. (XI II 49 1.91 I.SH Auiii'iluci 9.(5 limlv'B nil B.37 ICI.IM I. in Newport Mlllrrstowu, Mifflin .in 8 CI IU.4t) 4U 12. IW Lnwlntowil J.J IS.1S 1.16 1.(5 S.M .M. B.U1 7.01 7.10 MS 1.111 l.M1 I.1S 7.0(1 iiutituiKaoii Tyrotin AftnouA Hnsnimuii. A.H. F.M.IA.ll.l WPlttsliirifhTCitprPs Weal will plop t Dultniminii at 10.53, Nfliurtai 11.13 uU MlllelHtunu at 11.31 p.m. whmi ilaKHl. rwoolim Wost.the Way Famftimer leares Harm banr Dally till-other Iralua Dally except Hniulay. Fast llns Wrst, dally, atoiiiliur on Hundat om.r, at Duiicaniinn 4. HI), Newport, 4. 6ii P. Til 1'Hcilli: KxiiruiM, Wml, tt-nvns I'bllartplphln, dully II M P. M., and mops at Duucauuou, (Fian) 4.43 Nuwpuli t.(WA. M. Atlantic Rxpmm, eait, leaves Plttnlinrirh at S : II l r. w Altnniia 7 Tvroue 7 :ifc, HmiliiiK'loii Mount I'lllon f !::&, M'Vi') town f H:04. , llown f M, Mil Hill P;W, Newport f lo;HH. lliilH'iiiinnn f U-trJ, nrriving t ll"l rwbunr at II :HS r. M. olid I'lillailelpliin ill X:)6 A. H. Oil Hnntlnyn will Htnp at Port Koyal, Milieratowu ami Ha ley Hta'tiona, wlieu illumed. lil-lOi' ItCillltet. On Thursday Inst Mr. AVin. Geedy, of this place, had the misfortuueto lone oue or ins horsi J. B. m I four hogs I pounds. T or ins horses by colic. i Reetler, of Centre twp., killed on Friday, welsning 1 !i8Ui That is hard to beat. Michael Clouser Is erecting a building on Carlisle street, to be used for a wagou A We neglected to mention the fact that H. 11. Beck had been appointed as J us Mce of the Peace, vice Jos. 8. Sid. lib. .resigned. Charles, a son of Mr. Wm. Hammaker of New Bufl'alo, had oue of his legs broken while boating near Buck lock, two weeks since. Mr. John Whltmore, of Centre twp.jJ dlnf rr nmpntiuf "IT a lino lomi X is beeu tie has I of his VI ItV V t-I IJULIUIA J UlVIlllUKl a o nua a- i, u ill for a long time, duriug which he been caretl tor at the residence son Hinger. On Saturday a week Mr. Philip Mc Neniar slipped and fell from a loud of wood and striking his shoulder, fractur ed the bone. That accounts for Mao going around with his arm in a sling. The lawyers of this county are unani mous in their opposition to the change in the supreme court district. Harris burg suits them. They don't hanker after the gayetles of Philadelphia. Bain is badly needjul to raise theJ Bireains. iviuny wens waii were never before known to fail, are now dry. The rains had this fall, have as yet had no ell'ect on the deep springs. A correspondent wishes the following question to be referred to the Teachers' Institute. "Should teachers be allowed to chew tobacco duriug Bchool hours and squirt the juice around the room." Borne Philadelphia sportsmen, having had bad luck for other game, recently bagged over one thousand turtles from the small streams around this county, which they shipped to that city. The Governor baa respited Erb and Mojer, the Snyder county murderers, who were to have been hung on the 16th inst., until the pardon board can hear their iiltii. Vim.- i i. -.ii .--I .,iSV o I coal on, oner lamps are iigntea should either be repealed or enforced asrainstall. Some comply with it while others pay A no auenuon to u. Teachers' Institute will commence on the 10th inst. Some information of val ue to teachers will be found in another column, over the signature of Prof. Flickinger, County Superintendent. f Mr. T. M. Dromgold says that we were luiEuuiuiuicu irgmuiug lua Knuucis lu Carroll twp. The directors will article with only the second teacher for school No. 2, the first having resigned. The other schools, he says, are getting along wen. The wife of Dr. Jas. B. Eby of New port, who had recently undergone a sur gical operation, died on Wednesday night. The funeral took place on Fri day, the remains being buried in the cemetery in this place. A large black bear came as near to town a Cuba School House on Monday and gave a first-rate chance for a bear chase, which was indulged in by David Sieber, Samuel Thomas, and others, on Mover's ridee. but the bear cot awav. Mr. John Toomeyy of Centre twp.N wnue on nis way to in ewpon,asnort since, lost his pocket-book con foO. Retracing bis steps, he fou book within a short distance home, with money all safe. The Duncannon Mecord says: We are sorry to learn that Mr. Wilson Lup fer, formerly of the Ite.cord, who went to Colorado for bis health, is not improv ing, but the contrary, and his physician advised bim to remove to Pueblo, a mountain town. Watches and jewelry make nice Christmas presents, and persons want ing goods of that kind, aie referred to the advertlsementof C. A. Augblnbaugh of Harrisburg. He carries a splendid Stock,, and has a reputation for low Prices and fair dealing. Mr. Fike, living on the Moore farm, in Vanwert twp., Juniata county, beard a suspicious noise in his stable a few nights sluce, and, on going out, found a man just bridling a fine mare. The scamp escaped. The peculiar actions of m stranger in examlniug his team a day or two previous, bad made Mr. F. wutch ful, aud big cure saved bis mare. time taining I1 nd his U of blsT A prisoner In the MonlKottiery county Jail, who is serving a three yeiws' sen tence for horse stealing was suddenly Htruck dumb on Friday night, lie writes that he Is not Millering, but that he felt a singular sensation coming over him, and In a Bhort time discovered that he could not artlculnte. Clara, an Interesting little daughter of John . llarlzell, died of diphtheria on Thursday morning, at the residence of M. I j. Hartzell, in Oliver township. Flora, an interesting daughter of Jesse L. llitrtzell, died on Thursday night, of diphtheria, aged about five years. Ledger. Tlilethig In LlYcrpooI. Our Liverpool correspondent says : On Saturday night last the house of Wm. C. Brown of Liverpool Pa., was entered, and his pantaloons, two woolen shirts, about $3 in money, and borough orders and notes amounting to about $300, were stolen. The house was entered by forcing a win dow. A Correspondent trom McAllisters, Cumberland Co., says : Four of our young hunters went to North mountain, on Thanksgiving to bunt wild turkeys. They explored al most every nook and corner for some distance above and below Waggoner's road, but were at last obliged to come home with one partridge. They were not as successful as Master Charles Wolf who, a few days ago while watching a squirrel along the mountain, was surprised to see a turkey alight on the fence near him. To shoot it, was the work of a moment, and the result was a twelve pound roast. While Jerry Krlner, our blacksmith, was shoeing a horse a few days since, the animal kicked blm in the mouth knocking out one of his teeth. A number of children in this vicinity are sick with scarlet fever. Foil Tub Times. A Foolish Tramp. Two betting fellows on what they'd sceu, Urged on by Captain Whisky, 1 ween, Took a bet of fifteen dollars, they Bay, Each one, of course, on his own way, How a barn was located beilde the way That leads to Harrlsbnrg city so gay. As no proof they could find, It occurred to their mind To decide this bet there was but one way, And that was go and see. About midnight they start, Tbo' muddy and dark aa could be, And one, for fun, carried his gnn. AVben Ave miles they had got on their way, . They agreed to stop and try another day, As the mud was so deep they got no sleep, From the rain and the sleet " They agreed to retreat, and rally From Cumberland valley Across the mountain again, And bo their effort was vain. This tramp wag taken by two young men from near Bterretts Gap. Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from the Cumberland county papers of last week : I From th NeinviUe Enterprlst.l One day last week Mr. Jonathan Keefer, who resides on West Main Street, from accidental causes, tripped, and falling to the floor broke the hip bone in one of his limbs. Mr. Keefer is now over eighty years of age, and his ultimate recovery cannot be expected. Up until this accident he had been in good health. Dr. C. A. Howland gave the necessary surgical attention. On Tuesday of last week the house on the farm of Wm. D. Means, near Mid dle Spring, occupied by Mr. Smith, was discovered to be on fire, and before it could be put out had destroyed the en tire roof. The fire is supposed to have caught from the flue. They were fortu nate to save the balance of the house. Juniata County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of last week : . IFrom The Democrat and Scgister.J On Sunday night a large catamount as caught in one of John Tyson's bear ecs on Shade mountain. On Mondav t was brought down to Mr. Tvson'a premises, where it can be seen. (HiT Thomas O. Thompson, Esq., the Mayor's Secretary, who some few days ago slipped on a banana peel and sprained his knee, writes that St. Jacobs Oil "ucted like a charm." Cnicago Tribune. Gentlemen's Clothes. The fashions for this ' fall are generally characterized by neatness la designs of goods as well as cut of garments. The coat, however, most generally worn is the 8. B. Walking Coat, both iskirt and waist beiDg of medium length. iunu me coac oeing rattier ciose-ntting all over aud buttoning high. If designed for dressy wear, the coat buttons with one button. If for business wear, a four button coat is generally preferred, with false flaps on the side. For rough aod Scotch goods the Sack Coat is in favor, and is cut rather short and snug-fitting. There is a tendeucy to cut Vests a little lower than last season,, aud with collars. Fancy Vests are favor la London. again coming into Those who wish to see the finest line oi cassimers, overcoatings, 5co., ever shown la this county are requested to call at the store of F. Mortimer and look over the assortment there shown, which represents the stock of the leading cloth ing bouse in the world. You cau there make your selection and have a garment or suit made to order in the beBt possi ble manner. All garmeutsareguarauteed as to fit or there is no sale. 4a 4t. We Can Sell You a Fall Suit or Over coat 0 per cent, less than the lowest. , M. Dukes & Co. ST. FXMO 1IOTEI,-Aro. S17. and SI!) Arch Street, Piiit.adkmmua. Rates re duced to Two Dot.LAita Per. Day. The traveling piiblla still find at this Hotel the same liberal provlnlon forlhelr comfort. It Is located in the Immediate centres of IiusIuphs and places of amuse ment and the dlflurentRall Road depots, as well as all iiarts of the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly pass ing the doors, it oilers special induce ments to those visiting tlio city for business or pleasure. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Jos. M. FicoEit, Proprietor. A full lino of Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Blank Books, Pass Books, Wall Paper, Stationary of all kinds, Accorde- C' . . 1 II . I. . " I , 1." n . f . t'HB, DCUUdl JlMWlin,. TdllCl -L'lUlllCD, U.U., Ac, to be found at W. II. Gantt's, Newport, Pa. 30 ly Walnut Lumber Wanted. Persons having Walnut boards, 1 inch, to sell or lumber to cut luto that shape, are re quested to write to the subscriber, stat ing quality and price, delivered at New port station. D. 1 L ENQLE, 8t Mount Joy, Pa. Flour and Feed for Sale. The subscrl her has Flour and Feed for sale at the residence of his son, Albert Fry, on the Kro7iier property, in Centre township. l!0 Fuedeiiick Fjiy. For Sale. A House and Lot on 4th Street, Newport, Pa. Price $1000. Apply to Milton B. Eshelman. 40 Newport, Pa. f Still Alive 1 I am still alive and ready to cut and fit suits in gotrit style. If wanting any work in my line, give me a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Samuel Bentzel, TAILOR, April 0, ' New Bloomfleld, Pa. Christmas is soon coming and it is a good time now to select your Christmas presents. F. Mortimer has a great vari ety of Handkerchiefs, Collars, Ties, Tidies, Splashers, Chinese brackets and other ornaments, Majolica ware of vari ous kluds and many other useful and pretty articles Bulted for Christmas of ferings. If you wish to see some cheap and pretty Coats and Dolmans call and look at the stock now on sale at F. Morti mer's. Maine Money. $50 per month and expenses. Send 25 cts for particulars and outfit to Ciiah. Anderson & Co's Agent. 4t New Bloomfield, Perry Co., Pa. Girl Wanted. A good girl able to do general housework. Apply to J. M. Bixler. 2t Centre Mills, Perry Co. , Pa. For Itcnt.K limestone farm In Cen tre township. Call on Joseph Baily, St Newport, Perry Co., Pa. Money to Loniu $200. $300, $400, and $500, for one year, on real estate security at G per cent, interest. Apply at once. John C. Wallis, Attorney. New Bloomfleld, Pa. 1 Vfiureh Notices. Presbyterian Church Preaching next Sunday at 11 A. M. aud 0i P. M. Sun day School at half past 9 A. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. M. E. Church Preaching next Sun day at 6 P. M. Lutheran Church. Preaching next Sunday at 10 A. M. Markelville at 2i P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. a. To all who are suffering from the errors and. indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of, manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discover ed by a missionary in South America. Bend a self-addresBed envelope to the Kev. Joseph T. Immah, Station D, York City. 44B17 County Price Current. Bloomdklti, Pec. S, Ikbi Vlaa-Bead 1 A Potatoes 100 Butter V pound 28028 Eggs V dozen 25 " Dried Apples V pound 4:ts Dried Penehes 12 0 Utfti. N KWrUHT MAKKKT8. Newiort, December 3, Kluur, Kxun (5 CO " Super 3.23 White Wheat old V busli IV Red Wheat, U 1 Kye 8."08 Corn, 7501 76 Oats ft 31 pouuds tl& 42 Clover Seed per pound 8tf8cents Timothy Heed 2 80 Flax Seed 1 00 ' Potatoes 1000 100 Bacon 10810 Lard 12ceots Hams 11 cents. Ground Alum Bait 1 16 Ol II Llmeburner'i Coal II 00 C 1 25 Stove Coal,... 4 75 O 5 00 Pea Coal S 00 Buckwheat Coal 12 H Gordon's Food per Sack 12 01 . CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Carlisle, December 3. 1881 tamlly Flour 16.00 Supernua Flour 3 25 White Wheat, new 18 Red 130 Kye 80 Coi n 479 47 Oats 85 Cloverseed 4.00a4.5(' Tlmothyseod. S 00 Flaxseed II 15 O. A. Salt ...II 20 Flue do 1 80 riilliidclpliln t'i'oiliive Market. I'iiii.adei.I'iiia. Dec. II, 181 Kluur iinvitirrit Him Biiwiiidi I'mii'v) mil family. H.Mi it M.75 Miiiiii-nin ilii., 11.809 .).1'2; patent anil IiIkIi trrtlr-M. i..M)j7.(i live Hour, n 2ft;t.a.'.. Cnriimraf. ti.w. Wheat. 1411 M 141 Coin yoilnw 7u(l.72i mixed. f.Sfl70o. Outs quiet. i Heiiuivlvaula and woter white 4sw'.iio. i western mixed imtr RyelOeCllUo. AtiAtn Wot.rr On Hie 1st of I),81,(n Newport, at the parsonage of ChrlM's Reformed Church, by the Key. W. R. H. Deatrich, Mr: Wil liam Aila'r. of Centre, to Miss Matie K. Wolff, of LovHvllle. this county. HnKHirr-RE!tiKit.-i-on the 1st of December. 1S1, at the Lutheran paraniiace, In l Mm place, by Rev. A.II. Kpaiifiler, Mr. (1, W. Hhei iri. of New Kington, Pa., to Miss Jane It. hender, of near Hliennannrtale, this county. Okk Kibiifr on November 22a, 1881, at the residence of the bride's paients. In BririKiwater, Va., by Rev. Charles Edwaids, D. 1),. Mr. Joseph C. Orr, of this place, to Miss Mary A. Fisher. Hoi.tok Carvbi.l. On the ltith of Nov. East Salem, Juniata county, by Rev. J. Laiidis, T. J. lloltou. of l.lnglestown, Dauphin county, to riioibe A. Carvell, ot Millerslowu, Perry county, Dnath notices not ex?eei1liur I lines Inserted without rliiiore. H'H fine in a per line will lnruriiiliiy lie rlmw eilfur Irilmtcsuf ltoapeot, Puutrjr, or other remarks 13DATII8. TTaas In Penn twp., on November 19th, mi. of brain fever, Thomas Luclan, son of Luclanaud Sarah Hans, aged 8 months and 23 days. UiHTLixa. On the2lst of Nov. 1881 In Anderson burg, .lane E.. wife of Benj. Blatllne, aged 46 years 6 months and Inlays. Kiit.-Oii the ZMh of Nov. 1881. In Philadelphia, Mrs. Emma 8. Khy. wife of Dr. J. B. Eby, of New port, aged !!7 years and 5 months. Favinoeh On the, 27th of Nov. 1881 In Newport of Diphtheria. Llr.le, twin daughter of Abram I'avlnger, aged about 3 years. Haktzei I. On the 1st of December 1881, Clara, daughter of J. Z. llartzell, of Oliver twp., aged 5 years. Haktzei.t, -On flie 1st Nov. 1881, Flora, daugh ter of Jesse L, llartzell, Newport, aged about 6 years. M Cot. On the 23d of Nov. 1881, In Blaln Dr. J. E. M'Coy, lu the 3nih year of his age. rpRIAL LIST FOR JANUARY TERM, 1882. Bustiuehanna M. F. I. Co. vs. I. B. Traver ti Bro. same vs. I. B. Traver. Watson & Co. vs. J. E. Rchelbley. J. C. Frank vs. David Morltz. Taylor Harris vs. Jos. B. Llehtner. Jos. B. Llghtner vs. Mary Harper et al. Joshua E. Elder vs. Mary E. Troup. Jos. Leiiperd, adm'r vs- Hbersole, Hollehan et al. Thos. Jlocknnberrv vs. Ben. R. Harrelt. James Emory vs. Benj. R. Barrett. name vs. same Jerome Sunday vs. Henry Bhearrer. Jas. A. Robinson vs. The township of Jackson. Lena Fenlcle vs. Samuel B. Matlack. Benj. Relll vs. John Eppley, . 1. T. Mitchell et uxvs. Oooree ATrlght. Charles Fry vs. The Borough of Newport. Sarah Bnrinett's use vs. Polly Bower. John Bovles vs. Oeorge Burd. Ellas B. Lelby is, Charles Straw. A. B. OROSH, Proth'y. Protb y'sOfllce, Bloomfleld, Pa. ( November 25, 1881. I QRAND JTJRT, JANUARY TERM, 18S3. Liverpool B. Abraham Qrubb, Foreman j John Keagol, Harry Derr, Jr. Jackson William Johnston. GeOrgo W. Gut shall. Madison Samuel Ernest, Samuel Barkley, W. 8. Bernhelsel . Oliver Jacob Llneaweavcr. Juniata Alvah Nellson. Carroll George Stone. Toboyne Edward Barnbart, Samuel 8. Mor rison, Wm. Willhido. Saville Henry Bnrkeplle. , Penn Wm. II. Willie, E. II . Branyan. Tuscarora Samuel Minich, Henry Baker. Miller Philip Cornman. 'eutre John C. Darlington, Wm. C. Clark. Bloomfleld John A. Clonser. "Greenwood Samuel C. Taylor. rpRAVEKSE JURORS, JAN. TERM, 1882- Bloomfleld 8. H. Beck. Maryevllle L. W. Brabson. spring Rev. J. M. Brader, W. R. Dnm, John W. Kell, Charles Klstler, John A. Bbelbley. Saville W. E. Baker, Wm. Sboll, Jr., Wm. Wallet. Watts A. J. Boy s ton, James Lowe. Tuscarora James Baker. Rye Samuel Comp, Jr., David Keller, A. It. Neybart, Jeremiah Sunday. Oliver A. C. Clemsnn, James Evorhart, Jr., .lnhn IP ! 1 1 1, ., 1 1 T 1 ,. .. I 1 , ' l ..1 Centre Adam Clark, Joseph Miller, rjandisbnrg R. I Diven. Duncannon Samuel Foose, Charles F. Kass. Newport A. M. Gantt. Madison C. T. Hohenehleldt, Thomas Martin, John C. Stambaugh. , Greenwood 8. B. Hass. m . Bandy Hill Samnel Uartman. Juniata Ellas Hartmun. rNew Buffalo J. B. Jackson. Carroll Samuel Kltner. John L. Shatto. Toboyne Job Lacy, J. C. Rumple. Tyrone H. P. Llghtner, Abraham Rheem. Jackson Wm. McArdel. Liverpool T. Lewis Pines. Penn Samuel Rheem, Wm. Rodamaker, Linn 8hull, John P. Steel. , Liverpool B. Wm. Ulsh.' Howe Amos Wright. THE CHEAT STATE TRIAL A complete and authentic record ot the evidence, speeches, address and studied lusana sayings ol The Crime Its Causes and Its Consequences rilalwnrtism as explained on the Witness Stand by Hon. James U. Blaln Graphic Exoiting Scenes In Court Attempts upon (he Assassin's Life Sketches of the Principal Characters en gaged in this world famous Crlmlual Trial Mmno.OOo people await in anxiety the Evidence In this the must Remarkable Trial lu American History. Anonfc In every town. THERE ARE MIL Mycilla LIONS IN I r. Scud M) cents for on t Wantorl "t, and secure territory at once. VVdlllCU Address, UNION PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. 411-52 F L O It I DA! Allnntio and Gulf Coast aud Okeechobee Land Co. 5Q,000 SHARES, $10 EACH At PAR with a RON Urt of 40 Acres foreachlO bhaies from Choice Lands of tne "Diston Pur- nrRTPirsi J Third & Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. 01 rn,ta . j m Broll(Iwayi N- y. Rooms m. lid. etalled prospectus wlUideaeilpttvoruap mail ed Free. 4ud.-2 P A T E N T S ! GEORGE E. LEMON, Attorney at Law, Wash ington, D. C. Send sketch or mouol for Preliminary Examina tion and Opinion as to Patentability, for whrch no charge U made. It reported patentable, no cliai gn for services unless succevsiui. Seud for Pamphlet of Instructions, tsubiialied lu lsws 4'Jdtf El A f All French Cluomo Cards, Hum! Bouquets, . u Motions. Uli (Is, etc., Niunu oil l'ic. .1. II. DUSTED. Nassau, N. V. . 41152 CnilTll Don't locate beforosi'fllngour.IameB. .Villi I II River Meti lenient. I Huh. chImIokiio vmw b ii (ej j ,.- Milnullt t'laieinoi.l, Buripco., Va. 40dS2 UnviK-VKE NAI.I M. HOI WANT!:! Fun alive I Good Commission I V, "LATEST" Chi'oino cards. I Flirtations, 8 I.hMv or gent cor respondents. 2nc. sliver. II. V. JONES, Jeflerson, N. Y. Take aguncy. i'MfrZ e gTln 0 t I c e. ' ' In the Court cf Common Pleas of Perry county, notice Is hereby given, that an application will lie made t the said com t. on Tuesday, the 20th dav of December, 18JI. under the Act f Assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, an Act to provide for Incorporation and regulation f certala corporations, approved April i'.i, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the chartering of an Intended corporation, to be called "Th World's Marriage and lleneltclal Association for ' unmarried persons." The character ami object ol which Is to Issue certificates of membership In certain specified amounts, and to pay the panics for whose benellt the certificate was made, from a fund to be raised In each case of marriage by an assessment of the members. The principle upon which I lie, association Is to be conducted being that f assessments upon Its member, and for these purposes to have, possess and njny all rights, benefits and privileges confined by said Act of Assembly and its supplements. LEWIS POTTER, ' December 8, 1881. Soliclter. . JEACHERS' INSTITUTE. The Perry County Teachers' iRstltute will con vene In annual session In the Court House. In 'umiiueia, ui i o cjock r. iM on Aionuay, Decem ber ltith, 18S1. nd continue lu session uutil the noon of the following Friday. In accordance with the provisions of an Act, approved the vih day of June, A. D., USl. th teachers of the county are allowed the time to at tend the County Institute, and we shall expect the teachers to take advantage of this privilege. Teachers are requested to bring wllh them pu pils' work, prepared lu accordance with the di rections publishtd In the county papers. ' i J. K. FLlLKINOER. December 6, 1881, Co. bup't. Exhibits or School Work at Teachers' Iustllnte. , ' rniie following will serve as an outline of the J. kind of pupils' work warned for exhibition at. ti Teachers' Institute, to be held In Hloomtlelu, commencing on Monday, December 19th, 1881 i I Grade, Specimens of printed or written work, as tar as practicable. II (Jrnde. Language. (1) Specimens of written work, including spelling of short words wllh proper syllabication. U) Geography, Including questions and answers on direction and distance, with description of school bouse aud surround ings. (3) Arithmetic The writing of numbers. ill Urade. (1) Language. The spelling and definitions of words, with dlacretlcal marks, and the general rules for capitals and periods. (2) Geography. Township aud county geogra phy. (3) Arithmetic The working of easy problems In addition aud substractlon, with explaualiou of signs used. . IV Grade. (1) Language. Definitions of parts ot speech,, and the construction ot sen-, teuces from objects. (2) Geography. Descriptive, Including ques tions on Pennsylvania and map drawing. (3) Arithmetic The fundamental rules, with definitions aud solutions of common practical problems. (4 History. Local, with explanations of terms, V Grade. Language. Analysis and synthesis of sentences. 1 he writing of equivalent forms of expression and short composition. (2) Geography. Description and relative im portance of the ditlcrent political divisions, (1) Arithmetic Practical problems. Including the writing of checks, drafts, notes, receipts, and. lules for percentage and practical measurement. (4) History. County, State and National with, biographical sketches ol pionnnent men of our cuuRtry. The above covers only the common school ' branches, but the teachers of schools in which hUl... I. -n nnKAa a r a n ..!. .. ,.a n . - J ... funnel uibuviicbic mi n anu igiuiij w bring specimeus of work dou In these uranches. We desire a full exhibited of the copy books one book from each grade of the different schools. The teachers of the borough schools are requested to classify their work in conformity with the county course of study, so that the proper comparison may be made. All the work from a school, apart from the copybooks, must be writ ten neatly on paper with name and age of pupil. Then bound together and labelled with name of school, teacher and district. We earnestly request all the teachers of the county to take part in this display, bo that the public may be able to see the kind of work done in our schools. Mr. Frank Hollenbaugh, of the Bloomfleld schools, will take charge of this work, aud teach ers are requested to place it In his hands at the openlug ol ihe institute. J. R. FLICKINGER, Co. Sup't. Bloomfleld, December 6 lsl. 2t CHRlSfMATTsl;0WG So Is New Year, and agents wanting to make large sums of money for the Holidays, and after ward too, should lose no time, but snd at once for terms and full particulars of WHEELEK'S COMPLETE ANALYSIS OF THE BIBLE. Cheap. Practical, Thorough :isi0 pages; over HDfull page Illustrations and accurate maps. Handsome, at tractive. So arranged chronologically as to make one continuous narrative of thrilling aud absorb ing Interest. Having an Immense sle. Abso lutely indispensable to every teacher and student of the Bible. The grandest aid possible to tke perfect understanding ot "Goe's Word." Just Ihe book for Holiday presents. Price IU0. Out fit with free Instructions 11.00. Territory going rapidly. THAYER, MKRRIAH&CO., (Limited.) 7ji Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. - 48 ci THE INDEPENDENT! Tlxt foremoH reftpibva newspaper of the Vnitcd 6ae8. Iiik hEV. JosLtU CXK. Established in IMS, u to adrncate of anti -Isttt end of rt-toriua in reliKioii aud politics, Tkb Ixdepkndi.?; c at mice ber-sme a recotnized power throupfbout the country. It h'flmPDce bus ever fince beeu CuiiFtuivt'v trrMwuipf. Aa it has fought apraiust !avery una for theai' io.tife, fo it will fiUt awairift Wcirncnii-iu, h r Cnii-fct-rvu'e Kcform, and for purry iu oi:t .. atd, Kt iifrai iii riKhtuexiniu alt thinva. It erxplr-yn th? Vt editorial talent tuid rtpfukn imrifariy on nul aubjecta. I; I'aya for coutribnted article and f. r cdtt hyl Kericr mure thau duuLie the aiaouut wrud br aiiV otker wrvk v uewaiaair, , It pnblinnea more relitrfotia disonsHnna .ban the r Ifpfioufg reviw, mur inetry aud a ton than tha ikju lar monthlies, aud riva m r lnfornmuou tiu au Mi uual cyiirjwdia. The lrnf cni Oirij atrht-a rec d:,v pubitvhed fnun the great 3uthHliitt Ccunnl tu UukWu art a ROiHlilltiBtratiou of what 'lux IsDKprsbFM ) cnuutantly denutf. A list ft the mx9t prv-mmviit rtii KioUH aod ihilitphirl writ-rf, pot auditory writer in the country ia the lixt of the cntnoutora of l bk Imikpenient' lieaidee the nr-aoe a t tw-ide for ttue writer ud for editonaia, there are tweuiy-two dwtta. t d-frtmt-nt, edited by twenty-two aiieuatt, which include liibiic! Research, feaiiitary, Letfal, l'tne Art. Music. Science, Pebbles, Perwiualities, MmitteTiai Ke . hter, Hymn Notes, $rho4 and ColU-w, Liteuture, Ke liKious IntMllitfence, M:s;uii, hundy sch-H!. News f llie week, Finaii-, CoDnner-'ft, InauraD . atwria. I'ila zlear and AfricuUur. 3-4 Psigca im all, Ol It .HEW TERMS IOII One imbecriptiorj one rear ft rj Fit rj inouiha, l.0: frtt uociiu. u ('tie nbcriitittn two years ft Sto Oi.t siiinptiuu with uLe nkm ubcribert in oi. remittauee $ f- One iuUnnptioa with iwj mkw aubacribera, in one remittauee 1 C Cue eubscniiuoa with Ikit Vftw aubacribfcrs, in one remittauee I One ut4cri)un with four wkw subscriber, iu one remittance 10 CO One subMcri)tin Dve years.... la a Auy numtwr over &ve at the ucc rate, invurutiy with oue remittance. These relud rrices per ?tnn:m in rTiire of or ttiiTti are very much ioer iLu au-of the atadudl re!(!OH weeklies. s i tMnle w 11 h your f heed and iret the low rate. H. Cfft-r uo I'reniiiims. i)iitrary to the cutrra cf all the tvIitrHiS Taewsap. rers, 'i he JmiF.eKNPkST wtil hrreaftr be auixtvJ ut he end ot ftie time ittL- wukn iyiueut a ma do. Hen-1 postal card lor tixe at)ciii;eucoijy uud juJc fct yourtiI- A d I rvfl THE INDEPENDENT, 351 Jiroadtvay, Yu York. "VOT1CE. Nolle is hereby iTn to all whom It may conrcrn. not to soli or to gne 10 tirurr A. hiiner anyihiuK on tr.r account s I won't e It paid, lie left home Justoam aa I won t -and for auy if l't tiansai rioi... JOHN LTTNEH.