u THE TIM KS, NKVV BL00MF1K1J), PA., NOVKMliMt 22, 1881. flic ftlloomfidlt Whites. GZ til- W) HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Too Muoh Land for Profit. The extent of the farm, the cnplttil invested In tools and stock, nud the amount of labor bestowed are often very much out of proportion. The average prloe of farms In this vlolnlly, one of the oldest and best counties in the Htate, Is about $40 an aore. The value of an 60 acre furm is $3,2(10. The house barn and fences ought to be worth $1,000, but they are usually not worth more than $1,000. The value of teams, tools and stock ani mals Is about $800. The young farmer often begins with $1,500 of capital. He purchases 80 acres for say $'2,000, pays $1,000 down, and has $500 reserved for team and tools. If lie is a good econo mist, has a good wife to help him, Is a good manager with good health, he soon works his way up to the condition of the average well-to-do farmer, with farm and stock worth $4,000. But too often, Instead of buying an 80-acre farm with his $1,500, he buys 100 acres, and ploughs and fences what lie can. Hut he lias so much to do on the new farm that bia crops are not properly tended, his horses are worked too hard, and himself and wife work too hard, and his large farm sutlers in every way for the want of the right proportion of capital and labor to the quantity of land. He la not able to build a good barn ; his few animals suffer in the stormy, cold winter weather; his tools are not housed; he has not time to set out frult-tiees, shade-trees and wind-brakes to protect his buildings and crops; and the Bloughs and wet places on his farm caunot be drained. When he bought his furm he expected his sons would grow up, and he could divide his farm among them. But alas, while he has had the place for a pleasant and attractive homestead, he has failed to make it bo ; and his sous and daugh ters do not like the farm. They go to town or city to escape the drudgery of the farm, and for lighter work obtain higher wages than the farmers pay. Meanwhile age is advancing on the farmer. The mistake he made was in having too much land, and too little of the other necessaries for comfort and profit. A New Style of Stocking. A New York correspondent says ; "In New York a delightful employment and beautiful article of dress is accomplished by knitting what are termed railroad Blockings. The most stupid person can knit round and round, and that is all that Is required. There is a silk knitting thread sold here at twenty-nine cents a ball, four of which make a big pair of stockings ; but I find the yarn too soft, and prefer a tightly twisted, finer thread, which I purchase of a fringe maker in Bkeins, weighing five ounces. Cast on twenty-eight stlches ou the needles and knit away till you have a slender pipe (entirely unsuggestlve of a stocking) and about one-half a yard long not that, if the stocking is not desired an extra length. Then knit round once, dropping every fourth stlch; the dropped stitches will run to the top of the stock' ing, striping it in lovely open work and making it instantaneously one-third longer, and wide enough for the largest sort of leg. After this, the stocking being as many Btiches smaller as you have dropped, you knit about three inches at that size, and then toe off. " What! no heel V" I hear the uninitiated exclaim. No heel. It's a poor foot that won't shape it's own stocking,' the old lady Bald when she knit them this way ; but the extreme elac ticlty of the railroad hose makes a heel unnecessary. They are durable, they are handsome; and they are such Jolly things to have round for work that I anticipate you will thank me for the recipe. How to Boll Potatoes Mealy. When the water nearly bolls, pour it out and put in cold salted water; It makes them mealy without cracking . them. Man's Ingratitude. This is an ungrateful world to say the least. A man will act like a lunatic when he has the Itching Piles, and de clare that be knows he can't live another day, yet he applies Bwayne's Ointment, the intense itching is allayed at once, he gets cured, and goes down to the lodge without one whit of gratitude. When asked why be looks so cheerful, he ' dodges the question by an indifferent an. ewer. Its just like a man though, isn't It V 40 4 1 (Thousands of women have been entirely cured of the most stubborn cases of fmale weakness by the use of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Bend to Mrs. Lydia K. Fiukham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn , Mass., for pamphlets. MRS. LY01A E. P1NKH&M, OF LYNN, OSS., r- - r LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. ' Jw n VoHWp Cnre for all ilWt? Painful 4'mp1nlnt titl Wn1tMflt lorowmoi to our best fnaale population H will mire entirely the worn form of Female Com !1nJntn, nil oTnrlnn trouble, Inflammation and Ulcer A tlon, Frilling ami llRplcemi'ntt and tit emuwqiiont ftp In M WrnknpM, and Is artlcularlj adapted to h C It ft n ire of 1,1 To, It will dhifloira and Mppl tumor from tlie nttrnain an fnrly itnfrn of dtvplopmrtit. Tim tfnrirnpytoean cvrouN human thtrn la clitrktd Ttry pperdll y hy tta uia. It rcmorea fnlntnemi, flatHk-ncy, dofftrnyaall eraTlng forntlmtilnnra, and rollrra wcnlcnraa of tha fftomach. It cure Wonting, Heartache, Kerrcm Frustration, General Debility, SlccpleMtieM, lJenromlou and Indi gent Ion. That feeling of bearing down, eanring fain weight and backache, In alwnya pormancntly cured by Ita uae. It will at al I time and under all rlrrumatanct act In liarmony with tho lawa that gorern the female ayitem. For the cure of Kidney CoriiyloinU of either texthla Compound la unntirpnMerl, rYMA K. riNKIIAM' T TO FT A TIM": COM POUND!., prepared at Kta and MS Western Arenua, Lynn, Maita, Prlco il, 8U bottles for 5. Bunt by mall In the form of ptlla, alao In the form of lozengea, on receipt of price, 1 per box for either. Hn. rink ham freely annwore all letter of Inquiry, Bend for pamph let. Addreaa aa aboTo. Mention thit iYifier. Ho family ahonld bo without LYDIA K. IMNKHAM'S LIVEU FlUA They cure cotiitlpation, blllouinM and torjihllty of the liver, tfi cents per box. JtaT Hold by all DruRglntn. tit any GREAT COMBINATION. SHE DVI1Y rOflRNAl -)AND(- Dcmorcst's Illustrated Monthly MAGAZINE. Eoth Publications, Ono Year, -) FOB ( tl.QO, (SEAEN FIF1Y.) DnMonraT's Montui.t Is justly entitled the World's Model Magazine. The Largest In Form, the Largest In C'lruiilatinn. ami the best TWO Dollar Family Magazine Issued. Mi will he the eighteenth year of its publication It is now Im proved ho extensively ns to place It In the front rank of family periodicals, and equal to any mag azine. It contains M puces, large quarto, 84 x 114 Inches, elegantly printed on tinted paper, fully Illustrated, each number having steel en gravlngs. oil picture, or art subjects, iinollshed Liv W. Jeiui nus Demorest. New York, and bv special agreement combined with the GAILA JOnRNAl n $Z.50 Per Year. y ALU ABLE FARMS AT PltlVATE SALE. Til E subscriber niters at Private H:iln the fnl. lowing desirable farms: KO. 1. Is a Farm containing Sixty-three Acres, All good land, In a good state ot cultivation, and having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Out buildings, sUunto three miles south of lllonmlleld and seven miles from lniiicaiinon. There is on this plaoe plentv of Choice Fruit of all kinds, good water at the door, Wil li running water in nearly every Hold, Price, i;M0. Terms easy. ?iO. 2. Is a farm situate In Whea'.fleld twp., containing about 113 ACRES, having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, with all required Out-bulldlngs, the Itarn being entirely new. Tills farm Is situate about six miles from Duncannon and four miles from Hlnomtleld. There Is good water near the door, plenty of streams on the land, a good Apple Orchard, and other fruit, and will make a desirable home, Price 850. Terms easy, AO. 4. Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about two miles from bliermansdiile, containing about One Hundred Acres, having thereon erected a Good Dwelling, and oilier Oiit-buIldfnfrB, A well of good water at the house and another at the Barn. There Is considerable trult on the iiremlses, and the land is good and well watered, 'rice. ffi.OOO, and payments can be arrauimd to uit purchaser. NO. 5. Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about two miles from Sliermansdale. containing Hovcnty Acreti, of good land, and having thereon a GOOD DWELLING, and other Out-buildings. There Is a good spring near the house, and the Farm Is well watered. There Is also a.Oood Or. chard In bearing condition; tills will make a de sirable home, t'rlce, !l,Eu0. liO. 7. A TRACT OF LAND containing SIXTEEN ACRKS. (half cleared) having thereon erected a GOOD TWO RTOKY FLANK HOUSE. In good order. -Tills property is located 2 miles south of Bloomlleld, and has 011 It plenty of FRUIT of all kinds, and will make a very desirable home a party wanting a small tract of land. There Isa running stream of water near the house and a well of good water clone to thedoor. Frlce $1000, half to becash and the balance In two equal an nual payments. - For further Information address the nnde r signed at New Ulooinlleld, Ferry county, l'a., or call at his residence three miles south of Bloom Held. ,, C B. HARNISn. August 17, 1880. Permanent Employment. WANTED. D. H. Fatty & Co.. nursery men, want a few good reliable men to sell trees, vines and shrubs, through this Btute. They froinlse steady employment togood salesmen. or full particulars address D. II. Patty. & Co.. Geneva, N. Y. 3749 THE CREAT 1W11LIXGTON JIOVTV. IVNo other lino runsThrno Throtigh rns Sfnger Trains Dully between Clikngo, Heg Moines, Council muffs, Ottmlm. I.lnroln, Bt. Joseph, Atelilson, Topekn and tinnsns City. Direct I'oiineetlons for nil points In Knrisns, Nebrnskn, Coliirildo, Wyoming. Montana, Nn vailn. New Mexico, Arizona, ldaho.Oregou and niiroriiin. Tho HhortPRt. PnePillnst end Mnst Cnmfnrtu Wo Koine vln lliinnllu'.l to Fort Scott, Denlsoii, Dnlliis, Houston, Austin, Pan Antonio, Galves ton nnd all points In Texas. Tho tinpfiiinleri Inducements offered by this Iiltio to Travelers nnd Tourists, are as fnllowst To rplelirnted I'ulltniin (l'1-whrel) I'nlncn Bleeping Cnrs. run only on this Mnc, ('., II. Ic U. I'nlaco Drnwlng-Hootn (;ars, with Morton's Ilecllnlng Chiilts. No extra ehnrgc for Bouts In Reclining Chiilrs. Tho famous C ft. A i). Piilnco Dlnlugf'iirs. Oorgnoim Bmokitig ('nrs fitted with Flegnut lllgh-lliiikeil Itiittun 1(0 volving Chillis for tho exclusive uso of flrst tiiiss passengers. Bleel Triu k nnd Pttt'riior Hiinlpment, com bined with their (1 rent 'I hnuigli Cur Arrange ment, nmkes this, iibovr nil others, the favorite Koine to the South, South-Wuat, und tho Fur West. Try it, nnd von will find traveling a luxury Instead of n (llseiaroi t. Through Tickets vln this Cnlebrsted Lino for bc lu ut nil olllccsin tho t'nitcd Btates and Ciinnlii. All Inforinntlon about Rates of Fare, Bleep ing Cur AceoiniuiMlatliais, Time Tables, 4c, will be cheerfully given by npplylng to J. Q. A. DEAN, Oen'l Knsterti Agent, iioil Washliigtou St., tlostnii, Mass. , and 1117 llroudwav, Now Vork. JAMBB It. WOnii. (Ion. I'iirh. Agt., Clileago. T. J. I'OTTKU, Gen. Manager, Chicago. March 15. 1881 4t (kF Out lit Rent free In tlumn who wIhIi tnenynKP ' '1B Hv liiiint i'h-aHiit nnd jroHtblc liUHfin-HH kinmn, H W Kvt-rythlhK new. Ciltiil uot rtijiiht d. We will fiirninh you pvrn'tliltw. iplO a Any ami npwnrdn in ciiHily nntdo wHIunit nttiyliiv iwny frtun Imirm tvcr niKlii. Wo risk wlialevrr. Miniy m w WfirkciM wanted ut uiicp. Many ar tiifikinH foriiintn at tlui buHiitcKH. IjKdii-s trmke an imiL-ti ah men, and yinm tmya ntnl Kii'ln makp rt-at . iay. Nimhia whn in willlnic tt wnrk fniln to mnko niou' ninncy every day than can I mi nitidn in ft week at any ordinary pnitiioyrnent. Tli'ise who pnvniftuit nncH will tlnd a Kliort ronil to furtunu. Ad druHa II. HALLKT A (JU., portlaud, Maine. 1 ly RFATTV'QOIHJANS 27 Rtopi lRftlleods Dtl I I O oiilv MP. PIAMH 125 tin. Ur Holiday ItiriMCMiieiit Itnsdy. ou I1KAT1 Y, Washington, M. J. Write or cull lUaly. NEW RICH BLOODI l'unona' J'urgatlm VWm make New Hleh Tllood, and will completely change iho blood In the entlrosystem In three months. Anvperson who will take 1 pill each nlptit from 1 to l2weeks may lie restorel to sound health, if sueha tiling bejiosslhle. Henthv mall ftr 8 letter stamps. I. H. ,101lf,SOS Cr CO., Huston, Mass., formerly Jlttnjor, Mo, TlfnfSTQ IMflUTCn EVKHYWIIKIIR to sell AbtNIO iVHNICU thR lx.it Fmnlly Mnlt tlnor Mnehllin rror lnveiltr-'l. Will knit n pnlr of nfui kium, wuli IIKKIj anil l'OH complrle, In SUminutos. It will also Xnlt a great varlt-ly of XuiH-y-work tat whtcti tliere Is alwiiys a rraily nmrltet. Hcii'l forctrnilnrmi'l terms to tlin Tvrombly HnlMing AlBvlUueCo.i4ull WasUlygtuuUU Uuituii ftlass. l'JAly NOTICE ! THK undersigned would respectfully eall the attention of the citizens of Ferry county, that he has a large and well selected stock of HA11DWARE, OltOCKKIEH, DHUGH, WINES & liIQUOHH, IKON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, BTKEL, IRON AXLU8, SPRINGS, RPOKKS, nuns, FELLOES. SHAFTS. POLES & BOWS, BKOOM HANDLES. WIRE. TWINES, &0. AtiO, Paints, Oils, Olnss, Plaster, and Cement. SOLE, CALF, KIP ami UPPER LEATHER, FISR. SALT. 8ITOAR8.'8YRUPS. TEAR. SPICES, TOBACCO, CIGAHS, and SMITH COAL. 1 John Lucas & Co's., MIXED l'AINTS, (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. . , . An.d, 8. ,ar,Jfi variety of goods not mentioned, allot which were bought at the Lowest, Cash Prices, and he oilers t he same to Ills Patrons at the Very Lowest Prices for Cash or approved trade. Ills motto Low prices.and Fair dealings to all. Go and see hlin. Kespectrully. 8. M. BHULEH, Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints Curb, fie. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. Has no equal lor any lameness on beastor man. It lias cured hlp-lolnt lame, ness la a person who had suffered IS Ivears. Alsocured l-lieuiiintUm .nmi frost bites. or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for blemish on horses. Send for 11. lustraled circular giving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists I ave it or can get for you Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co., Pros.,Enosburgh. Falls, Vermont. HARRIS & EWINO, Agents, Pittsburgh, Fa. For sale by F. Moutimek, New Blooindeld, Pa. INSTANT PAIN RELIEF Isa WONDEUFUL and Immediate Cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Earache, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, &e. . . Sold b all Druggists. v Wholesale Depot, tU Join Street. New York. Send for Circular. Sept. 2tf,lS81. Good and Glorious Nows 1 CloiliM! Clolliiiig! For Men, for Hoys, For Children ! Were Never Sold as Cheap Before I J). 0ANSMA1V, AT T1IK- NEW CLOTHING HOUSE, OFFERS INIMJCEMHTH IN Icliallo Clolliii!!. u Note Our Sample Prices : Four Dollar IMen'fi HiiUh,' Five Dollar Men's Hiilln, Hevfti Dollar Men's Hultft, Mine Dollar All Wool Hultn, Ten Dollar All Wool Hults. BOYS' SUITS AT FKOM $2 00 ; $2.50 : $3.00 & $7.00. These (loods are worth nearly double lite money- lleinemher, these are nil NEW, FltESH UOOD3, splendidly inude, dntable and Htyllah, and will Fit Like Custom-Made Clothing. My Stock of Furnishing Goods Is complete In Neck Wear. TIKS, COLLARS SILK 1IANDKKROHIRFH. HfllK'IH, DNDKK WKAIt, SATCHELS. TKUNKH, UMUHELLAS, and of MEN AND BOYS' HATS, I have a full line, and wilt fell them Cheap. Merchant Tailoring Department. I have an entire new stock ef NICE OOO DS for Fall and Wlnlor Suits and Overcoatings. Will make them le MEAHUKK AT LOW PRICKS. Remember weofTer vou nothing but Reliable Clothing. specially Well Made and Stylish Cut, and all New and Fresh for this Pall and Winter's Wear. Money Kefunded on all Goods Not Found as Represented ! Please Call, whether you wish to buy or uot. Examine and Le convinced. 1). GANSMAN, New Clothing House! Corner Centre Hcjuare and Second Breet, Frank's Old Hardware Store, NEWPORT, PA. September 20, 1881. THE Chicago & North-Western RAILWAY Is the Oldest, Rest Constructed, Best Eipiipped, and hence the LEADING RAILWAY -OF TIIE- 1VKST and AOKTIIU EST. It Is the short and best route between Chicago and all points lu Northern Illinois, Iowa, Drkota, Wjomlng, Ne. bratka, California, Oregon, Arizona. Utah, Col orado, Idaho, Moulauo. sievada, aid lot Council Bluffs, Omaha, Denver, LeadTille, Salt lake, San Fraccicco, Lead wool, Sioux City, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Columbus, and all points in the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee. Green Kay. Oihkosh. Sheboygan, Marquette, Fond du Lao Watertown, Houghton, Neenali, Menasba. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo, lllsmarck, Winona, LaCiosse, Owatonna, and all points in Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago North-Western and the U. P. ll'js depart from, arrive at, and use the same joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connection are made with the Lake Slicre, Michigan Uenttal, Baltimore (Si Ohio. Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago & Orand Trunk R js, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN CHICAGO and COUNCIL HLL'FFS Pullman SUmperton all night Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents Selling yon Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, and reluse to buy If they do not read ovei the Chicaj;oli North-Western Hallway. If you wlfh the Baft Traveling Accommoda tions you will buv your Tickets by this route, AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. 15 MARVIN HUGHITT, 2d V. P. & Ceil I Maug'r, Cuioaoo, 111. A4 Outfit fiirnlnhed free, with full instruction. f"r I I 1 eomlilctliiK the newt pntital)lr llli.llie. thnt lW au ou. cau fUKmfe iu. 'i'k. buninraa 1 ewy to learn, sndonr Instntotinn. so impln and plain, ttiat any andean make rreat pront. from the very .tart, fio one cau fail who i williiitf t- work. Wunit-u arn a. sue-c-H.ful a. uieu. Boy. and iftrL ean earu tare uma. Many have mad at tut niit.)ne. over one bumlred ilullur lu a HiiiKle week. Notliiutr liku it ever known before. AH wlio enKaire an-aurirUed at tlie eaa and raphlltv with which they .re alile to make monty. too cau eiunkve lu tin. buxiufcH. duriiiK your Bjare time at ureal iirulit. Youdou'it have to fiiVfHt capital iu It. We tale all the rwk. TliiMe who liefJ ready mmiey, Hhnuld write to uh at nm-e. All f uruiahed tree. Aililrcb. 'iUL littu. Aua-u.la, Ualue. t ly u"'l,il L ' 1 tim.at I HCBTH.iimrirtTrgiTi Newport AdTcrllsemonfu. JyJEWPORT DRUGSTORE. ItaTln on hand a complete as.nrtmentof tli.rol-lowlna- artlolea, the luhinribsr asks a .lure of y.u, pstrou.ge. DrtiffH and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS, . Also a full stock of Concontrated Homodics, EKSlsJNTIAXi OILS, Ilruslics, rorfumery IIAIIl OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES Also always on Hand rUKE WINES & LIQUOR POIt MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PUKPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS GarefdUy and Promptly Filled B . M . E O Y , Newport, Penn'a, f It. 8. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUM13E11 AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealersln this ominty. Wewlllalsy take good liniberon the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Liimber.&o, We use Ciearlield Pine aud Uem. ockouly. W.B. 8. COOK ft CO., Newport, Terr Co., I'a. Ootober 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Pony County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage ol the farmers, and the publlo generallv a. the i HIGHEST PKICKS the mwfcS w'li arford, will be paidlorallkludsof ' GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, PI8H, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, ..,. HORSB SHOES. &0., Sc. FOR BALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. t. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf J B. HARTZELJU Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's ISuildlng, SEWroitT, PA. Bole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobacco, rCountrT Merchants supplied with Goods at Phlladelphlaprlc.es. " Your orders are solloMed. 944 g HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: Sooth East drner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICTBSwrltten In first class companies on all kinds of Insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted1 and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented: .fEtna. of Hartford. Assets, 4,70Q.ftno Commercial Union, " I,4!4 0oo. Fire Association, Phll'a., " 3,778,000. B. HIMES, Agent. March 11. 1880 ly TARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viotim of youthful Imprudence canwing Prenuw tnn lecsy. Nervous Debility, L.t llanbood, etc.. baring tried in vain every known remedy, has dis covered a aimple self core, wbuh he will anrt FRKB to In. Mlow-.ulVrar., addraa J. U. Ht-KytJ, 43 ChitlilttUl (t., N. 1. 6Bly $2 Wrhcf. ainRwtndr.tS-Sa. WhtttnttU Hutia.CaM $6. Imlutlua colilta. auUdcold.ll. ChMpm ti I.f JourowB or .pc-u!tlv pnrmt. V.ul.i nk kalra lUOJtno aco., IU tuuilll. Jua k. 6Bly JOB PRINTING of every description neatly and promptly executed at Reasonable Rater at tbe Blouuineld TimeeSteam Job otllce.