The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, November 22, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE TIMKS, NEW HU)OMKlKU, 1A.. KOVKM1IK11 22. 1881.
raUNSTtVAMIA r. it.-
On ntut rtf Mmxiny, (M,
Trams milt nut m ttniuw,
Dint, ISM, Passenger
It' ii
IV u
8 till
ft. in
7. HO
I. ir
t mi'lfarrlHnr,
ill. Mrysvlll,
l ICMn V,,,,,'S,,,,,,U
41 Aiiui'dtiut
It; (Daily's
.m II. ts 'Newport
. i li mi Millerstown,
7 llll II 4111 MIITllll
I. Ml
mm is.
D'ii 111.34!
. H.I4 12.17
SOI 11.67
411 11.44
4 9(1
1.P IjPWIHKtWII il.,
I i:i 1 lluntltiKUiiu..
l.SIt1 jTyronn,
Mt Aitouim,
II 4;
J. Ill
A.M. I P.M.
IwrittslimvllF.tiiw West will ntni'Bt Inilirstinnil
lit IffKI, Nevvpurtal 11.13 All J MlllTl.iu at. 11.31 plu.
Wlltlll lltlKKf it.
tvtolu West, the Wav Pnnsenircr losvcf tlrrli-bur-Daily
I tieuther trains Daily sieepl Sunday.
Kant HUB Wit, l!Atlv.Ptn'I'i"Jf ' MHMIlA onlv, at
Pllle-sniion 4.111, Nevpnrt,4.MI I'. M .. ,, , ....
1'iM'ltli' Kxpiina, Weal, leaves 1'tailsdclj'kla. dully II. M
P. M., ami Hluimat ililllcauliou, U'lUK) 4.4U Niwpur.;
MM A. M.
Atlantic Fxprcss, 'cst, lenvcs PIIMjiiiirli nl drill e. M
Alt'Hiua 7 il', Tvtniic 'Mm. Iliiiiltiiinlnii H-'t, ,M,nim
HiiIiiii f H-'l. M'VYuuun 1M, l.i'Ki-tuwu I' i :''l, ill ll 1 11 i
!,f3, Newport t infill, IMiiiriiiniHii t II u-J. nni vln lit ll'.r
'IhIiii i k at II M p. m. mill riillnil. Ji'hli .it :i:id a. m. iiii
HiiiiiI i.vh will sMp nt I'ort H 'yal, Allllcriitmvu itml 1U
iey muttons, v hen .Uiorrft'tl.
Dt'ltst' ItHIIM.
Arn iiiih lir,.,i, lu.n.ia .vuit.ii'iil 1 1, nntt
Bhlered a success r We lliiuk uot.
Teachers institute this week in J utilutii
couutv. i
' yhat everybody Bays must be true. I
nud everybody who uws It eays the road I
between JUonmfleld and Newport neverj
vwH8 ho una hi mis nine oi year. (
A freight car while Rolng at a good
rate of speed was switched on the w renin
track and went entailing Into the erect
ing shop at Altooua ou Tuesday last.
One of tha lamp curiosities Is a lamp
for coal oil in which the wick never
needs trimming and can uot be turned
kn on in full Intn f-lia nil
Jno. McCarty, of Carroll twp., suc-
ceeded in bhooting the Avlld ' turkey on
( the eeUHon, it weighed 2i poundu 10 )
V ounces, who can beat It? "
ofiice is a "devil.' The Carlisle Vofun. must have a "she devil," as they
have an apprentice of that Bex.
On Tuesday a week Mr. John Dunn,
Marysville captured a young - Gray
Eagle, which flew from the hill back of
that place and fell into the water.
. We call attention to the advertisement
regarding Henderson's blacksmith and
. coach Bhop. It is one of the best propcr-
started last Friday with his family for
poses to make hia home in the future.
S mi . . . V
inch thick ou water that was in exposed J
places, and the mud was frozen hard
enough to carry a buggy without breaks
VltT T ll II II
Mr. John Hotrman, of Newport, had
his hand badly hurt while coupling cars
. a few days since. He may have to lose
two lingers by amputation. The acci
dent happened near Altoona.
The stolen horse we referred to Inst
week was taken from Hamuel Cayman,
of Fayette twp., Juniata Co. Twenty
live dollars reward is offered for the ar
rest of the thief and fifty dollars for
both thief and horse.
A lady who missed the train at Allen
town laht week, and who was anxious
to reach Harrisburg to catch the fast
line west for Pittsburgh, leaving Harrls
urg at 4:05, chartered an engine and car
and was brought through in time. The
run from Heading to Harrisburg wag
mnilA ill an nnni anrl tan m nntiiG
A young man by the name of JamlA
" k wuu fcV-" U.IUUM.DI .
son, of East Newport, an employe of
Marshall furnace, while in the act oft
coupling cars, had the thumb and finger
of one of his hands mashed on Wednes
James Wertz, another young man,
also an employe of the furnace, had two
of his fingers mashed while in the act of
coupling cars. ATeivs.
The Chambersburg Repository says :
An owl flew into the Lutheran Church,
this place, ou Sunday morning and took
its perch on the gas reflector, where it
remained duryig the services, winking
at the congregation. After church was
dismissed Dan NeRd succeeded In captur
ing it and presented it to the boys in our
composing room, who have placed it
with the rest of their innumerable curi
osities, among which is a veritable
ground hog.
Tersonals. We are nleased to learn
that James Work, a former employee of
J ehlp of The liepublie, a neat daily paper
1 Luis micp. naa secured iiib tnromnn.
puuiibiieu at uoiorauo springs, Colorado.
Miss Annie Kitner is visiting
mother In this borough.
Was It a Horse
Thlef.-Mr. J.
6oule residintr
one and a half m
south of this borough writes as follows
On Friday night about midnight or
perhaps 1 o'clock on Saturday morning
a buggy passed our place going toward
Carllble with a horse tied behind the bug
gy. At the time we thought it a little
strancn. We sunnohul it nilirht. ho n
horse thief and we waited for furtheril
v. rrr r
vnurcn notice.
Presbyterian Church Preaching next
Sunday at 11 A. M. and Oi P. M. Sun
day School at half past 9 A. M. Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening.
Preaching In the Reformed church
next Sunday at 101 o'clock.
Communion In the Methodist Chuith
next Sunday at 10i A. M. J
Cumberland County. Wo copy the fol.
lowing from the Cumberland county
papers of lust week s
From the ir-ratd A Mirror)
On Thursday evening luwt, n Mrs.
Mary, wife ot Mr. Francis, of Frankford township, and
eldest sister of lleglster Drawlmugh, was
seated at a table sewing, the lamp was
accldently upset by her youngest daught
er, and In a moment her whole person
was enveloped with the burning fluid.
Her screams brought her husband, who
was In bed at the time, to her rescue,
who did all In his power to smother the
flames. By using pieces of carpet, lie
succeeded, but not until she had been
terrible burned. Dr. Hcmniitigor was
sent for and arrived a short time after.
Upon examination, It was found that
she had been burned from the face to the
soles of her feet, and In such a dreadful
manntr that little could be done to
alleviate her Buffering. She lingered
until Friday afternoon at four o'clock,
when death but an end to her sufferings.
Hhewasa kind and amiable wife, and
her loss Is felt severely, more particular
ly on account of the manner In which
she lostherllfe. Hhelenvesslxchlldren,
the youngest a sniiill girl of four or five
Mr. Mehter was burned severely
about the hands and arms In his endeav
ors to save his wife. At present, he Is
not able to use his bunds at all, both of
them being covered with burns.
A number of flocks of wild ducks have
been noticed on the Conodogtilnet with
in the past week, and the gunners have
been looking after them pretty shandy.
A day or two ago one party tried their
luck, and shot eight ducks out of a flock
of about fifteen which they saw on the
creek. They noticed several other flocks
on the wing, but not within the range of
their guns. The ducks were the com
mon wild ones, generally kuowu as
mallard. TIiIb kind of wild game Is
quite rare and very good eating.
The Mountain Echo eaya: On Wed
nesday last an eel measuring 40 inches
In length, 10 Inches iu circumference,
and weighing (i pounds, was taken from
the water wheel at the upper paper mill
In this borough.
Juniata County. We copy the follow
lug from the Juniata county papers of
last week :
tfVom Thi Democrat and UcpMcr.
As James Yocum.who fnrms for Hon.
Lewis liurchlleld, was riding along at
at the turn of the Johnstown road
neRr Patterson, on Tuesday afternoon,
he saw an animal In the ravine below
which he thought looked like a deer.
He dismounted, and with Mitcbel
Varnea, who came by with his team,
ran down and saw a tine young doe
struggling through the briers and brush
with a dog In pursuit. They caught it
and Immediately applied the knife to
Its throat. JameB and Mitch, think
they are the champions, for while o thers
have to go for their game they have theirs
driven right to them.
From The rort Itoval Times.
Thieves entered the Lutheran parson
age a Port Koyal some time during lust
Thursday night, but as the preachers
like editors have very little of the
"ready" lying around the house they
realized nothing but a few biscuits. The
parson says he hopes they will awakeu
him should they ever return.
About half-past eleven o'clock ou Sat
urday night a gang of midnight prowl
ers entered the residence of Mr. W. T.
McCulloch through a cellur window and
ransacked the house. They gathered
quite a lot of eatables, 8hoes,carpet, &o.,
together and packed them la bags pre
paratory to carrying them away, but
were frightened olf, leaving behind
them their booty, by the loud noise made
by the falling of a trap door leading
from the kitchen to the cellar.
From The Mlfflintown Sentinel.)
David Musser came to town on Mon
day morning In a one-horse spring
wagon. He tied his horse to a post at
the foundry. The horse broke the post
and ran away, dragging a piece of the
post with him. The beast kept the
middle of the road all the way out to
Daniel Sieber's farm, where it was caught.
Musser of course gave chase as fast as he
could on foot, every moment expecting
to find his wagon wrecked by the side of
the road. He was highly gratified to
And horse and wagon all right at the end
of the mile and a quarter race.
The December number of Llpplncott's Mag
azine, which complete the iccoud volume of
the new series, Is an excellent specimen of this
bright and entertululng periodical. The open
ing article, '"Fishing in Virginia Waters," by
John C. Carpenter, Is a fresh and lively piece
of writing and beautifully illustrated. And
this Is followed by a great variety of other Illus
trations and articles of luterest. The Pros
pectus for the coming year shows that no otl'ort
will be spared by the editor and publisher to
maintain the present popular character ot the
Bpeclmen Number mailed, postage paid, to
any address, on receipt of 20 cents. Yearly
subscription (3.00. Address J. B. Llpplncolt
Co., Publishers, 715 and 717 Market Street,
Philadelphia. W
Meritorious publications are rendered doubly
attractive when they are cheap. Deraoreat's
SUuetrated Monthly Magazine has had a pros
ercus career for seventeen years, and has be-
k'omo one or the leading periodicals of the
United States, but its publisher Is ambitious to
not only have the best, but the most widely cir
culated, popular magazine in the world, and
so hag put the price down to Two Dollars per
annum ; and by a change of its former size, it
is one of the best printed and gotten up month
lies for Twenty Cents, we have ever seen. The
December number 1 admirable In all its de
partments. Ballou's Monthly Illustrated Magazine.
The December number of this popular and
cheap family magazine is the beet akd most at
tractive that ever appeared. The illustrations
of a summer tour tnrongh Switzerland and the
account of the love making that accompanies
them, are worth a careful reading, and a hearty
laugh at the conclusion. The Christmas story
is a model of Us kind, and so Is Captain W. II.
Macj's yarn about "The Haunted Island,"
nn of tho mystnrlca of Hie I'uclllo Ocean.
Eliot Hyilnr IhIhIps a Mexican rnmaiirn, nnd
throws n much poetical description Into his
liomlno's character and beauty ns lie dares to
vmituro on In a truo story. Tlinra arn lots of
other good things In tills number. Ho don't
full to get a copy.
Published by Ttiomns ,fc Talbot, 2.1 Ilawlcy
Btrcrct, Boston, at only Bl.fiO pur annum, pout
paid, and for sale at nil the news-dopots In the
country at lit cunts a copy,
Hpenk to your neighbors about It, and get up
some clubs this fall. Now Is Hid lime to stall
clubs fur thu new volume. ,
foil Tim Timss.
sLct Charity Origin at Home
Font Nov. 10lh 1831.
Mr. Editor. Dear Blr If Toil rlenso wo
humbly dcslru to ask the ConimlsKloners of
Perry Co., or tlio Young Mons' Christian As
sociation, of Now lllooinfluld, to furnish the
poor sinners who are Imprisoned In Fort liners,
with a copy of the Now Vorslnn of the Bible.
Wo would also state that during nnr Impris
onment of ovor throe months wo have nuvor
had the pleasure of conversing with a minister
1 UI bllU Kun)UI .
I Vours Truly, In search of truth.
V John and Unci.h Bam.
(Jriillcincn's Clul box. The fashions
for tills fall are generally characterized
by lieiktncKN in desigus of goods as well
as cut of garments.
The coat, however, most generally
worn Is the H. 11. Walking Coat, both
skirt and waist being of medium length,
and the coat being rather close-fitting all
over and buttoning high. If designed
for dressy wear, the coat buttons with
one button, if for business wear, a four
button coat Is generally preferred, with
falne flaps on the side, l'or rough and
Hcotch goods the Sack Coat Is in favor,
' and Is cut rather short and Bnug-lHtlng.
There is a tendency to cut Vests a
little lower than last season, and with
Fancy Vests are again coming Into
favor la Loudon.
Those who wish to see tho finest line
of casslmcrs, overcoatings, ifco., ever
Bhown lu tills county are requested to
call at the store of F. Mortimer and look
over the assortment there shown, which
represents the stock of the leading cloth
ing house In the world. You can there
make your selection and have a garment
or suit made to order In the best possi
ble manner. All garments are guaranteed
us to lit or there Is no Bale. 4:i 4t.
ST. ULMO HOTEIi JVos. 317 nnd S19
Arch (Street. Piur.AUEM'liiA. Kates re
duced to Two Dor. lakh Pkii Day.
The traveling public still find at this
Hotel the same liberal provision for their
comfort. It Is located in the lmmedia.te
contres of business and places of amuse
ment and the different Hall Koad depots,
as well as all parts of the city, are easily
accessible by Street Cars constantly pass
ing the doors. It oilers special Induce
ments to those visiting the city for
business or pleasure.
Your patronage Is respectfully solicited.
Jos. M. Fjcoek, Proprietor.
Hats, Caps, Trunks, Men's Under-
wear aim nmrin no ueiier line cu ui
round than at M. jjukks & uo,
Flour and Feed for Sale. The suhscrl
her has Flour aud Feed for sale at the
residence of his son, Albert Fry, on the
Krozlcr property, lu Centre township.
i:0 FltEDEltlCK FnY.
For Sale A House and Lot on 4th
Street, Newport, Pu. Price $1000.
Apply to
40 Newport, Pa.
Ladies' Coats, Dolmans, Skirts, Un
derwear, Shawls, &c. Largest assort
ment and lowest prices at
M. Dukes & Co.
Still Alive t I am Btiil alive and ready
to cut and fit suits in good style. If
wanting any work in my line, give me
a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Samuel Dentzel,
April 6, ' New Bloomlield, Pa.
White and Colored Blankets, Horse
Blankets, Lap Robes, &c, of all grades,
at M. Dukes & Co.
A full lino of Watches, Clocks, Jewel
ry, Blank Books, Pass Books, Wall
Paper, Stationary of all kinds, Accorde
ons, School Books, Velvet Frames, &c,
&c, to be found at W. II. Oantt's,
Newport, Pa. 30 ly
Insurance Notice. All persons are noli,
fled that I have not given my consent to
any Insurance on my life, except poli
cies in favor of my son, P. S. Chubb,
and all other policies are fraudulent and
void. Basil. Cnunn,
Millerstown, Pa., Oct. 4,1881. Hit.
Stove For Sale. A large parlor stove
and heater for sale at half price. Good
as new. Apply at this ofllce.
Money to Loan. $200. $300, $ 100, and
$500, for one year, on real estate security
at 0 per cent, interest. Apply at once.
John C. Wallis, Attorney.
New Bloomfield, Pa.
Western Union Telegraph connecting
with all parts of the world. Ofllce at
New Bloomfield in Mortimer's build
ing, tf
On SrNDiT, ofllce open from 9 to 10 A. M.,
and 5 to 6 P. M.
Wire Cloth for Fly and Mosquito net
tings, also, heavy Wire Cloth for win
dow guards, for sale at Moutimeu's.
Somo Jobs. We bave a few special
bargains which we will mention. A lot
of TumiLEHS, 43 cents per dozen. A
ot of Jelly Glasses, 50 cents per doen.
tlTSome lady of this place should
take the agency for the popular and
useful book "Practical Housekeeping,"
issued by the Buckeye Publishing Co.,
Minneapolis, Minn. It sellB rapidly on
its merits. Every lady who examines
it, wants it. Address the publishers
for terms. 44 4t
A. OA.1 1.1).
To all who are suffering from the errors and
Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
earl v decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will
send a reelpo that will cure you, KHK.E OF
CI H A li' K . This great remedy was discover
ed by a missionary In South Amnrlea. Bond
a self-addressed envelope to the Knv, Joskimi
T. Inman, Htatiott 1), Km For City. 44 11 17
County Price Current.
1 ' Uloomnhi.I), Nov. Si, ihM
Ki-ne.t ,. 1 W,
Potatoes 11)0
Butter 11 pound TlttM
Kirns V drtr.en 25 "
oiled Apples pmiad 4 its
lined reanhns 12 tt 14 tils. W
NawroHT, November IS, lxsl,
flour, Kxtia in 10
Super 3.'i
lill Wheal, aid t bush ?,!
Keii Wkeiit.olil 1.17
Kye -'
(lorn mm)
(lata V VuikIs M '
Clover Meed per pound,.... cents
Timothy Heed 1 ID
Flax Heed I u
Potatoes lOOfllW)
haenn 000
l.ard 12(!mts
llami 11 ceu li.
Ground Alum Halt. 1 lOI 10
Mmobtirnnr't Coal II ) 1 2ft
HtoveOoat .. tM O 6 SO
Pea Coal 8 CO
Buckwheat Coal , i Ml
Gordon's Food per Bak ci
Uarmsi.h, November IS, 1111.
hamlly Flour (COO
Miipni'llne Flour , i 2fi
White Wheat, new liln
Bed Wheat, new 130
Bye 0
Cora 470 47
Oats 80
Clnversesd 4.()0h4.5
Tlinothysoed, 2 00
F'ax Seed II IS
Ct. A. Bait .' II 20
Fin de 1 80
Philadelphia Produce Market.
ruii.ADEi.rniA, Nor. is, 1S8L
Flour unsettled! extras VI (XHP3 6i Pennsyl
vanla family. 14. fiOffltUS Mliineinta An., I4.80O
iri.lil patent and high grade. I6.60O7.00
Kye flour. H.lfiQJ.iii.
Cornmeal, 12.20.
Wheat. 143 a 144
Corn yellow, 708.T2i mixed. llR7nfl.
Oats Unlet 1 Pennsylvania and western white
4KfJ.:.0c. i wentei u iulxed,t'J045.
1 . m. !
TiAVKhtv Hj?ss, On November 7th, 1S81, at the
residence of the bride's father In Duncannon, by
Jtnv. I). II. li. Laverty, Charles K. I.averty, of
llarrHtiurg, to Mary Frances, eldest daughter of
IxTiivbn Hmbb. On the 1'i'th of November, 1M1
lat the residence of Jnsse Miller. In Tyrone twp.
Mary Hinee.
Owr.N MintiKWBB. On November 6th, 1RSI, at
,. lr h I lllli. licit urn,
nv iienrv Kiiiosmiin. r.j'i.. wiinam Asiveii vu
III" m. JClt ll fw.iinw. VJ T . U. .'.Mm ...... 1
). Owen to Mallle A. Mlchener, both of DuiicayJ
--llEKnT Rriinkil On November 10th. INfl. by
Itev. A. Copenliaver, Alfred H. Henry to Mary l.
llruner, both of Millerstown, this county.
Kiwi. On October 81st. 18S1, In Marysville,
William King, aged 64 years, 0 months and 11
KisuB.-1n Clav Center, Kan., William, son of
H, K. and Hirah Kiner, fonmrly of this county,
aged IU years, 8 mouths and li days.
Bltuated on the public road leading from New
port to Oerinaiitown, In the village of Green Park.
The Improvements are all good and (lie property
ts situated 111 a good settlement, convenient to
Mills, Hchools, Churches, &c. A splendid loca
tion for a good Coachmakcr, the shop is suitable
lor that business.
The above property will be sold or let on Sea
sonable terms by applying soon.
. Addiess or apply to
Green Park, Perry Co., Pa.
November 17, 1881. if
Grand Opening..
Now open a full line of the most stylish and de
sliable goods In lie aver, Plush, and all other
grades, from the best to the cheapest. No stock
In the county will compare with mine. All orders
Hilled on short notice, for weddings or funerals.
Also a spieudld line of woo. -goods, coats, o,
Mr BitAM h Stoke at Km.iotwiu;ko. n charge
of Miss Uromgold, has a full assortment of our
millinery, at same prices, call at either place and
see stock aud prices.
Near the depot.
4f 60 Newport.
Ladies of Perry County,
If you go to her for your
We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Cavpats,
Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United Htales,
Canada, Cuba, England, Prance. Germany, eta. We
have bad tlilrty-dve year' experience.
Patents obtained through us are noticed In theflot
SNTirio Amxhican. This large and spleDdld Illus
trated weekly iair. 3 .20 a yuar,Khow Uiv I'mcrre
of Hcience, ia very Interesting, and has an enormous
circulation. Address MUNN A CO, hum! S..IH-I-turs.
Pub's, of BciKNTirio American, 87 fork JUiW,
JewYork. Haud book about liuimu free. .
JOB PKHSTINQ of every description neatly
and promptly executed at Heasonable Kales
at the Biooiutleld Times Steam Job Onice.
TIIK WHI'ltlivTltLKGllAril
ti the Urgent and lit Newspaper PulilMir-d at
the Capital o( IVnimylvHiiln, ami contain the
latest Home ami foreign News, Polities, Hlorles
and Mlioelliineotis inaillng. Market and Mock ro
iiorls, .In.. iiuikliiK It a gieal paper for I I e Fami
ly, The Itml liens House and Hie Work Hhep,
, Tmma roil mi
BlnglB Hnlnerlptlnn ,,,,,, , (t)
Clubs of 1(1 or morn, per copy i (hi
And an extra copy (o the person raining a club.
Hainple copies free. "
Is the only Kepubllean paper at the Hlate ChiiI-
tnl. It Is mailed, post paid, for 47 per year, or ut
same rate for shortnr tei in.
Allstilnerlpllonsnrepaviililn In advance, and
sboiild bo sent In registered letlei s.or postal money
orders. Addiess,
C1US. It. tlltUHNKIl,
llari hbnrg, Pa..
The RdKorsand Proprietors of Winn Awakii
make t he following aiiiioiineement uleadliig tea-
llllttfl for InHJj
The materials for a hundred tales of adventure
fie crowded Into this one grand serial story of
truval, by David Kr. The aulhor lias recently
visited Ihe countries where the action nl this ro.
mantle story lies Algiers. Oiweo, Turkey, Alba,
im, Mon onegra, Ituislii thenoe Into llorneo
ainong the iieree and sorcery. loving Miilavsj
hence al descriptions of places, people, manner
and custom Hro neciiratn. '1 lie editors do not
hesitate to say that as a brilliant story of udven.
li re It Is without one able rival In current Jiivc
tille literal me.. This story wlllbefully IliustrateU.
Til Kilt Cl.t'll AND OU11H
h a serial story by a boy oniv fourteen years old.
J he fun and adventure of the out ofsehnol lite of
n mixed sehool of boys and Krln are depleted
Willi l ie gay touch of a boy who knows ho lias a
capital t ory to tell and enjoys telling It. The
story will have thirty six Illustration."
of the Second Century, by Knv. Kdward Kverett
Hale, will be a leading attraction ol the Christ,
ina (Jan ) number, and will at once take Its idaeo
In the long linn of Mr, Hale's (anions sl.irles,
Oilier brilliant writers of Short Hlorles will con'
'"'lite to the magazine during the year: Mrs. A.
?, Whitney, Mis. Helen Hunt Jaehson ("11.
1."), Mrs A. M, Ulan, Sophie May, Mrs. Kato
llnhnutr U'mII- &, ....... v-.... .
... . ... iwnn ,i nvriui,, J.I IS, l,u.7.m
W. Chanipiiey, Nora Perry. M. K. W. 8. (Mrs.
Sherwood), Author of "Ho Ili lglit,"o.
men mntaimiirom the Folk I.oriof all nation,
has been lveii our host uulladlsts and artists for
a series ot
In th e way of lnrorming Ml.tle Citizen about
th"lr future rights aniT leipoiislbllliles. Wiur,
AWASH boldly takes the lead nnd does what no
other magazine for young folks lias ever done for
lis readers. Mr. Ilenjamln Vnughan Abbott, lu
will deal with American Initltutlons and law
Hev. E. K. HALE, In his TO DAY Papers,
will discus In hi vivid, dramatic way, what I
timely and important In the world's allalrs Horn
month to month.
Some highly Interesting papers, tindertheoualnt
titles of
descriptive of early days aud wnys, have been
written and Illustrated at one of the oldest New
Kiiglaud homesteads.
by Arthur Oilman, M. A will tell (he history of
certain words iu a way to surest How to Use the
Mrs, Harris ha prepared a most charming ret
f be fully Illustrated from uiturebyMlssL.B.
Amoag the more amnslns feature will be A
Parlor Comedietta, mailing through three num.
hers: Games, both for Indoors and out, accom
panied by diagrams and spirited Illustrations t
and fresh and hunimnii Studies of Country Life,
In pictures without text.
Iu the October Winn Awakb was befltin n
Course of Readings, designed lor ottr yonng folk
who would like to read In a thorough manner
about Interesting and practical SHbJeets, The
magazine has been Permanently Enlarged to ad
mit tins
The Pending Course for 1812 Includes the follow-.
lng series (12 papers each):
Magna Charta Stories, edited by Arthur Oil
man, M. A.
Ways To Do Tlilnfc. by P.ev. C. It. Talbot,.
"Shirley Dare," Ac.
Old Ocean, by Ernest Tngersnll.
Tra veiling Law School, by Benjamin Vaughan
Little Biographies Music, by Hezskluh Butter
worth. Health and Strength Papers, by able authors.
What To Do About It, by the Wise Hlackblrd.
Miscellaneous Papers ou Natural History, Nat
ural Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology,
Botany, Ornithology, etc.
Artist and Kncravers have combined to pro
duce liner Illustrations than ever before, a very
pleasant Indication of which may be gathered
from the fallowing
Last spring the PnblisliersofWiOB A wake offered.
American artist ifiuO, In Three Cash Prizes, for
the Three Best Drawings for Frontispiece to the
Magazine. These Prize Proulmuiece will appear
In WiLB AWAKEdurlng lwi The Cash Award of '
I SttXlO, and the cost of engraving (nearly I vtiMi
more), amounting in total expense to Hoo (,
make the First Prize picture. A-Maylng. the
most costly frontispiece ever given In a juvenile
magazine. The Music will be under the editorship of Louis
C. Elson, and in advance ot anything before at
The Subscription Price of vVidb Awake Is I2.V1
per year; andas a special liberality the Publish
ers nave decided to give each new subscriber for
1882. whose name, with I Is received lieforo
.January 1st, the October, November and Decem
ber numbers of this jear free! Address
D. LOTHR'JP & CO., Publishers, Franklin St..
The undersigned Administrator, te of Rams el '
Miller, late of Centre township. Perry county. Pa.,
dee d., by virtue of an order of the Orphan'
Oourt of Perry county, will sell by outcry on tie
premises, on
Wednesday, 23tl daj orKorember, 1881,-
at 11 o'clock a.m.. of said day, the following de
scribed real estate to wit :
A Tract of Land,
situate fn Centre township. Perry county. Pa,
containing 52 acres, more or less, adjoining lands
of Wm, K. bhoaft. F. McKeehan, John Brown and
others, having thereon erected a two steiy
Frame Bank Barn and other outbuildings. A por
tion ot this tract is woodland aud the balance i
cleared, and in a good stateof cultivation. There?
is a spring of good water sear the dwelling bouse,
and an excellent orchard of choice fruit trees.
This property is located about hair way betweeu
Bloomnelil and Newport, the building axe lu
good repair aud oilers many attractiua to par
chasers. 2krmf Sale: Ten per cent, of tbe purchase
money to lie paid when property ts stricken olf j
ten per cent, ou cnnnruibtlen of sale, and the re.
maiuder on 1st day of April. A. D.. 1SH2, when
pouessiou will be given and the deed delivered.
November 1, 1&S1. Administrator, c