8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA., NOVEMBER 15, 1881. A Carolina Mystery. An AHlivllle, N. C. letter to I he Atlanta Constitution says : Tlicro t now going on iu the nortliurn pnrtof this, Duocombe CO., a search for a child whoso mysterious dis appearance bnllles all ootijooture. On Tues. day morning David Bnllew, Ills wife and child the latter a boy about four years old went out to tho woods one quarter of a -mile tliHtatit from their cabin, the parents .for the purpose of "riving" boards, and the child because thore was no one at the ihouse to keep it company. At about 11 o'clock A. M. tho wife ftug jrested that she must go home and prepare dinner. The husband nsseuts. Mrs. Ballew otarts lu the direction of the house to which leads an uudeviating country load. She had proceeded only Bome fifty or seventy live yards when the boy began crying to go with her. The father after an effort to pacify him, told him to go with his mothor. lust then as the child Bttutcd ou lu the direction of his mother nud home, Mr Ballew halloed to his wife to come back aud help him turn a log. Mrs. B., bad then gotten n hundred or more yards away, aud returned to the place where they bad been at work and passed the child on the way still sobbing as it walked homeward. Having spent some minutes iu aiding her liusband, Mrs. U. again started home, expecting to overtake the child. She reach ed the cabin, however, without seeing iho child, and asked two neighbors who had just come over to see lier husband if they Jiad seen it. Ou receiving a negative j espouse the mothor rushed back to look for the missing boy. Such was the story as told by the parents. Then it was that the Bearch begau iu earnest ' and, among others, the informant of your correspon dent came to aid ha troubled friends. He says that they prosecuted their fruitless search until nightfall, their numbers being constantly augmented by fresh arrivals of interested neighbors. As the darkness of the mountains' night closed in upon the anxious searchers, they gathered fagots aud lighted wood with which for miles around the hillsides were bespangled, like tho dark sky above with its thousands of trembling chandeliers. For tho subsequent days and nights has the weary search continued. But no traco of the lost boy has yet been found save the little tracks made by his bare feet in the road toward homo. A Lion's Memory. The Brattleboro Phoenix says: Mr. Charles K. Wood, of this village, who for forty years was a manager in Van Amburg's and other menageries, has just returned from a short visit to the first-named show, and relates a circumstances Bbowing the wonderful memory of animals. Mr. Wood was conversing with a showmau, when an attache said, "Go over and speak to Mose; fco hasn't taken bis eyes off you since you came in, more than an hour ago." Mr. Wood at once went to the cage and said, " Hello, Mose 1" whereupon the old lion turned a Bomorsault, whirled around, rolled over and rubbed against the bars with all the delight of a pet kitten. Mose is a very large lion, and sometimes very cross, but he was delighted and playful at seeing his old friend as a pet house dog or cat could be, and allowed Mr. Wood to handle and play with him without Bhowing anything but the greatest affection, al though he had not seen him for several .years. Starving an Imprisoned Wife. A workman at a mill at North Hoosick, was accused of confining his wife in a cold', damp room, where she had been kept for several weeks, and giving her scarcely enough food to keep life in ber body. A private detective visited the village yester--day, and his investigations proved the truth of the charge. The woman's calls from the window for food had aroused the pity aud indignation of the villagers. The alleged -cause of the inhuman treatment was the intimacy of the husbaud with a domestic The remonstrance of the wife angered the servant, and on one occasion she struck the lady of the house with a poker, inflicting a severe wound on tho head. The girl is also accused of threatening to kill her mistress. The detective, on learning the facts, deter mined to secure a warrant from Judge Forsyth for the husband's arrest, but the promisos of reform and the intercession of respectable relatives led the offioer to grant 'the offender a period of probation. A Mob Resisted. A special dispatch from Tiffin, Ohio, 'says-: At 1.80 this morning a mob com! prising several hundred appeared at the jail where Madder, who killed Phcube Bernbard, is confined. A demand was made for the keys which the sheriff refused, and having previously gathered a posse armed to protect the jail, a lively riot ensued. Offioer Brisk and Lambston received -severe injuries, but the mob was expelled, aud warrants are being issued for the lead ers. Another attack is expected to-night. Captain Lepper's militia are ordered out. A Strong Conquerer. Acoording to an Illinois exchange, our days of Iiheumatism are well nigh number ed. at. Jacobs Oil enters a rheumatic territory, and conquers every subject. That's right. We believe in it. Mil. tvaukee Lvcning Wisconsin. mm I Remedy buchas Diseases TEiTER.ITCH. S0RE9. PIMPLES. ERYSIPEIAS WINGWORM.. THE CREArCURE FOR IW1MB PILES Bymptomaare molfiture, stinging, itching, worse at night j 0eni8M If pinwornw were crawling about the rectum; the private parts are often affected. Ah ft pleflpuint, economical and poeittre cur. Swathe's UintmentIi superior to any article In the market. Sold bydruggiit,or Bend60ct.in 8-ct Stamps. 8 Boxes, Address, Ds. S wayne ft Som, fbiltl, Pa. September 20, 1881 ly POSITIVELY CURED BY Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. Reasons Why they txro Pretexted to All Other Porous Plasters or External Itemed test int. Because they possess all the merit at lira strengthening porous plaster, and contain in dition thereto the newly discovered powerful and active vegetable combination which Bote with in creased rubefacient, stimulating, sedative and couuter irritant effects. Second. Bceause they are a pennlne pharmaceutical prep aration, and bo recognized by the profession. Third. Because they nro tho only plasters that relieve )aiu at once. fourth Because they will positively enro disease! which other remedies will not even relieve. Fifth. Bocansc over B0OO physicians and drngelstshave voluntarily testified that they are aunerior to all other plasters or medicines (or external use. Sixth. Becanse the manufacturers have received the only medals ever given for porous plasters, Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster! SEABURY & JOHNSON, iwaiiuiacrunng unemists, new xorK. , HIJRK KKIIIKDY AT LAST. Price sscts. 1 MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. G RAND BOULEVARD HOTEL, Corner Sflth St. mid Broadway, XB2W IORK. On Both American & European Plans. Fronting on Central Park, the Grand Boule vard, Broadway and Fifty-Ninth Street, this Ho tel occupies the. entire square, and was built and furnished at an expense of over 4mO,000. It Is one of the most elegant as well as finest located In the city ; has a passenger Elevator and alt modern improvements, and Is within one square of the deiiots of the Sixth and Eighth Avenue Elevated R. K. Cars and still nearer to the Broad way cars convenient and accessible from all parts of the city.' Rooms with board. 82 per day. Special fates for families and permanent guests. Aug.2l. 'oO ly f E. HASKELL, Proprietor. SPECTACLES AND EVE GLASSES! Spectacles for the old, middle aged, and young. Spectacles for all kinds of sights. Spectacles for Headache. A fine and varied assortment. Adjusted properly to suit all eyes by Dr. DAVID II. C00VEK, Oculist end Optician, - NO. 21 SOUTH 3rd STREET, (Between Market and Chestnut Sti.,) IIAKKISBUKG, 1A.. ayoilice hours from 8 A. M. to 3 P. M. Or send a three cent stamp for the "Improved methodof adjusting Spectacles and Eye Glasses," by Uie use of which you cau beleut your own glasses. ARTIFICIAL EYES IXSERTED. , 30T29 GREAT COMBINATION. IHE DVI1Y rOflRNAl ) AND (- Dcwsfs Illustrated Monthly MAGAZINE. 1 Both Publications, One Year, -) FOB ( ti.GO, (SEAEN FIFXY.) Demohest's Montult s justly entitled the Worm's Model Maguiiie. The Largest in Form, the Largest in Circulation, aud the best TWO lHillar Family Magazine issued. ISsi will be the eighteenth ear of Its publication it Is now Im proved so extensively as to place It lu the frout ruuk of family periodicals, aud equal to any mag. azlue. It contains 64 pages, large quarto, 8'4 x HH Inches, elegantly printed ou tinted paper, luliy illustrated, each number having steel en. Cravluga. oil picture, or art subjects, published y W. Jennings liemoiest. New York, and by special agreement combined with the GAILA JOflRNAl n $Z.S0 Per Year. Ache pUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The nndeislcned Administrator, eVc. of Bnmuel Miller, late of i.'niitre township, Ferry county, Pa., deu'd., by virtue of an order ol the Orphans' Oourt of Ferry county, will sell by oulcry on the premises, on Wednesday, 23il day of Kovcmbcr, 1881, at 19 o'clock a. m., of said day, the following de scribed real estate to wit i A Tract of Land, situate In Centre township, Perry county, Pa., containing fi2 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Wm, K. Hlioiiir, h. McKeehan, John tlronu and others, having thereon erected a two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Frame Hank Darn and other outbuildings. A por tion ol this tract Is woodland and the balance Is cleared, and In a good stateof cultivation. There is a spring ol good water near the dwelling house, and an excellent orchard of choice fruit trees. Tills properly Is located about hall way between Illoomlleld and Newport, the biilhllnps are In good repair aud It oilers many attractions to pur chasers. Jterms qt Sale: Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid when property Is stricken oil t ten per cent, on continuation of sale, and the re mainder on 1st day of April, A. 1).. 1S2, when possession will be given and the deed delivered. WALLAt'K DkWITT. November 1,1881. . Administrator, lie. REAL ESTATE At Public Sale ! The undersigned attorney In fact of the hplrs of John V. Lindsay, dee d., will sell ou the premises, On Thursday, November IT, 1881, aUen o'clock, A. M., the following real estate to A TRACT OF LAND. situate In Liverpool township, Perry county, Ta., adjoining lands ot William Lindsay, containing 14 acres of good farm land, having thereon erected a two-story Frame House, Frame Barn, Spring houe and other buildings. This property is situate within three miles of the town ol Liverpool, ami Is a very desirable home for any person who wants a smiill property. TERMS : Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid on day sale ; one third ot balance nil the 1st of January, 18, and the balance on the 1st of April, 1HM. Longer time will bo given If more suitable to purchaser. WILLIAM LINDSAY, November 1, 1881. Attorney In Fact. WE HAVE OPENED ouit WITH ONE OF THE Largest Stocks Ever displayed in Central Penn sylvania. o When you go to buy you like to find a good assortment. You have never looked upon a better one than we are displaying this season. We have Men's Suits, Com mon) at $4.00, $5.00, $700. W e have men's Suits, Good, at $8.00, 10.00, 12.00. We have men's Overcoats at $3.00, 5.00, 7.00. We have men's Overcoats at $8.00, 10.00, 12.00. We Have Child's Suits at $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 We have Boy's Suits at $3.00, 4.00, 0.00 We have Boy's Overcoats at $2.50, 4.00, 0.00 We have Men's Heavy Boots, Good at $1.75, 2. 50,3.00 We have Boy's Heavy Boots, Good at $1.50, 2.00, 2.50 We have Ladies' Heavy Shoes at $1.00, 1.25, 1.50- We have Ladies' Button Shoes at $1.40, 1.75, 2.00 We have Children's Button Shoes at OOcts. $1.00, l.5 We have Common Carpets at 20o. 25c. 35c. per yard. We have Good Carpet at 54c. 00c. 75c. per yard. We have Trunks for S1.90, 3.00,5.00 We have Wool Hats (Men's) at COc. CO. 75c We have Fur Hats at $1.00,1.50,2.00 We have Ladies' Coats at $2.50, 3.50, 0.00 We have Ladies' Dolmans at $4.60, 7.00 10.00 We have White Bed Blankets at $2.00, 3.00, 5.00 We have Colored Bed Blankets at $1.25, 2.00, 3.00 We have a full line of Shawls, Skirts, Hosiery; Men and Women's Underwear, Watches, Jewelry, and the best general line of Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods in the County, gjj Don't for get the longest established and most Reliable house. MARX DUKES & CO, EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. DIVES, POMEROY. & STEWART! JB A R O A. 1 1ST S ! Now offering the following goods at the following prices : WHITE BKIKTS. l.!rr!pair I. HI) 8.N) " " 6.00 " " FELT SHIM'S. ro (7 l.co1 1.2.5 1 S1H l.NI 1.7.1 2 110 2 2i 21 trey blai too 23. - . ' - " ' - ' iwou J11UJ11I1 O 1 ' 1 1-V l. D( DIVES TOMEROY & STEWART, ZVortH:irlMt. IIA.ltltI8liUlt, PA. EXCELLENT BARGAINS, GREAT VARIETY. OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK 13 NOW OPEN. SILK PRESS GOODS, VELVETS, PLUSHES, BLACK GOODS LADIES CLOTHES, MERINO UNDERWARE, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BLANKETS AND FLANNELS. Ladies' Coats, Dolmans and Circulars, OUR ASSORTMENT OF ' DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS U by far tho largest In Central Pennsylvania. Onr goods liava been bought In large quan titles, from manufacturers and Importers and we will guarantee prices lower than for same quality elsewhere Examine our stock and prices before purchasing. EINSTEINS, Xo. 223 market Ktrcct, IIAHBtlSItlJEHJ 1A. 42-3 ui. THE LABQEST BUY G00D3 HOUSE 117 HAMtlSBUECr. 1881 CAR PETS ! LOOK AT THESE PRICES: TAPESTRY BRUSSEL, .... 65 to $1.00 THE VERY BEST EXTRA INGRAIN, - - 85 cents GOOD INGRAIN, ... . 50 to 75 cents BEST BODY BRUSSEL, . - - - $1.35 to $1.45 We will Sell at these Figures for a Few Weeks Only. We have the Celebrated 3Ioth Destroyer. We have More Carpets and More Patterns than all the other Carpet Houses. In this City. Call and examine for yourselves. No trouble to Show Goods. Quick Sales and Small Profits. DON'T MISTAKE THE PLACE! 31 North 3rd Street, In the Opern House, HARRIS BURG, FA., 1881. Corns and See Our 1881. NEW FALL STOCK OF CARPETS. Don't mistake our location, hut remember that YINGST'S NEW CA11PBT STORE its tit 111 MAKKET STREET, TIVXMTfSXJ XJ JJ O , XV. Neak FrtoNT St., Patteuson's Old Stand. WE opened at above place, a few months ago, with an entire NEW STOCK. Onr success was fur boyond our expectation. Thanks to many friends and formor patrons for that success which we will ever try to merit by keeping only good reliable CARPETS, fec., and representing them as wo know them to be, and soiling at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Ws have just opeied our new Fall Stock of CARPETS, which are handsome patterns and astonishing low prices. WE WANT YOU TO SEE THEM. A lot of first-class STRAW MATTING left on hand, we will close bolow cost. COME AND SEE US. We will appreci ate your Influence and patronage. Very respectfully, yours, Harrisburg, Sept. 20, 1881.3m IT. W. YINGST. IXy clrn-iilio Cement Bend. T Branch. Maine Pipe. MANUFACTURERS OP Patent -A-vtlllcial Stone DRAIN, SEWER, WELL AND CULVERT PIPES. From 4 to 30 Inches In diameter. The Strongest and Most Durable Fine In the Market, Is eailer laid, will never rutt, forms a smoother and more perfect joint than any other pipe. Unalfectd by rosts and Acids. Does not deiwnd on a Miln glazing for sirenKth or durability as terra cotta ware or other clay pipes do. Made from Kosendala cement aud grows harder year by year, until it be -comos veritable stone. Notrotiblewttltrootsoltr.es. No undermining by rats, mo blisters or prickly points Inside to retard the tlow of sewerage. Price llBts aud circulars furnished on applica tion. 4j4t OFFICE, 514 MARKET STREET, (U. S. Hotel Building.) Works, Corner Herr St. aud Pcnnsylyanla Canal, Harrisburg, Pa. Agents Wanted for the best "Authentlo Lite and Public Services ol PRESIDENT GARFIELD, fully Illustrated with steel engravings. The most thrilling, eventful, and Christian herolo life be fore tlie world. Truly a friend of humanity. His last days all fully and ably told by one of the best authors. Will outsell all others. Lose no t line to sscure territory. Extra terms, outfit only 60 cents. Address at once D. L, GUERNSEY, Pub., 61 Cornhlll, Boston, Mast. 43U46 SOUTH Don't locate before seelngour James River Settlement, lllus. catalogue free. J. P. Maucua, Claremont, Burry Co., Va. 45dl8 WANTED ON SALARY. Mon to sell Trees. Shrubs, Grape Vines. Roses, etc, No pieviousexnnrlence necessary, Kxiwuses paid. J. P. LeC'LAKK, Nurseryman, Rochester, N, Y. 46d OLD MEDAL AWARDED the Author. A now anrt great UhJ Ic&i Work,warrantd t ho ImwI aud cheapen!, indistnftatie to every man,ontitlKlMtbe8aienoof Life or,8lf-pTr?ation ; bound in flnoat French muslin, emboeiH'd. full jfiit.ailO pp. oud tains beautiful Steel Ofrrayinus, preiiurip tiona, price only $1 26 aeut by mail; illuatrated sample, ticonta; end nnw.AddreMa l'mthnH Mut. f U(1W THYRFT V Itluto or Dr. W. H. r All 43d46 EX-SOLDIERS is nd their HKIRR Hliould all send lor sain iiIh nmiv nf flint w.tn. derful paper. The World and Soldier pub lished at Washington, D. C. It contains Htories of the War, (Jump Life. Scenes from Hie Kittle Held, and a thousand things of Interest to our oountry's defenders. It contains all the Laws and Instructions relating to IVnslousand Bounty for soldiers and their heirs. Riant pages, forty columns, weekly. II a year. Rumple free. Address Woild aud Boldler. iiox MX, Washington, D. c. 454ti USDEItSHIRTS. 25 3TK M 7S l.W) Children In nil nl7.es In 8 uallile. 1881 CARPETS ! Pipe Works s Aaenta wanted for Ihe Life and Work ot GARFIELD The only complete story of his noble life and tragic death. Fresh. brilliant, reliable. Elegant ly printed In English and German; beauti fully illustrated i handsomely bound. Fastest selling book ever nubllshed. By John C. Bid path, LL. D. pAIITinM Do not buy the catchpenny, re JrJ i iuii. vamped campaign books with which the country Is now flooded. They are ut terly worthless; an outrage upon the memory ot the great dead, and a base fraud on the public. This book is entirely new. The only work worthy the theme. Send 60o. in Stamps for Agent's Outfit. Junes BROTHERS & CO.. Publishers. Phila delphia. 41 SHAWLS. StNOI.E. DOtmi.B 1.IU 2 HI 1.K5 2 7S l.W B.W) 200 80 2.21 4.6'l 2.37K MO 2PU 825 2 75 fi f.O aim 6.00 H VS I). IH) 3.50 7.00 ESTATE NOTICE. Notice is herebyglv en that Letters of Administration have been granted ou the estate of William Tines, late) ot Greenwood township, Perry county. Pa., to Frederick O, Pines and Andrew B. Pines, said Frederick G. Pines residing at Hen venue, (or Clark's Ferry), aud said Andrew B. Pines resid ing In said Greenwood township ; wherefore all persons indebted to said estate are respectfully requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly autheutl catedto FREDERICK (J. PINES. ANDREW B. PINKrt, JohmC. Wai.'IS, Att'y. Administrators. September 27th, lftSI. A Small Farm For Sale. A TRACT OF GOOD LAND, containing 13 A AcrrS. having thereon erected, a GOOD ilOUSK and BARN. Plenty ot Fruit of all kinds and a Spring of kwm! water near the house. This property is siuated Vt ot a mile from Dounally's Mills. Perry County, Pa., and 6 miles from the Pa. R. R. it Is a Kood place for au Ore miner. t erms easy. Apply to JOHN BK8SI.ER. Dounally's Mills, Sep. 6, Wl. perry Co.. Fa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers