4 THE TIMES NEW BLOOM FIELD, l'A., NOVEMBER 15, 1881. THE TIMES. JS'ew JlloomleUl, Xvv. IS, Iff SI. NOTICE TO M HKCIUIlF.n. I.ank t the Bprur nn til Inbnl nf yniir tnr. TlnHMKun' it'll ym i Iih thuoln wltirtiyoiti'Miiit vrlattoil tm palri. WIIMn II WBekHslter nioiiny is sunt, ifft If tho iUi Is otiita Kwt. Mo other rclt NOTIC'K TO AIVKIII'IHK118, No Out or Htprpnlyps will ti1ntirtfl hi this iir ttflltMH Ittrlit luce mid on Hiatal blue. "Twenty tiirpnnt. in eriMit of rKutr rate., will tMourKeUtirnilvertlenitnU tlu JiuiibloOoliuun. Mr. J. H. IUTKB, Newspaper Advertising Ag't. 41 l'ark Row, tTlnies BulUllior). Nw York, m an thorlzed to contract (or advortlsmeiits 'or tit 1 n paper at our best rates. (Hood OflVl-H. Ou the 1st of January we Intend to enlurgo tub timeh, by the addition of another column to each page and to fur ther Improve it by a new dress. Every new subscriber for the year 18S2 can have TUB TIMES FOIl NOTHING, from now, till the 1st of January. 15y subscribing at once, the paper will bo Bent till January 1HS3 for the price of one year's subscription. Each old subscriber who will pay a pear in advance previous to Dec. loth, will receive a copy of Kendall's house hook fhee. We make these offers In order to lessen the number of changes that usually crowd Into the month of January, and as we have to reset our mailing list It in desired to have as many as possible of these changes made before that is done. This enlargement will cost us consid erable cash and labor, but the generous support we have received warrants us in making this improvement without any increase in the subscription price. The President lias appointed Thurs day, November 24th, as a National day of Thanksgiving. Nearly half of the horses in and around New York are Buffering from the disease called "Pink eye." One of the trulu robbers, recently sen tenced to seventy . years imprlsoment, has already died of home sickness. The Independent vote seemed to be out and pretty lively In all parts of the Btate. It ia seldom so much scratching is done as was done on Tuesday. Three girls, the oldest only fifteen years of age, were found drunk ou the street In Philadelphia, a few days since. The saloon keepers who sold them the liquor were arrested. The prisoners in the Camden, N. J., jail mado an attempt to escape on Mon day last, by assaulting the warden and then trying to push through the gate as be went out. By free use of bis black jack and pistol, the attempt was frustrated. Ox Monday last the manager of the the Philadelphia Pres received infor mation that the compositors of that offlce Intended to strike on election night, unless promised certain things. The editor forestalled the matter by putting; on an entire new force and discharging all the old hands. The Star Route Frauds. Washington, November 10. In the criminal court this morning Judge Cox rendered a decision in the Star Itoute cases, discussing principally the question as to the Infamy of the crime charged. The conclusion arrived at was that the crime was Infamous, and that the accus ed should bave been proceeded against by indictment. He therefore, sustained the motion expelling the information from the files of the court, and ordered the discharge of the defendants. The case will now bo brought before the grand )ury. THE ELECTIONS. The result of the elections in the vari ous States on Tuesday last Is, as near as can be told without the official returns, about as follows : PENNSYLVANIA. Baily, the Republican candidate for State Treasurer is elected by about 6500 majority. The Wolfe vote In the State was about 49,000. NEW YORK Shows pretty nearly a drawn battle. Each party elects a portion of the State State ticket, while the Democrats proba bly have the majority in the legislature. The Republicans also lose one .member of Congress. MASSACHUSETTS . Elects the whole Republican ticket with an increased majority. VIRGINIA. Indications in Virginia are that the Mahone party bave elected their candi date for Governor, and have also carried the legislature by a good working ma jority. WISCONSIN Is so close that both parties claim the election, but the probabilities are that the Republicans bave carried the State by a small majority. iiississirri Has elected a legislature that ia three- fourths democratic and the en tl re dem ocratic Biota ticket by probably 30,0(10 majority. NKIIRAHKA Is llepubllcan by a majority of nearly 20,000. . CONNECTICUT Elects a legislature that will stand, Ben ate, Deni. 0, Rep. 17 ; House, 140 Itep., 1)9 Dem., 1 Ureeubacker. NEW JERSEY. Elects a legislature that is Republican, but by a reduced majority. MARYLAND Shows some Republican gains. The next legislature will be, Senate, 10 dem. ocrats, and 10 republicans', a gain of five Senators for the Republicans; House, CO Dem., Zl Rep. OFFICIAL VOTE OF PERRY COUNTY. The result of the election Is a surprise to both parties. No election ever was held In this county at which so much scratching and trading was done, as will be seen In the tables below. The Democrats elect the President Judge, the Register, two Commissioners, Director of the Poor and one Auditor. The Republicans elect the County Treasurer, District Attorney, one Com missioner and two Auditors. The vote on State ticket, as compared with vote of 18H0, shows a falling off of nearly a thousand votes. The Republi cans having a decrease of 013, and the Democrats a decrease of 438, while the amount to be added for the Wolfe vote is only 107. VOTE OF PRESIDENT IN 1880 AND STATE TREASURER, 1881. President. State Treat. a k "5 n a DISTRICTS 11 ? ? ? rt O 5S f p j f Blaln 40 80 S3 87 Bloomlleld 1)3 01 50 08 Buflalo township 105 64 CI) 8? Carroll 177 180 10 140 10 Centre 143 OS 8!) 137 Uuncannou 207 47 88 148 SO Urceuwood IIH bl 0U V'i 1 Howe 40 40 30 45 Jackson 6'J 105 134 A4 Juniata ' 85 118 08 09 Landieburg 53 81 28 4!J 4 Liverpool B 75 00 83 40 10 Liverpool twp 70 03 80 41) 11 Madison 00 85 75 0U 1 Marysvllle t4 120 108 86 3 Miller 38 4u 84 S3 Mlllerstown1. 05 40 80 80 1 New Butlalo 3 27 23 10 Newport 151 130 123 130 14 Oliver 03 87 01 77 Fenn 308 105 80 176 23 Kye 01 123 70 47 Bandy Hill 101 01 51 03 Baville 153 200 100 141 Spring 844 S23 78 Toboyne 45 134 120 85 Tuscarora 03 100 71 03 8 Tyrone 171 160 128 140 5 Watts 18 77 4 13 3 Wheatlluld 11)0 70 00 83 Totals;. 8033 2803 2435 2420 107 PRESIDENT JUDGE, REGISTER AND RE CORDER, TREASURER. Pres. Jutlie. Treas urer. anil Red. si p ts DISTRICTS. St P D tD 0 f H'aln 37 32 30 34 82 38 liloomlleld (j ' 83 4 84 60 W Kulfalo 83 t',7 m 8S 67 87 Carroll JH lso US 144 1 07 157 Centre Ml lid !H l:j rj h lluucauuon.... SSI 1)4 SD llW B5 139 Greenwood .... 80 77 74 9i "il 07 Howe 41 40 34 47 8 4 4'i JnnKsou 133 f.2 131 M 134 5a Juniata 106 M 104 63 87 74 Landiaburg-.... 40 37 47 28 34 43 Liverpool Cor.. 103 40 87 ftf M 60 Liverpool twp.. lnu 41 81 60 8.1 59 Madison 9 69 78 80 74 04 Marysvllle 12) Bl 113. 'S3 108 86 Miller 36 21 34 2i 36 21 Mlllerstown.... 34 86 33 81 37 84 New Buffalo.. 22 13 22 19 18 19 Newport 137 1SS 147 129 01 173 Oliver 75 (6 73 69 54 85 1'enn 184 04 91 182 119 159 Kye 70 55 74 61 78 4K Sandy tlill 78 60 7 8 65 51 92 Savllle 214 09 225 01 ISO 127 fiprtliR 231 7 1 230 70 221 79 Toboyne 1M 27 122 33 121 34 Tuscarora 81 56 79 59 73 64 Tyrone 142 124 175 06 133 141 Watts in 16 63 14 H 17 Wheattleld 77 71 72 70 71 76 Totals 2897 2038 2682 2212 2475 2487 DISTRICT ATTORNEY AND COMMISSION ERS. Commiaslotiers. DISTRICTS. Blaln ' 32 38 22 84 84 50 BlooinOeld 4H it5 57 68 01 97 Runalo 75 77 71 53 19 81 Carroll 113 113 107 101 156 163 Centre 75 MR 84 80 142 138 Duncannon.. .. 32 176 47 38 163 167 Greenwood .'.k. 73 07. 7.1 6H H7 l'O Howe St 46 34 35 48 43 Jackson 133 55 108 "127 63 88 Juniata 07 68 09 132 32 68 LauUisburir.... 26 51 2) 80 45 56 Liverpool lior.. 112 31 107 73 63 88 Liverpool twp. 95 41 115 M 71 27 Madison 75 91 69 74 PI 102 Marysvllle 11W () lis 107 89 88 Miller 33 1!3 31 38 21 20 Millerstown.... 49 8H 41 49 77 82 New Ruttalo... 23 , 18 21 211 21 18 Newport 127 . 147 12.1 14 129 134 Oliver 61 81 60 89 64 77 Penu . 43 216 91 81 192 196 Rye 77 49 83 811 46 45 Sandy Hill 4r 04 51 49 91 91 Savllle. 127 IIH) 175 142 151 8rlnn 212 90 216 223 77 87 Toboyue ....... 126 29 114 L2 33 40 Tuscarora Ml 69 73 80 6 64 Tyrone 28 146 134 127 137 164 Watts v4 13 64 61 18 11 Wlioutueld 08 81 71 67 70 81 Totals 2379 2615 2470 2192 2453 2562 Dik. Attorney. r1 ' 5 'ts ts o w S I 3 if P S P g Sr a & : : P : B DIKEC'TOH OK THE POOH AfD AUDITORS. ' U'r of the County l'oor. Auditor e. OS ta g eo o 1 3 a I W msTiticTS c ? s: E I 4 t & i W P P i W Wain !W at S3 31 !17 80 Hlnnmllold.. 57 (15 57 68 tU III) Huflalo 05 SO (15 05 Ml Hi) Carroll 100 1.50 lull 111 154 155 Centre 81 187 84 84 138 138 Duncannon 41 108 41 40 Jfll 1H0 Orconwood. 08 10!! 71 1(H) 00 71) Howe 85 40 HO 80 45 45 Jackson 151 133 183 55 55 Juniata (18 CO 80 104 03 78 Landltburg 80 !I8 83 33 44 44 Liverpool H 85 58 84 K4 50 50 Liverpool tp R0 55 85 85 CO f,l) Madison ISO 48 71 74 01 03 Mryvlle...l01) 87 100 110 80 87 Miller 84 23 S3 8!) 22 24 Mlllerst'wn 81) 82 88 5t 74 '0 NewBuflalo 23 10 23 22 10 10 Nowport 18 141 120 130 140 140 Oliver (18 75 (15 (1 78 78 Fenn 84 1117 8 84 107 190 live 70 47 70 80 47 47 Bandy Hill.. 82 110 50 ti t 03 (10 Bavlllo 170 147 107 Kill 140 148 Spring 221 70 215 225 83 77 Toboyne 123 83 113 110 84 80 Tuicarora... 73 00 74 75 (13 (13 Tyrona 141 130 130 133 14 143 Watts 0 13 0 04 13 13 Whoalflold.. (0 81 (10 00 81 81 '"2537 8453 3410 2523 2513 2511 James M. Wilson, Prohibitory Candldato for Btate Treasurer, had 4 votes In liloomlleld, 3 In Carroll, 3 in Centre, 7 in Greenwood, 3 In Landlsburp, 1 In Liverpool H., 0 in Newport, 4 In Oliver, 7 In Bavlllo, and 1 In Watts total 40 voles. R. AV. Jackson, Greenback candidate, had no vote In the county. MA40RITES Noble's (D) majority 15 t Har nett D., c50 ) Wclse, K., 12 Bhuil, K.,845; Bheafler, 11. 60 Darner D. 17) Black, U., 22 Hlstellne, D.,84) Bbcibley, 1., Crce, II., and Fllcklngcr, K., Auditors elected. Life in New York. Three small children were huddled together last night on some bedding, which, with other household goods, was strewn upon the sidewalk in front of 281 Mulberry street. They were children of Mrs. Rellly, whose husband Patrick went away a month ago and has not re turned. Mrs. Rellly had no money to pay her rent, and her furniture was put out of the house on Wednesday. Her son, 25 years old, who is sick with con sumption, was taken Into the rooms of a neighbor, but the mother and other children spent the night on the side walk. Yesterday Mrs. Rellly got money enough to buy her children some bread, but sbe told tbem that they would have to spend the night in the street. A big white dog that has shared tbelr poverty since Reilly disappeared, watched over the homeless children while they slept. -JV. Y. Sun. Changed his Mind. A man had a curious race for life near Meriden, Conn. He swallowed a large dose of morphine, intending suicide, but quickly changed his mind, and started for the nearest physician, who was two miles away. He felt the dangerous drowsiness stealing over hiin, and ran with all his might. The exercise kept him awake, but his mouth became parched, his eyes filmy, and his strength less. He stopped to pray, but an Instant of delay warned him that unless he depended on miraculous help, there was no time to be lost on his knees. He at length stumbled into the doctor's office, and fell senseless to the floor, but was saved by energetic treatment. A Very Mean Girl. Ella Weather cared nothlDg for any of the young men of Lawrencevllle, HI., but for deviltry made several believe she was in love with them. One of her latest tricks was to Invite Albert Micho lis and John Tenehan to call on the same evening, telling each that the other was particularly odious to her, and amusing herself with the quarrel which she felt sure would arise. The result was more serious than words. The rivals had a flerceencounter.and Tenehan was killed. New York Death Traps. Two tenement houses in New York, city fell at an early hour on Wednesday morning last, burying the occupants In the ruins. The fire alarm was sounded which brought firemen to the rescue, and they suoceeded in digging out quite a number, some unhurt and others badly injured. Nine dead bodies have already been found. The cause of the disaster was a weak foundation. Singular Accident. On Sunday week a young daughter of Capt H. Chapman, Cape Cod, Mass., in endeavoring to pull out a bureau drawer, shook It so hard as to cause the mirror, which was on the top of the bureau, to fall, striking ber In such a way as to al most sever the nose from her face. C2TXew York, November 10. The elevator in the Belvldere hotel fell this afternoon from the Fifth story to the basement, the hoisting rope having giv en way. Six persona who were In the car, were all more or less injured. John Mercer, a porter, will probably die. Escape of a Murderer. Little Rock, November 7. Martin Goldworthy, in jail at Paris, Logan county, for murder, escaped yesterday, by leaving his mother in his cell and wearing a portion of her clothing to dls guise him as he passed out. Mined laiicous News Item. CSTTue stock-yards hotel at Indlannpo. lis having raised the prloe of board, tlio stock-yard men bavo struck, and doclined to patronlzo tlio hotel bar, which was the only moiioy-maklng part of tlio Institu tion. S"A Tovramlo, III., farmer piitl a Bloomlngtou teamster $0 for the return of a lost package of $2,000 in currency, llo said, however, bo would have paid ( 100 reward, but the $2,000 returned was the cxict amount required to lift the debt off his farm. CSTTue other day a drover was shot nonr Shawangunk, N. Y., by somo un known person, wbo was doubtless after $1,450 which the drover had. The aisil ant fled because of fright without obtain ing anything. The drover was found insensible, lie Is uuknown, and it is thought will dio. tSPTbe military commission from Mass. to inquire into tho allegod misconduct of tlio Ninth Mass. Regiment, on the Yoik towu Centennial trip began its itivestiga tion at Richmond, Va., last week and examined a number of witnesses'. The evidence will not be made public until the report of the commission is made. The depositions weio made under oath, and some of them are exceedingly damaging t5 the good name of the regimont. singular discovery was made In St. Louis a few dnys ago. A gang of men engaged in digging the foundation fur a tiew refinery uncovered the mouth of a well fifty feet deep drilled through the solid rock. . It was filled with clay, but whon cleaned out, rapidly filled with pure water. No one appears to have known of its exis tence. ' KA lynching patty met at Sorocro, New Mexico a few days ago to bang a robber. After the business had been com pleted, and before tho meeting adjourned, it was discovered that two of their number wore mounted on stolen horses. Thoy were arrested and brought before an improvised court, and in a few minutes were suspended alongside of the first victim. tWA peculiar charge was made against two prisoners at the Central Criminal Court in Londou the other day. Borne time ago one bad been sentonced to two months' imprisonment, and the other to one. But at the prison they exchanged names, tho consequence being that the one that had really the longest sentence was released first. The other excused himself by saying he was hard up at the time, and was wil ling to serve a second month for a consider ation. The two were found guilty of conspiracy, and sentenced one to six months at hard labor, the other to three months. Paris, Nov. 0. The superior of the " Missions Etrarjgeres" In Ibis city baa received a dispatch from Hong Kong to-day announcing that a terribly disastrous ty phoon has ravaged western Tonquin. Two hundred churches, thirty-four presbyteries and colleges and two thousand houses have been reduced to ruins. Sixty thousand Christians bave lost all they possessed. The suffering is frightful. CSTA culprit was recently tried in a German court of justice for a murder and robbery. The Judge, before summing up the evidence for the jury's consideration, asked the prisoner whether he bad anything to say for himself. "Only this, jour Hon or," roplied the latter ; "it was not a mur der, but a suicide." Judge "How do you make that out?" Prisoner "In this way your Honor. The deceased, for years be fore bis death, went about everywhere saying that be was determined to put an end to himself; but he never bad the cour ago to do so. At last his irresolution moved me to pity; so to save him from disappoint ment, and, more especially, from being worse than bis word, I suicided him." Judge "That is all very well ; but what made you take his watch?" Prisoner " When be was dead he did not require a watch. I did, aod so I very naturally put it in my pocket. Besides, he was an old friend of mine, and I wanted something t j romember him by." OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Washikgion, D. C, Nov. 11, 18SI. Within a few days the preliminary skirmish for the Speakership of the Honse of Representa tives will begin. A week hence Members will begin to arrive to settle themselves for the winter, and the candidates will have their headquarters open for business. There la scarcely a doubt that the Republicans will con trol the organization. They have a majority of one over all, according to the latest figures, counting tho vacancies filled by the election just held. Yet there are contingencies which may render the situation doubtful enough to be Interesting. If the Greenback Member fiud that by shrewd management they can con trol the balance of power, it is not Improbable that they will act nnltedly though Tour of the slue have pretty strong Republican antecedent. J ude Kcllcy, of Pennsylvania, was clocted as a straight Republican but he Is a thorough arcoDbacker, and It has been s(igMed that If ho wore nominated by that party for Speaker ha would withhold his vote, as did Judge Davis In the Senate, and thus deprive the Republi cans of their majority. Of course this could not help the Domocrats, and It would accom plish nothing beyond the opening the way to a possible combination against the Republicans. But the chances are ton to one that the latter will come out ahead against all contingencies. It Is expected here that the appointment of a Now Yorker as Secretary of tha Treasury will have considerable Influence upon the Speaker ship contest. Mr. Iliscock, of New York, has. been regarded as having the Inside track, but now It Is thought the West will come to the frout, with a positive demand that New York shall not havo all the big thlnps, and It will do no good to recall Ohio. They say, by tho way, that ail offlce seekers who come here now register from New York Just as they quite re cently all came from Ohio. This may do for a Joko, but New Yoik, In splto of her size and Importance, Is not likely to carry off as much as Ohio did when she had the swing. Mr. Iliscock has been here working np his canvass, catching such Members as have straggled In. Mr. Burrows, of Michigan, is also here, hard at work. Not many Members have been hero yet, bat the candidates are carrying on a lively correspondence. Mr. KIcfcr.of Ohio, has been here and will soon retnrn again. lie still has faith In Ohio's star, and hopes to capture tbo prize. Mr. Kasson, of Iowa, has not yet put In appearance. His chances and qualifica tions are equal to any candldato mentioned, but there are some objections to his pronounced tariff views. Mr. Davis, of Illinois, second Chicago district, is also mentioned for the posi tion, though ho Is not seeking it. This latter fact Is a (trong recommendation, and the se lection would bo a thoroughly good one. The friends of Mr. Randall are anxious that ho should receive the compliment of the Demo cratic caucus nomination, and It may be that he wlK gel It. But there are many of the Democratic Members, particularly from tho South, who are determined that Mr. Randall shall receive . no more honor at the bands of the Democratic party of tho House, either of a substantial or of a complimentary character. The new Secretary of the Treasury has taken rooms at the Arlington, where he will reside this winter. He has assumed charge of bis office and Is credited with a purpose to stir things np considerably In that Department. Besides calling a halt In the present rapid pay ing off of the National debt the Idea being that this generation Is bearing too much of the burden and that Internal revenue taxes may be reduced it Is said we are to have a number of important changes In the pertonnel of the Department. Assistant Secretaries Upton and French and all tho old ring will, if the reports are correct, be called upon so make room for new men. There are changes la the atmos phere all ronnd, and we shall hear of them when Congress meets. The contrast between the action of Attorney General MacVeagh, who is determined to get oat of the Cabinet, and Secretary of the Navy Hunt, who seems equally determined to stay In, excites much, comment here. The President is more anxious to get rid of Hunt than of any other member of the old Cabinet, bat the latter sticks to him like a leech and follows him wherever be goes y. In fact docs everything but get down on his knees and beg to be retained. Music Hath Charms, ect. One of tho great manufacturing interests of Uoston, is the Emerson Piano Company, whose pianos are used with bigb apprecia tion and satisfaction throughout the world. In a recent conversation with Mr. Joseph' Uramer, one of the proprietors, that gen tleman remarked: I have used that splen did remedy, St. Jacobs Oil, in my family, and found it so very beneficial that I will never be without it. It has cured me of a severe case of rheumatism, after other rem edies bad failed. St. Louis Western-Watchman. Money to Loan. $200. $300, $100, and $500, for one year, on real estate security at 0 per cent, interest. Apply at once. Johk C. VVallis, Attorney. New Bloomfield, Pa. Western Union Telegraph connecting with all parts of the world. Office at New Bloomfield In Mortimer's build ing, tf On S csd at, office open from 9 to 10 A. M.r. and 5 to 6 P. M. Wire Cloth for Fly and Mosquito net tings, also, heavy Wire Cloth for win dow guards, for sale at Mortimer's. Some Jobs. We have a few special bargains which we will mention. A lot of Tumblers, 43 cents per dozen. A ot of Jelly Glasses, 50 cent3 per dozen. IN THE CITY. JF. 3Iortimcr 13 IN THE CITTT AND" NEXT WEEK WILL BE ABLE TO OFFEK SOME GOOD BARGAINS In New and Pretty Goods 8U1TED FOR THE SEASON. F. MORTIMEU, New Bloomfield.
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