The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, November 15, 1881, Image 1

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NO. 40.
JU Independent Family Newspaper,
I t.5o vi:ai, i'ostakf: fiif.r.
so cts. row e months.
To subscribers residing In this county, where
we have no postage to pay. a discount of 2 cents
from the above terms wilt be made If payment Is
made In advance.
W Alvartislnn ratss furnished upon appllca
geledt Poeti'y.
We've got a baby at our house.
Not much bigger than a mouse ;
It lias such a tiny nose,
Tiny feet and tiny toes.
That I fancy some tine day
It will wing Its flight away
We've a baby at our house.
We've a baby at our house
Not much bigger than a aiouse; '
It has eyes as blue as blue,
Kinglets Of a golden hue.
And, If I remember right,
Three months old 'twill be to night
We've a baby at our bouse.
We've a baby at our house
Not much bigger than a mousei
Little naughty, precious weight,
Keeps me 'wake the livelong night.
With Its crying I declare
Sometimes makes me almost swear
We've a baby at our house.
We've a baby at our bouse
Not much bigger than a mouse
"Oh ! how happy yoa should be !"
Said a friend of mine to me,
"For there's many folks to-day
Would give worlds If they could say
We've a baby at our house.
A Short Courtship.
JUST after the close of tbe American
Revolution, James Tudor, a young
ship carpenter of Boston, sailed on board
the Orient, a new and staunch-built
ship, bound for Smyrna, at that time
the largest and wealthiest city of the
Levant. After the usual tedium and
want of variety incidental to so long a
voyage, the Orient arrived safely at that
port and unshipped her anchor.
The next morning, just as the cap
tain's gig was being lowered for the ac
commodation of that officer and the
supercargo, who were then preparing to
go on shore to report to the British
Consul, and pay their respects to Mr.
Tracey, the American merchant, to
whom they bore letters of introduction
and credit from Gray, Tollbltts & Co.,
the great Importing house at home, they
perceived a small row-boat rapidly ap
proaching the ship, and containing two
persons a man, who was vigorously
rowing, and one solitary female figure.
When the boat came alongside, the
boatman promptly assisted the lady on
board. Somewhat wildly, but hesitat
ingly, she inquired for the captain, who,
In company with the supercargo, was
pointed out to her. She was young and
pretty, In fact, almost childlike, and
eemed, from her wild, scared look, to
be laboring under some deep anxiety or
fear. She was dressed in garments of
the richest materials, though seemingly
thrown on in haste and with the great
est negligence.
She approached the captain, and, in a
flurried, nervous way, inquired if she
might be allowed to speak with him a
moment alone.
He answered in the affirmative, and,
drawing her aside, out of the hearing of
Lis companion, patiently prepared to
listen ; for the sudden appearance of the
etrange young woman on board his ship
at so early an hour in the morning had
greatly excited hie curiosity.
"Will you excuse me," she began tim
idly, "but are you a single or a married
man V"
Captain Ward glanced at tbe ques
tioner curiously. Indeed it was a pecu
Jiar question for a young woman to ask
of bim, a perfect stranger. But he
answered her with perfect good breeding
and politeness. Yes, he was a married
The young lady looked disappointed,
but presently recovered.
"Is there any gentleman on board
your ship who Is not married, Bnd and
whom you think would be willing to
marry a rich young girl within the
hour, and ask no questions? I will say
she has been deeply wronged and perse
cuted, but is nevertheless highly respect
ed and virtuous, though she can only
claim her property by clearly establish
ing the fact of legal marriage."
"Both of my mates are married," Bald
the captain, "and the supercargo is en
gaged to a young lady in Boston, to
whom I understand, he will be married
on our return. But hold," he added,
reflectively, "there is our carpenter,
James Tudor, a fine looking, gentleman
ly young fellow as one might wish to
see, and unmarried. In fact, lie is much
more of a gentleman in his ways and
manners , than any of ub, if we except
Mr. Owley, yonder, the supercargo."
"Can I Bee him V" inquired the
strange youug lady, eagerly.
"Oh, certainly, Miss, I will summon
him directly."
And James Tudor, the sprightly and
handsome young carpenter, was sent
for, and came promptly aft, where Cap
tain Ward and his mysterious visitor
weri standing.
It was evident at a glance that Tudor
had made, at first sight, a favorable im
pression upon the young lady.
Captain Ward therefore excused him
self to the lady, and leaving her alone
with Tudor, rejoined Owley, when the
two shortly after took their seats in the
gig and were pulled ashore by the four
seamen in waiting.
At the awkward introduction of the
captain, the carpenter touched his tar
paulin, politely, and made a low and
graceful bow, which went far toward
captivating the heart of the young lady.
"Dear sir," she Bald, blushing and
trembling visibly, "I have what may
appear a very unmaldenly proposal to
make. There is a wealthy young lady,
in whose service and Interest I am now
employed, who cannot obtain possession
of her rights excepting by marriage, as a
proviso to that effect was unfortunately
embodied in her father's will.
"Her uncle was appointed her guar
dian, and, taking advantage of the eitua
tlon, has since attempted to make a
traffic of her hand by marrying her to a
wretch whom she loathes, in considera
tion of his yielding up to him one-half
of the property, which amounts, I am
told, to over fifty thousand pounds
sterling. It is now the good wish of
this young lady to marry some one else,
and thus defeat the unprincipled guar
dian, who has been to her, since her
father's death, a most unmerciful tyrant.
She is pretty and amiable, and, have
every reason to believe, would devotedly
love her husband. And now I come to
the difficult part of my mission. Will
you, a stranger from a foreign shore,
take pity on her hopeless condition and
marry her V The moment you are mar
ried she will make over to you her en
tire fortune."
"I will marry her," said James Tudor,
"if for nothing more than to spite her
tyrant, but I will not be bo mercenary
as to exact her fortune for so slight a
"Come, then, my boat awaits you ; let
there be no delay," said the young lady,
greatly overjoyed at bis ready answer.
"You need make no alteration in your
toilet, as I am supplied with ample
means, and have been authorized to
procure for you the most costly gar
ments to be found in the market.
Hardly knowing how the adventure
was likely to end, Tudor followed the
strange young lady into her boat and
they were speedily landed at the market
She hailed a cab and the two entered it.
They were driven to a locality men
tioned by the young lady, where our
young American enjoyed the delightful
luxury of a Turkish bath, which left his
naturally clear skin as pure and white
as an infant's.
Their next step was to visit one of the
most fashionable Eugllsh clothiers in
the city, where Tudor, at the earnest
solicitation of tbe young lady, secured
the richest and most expensive outfit in
the establishment. ,
The proprietor himself assisted young
Tudor in the arrangement of his toilet,
and when once attired in those elegant
and costly habiliments, a finer-looking
gentleman could not have been met in
the city of Smyrna.
He was tolerably well educated, too ;
well read, with a great flow of language
at his command, picked up from the
works of Steele, Addison and others,
with whom, in his leisure hours, he had
made himself thoroughly conversant,
added to which he was naturally pos
sessed of easy, graceful and winning
When his toilet was complete he
glanced admiringly Into the full-length
mirror before him, and was then ushered
triumphantly into the presence of the
young lady by the gra tilled proprietor.
She looked at him in a half bewildered
way, as though Bhe were in some doubt
of his Identity, and then her eager face
was suddenly overspread with agenulue
blush of pleasure, and, taking his arm,
they re-entered the cab, which was still
In waiting, and were driven directly to
the residence of an Episcopal clergyman,
the address of whom had been previous
ly given by the young lady.
On alighting from the close cab they
were ushered into the parlor by an ofll
cious servant girl, where they were pres
ently joined by the clergyman.
"You must speak to him," whispered
the youug lady, blushing crimson, for,
as you may have guessed, I am to be
the bride, if you do not object to me."
"Nay, on the contrary," whispered
Tudor, his cheeks glowing with a manly
pleasure, "I am overjoyed to hear that
it Is you. But please tell me by what
name I am to Introduce you V"
"Susan Faber," whispered his fiancee,
smiling through her blushes.
The young American promptly ac
cepted his cue, and proceeded with a
graceful introduction of the young lady,
as well as the purpose for which he had
The clergyman bowed and withdrew,
but presently reappeared with his wife
and two daughters as witnesses.
When the interesting ceremony was
over, they again entered the cab, and
were driven to the residence of the Brit
ish Consul, before whom the new made
bride made a clear statement of all the
As good fortune would have it, Cap
tain Ward and Supercargo Owley arrived
just as she concluded, and both readily
vouched for the responsible and gentle
manly character of James Tudor, the
bridegroom, and a messenger was Imme
diately sent for the false guardian.
When he arrived and saw how mat
ters stood he ground his teeth In sup
pressed rage, but wisely declined to teBt
the validity of the marriage.
He relinquished on the spot all further
claims as tbe guardian of his niece, and,
at the request of the consul, made out a
hurried schedule of ail the property then
under his control belongiug to the afore
said niece, Mrs. Tudor.
A fortnight later, and the happy bride
came Into lawful possession of the fifty
thousand pounds lefther by her father,
and on the subsequent return of her
husband to Boston, where with the
money thus received was purchased the
wharf which bears their family name to
this day.
Railroad Anecdotes.
A CONDUCTOR the Great North,
em Paclflo Railroad tells a story il
lustrative of the iguorance and tbe
ro ugh belligerent character of some of
the people along the route, who are more
familiar with hip-pocket pistols than
with conductor's ticket punches.
"I had only made one run
here," said the conductor, "when
ing one of the sidings, we took
Simon pure, double-fisted grey-eye of
the pioneers', those fellows who live a
life In advance of civilization, making
the way easier for others, but always
leaving in time to escape the press and
improvements, the foundation for which
he has so surely laid. Evidently he had
never before seen the interior of a car,
for it was some moments before he con
cluded to seat himself, which he did
cautiously, and with that qulck.nervous
twinkle of the eye which men constant
ly on the alert for danger exhibit. Let
ine say here that in this country every
man carries a pistol, and generally in
his back pocket. Well, as I had already
seen tbe other passengers' tickets, I
took my time about matters and slowly
walked up to my man and put my hand,
with the usual quick motion, behind me
to get my punch ; but before I could say
'ticket, air 1' quicker than powder the
muzzle of a six-shooter swelled under
my eyes, and a hearty voice rang out :
'Tut her back, stranger, I've got the
drap on ye I"
(You may laugh, but I shook hands
over a free ride anyway). I happened
down the road another time when there
was a service held in the new depot.
Old Hayes a one legged preacher, had
permission to hold a meeting there.
Hayes wore an old fashioned wooden
leg, strapped in place and held firm by
a leather around the waist, and this be
ing uncomfortable he was constantly tug
ging at it. Very few of the hands knew
him, and they thought it a good chance
to have some fun ; and a very rough Bet
they were that filed in that evening, and
filled the back Beats. Of course some
few railroad ofllclals and ladies were
present. Flanks raised on boxes and
some few chairs 6erved as seats, while
the preacher stood behind an empty
whiskey barrel, on which were his lamp
and books. From the singing of the
first hymn to the close of service an
ever increasing buzz and noise disturbed
worship ; but old Hayes in his quiet
way went on oblivious of it all. The
forms gone through with, he prepared
to dismiss his congregation with the
usual benediction.
"Let us pray," he said and siowly put
his hand behind him under his coat-tails.
The sudden silence was wonderful, and
as he got on his knees every mother's
son on the back benches knocked down
quicker than a diver. The old fellow
never dreamt of drawing a pistol, but
his habit of hitching at that strap served
him good Btead.
LESS than a hundred miles from the
Press office is a neat little barber
shop, into which a reporter walked a
few days since to undergo the customary
tonsorlal refreshment. The man of the
razor was evidently a foreigner, a stal
wart specimen of manhood, nearly as
dark as an Indian and straight as an ar
row. His mustache was fiercely waxed
in military style, and his accent showed
him a native of sunny Italy. While re
clining in the comfortable chair the eye
of tbe reporter fell upon the rack of cups
which is to be been in every well-regulated
barber-shop. The cups inscribed
with the names or initials of their own
ers or some gaudy device were as plenti
ful as usual. While tbe occupant of the
chair gazed listlessly upon the number
of mugs opposite, his eye was attracted
by one different from anything he had
ever seen in a similar place. It was an
ordinary porcelain cup, but Instead of
flaming in crimson and gold it was col
ored jet black. On the front was the
inscription :
I 8 Agosto, 1S77 i
: Data Fatale. j
To an inquiry as to what the inscrip
tion signified, the attendant hesitated
and then said :
"It means unlucky day for man zat
owns ze cup."
"I understand that," was the response,
"but I wish to know what was the cause
of that fatal day. Who is the owner of
"Oh, one of ze customers," was the
reply. "I know not his name."
All attempts to draw the man out
were futile, as he would say nothing
more. .
A few days afterward the reporter
again dropped into the same shop and
found the other barber, a keen young
American, alone, his foreign companion
having gone to dinner. He was asked
if he knew the history of the curious
"Oh I yes," said he, "it belongs to the
other man. He told me the story soon
after he came here, one night when bus
iness was dull and we were sitting here
alone. He seemed to be kind o' medi
tating like and talked away for some
time, but as soon, as I tried to ask him
any questions he shut up and refused to
say any more. This is about what he
told me : He is an Italian nobleman of
an old but poor family, and his name is
Casimir Conte Bella Monte. He was
born in Turin on September 10, 1853, and
educated In that city and in Rome.
When only 17 years old he fell in love
with a young lady named Christian!
Bosca, whose parents opposed the match
because he was not rich. Caslmlr was
quite talented, a good linguist and an ex
cellent singer having appeared several
times in amateur opera. He had not
much money, to be sure, but then he
loved the girl and told her so. They
saw each other occasionally for two years
or more, and then her parents stopped
their meetings by sendlngr her to a
convent for safe keeping. H was near
ly 0 years old at that time, and like
many other young men of Italy, he
followed Garibaldi to fight for bis coun
try. He was with him through the
campaign and rendered distinguished
service for which he was personally
complimented by the General.
"After the war was over he returned
to Turin and called at the convent in
wbicli his betrothed had been placed to
see her once more. He there learned to
his horror that she had been deceived by
a young priest in whom she reposed the
greatest love and confidence. Casimir
sought the priest and taxed bkn with
his infamy and forced from him-a virtu
al acknowledgement of his guilt. When
Casimir told me this the hot blood flew
to his face and be looked like a maniac.
He didn't seem to know be was talking
to me, but went right oh as if be was
compelled to tell the story. He was in
uniform when he saw the priest, and he
had hanging by his Bide the short sword
of an officer of petty rank. - When he
heard the reply he drew the weapon and
struck the priest, who fell bleeding on
the ground. Then Casimir realised for
the first time that he had placed his own
life and liberty in peril, and he fled. He
roved through Switzerland, Belgium,
Spain and other countries. Upon arriv
ing in France he found an Italian opera
company just upon the polntof embark
ing for America, and joined it, as his
fine voice and previous experience fitted
him for a position. The company came
to this country but was not very success
ful, and soon went back again. He re
mained here, and for a time I gness was
pretty bard up. He didn't know what
to do for a time, and then he remember,
ed that he had learned to shave while In
the army and was considered a good
barber. He tried to get work and suc
ceeded so well that he stuck at it. After
awhile he drifted to this city and has
been here for several months. He had
that cup made soon after he came to
this country, and, of course only uses it
himself. He keeps it where he can see
it all the time, and now and then I find
him looking at that date, '3rd of August,
1877,' and muttering to himself in Ital
ian. It's dangerous to talk to him then,
and I don't think he has ever told the
story of it to any one but me." Phila
delphia Press.
A Political Love Story.
The son of an old Jacksonlan Demo
crat, living near the Maryland border in
Pennsylvania, having been successful in
his suit for the affections of a young
lady, asked his sire one day after dinner
for permission to marry. The old gen
tleman lowered his spectacles and, glanc
ing over them for a moment or two,
quietly asked :
"What Is her father? Is he a free
trader or a protectionist V
"I don't know what he is now," re
joined the prospective son-in-law, "but
when I first visited Mary he was both."
"Both! Nonsense I"
"Yes, both ; he protected her every ,
time we tried to sneak off, and he was
the freest trader with his boot that I
ever came across."
In Good Hands.
He was a young country fellow, a lit
tle awkward and bashful, but of sterling
worth of character. She was a Cincin
nati belle, and had sense enough to ap
preciate his worth despite his awkward
ness and bashfulness,und was his fiancee. .
On a gloomy Sunday evening last win
ter they were standing in front of tbe
window In the parlor of her home on
East Walnut Hills, watching the snow
flakes rapidly falling outside. He was
not up in the society email talk, and
being hard up for something to say, re be watched the snow falling :
"This will be hard on the old - man's
Bheep." "Never mind, dear," said Bhe,
slipping her arm around him, "I will
take care of one of them."
tS" Marriage keeps men out of mis
chief; so does a ball and chain.