turmrr as 8 THK TIMES, NKW BLOOM FIELD, PA., OCTOPElt 2o, L881. Should Guitenu be Vivisected. It seems cruel to talk of torturing a tm uinu beliiR Tor the benefit of fccieuco nud mnnkiml, but jib jsiciunn now hie forced to experiment upon Imvmloss animals with a view to ascertaining the properties and sen sibilities of living muscle, tiorve and tissue. While theso Investigations aro necessary, they are misleading, for man is unllk other animals. Tens of thousands of opera tions upon the li n m an system are danger ous, and ofteu fatal, because of the Inabili ty of the surgeon to Judge accurately, ow ing to the impossibility of using humau subjects experimentally. The ancient Egyptians permitted their priests, who were also their physicians, to experiment on criminals. And why should not Ouiteau for instance, bo set apart for the benefit of the human race? The wretch deserves no pity, for he inllicted the most intolerable tiud prolonged pain upon u kindly gentle man, who never did him any harm, lie "did it simply to be talked about; he had an itch for notiiety, and so plunged the notion iuto grief to gratify it. Would not some unusual and mysterious punishment, like vivisection, do more to stop president kill ing thau any other disposition of the crimi nal? Even madmen are susceptible of fear. While the desperate ruffian does not care for death, ho is ofteu appalled at the prospect of some horrible aud mysterious punishment. If the murderer knew that his fate was to be Btretched upon a dissect ing table and carved like a hound or a frog, he would probably conclude that it did not pay to kill. It is well to be tender hearted and humaue ; but we live in a world in which all of the operations are cruel. Mill ions of innoceut human beings are poisoned by fevers, or in dauger of life, ami sufl'er horrible pain because of the failure of some bodily orgau. Much of this sufleriug would be alleviated if criminals like Oui teau could be used for surgical experiments.. Would he not be a good one to commenco on? It Would be Bad for New Orleans. New Orleans is beginning to be alarmed. The jetty system threatens to become a failure ; and further, there is some danger that the Mississippi river will change its bed. It seems that the Red River, which has been wont todischarge its main current into the Missisippi about 100 miles above New Orleans, now finds its way to the Gulf through the bed of the Atchafalaya. The bar, at the mouth of the Red River is re ported as giving away to such an extent that the Mississipi itself might change its current aud so leave New Orleans an In land city but the people of the latter city profess not to be alarmed. They say the total mean discbarge of the Lower Missis sippi is at present 673, 000 million cubic feet of water per Becond, of which the Red Riv er furnishes only 57,000 million feet, or less thau one-twelfth of Ihe whole volume. Still it is uo uncommon thing for the beds of rivers to change, and that too with sudden ness surprising to all concerned. IS" John Davis, a South Carolina negro, had a pretty mulatto wife, and Hank John son, also a negro fell in love with her. She did not encourage Hank, and he went to a voudoo conjurer for a charm to touch ber heart. The conjurer, after mature reflec tion, decided that the charm should consist of some fox hair, bees wax, a drake's foot, and a little sand from Mrs. Davis's shoe, all sewed up in a small bag and worn by Hank over his heart. At the end of a week the woman confessed a love for him, but refused to separate from her husband on his account. The conjurer made a charm to alienate Davis from his wife, but it bad no effect. Then he gave Johnson a charm ed.bullet with which to murder Davis, and a new bag of scraps warranted to protect him from conviction by any jury for the crime. Johnson killed Davis as directed, and during the trial, which has just been held at C'olumbia,he had perfect confidence in the conjurer's assurance that a verdict of guilty could not possibly be rendered. The jurors, however, were not hindered by the voudooism, and the murderer is to be hanged, though he and many of bis super stitious friends believe that he will mirao ulous escape the halter yet. C3?Tlie Snyder county Tribnne says : We are reliably informed that an attempt was made by the wife of a Mr. Sweigert, a son of Henry Sweigert, recently in the Southwestern part of the county to make an eunuch of him. The husband was sleeping when the wife tied his hands and foet fatst by cord, or rope, which she fasten ed to the slats in the bed. After she had had mado her preparations she took a knife and made the attempt. The first cut aroused the sleeping man, who by means of superhuman exertions freed himself and thus foiled the attempt. It is supposed that jealousy was the cause of the attempt. t3T" Charles Nelson, Esq., Proprietor jSelsou House, tpeakiog to us reoently, observed : I suffered so much with Rheu matism that my arm withered, and phy sicians oonld not help me. I was in de spair of my life, when some one advised me to try St. Jacobs Oil. I did so, and as if ly magic, L was instantly relieved, and by the continued use of the Oil entirely cured. I thank heaven for having used this won derful remedy, for t unvea my life. It also cured my wife J'ort Huron Commercial. DUEASSI Of TM MB YV I M mtSoiil Barbers' B lkTaY J M 00 account 01 Itch, Be vl-va 1m a"'" tha In- a Mm tpnw tlcblng tnd BORES, mj m Insuring .wrel re- ULcen8,ff Vmr i M' ' kB0Wn i Wvr J m '8WAVNi 80N' September!), 1881 ly WE HAVE OPENED OUR n (III (I WITH ONE OP THE Largest Stacks Ever displayed in Central Penn sylvania. , -o When you go to buy vou like to find a good assortment. You have never looked upon a better one than we are displaying this season. We have Men's Suits, Com mon) iit $4.00, $5.00, $700. We have men's Suits, Good, at $8.00, 10.00, 12.00. We have men's Overcoats at $3.00, 5.00, 7.0Q. We have men's Overcoats at $8 00, 10.00, 12.00. We Have Child's Suits at . $2 00, $3 00, So.OO We have Boy's Suits at sa.oo, 4.oo, o.oo We have Boy's Overcoats at . 5J.50, 4.00, 0.00 We have Men's Heavy Boots, Good at $1.75, 2. CO, 3.00 We have Boy's Heavy Boots, Good at $1.50, 2 00, 2.50 We have Ladies' Heavy Shoes at $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 We have Ladies' Button Shoes at $1.40, 1.75,2.00 We have Children's Button Shoes at OOets. $1.00, 1.25 We have Common Carpets at LOc. 25c. 35c. per yard. We have Good Carpet at 54c. GOc. 75c, per yard. We have Trunks for ... S1.90, 3.00, 5.00 We have Wool Hats (Men's) at COc. 00. 75c We have Fur Hats at , ' $1.00,1.50,2.09 We have Ladies' Coats at $2.50, 3.50, 0 00 We have Ladies' Dolmans at $4.60, 7.00 10.00 We have White Bed Blankets at $2.00,3.00,5.00 We have Colored Bed Blankets at $1.25, 2.00, 3.00 We have a full line of Shawls, Skirts, Hosiery, ' Men and Women's Underwear, Watches, Jewelry,, and the best general line of Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods in the County. $$$ Don't for get the longest established and most Kehable house. MABX DUKES A CO., EBY'S NEW BUILD1NC, NEWPORT, PA. T71SXATK NOTICE. Notice Is herebvirlv J.H en that Letters of Administration liave been granted on the estate of William Pines, late ot Greenwood township, parry county, Fa., to Frederck O. Pines aud Andrew U. Pines, said Frederick G. rines residing at lienvenue. (or Clark's Kerry), and said Andrew H. Vines resid ing in said Uieeuwood townOiln- iiiiinra ii persons indebted to said estate are respectfully requested to make Immediate payment, aud those iiaviiB umiius tu uresr iu mem properly antheml catedto Fit HI) K KICK G. PINES, JohmC. Wamis. A try. Administrators. beptmber 27ln, lf8f . M "OM IK cintbn and other Dress Uoocts tu va IIUUO BLJ109. F. MORTIMER Remnants of PKlNT8-of these we have a lsrge quantity In good styles, lu addition to the above goods we have a nice Lmmn ui i, nines ixvkubw, uorsnts, Herman towo Vai n. Zephyrs. Hhoes lor Ladies aud Cull dieu.audAhousaudsof other articles. V. MORTIMER, . New Bloomlleld, Fa. Winter Scaso Health & Beauty. Head and you will not regret. l Ths ronowncd brnnty, AVrmn de VEnrfo, ns. tonlKhnd the World hy rnlnlnniR the wnmlrrlul clearnoas sml brilliancy ot mind aud complrx Ion throughout her Hie. At the ro of her sklu war as snlt, blooming and fror.li. as a fflrl of Is. (The wrot wiw tho dUrovery of the famous Biue and rhomtst, l'AIl d'H Illul.) At hcrdn. IQiramiB uo'i'ip.mun nil. mimi fwtiiu.in n ... m physician, who supplied It to the rowrt rWrff Irs oitl At the downhill of the empire It came In pns seflsion of a celehratod Amrriran ptiyrician. who has beeu eminently succeesfol In the treatmrntof Hfond ntut Skin dlmmmtt aud that the public generally may enjoy theboliefHs of this marvvloun prepara tion, thoPoctor has placed the recipe with the Bell Mann t o. of New York, who are prepared to supply the demands of the thousands of eagit applicants. It spemllly eradicate all manner of II MIUU POI it).N IS (i such ae Bcrofulu, Unit Hit en in. Re r e in a, PI m p le, M o t It lnti lies, Freckles, lllack Mends, Hons l Mkln, Cntarrlt, Liver foinplulnt. In flamed Kyes, fee., 4o. It Is an absolute antidote for ARI As ,n" restorcs free circulation throughout the system. It la called IEFFIAT BLOOD And SKIN REMEDY. Price St per package, or O for 99. Cent by mail In letter form, postage paid. The Bell Mann Co. ,84a B Vay,NewYork. For sale by druggists. ?AIT AQIHT3 WANIBD. Bend stamp forclrcnlar. Mention this papor. PIJI",'I'!1' Good and Glorious News! I Nntuinir! V. & For Men, for Boys, For Children! Were Never Sold as Cheap fieiore i I). GrANSMAN, -AT THE- NEW CLOTHING HOUSE, OFFERS INDUCEMETS IN Good Reliable ClolliiE u Note Our Sample Prices : Four Dollar Men's Suits,! Five Dollar Men's Huitfl, Seven Dollar Men's Suits, Nine Dollar All Wool Suits, Ten Dollar All Wool Suits. BOYS' SUITS AT FROM $2 OO J $2.50: $3.00 & $7.00. These Goods are worth nearly double the money. Remember, these are all NEW, FRE3H GOODS, splendidly maue, durable anu Btyiisn, and will Fit Like Custom-Made Clothing. My Stock of Furnishing Goods Is complete. In Neck Wear. TIE9, COLLARS BII.K HANDKKUOHIEKM. SH1UTH, UNDER WEAK, SATCHELS. TKUNKH, UMBRELLAS, aud of MEN AND BOYS' HATS. f I hare a full line, and will tell them Cheap. Merchant Tailoring Department. I have an entire new stock ef NICE GOODS fur Fall and Wintor Suits and Ove reoalliiKS. Will make them te MEASURE AT LOW PKICE3. Remember we offer vou nothing but Helinble Clothing. Speclnllv Woll Made aud Stylish Cut, aud all New aud Fresh for tills Fall and Winter's Wear. Money Ilefundeil on all Goods Not Found ua Represented ! Please Call, whether you wish to buy or not. Examine and be conviuced. D. GANSMAN, New Clothing House! Corner Centre Square and Second Sreet, Frank's Old Hardware Store, NEWPORT, PA. September 20, 1S81. SPECTACLES AND EYE (CASSIS! Spectacles tor the old, middle aged, and young. bpectaoles lor all kinds of sights. Spectacles tor Headache. A tine and varied assortment. Adjusted properly to suit all eyes by Dr. DAVID II. C00VEK, Oculist and Optician, NO. 21 SOUTH 3rd 8TKEET, (Between Market and Chestnut 6t.,) IIAltlUSIJURG, rA. WOMce hours (roni 8 A. M. to 3 P. M. Or send a three eent Mump for the "Improved method of adjusting Nueetacltn and Kve ilasH!i." by tue use of which you can select your own glasses. ARTIFICIAL KYES IXSERTED. 30T29 A Small Farm For Sale. A TRACT OF GOOD LAND, containing IS IV. Acres, having thereon erected, a GOOD HOUSE and BAKING l'lenty ot Fruit of all kinds aud a Kpriug of good water near the house. This property l siuated of a mile from Dounally't Mills, ferry County, Fa., and S miles from (lie fa. ti. it. it is a gooa place lor au oie miner. Terms easy. Apply to JOHN BKSSLER. Douually's Mills, 8ep. 6, 1831. l'erry Co.. Pa. Coin EXCELLENT BARGAINS, GREAT VARIETY. OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK 13 N0AV0PMN. ML DltKSS GOODS, VELVETS, PLUSHES, BLACK (100DS, LADIES CLOTHES, MEIUXO UNDEKWAKE, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BLANKETS AND FLANNELS. Ladies' Coals, Dolmans and Circulars. Otin ASSORTMENT OF miY GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS Is by far the largest lu Central Pennsylvania. Our goods have been bought In larpe nuan titles, from manufacturers and Importers and we will guarantee prices lower than for same quality elsewuuro. Examine our stock and prices before purchasing. isrsrsTEiisrs. !o. 22S Market Nlrvct, UAHKIftlSUIU4 1A. 42-3 ra. THE LAR3EST HEY G00D3 H0US3 IN HABRISBUH3. 1881 CARPETS! LOOK AT THESE PRICES : TAPESTRY 1J11USSEL, - .. . . . G5 to $1.00 THE VERY REST EXTRA INGRAIN, - - 85 cents GOOD INGRAIN, - . . - 50 to 75 cents REST BODY RRUSSEL, . . . . $1.35 to $1.45 We will Sell at these Figures for a Few Weeks Only. We have the Celebrated Moth Destroyer. We have More Carpets and More Patterns than all the other Carpet Houses. In this City. Call and examine for yourselves. No trouble to Show Goods. Quick Bales anil Bmall Profits. DON'T MISTAKE THE PLACE! 31 North 3rd Street, In the Opera House, HARUISBURG, PAi, Special Opening and Great Bargains in New Trail Dry Gfoods, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart's. WE HAVE lately made some very exteuslve purchases and shall offer eur customers and the trade In eeneral, some of the Greatest Bargains In Fall Dry Goods ever shown. A glauce throughout this limited list will nlve you can bTiy your goods at a very LOW PRICE. we havd ever doue and lu order to do this, we elsewhere. New Fall Shades Alpaca, 10c a yard, worth 13c. New Fall 8hades Cashmeres 11c a yard, worth 15c. New Fall Plaids 17c. per yd. worth 25c. New Fall Gnstus Cloths 25c. per yd. worth 81c. New Fall Prints at 5c. per yd. worth flc. New Fall Sack ings Jl.00 per yd. worth $1.25. Unbleached Canton Flannels 7-8-9 for 10c. 12c per vd. Ladles' Merino Vests 87. 50 for 75c. 81.00 each. Gent's Merino Shirts 39, 59 for 75c. 81.00. Unbleacded Munlln 4V, 7 for 8 and 9e. per yard. Half Bleached Damask Table Linens 19, 25, 83, 87 for 44, 45, 50c. . Towels 5, 8, 10, 13 for 15c. l?c. 20c. and 25c. Special Prices Grey Flannels, Scarlet Flannels and Blankets. We are dallv receiving new goods and we feel conUJunt, that all goods bought from the popular one price store will give perfect satlssactiou. DIVE3, POMEROY & STEWART, 7 . :, Nortli St., 1881. Come and NEW FALL STOCK OF CARPETS. Don't mistake our location, but remember that YINGST'S NEW CARPET STORE Is fit 111 MAKKET 8TKEET, Neaii Fhoxt St., Patteiison's Old Stand. WE opened at above place, a few months ago, with an entire NEW STOCK. Our success was far beyond our expectation. Thanks to many friends and former patrons for that success which we will ever try to merit by keeping only good reliable CARPETS, Ac, and representing them as we know them to be, and selling at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. We have Just opened our new Fall Stock of CARPETS, which are handsome patterns and astonishing low prices. WE WANT YOU TO SEE THEM. A lot of 11 ret class STRAW MATTING left on hand, we "will close below cost. COME AND BEE US. We will appreci ate your influence and patronage. Very respectfully, yours, Harrisburg, Sept. 20, 1881.3m IT. W. YING8T. LIFE and DEATH of A corr.ofc Hiitkory of bil Life and full Particular, of remarkable ami critical -.a Kll-O word of a noble mnn.AVaCiM I !) fftnilfffin Hiopmint t( An onto ou percent. Qiscouni iu Hgenis PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Cures Complaints of women and diseases of the Stomach, Bowels. Lungs, Liver and Kidneys, aud Is entirely different from Bitters, Ginger Es sences and other Tonics, as It never Intoxicates. TOc. and 11 sizes. Large Saving buying tl size. 41 d 44 H1SCOX & CO.. Chemists. N. Y. 5000 Agents Wanted to Sell the Life of PRESIDENT GARFIELD, Ills early life and Career as Soldier and Mutes man; his election administration; bis assassina tion; his heroic struggle lor life; wonderful med ian! treatment, blood poisoninK; removal to El heron; death, etc. Profusely Illustrated. Hplendid portrait ol Uanleld, his wife and moth er; scene ( the shouting: the sick chamber; Uulteau In his cell: the surgeon and the cabinet. The only complete aud authentic work. There Is a fortune for auents Urst lu the Held with this book. Out lit oao. Speak quick. Address Huim.tHU liKOa , Fubs.,7z3 Chestnut Flu la. 41(114 PADCICI n'C FAVORITE Portrait from UHnrlC.L.U O a Negative by Blerstadt. Ar tist, of New York, of which Oen. Uarlluld order ed over 2000 for personal use. Ills last order was lor HiU Just before his assassination. Mze ltix'21. II. Superior to the tl nest steel plate. The people want a Standard Poitralt. AGK NTH W ANTKD to sell Uaiileld'a Favorite, PHRTRAIT nlsohlsMfebyltev. Dr. Dra- runlllMI I. per. of N. Y. E. B. TitEaT, 757 Broadway. New Yoik. 41d4i BOLD ME0AI AWARDED the Author. A new ftnd (treat ded icA Work.wvrranUd tlm best and ohBpet, indiaiMiniiAhte tu sverf moil .entitled "the Soienceof Life cr,8tt)r Preservation bound ia finest Frnnoh niuslin, etnbuuied. full fc. ;300iip.oDUin beautiful UmiI nnTT"Ki, preaorip tums, price onl ft. 45 sent br nifttl; illutttrRtvdeiimple.tictmts; end Dow.Addrefla lVabody Mml- TUnW lrOVCrTtl idMIntituU.rliW. 1I. JlAR. Ka U W 12.1 OLlil KKH, Wo. 4 Uulfinch i. Uoton. 43dt6 Aneuts Wanted for the bent "Aiitheutlo life and Public Services of PRESIDENT GARFIELD, fully Illustrated with steel engraving. The most thrilling, eventful and (Jhrrsllan heroic life be fore the world. Truly a friend of humanity. Ilia last days all fully and ably told by one of the best authors. Will outsell all others. Lose no time to ssuure territory. Extra terms, outfit ouly 0 cents. Address at once U. L.GL KHNSEY, Pub., 1 Cornhill, Boaton, Mas. 43di6 1881 CARPETS! some idea of what we are doing and where you We Intend to do a larger business this fall than are bouud to sell for less than can be bought . IIAilJISIJTJlJOi, PA. See Our - 1881. JAMES A. GARFIELD the AsSassI notion onr msrtvTed President. A uiat w A MTBn Tll t'-KST KELI.INO BOOK, WAIMTclJ or Ihe AGK. Circulars Fr. 0,1 ord.ra rr 20 ccil-ormore. Sample Hook br mull. $1.00. viavisnvi wu. to., it w.4is iincUBitt,tf. ARPNTQ WANTED for the Mfe, Public nut.ll I u Services and Assassination ol our Martyred Presideut GARFIELD, B y Rev. Dr. Draper, of New York. This with our Manual of American Progress. Six books In one. An A Ho. 1 Work for Home. Library or Counting House. E. B. TREAT, 767 Broadway, New York City. 41dl4 Agents Wanted ffiSWrSDS'LSlir ograph Picture ot our late President JAMES A. GARFIELD. This beautiful work of art Is printed In ten colors, on heavy paper, and mounted ready to hang on the wall. It is not only only a correct por trait, but also contains the historical events of his life, shows the Home at Mentor, Assassination and the Death Bed Scene. It Is a magnificent Memorial Picture. Circulars and terms sent free. Address, H. W. KELLEY ft CO.. oct4 jt. 711 Sansom at., Philad'a. Fa. miVATE SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. The subscriber offers at private sale, a small, but very VALUABLE FA KM situated in Hye township. Perry eounty. Pa., in Fishinit CreeK Valley, on the road leading from Grier's Point to Marysville, 4 miles east of Grter'a and 6 from Marysvllie. The farm contains 30 ACRES of cleared land, and IS ACRES of young and tbrivliiK Timber. The improvements are a oua aua a hall-story Weatherboarded House, WITH A GOOD BACK BUILDING. A GOOD BANK BAHN, and other necessary outbuildings, a well of good water with pump, a yoiiast and thriving Orchard . with all kinds of fruit. This property is bounded bv lands et Henry Koulk, Henry Reamer, Francis ldle's heirs aud wiuers. - - - - lei iua made kuown by 4uK JOJEPU FREED. JOB PUINTIMG of every description neatly and promptly executed at Reasonable liaUta at the BlooiuUeld TimesSteaiu Job OtHce.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers