7 Philadelphia Advertisements. Ready Mixed Taints ! jUOAS' READY MIXED TAINTS ! NOWATER.NO CIIEMICAL9. NO BENZINE, BUT A PUKE OIL FAINT, READY FOR USE. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF PA1ST BENT BT MAIL. IT IS PUT ON LIKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LEAD AND01L. VIZ : NICELY BRUSHED OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATER PAINT TRY IT, and Ton Will Prove It to be the Best Liquid Faint In the Market. JOHN LUCAS .St CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Swiss and Imperial French Green, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VAltNISIIES, &c Of For Sample Cards apply to F. Morti mer, New BloomUeld, Pa., or to John Lucas & Co., Philadelphia. 2EIGLER& SWEARINGEN' Successors to IJH AFFNER, ZIEGLER CO.. Importers and Dealers in Hosiery, loves, Illbbons, Suspenders, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety ol TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN A Agents for Lancaster Combs. w. H. KENNEDY WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 503 MARKET STLEET, PHILADELPHIA. 7 1 gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALLPAPER. llI.AMt BOOHS Always on hand, and made to Order, Nos. 630 Market and 523 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 3"ALS0, Publishers of Sanders' New Read ers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of the United States, Felton's Outline Maps, etc. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON, WHOLESALE Hardware House, No. 625 Market Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a. JANNEY & ANDREWS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET STREET. Philadelphia, la. QRAYB1LL & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN OilCloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting: Twines, &., And a fine Assortment of WOOL ana WILLOW WASE, So. 120 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia Advertisements. gAMUEL BOMBERGER, wmi HIKULH, M OIT A CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, Cotton & Woolen hnlii,fef. No. 333 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Merchants wishing to select from as lare a stock as can be found Mil the city, and at the LOWKST HASH Pit ICKH. should give me a call. M. All mall uriltM ali.UI reeive prompt atten tion, and cure will be taken tu till them to as to give sin Isfaetlon, August 31,188u.tf. " WAIN WRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of and aud Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. J. S. DOUGHERTY WITH D. J. HOAR & CO., WHOLBSALB BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 1 MAHKET STltEET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. JJALL, SHENK & CO., 405 & 407 Market Street, l'hilMdcIphin, (Old Stand of Barcroft &Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DI1Y January 1 1881. GOODS, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE I THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY EVER discovered, as It Is certain In its clients and does not blister. Head Proof Below. From Rev. N. P. Granger, Presiding Elder of the St. Albans District. St. Albans, Vt., Jan. 20th, 1880. DR. J. B. KENDALL & CO., dents: In reply to your letter I will say that my experience with Kendall's Npavln Cure has been vory satisfactory indeed. Three or four years ago I procured a bot tle of your agent, and with It, cured a horse of lameness caused by Spavin. Last season my horse became very lame and I turned 111 in out for a few weeks when he became better, but when I put him on the road he grew worse, when I dis covered that a rind-bone was forming, 1 procured a bottle of Kendall's Soaviu Cure, aud with less than a bottle cured him so that he Is not lame, neither can the bunch be found. Respectfully yours, P. N. GRANGER. Perseverance Will Tell ! Stoughton, Mass., March Kirn, 1880. B.J. Kendall & Co., Gents: In justice to you and myself, I think 1 ought to let you know that I have removed TWO BONE SPAVINS with Ken dall's Spavin Cure," one very large one; don't know how long the Spavin had been there. I have owned the horse eight months. It took me lour months to take the large one off, and two months for the small one. 1 have used 10 bottles. The horse Is entirely well, not at all stilt, and no bunch to be seen or felt. This Is a wonderful medicine. It Is a new thing here, but if it does for all what It lias done for me lis sale will be very great. Respectfully yours, CHAS. E.PARKER. Is sure In effects, mild In Its action as It does not blister, and yet Is penetrating aud powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or any other enlargement, If used for several days, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or rheuma tism In man and for any purpose for which a lin iment for man or beast. It is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain In Its enects. It Is used full strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send address for Illustrated Circular, which we think gives positive oroof of Its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified suc cess, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price SI. per bottle, or Six bottles for 16. All Drug gists have it or can get it for you. or It will be sent to any address on receipt of price bv the propri etors. DR. B. J. KENDALL SCO., Euosburg Falls, Vermont. "Kendall's Spavin Cure" Is now sold by all the leading wholesale druggists and a large uumber of prominent retail dnmglsts. K. Mortimer, New Uloomtteld, agent for Perry Co., Pa. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. F. 31 OR TIME R, Xew liloom field. JACOB STRICKLER, PH. G. U Dealer In Pure and Reliable Drags, Medicines and Chemicals, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Fine Perfumes, etc. Tobacco and Cigars, Blank Books aud Stationery. - Prescript Ions a specialty. Stoue Two doors East of the Big Spring. Bloomneld,May8,llwl.' (SPAVIN Cl BROWN'S juiyj liNj 1 SURE HJ APPETISER 0 IRON BITTHltS nro highly recommended fur all diseases requiring n certuin nnd ellicient tonlei especially JndigeMion, Dymrptiit, Intermittent-. Fevert, Wantof Appetile,Iostf Strenglh,Ijar.kcf Energy.ete. Enriches tlio blood, j strengthens tlio musclcs,nnd gi ves new life to tlio nerves. Thoy m:t like a charm j en tlio digestive organs, removing tilt dyapeptie nimptom, such ns Tngtini) the Food, Jlclchitg, Heat in the ,Stomnch,IIrartbiirn,etc. TilO only Iron Preparation that will not blaokon the tooth or frlvo headache, fiold Inr nil drugctis'.s. WH- fir th" A TtO Pnnk (32 pp. of useful nnd amusing read ing) tmt.-ec. BItOVIT CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Aid. I i 1 Professional Cards. CHAS.J.T. MclNTlRE, Attorney-at-Law , New Bloomtleld. Perryco., Pa. -All professional business promptlyandf alt fully attended to. 321 v. JOHN CALVIN WALI.I3, Attorney-at-Law aud District Attorney. New llloomtleld. Perry Co. Pa. WOtllee over Mnrllinei's new store. All legal business promptly aud carefully liausacted. iiluy 4. ISSD. J T.J UN ION, Attorney-at-Law, ' New lllooinlleld. Perryco., Pa. -OMoe Next door to the residence ol Judge Jnuklu. 45tf JEWlS I'OTTKli, A.TTUIINEY AT LAW. NEW BLOOMFIELD. PKKRV CO.. PA. WOtalms promptly secured collected Writlngsaud all legal business carefull) attend edto. iiyi CIIARI, 8 II. HMILKV. Attorney at Law. New Hloomlleld, Perry Co. Pa. WOtllcj 'wo doors e;ist. of Joseph Smith's hotel. August 2, I 872 WM. A. SPONSLER, Attorney-at-Law. Olllce adjoining his residence, on East Ualnstreet.New Bloomtleld, Perryco., Pa. 32 ly WM. N. HEIBERT, Attorney-at-Law. New Rloomtleld, Perryco.. Pa'. Bloomtleld, 3 33 lv. LEWIS POTTER, NOTARY PUBLIC. New Bloom held. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, will also take deposit Ions to be rer.d In auvcourt lu the United States. 7101? CHAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, ' New Bloomtleld. Perry co.. Pa -Ofllee on high street. North side, uearlyop positethe Presbyterlau Church. 3 Sly ML. LIGGETT. Attohmit-at-Law, A'ewiiort, Perry County. Pa. Having permanently located at Newport, will give prompt and carelul attention to all busi ness matters committed to his care. . Olllce, No. :Pi North 8econd Street. Newport, April 2f 1878 D R. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Physician and Surgeon, Office In residence on Main Btreet, New Bloomtleld. Pa. CHRONIC D1SEASE8 TREATED. 13 tf T SUNDY,M.D. U . Physician aud Surgeon. A graduate of Cleveland Medical College, Located iiermauentlv In the borough of Bloom. Held. Oilers his professional services to the citi zens of BloomUeld and Mirruunding vicinity. Calls I u the country attended to promptly. Olllce In the room formerly occupied by Dr.. D. H. Sweeney, in the residence of 11. W, Smith. Main street. New Bloomtleld, Pa. . It) 6m D R. R. M. ALEXANDER, SURGEON DENTIST, New BloomUeld, Perry County, Pa. JWOmceon Main Street. South Side, nearly opposite the residence of Wm. MoKee. Everything belonging to the profession done In the best manner. t3.Au. WoitK Wahrant ed. Terms moderate. 28 J W.ROWE, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Dentist. Olllce near Blxler's Mills, where all prolesslonal business will be promptly attended to. Dental work of all kinds warrantediu price and quality. May 25. '80. ly. LIGHT-RUNNING PEOPLE'S Sewing Machine. The reople'x Sewing Machine is light running has simple tonslon.1, a largo, easily threaded shuttle winds the bobbin without running the wor'-s of the machine, and is so simple in Its construction t'at it is easily understood. AGENTS WANTED Where our sewing machines are not repre sented, and we offer the most liberal Induce ments. Send for Illustrated Circulars to the Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA. 13 6m ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration oil the estate ol John Smith, lateof Carroll twp.. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing at Shermansdale, Perry Co., Pa. All persons indebted iosaldestateare request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present thein duly authenticated for settlement to CYRUS W. SMITH, Administrator. 1 j l! f A'TRUE TONIC Ira rz rzs :p u h TINTED GLOSS PAINT ! DON'T make experiments on your buildings with untried and unreliable antlcles at your expense. DON'T PAY for water and benzine 1. to to ti.to per gallon. DO BUY the Lucas reliable and guaranteed Tinted Gloss PAINTH. Circulars and Sample Cards of Paint mailed on application. JOHN LUCAS & CO., Ill North Third Street, 13 dm Philadelphia, Pa. Books! Books! 0 Gift Books, Children's Books, Tilank Hooks, School Books, Hies! Testaments! And all Kinds of Books AT BEACH'S Book & Drug Store. 0 Stationery at Wholesale or Retail 0 CS" Subscriptions taken for all News papers and MagRzlneB. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. YOU CAN BUY THE BLATCHLEY PUMP I'nllnnl.nr with Copper, Porrrlaln.or Iran Linings. Each one stenciled with my inline us limmilaeturer is warranted in material and con struction. Kor sale by the best houses in the trade. If vou do not know where to get this piinip, writo to mo as liolow, and I will semi nanio of agent nearest you, who will supply you at my loue.t prices. CHAS. O. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. tW For sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomtleld, Pa. 22 PATENTS. K A. Lehmann. Solicitor of American and For eign Patents. Washington. I). C All business connected with Pmeuts, whether before the Pat ent Olllce or the Courts, promptly attended to. No charge made unless a patent secured. Send for Circular. w. c. tf Patents for Inventions. E. W. ANDEKScm. i. C. BMITH. ANDERSON & SMITH, Attorneys at Law, No. 700 Seventh Street, Washington, D. C. No fee for preliminary examination. No fee Unless patent allowed. Fees less than any other responsible agency. Books of information sent free of charge. References furnished upon re quest. . w. c. tf IMVCMTflRC Address EDSON BROS., At IllVCri I unj torneys-at Law and Patent Solicitors, 617 Beventh 8treet, Washington, I). C for instructions. Reasonable terms. References ami advice sent FREE. We attend exclusively to Patent business. Reissues, Interferences, and cases rejected in other hands a specialty. Caveats solicited. Upon receipt of model or. sketch and aisoripuon we give our npiniou as to imiemaun Ity, raKB or ciiahub . We refer to theCommis sioner of Patents, also to Ex-Coinmlssiouers Established 180u. w. c. II TolANCY Ooods and Notions, Bone new ar AJ rivals, Cheap, F, MORTIMER, tSf-Johntiy said he didn't want to be an angel because be did not want to raise a pair of wings, but his sister re plied, "You won't have to, Just stick some feathers la your ears." tW When an Illiterate farmer wad asked by a prosecuting attorney if be was a husbandman, he replied : " No, but I am to be married next month, and and then I shall be one." tF Minnie was two years old. She asked for some water one night. When it was brought she said : "Tapa, can't you get me some fresh water? This tastes a little withered." sylf you grasp a rattlesnake firmly about the neck he cannot hurt you, says a Western paper. To be perfectly safe it would be well to let the hired man do the grasping. S-You can't fool Jenkins. He says It is well enough to say that whiskey Is more dangerous than water; but he don't believe it. Thousands of people are drowned In water,but he never heard of one being drowned In whiskey. fflTlf a man has a pile of boards, and the wind blows It over, why is that wind like a cat yowling under his window at night? When you give It up we'll tell you it is " because it disturbs his lum ber!" tSTLook heah, Uncle Mose, you fool ed me wid dat boss I buyed from yer last week. He jest drapt dead In his tracks." "He nebber drapt dead, in his tracks oranywharelseas long as I had him, goln' on tweuty years. It must be some new habit he got" said the seller. ""My love for you is like that glow ing fire," said Adolphus, as he blinked at the burning anthracite aud then at the object of his affections. " What a grate full," she murmured, and the spark get quite warm trying to think how she spelled the sentence. tSTOld lady (who sleeps badly): "Now Mary, if I should want to light my can dle, are the matches there?" Mary: "Yes, ma'am, there's wan." Old lady. " Onel Why, if it misses fire or won't light "Mary: "Ohdivil a fear of it, ma'am. Shure I thried it. " t3?A worthy deacon In a town not far away gave notice at a prayer-meeting the other night of a church meeting that was to be held Immediately after, and unconclously added : " There is no ob jection to the female brethren remain ing!" tSTln the Senate Chamber at Wash ington, the Chaplain offered the Lord's prayer. When he had finished, Dool ruey leaned over to Josonby, and remark ed : " He stole that prayer, and I'll bet a ' boodle' on it, for I heard the same ideas expressed In Eureka ut a funeral over two years ago." 6S"A Dutchman in Albany went out to his milkman in the street with a diBh in each hand, Instead of one as usual. The dispenser of attenuated milk asked him if he wished to fill both vessels t The Dutchman replied, suiting the ac tion to the word, " Dls is for de mllluk, and dls for de water and I will mix dem so as to shute mine self." Z3TA. clergyman was traveling through the Humboldt mountains with an old miner. Said the miner: "Do you real ly believe that Qod made the world In six days?" "Of course I do," "Well, don't you think," replied the miner, " that he might have put in one more day to an advantage right around here r" Young Smith was walking out with the idol of bis heart, the other even ing, and they chose the favorite resort of lovers, near the dam. While admiring the falls and getting their noses redden ed by the north wind, she burst out rap turously, " Isn't that lam splendid ?" She nearly fainted awxy when Smith answered that be wasn't used to hearing young ladies swear, aud another engage ment is broken off. 0A young man, who lives in Austin, and whose moustache is like faith, " the evidence of things hoped for, the sub stance of things not yet seen," called on his prospective father-in-law, and gave notice that he Intended marrying the old gentleman's daughter at an early date, "It had better take place on some Satur day, so that it will not Interfere with your school hours," sarcastically remark ed the old man.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers