15 THE TIM KS, NEW BLOOM EI El. I), YA , OCIOMvlt 25, 1881. Lbc liUoomficlb aunts. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Horse Talk. Iu all coses where the shoulders of ft horse have been chared raw several times and the skin Is very thlu and tender, it is bent to always use a large, full canvas collar. They do not cost very much, and with proper care will last two sea- sous. They should be UBed exclusively on an old and thin-fleshed horse. They should also be used In all cases where the shoulders are already galled, and the animal must be worked. The shoulders . should be carefully washed at noon and night, and then laved with cold water until all Inflammation Is gone and the wound cool. The first opportunity should be taken to give the animal rest until the shoulder is entirely healed. It Is a lamentable fact that much of the machinery used on the farm bears very heavily on the horses necks. When working such machinery a broad, soft cushion should be placed under the top of the collar, the straps being lengthened out to admit It. In cases where the neck or shoulders have become swollen, nothing but rest will effect a cure. A simple lotion may aid nature somewhat, but the farmer had better not place much confidence in in the many liniments and "cure-alls" bo extensively advertised. Cabinet Pudding, Use either stale bread or cake, or part of either, grease the mould good, using a mould with a lid, because the pudding must be boiled : place in the bottom of the mould some citron or angelica, and then a layer of bread or cake, cut up into small pieces, adding a few raisins for fla vor: then add the raisins to each layer of an inch thick until the mould is filled. Next break three eggs iu a bowl and beat them, adding three large teaspoon fuls of sugar and one pint of milk. A teaspoonful of vanilla Is required. Tour this mixture into the mould and put the lid on the mould. Then place in boiling water and boil for an hour and a half. The sauce for the pudding is made by taking half a cupful of butter and one cupful of powdered sugar. Beat the butter first to a cream as for a cake, add ing a little at a time, the sugar, the white of an egg, beating the white until it is light ; afterward add the white of anoth er egg, and beat with an egg beater ; a half pint of boiling water is next placed in the sauce, turn the whole into a farina boiler, and put over a fire for two mln utes, stirring it the while, when it boils, add the juice of one lemon or a teaspoon ful of vanilla. Do not let it stand long before using. This makes a rich sauce. Seed Corn. In a recent address on the subject of corn, Prof. Beal remarked that the top most ear was best for seed. Of two fields one planted with Beed taken at random, and the other selected in the field, the latter yielded as much again as the former. Manure and cultivation may be thrown away on poor Beed. The best time to cultivate corn is before planting. A shallow cultivation was recommended. Twenty-three ears of corn can be produc ed from one kernel by proper cultiva tion and the use of the best seed, as high as twenty-five ears. Smut is a great damage to corn, and smutty corn is very injurious to cattle. Mrs. Case' Spanish Cream. Bet a pint of milk and a fourth of a box of gelatine, in a dish, into a kettle of hot water. Stir it frequently while the gela tine dissolves. Beat the yolks of three eggs' and a cupful of sugar together ; and when the milk is hot and the water boils stir in the mixture, and set back the ket tle, and keep stirring until the water boils again. Set your dish on the table, and stir in the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth ; then pour it at once into your mould to cool. Serve cold as a des sert for dinner, or at your tea-table. This is nice. How to Roast Meat. When meats are put in to roast have no water in the pan. 'When they begin to brown it is time enough for the wa ter. Big Results From Little Causes. " Do you know 5"' remarked a man to his friend on Chestnut Street, a day or two since, " I believe both Conklin and Piatt bad a bad case of skin disease when they resigned!" "What makes you think so?" inquired the listener in aston ishment. " Well, you see they acted in such an eruptive manner bo raehy as it were. Save? Oh! yes, I save," re plied the other, " they were boil ing over and merely resigned to humor them selves, I suppose." If such be the case, the National difficulty might have been averted by applying Sway tie's Ointment for fckln diseases. ,42-45 ' Wnmpn tlmf liava Kaon n-tirAn nn by their dearest friends as beyond help, Lave been permanently cured by the use of Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. It 1b a positive cure for all female complaints. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Piukham, 1!23 Western Avenue. LyDD, Mass., for pamphlets. 42-43 MRS. LYOIA E. P1NKKAM, OF LYNN, MASS., f- o z la x LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is ft PoMt.vp Cnra for nil 1 1 pe Pnlnhil 4'omplnlnts titl Wen V lofommou tnourbeit IVmole population. - It will euro entirely the wont form of Femaln Com )1&intfl, nil OTnrlnn troubles, Inflammation and Ulcer tion, Falling and IMoiilncenientu, and the continent pptnal Wenkneii, and li particularly adapted to Uie Change of IJfp. It will d Is noire and ppl tumor from the utprnsln an curly utageof dpTolopiwc-nt. The tendency to can cerous humors there la checked Tory speedily by Its nte. It rrmores faint new, flatulency, destroys all crarlnff for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous rrostratlon. General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of hearing down, rftiiMng fain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. I-YIHA E. 11 K HAM'S TFGF.TAIH.F COM POL'NIls prepared at K13 and C.1A Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass, Price ft. Slzbottlesfortfi. Sent by mall In the form of pills, also in the form of lozenges, on receipt of price, per box for either. Mrs. Pink ham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention thU itajwr. No family should be without LYDIA E. PI KK HAM'S I.IYER VITAS. They cure constipation, blllouinsat and torpidity of the liver. X& cents per box. &r Sold by all l)rualaia. 34 ly . THE SPRINGFIELD SEWING MACHINE. Best In the World. The manufacturer of the SPRtNfSFint.n aware that, in order to meet the critical and economical demands or the times, the machine must possess a combination ot mechanical excel lences, making It superior to any of Its prede cessors, and at the same time be offered at a price that will place it within the means of all. Fully realizing the force of these conditions, they oiler the Springtleld, confident that It will nultlll every requirement that can be expected of a first-class family and manufacturing machine. Every Machine Is warranted perfect I a construe tioU. Incaseftnvof Mtn !urrn lirnvA rinfnnrlvo whenmaohlne Is used for family purposes, within five years from date of purchase, the manufactur ers will replace such defective part without charee. This does not apply to needles, shuttles, or bobbins. Made by THE SPRINCFIELD Sewing Machine Company, 13 6m SPRINGFIELD, MASS. VALUABLE FARMS V AT PllIVATE SALE. - ....... . .... , 1 ' i. . .it n vo Dm. ilia iui lowing desirable farms: Tit V. nh.f Ihtti- nffrn-i of On 1 a .1... KO. 1. Is a Farm containing Sixty -three Acres, All good land, in a good state of cultivation, and having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Out buildings, situate three miles south of Bloomlleld and seven miles from ... u. uu, v" 1,118 Place pientv of Choice r ruit ot all kinds, good water at the door, Willi rnnnitiv watAi-In naai'iu nu t..i 12,300. Terms easy. SO. 2. T ft. farm altnatA In Whan riaM t-ii 115 ACRES, having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING. HOUSE, with all required Out buildings, the Btrn belne antlmlnn.ui I'l.la '.. ... 1 .. -I. . ... . ... .. " .j ,.... .a.i,ii in aiuitiu; H Willi Sl 1111 IPS from Duncannnn and four miles from liloomfleld. xnioioKumi nairi iitiar mo uoor, plenty of streams on the land, a good Apple Orchard, and other fruit, and will make a desirable home. Trice NO. 4. 1 a Varm ihi.l. in ln.,..i.i - & . miles from shermansdale, containing about une Jiiimireu Acres, having thereon erected a Good Dwelling, and oilier Out-bnlldliiRR, :z V B ;! "101 "'o "uumj aim nnuiner hi ........ ...vi,w in wiuoiumtvum ini l uii me VViA ic ,JL7 "t ,B wu sun wen watered, i rice, 15,000. and payments can be arranged to NO. 5. Is a FARM situate in Carroll township, about two miles from Khermamtdale. containing Heventy Acrcrt, F?l-,lVi?n':l nving thereon a GOOD Z WM.LLJA O, and other Out-buildinga. There Is a good spring near the house, and the 1- arm Is well watered. Tliere Is also a Good Or" chard in bearing condition; this will make a de slrabl home. Price, tUOO. NO. 7. LXlnlPLy? cnal"lnK SIXTEEN Al.KES. (half cleared) havtuic thereon erectt-d a GOOU TWO STOKY hLANK H0U8E. iu good .fi J"l jProiierty l located 2 miles south !w l.00JnUeld.- an" l'8!l on " ot FRUIT of all kinds, and will make a very desirable borne a party wanting a small tract of land. There isa running stream of water near the house and a h.eif iBood wa,I .ti,01e tothedoor. Frlce 11000, naif to be cash and the balance In two euual an nual payments. u . ,.toi '"i lher Information address the under signed at Kew BloomHeld. Ferry county. Fa., or ''dat his resldeuce three miles south of Bloom. Au',o.tl7.1880. C. B. HARNISH. THE CREAT It URLIXGTOIT ItO VIE. rWNo other line runs Three Thronph Pns Bcngrr Trains Unlly between Chicago, Ilea Moines, Council UliifTs, Omnhn, Lincoln, Pt. Joseph, Atchison, Tnpekn nnrt Knnsns Cily. Direct connpcllons for nil points In Knnsns, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montnnn, Ne vniln. New Mexico, Arlzonu, liluho, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Comforta ble Route via Hnnnllml to Fort Scott, Denlson, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Galves ton mid nil points In Texas. Tho unequaled inducements offered by this Lino to Travelers nnd Tourists, are ns follows: Tho celebrated Pullman (Id-wheel) Fnlaco Sleeping Cnrs. run mly on this Line, C, H. tc O. Palace Drnwing-Hoom Cnrs, with Horton's Hecllnlng I'hnirs. No extrn chnrgn for Seats in Reclining Chairs. Tho famous C. H. & Q. Palace DliiiuirCurs. Gorgeous Smoking Cars lilted with I'.legiint Higli-llitiked Ruttan Re volving Chairs for the exclusive use of flrat clnss passengers. Steel Track nnd Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great 1 hmtiph Cur Arrange ment, mnkes lids, nbove nil others, the favorite Route to the South, South-West, nnd tho Far West. Try It. nnd you will flr.d traveling a luxury Instead of n disown fort. Thro.igh Tickets via this Cclebrnted Mne for si lc nt nil olliccs in the I'uitcd States and Cnnnln. All information about Itntes of Fare, Sleep ing Car Acoummodiillons, rrimc Tallies, &c, will he cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. DEAN. Gen'l Eastern Agent, aott Washington St., Ronton, Muss, nnd 1117 llmadwny, New York. JAHES R. WOOD. Gen. Puss. Agt., Chicago. T. J. POTTER, Gen. Manager, Chicago. March 15,1881 40t $5 Outfit sent frvv to thnflp who wlnh torniraKP In the nuwt plfiiHunt hi nl protttHble luif-int-nri known. Evt'rylhiiiK iirw. CHpitnl not retniirud. "We will furnish von pvcrvthlnir. All) a ilv mifl iinrnnli 4 fUflly made without ntnyiiiK awuy from home ovtr niK-nt. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted utouce. Mituyaie making- fortunen at the huMlneM, Lailiea make an nnuii as men, and yotinjf ho and ?irl8 make jrreat my. No one who in williiiMT t( work iiili to n.nke moe money every day than can be made In a week at auy ordinary employment. ThoHe who enKAKP at once will Hurt a short road to fortune. Ad Ureas H. HAiaLET ft CO., Portland, Maine. I ly RFATTV'Q OROAN8IR useful sto(.fi sets UtMl I f O reds only $f5. Pianos $2 nn. -lUustrated catalogue free. Address B HATTY, WashinRton. N . J. 19Aly NEW RICH BLOOD! I'arBon' Purgative 1'lllit ninko New Rich Blood, nnd will completely change the blood in thecntlresystcm Iu three months. Anvicrson who will tnko 1 pill each night from 1 to 1 2 weeks may be restored to sound health. If such a thing be possible. Sent bv mall for 8 letter stamps. . 8. .JOHNSON t- CO., Boston, Matt., formerly 3iangort M. UPTTllTQ UflMTCn KVBRYWIIKRR to sell AbtNIO WHriltU thelwstFnmllyKnlt tl ii k Mnchliie eror invented. Will lunl a pair of Bluckinm, with JIERt. and TOE complete, In 0 minutes. It will also knit a great variety of fancy work for wh!h tliere la always a rearlv market. sinl lorrlrrularand terms to the Twombly KaiUMilg Machine Co.. U9 Waalilagtua ai., ltunluu Wiua. 19Aly NOTICE! THE undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the oltlzeus of Perry county that he has a large and well .elected stock of HARDWARE, GROCKHIEH, DRUGS, WINES S LIQUORS, IRON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, STHEL. IRON AXLES, SPRINGS, SPOKES, HUBS, FELLOKH. . HHAFTfl. v POLES ft BOWS, BHOOM HANDLES. WIRE. TWINES, &o. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, Tiaster, and Cement SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPER LEATHER, John Lucas & Co's.. MIXED PAINTS, (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. inHal.u...l.. j . .ii.i Vn i ,iioi.Y.n giimm am mentioned, 5l,i2l.M,,llSl5.we!? '"'i'"1" Bt ,he Lowest Cash Prices, and he offers the same to his Patrons at the Very Lowest Mces for Cash or approved af ?l 'III ESfete Prlce8' and Palings itespectfully. 8. M. BHULEK, Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. it Is sure to cure Spavins. Hnllnta Curb, Ko. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. Has no equal lor any lameness on beast or mull It. lint. . hi,. ... i .v vi .,ii.iuiii. mine. nessin a person who had suffered 15 . . . v.r,. nmuumcu UrUIliailSlll ,C01US, frost bites. or any bruises, cut or lameness. It i . i I i , iiuiiwu. oenaior il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Price uo uui.a, . nu i.iiiu'Kisis ave it or can cntfor you I)r. B. J. Kcudall Co., Pro9.,Euosburgh, Falls, Vermont. UAKRIS & EWING, Agents, Pittsburgh, Pa. For sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomlleld, Pa. IIl. FLAGG'S INSTANT PAIN RELIEF Is a WONDERFUL and Immediate Core for Aolics untl lnlnH. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Earache, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, &o. V Hold b All Druggists. Wholesale Depot, a Johu Street. New York, gend for Circular. Sept. 20,1B1. If ,1 Til E Chicago & North-Western RAILWAY Is the Oldest, Best Constructed, Best Equipped, and hence the LEADING RAILWAY OP THE WKST ami WOItTIIWKST. It Is the short and best route between Chicago and all points Iu Northern Illinois, Iowa, Dekota. Wyoming, Ne braka, California, Oregon, Arizona. Utah, Col orado, Idaho, Monlano, Nevada, and for Council Bluffs, Omaha, Denver, Leadville, Salt lake, San Francisco, lead wood, Sioux City, Codar Haplils. Des Moines, Columbus, and all Points In the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee. Green Hay. Onhkosh. Sheboygan Marquette. Fond du Lac Watertown, Houghton, Neenah, Menasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron Volga, Fargo. Bismarck, Winona. Lacrosse, Owalonna, nnd all points In Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest, At Council Bluffs the Trains of the ChlcagoS North-Western and I lie U. P H'ys depart from, arrive at, and use the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connection? are made with the Lake Siiure, Michigan Oentlal, Baltimore & O'llo, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago f. '?," Trunk ll'js, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It Is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN CHICAGO and COUNCIL BLUFFS Ptiiiman Steeper) on all Night Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents Selling you Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy If they do not read ovel the Chicago North-Western Railway. If you wipIi the Best Traveling Accommoda tions you will buy your Tickets bv this route. AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. ' All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. 15 MARVIN HUGHITT, 2d V. P. & Ueu'l Muug'r, CuiOAOO, 111. s TART LING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vlotim of youthful imprudence canning Prema ture Dei-ay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., buviug tried iu vain every known remedy, bas dis covered a simple self cure, which he will send FREE to hit fellow-siiQerera, addreas J. II. HKEV1'., 4il UlHthlllll hi., IS. V. BBly $2 Watrhrl. Slm wlmltrJ r.O. Wlillo mrlal HnnllneCaaa Itnllslluu rolil0. tkilhlpnl.llll. Clle.peat 1 al for your own uai. or apc-iilatlve piirintwa. V.lti.ble c.t lo uo m, IHOKI'SU J A 10. , 1 3S S.iua St. Sew 1 ora. 5Bly (KJ A Outfit fiirnlahed free, with full Inatniotlnna for anXU conducting the mewl iirotttuhle lumliiesa that spihV anyone can eugaKe in. The bualnesB is easy to learu, and our Instructions ao simple and plain, that any anc cau make great profits from the very start. No one can fall who If" willing to work. Women are as Buc t'essfiil uh men. lloya and girln can eoru large oiinia. Many have made at the biiHiueaa over one hundred dollars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are auriiriBed at the ease and rapidltv with which they are able to make money. o cau engage in thlfl bilaineaa (luring your spare time at great profit. You do not have to fnveat capital in it. We take all the risk. Tlioae who need ready nioney, should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address TUUK b CO. Augusta, Maine. 1 ly A UCTIONEERS. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Olfershls services to thecltirensof Terry and Cumberland counties. Post office address, Sherniansdale, Perry co.. Fa. HENttY KKLL, AUCTIONEER. Would respectfully lnfoim the citlzensof Perry County that he will cry sales st short notice, and at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. -Address Henry Kelt Ickesburg, Pa. B. HARNISH, AUCTIONEER, T)o1 vlll Tnrrv Pn Pa rhart.a mnAn. . satlsfaotluu guaranteed. 6tf D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONEER, ICKESBURG, PERRY COUNTY, FA. iOa- ChArires morlnrAtA. Prnmnl atianilA. nai4 to all calls. AS. P. LATCHFORD, A UCTIONEER , Would respectfully Inform the public that he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive promnt attention. atf DON N ALLY'S MILLB, PERRY CO., PA. Auctioneer. The undersigned given notice that he wlllory sales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are oli.itenn promptatteatloDWIllbe given. J. 1). W ELLo, New Buffalo Perry co.,Pa The Latest and Must Wonderful Invention .' EDI 50 JS'H INSTANTANEOUS GUIDE TO THE PIANO & ORGAN BY WHICH any Child or Person can play ay of the Popular Airs by note, at sight, without fcitudy. Previous Practice, or even Musical Talent. The Company will FORFEIT Jt.OlKi If any Child ten years old falls to play ANY ONE ot our Popular Tunes on the Piano, Organ, or Melodeon. within One Hour after receiving the Music and Instruc tions, provided saidchild can oount, with the fig ures before it, from 1 to loo correctly. 7 Pieces of Music, with Instructions, Mailed to anv address nn renelnt of 11 Oft. Fn. close one cent postage stamp tor Catalogue of Tunes. ar Agents watted in every State and County ... .iiv w muu i EDIHON MUSIC! CO.. 38-11 m & 217 Waluut Philadelphia, Pa. Newport Advertisements. JyJEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Having on hand a complete assortment of the fob lowing artloles, the subscriber asks share of ran patronage. Dntff and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Eomedics, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, Terfumerj. HAIIl oil, AND. FANCY ARTICLES . AI'o always on Hand TURK WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PUYS1CIANS ORDERS CarefiiUy and Promptly Filled B. M. E B Y . Newport, Penn'a. R. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, 5 t,V,V,,i?.?ri?ellv'ed at,Sur 1V"" ln ewRge tor ck ouly We use Clearfield Pino and Hem. W.B. S. COOK ft CO., Newport, Perry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. tYEf oyouId resPecMully invite the patronage of will be' paid fJraUMnd'sof9 malket GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We bave constantly on hand, FISH., SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, . r HORSE 8HOE8,fto.,&o. FOR BALE AT THE LOWEST KATES. . Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tJ J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, ' Wrlglit's Bnildlng, NEWPORT, PA. Sole Agent for Lorllard'a Superior Tobacco. ..iM0!.initr?.Mer,chauts "opplled with Goods at Philadelphia prices. Your orders are solicited. 944 g HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: Sooth East Comer Market Sqnare, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIESwritten In Hrst class companies on all kinds of Insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented: KXrtK. of Hartford, Assets, 16,700.000 Commercial Union. ' 1,494,000. fire Association, Phll'a., " 3,778,000. B. HIMES, Agent. Marchll, 18801y Portrait of Garfield, Size of Sheet, lSs2i, With bis Autograpli, acknowledged by himself to be best likeness lu ex istence. $7.00 per Hundred. Single Coplee, 25 Cents. Copy of Autograph Letter given wlta each picture. Address, Shober tt Carquerille LItho. Co., 119 Monroe St, Chicago. 40,000 Sold in Chicago In 48 Hours.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers