TUB TIMES, NEW 11L00MFIELD, PA., OCTOBER 18, 1881. Philadelphia Adrertlsements. llcady Mixed Taints ! T UCA8' HEADY MIXED PAINTS ! wowateb.no chemicals, no benzine, but a pure Olli PAINT, READY FOR USE. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF .rAIXT BENT BT MAIL. TI3 PUT ON LIKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LEAD AND OIL, VIZ : NICELY BUUSHKD OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATER PAINT TRY IT, And You Will ProTe It to be the Best Liquid Paint In tlie Market. JOHN LUCAS Ac CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Swiss and Imperial French (jtreen, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VARNISHES, &c fST For Sample Cards apply to F. Morti cner, New Blooratlold, Pa., or 10 John Lucas & Co., Philadelphia. JTEIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Suooessors to BH AFFNER, ZIEGLEB & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, caioves, HibboiiH, Suspendei's, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No.36, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A Agents for Lancaster Combs. w. H. KENNEDY TRIMBLE, BRIT TON & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 805 MARKET 8TLEET, PHILADELPHIA. 7 1 gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALLPAPER. IIL1KK HOOKS Always on hand, and made to Order, Nos. 530 Market and 52) Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. tC),.ALSO, Publishers ot Sanders' New Read ers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. AIbo, Robert's History ot the United States, Felton's Outline Maps, etc, JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON, WHOLESALE Hardware House, No. 625 Market Street, Philadelphia, renn'a. JANNEY & ANDREWS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting: Twines, &., , And a tine Assortment of WOOD ana WILLOW WARE, No. 120 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia Advertisements. uirBOMTrGERr WITH iiii:jm:, m on v t o.. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, Colt on V H'oolru Chain, o. No. 333 MARKET 8TREET, PHILADELPHIA. Merchants wishing to select from as large a stock ns can be fomui 'in the city, and at tlie LOWEST CASH PRICES, should give me a call. . All mull order shall if chIvb prompt atten tion, and ern e will be taken to Ml tiiein to as to give satisfaction, AURIl.it 3l,180.tf. " WAIN WHIG UT & COT WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner ot 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. Jf. S. DOUGHERTY D. J. HO All & CO., WHOl.BSALK BOOT AND SHOE WAHE1I0USE, 13 MARKET 8TKEET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. jjall, sheTk & CO., 405 & 407 Market Street, Philadelphia, (Old Stand of Barcroft &Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ' DDXfcY GOODS, January 1 1831. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE ! THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY EVER discovered, as It Is certain in Its elfects and does not blister. Read Proof Below. From Rev. X. P. (.rnnger, Presiding Elder of the St. Albans District. St. Albans, Vt., Jan. 20th, 1880. DR. J. B. KENDALL & CO., Gents: In reply to your letter I will say that my experience with Kendall's Spavin Cine has been vory satisfactory Indeed. Three or four years ago I procured a bot tle of your agent, and with it, cured a horse of lameness caused by Spavin. Last season my horse became very lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when he became better, but when I put htm on the road he grew worse, when I dis covered thata ringbone was forming, 1 procured a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure, and with less than a bottle cured him go that he Is not lame, neither can the bunch be found. .Respectfully yours, P. N. GRANGER. Perseverance IVill Tell ! Stoughton, Mass., March 18m, 1880. B.J. Kendall & Co., Gents: In Justice to you and myself, I think 1 ought to let you know that I have removed TWO ISONE SPAVINS with Ken dall's Spavin Cure," one very large ones don't know how long the Spavin had been there. I have owned the horse eight mouths. It took me four months to take the large one olf, and two months tor the small one. 1 nave used 10 bottles. The horse ts entirely well, not at all stilt, and no bunch to be seen or felt. This Is a wonderful medicine. It Is a new thing here, but if it does for all what It has done for me Its sale will be very great. Respectfully yours, CHAS. E.PARKER. Is sure In effects, mild In Its action as It does not blister, and yet Is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to remove any bony growth or any other enlargement, If used for several days, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements of the Joints or limbs, or rheuma tism in man and for any purpose for which a lin iment for man or beast, it Is now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain In Its eltects. It Is used full strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send address for Illustrated Circular, which we think gives positive proof of Its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified snc eess, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price f 1. per bottle, or Six bottles for 5. All Drug gists have it or can get It for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt ot price bv the propri etors. DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enosburg Falls, Vermont, "Kendall's Spavin Cure" Is now sold by all the leading wholesale druggists and a large number of prominent retail druggist. -K. Mohtimer, New Bloomtleld, agent for Perry Co., Pa. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. F. MORTIMER, Xew Bloom field. AC0B STRICKLER, PH. G. U Dealer In Pure and Reliable Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Fine Perfumes, eto. Toliacoo and Cigars, Blank Books and Stationery, - Prescript ions a specialty. Stows Two doors East of the Big Spring. Bloomtleld, May 3, 1841.' BROWN'3 o d .. a" SUKE 3 - APPETISER X ft n ' t e f n t Trir-i r 3 - ini f 1 f"n (l " nil ?vl )APPETI3ERgj I) y-feyS)! IKON HITTERS nro highly recommended for nil diseases requiring a certain and efficient tonic J especially Indigestion, Dyxprpm, Intermittent -Fevers, WantofAppetitc,LosnfStrength.LKkoE.nerpj,cte. Enriches tlio blood, strengthens the niiisclcs.nnd cives new life to tho nerves. Tlmv nrt liL-o n i.linrm w on tlie digestive orgnn9,rcmot'n(7 all disprptir, tnmploms, such ns Tantivy the Food, IklchinrjJIeal in the Stomach,lIeartburn,etc. Tho only Iron Preparation that will not Maoken th teeth or plve'lieadnvlie. Sold br nil druggists. Write fur hr A TIC Tlnnir f.13 n. of useful nnd Ing) tent free. liltOWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Mil. Professional Cards. CHAS. J. T, McINTIHB, Attorney-at-Law, New Hloonitield, Perry co., Pa. WAI1 professional business promptlyandf aith fully attended to. 3 2 1 y. JOHN CALVIN WALLIS, Attorney at Law and District Attornry. New Itlooinlleld. Perry Co.. Pa. -Olllco over Mortimer's new More. All legal business promptly and carefully transacted. May 4, 1880. JE. JUNKIN. Attorney-at-Law, New HUimnllf lil. Perry co.. Pa. -OUlee Next door to the residence of Judge Juuklu. 4Stf JEWIS POSTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEW BLOOMFIELD. PERRY CO., PA. "Clalms promptly seoured collected Wrltlngsand all legal business caretullyattend edto. dUyl CHARLES 11. SMILKY. Attoruev at Law. New Dlonmltrld, I'errv Co. Pa. WOlllM 'wo doors east of Joseph Smith's hotel. August 2, 1 872 WM. A. SPONSLEK, Attorney-at-Law, Olllce adjoining his residence, on East Mainstreet.New Bloomtteld, Perry co.. Pa. 32 lj WM. N. SE1BERT, Attorney-at-Law, New Itloomlield, Perryco..ra. Bloomtleld. 3331v. LEWIS POTTER, notary public. New Bloom Held. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and cernnen, win aisotaue depositions to ue reca in anvcourt in the United States. 7 10 ly CHAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomtleld. Perry CO., Pa -Omee on high street, North side, nearly op posltethe Presbyterian Church. 8 21y ML. LIGGETT. Attobnrt-at-Law, Newport, lrry County. Pa. Having permanently located at Newport, will give prompt and careful attention to all bus! ness matters committed to his care. it. Olllce, No. 3D North Second Street. Newport, April if 1878 D R. 0. P. BOLLINGER, . Physician and Surgeon, 5i- Office In residence on Main Street, New Bloomtleld. Pa. CHRONIC DISEASES TREATED. 18 tf T SUNDY.M.D. U Physician and Surgeon. A graduate of Cleveland Medical College. Located permanently In the borough of Bloom tleld. Oilers his professional services to the cltl zeus of Bloomtleld and surrounding vicinity. Calls Inthe country attended to promptly. Olllce in the room formerly occupied bv Dr. D. H. Sweeney, In the residence of H. W. Smith. Main street, New Bloomlield, Fa. 19 Bin D R. R. M. ALEXANDER, SURGEON DENTIST. New Bloomtleld, Perry County, Pa. -Office on Main Street, South Side,' nearly opposite the residence of Wm. McKee. Everything belonging to the profession done In the best manner. vAll Wouk Warrant ed. Terms moderate. 28 W. R0WE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Dentist. Office near Blxler'e Mills, where all professional business will be promptly attended to. Dental work of all kinds warraiitedin price and quality. May 25. '80. ly. LIGHT-RUNNING PEOPLE'S Sowing Machine. The People'M Sewing Machlns Is light running has simple tensions, a largo, easily threaded shuttle winds the bobbin without running the works of the machlno, and is so simple In Its construction that It is easily understood. AGENTS WANTED Where our sewing machines are not repre sented, and we offer th? most liberal Induce ments. Send for Illustrated Circulars to the Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co., PHILADELPHIA. PA. 13 6m INSTATE NOTICE. Notloe is hereby given 'J that letters ot administration on the estate of John Smith, late of Carroll twp.. Perry county, Ia., deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing at Sherinausdale. Perry Co., Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated tor settleuentto CYRUS W. SMITH, Administrator. A TRUE TONIC O U S JE PTJEE TINTED GLOSS PAINT ! I01NT make experiments on your buildings with untried and unreliable autlcles at your expense. DON'T PAY for water and benzine Jl. CO tofJ.lO per gallon. , DO DUY the Lucas reliable and guaranteed Tinted Gloss Circulars and Sample Cards of Paint mailed on application. JOHN LUCAS & CO, 141 North Third Street, 13 6m FhPadelphla, Pa. Books! Books! o Gift Books, Children's Books, Blank Books, School Books, ! Test And all Kinds of Books AT BEACII'S Book & Drug Store. Stationery at Wholesale or Retail W Subscriptions taken for all News papers and Magazines, E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. YOU CAN BUY THE BLATCHLEY PURIP t'nllnnl.or with Copper, Parrrlaln,nr Iron I.lnliiK. Earh one hlimiiilcd with my inline as inKiiutiu lurcr is wurranted in mnterial and con. struction. For Kale ly tlio best houses in the trade. If vow do not know where to get this pump, write to me as below, and I will send niiniu of uncut ni'iiresl you, who will supply you at my lowest prices. CHAS. 0. BLATCHXEY, Manufacturer, 308 Market St., Philadelphia, Fa. For sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomtleld, Pa. 22 PATENTS. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and For eign Patents. Washington. I). C. All business connected with Patents, whether before the Pat ent Olllce or the Courts, promptly attended to. No charge made unless a patent secured. Send for Circular. w. c. tf Patents for Inventions. E. W. ANDERSON. J. C. SMITH. ANDEKSON & SMITH, Attorneys at Law, No. 700 Seventh Street, Washington, D. C. No fee for preliminary examination. No fe unless patent allowed. Fees less than any other responsible agency. Books of Information sent free of charge. Keftreuces furnished upon re quest w. c. tf INVPNTflRC Address EDSON BROS.. At III VCI1 I Una torneys at-Law and Patent Solicitors, 617 Seventh Street, Washington, D. C for instructions, lteasonable terms, lteferences and advice sent PKEU. We attend exclusively to Patent business. Ue!ssues, Interferences, and cases rejected in other hands a specialty. Caveats solicited. Upon receipt of model or sketch and description we give our opinion as to patentabil ity, runs of cuahoii . ' wis refer to the Commis sioner of Patents, also to Ex-Commissioners Established 1806. W. 0. tf ANCY Goods and Notions, Soma new ar Bies ameuts! rivals, Cheap. F. MOKTIMEK, SSUnn til t3TA young lady at a ball called her beau an Indian, because be was ou her trail all the time. tW " Tbe better I know men the more I admire dogs," is tbe remark of a French cynic. (5 An old tin kettle ma'not point s moral, but we have known It lofcdorn a tail, . . (3"" That man," ald a servant of his master, "la so reserved that I would never know anything of his private af fairs If I did not open his letters." t3T "You are found of money for Itself!" "Oh 1 no," said Johnsonburg, " I am fond of It for myself." " Patrick," said the priest, "how much hay did you steal V" " Well, I may as well confess to your Klvereuce for the whole stack, for I'm going after the balance to night." 65 Ice Is very difficult stuff to handle. It takes an Ice-man sometimes half an hour to get a ten-pound chunk into the refrigerator at he house where there is a good-looking cook. 83" An auctioneer, by birth a native of the Green Isle of course, caused to be printed on his handbills at a recent sale: " Every article sold goes to the highest bidder unless some gentleman bids more.' In the ladies' cabins on the Hobo ken ferry-boats the following notice has recently been posted : "The seats in this cabin are for ladies. Gentlemen will please not occupy them until the ladies are seated." K A Southern clergyman says he would prefer to trundle a wheelbarrow at fifty cents a day than be William H. Vanderbilt, rolling ou wealth and idle ness. That's very silly. Mr. Vander bllt can also trundle a barrow If he wants to. tSTSweet simplicity sometimes con tains the sharpest sarcasm. A lawyer said to his client an honest farmer, "Did you go to your opponent and try to set- tie with him V" " I did, your honor," was the reply. "And what did he sayV" "Why, sir, he told me to go to the devil." " And what did you do then, sir ?" " I came straight to you." How The Dog Went Off "You remember Jim Smith's dog don't you Mr. Editor," said the old man as be came in softly. Well at the shooting match the other day he got at the box where the fellows kept their greased cartridges, and he eat twenty of them, He did for sartin." " Did it kill him V" asked the Editor with some interest. "No he seemed to feel better for it, but about 10 o'clock that night he went off," "No!" exclaimed the editor, with more interest than he had yet displayed. "By George 1 Did he made a big noise' Did he though V Hurt anybody V" " No," the old man said, rising to go, " reckon not; he just went off with Bill Hockenbury, that comes to see Boger's big red-haired girl." He came back next mornin." Didn't Give the Boy a Chance. It was Sunday evening. Angelica had Invited her " best young man" to the evening meal. Everything had passed off harmoniously until Angelica's seven year old brother broke the blissful silence by exclaiming, " Oh, ma I yer ourghter seen Mr. Lighted tbe other night, when he called to take Angle to the drill; he looked so nice sittiu' 'long side of her with his arm " "Fred!" screamed the maiden, whose face began to assume the color of a well-done crab quickly placing her hand over the boy's mouth. "Yer oughter seen him," continued the persis tent informant, after gaining his breath, and the embarrassed girl's band was re moved ; " he had his arm" "Freddie," shouted the mother, as in her frantic at tempts to reach the boy's auricular ap pendage she upset tbe contents of the teapot In Mr. Ltgbted's lap, making numerous Russian war maps over bis new lavender pataloons. "I was just going to say," the half-frightened boy pleaded, between a cry and an injured whine, "he had his arm-" "You!" boy!" thundered the father,"away to the wood shed." And the boy made for tbe near est exit, exclaiming as he waltzed, " I was only going to say Mr. Lighted had his army clothes on, and I leave it to him if he didn't." And the boy was permitted to return, and the remainder of the meal was spent in explanations from the family in regard to the number of times Freddie had to be " talked to" for using his lingers for a ladle.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers