0 THE TIMES NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., OCTOBER IB, 1881. MRS. LYOIA E. PIliKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., Tahiti ti-ie Newport Advertisements. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN, Facts About Horses. iAu "EqueKtrlan Manager" In Eng land gives the following Interesting facts about horses : It scarcely needs stating that a good memory is hulls tenslbte in learning nny thing. And if a horse has to learn a trick or routine performance, he can only do so by remembering It from time to time of going through it. Both horses and dogs have wonderful memories; but I will narrate one or two Instances relating to the horse. I was .once driving to Long Milford in Suffolk at a spot where there was a bridge leading over a river. As we approached the bridge, the horse pulled up, and would not move without whipping. For gome time I was at loss to account for this freak ; but it afterward occurred to me that the last time I had crossed the bridge and with the same horse, I had pulled up at that spot to speak to a man. Unless there Is a reason to the contra ry, we always prefer occupying the same field each time we visit a town. Some times it happens that the stud groom, who is generally with the first wagon, forgets which field it is. But by giving the horse his head and leaving him to himself, he will pull up at the right gate. The groom never finds him to be wrong, and drives straight in. When in Southampton some years Bince, I had to pass up High Street daily and had a different horse almost every day. Whichever horse I had he would slacken speed at the Star Hotel, and went to turn into the yard. Upon men tioning this to the groom, he explained that, five years previously, when theclr cus was in Southampton, the stud had been stabled at the Star, and the horse had not yet forgotten the place. I have my opplnlon, founded upon close and varied observation, that horses can and do convey to each other very exact intelligence by the sounds they produce, from the proud sonorous neigh ings for a full-spirited horse, down to the whinnylngs and snortings and other little sounds with which all keepers of horses are familiar. Once, in a long sta ble containing twenty stalls in a row, a horse at one end was dying. Near the other end was a horse of timid disposi tion, which showed marked signs of dread and extreme nervousness, as though conscious of what was going on ; trembling from head to foot, and stream ing with perspiration. I feel convinced that intelligence of what was passing had reached this horse, and that being of a nervous temperament, the poor animal had been troubled to the painful extent we had witnessed. Another example of a different kind. It often happened that I was away from the company for weeks and months at a stretch, and on some of these occasions I had returned along the same road by which the circus was crossing, thus meeting the vans, one after the other all down the line. When yet there was some distance between myself and the nearest van, my horse would seen tor see the nearest van-horse, and salute him with a loud neigh. This would be at once answered by the van-horse, which seemed to pass the signal to the rear down the line, where it was taken up from horse to horse to the very end, per haps three-quarters of a mile away. Then as I rapidly drove by and met the vans, each horse would turn toward mine as he passed, greeting him with a friendly and joyous neigh ; apparently holding a short conversation iu passing, as though welcoming each other after a separation. For it must be noted that it was only after long absence that such demonstra tions took place. Potatoes. Mr. John B. Mooie finds the early Vermont more productive than the early rose. The mamoth pearl is preferable as a late-keeping sort. He thinks that a larger proportion of small potatoes are produced when pieces of large tubers with only two eyes are used than when the whole potato is planted, though he has seen fine crops from planting small potatoes. Kahoka, Mo Feb. 8, 1880. I purchased five bottles of your Hop Bitters of Bishop fc Co., last fall, for my daughter, and am well pleased with the Bitters. They did her more good than ali the medicine she has taken for six years. Wil. T. McClure. The above is from a very reliable farmer, whose daughter was in poor health for seven or eight years, and could obtain no relief until she used Hop Bitters. She is now in as good health as any person in the communi ty. We have a large sale, and they are making remarkable cures. W. H. Bishop & Co. tW Women that have been" given up by their dearest frleuds as beyoud help, have been permanently cured by the UBe of Lydla E. JPlnkham'e Vegetable Compound. It is a positive cure for all female complaints. Bend to Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkham, 223 Western Avenue. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. 42-48 LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Jr n Positive Pnra for 1I then PnttiCiil ('omplnlnti onfl MVnlrneitet ticummon to our brut fi-mnle population. - It will cure ntirply the vornt form of Female Com plaintii.nUoTAHAn troubled, Inflammation and ITlcern, tlon, Fnllhig and IXeplnccmcntJi, and the consequent Pnlnal TVrnknpw, and Is particularly adapted to the Change of Lire. It will dlsdolre and expHI tttmora frnm tlie ntorns In an early (tage of development. The tendency to can ceroua humors there Is cheeked very upeodlly by Its uia. It removes falntneM, flatulency, destroys all crating for fltlmulnnts, and relieve weakness of the stomach. It cure Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Impression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing patn, weight and backache. Is always permanently cured by its ue. It will at all times and under nil circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern (he female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. liYIM A E. riNKIIAM'd VKHFTABLE COM POUND Is prepared at 83S and W Westnrn Avenue, Lynn, Moss. Price 91. Sl bottles for 05. Bent by mall In the form of pills, also 1 n the form of lozenges, on receipt of price, il per box for either. lira. Plnkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address as above, ifrntion thl iiper. No family should be without LYDIA E. TIMC HAM'S LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, blllousnsss and torpiAitj of the liver. S5 cents per box. If Mold by all lru0frnts. 3Uy THE SPRINGFIELD SEWING MACHINE. Rest in the World. The manufacturer of the SPRINGFIELD are aware that. In order to meet the critical and economical demand or the times, the machine must posses a comb nation ol mechanical excel lences, making It superior to anv ol Its prede cessors, and at the sa ne time bo offered at a price that will place It within the means of all. Fully realizing the force of these conditions, they oiler the Hprlnglleld, confident that It will tlnltlll every requirement that can be expected or a first class family and manufacturing machine. Every Machine Is warranted perfect In construc tion. In case any of the pu is prove defective, when machine is used for family purposes, within Ave years from date of uurchase. the mannfactnr. ers will replace such defective part without charee. This does not apply to needles, shuttles, ul vuvuiua. juuuu VJ THE SPRINCFIELD Sewing Machine Company, 13 6m SPRINGFIELD, MASS, yALUABLE FARMS AT PRIVATE SALE. TTI R SllhSPVlhpr ,ltrAla at PrltratA Q.,1a .. . v,nwv unio iuv lowing desirable farms: SO, 1. Is a Farm contalalng Sixty-three Acres, Alt irood land In n irnnH otata if Hi.,nf having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Out buildings, situate three miles south ot Bloomlield and (even miles from j""" " '" piace plenty ol Choice t ruit of all kinds, (tood water at the door. t2,S00. Terms easy. XO. 2. Is a farm situate in When, hold turn Slfr falnlnn about B 115 ACRES, having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLIXG HOUSE, with all required Oitt-bnlldlngs, the Birn being entirely new. 'J his farm Is situate about six miles from Uuncannon and four miles from Bluomlield There Is good water near the door, plenty of streams on the land, a (rood Apple Orchard and other fruit, and will make a desirable home. Price ,oou, aciiiib casj1, AO. 4. Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about two miles from bhermansdale. containing about Une Hundred Acres, having thereon erected a Good Dwelling, and other Out-buildings, A well of good water at the house and another at the Baru. There Is considerable trult on the premises, and the land is good and well watered. Price, l.i.otio, and payments can be arranged to subpurchaser. XO. 5. Is a FARM situate in Carroll township, about two miles from Blieimansdale. cnHtuiiiluir Seventy AoreH, of good land, and having thereon a GOOD DWELLING, and other Outbuildings. There is a good spring near the house, and the Farm Is well watered. There Is also a (Jood Or chard in benriuu condition ; this will make a de sirable home. Price, dl.foo. XO. 7. A TRACT OF LAND containing SIXTEEN ACKE. (half cleared! having thereon erected a GOOD TWO 8TOKV PLANK HOUSE, In good order. - This property Is located i! miles south of Bloomlield. and has on it plei.ty of FKU1T ol ail kinds, and will make a very desirable home a party wanting a small tract ut land. There isa running stream of water near the house and a well of good water close to the door. Price lluoo, half to be cash and the balance in two equal an nual payments. W or fiuiher information address the under signed at New Bloomlield. Perry county, Pa., or call at his residence three miles south of Bloom- field. C. B. IIARNISH. August 17, 1680. Sjm5acttiLia;j THE CREAT JWlZLIXGTOir ROUTE. r?r"No othor lino runs Threo Through Pns engrr Trains Unity bet-.vrrn Chicago, Dcs Moines, Council UlulTs, Otnntm, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topckit nnil Kansas City. Direct connections for nil points in Knn?ns, Nelirnskn, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne VBdit, Now Mexico, Arizonu, Idaho, Oregon and CnllfornlB. Tlio Hhortrst, Speediest nnd Most Comfortn Wo llotite vlnHnnnlbul to Fort Si'ott. Denlson, Dnllns, Houston, Austin. Sun Antonio, Galves ton nud nil points in Texas. The itnciinnled Inducements offered by this Line to Travelers nnil Tourists, are as follows: T-3 celebrated Pullman (lll-whcpl) Pulaco Slopping Cars, run only on this Line, C, II. 6c Q. I'nlaco Drnwlng-Hoom Cars, with Morton's Itpclining I hnirs. No extra thnrgo for Scats in Kcclinlng Chairs. The famous C, B. & y. Pnlnce Dtnlnir Curs, (lorgoous Smoking Cars mini with Klcgmit High-Ducked It til t ii n Re volving ( hnirs for the cxcluslvo uso of flrst class passengers. Stool Track nud SunrHnr ripilpiTiPnt, com bined with their CI rent 1 hroiiirh Cur Arrange ment, mnkes this, nbovp ml ot tiers, thefnvorlto Hontq to the Smith, Soutli-Wcst, and tho Far West. Try it.nnd you will find traveling a luxury lnstpnd of n disenrpfnrt. Thro.igh Tlekpts vhi this CplchrntPd Lino for srk! at ali ollit(S lu tho 1' lilted States and Canndm All Information nbont Hntes of Fare, Slpep Inir Cur Accommodations, Time Tallies, &o, will lie cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. DR AN. Gcn'l Eastern Agent, UUu Viihington St'., lloston. Muss, nnd ill 7 llrimdwav, Now York. oAftlES H. WOOD. tirn. Pass. Agt., Chicago. T. J. PO'ITKII, Gpii. Manager, Chicago. March 15. 1S81 4tlt A f. Outfit sent free to those who wish toeniraire in the niiint"t pleHHiuit and profitable lnulnt'ns known, sfl w EverythliiK new. CapitHi utit reipiired. We wlli furnish you everything. I0 a dtiy and upwards Is eanily made without etayiitK away from home over nildit. Nt risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Manyaie maktiiK fot'tunes at the buslueHH Ladit1 make ur much as men, and j-ounif lioya and rii-lsniiikeKreat pay. No one who is willing t'i work ails to make mo'e innney every day tliini can lie made ill a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will nnd a short road tit fortune. Ad. dreas H. HALLET ft CO., Portland, Maine. i ly RFATTV'Q OKOAN8 18 useful slot s.n sets UCHI I I O reeds onlvlWi. Pianos IJI2 up. tlulllustrated catalogued ee. Address BEATTY, Washington, N . J, 1'JAly !NEW RICH BLOOD! J'iitoibj' I'urffatire Pills make New Rich Blood, and will completely change tho blood In the cntirnsvstcm in three months. Anvperson who will tiiko 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks mny be restored to sound health. If such a thing be possible. Sent by mall for 8 letter stamps. . 8. .fOUXSO'N CO; Boston, Mass., formrrtt Jtttnffor, Me. AGENTS WANTED the hunt l nmlly Klllt- tingr Machine ever invented. Will kintapulruf (,., iItinB, wall II EEL ami TOE complete, in 0 minutes. It wilt also knit a great variety of fancy work for which there is alwavs a ready market. Send for circular and terms to the Twaiiibly Knitting Alacuine Co., iWJ Wushlutstou St., Uuituu Oliua. IDAly OTICE ! TnE undersigned would respectfully call the attention oY the citizens of Pe,ry county! that lie has a large and well selected stock of HARDWARE. GROCERIES, DRUGS, WINES & LIQUORS, IRON. NAILS, HOUSE and MULE SHOES, BTpEf o. IRON AXLES, SPRINGS, SPOKES, HUBS, FELLOES. SHAFTS. POLES BOWS, BROOM HANDLES, WIRE. TWINES, &0. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, Plaster, and Cement. SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPER LEATHER, FISTr,5JiI'.Tv.8V(?,A!iSl18YRJUPa-.TK'8 fICES. V'""'J' raiio,uu oral I u t'UAU. John Lucas & Co's.. MIXED' paints, I (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. .a.!, it " . ""." B"ous nor- mentioned, all of which were bought at the Lowest Cash :J """""" oiii-m mo fMine ro nis ratrons at the Very Lowest Prices for Cash or approved i?.?,- H's moit-I'!,w Prl:e9. and Fair dealings to all. Go and see him. - Jtespecttuiiv. S. M. SHI'LER, Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. KENDALL'S SPA YIN CURE. Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints euro, so. it removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. Has no equal lor any lameness on beast or man. It has cured hlp-lolnt lama- ....o-. iu ucmuu woo nua sunerea id lf.ill'a A lmw.ii i-iaA i.l... .l frost Dltes.or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for blemish on horses. Send for 11 lustraled circular giving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists ave It or can get for you Dr. B. J. Kendall ti Co.. Pios.,Euosuurgh. Falls, Vermont. " HARRIS & EWINO. Agents. Pittsburgh. Pa. For sale by F. Mobtimkr. New Bloomlield. Pa.. IK. FLAGGVS INSTANT PAIN RELIEF Isa WONDERFUL and Immediate Cure for ACIU'W 1111(1 1'ttIllH. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Earache, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, &o. Sold by all DrugRlsts. Wholesale Depot, M Jot n Street. New York. 6iiU for Circular. iiept. 2U,1881. the Chicago & North-Western ItAILWAY Is the Oldest, Best Constructed, Best Equipped, and hence the LEADING RAILWAY -OF THE WfST nml NOItTHWKKT. It Is the short and best route between Chicago and all points lu Northern Illinois, Iowa, Dt kola. Wjcmlng, Ne braska, California. Oregon. Arizona. Utah, Col orado, Idaho, Monlami, Nevada, and for Council Eluffs, Omaha, Denver, Leodville, Salt lake, San Fiancieco, Eead vrood, Sioux CH7, Cedar Rapltls. Des Moines, Coliimhus. and all points in the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee. Green Hay. Oshkosh. Sheboygan, Marquette. Fond du Lao Watertown, Houghton, Neenah, Menaslia, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo. Blsinaick, Winona. Lacrosse, Owatonna, and all points in Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chlcago& itipi in-nesiern alio ine u. r k js nepait Horn, arrive at, and use the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connection are made with the Lake Snore, Michigan Cential, Baltimore & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago & Grand Trunk R'js, and the Kaukakeeand Pan Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It Is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN CHICAGO nnd COUNCIL BLUFFS Pullman Slee2ers on all Kiyht Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents Selling you Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy If they lo not read ovei the Chicago & North. Western Railway. If you wish the Beft Traveling Accommoda tions you will buv your Tickets bv this route, AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHElt. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. 15 MARVIN HUGHITT, 2d V. P. i Gen'l Matig'r, Cuioaoo, III. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vtntlra of yovUhiul imprudence causing Prema ture Decay, Nervom Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., having tried iu vain every known remedy, has dis covered a simple self cure, which he will send FREE to hit fellow euflerara, addreaa J, 11, KEEYES 43 Chatham M., IV. V. 6Bly $2 Watches, fttem winder .rr.O. White mrUl !Tunt1njrCM :. Imltadnu rlle. BolhlproMill. Clieneit iid beet for your own uf or pprnltlv nirpfi. Valitnlile rt loguerrte. THOaittUN tU.t UJ HuaaaSt, Kew V.rk. 5Bly A Outfit furnished free, with full instrucMona for V I M comluctuiK the moHt profitable biiRiiiess flint auyoue can emraKe in. The bu Bin ess is easy to learn, and our Instructions: so simple and plain, that any auec.au make tm-at profits from the very start. No one cau fail who is willing t work, Women are as suc rcHsful an men. Hoys and Kirls can earn larKe sums. Many have made at the miHiuPHs over one hundred dollars in a siiiKle week. Notliiiid- like it ever known before. All w ho ennwe are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money, 'ion can entrave iu this btiRiness during your spare time at Kreat profit. You do not have to invent capital in it. We take all the rhk. Those who need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address TltUU&CO. Augusta, Maine. 1 ly A UCTIQNEERS. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, orforRhls services to the citizens of Perry and Cumberland counties. Post oilice address, tihermausdale. Perry co.. Pa. HiCNUV KELL, AUCTIONEER, Would resnect fully lnfo m the citizen of Perry County that lie III cry salea t Nhort not ice. and at reasonable, rates. Satisfaction fniaranteed. " Address Hknhy Kell, Ickesburg, Pn. B. HARNISH, AUCTIONEER, Ttolvllln Pnrrvnn Pa nhnrnnmnj...,. satlsfaotiun guarauteed. ' 5tf D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONEER, ICKESBUKO, TERRY COUNTY, PA. tftL. ChArirna mndnraiA Pri 11 itfoniinn to ail calls. J AS. P. LATCH FORD, A VCTIONEER, Would respectfully Inform the public that ha Will OI'V aalMH at. ruaonliahl. n.ln.. All I will receive promet attention. MJ.1B1I,LI B UlLUttltltf CO., FA, Auctioneer. Tbe undersigned given notice that he will cry sales at any point In Perrv or Dauphin countlea. Order are solleltedand promptattentlon wilibe given. K. D. WELI.B, New Buffalo Perrv eo.. Pa Th Latest and Must Wonderful ImtnUon I EDI (sTo IV S INSTANTANEOUS GUIDE TO TDE PIANO & ORQAJN. BY WHICH any Child or Person can play any of tlie Popular Airs by note, at Hiht, without Kturty, Previous Praetice. or even Musical Talent. The Company will FOR VKIT l.fKm if any Child ten years old fails to play ANY ONE ot cur Popular Tunes on Mie Piano, Organ, or Meiwleon, within One llou 'after reoelviun the Muna and Instruo tlons, provided said child can count, with the fig ures before It, front 1 to lo eorreutly, 7 Pieces of Music, with Instructions, : Mailed to anv address on receipt oftl.ua En. close one cent postage stamp tor Catalogue of Tunes. . " Agents waited lu every State and County In the Union. EDISON MUSIC CO.. 38-11 21S & 217 Waluut bt., Philadelphia, Pa. JEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Bavlnton hsnd a complete assortment of the fol lowing articles, the subscriber asks a aiiareof tsb. pstronsire. Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS, Also a full stock of Concentrated Romedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, rerfuniery IIAIIl OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES Also always on Hand PURE WINES & LIQUOR Fort MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS -CarebUy and Promptly Filled B . M . E D Y . Newport, Penn'a. 11. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, ,n&88 WONEy than an, other dealers In this S?n.Sty'.)V?.wl"als? take K00x Timberon the 5 t,Vmf??reUSred Kt,?nr ln exchange for Lumber,&o, We use Clearlield Pine and Hem- W. R. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Perry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of he farmers, and the publlo generally as the HIGHEST PRICES the market w 11 afford, will be paldfor all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on hand, PISH, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, 8TEEL, . HORBK 8HOE8. &o.,6c FOR 8ALK AT THK LOWEST RATES. . Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1876 tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Building, NEWPORT, 1A. Sole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobacco atThffl3:iW;r7J.:?u 'upp,lad wlth Gooi Your orders are solicited. 944 g HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIFS written In first class companies on all kinds of insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented: jEtna.of Hartford, Assets, $6,700,000 Commercial Union. "' 14(4 000 Fire Association, Phll'a., " 3,7780OO. B. HIMES, Agent. Marchll, 18801y VIA-SARSO ' THE GREAT Aaompnnilof tiie ftetiv priB0inloir 111 Pm ff" iucalyptm, 8rMpnil, Maoitkka, I I H Wm W A"VDU"OB Riantjf-wort, tfuohu. liviX. &Ou which avta nmnntlv an KIDNEY th Lir. Jtidtmya, Blood. Swmwh aud Bowlt ml tha Mrn time. Tli oiXRU ar to intiwatl 0Datted that when oao it duued. ibv all boom nvr or 1m affected, lltac th grvM valut aud tupartoritr f BLOOD thin couipouod, which restoraa Uim an to hwiuir action, ana as a loaia. T TTUriT'Ta'V kuiida up lh antir vaUm. U im AX JLi XUL M U X alioamotlvaluablru)Hljfor Head A Antl-Blll0U irlPi. amoutn. Const: ZL-m. -w--w ration. Uravwl, Ftiiual W aknM, all TONlU. fikia liiMitM. SorofuloatftudSvpht tlUe alTwfltioua, old aunt and ulora. Plaiaai to ua. 'Trial lottltM. ota. t.aririuulM,.Vvta. Ati druitiaUaud oooutry tor! hava il, or will fpt H for yoa. AUo rnatd in iuar wata4 tilia, and mailed for V tt. a boa. A.iKma W an rua aOMlti altUlCKNt :uM Philaavlptua, Fa. ya o w iy IOB lMtlNTiNU of eTery dewrtptlon mtly land promptly executed at KMOHbte Katev at tb blouuiUld Tlmyt Steam Job O01u.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers