H TIIK TIMES NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., OCTOllEK I, 1881. Dangers from Electricity. Tim ditngor fin m nlBotrlo wire in shown y the following Inultlent. Mr. lninli, tlie rilstliiKiilslied Invoutnr of one of these bril liant Illuminator, u seriously wounded a short time ngo, nnd lio probably reckons himself fortunate that lie esonped with his life. lie wns showing some gentlemen tbe manner in whloli tlie moiloiu llgbt In mnnii factured, and by mime careless, move tlie powoiful fluid took refune ou one of his thumbs, inflicting an ugly wound, nnd lny tag tbe flesh bare to tlie bone. Will I am J. Denver of Bprlnglleld, manager of the Western Union Telegraph Ollloe ill that city, also had nn unpleasant experience a few evoulngn ago. He wat handling some Ure-alutni wires In nu englue-bouse, and while thus engaged they became acciden tally oiossed outside with tome electric light wires. The shook wat to severe as to knock him down, nnd the wire which be was holding was reduced to in olio u iron In the fi notional part of n second. If Mr. Denver had been so unfortunate as to have boeu iu a position to allow the whole force of the escaped current from the Illumina ting wire to pass through his body, the telegraph company would have beon deprlv d of a very elllolunt ollloinl, nnd the com munity would have mourned on esteemed member of society. Joseph W. (Stover, the well-known Bos ton electrician, was called upon, as an ex pert, to give his viewB upou the subject. He did so at length. The substance of his statement was that the large wires used for carrying a current of electricity sufficient for lighting purposes were dangerous to both life and property, unless thoroughly Insulated; that, if one of tlio wires was broken and a person grasp both of the sev ored ends of the wire, the current would pass through bis body and kill him instant ly ; that the wires were charged so full of electricity that the current wan constant ly seeking to escape from the wire and take the shortest route to the ground. If, in leaving the wire, it came in contact with nu iudiviitunl, it would be like a stroke of lightning ; if with inflamahle substance, a the would be generated. He Baul that tlie principle of electric lightning was yet iu its infancy and be had no doubt the compa nies engaged in the business would, for their own protection, eventually ilud ade quate means for insulating the wires. A Girl's Choice. It was in a drug store of course. All interesting incidents occur in drug stores that is nearly all. Bhe was pretty, with bl uo eyes and golden hair, one of those kind of beauties the poet would have called nn " angel," but for the fact that a colony ot pimples on her fair frontispiece preclud ed all thought of a celestial being. Mow ing timidly to the handsome clerk, she asked for "Bwayne's Ointment for skiu diseases," and upon receiving it vnnished like the morning dew before the Summer sun. A Lively Time. Chicngo, October 2. Special dispatches from Bloomington, 111., gives graphio de. tails of the lynching there last night of Charles Pierce the imprisoned horse thief who shot and killed Jailor Franks while the latter was conveying him from one cell to another in the jail. The dispatches say that some of the best citizens were in the front ranks of the lyuchers. Tbe leading business men cheered and eucouraged tbe lynchers. The women waved their hand kerchiefs in approbation for two hours. The sheriff with all bis force, tbe police force and other officials stood at the Jail and fought and plead with the Infuriated crowd. When tho murderer was raised the first time Officer Bailey of the police force im perilled bis life by breaking through the crowd and cutting the rope, letting tho body fall. Upon attempting to repeat this act of bravery be came near being killed. The officers called out the fire department to quell tbe riot by throwing water on the crowd. When a steam engine arrived on the ground cries of "cut tbe hose" con vinced the firemen that it would not do to undertake to carry out their instrnctions and they retired. The ringing of the fire bells called bundreds.more to the scene and added to tbe excitement. When tbe lynch ing was imminent dispatches passed be tween Governor . Collum nnd Lieutenant Governor Hamilton, and tbe latter was directed by the governor to tell the sheriff to call on the militia to protect life and property, but it was known that the mili tia could not be assembled. Senator Fifer, formerly state's attornoy and It. B. Porter, state's attorney, did all they could to quiet the mob, promising them tbat the laurdor er should be tried and punished, but their pleadings nnd promises were booted at. "Justice and the courts are a farce." "We ihave seen too much of court qnibblings," and other similar remarks were shouted at the officers by tbe mob, who presisted in their purpose of lynching Pierce and then .dispersed. tSTThe latest man wbo has been made liappy through tbe use of this valuable lin iment is Mr. James A. (Joularj, Librarian of tbe Union Catholio Library of this city. The following is Mr. Conlan's indorsement: . Union Catholic Libbabt Abbociation, 304 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Bept. 10, 1880. I wish to add my testimony as to the merits of St. Jacobs Oil as a cure for rheu matism. One bottle has cured me of this troublesome disease, which gave me a great dual of bother for a long time ; but thanks to the remedy I am cured. This statement is unsolicited by any one in its interest. A Singular Case. Illohntd Tom pi In, a hid six yoarsold, full down, head foremost through the tunnel of the liny mow on bis lather's farm near Korilstonu, I'n,, on Friday last. He was considerably hrulnodt for it was A fall of thirty tent, lint tho strangest part of his injury is that from some derangement of the optlo tim ves be now sees every Object duplicated J Iu fact has double vlsloli, Sii mJicaiiing ForailSkipN f Remedy Buru.AS Diseases) TETTER . ITCH. S0RE9 . PIMPLCS. VEXWCELASjl WINGWORM.y THE CREArCURE TOR IWHINGPILES BymptnmflaiYmnlMturft,(itlnKlnff, Itching, worimfit night Mftomui If pln-worma vera crawling about the rectum; the prlTnte part are oftan affoctd, An a ptpaftant, econuuilcal aud positive cure. Swatnr's Oi ntm bit II bui hh-1 or tu any artlclo In tlie market. Bold l.y dniRgUtn.or Bfmimj ct. In 8ct Btampa, 8 lloiui, $1.26. AUdrenf, Vm. S waynb ft Sum, l'UUa., fa September 20, lHftl ly WE HAVE OPENED oun ,1 ft WITH ONE OF TIIK Largest Stocks Ever displayed in Central l'enn sylvania. o When you go to buy vou like to find n, good assortment. You have never looked upon a better nue than we are displaying this season. !We have 'Men's Suits, Com mon) at $4.00, $5.00, $700. "We have men's Suits, Good, at $8.00, 10.00, 12.00. We have men's Overcoats at $3.00, 5.000, 7.00. We have men's Overcoats at $8.00, 10.00, 12.00. We Have Child's Suits at $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 We have Boy's Suits at $3.00, 4.00, 0.00 We Lave Boy's Overcoats at $2.50, 4.00, 0.00 We have Men's Heavy Boots, Good at $1.75,2. 60,8.00 We have Boy's Heavy Boots, Good at $1.50, 2.00, 2.60 We have Ladles' Heavy Shoes at $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 We have Ladies' Button Shoes at $1.40, 1.75,2.00 We Lave Children's Button Shoes at DOcts. $1.00, 1.25 We Lave Common Carpets at 0o. 25o. 35o. per yard. We have Good Carpet at 64c. OOo. 75c. per yard. We Lave Trunks for $1.00,8.00,5.00 We Lave Wool Hats (Men's) at COc. 00. 75c We Lave Fur Hats at $1.00, 1.G0, 2.00 We Lave Ladies' Coats at $2.50, 8.60, 0.00 We Lave Ladles' Dolmans at $4.60, 7.00 10.00 We Lave White Bed Blankets at $2.00, 3.00, 6.00 We have Colored Bed Blankets at $1.25, 2.00, 8.00 We have a full line of Shawls, Skirts, Hosiery, Men and Women's Underwear, Watches, Jewelry, and the best general line of Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods in the County. Don't for get the longest established and most Reliable house. EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. -IOB 1'KINTINO of every description neatly WapdnroHiptlyexeouted Seasonable Kates at the Bloouiuald Timet bHeau Job Oiiice. fmlci Sison MM i Good and Glorious News ! ! fl nth nir 1 Eur' Men, for Hoys, For Children ! Were Never Sold as Cheap Before ! I). GANSMAN, AT THE- NEW CLOTHING HOUSE, OKFJ5U8 IN DUCK MKTS IN Good licliablo Clothing. Note Our Sample Prices : Four Dollar Men's Hults.l Five Dollar Men's Hultn, Heven Dollar Men's Hulls, Nine Dollar All Wool Hull, Ten Dollar All Wool Hulls. BOYS' SUITS AT FROM $2 OO J $2.50 : $3.00 & $7.00. These floods are worth nearly double the money. Hememlier, these are all NiiW, FRESH MOODS, splendidly made, dnraiile and Stylish, and will Fit Like Custom-Made Clothing. My Stock o( Furnishing Goods Is complete In Neck Wear. TIER, COt.T.A RH fill.K ilANDKKH'JIIIEKH. RHIKM. UNUK.K WKAIi, 8ATCHKLS. THUNKH, UAI BHKLLAH, ami ot MEN AND HOYS' HATS, I have a full line, and will fell tliem Cheap. Merchant Tailoring Department. I have an entire new slock ef NICE (lOODfl (or Fall ami Wlntnr Hulls and OvereoailaKi. Will make them te M KAHUKE AT LOW PHICES. Remember we offer you nothing but Hellahte niothlnir. Specially Well Mmln and Stylish Cut, and all New and Fresh for this Fall and Winter's Wear. Money Refunded on all Goods Not Found as Represented ! Please Call, whether you wish to buy or not. Examine and be convinced. D. GANSMAN, New Clothing House! Corner Centre Hijuare and Heoond Hreet, Frank's Old Hardware Btore, NEWPORT, PA. September 20, 1881. pitE INSURANCE. 'Jo the fUrmemand Michanlcn of Perry County We hereby call your attention to the claims of Tho Farmers' and Mechanics' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Ferry County, an offering you good and safe insurance at Net Cost. This Company, organized and chartered In 182, has Issued over llw policies, and has now over JI.IHUI.HIO of property Insured i has paid losses since Its organization to the amount of 12,702.24; has laid but one assessment, of l!,inl!l8 on thedollar, since lis organization, netting the Company the sum of il.KK3.6lt, which, with the premiums on policies Issued, has paid all Its current expenses and losses from tire. The rates charged by the Company are but from 11.20 to I4.UU per thousand dollars of valuation for five years, and no charges for Hurvey and Policy, as ether Companies make. We olim that It oilers to the Farmers and Mechanics ot I'erry county advantages over all other Companies for the following among other reasons; It Is a home Company. , It Insures only Iu I'erry countv. It pays no large salaries to Olllcers. It pays no dividends to Stockholders. It pays Its losses promptly and honorably. It Insures at lower rates than any Stock Com pany can. It insures no borough property, steam estab lishment or foundry. It makes no assessments unless actually needed to pay losses by II res. Its Olllcers are your neighbors whom yon know, and are chosen by the insured from their owh number. OEOItOE HOOBAUGU, President. DIIIECTOIIS. NK'HOLAS HENCH. Bavllle township. J. W. GANTT, Ceutretownship. .JACOB DUM, Spring township. HKVAN OIHNEV, Carroll township. J. I. COOPER. Tyrone township. THEASURBK. II OX. DAVID 8HEIBLEY. Spring township. Full Information sent upon application to W. W. Mct'LURK. Secretary. 23-10 Grceupark, Pa. SPECTACLES AND EYE .lMSSi:S! Spectacles for the old, middle aged, and youug. Spectacles for all kinds of sights. Spectacles for Headache. A flue and varied assortment. Adjusted properly to suit all eyes by Dr. DAYID II. C00VER, Oculist and Optician, NO. 21 SOUTH 3rd 8TKEET, (Between Market and Chestnut 6ts) HiVIiltJSBUltG, rA. WOrttce hours from 8 A. M. to S P. H. Or send a three cent stamp for the ''Improved method of adjusting Spectacles and Eye Ulasses." by tne use of which you can seleot your own glasses. ARTIFICIAL EYES INSERTED. 30T29 Ming U1U UUilg, 1881 CAR PETS ! L O OK A T TtfKH It lJTfi i,t . TAl'ESTttY HIUJSSEL, . . . . (jr. to tl 00 THE VEUY 1JEST EXTKA INGRAIN, . . 85 cent (300U INUUAIN, - . . . 60 to 75 cent JIEST IJODV miUNSEL $1.35 to $145 We will Sell at these Figures for a Few Weeks Only. We have the Celebrated Moth-Destroyer. i ,m Wnre11Cftrr;fit anl More Patterns than all the other Carpet Houses. Mi- Haft an.ricsr for yourBfilvM No trm,b,e to H,,ow 0(",1"- DUN'T MISTAKE THE PLACE 1 31 North ilril Street, In tho Opera llonse, HAUULNHUKU, PA.. Special Opening and Groat Bargains in New lTiajJDry Goods, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart's. WViMyLu'-'' n1ll;,"ln""! extensive purchases anil shall ofTr enr customers and tho trade In general, some of Din Greatest Iiargalns In Kali Dry Ooods erer shown. A glance throughout this limited list win ve yo.t some Idea of whai we In Tl.Xg"Sd where you can buy your goods at a very LOWFKICE. We Intend to do a larger CMMiln ew"heree.VerdOn0an,,lnOI,0rt0 l0 M' " ,r boUml t0 M" tnXtotoSlfl N0V!l,8,lrft',l,vAI,mJ?a,'. worlh 12''e- NflW 8,"",fi" ;timeres 11c a yard, Ji CL fr.11 S"1 ""'iw yd. worth ann. New Fall Onstus (Jlolhs ar,c. ' per yd. worth 8ic. New Fall Prints at Be. per yd. worth flo. New Fall Saek liigl.00 per yd. worlh tl.2fl. Unbleached Canton Flannels 7-8-tt for . 10Ci Wn per yd. Ladles' Merino Vests 87, fio for 75c, fl .00 each . Gen s Merino Shirts flu, M ifor 7Sc. Jl (K). Unhlcacded Muslin iy7 7 forS and Be. per yard. Half Bleached Damask Tablo Uncus 11), ar,, 8:i, fl7 for 4i, 4.1, 00c. Towels 6.8. D , , , , 10. 13 for 15c. ltc. 20c. and 25c. . Special I PrlcM-Orey Flannels, Bcarlot Flannels and Blankets. We are dally rerelvlng new goods and we feel confident that all goods bought from the popular one price store will give perfect satlisactlon. D1VE9, POMEROT A 8TKWAKT, ,rt0",re w,u g,Te tin, TSnviU :irl HI., 1881. Come and See Our . 1881. NEW FALL STOCK OF CARPETS. Don't mlBtake our location, hut remember that ' YINGST'S NEW CA11PKT STOllE lm txt 111 MA111CKT HXItlCICT, IIAIMMSBUIIG, Nkah Vhokt St., Pattkhbon'h Ou Stanij. m mi WE opened at above place, a few month, ago, with an entire NEW BTOCK. .Our r. .1 ?U.CCC" Wa ,or!n 0rePK'l''' Thanks to many Mends and former patron for that success which we will ever try to merit by keeping only good reliable CARPETS, Ac. and representing them as we know them to be, and selling at the LOWEST CASH PRICE8 We have Just opened our new Fall Stock of CARPETS, which are handsome patterns and M VTTl'ism i ft ''''r" WE ,A?T TO BEE l A ,nt "f first clL. STRA W MATTING left on hand, we will close below cost. COME AND BEE US. We will appreci ate your Inlluence and patri-nage. Very respectfully, yours, pp e l llarrl8t)urg, Hejit. 20, 1881.3m r; YINGHT. LIFand DEATH of JAMES A. GARFIELD .rr.t fTnoorr ..Oil. hil. 1 f.iTl Partlrnlnr. of Ih. Aeaas.lnatlnn 7 mir m.rtrr" ".IrJIitT A iSis 50 per cent, discount to Agentsii&ft&ATi Tut""?, PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Cures Complaints of women aud diseases of the Btomach, Dowels, Lungs, Liver and Kidneys, and Is entirely different from Bitters, Ginger Es sences and oilier Tonics, as It never intoxicates. 60c. and II sizes. Large Stvlng buying 1 size. 41 dsl lHHC'OX & CO., Chemists, N. Y. 5000 Agents Wanted to Sen" the Life of PRESIDENT GARFIELD, Ills early lift and Career as Soldier and States man; his election administration: bis assassina tion; his heroic slniKgle for life; wonderful med ical treatment, blood poisoning; removal to Ki be r on: death, etc. Profusely Illustrated. Splendid portraitof (larileld, his wife and moth er; scene ot the shooting: the sick chamber; Uulteau In his cell; the suriteons and the csblnet. The only complete.and authentic work. There Is a fortune for agents first In the field with this bonk. Oultltfioc. Hpesk (uick. Address JiuiuiARD Duos., I'nUs.Jif Chestnut 1'lilla. 41314 fiARFIFI tVQ FAVORITE Portrait from UHnritLU O a Negative by Blerstadt, Ar list, of New York, of which (Jen. (iartleld order ed over a) for personal use. If Is last order was for PU Just before his assassination. Hie 111x21. II. Superior to the tl nest steel plate. The people want a Standard Hojt rait. AtiK.NTS W ANTKf) to sell Uarlleld's Favorite, DnDTDAIT also his Life by Rev. Dr. I)ra- I Ull I flHI I . per. of N. Y. K. B. Thbat, 757 Broadway. New York. 41d flOlD MEDAL AWARDED liia A iitnor. A nw ana (crt Hnd leal Work.warrantsMl trm txMt and chftapmt,tn1ifltnatl0to trfrj rnanutitltvl "the Hctmrmmut i.ifa or.Slf-FrffunrraiW'ii rniund in finest Krmch maalin, nilkKfMdt full KiU,a00pp.c.DUmfl beaatiful nffTaTtncs, 125 pnmerip ttona, prine onl 41 ant by mail: illutratMfaamDl.Kntnla uil D(m,Aii(lrM i'eatdj Mtsd 7IMW TITVrT V Instituteor Ir. W. II. IAft. K KK, No. 4 Uulflncb si. Burton. 39(3.2 Htib-llww.Ortawa fjiilr, I nwtul Stops. Attrartitm Watmui Cum. W Atm If) days' trial. BftQtifiiU IlltiHtratod CatAUMriM.Nitt iJ full informatioi). Aw. & d 42 WUNDERFUL DISCOVERY. m AIETA L TIF I.A.11 P WICK t Pat'd Dm. 7. 18RA. . f Aires a BrilUsnt, Whlta tai Steady J light, requires No Trimming, and lasts for months, nample wick lu cents! 3 wicks it cents i 12 wicks 7.Sceuis postaue paid. Have three sizes, A. B and I. Ascitis Wauled. Addre-s MKTAL TIP LAM1 Ti iuK CO., U Cvrtlaudl tMreet. New York City. 89d42 INSTANT PAIN RELIEF Is a WONDERFUL aud Immediate Cure for AolieM mill ' PuIum. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Earache, Cuts, Bruises, 8praius, &e. H. Hold by all Druggists. t- Wlinlrsale UeiHJt, h3 John Street. New York. Bend fer Circular. Hi Sm. Ixai. EMBItOlUKKlK!). EIMilNtiS, 1N8EKT IfjUS, and other trimmings. P. MORTIMER. 1881. CARPETS ! ItAlIllJHJIUlIU, 1A.- Irmilnm Vrrn. br m.lt. SI. OA. Clmrlautl, 41. Save 32! Cents. Why Wot ? He Examiner and Chronicle, Established Id 182.3. Is tlie Lariiest, Cheapest, and by Many Thousand the Most Widely Circulated Baptist Newspaper In the World, Will be Delivered by Mall, Postage Prepaid, to New Hutmcrlbers, From Oet. I, 1881, to Jan. I, 1882, FOR THIRTY CENTS, The Price of One Year's Subscription being CO. This Is done to enable every family to see. at the least possible price, what the paper Is. THE EXAMINES COMPHISE8 A Current Event Expositor, A Living Pulpit and Platform. A Herlea of Able "Topics for the Times." A Missionary and Haptlst Event Kecord, A Hunday School Institute, An Educational Advocate, A Literary, Theological, frclentitle and Art Keview, A Popular Ktory Paw, Family Mis cellany and Puzzlers' Heaim.A House. Farm and Garden Iepartment, A Market Reporter. &, Ac. All conducted in an outspoken, wide awake and popular manner. TflE EXAMINER AND CHRONICLE Is one of the largest sized eight pace papers, and Is dis tinctlvely a FAMILY NEWHPAPEK. with Inter esting and Instructive reading for every member of the household, from the oldest to the youngest. In making It the Editor has the eo operation of the best newspaper, magazine and review wri ters of the day. Sample Copies Eree. For terms to Canvassers address P. O. Box 3S35, NEW YORK CITY. r Portrait of Garfield, Siza of Sheet, 13z21, With his Autograph, acknowledged by himself to be the best likeness iu ex istence. $7.00 per Hundred. Single Copies, 35 Cent. Copy of Autograph Letter given with each picture. Address, Shober t Carqnevllla tltha. to., 119 Monroe St., Chicago. 40,000 Sold in Chicago In 48 Hours. ALU ABLE FARM PRIVATE SALE. A GOOD f ARM situate Id Ravi lie township, one and half mile south of IcKeiburg, this county, eoutaiuing About (JO Acres, Having thereon erected a Frame House, Bank Barn, CARPENTERSHOP. AND OTHER OCTBCIID logs. A good portion of the tract is excellent bo toui land and Is under good cultivation. This Eroperty la pleasantly located in a good oelgn arWxi, cuuveuieui tu churches. Mores aud. schools. 4. Theabove property will be (old at a reason able price and on easy terms. For further par ticulars call at this oltice. a