THE TIMES NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA., OGTOUltft 11, 1881, MRS. LYDIA L PIKKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., Newport Advertisements. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. ron Tn Times. A WESTERN LETTER. Fahoo, Dakota, Sept. 2fitli, 181. Mr. Editor :-Dear Sir, if you will graut rue space in the columns of your paper, 1 will converse to the many readers of the times. I am now lu the far famed north-west. Northern Dakota is now attracting a large share of the public attention from the remarkable and apparently inexhaustible fertility of its soil, salubrious climate and vast ex tent of Its almost boundless prairies. It embraces that portion of the magnifi cent valley of the Hed river of the North, lying west of that river, Including the beautiful valleys of its tributaries, the Maple, Cheyenne, Elm, Ueoce and Park rivers. It is estimated that over 80 per cent, of this vast country is the finest agricultural land in the world, and especially adapted to the growth of wheat. The climate Is one of the most health ful in the world. Malarial diseases are unknown here, and the bracing and tonic properties of the air are good for weak lungs and consumptives. The winters are somewhat longer, and cold er, as measured by the thermometer, but are generally more pleasant and agreea ble than in the Eastern and Middle Btates. The dry atmosphere peculiar to this region render the winters milder than in more southern latitudes, the summers are delightful from the cool winds that temper the heat. This country is represented by almost every nationality. People flocking here with a little money to' get themselves homes. There is more money in this country than in any new country I was ever in. Any willing man can get ready employment at almost his own price. Wages for common labor are from $2. to 12.50 per day and board, for carpenters from $2.50 to 3.00. Engineers on threshing machines from $3.00 to $3.50 per day or from $68. to $90. per month. On the Dalrymple farm twen . ty-eight miles from Fargo, they are pay. ing 2.50 per day and no lost time. The Dalrymple farm contains 40,000 acres; he bad 30,000 acres of wheat and 6,000 acres of oats. This is certainly the best wheat coun try in the west or north-west. Steam threshers are run seven days in the week, and the average amount of some machines is eight hundred bushels of wheat per day. Some machines turn out as high as fifteen hundred bushels in a day. I will now say something about the city of Fargo. Fargo is the principal city of northern Dakota, it has a population of about 4,000, and the finest buildings in the north. There are twelve hotels, 0 churches and 43 saloons. Buffalo overcoats are now in use,cloth ing is very high here. If any one should come I should advise them to bring plenty of warm clothing along. Fearing I may consume too much space I close. J. M. K. How to Have Good Cider. A correspondent of a Boston paper says ; "Put the new cider in clean casks or barrels, and allow it to ferment from one to three weeks, according as the weather is, cool or warm. When it has attained to lively fermentation, add to each gailon three-fourths of a pound of white sugar, and let the whole ferment again until it possesses nearly the brisk pleasant taste which it is desirable should be permanent. Pour out a quart of the cider, and mix with it one-quarter of an ounce of sulphite of lime for every gallon the cask contains. Stir until it is inti mately mixed, and pour the emulsion into the liquid. Agitate the contents of the cask thoroughly for a few minutes, then let it rest that the cider may settle. Fermentation will be arrested at once, and will not be resumed. It may be bottled in the course of a few weeks, or it may be allowed to remain in the cask and used as a draught. If bottled it will become a sparkling cider, better than what is called champagne wine. Profess or Hereford, of Cambridge, was the first to use the sulphite of lime for this pur pose, and to him is due the credit of first calling attention to Its usefulness. It is in no respect deletrious, as the sulphite, into which the sulphate is chaDged by the liberation of sulphurous acid, is en tirely Id soluble, and remains at the bot tom of the vessel. The writer has cider prepared lu this way two years siuce, which has remained unchanged, and is now a beverage of unsurpassed excel lence. The aup?rite of lime, not the iu)piatc, must be used. Feathers. To utilize the feathers of ducks, chick ens and turkeys, generally thrown aside as refuse, trim the plume from the stump inclose them in a tight bag.rub the whole as in washing clothes aud you will se cure a perfectly-uuLform and light down, excellent for quilting coverlets and not a few other purposes. o PS o ' a o X LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Iff ft PowltiTi Cnrg for all tlWa Pulnftil ('mplnlnta and WfcnMM loremnoa to-arbaatfemale pop ttl attain - It will cura entirely the wont form of Female Com plaints, all orarlan troubles, Inflammation and Ulcer tlon, Fall. iii and replacement , and the consequent Rplnal TVfikneet and la particularly adapted to tha Chang of Ufe. It will dltdolT and expel tumor from the nterni In an early atageof development. The tendency to can cerous humors there la checked rery speedily by Its use. It remoYee falntness, flatulency, destroys all era ring for stimulants, and relleyos weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating;, Headaches, Kerrous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feel Ins; of hearing down, cauHns; pain, weight and backache, la always permanently cured tiy Its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances aot In harmony with the laws that gorern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of cither tax this Compound Is unsurpassed. I.YIHA E. riNKIIAM B YFOF.TAIU.E COM POUND is prepared at 139 and tt Western Arenue, Lynn, Haas. Trice ft. SlxbottleafnrfA. Rent by mall In the form of pills, also In the form of lozenges, on receipt of price, fl per box for either, Mrs. Pink ham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address as abore. Mention thi i-jxr. Ko family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S LIVER FILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness and torpidity of thallrer. 15 cents per box. mr Hold by all DrugglBta. - SPRINGFIELD SEWING MACHINE. Best in the World. The manufacturers of the SPRINGFIELD are aware that, In ordnr to meet the critical and economical demands of the times, the machine must possess a combination of mechanical excel lences, making it, superior to anv of Its prede cessors, and at the same t ime be ottered at a price that will place It within the means of all. Fully realizing the force of these conditions, they oiler the Hprlnntlelrt, confident, that It will tliiltlll every requirement that can be expected of a first-class family and manufacturing machine. Every Machine Is warranted perfect lu construc tion. In case any of the ptrts prove defective, when machine Is used for family purposes, within live years from date of purchase, the manufactur ers will replace such defective part without charge. This does not apply to needles, shuttles, or bobbins. Made by THE SPRINCFIELD Sewing Machine Company, 13 6m SPRINGFIELD, MA88. yALUABLE FARMS AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at Private Sale the fol. lowing desirable farms: NO. 1. Is a Farm contalalng Sixty-three Acres, All good land. In a good state of cultivation, and having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Out buildings, situate three miles south of liloomlleld and (.even miles from Duncaniinn. There Is on this place plenty of Choice Fruit of all kinds, good water at the door, with running water In nearly every Held. Price, 12,300. Terms easy. KO. 2. Is farm s!tua.tA tn WhAa. riAld turn. nnfaininiy ! about 113 ACHES, having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, with all renulred Out-bulldlnes. the nirn twini. entirely new. This farm is situate about six miles irom Dtincannon aim lour miles iioni Hloomlleld. There Is good water near the door, plenty of streams on the laud, a good Apple Orchard, and other fruit, and will make a desirable home. Price 2,860. Terms easy, AO. 4. Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about two miles from bhermansdale, containing about One Hundred Acres, baving thereon erected a Good Dwelling, and other Out-bulldiiifrg, A well of good water at the house and another at the Barn. There Is couslderable truit on the premises, and the land Is good and well watered. Trice, tAOOO, and payments can be arranged to suit purchaser, NO. 5. Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about two miles from Shermausdale, containing Hoveuty AcreH, of good land, and having thereon a GOOD DWELLING, and other Out buildings. There Is a good spring near the house, and the Farm Is well watered. There Is also a Good Or. chard In bearing condition; this will make a de sirable home. Price, 11,100. NO. 7. A TRACT OF LAND containing SIXTEEN Al.'KKrt. (halt cleared) having thereon erected a GOOD TWO KTOKY PLANK HOUNK. In good order. - This proiierty Is located 2 miles south of Blonmtleld. and has on It plenty of KKUIT of all kinds, and will make a very desirable home a party wanting a small tract of land. There Isa running stream of water near the house and a will of good water close to the door. Price llooo, halt to becash and the balance In two equal an nual payments. For furl her Information address the under signed at New Hloomlleld. Perry comity, Pa., or call at hi. resideuue three miles south of Bloom Held. C. B. IIAKNI8IL August 17, 1880. c M E o K. i 1 a 5 J I) THE CREAT li UltLIXGTOK ItO UTi:. fWSo othpr line runs Three Through Pas senger Trains Dnlly bot-vcrn Chlcngo, Dps Moines, Council Bluffs, Oltinhn, Lincoln, Ft. Joseph, Atchison, Tnpr-kn nnrt Knnsns City, Direct connections for nil points In Knnsns, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montnna, Ne rniln. Now Mexico, Arizona, 1 Julio, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Ppoedlest nnd Moot Comforta ble Route vinllnnnllml to Fort Knott, Denlson, Ptillns, Houston, Austin, Pan Autonlo, Galves ton nnd nil points In Texas. The imequnled Inducements offered by this Lino to Travelers nnd Tourists, are as follows! Tho celebrated Pullman tin-wheel) Pnlnco Bleeping Cars, run only on this Line. C, II. It O. Palace Drnwlng-Hootn Cars, with Morton's Kecllnliig Thnli-s. No extra i linrge for Heats In Kecllnliig ( hairs. The famous C, It. 4 Q. Palace Dlnlnir Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Klegnnt High-Hacked llnftan Ho volvlng ( hairs for tho exclusive use of first class passengers. Steel Track and PuprHor Fonlpmont, com bined with their Great 'Ihnuiirh Car Arrnngo ment. makes ibis, obovo nil others, the favorite Homo to Uiu South, Soiitli-Wcst, nnd tho Far West. Try it. nnd you will flr.d trnvcllnjr a luxury Instead of a rtiscurM'ort. Through Tickets vti tills Celebrated Line for si le nt nil otliixs in tho Cnitetl Suites and Cnnn'.la. All Information about Itntes of Fare, Sleep ing Cur Accommodations, Time Tables, &C, will bo cheerfully given by npplylnn to J. Q. A. BEAN. Gen'l Eastern Agent, HUH Washington St., Boston, Mass. and :IIT Bnmdwiiv, New York. lAttlES It. WOOD. (leu. Puss. Agt.. Chicago. T. J. POTTKII, Gen. Malinger, Chicago. March 15 1881401 , (k p Ontlit sent free to tlloae who wlnh to engage In the n mil pleaHiint ami proHtHble ImihIucsh known, JI W EverythiiiK new. Ciipiul licit reuuii-eU. Ve witt furiilHli yen everything. $lu a dny and upwards lfl easily made without HtuyiiiK- away from home over liiKht. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted atouee. Maityaie inaklus' fortunes at Die tiiu-iuei-fl, Lafliea make as mueh aa men, and yoiniK boya and girls make threat ay. No one who la tvilltuv to work fails to make nin e money every day thnu can be made In . week at any ordinary employment. Those who emraire at once will find a abort road to fortune. Ad dress II. HALLE T ft CO., l'urtlaud, Maine. 1 ly RCATTV'Q ORGANS. IS useful stot s. sets utnl I I reeds onlv IKS. pianos up. "Illustrated catalogue free. Address BE ATT Y, Washington. N. . I. lUAly NEW RICH BL00D1 J'nrsonn' Jr(ntee rills mako New Rich Hlood, and will completely change tho blood In the entire system In threo months, Anvperson who will take 1 pill ench night from 1 to is, weeks may lie restored to sound health. If such a thing he possible. Sent bv mall for 8 letter stnmps. I. A'. JOU1SSON A CO., llotlon, Matt., formerly lltinffor, M. UpCllTQ UfnMTCn kvkuvwiikkr to Abtnlo WANIfcu theiwitrnmiirii the iK-at Fnmll-rlintt- ting Machine ever mvcutct. will lout n pair of (Tocklniis, Willi II CF.Ii and TOE complete, in Marhlne ever Invented. Will knitapairof 0 mlniiti'l. It will also knit a great variety of fanry- work for which there la alwavs a reaiiy market, wnu t or circular and terms to the Tvroiubly KnlHtug Machine Co., uUWa-dilBBtoii SI., UuhUui Glass. 19Aly NOTICE! THE undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Perry county, that he has a large and well selected stock of HARDWARE. OKOUKKIE8, DKUGH, WINES & LIQUORS, IRON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, 4 HTKEL, IRON AXLES. SPRINGS, R POKES, HUBS, FELLOES. SHAFTS. POLES Hi BOWH, BROOM HANDLES, WIRE. TWINES, &0. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, Haster, and Cement. SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPER LEATHER, FISH. SALT. SUGARS. 8YRITPS. TEAS. SPICES TOBACCO. CIGARS, and SMITH COAL. John Lucas & Co's.. MIXED PAINTS, (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. A nrl a tarv. va eLlunf .. . . -1 all of which were bought, at the Lowest Cash " " ' ' " aaoio io in. i-atrons at the Very Lowest Prices for Cash or approved trade. His motto Low prices, and Fair dealings to all. Go and see hlin. .Respectfully. 8. M. 8HULEK. Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It is sure to cure Spavins, Splints Curb, tie. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. Has no equal for any lameness on beast or man. It has cured hlp-iolnt lame, ness In a person who had suffered 15 ears. Alsocured rlieiiiniLlluin noma frost bites, or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for blem'sh on horses. Send for Il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists i ave It or can gel for you Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co., Pros.,Enosburgh. Falls, Vermout. HARRIS & EWINO, Agents, Pittsburgh. Pa. For sale by F. Mohtimer, New BloomheM, Pa. INSTATE NOTK'K. Notice Is heieby elveu J that let'ers of Administration have been granted on the es' ate of Samuel Daniels, late of V heal Held twp.. Perry county. Pa deoeased, to Sarah Ann Daniels, residing in same township. P. O. address. Duncannon. All pernous Indebted to. aid est ate are requested to make Immediate, payment and those having claims, to present them for settlement. 8RAH ANN DANIELS. C. J. T. M'Intibb, Att'y. Administratrix. JOB IMUNTING of every description neatly and promptly executed at Reasonable Rater at the Blootuueld TlmesSteaiu Job OUIce. THE Chicago & North-Westem 1 1 AI LAV A. Y Is the Oldest, Best Constructed, Best Equlppedi and hence the LEADING RAILWAY OF THE- 1VEST mill XHtTIIWJ ST. It Is the short and best route between Chicago and all points In . Northern Illinois, Iowa, Dtknta, Wyoming, Ne braika. California. Oiegon. Arizona, Utah, Col orado, Idaho, Monlano, Nevada, aud lor Council Bluffs, Omaha, Denver, teaiville, Salt Lake, San Francisco, lead wood, Sioux City, Cedar Rapids. Des Moines, Columbus, and all fiolntsin the Territories, and the West. Also, or Milwaukee. Green Bay. Ohkosh. Sheboygan, Marquette. Fond du Lac Watertown, Houghton, Ncenah, Menasha, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo. Bismarck, Winona. Lacrosse, Owalnnna, and all points In Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chlcago& North-Westem and (he I). P H'js depart from, arrive at, and use the same Joint Union Depot. AtChiOMgo, close connection, are made with the LakeShore, MlchlganUentinl, Baltimore t Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago Grand Trunk K'js, aud the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It Is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN CHICAGO and COUNCIL BLUFFS Pullman fleeier$ on all Night Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents Belling yon Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy If they do not read over the Chicago & North-Western Railway. If youwifhthe Bert Traveling Accommoda tions you will buv your Tickets bv this route, AND WILL TAKE NON E OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. 15 MARVIN HUGHITT. 2d V. P. & Geu'l Mang'r, Cuioaoo, 111. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vlotim of youthful Imprudence canting Prema ture Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., having tiled lu vain every kuown remedy, has dia. covered a simple self onre, which be will Betid FREE to his fcllow-snoerera, address J. II, KEEVES, 43 Chatham t., N. V. 5Bly $2 Wstrhts. Stem wln.ln M B0. WlittemHsl n an tin Caw N. Imitation yoldle. SolMRoldsl. I'lisiptnl mid twit for yotirowo ua or nprtiUtlTa pttrposM. Valnnbla m( -lojuefret. TIIUXI'HON CO.t 1811 NawsaSU New York. 6Bly A4 A Ontflt fnmldhed frre, with full in struct inns for V I f comluctinw tlw inimt protltulilfl IniBinesii that ( bVw auyuue can eusriwe iu. The businesa is easy to learn, nnd our Instructions no simrlf and plain, that any anecftu make itwat prnAts from the very start. No one can fail who iff willing t' work. Women are aa nw censftil an men. Hoys and irirla can earn lare flunm. Many have made at the buHineaa over one hundred dollars in a single week. NothliiK like it ever known lief ore. Alt who entroe are surprised at the ease and rapiditv with which they are able to make money. ou can entrafre in thie business during your spare time at irreat profit. YmidoU'it have to invest capital in it. we bike all the risk. Those who n d ready money, should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address THUK k CO. Augusta, Maine. 1 ly A UCTIONEEBS. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers hi serviced to thecltizensof Terry And Cumberland counties, l'ont oflice address, bhermaDsdale, Perry co.. Pa. HKXHY KELL, AUCTIONEER. Would respect fully Info'in the citizens of Perry uoumy Tiiar ne v.111 cry rates kt snort nonce, and at reasonable rates. Hatinfactlon KhAtanteed. 4V Address Henkt Kell, lckesburg, Pa. AUCTIONEER, Pel vllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 6 tl D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONEER, ICKE8BUKG, PERRY COUNTY. PA. . Charges moderate. Prompt attention paid vu an cans. AS. P. LATCH FORD, A UCTIONEER , Would resiiectfullv Inform the nubile fhnt h will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders win receive proninr aitennon. ALLY'8 MI1X8, PERRY CO., PA Auctioneer. The undersigned Driven notlcethat he wlllerysalesat any point In Perry or uaiipmn counties, uruer are soiieiteaand promptattefiiioiiwniDe given. K. 1. WELLS, New Buffalo Perry co.. Pa The Latent and Must Wonderful Intention I E X I HO IV ' 8 INSTANTANEOUS GUIDE TO TOE PIANO & OEGAN BY WHICH any Child or Person can play any of the Popular Airs by note, at sight, without btxdy, Previous Pracrlce. or even Musical Talent. The Company will KOKKEIT fl.omi It any Child ten years old falls to plav ANY ONE ot our Popular Tunes on the Piano. Oriian, or Melodeon. wlihin One llouratter receiving the Muilo and Instruc tions, provided said child can count, with the Bg ures before It, from 1 to loo correctly. 7 Pieces of Music, with Instructions, Mailed to anv address on roelut of 11. nO. En close one cent postage stamp lor Catalogue of Tunes, A gents waited In every State and County In the t'ulou. EDISON MV8IO CO.. m-il 21J & ill Waluut bl Phlladelphlit, Pa. JEWPORT DRUGSTORE. . Bavin on hand a complete assortment of the fol. lowlnir artloles, the subscriber tans a alisrsof roa pttronsne. Druga and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Uomedies, ES9ENTIAL OILS. Crushes, Terfumery IIAIIl OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES Also always oa Hand RJltE WINES & LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS CarettUy and Promptly Filled a. M . E D Y . Newport, Penn'a. It. S. COOK & CO., Agree te sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, forl.ESa MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also taKe Rood Timberon the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, &o. We use Clearfield Pine and Hem. ockouly. W. R. . COOK ft CO., Newport, Perry to., Pa. October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones ft Bon,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry Comity, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage ol the farmers, and the publlo generally? a the Highest PRICES the markSt wlllaaord. will be paid for all kinds of uru. GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUC SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly on band, PISH, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES.&c.ftc FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. 9. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1876 tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Ituildlng, NEWPORT, PA. Sole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobacco atTh,a0aeaSerS W'th G0i Your orders are solicited. 8 4 g HIMES Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Siinare, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE IN8URANCE POLICIFSwrltten in first class companies on all kinds of insurable pioper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted) and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies liejtresentefl : Ctna.of Hartford. Assets, 16,700.000 Commercial Union. " l,44.OU0 Fire Association, Phll'a., " 3,778,000. B. HIMES, Agent. lunrco ll, icou if ' THE GREAT Hmpo-MofllMkotiTvpnBBiplMoC tt f" Kue-lvptui, 8anpftr)Ufc, Manii-)t, 1 1 i P imnaeiioa, KUney-Wurt, Hue tin, llt'. o Wltioh &eU -romntlT on KIDNEY AND lh Livtr, Kilnyt, Blood, Sbifiikeb Uul bowttl mi th uro tia. Thm rrftA art ao intiinattlj uBctei that wltta oa ta dine wd. alt Woema Bftra or lu octwi. Heac ttia irreat valna and auptiriorilr af this ) iKund, vhieh raatoraa than BLOOD an in tiaituT autiua, ana aa a toaio, TJ TP TWCTiV tuilda up tha aatira iTiUm. U REMEDY 4.Vixu.i a. aitoa h motlvalstatile rBtl for Had- -! -Tia l""1". WitnM. all "I'll TM I Ij. KkiB JMaiaaa Scrolulon. ndi Svi.hi liUo afffotioua, old wri and uloari. P!eim toukt, 'Trial luttlea, 'ou. IarRtt botil, dOota. All druktanuandoouuiry aUrit havait, or a Hi gw it for ywi. Alto prvpurad in URr uammI V t and mailed fr eta. a boa. Auaiit 4 WiNrkS UOMk. M-DICINU :o Pttil-Jcljjiita. i 58 e o w ly I JIM B IUM IKKI KS. EIHJINUiJ, 1S8EKT li JtiS, and other ti'tninitntfH. MOKTIMEK.