THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIEL1), FA , OCTOBER J, 1881. President Gnrfleld's Will. Washington, Hr-pt. LO.- In tlio early part ol August, it Is sulil, tlio l'lCBldout signed a will which lenves nil of his proper ty to hl widow. On the name ilny, Hurling that ho could write no woll, lis Insisted on writing n letter to Mr mother, which he lld. This letter found Its way Into the newspaper a few days afterward. From the sumo source It is learned that Gen. ! infield owned i eal estnte nmotuitlng to about 33,00(). This estimate Includes the house bo occupied In this city as n private residence during tlio hmt eight years he was In the House of Keprcsenitlves. Gen, Uaifleld had his life Insured for 130,000 lu two companies in this city. Ho took out a policy of $10,000 In the Equita. ble Assurance Society soon after his nomi nation to the presidency. Tho premium fell due nud was paid while he was at Long Branch iu June, a few days before he was shot. The society sent its check to lis Agent In Philadelphia yesterday, with in structions to pay the amount of the policy to Mrs. Oartlold at onco. In May list Geo. Garfield was Insured for fl!5,000 lu the NeW York Life Insurance Company. The policy was written out lu the White IIoubb. When ho entered Williams College in 1854 Gen. Gai field insuied his life for $500 iu tho Mutual Life IuRiirauce Com pany of this city. lie used this policy as security for a loau of $500. He repaid the .loan after gun Unit ion with money earned in teaching school. Thrilling Scene. Detroit, September S.7. The transfer boat of the Canada Southern railroad, carrying the train duo here at 1 o'clock this morning, was run with such force against the dock at the island as to cause the forward sleepor to run oil' the cud of the boat aud plunge Into the water. The forward trucks of a passenger car also went over the end of tho boat aud the car hung at an angle of forty-five degrees, one eud just touching the water. As the boat backed from tho slip the sleeper rose aud turned over on its side, aud the passengers inside, out of the water, tried to break through the windows. Some of those iu the pasBonger oar clambered out of tho -window and foil into the water. The pas congers aud train men clambered on top of the coach that was floating in the water and broke open tho windows and pulled out the dripping occupants. The darkness of the night, the confusion and the fact that nearly all the passengers were strau gors to each other make it possible that all were rescued, but it leaves a painful uncer tainty as to whether there Is not several persons drowned. Six passengers went down with the car but were rescued with the exception of a man named Bloom who occupied seotion eleven. A careful search of him was made but he had not been fouud at last accounts. tSTAftor vainly spending five hundred dollars for other remedies to relieve my wife, I have no hesitation in deolaring, that St. Jacobs Oil will cure Neuralgia, eays M. V. B. Ilersom, Esq., (of Pinkham & Jiersom,) Boston, Mass., an enthusiastio indorser of its merits. Chamber sburg. Fa. Herald. A Terrifle Explosion. On Saturday last a car load of gunpow der, billed as common blasting powder, reached Couucil Bluffs, la., over the Chi cago, Bock Island aud Paoiflo, on its way to Denvor, Col. The Union Pacific Com pany, however, refused to receive the dan gerous freight, aud tho car was returned to the Bock Island yards, where from some cause it exploded with torritio force on .Monday eveniug. The concussion demol ished the company's rouud-houao aud re pair shops, of brick, and freight bouses of frame, besides forty or fifty freight cars, and dug a bole in the ground fifteen feet deep aud forty-five feet in diameter. Large windows in all parts of the city were shat tered to pieces, aud others were even bro ken by concussion in Omaha, ou tbe opposite Bide of tho river, aud as far as Mo. Valley Junction, twenty miles north. The loss will foot up sevoral hundred thousand dollars. Richard Van Ilaueven and bis daughter Nellie were seriously ' injured by the force of the explosion, but as far as known this morning, no fatalities occurred. Several persons, however, are .reported missing. " A Cirl's Choice. It was in a drug store of course. An interesting incidouts occur iu drug s tores, -that is neaily all. She was pretty, with blue eyes aud golden hair, one of those liiod of beauties the poet would have called an "angel," but for the fact that a colony of pimples on her fair frontispiece preclud ed all thought of a celestial being. Bow ing timidly to the handsome clerk, she asked for "Sway tie's Ointment for skin deseases," and upon receiving it vanished like the morning dew before the Summer sun. A Curious Run Off. A singular railroad accideut occurred nt Cornwall aud Holmesburg on Sunday. An engine standing on the track was struck by an approaching train witb such force that the throttle was jarred open. There was no ono on board, and the engine darted off with lightning like rapidity. Orders were telegraphed to Holmesburg to open the switch, but by some moans unknown tho mounter passed safely over and In a few seconds daihed Into a freight train, ending its wild caieer In the destruction of a r.umhor of cars along with Its own demo lition. ' t , r : ' - f Remedy 8U(has Diseases) VTEmR.ITCH.S0RE9. PIMPLES. VERYSIPEtASjt WNNGWOnM. THE GREA CURE FOR iTcmtmiLES By mptomi are niniKtun, stinging, Itchi ng, wore sft night; MemiM If pin-worms were crawling about the rectum; the prlrate part are often affected. A a pleasant, economical and positive cure, Swatnk's OiNTMaifT la superior to any article In the market. Bold 1t drugging, or sndM)ct. In 8-ct. Htampa. 8 Uoxea, S1.26. Address, Da. Swain Son, i'lillfc, fa. September 20. 1R81 ly Come and See ! We liuve again mude additions to our stock that we would like to show you. We have a lot of lumdkerclilefd we are selling, " Four for 25 cts.." aud a variety of others of better quality. We have as pretty a line of collars aud ties us you would wish to see. We Iiiivp good black Alpnccii double width at 0!i8. per yard. Jf you want a low price black drem it will suit you for it Is worth more money. We have made some additions to out Dress Goods stock that are pretty and cheap. Anil the old stock you cau buy at nearly half Price. We have a splendid line of buttons aud trimmings. We have a liandKoiue line of Floor and Table oil cloths of the various widths from 34 up to 84. We have a good Hue of Hats for Men and Boys. We have a large assortment of Shoes for Meu, Women and Children. We have an usNortment of Mens' every day Punts, and Shirts. We have a complete Block of Iron aud Hardware. We have as good an assortment of Groceries us can be found in this county. We have a full Hue of Paints, Oil, Glass and building hardware which we expect to sell as low or lower thau any body in the county. We have Spokes, Hubs uud carriage wood-work and hardware, and our Spokes and Kims are tbe best that are made. These we sell at the mauufac tuers price, as we ure his agents. F. Mortimer, New Bloomrleld, Pa.' Save 321 Cents. Why Not ? T!o Examiner and Established la 1823, Ist'.ie Larprest, Cheapest. Biid by Many Thousands the Most Wluely Circulated Baptist Newspaper lu I lie World, Will be Delivered by Matt, Postage Prepaid, to New Subscribers, From Oct. I, 1881, to Jan. I, 1882, FOR THIRTY CENTS, The Price ot One Year's Subscription being CO. This Is done to enable everv family to "ee. at the least possible price, what the puperls. THE EXAMINER COMPRISES A Current Kvent Expositor, A Living Pulpit and flatterm. A Series of Able Topics for thn Times." A Missionary and Kaptlst Event Record, A Sunday School Institute, An Educational Advocate, A Literary. Theological, t-'cientlltc and Art Review. A Popular Buiry Page, Family Mis cellany and Puzzlers' Realm. A House, Farm and Garden Department, A Market Reporter. &c, tie. All conducted In au outspoken, wide awake and popular manner. THE EXAMINER AND CBRONICI.E Is one of the largest-sized eight pue papers, and is dis linctively a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, with Inter est and Instructive reading lor every member of the household, I rem the oluent to the youngest. In making It the Editor lias the cooperation of Hie best newspaper, magazine and review wri ters of the day. Sample copies Free. For terms to Canvassers address P. O. Box 383S, NEW YORK CITY. A Small Farm For Sale. A TRACT OF GOOD LAND, containing IS Acrrs. having thereon erected, a GOOD HOUSE and BARN. Plenty of Fruit of all kinds and a Sprlngof good water neav the house. This property la sluated Jl of a mile from lxmnallv's Mills. Perry County, Pa . and 5 miles from the Pa. R. R, It Is a good place lor an Ore miner. I arms easy. Apnlv in JOHN BK8SI.ER. c . ,o.. Douiially's Mills, 8ep. 6, 1841. Perry Co.. Pa. Good and Glorious News I Clothing !Cloll ! For !Men, for Hoys, lor Children ! Were If ever Sold as Cheap .,; : Before ! I) GANSMAN, -AT THE NEW CLOTHING HOUSE, OFFERS 1NDUCEMKTS IN Good Reliable Clothing.- Note Our Sample Prices : Four Dollar Men's Rult, Five Dollar Men's Huila, Beven Dollar Men's Bulla, Nine Dollar All Wool Bulls, Ten Dollar All Wool Bulls. BOYS' SUITS AT FROM $2 00 J $2.50 : $3.00 & $7.00. These Goods are worth nearly double the money. Heniember, these are all NEW, FltEBH GOO DM, splendidly made, dnrable and Stylish, and will Fit Like Custom-Made Clothing. My Stock of Furnishing Goods Incomplete In Neck Wear. TIKH, COLLARS Bll.k IIANDK K It'll II EI'"H. NIURTH, UNDER. WEAK, SATCHELS. TRUNKS, UMBRELLAS, and of MEN AND BOYS' HATS, I have a full line, and will fell them Cheap. Merchant Tailoring Department. I have an entire new stock ef NICK OOODH for Fall and Wlntor Suits and OvprRonfiRir. Will make them te MEASURE AT LOW PRICES. Remember we offer you nothing but Reliable nothing. Specially Woll Made aud Stylish Cut, and all New and Fresh for this Fall and Winter's Wear. Money Refunded on nil Goods Not Found as Represented I Please Call, whether you wish to buy or not. Examine and be convinced. 2. GANSMAN, New Clothing House! Corner Centre Square and Second Breet, Frank's Old Hardware Btore, NEWPORT, PA. September 20, 1831. pitE INSURANCE. Zb the ltrmertiand Mechanic of Perry County We hereby call your attention to the claims ot Tho Farmers' and Mechanics' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., ef Perry County, as ollering jou good and sare insurance at Net Cost. This Company, organized and chartered In 18i2, has Issued over 14IKJ policies, and lis now over Sl.lwu.tou of property Insured; lias paid losses since Its organization to the amount of f 2,702.24 ; has laid but one assessment, of 1 mills on the dollar, since Its organization, netting the Company the sum of fl.2H3.6H, which, with the premiums on policies Issued, lias paid all Its cure nt expenses and losses from lira. The rates charged by the Company are but from to I J. (Xi per thousand dollars ot valuation for Ave years, and no charges for Survey and Policy, as other Companies make Weclnlm that it offers to the Farmers and Mechanics of perry county advantages over all other Companies for the following among other reasons: It is a home Company. It insures only In Perry county. It pays no large salaries to Ollicers. It pays no dividends to Stockholders. It pays Its losses promptly and honorably. It Insures at lower rates than any Block Com pany can. It Insures no borough property, steam estab lishment or foundry. It makes no assessments unless actually needed to pay losses by tires. Its Ollicers are your neighbors whom you know, and are chosen by the Insured from their own number. GEORGE noOBAUGU, President. DIltECTOKS. NICHOLAS HENCH. Savllle township. J. W. OANTT, Centre township. JACOB BUM, Bluing township. BRYAN OIBNEY, Carroll township. J. U. COOl'ER. Tyrone township. TREA8UHKK. 110 V. DAVID SHEIBLEY, Spring township. Full Information sent upon application to W. W. McCLURE, Secretary. 23-19 Greenpark, Pa. SPECTACLES AND EYI1 2T,ASSi:S! Spectacles for tbe old, middle aged, and young. Bpectaoles for all kinds of sights. Spectacles for Headache. A line and varied assortment. Adjusted properly to suit all eyes by Dr. DAVID II. C00VEK, Oculist and Optician, NO. 21 SOUTH 3rd STREET. (B-tween Market and Chestnut 6tJ.,) IIAllltlSUTJItG, PA. -Onloe hours from 1 A. M. to 3 P. M. Or send a three cent stamp for the "Improved methodof adjusting Spectacles and Eye Glasses," by tue use of which you cau select your owu glasses. ARTIFICIAL EYES INSERTED. S0T29 Spocial Opanln? and Groat Bargains in New ITjvII 33ry Goods, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart's. WEtl,lItPLKullI!;,,i,e,rtm0rT tB"' purchase, and eliall oflcir our cnstomern and .i..,. . J r.'u"?1!"!? oflh0 let Bargains In Fall Dry Goods ever shown. A ?,."rU,h0" th ' Klvjon some lilea of what e are doln and where you 00d"aVerj: L0VVJPRICE- Wa Intend to do a larger businSs. this fall tlln elsewhere. r l d lhU' W9 re bound t0 Ml1 for leM tn can be VouglU NeW.F!,i,8irRdc"vAlpJ.B,'.1o,0 J:a, orth ,2- N"" '''' "had" Cashmeres 11c a yard, , Inge I.o per yd. worth I .35. Unbleached Canton Flannels 7-8-9 for . 10c, lie per yd. Ladles' Merino Vests 87. 61) for 75c. SI. 00 each Gent's Merino Shirt, Ml, 80 1 for 75c. 91.00. Unbleacdod Musi n et? 7 fo 8 and 9c. per yard. Half Bleached Damask Table Linen. 19, 25, 8H, 87 for 1 Mo. TowoU 5, 8, P D , , , , 1". 1 for 15c. 17c. 20c. and 25e. . Special I Prlces-Orey Flannols, Scarlet Flannels and Blankets. We are dally recelvlnirnew roo.1. and we reel conUJout that all good, boneht from the popula" one prl2o. tore wll? lVe perfect sail. suction. DIVE3, FOMEROt STEWART, Mr.. INortlt Mi-.l Bt., IIAimiSUtJlJO, 1A. 1881. Come and See Our 1881. NEW FALL STOCK OF CAKPETS. Don't mistake our location, but remember that YINGST'S NEW CARPET STORE Im nt 111 MAIIKET BTHKET, IIARRINBUKG, JV. Nkah Front St., Patterson's Old Btand. WE opened at above place, a few month, ago, with an entire NEW STOCK. Onr .uccess was far beyond our expectation. Thanks to many friend, and former patron. Tor that success which wo will ever try to merit by keeping only good reliable CARPETS. Ac. and representing them as we know them to be, and selling at the LOWE8T CASH PRIOEs! ... i VeJ?"top70doT,,F.sJL8toclt of ARPKT8, which are handsome patterns' and M",? rT Prl.Ce'-, WE WA?T F TO 8EE THEM. A lot of first clas. STRAW MATTING left on band, we will close below cost. COME AND BEE US. We will appreci ate your Influence and patronage. Very respectfully, yours, Harrlsburg, Bept. i!0, 18l.3m jr. AV. YINGHT DOWN LOWER THAN EVER! 1881 CARPETS FOR FALL TRADE. 1881. LOOK AT THE PRICES ! Tap Brussels from 85 Cents to $1 10 ! Body Brussels from $1 40 to $1 GO ! Ingrain from 30 Cents to 90, BEST ! Other Goods In Proportion. NOW is tbe Time to Get the FIRST Retention of the NEW STOCK. We have MOKE CAKPETS and MOKE PATTERNS than all tbe other Carpet Houses In this City. Call and examine for yourselves. No Trouble to 8w Goods. Quick Balesand Bmall Profits. 1 A MTTT7T A T A TTC Opera House Carpet 8tore, 31 North 3rd Street, 37 13t DR. .T. A. HIIERMAN Is the orlninal and only PR. 8I1KKM AN, known to the public for the past 35 years through his successful method of treat ing Rupture without the annoyance and Injury trusses I nil let. His system of cure Is by Local Kxtcrnal Appllcntlon. During treatment no hindrance from labor, and security against Death from (Strangulated Rupture. Patiens from abroad can receive treatment aud leave lor home the G RAND BOULEVARD HOTEL, Corner 3th 91. and llreadwa)', m:v YOKfC. On Both American fc European Plana. Fronting on Central rark. fhe Grand Boule vard, Broadway and Fifty-Ninth Htreet, this Ho tel occupies the entire square, and was built and furnished at an expense of over fH'io.OOO. It Is one ot the most elegant as well as finest located In the city ; has a passenger Klevator and all modern Improvements, and Is within one square of the denots of the Hlxili and Eighth Avenue Klevated R. R. Cars and si ill nearer to the Broad way cars convenient and accessible from all E iirts of the city. Rooms with board. J2 per day. pedal rates for families and permanent guests. Aug.21. 'e0 ly E. HASKELL, f roprietor. SOU MEDAL AWARDED the Author.A new anri great Nod ical Work, warranted the best Mid cbefcpfMt. indifliMmriahie to every man .entitled "the Science of Lif (rr,8)Mreeerration j" hound id flnoftt French manlin,erTjixwedt full gilt XI pp.ooDt.tine beautiful Uwl nKTarinse, 125 presetip tKng, price only ftl.35ent ,y mail: illustrated MTimle.fiiiAnta- end now.Addross Peabodj Med- FNflW TUVStFl V t"!1 iMtituteor Dr. W. H. PAR- i v iv a u a wuiJa KICK. No. 4 lialfischst. Uoeton. S9dl2 ctv. 4 Reef. 1 hnh-ltaMH, OcMve VonUr, I loiteiui blopB. Attrnrttcs Walnut Cuae. tfftieuttin 15 days trial. Beautifully IiliiKtratAri f !ittalkriia.tirita VMAfemeMifSMdiittasJuJOT full infunnatiun,rNi. AtiOrtM A' A i i KKr-V.V,Draf or L2,bridxepurt.Ct. 39 d 42 pu BLIC SALE. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. I will offer at public sale my firm situate on the valley road oue quarter mile west ol Ulooin Ueld, ou WetlnesiUty, October Gth, J SSI, At I o'clock P. M. Said farm coataiulns lG-l ACRES, first rate In quality and cultivation, and having erected on it all necessary ami convenient build in t sand Impiovements. 'there are sluu'e ahd tunniiig water In every field. It can be ifi for grain or dairy purposes, or both. A ttct uf 32 Acres or Woodland, convenient to It will be sold with it. I will sell for a reasonable price aud ou eisy terms. SEOKGE HOOBAlGH. September 13, 1M1. Estate of Samuel Miller, Deceased. LETTERS of Administration ou the above estate having been grained to the uuder Igued. ail persons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and Uiom) havlug claims to present the same without delay to WALLACE D is Will, Administrator, Seit,21, lasl-J lUarrrlsbury, fa- IIAItlllHIJUllO, I'A. same day. Hook, with likeness of bad cases, before and after cure, with testimonials from distinguished physicians, ministers, merchants and others, mailed for teiwcents. DR. HHKRMAM can be consulted at lit! New York otllce, 251 Broadway, Mondays. Tuemlavs and Hatnrdays; and at his Huston oillce. 4:) Milk street, Wednesdays, Thnrs days and Fridays. 37dl9 V ALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. A GOOD FARM situate In fiaville township, one and a half miles south of Ickesburg, this county, containing .About GO A.cres, Having thereon erected a Frame House, Bunk Barn, CARPE.NTKR8HOF. AND OTHER OUTBUT1D ings. A good portion of the tract I s excellent bot tom land and Is under good cultivation. This Kroperty Is pleasantly located In a good neigh orhood, convenient to churches, store and schools. - The above property will be sold at a reason able price and on easv terms, i'or farther par ticulars call at this otllce. 26 I7le talent and Most Wonderful Inrenlton ! E I HO IV ' H INSTANTANEOUS GUIDE TO TBE PIANO JSs ORGAN BY WHICH any Child or Person can play any of the Popular Airs by note, at sight, without Study, Previous Practice, or even Musical Talent. The Company will KORKEIT ll.Ofx If any Child ten years old falls to play AN V ONE ol our Popular Tunes on the Piano, Organ, or Melodeon. within One Hour alter receiving the Music and Instruc tions, provided said child can count, with the fig ures before ft, from 1 to luo correctly. 7 Pieces of Music, with Instructions, Mailed to any address on receipt of Jl.flO. En close oue cent postage stamp jr Catalogue of Tunes. f A gents waited In every State and County In the Union. EDISON MUSIC CO.. 3S-U 21$ & 217 Walnut bt., Philadelphia, Pa. WUNDERFUl DISCOVERT.. MET A LTIP LU1 P HICK cS?5& Pat'd Dee. 7, 18 SO. lir a BrilUiiit. Whita an Stuady light, requires No Trimming, and lasts for months, sample wick lu cents I S wicks 25 cents ; li wicks T.s cents postage paid. Have three sizes, A. Band D. Anents Wanted. Ad. Ire-s METAL TIP LAMP WICK CO., 7U Corllaodt tMreet.New orkCily. 33J Gluten FlouF FOK DYSPEPSIA, DIAUETES, LUNG Troubles aud Nervous Debilitv. The new Waste-Repairing Bread and Gem Flour. Free from Bran or Starch, tiend (or Cir cular. FARWELL A RHINES. Proprietors, Wafer town. N. Y. For Hjklv by Mitchell. Fletcher U'o.. Philadelphia, Pa. j;aii)