0 THE TIMKS, NKW IlLOOM FIELD, 1A , OCIOHEU 1, 1881. $Ijc $tloomficlb fTimcs. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. A Cow'i Cud. The slUmlloii, tlie structure, ami the gl.e of the rumen or rii ii cli , point It out ns the flrHt anil rpiipiuI reeepttiele for the food, wlilcih receives In the mouth only nuflU'lent niftKlli'iUlon to enahla the nnl nml to swallow It. When swallowed, it la then received by the rumen, and tnor rl after mors'! Is taken until this, the first of the animal's four stonindiH, Is comparatively full. A sense of repletion precedes rumination, during which act the animal generally prefers a recumbent posture. It Is not to he supposed that all the food taken Is ftiUn ruminated; it Is only the bulky or solid portions that undergo the process. When the rumen Is moderulely full, it will contract on Us contents, and first squeeze out the fluid portions, which will pass onward into the third or fourth stomachs, while the solid part will bo embraced by the oesoph agus, or stomach pipe, and returned to the mouth, lly the term " loss of the cud" Is meant a cessation of the chewing of the cud, which occurs as a symptom of most Internal diseases of cattle. Koumiss A Summer Drink and How to Make It. Into one quart of new milk put one gill of fresh buttermilk and three or four lumps of white sugar. Mix well and see that the sugar dissolves. Tut In a warm place to stand ten hours, when It will be thick. Pour from one vessel to another until It becomes smooth and uniform In consistency. Jlottlo and keep lu a warm place twenty-four hours, it may take thirty-six in winter. The bottles must be tightly corked and the corks tied down. (Shake well five minutes before opening. It makes a very agreeable drink, which 1b especially recommended for persons who do not assimilate their food, and for young children may be drunk as freely as milk. Instead of buttermilk, some use a teaspoonful of yeast. Made from mare's milk It is the standard beverage of the Tartars, who almost live upon It In summer, and is also used largely by the Russians. The richer your milk, which should be un skimmed, the better will be your kou miss. Female Farmers. We seethe following in the Vermont Watchman: France has agricultural schools for girls. One of the chief is near ltoueu, which Is said to have begun with a capital of one franc by a sister of char ity and two little discharged prisoner girls, and to be now worth $100,000.--This establishment has three hundred girls from six to eighteen. The farm, entirely cultivated by them is over four huudred acres in extent. Tweuty-llve teachers form the stall" of teachers. More than one medal of the French Agricul tural Society has been awarded to this establishment at Darnatel, and the pupils are in great demand all over Nor mandy on account of their skill. They go out as stewards, gardeners, farm man agers, dairy women and laundresses. Each girl has, ou leaving, an outfit and a small sum of money earned In spare hours. If they want a home they can always return to Darnatel, which they are taught to regard as home. giTltis said that the presence of glu cose in sugar can be detected in this way : Take a handful of the mixture and drop it into a glass of cold water. Stir it a few minutes, and you will notice that the cane sugar is entirely dissolved, leaving the grape sugar undissolved at the bottom of the glass, in the form of a white, sticky substance not at all unlike starch in looks, and quite bitter to the taste. It won't do to use hot water in your test, however, for if you do the whole thing will dissolve. Kalamazoo, Mich., Feb. 2, 1881. I know Hop Bitters will bear recom mendation honestly. All who use them confer upon them the highest encomi ums, and give them credit for making cures all the proprietors claim for tbem. I have kept them since they were Wrst oflered to the public. They took high rank from the first, and maintain ed it, and are more called for than all others combined. So long as they keep up their high reputation for purity and usefulness, I shall continue to recom mend them something I have never before done with any other patent med icine. J. J. Baiicock, Mr. 1). C3T Always stand a wet umbrella with the handle dowu. One trial will con vince you of the rapidity with which it will drain, and your umbrella will last longer If dried quickly. "The Oomestio Tyrant." "The average raau" quoth Mrs. Par tington "is a weak and irritable domestic tyrant," and Mrs. 1 is correct. Tyran nical to a fault the average man will enter the blissful Paradise of a happy home, scratch himself in fiendish glee, and send the baby into convulsions, and for what V Why, because he has the Itching Plies, and is too mean to buy Hwaynu's Ointment, which is an infal lible cure for the worst cases of that annoying complaint. 3a MRS. LYDIA E. P1NKHAM, GF LYNN, MASS., s I c (I E o S Jt lav LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEQETAELT3 COMPOUND. In n T'nwit iv Cnnt for nil fw Pill ii nil tTamnlnlttt a it A Wen1tnsiei rout mail toottrhrat ft-mule population It will cur titli-tOr th worrt former mulal'om lilnlntfi.aUnTftrlnntroiihlPH.liinAmmMtlnn ami Tlftr tlnti, Falling ami Plnplnmnonti, nnd Urn ioiiiiq.infe flpltiM Wpohnrm, mid In ,artlrularlj ndnpted to tha (.'hang of Ufa, It will (II turn I t nnrirxpH tumor from thfltitrruif ft an fiuly vlnnonf t1i'VrlnhMut. Tha tendency to can reroun humnrollif ioIn rhiTkrd Try iwdlly liy ltd nm. It i-etnnrwi fnlntnrM, flntutpnrjr, ileHtrnyiiall orating fnrntlnmlantf, and relleTm wenttnetw of tha ntntnach. It rttiri !tlmtltir, HrnrlnrliM. Ncrrmi rrnntmtlon, (lr-nrral Dublin?, ttlL't'plt'itmt'M, Uopi-KtHlon and Inill irptitltm. Tltnt fttlnff of liearlnir itnwn, f miMn patn, weight and ItAckarhn, in alwayn pprttmniMidT cured hj Itn , It will at all timer and ttnder all elreutmtnnrt art In harmony with the lawn that provern thn femnto nytrtem. For the em b of Kidney CnmilaliiU ot either fKxUila Cnmpoiind In iinBiirprmnci!. MIMA l VtU.U TF.fSF.TAnr.F. COM IMUTNlHi prepared at and t.ift Vetrn Avunua, Lynn, M(Ui. I'MeAI. Bl iMittlaafnr f. Went hy mall In tha form of pill, aluo In tha form of lorenirrn, on raeeljit of price, fl (terhnx for either. Mrt. rinkltara freely anmra all letteranf Inqtilry. Bend for pamph let, Addn'av aa ahora. Mention tM& inpr. Ko family should be without LYDIA PI. l'INKHAM'S 1,1 VEU ni.t.fl. They cure roiintlpntloti, bflluuitieefa and torpidity of the liter. ttAcent (mt box. ttiT Holil liy ul I DniftulMta. "U 3Uy THE SPRINGFIELD SEWING MACHINE. Host in the World. T!emnnura!tiiririnr t lift HPIMNOFIFXI) ars awnre that, In oi-(lr in niHAt the critical ami enniKiiiilcal flnmmiilt r ths tlmi'v the inaohhiH imiHt pnmiMS a eomlii nation ot liieolmiikal exiwl. lennes, iiakln It. Miipm loi' to anv ot H piniln. rniHoi K, and at. tha na n time be olTcreil at a price that, will pluce It wn III ti the mciinn ot all. Killly reallxlim the force ot theve Ronitltlonit, limy oll'r Ilia HHlimflld, coiilldent, that It will tlulllll every rnttmreineiit that, can lie expected ot n tlrat class fntnily and inaiiiifactm liiK machine. Kvery Maclilne in warranted perfect In const inc. tlon. In case any of the prts prove defeotlve, when machine In used ror family purposes, within live years from date of purchase, the manufactur ers will replace audi detective part without charge. This does not apply to needles, shuttles, or bobbins. Made by THE SPRINGFIELD Sewing Miiclilno Compnny, 13 6m HnUNUl'"IEU, MAMS. VALUABLE FARMS PRIVATE SALE. TIIK; subscriber offers at l'rlvate Bale the fol lowing desirable farms: NO. 1. Is a Farm contaialng Sixty-three Acres, All cood land. In a (rood state of cultivation, and liavliiH thereon erected a m v a . v Nj I lUI"i iMMIiaW ? GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Ont-bnlldlngs, sltnnto three miles south of Hloomlleld and i-even miles from DmtCRiiiioti. There Is on this place plenty of Choice Fruit of all kinds, itooil water at the iloor, wllh running water In nearly every Held. JHrlce. 12,300. Terms easy, NO. 2. Is ti farm situate In When. field two., containing about 11J ACRES, having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING! HOUSE, wllh all required Oiit-bulldliiRs, the Birn being entirely new. This farm Is situate about six miles from DuucaMion and four miles fiom llloonitleld. There Is good water near the door, plenty of streams ou the land, a good Apple Orchard, and other fruit. and will make a desirable home. Trice 2,850. Terms easy. NO. 4. Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about two miles from islierinansdale, containing about One Hundred Acres, having thereon erected a Good Dwelling, ami ether Out buildings, A well of good water at the house and another at the Darn. There Is couslderablu trult on the iiremises, and the land is good and well watered, 'rice, I.s.iKhj, and payments can be arranged to subpurchaser. NO. 5. Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about two miles from Bhei mansdale, containing Hoveuty AcreH, of good land, and having thereon a (iOOD D WELLING, and other Out buildings. There Is a good spring near the house, and the Farm is well watered. There Is also a Good Or. vhard In bearing condition; this will make a de sirable home. rrlCH, II, fw. NO. 7. A TRACT OK LAND containing SIXTEEN ACKEsj. (half cleared) having thereon erected a GOOD TWO tsTOHY FLANK HOUSE, lu good order. - This property is located 2 miles south of Hloomlleld. and has on It plenty of FKU1T of all kinds, and will make a very desirable home a party wanting a small tract uf laud. There Isa running stream of water near the house and a well of good water close to the door, .Price S1WKI, bait to be cash and the balance In two equal an nual payments. - For further Information address the under signed at New Bloomlleld. Ferry county, Fa., or call at his residence three miles south of Bloom neld. C. B, IIARN18JI. August 17, 1880. f TjSJXZIH TEC 33 H vT- ""O f"- , THE CREAT JW11L1XGTOX JtOVTi:. "No other linn runsTliroo Through Pus- pcngiT Trains llnlly liot-veen Chicago, Ilea Mollies, Council lilnlTs, Oinnlui, Lincoln, Mt, Joseph, Atf'hlson, Topckn nti'l Knnsss Clly, Inrect connections for nil points In Knnsns, Nebraska, t'nloriulo. Wvinnlnir. Montniui, Ne vada, Now Mexico, ArlKonn, lduho, Oregon and C'nliforiiln, 'l'bo Hhortcst, Pprcdlrst. nnd Most Pomfortn Mo Homo vln llaunlbi.l to Fort Bcoit, lienlnon, llnlliis, Houston, Austin. Hull Antonio, llnlvds ton nnd nil points In 'I'cxiis. Tho iiiii'iiiiilcd Inducements filtered hythls T.I MU to Travelers nod Tourists, lire ns followsi Tho rcielirnli'd I'lilloiiin (IH-wlicoll l'alnoo Kloeplng t'nrs, run only tin this Line, C It. tt O. I'iiIuco liriiivlug-ltooin Curs, with llutton's Iteclliilng t 'hulls. No cilrn charge for Hciils tn Iteclliilng ( hairs. The fiinioos C, II. ft V, Fiilnco IHuIng Curs. Gorgeous Hinoklng Cnrs filled wllh Kli'gniit lllgli-lliii kcd lliitlnn l(n volvlng I hnlis for tho excliislvo tine of flrHt class pii'pogors. Btccl 'I'nn k noil Hiinr 'lor F.iiilptnfnt, com billed with lli.'lr Grout 'I lirointli Cur Arrniigo nicnl, ma lies ibis, iilmvp in I ol hers, I ho fiivorllo lloiilu to the Pniitli, Hniitli-Wcst, nml tho Fur Wist. Try It nnd von will llr.d tnivcllng a luxury llltllld ol II llisi nl'ilnrt. Thro.igli Tickets lu this Cpli'lirntcd Mno for si le lit (ill ollli'is 111 tho I'lilted Htutcs und Ciinn In. All Information iilmnt llntcs of FnrP. Sleep ing Cur Aicoiniiiiiiliilliins, Tlino Tallies, &o will lip rhocrliillv given 1 1 v npplylliH t J. Q. A. IIUAN. Gi'ii'l Kiistprn Agont. ;HM v,i-lilngtiin HI., Ilnntnii, Muss, nnd MIT llrinnliviiv, Now York. oAltlES It. Wnon iii n. l'nss. Agi., Cblciigo. "'. .1. I'll I'l'llll, Gen. Muuiiger, (,'lilciigo. March 13,lHHI-liit jK P Oiihll sciil fri'e tn tlinsi who wlwh lnciiifiige In the HvOtiMiMt iili-itMiint hihI irnliliilili liiiHliii'hs known. S W KvpiyihliiM iii w. Csiillul nut ri-ipilri'd. Vi will ritriilnli ynu cvi'rylhliig. fpttl a tiny nnd upwiirils Is cHsily Intnl.- wltliMilt Hlnylliif iiwiiy frnin liitini' uvi'r lilulil. Nn rink whatever. Mhiij' new wnrki-rs wbiiIimI at niire. Mituyntp luiiklng lurttnifs st lite IhimIui'ns. Luilii'S niiiki- hh iiiiii-Ii ns iiii-ii, hiiiI ymitig Imi.vn und girls iiiuki' gri'iil ny. Nniine m Iih Ih willing In work FiiIIr In iiiuki tnii'i tiimiKy every ilny limn rnu lie tumln In a week at Hiiy nt-illiiiiry e iiiilii.vnii-iit, 'I'liosn who eugnge lit nlii-e i III Innl H ulliirt rimil In fnrlllllii. Ail ilreKH II. IIAI,l,l;T I'll., l'Hi'llanil, Mullie. 1 ly RF4TTVC OKGANH R useful stoi s. 5 sets DE.H I I I O rneds onlv Iiin. I'lauos W un. 1.lllutrat.ed ciiialoguefiee. Address UK ATT Y, Washlngloli, N . .1. ItiAly NEW RICH BLOOD! T(I(hmI, inn! will rumpifh'ly rhntitfo llio IiIihuI In (hniMilirnBvt4'm In thron months. Anvprfunn who will lnko t pill nnch nitflit fnun 1 to h woekn lnny)ornttorr(l Utnoimtl hmllh. If mich a tiling bo pom I Ij I p. Hontliv infill fur 8 M(.tnr ntn m pt. . H JOtlSHtiN A CO., Jto&tou, Must., formerly Jintifnit Mtt ting ninclllne ever llivcuti 'l. Will kintiiiinlr of il.ii Cliiin, Willi III'.l'.Ij and 'I'OIO coiiiiilele, In l inlliilles. It will siso ktllt ft greul variety of liilir)' virk fur whli li there Is nlwnvs n resilv nmrliet. Hen-I fur I'ln iiliir niel Uritm tn the Tsvomlil v 14 Million Machine Co.a 0V YYuililuutuu til., lkintuu aiui. liuiy NOTICE ! TIIK undersigned would rcspectlully call the attention of Hie citizens of J'eny uounty, that he has u large unit well selected stock of HARDWARE, G UOI'KIIIKS, ilHUGH, WINES & LIQUORS, IRON. NAILH, HORSE and MULE SHOES, HTKKL, , IHONAXLE8. KFOKEH, HUI1H, FELLOKH. M1IAFTH. I'OLEHXj HOWS, BROOM IIANDLEH, WIRE. TWINE8.&0. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, Plaster, and Cement. SOLE, CALF, KIP mid UPPER LEATHER, FISH. HALT. Si'OARS, SYRUPS. TEAR.HPICE3, TOBACCO, CIGARS, and SMITH COAL. John Lucas & Co's., MIXED PAINTS, (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. ,, ,Anl taw variety of g00(1, not m(,ntonert all of which were bought at the Lowest Cash Prices, and he otters the same to his Patrons at the Very Lowost Prices for Canh or approved trade. Ills motto Low prlces.and Fair dealings to all. Go and see him. Respectfully. 8. M. SIIULEH.. Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. KENDALL'S SPA YIN CURE. U Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints Clll'b. &0. It rPllinVPS All nntialnrnl enlargements. Does not blister. lias no equal lor any lameness on beast or mall. It has cured hln-lnlnt lim. . V,nes in a person who had suffered 15 v,cai?,. skiMiuuieu iiieuinaiisiu.corns, frost bites, or any bi n lues, cut or lameness. It has no eiual for blemish on horses. Send for Il lustrated circular giving poslilve proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists i ave It or can get for you Dr. B. J. Kendall tU Co., ProsEuosburgh. Falls, Vermont. HARRIS & EWINO. Agents, Pittsburgh, Pa. For sale by F. Moktimeb, New Blouinfleld, Pa. IlSTATE TOTICK.-Notlce Is heieby given J that let'ers of Ailmlnlstratloii have been granted on the estate of haniuel Daniels, late of Wheat Held Iwp.. Perry ennui v. Pa., deceased, to Sarah Ann Daniels, residing in same township. P. O. address. Diincannon, All perwins Indebted to-ald estate a re requested tn make immediate payment and those having Claims, to present them for settlement. SsRAH ANN DANIELS. C. J. T. M'Istirb, Atfy. Admiulstratrlx. JOB FKINTINU ol every description neatly and iiromptlv executed at Reasonable Ktei at the UlooiuUeld Times Steam Job Otllce. I i t . '1 ' Ik"' It. M,.r'fcj iiiiri'yri't:irA r'pl. 'nine" uyjaoTOriiL:tt'mi!'ij!iJ THE , Chicago & North-Westcrn lAir,AV'A.' In the Oldest, Best Constructed, Best Equipped, and hence tho LEADING RAILWAY -OP TIIK.- WHT nnd AOItTIIAVI SI. It Is the short and best route between Clilcago and all points In Northern Illinois, Iowa, Iiikola, Wjomlng, Ne binika. t'alllornla, Oiegon. Arlzoiia. tiiah. Col orado, lduho, Monlano, Nevada, atd tot Council Bluffs, Omaha, Donvor, leadvllle, Salt Lako, Eon Franclceo, Ccod wood, Sioux City, Cedar Rapids, lies Mollies, Columbus, and all points In Hie Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee. Green Hay, llihkosh. Hhebovgaii, Mariiiette, Fond du Lint Wiitet town, lloitghloii, Neenah, MeniiHlin, St. Paul, Mliiiiespolls, lliirdn, Volga, Fargo, lllsmitrck, Winona. LnCrosse, Owaloniin, and all iiolittsln Mlnnesolii, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago & Norlh Western and Ihe II. p Ids dcpuit. fiom, arrive at, and use the same Joint Union Depot. AtChleago, close connectloin are made with the l.nke Snore, Mleltlcan Ueutial, llalllmnte Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago i Grand Trunk R'js, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It Is tha ONLY LINK running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars HKTWF.KN CJIICAUO and COUNCIL MAJFFS J'liUmuntiteejKrtonaU Ail ZVofiu. Insist upon Ticket Agents Selling you Tickets via this road. Kxauilue your Tickets, and refuse to buy If they do not read uvei the Chicago North-Western Railway. If yoilwihthe Heft Traveling Aoentninnda Hons you will buv your Tickets bv this route, AND Wl l,L T'A K K NONF. OTHKlt. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. 15 MARVIN 1111(111 ITT, 2d V. P. & (Jen'l Maug'r, Ciiioaiio. 111. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of ynnlhltil iHiiimdencn pausing l'remft (lire ltei-ay, Nervous iH-billiy, Jiat Msnliood, etr., having tried lu vain every known remedy, has dis covered ft simple If cure, whli h he will sen FltK.U 10 bl fellnw-siifternrs, ail.lruaa J, II, HKKYF.M, 49 ClililliUUI (., N. '. filily S2 WKirhft. Himwirt'binii r,B, WMt m'UI lltindfiriM h, ItiHUtUm tfiMA, HoII'IkcMUX, :iinil Mild h-ti fur four own iih or "'''ilnHv inrMri, Vshinhlti rnt luVUvfiM. TltV.-HO.ttO., ISUNiMAttMU New Vrk 5Hly $10 (hit tit fiinilfhcfl trrt. with full liinlmrtlmiM for (HKlllOttlltf till IllMHt IfroltlHllI HNl!M-M tjlAt anyone can funtw lu. The hunim-M In h U li nrti, ttidour ltitrii'(lni no diipln mid J'IhIii. thut uny aihthii nmkc KH't proht from tli Vf ry nUin. N( vim ciin full who Ih willing to work. Women in am mini-(-I'MNfiil hh nifii. lioyn nnd utrln run rnrn larK" riiiiix, Mmty Jittvo itindo at the fiiil iimj ovrr one huiidrt-fl (lollHm tit a rijntfh wcr-k. Nothlriu- like It fver known lifforc All who titrmrfi art niirirlMi(l nt the vunti nixl nipldttv wllh M'lilch Ihcy urc nhle to ninke money. Vni van ftitrnw lu thin bnl im-h iIiiHuk your pit re time nt Kt''Hl nrodt, Votiilriiiot have to invt'ftt CHpltal In it. We tube all the rink. Thoa who iieed rcHily fnoncy. fhnnlfl write to tin at once. All fumlHliert frci, AddrcHa llll EKH). AiiKUHla, Maine. . 1 ly A UCTIONEEIIS. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, imorAlitn fvervlcpii totlieoltlzRUfiof Ferry and Cumberland cuuiitlcn. INmr of1n- address, HJierniaundale, I'eriyco.. Pa. HKNUY KKLLf AtTCTIONKHH. Would rennect fully Jnfoun Hie oliletisof i'erry Conily that lie will cry a)f nt slioit notlrn. and at rnaHoimble intfH, HRtiafacttoii uaiHiitped. M0r Address Hkmiy Kkll, Ivkesburg, I'a. Q B.HARNISH, AUOTIONEEK, Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and atlsfactlou guaranteed. 6 tf D AVID M'COY, ATJCXI OlS ICE J I , ICKEHBUKO. PEltKY COUNTY, PA. Charges moderate. Prompt attention paid to all calls. JAS. P. LATCHFORD, A VCTIONEER . Would respectfully Inform the public tbar he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive promnl attention. LONN ALLY'H MILLS, PERRY CO., PA. Auctioneer. Tbe UDdersigued given notice that he wlllcrysalesat any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are lolicltedand prompUtteatlouwillbe given. K. D.WELLB, New Huffalo Perry co.,Pa How Lost, How Restored ! Just published, a new edition of Dr. CULVER WKLL'S ESSAY ou the radical cure of Sfek w atohicmili or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary beinlual Losses, Impotencv, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc., also, CoN.sum-riON, Epilei'bT and Kits, induced by aelf-induliience nrsexual extravagance. Kc. The celebrated author. In this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates. fr"m a thirty years' sue cesslul practice, that the alarming eoneiiuences of self abuse niaylrspldly be cured: pointing out a mode of cure at once simnle, certain, and effec tual, by means of which every siilteier. no matter what his condition mav be, may cure himself cheap! v. privately, and rmllcnUti. This Lecture should be in the hands ot every man in the land Sent under seal, in a p'aln envelope, to any ad dress, fxmt pfttrt, on receipt of ;slx cents or two postage stamps. We have alto a sure cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CULVER ELL MEDICAL CO., 41 AntfSt., New York t N. Y.s Post Oftlce Ho. ibS6. . liuiy Newport Advert iHwnonln. JTEWPORT DRUGSTORE. tlsvln nn hand a coniplel sanrtment of tha fob lowlnc arllalna, tha subscriber asks a share uf ynu palronaas. Drugtt and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS, Alio a full stock of Concentrated Romodloo, KWHKNTIAL OII.H, UroNlics, Tcrrumcrj IIA1H OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES Also always on Hand PUKE WINES &LIQUOII pun MEDICINAL and HACHAMBN'f AL PUItPOHKH PHYSICIANS 0 It D Eli S Cureally untl Promptly Fill tut 0. M . EDY, Newport, Ponn'a. It. 8. COOK & (XX Agree to anil all kinds of LUMUEli AND SHINGLES, for LKHH MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take viood 'J lmberon the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, o, We use Clearlleld Pine and Hem. oekuiily, W. B. B. COOK ft CO., Nenport, Terry Co., I'a. October 10, 1878. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones ft Boa,) Grain 8c Produce MERCHANTS, Brlok Warehouse, Front 8t., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WK would respectfully Invltethepatronageof the farmers, and the public generally, as the I IIK1HKHT PRICKS the market wlllaWord, will be paid for all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUK, PKODUCK SEEDS AND KAILKOA1) TIES We have constantly on hand, man, SALT, PLABTEK, CEMENT COAL, IKON, . STEEL, HOKHB BHOKB,&e.,fta. FOB BALK AT THK LOWEST KATES. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 187 tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wrfglit'N Kiiilfilng, iVKlVrOHT, IA. Bole Agent for Lorllard'a Superior Tobacco. .?imJn.tri'.Mm'Cna"t uPIlled with Good! at Philadelphia prices. Your orders are solicited. S4 g HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: SoDth East Corner Market rSqnare, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In first, class companies on all kinds of Insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented t Itna.of Hartford, Assets, isjno.nno Commercial Union. " 1 in nisi Fire Association, Plill'a., " 3.778,ouo! B. HIMES, Agent. March 11, If SO ly VIA-SANi 1THE GREAT A enmrarMiarl f Uw Brtiv pnji rtt if lacalrftu, Prpn!l, Mind nit. In.ilKm, Ki.loy-Wort, Bus ha, Ac, vhtch isfts pmmptif a Livor, KidHejt, Blood, Smaib and bowala at ih uim tin. TtMw orfju t to kBtimauljr wAnetori that ha on 4i$ue4, (ir mil Mvr r lfMV tJlctMl. IIoe LIVER KIDNEY BLOOD: i grmtX la mni apstnintf il cimMnn4. tvamh itftunt Umib 1 to be<iiv Kta. trwl M ft Ubus. 1 J "TTI TIT T7 TT "V bmlU up lit tir viUiu. U it & Anti-Biliou v?9.1. B,I'uuw. cwi; J I!M X L- bkm iUMM. Hcrofulooa ami frphi lltiCavOoctiuuivold turtta ftaJ aler. PleAfiat to Uk. Trial lMl!l, oU. Lar4boctlM,fitlvi. Ail drffi;itUiMl WMiatry tra havA It, or will ft it (or yum. Alan iritartMl ur bilila ami fnnileo T r ir i. atv,. A-.anrs Wimuj ?8 e o wly EMIIUOIDHKIKS. E1XJ1NOS, INSERT IK CVS, and other trimmings. F. MORTIMER.