THE TIMKS, NEW I1L00M Ft KL1), PA.. OCTOlSKll I. 1881. ( THE TIMES. Io&l Dcph,ictncit. PENNSYLVANIA R. B,- MIDDLE DIVISION. On mid nftw Monday, May Tratui will ruu tuiiuw . Hth, 1SSI, fsMenirer WESTWARD. FA8TWAR1). Mali, Arc. riln.. PuiMOlVAl, HTATIONH. MfTI. J'nuM.ill Aoc, Ex. Tr'tii "Mil I A H. P.M. P. Ml l".ui' l. mi 7. ml .! i ll t.ufl P--J la fj -tn 14 l j.44 6 4.1 m i a i ui la.-j-j e.aj S 411 13.12 D.IO B.IKI II 81 8.41) 11.12 (17 S.S6 I.M S.II7 .IW .lb I.SA 10 A.U. A.M A.M. taaii 1'r'li Tr'iii Kx. Ift.Ml ran ! .st' Philadelphia, 8. CO lO.iM tirrmliiiipr, jj- .Marynvllle, 47 AcUl llllU... Ctt ;Ully',. e.i'Ml.tS Newport 6 111 II 311 Mlllerstowu, t. U0 II 4H! Mlflfllu A. If . d.llll M Ml a. no i.UH IK tM 8.( 8.1.1 a.ti III.IW I0. 4. J II llUW LiPWIBlllWH 1.18 IllllltlllKdoll.. IU Tyrone tM ; Aftnnua; .m 1.16 1.01 t.Ml 7.46 S.S0.I 1:11 r.M.iA.H.; ! MM P.M. A.M. , I'trrsnf nun. tWPrltlrErr" West will .top 11 tliilimnnon it 4 4Sntlt Nevpirtstfl.ll7 a. ui.. when flaiftft-it. V4oIiik Wpnt.tlttt Way pKMmoiirer leav,, llarrli -burn Dally lueotiiertrnlnii Daily eici'i'l Hnmlay. Fust Hup ffnt. ilnlly, stopping im BuxiiAT oni.v, at Dlincatltlii 4. Ho, N,-V'nrl, 1.62 P. M Pn.-itli' Kxprt'MH, Went, U'hvvh lMnlHtteliilili. dully 11. M T. M., and hiojib at Diuicuiniou, U-'.uk) 4.4J MeH'.'r. t.OHA. M. Itflol Itmtt. .-j f October 15th is the legal date for liuiityl ' llig jiRririiiges mm wiiu turners. Bee new advertisement of UancunauVi Large Clothing House ou 8lli page of tula paper. ( Over two liuuttreil ex-Confederate sol-N tilers visited the Carlisle Fair on Weduesv ' Vijay la9t. " Pink Eye" is the name of a new disease, which in some pnrta of the country is affecting the horses. Lots of men go buntlng,but few bring" hack any game. However they have' Whe hunt and exercise. ' Mr. Lucian Zimmerman, residing in the Cove is building a very large barn. It was raised on Tuesday. Mr. Isaac Crow, of Howe twp.. lost' a number of shocks of corn by fire a ,1 few days ago. The fire communicate irum a clearing near uy. The Directors of Bedford county have adopted a uniform series of textbooks for the public schools. A similar step should u A peach tree on the ridge near townN has lost Its reckoning aud was, conse- I quently, in full blossom the 1st day of October. The Harrisburg Patriot says : One of the flourishing horse chestnut trees di rectly In front of the public buildings on the Fourth street pavement of the park is in bloom for the second time this season. The Qantt House in Newport has been Bold to Mr. David Burd, of Markleville.l who will take possession the 1st of next April. The price paid is $12,000, which I includes the entire corner up to the I hardware store. V ' A severe storm of wind and ralu pass ed over parts of Cumberland county on Wednesday evening. A ehort distance this side of Carlisle, fences were blown, and one buggy belonging to this coun ty was upset by the wind. The occu. pants of the vehicle fortunately escaped iDjury. On Tuesday, October 11th, Wallace DeWitt, administrator of Samuel Miller, will sell a horse, cow, heifer, wagons, farming Implements, household and kitchen furniture. Bale to take place at the deceased's late residence, In Centre t twp., 1 miles northeast of Bloomfield. A large barn which was burned near Millersburg on Wednesday evening made such a light, that persons in this borough were certain the fire was at Brtily's or nearer. The building belong ed to George Freeland, and contained the season's crop and several head of horses. Loss $5000. The Elmira Advertiser laments the fact that while school children are drill ed week after week on the geography of foreign countries, not a dozen has the least idea about the general location of towns and cities in the State where they live, and the railroads it would be ne cessary to take in going from one point to another. And this charge is too true. A tramp sailor stealing a ride on a freight train had his skull fractured and received other injuries at Marysvllleon Wednesday last, while jumping from the train. Dr. Traver gave him surgical attention and be was then sent to the Harrisburg hospital, as the distance from Marysville to the poor house in this county is so great. 1 I. Mr. S. S. Sheller. formerly f of Duncannoa, now a resident of Dills- nurg, York co., was In town for ashort time on riday last. Sylvester looks as though this world agreed well with him. We had a pleasant call one day last week from Mr. Samuel Watts, jr., of McAllisterville, and Mr. Ed. Davis of Thompsontown, Juniata county. The I geutlemen were on their wav to the Cumberland County Fair, and expected'!' to nave a gooa ume. .ur. uuu r, oieei, wno reoeivea me Democratic nomination for county treas- 1 his chances for election It i TVn't to know that if Mr. Steel should be sue- cessful, a worthy aud very competent man would be County Treasurer. If elected be proposes to move to Bloomj Church Notice. Presbyterian Church Preaching next Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sun. day School at half past 9 A. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. M. E. Church Preaching next Sun day at 7 P. M., Sunday School at 9:15 A. M., and prayermeetiug on Thursday evening. List of unclaimed letters remaining In the l'ont Oflloe, at New Illoomfleld, I'erry Co., Pa , Oct. 1st, 181 : Mr. E. W. Olddlngs, Miss Llllle Lougeuecker. Tersous calling for the above letters, please say they are advertised, Samuel Hoath, P. M. nukes. John Frymler, of llye twp., ant week killed a horned snake In. his chicken coop. The snake was copper color spotted with black. Mr. John llhodes of the same twp., 'also killed pretty large snake. His was a rattler Mvlth 13 rattles. Weather llcport. B. Mclnllre, Esq., hauds ub the following report of the weather for the month of September. Average of thermometer at 8 o'clock A. M. 72 0' and of Barometer 80 Inches minus 5 tenths. Average of greatest heat 70 ' 20' and of cold OL" 15'. Wednes day the 7th, was the warmest day, the Thermometer registering 05 lu a cool shade, and Tuesday the l:itb, was the coldest the mercury sinking to 48-". There fell only seven-eights of an inch of rain. This was the warmest and dry est September for 15 years, and the Thermometer averaged at 8 o'clock A. M. VP 3' higher than the month of August. That Whct. The celebrated wheat contracted for with E. W. G! hidings by a number of the farmers of Terry county as stated in the Newt a few weeks since arrived the other day 504 bushels in all, distributed at different railroad points, as follows; Newport 310; Millerstown, 118; Duncannon, 04 and Haley, iM. Some of the fanners muttered considera bly, but, we believe, most of them swal lowed the dose. However, we have heard from one of the ,l victims," who is no other than Wm. Heuch, of Wheatfield township, the celebrated fruiter, who analyzed one quart of his two bushels of celebrated early Chill wheat, with the following result: He writes : " I wish to give you a few points about the ' Olddings Wheat.' I received two bushels of the would-be Chili, and found it to contain too much tare to justify me in sowing it. I took one quart of the wheat and separated it, and found cockle, 10 grains ; oats, 23 grains ; rye, 3 grains ; wevll eaten grains, 42 ; a small quantity of clover and some barn wevils. Therefore, 64 (the number of quarts In two bushels of wheat) times the amount of the above tare would be sufficient to destroy the entire crop that might grow on the two acres sowed with it." iVetfd. Duncannon Items. From the Record we take the following: Capt. William Itelghter of the Vigilant Hose Co., has been busy for several days at cleaning and fixing the Hose carriage. Jos. VanFossen of this place, fell one day last week and struck his forehead against a stone, received a severe cut. Mr. W. Stewart, who was engaged in taking out stones from the river, acci dently had the end of the middle finger of his left hand cut off by the falling of a large rock on it. We are sorry to learn that Mr. A. It. Hess has had a relapse, and that the malaria is not relaxing its rigor on those who are so unfortunate to become Its victim. AccUItntnl Miootiiig. Yesterday after noon about two o'clock while Mrs. John Lang, residing at corner of Foster street and James avenue,was up stairs making her beds she picked up a revolver of the Sharp pattern, which her husband kept under his pillow for self-protection.-The lady pulled the trigger back not knowing that the weapon was cocked, and in so doing discharged one of the barrels, the bullet passing through the palm of her left hand at an angle of forty-five degrees escaping the artery constituting the palmer arch, passing between the bones of the hand and escap ing from the back of the hand, flying across the room a distance of about three feet, striking a door jam, entering the wood about an inch deep at an acute angle. Dr. J. D. Bowman rendered the pecessary surgical treatment and pro nounced the patient as doing well last venlng, with very little hemorrhage the wound. HarrUburgh Patriot of the 28th. Slngulur Case. About ten months airo. John Miller, a five year old son of Mr, Martin Miller of this place, accldently 1 swallowed a pin. The boy said that it 11 lntirxUn Vila ihmut hnf ih. clan8 failed to find u upoQ examlnV0D. H or tne last few months he hag bad some trouble in bis throat, which could hard ly be explained. Some attributed it to the pin, but it was hardly thought possi ble that it would remain in the throat bo long, or indeed that it had lodged In the throat at all. Ilia troublo grew more serious aud efforts were made to find the pin. Ou last Friday morning the doctor noticed a small dark spot on his heck, and concluded that It wns caused by the pin. When the lance was applied to the spot the plu almost forced itself out. This Is very fortunate, as the throat is not a very good place In which to have that sort of thing, and then it was becoming very dangerous in this instance. Jftrrcfi Prr.a. 1 , Spring Twp. Ilrtus. Innlah Oumpher recently moved from Klliotsburg, to Adam Small's ho us a, In Centre twp. Wm. Doughton,of Oreen Park bought Snml. Dlehl's house and lot iu Little Oermany, and Saml. Dlehl bought the Baker property near W. it. Dum's, In Spring twp. A general agent from Erie, Pa., has been at Elllotsburg for several weeks with six men and six teams sel ling washing machines. Thus fur they have been successful. m- . - . - - Juniata County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of last week : t Front The Port ltnyal Time. On Friday night of last week William Klinepeter, a freight brakeman on the Pennsylvania railroad, had the thumb on his right hand so badly smashed, by having It caught between the dead woods, while engaged In coupling cars as to re quire the amputation of the whole thumb. He is now at the home of his mother in Turbctt township, this coun ty, nursing the injured member. The Republican county Convention was held at Mllllintown on Monday of lust week. The following ticket was Jilaced lu nomination : President Judge, Ion. B. F. Junkln,of Perry county; Associate Judges, Capt. James J. Patter son, of Port J loyal, and Jacob Smith, Esq., of McAllisterville; Prothonotary, Wm. M. Allison, Esq., of Mllllintown : Treasurer, Jacob Lemon, of Patterson; County Commissioners, J. Banks Wil son, of Fayette township, and Hugh L. McMeen, of Tuscarora township; Dis trict Attorney, Mason Irwin, Esq., of Mimintown ; County Auditors, D. W. Weimer, of Klchfleld, and Lewis Degan, of Fayette township ; Chairman County Committee, William Hertzler, of Tur bett township, From The Dtmncrut and Itegittcr. J. B. M, Todd, one evening last week, lost a horse with colic, worth $80. Bather a serious loss. This vicinity was visited by quite a refreshing ralu ou Monday evening last. Jacob Thomas, of Mimintown, has the boss hog. It weighs 800 pounds live weight and is of the Chester county stock. Can any one in Juniata county beat that V Frcm The Juniata Herald. On Saturday evening as H. A. Statu baugh was starting home, his mare got away from him at the Will's house and concluded to take the wagon home with out a driver. She did bo, and got home all safe, but after waiting at the barn for a few minutes to be unhitched and no one appearing, she became restive, at tempted to turn round short which lock ed the wheels, scared her and she ran oil bringing the spring wagon into collision with a post, upsetting the same and breaking both shafts. Becoming freed she ran down to Judge Elder's farm house and stood there until Harry who walked home came after her. Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from the Cumberland county papers of last week : From lite Xewvtlle Enterprise. On Tuesday night last, an attempt was made to enter the post office of this place. Five holes were bored in the panel of the back door and then aban doned, aud 1b supposed the would-be thief was scared away by some one call ing on Dr. Hays. Also we are informed that Borne one entered the ticket olliue of the depot on the same night. One hole bored through the parties who make these night calls would be better than live in the door. Important to Travelors. Special in ducements are offered you by the Bur lington Route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found else where in this issue. For Sale. A House Street, Newport, Pa. Apply to Miltox B, 40 and Lot on 4th Price $1000. ESIIELMAN. Newport, Pa. White and Colored Blankets, Horse Blankets, Lap Robes, &c, of all grades, at M. Dl-kes & Co. Carpets of all grades at M. Dukes & Co. ST. ELMO HOTEL Not. Slf and S19 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Rates re duced to Two Dollars Per Day. The traveling publio still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their comfort. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amuse ment and the diflerent Rail Road depots, as well as all parts of the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly pass ing the doors. It offers special induce ments to those visiting the city for business or pleasure. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Fegeu, Proprietor. Maplewood Institute for young ladies and gentleman, 18 mileB west of Phila., located on the Phila. & Bait. Central R. R. Courses of Study English, Scientific and Classical. Students prepared for U. S. Naval and Military Academies, and the Amercian colleges. A thorough chemical department. Reading taught by a first class Elocutionist. Penman ship by a Professor, master of the beau ties of the art. A home like department for little boys. 14 Instructors. JOSEril SlIOHTLlDGE (Yale College) A. M. Principal. CoxcoitDViLLE, Del. Co. Pa. 81-44 llata, Cups, Trunks, Men's Under wear aud Shirts uo better line can be found than at M. Di kes & Co. Again ws Grspt you with one of the finest Stocks of Fall and Winter Goods ever dlsplayod before by uh, or any oth er house In Central Pennsylvania, and at such prices tlutt com pell lion Is im possible. M. Dukes & Co. Wo Can Sell You a Fall Suit or Over coat 20 per cent. Ibsb than the lowest. M. DtjKKS & Co. ... -..... rpRAVKRSE JU1XOK8, OCTODEll TERM 1HH1. Oliver Jiiliti CV. Smith. Miller Darld Harper, Jacob Stuihp. Bund II 1 1 1 Goo. Hinenmltli. PftVllle HeniT Knlnlngsrj Venn James A. White, Pamnel AacUmuty, K. H. Hranynn, Lticlau Haas. BulTttlo Wm. (Jumbler, Jacob McConoel, Geo. Kepn or. Tuscarora A lex. H. Kerr, Isaiah Campbell, W. 11. Klce, J. K. Black. Wlieatllelu Henry Clay, Geo. Kelm, An drew l'ennell, Jr. llye Daniel Power, Emaunnl Keller, W. W. Frymlre, Wm. C. PnUoison, Thos. Coleman. Centre Henry Wax, Richard Thomas. Ulaln Wm. Machlner. Madison C. II. Helnbangh, Jno. M. Wolf. Jackson Solomon Bower. Tyrone H. C. Bbearer, Geo. W. Rice, John A. Weller. Carroll Jscob Flelher, Chrlot. Long. Liverpool twp, Levi Poller, Edward Barner Geo. E. Long. Dim cannon Jas. Mutzabaugh, Joshua Glad den. Greenwood Jno. II. Green, Herman Klpp, K. W.Gruhh. Bloomfield Valentine B. Blank, Jno. A. Bpahr, J. H. Bryner. Watts Isaac Motter. Marysvllle-Z. T. Collier. (1 UAND JURY LIST, OCTOBER TERM, J 1881. Rye David Benfer, Foreman. Bloomfield Daniel Garlln, B. P. Mclntire. Marysville Henry Oamber, John Jobson, Bandy Hill David P. Peck. Penn Frank Grab, Wm. C.Brown, Bam'l Harris. Liverpool twp. John Kline. Madison Jonathan Gutshall. Liverpool B. Jacob Arminit. Tyrone Geo. Kiner. 8. II. Bcrnhelscl, Dan iel Nunamaker, John F. Mlnlch. Carroll Henry Heatn, Ahram Kltncr. Bavillo Charles Price, Cbas. B. Boden, Rob Klngsboro. Centre Jamc Flyn, 8r. Jackson D. II. Kleckner. Duncannon Jno. II. Houdushell. Money to Loan. $200. $300, $400, and $500, for one year, on real estate security at 0 per cent, interest. Apply at once. John C. Wallis, Attorney. New Bloomfield, Pa. The Pantngraph Hinder, is the neatest and must economical method of binding up letter, note and bill heads, or any other kind of stationery. The under signed having bought the right, Is pre pared to furnish all kinds of Commercial or Legal printing put up In this binder. Merchants or others wanting work of this kind, will find our work first class and prices reasonable. Call and Bee specimens or write for prices to The Times Office, tf New Bloomfield, Pa. Home Jobs. We have a few special bargains which we will mention. A lot of TuMiiLEHS, 43 cents per dozen. A ot of Jelly Glasses, 60 cents per dozen. We call particulars attention to the nice line of Dress Goods we now have at 12i cents per yard. F. Mortimer. Clothes Wringers. We have a few of the best made. Price only $5. F.Mortimer. County Price Current. Bi.ocd rial. D Oct. S. 1H81 Klm-tttieil 1 & Potatoes 100 Butter V pound 2stf30 Eggs V dozen, 17 " Dried Apples V pound 3:ts" Dried Peaohes 12 O 14 cts. tf N KWrOUT MAHKKTS. NawroBT, September 30, 1681. flour, Kxti 16.00 " Super 3.73 Whits Wheat old V bush 135 Red Wheat, oli 135 Ky 0890 Corn 75075 Oati ft 82 pounds KQ 42 Cover Heed per pound 809 cents Timothy Seed 2 to Flaxseed 100 Potatoes .' 10061C0 Bacou, 00 Lard lOcents Hams VI cents. Ground Alum Salt 1 10 1 10 Llmeburner'i Coal 1 1 00 0 1 H Stove Coal 4 78 O S 00 Pea Coal 3 CO Buckwheat Coal U U Gordon's Food per Sack,... 12 M CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Carlisle, September 30, 1881. family Flour ft 10 Superfine Flour 4 00 White Wheat, new IIS Red 115 Rye 80 Cora 47Q 7 Oats 35 Cloverseed 4.00a!.50 Timothyseed t 00 Flax Seed 15 a. X. Salt 1 20 Fine do 1 80 Philadelphia Produce Market. PhiLAJXCPuiI, Oct 1, 18SL Flour unsettled : ex'as i 00ffl3 60 : Pennsvl vanla family, 14.50 9 .', Minnesota do., H.bvO 1513; patent and high grades. fd.5li7.00 Rye flour. H 2f.3.25. Cornmeal. tt.'hi. Wheat. H3 II Corn yellow. 70e.7;J; mixed W870c. Oats quiet: Pennsylvania aud western white 4Sft;illc. ; western mixed,43tj45. KyelOOteHOc. MATHTtA.GrBB. MKitrz-NEwaoxiR. On Sept. 13th, 1RS1. at Lebanon, by Kev. M. blihjry. John S. Mertz, of Philadelphia, to Llnnle A. Newxoiner, toruwrly of Loysville. Perry Co. MiNioi-Hiiiii.Eii tin Sept. iKh, 188!. at Elliots burnh, by Rev. J. M. Krader, Jacob Miiilvb, to Al.ce Shuler, both of Ikoysvllle, this eouuty- DHATIta, Rn.KS-Ort Rppt. 2oii, 1RS1, )n llufTMn twp. , IsiiHh .1 Hlllts, sued S'i oars. 8 months anil 1 dny, Hmeioh On Hiif, isili, 1881. Hi Hprlng twp., Mis. Hinelgh, aged 70 years. Ri'im, In Dunennnon. on September 2'lth, 1W, Mrs. Harriett Burd, lined 4!l years, 4 inoiiths and 14 days. Mrs. third was the wife of Andrew.!. Hind, who Is well known In fills eoiintv. Wis died In peace. Mav others follow her as she followed Christ. y. listen. On fhe 271 h of September. HSI, near Etheol, Clara Nahmie, dsiiEhtnr of Ross and Mary HeiK'h. aRed 22 years and 0 days. Bister thou wast mild and lovely i (leulle as the summer's breeze, Pieasaut as the air of evonlnj. As Its lloats among the trees. 1'earest sister thou hast left us. Here thy loss we deeply feel, Hut 'tis Odd that hath lierelt us, He cau all our sorrows heal. Vet apstn we hope fo meet thee, When the day of life has find. Then In heaven with Joy to Kreet thee, Wher no farewell tear Is shed. W. O. W. UDITOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby Riven thst the undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Perry county, fo make distribution of the balance In hands of Henry Kell, Administrator, &c., ot Jacob Kell, late of Haville township, perry coun ty. Pa., deceased, will attend to the duties of his nppalntment at his ofllee lu Illoomfleld, on TUKH DA Y, the 2.1tH day of October, 1MM, at, 10 o'clock A. M., of said day . when and where all parties hi- CHAS. H. SMII.EV, Auditor. October 4, IBM. N OT1CE ! WHEREAS, T. P. Orner has resigned his pot!, tloa as Steward of our Almshouse, We, the I)!re tors of the Poor, will receive sealed proposals for the ofllce of Steward up to the last Friday of Octo tier, 1K81, for the ensuing year. Said Directors will reserve the rlht of rejecting any or all bids. All applicants are hereby requested to appear personally In company with their wives on the above date. JOHN P. STEWART. UKOIM1E V. SNVDKR, I. F. I10LLENII AUOM. October 4th, 1RS1. Directors. I7S9TATK NOTICE. -Notice Is herebyglY. li en that Letters of Administration have been granted on the estate of William Pines, late of Greenwood tewnship, Perry county, Pa., to Frederick O. Pines and Andrew B. Pines, said Frederick li. Pines residing at Ilenvenue, (or Clark's Ferry), and said Andrew B. Pines resid ing In said Greenwood town. hip ; wherefore all persons Indebted to said estate are respectfully requested to make Immediate payment, anil those having claims to present them properly autheuli catedto FREDERICK O. PINES, ANDREW B. PINKS, John O. Wal is, Att'y. Administrators. September 27th, lf8l. Ladies of Perry County, M. Mc G O T WALT, SEW BLOOMFIELD, WILL SAVE YOU TEN DOLLARS, if you go to her for your SEWING- MACHINE. 40 52 I L Portrait of Garfield, Slzo of Sheet, 19x21, With his Autograph, acknowledged by himself to be ths best likeuess In ex istence. $7.00 per Hundred. Single Copies, 25 Cents. Copy of Autograph Letter given with each picture. Address, Shooer Is Carqueville Liths. Co., 119 Monroe St., Chicago. 40,000 Sold in Chicago In 48 Hours. Agents Wanted KKSrani.8E ograpb Picture ot our late President JAMES A. GARFIELD. This beautiful work of art ta printed In ten colors, on heavy paper, and mounted ready to hang on the wall. It is not only only correct por trait, but also contains the historical events of his life, shows the Home at Mentor, Assassination and the Death Bed Scene. It Is a magnificent Memorial Picture. Circulars and terms sent free. Address, H. W. KELI.EY CO.. oct4 4C 711 Sansom St., Philad'a. Pa. piUTATE SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. The subscriber offers at private sale, a saiall. but very VALUABLE FARM situated tn Rye township. Perry county, l a . In Fishiug Creek Vallev.on the road leading from Grier's Point to Marysville, 4 miles east ot Oder's and 6 from Marysville. The farm contains SO ACRES of cleared land, and 18 ACRES of young and thriving Timber. The Improvements are a one ana a hall-story Weatherboarded House,. WITH A GOOD BACK BCILDING, A GOOD BANK BARN; and other necessary outbuildings, a well of rooa7 water with pump, a young and thriving Orchard with all kinds of fruit This property is bounded by lands ef Henry Foulk, Henry Reamer, Francis Idles heirs aud others. 9. Terms made known by 4UU JOSEPH FREED. INSTANT PAIN RELIEF If a WON'DEKFUL and Immediate Cure for Aohex mill 1 . Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Earache, Cuts, Bruises, Strains, &c. WK. Sold by all Druggists, a . Wholesale Depol, S3 John Street. New York. Scud for Clicuiar. Sept. &t,litel.