The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, October 04, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE TIMES NEW uLOOMl'IKl.l), l'A., OCTOBER i, 1881.
yew IHoom field, Oil. 4, 1881.
I.nnliit the flirurr. no tlie UUkI of your iir.
Chow Spurim tell J"'"' I ! I" whlrhraKi' iN
cilplluii I imlil. Wltblu K unhillrr niuur) In
lent, ir If the ilnle il ohDRd. Mo other reoelrt
ii neoeMirv.
Wo Out orRtrreotyp will lie linerted In Mill iti'
ttnleae ttirht face fttut on metal bftee.
"Twenty wr cent, in eirenn of recnlr rnte,wlll
bohrnedtoravertlsoment eetln Double Column.
Mr. J. H. IU1M, Newiraper Adverting Au't.
II Park How, (Time HnlWIInpO. New Yolk, is an
thorl.eil to contract for ailvertlieinent.1 for tills
paper at our best rates.
II. C. Colk, Mnyor of Kokomo, Ind.,
was shot dead a few nights ago, while
engaged In stealing flour from a mill.
Ox the 25th ult., a tornado passed
over Qulncy, 111., doing great damage
to property. Thirteen persous were
wounded and four were killed outright.
Three school houses were among the
buildings destroyed. The loss in the
city alone will not be less than $100,000.
SwAitTiiMoitE College, near Phila
delphia, was destroyed by Are on Bun
day night, the 25th ult. Many of the
students lost all their effects, and sever
al barely escaped with their lives. This
was the College that was supported by
the " Friends."
Democratic State Convention.
Williamsi'oiit, Ta., September 28.
The democratic state convention was
called to order at noon by Chairman Dill,
of the state central committee, and on
motion of Mr. James, of Northampton,
W. U. Hensel, of Lancaster, was unan
imously chosen permanent chairman.
He was escorted to the chair by Jacob
Ziegler and Z. 2i Crackoft. On the
ninth ballot Hon. Orange Noble, of
Erie, was nomiuated for State Treas
urer. General Arthur is the third Presi
dent of the United States from the State
of New York Van Bureu, Fillmore,
Arthur. Five of his predecessors were
from the State of Virginia Washington,
Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and Tyler.
Three were from Tennessee Jackson,
Folk and Johnson. Three others were
from Ohio Harrison, Hayes and Gar
field. Two were from Massachucetts
John Adams and John Qulncy Adams.
Two others were from Illinois Lincoln
and Grant. One, General Taylor, was
from Louisiana; one, Pierce, from
New Hampshire, and one, Buchanan,
from Pennsylvania.
Queen Victoria wants President Garfield's
Secretary Blaine has received a dis
patch from Lowell saying ; " I have
received the following telegram from
the Queen :" " Would you express my
sincere condolence to the late president's
mother and Inquire after her health as
well as after Mrs. Garfield's." Her
majesty adds, " I should be thankful if
you would procure me a good photo
graph of General Garfield." The tele
gram was forwarded to Mrs. Garfield,
who replied as follows : " Please request
Mr. Lowell to express to her majesty,
the queen, the grateful acknowledge
ments of the motherof General Garfield,
and my own, for her tender womanly
sympathy. She has been pleased to
say also that her majesty's wish will
be complied with at an early date."
A Strange Story.
Washington, D. C, September 28.
It is reported that a plot to assassinate
President Arthur has' been discovered,
but so far the report lacks confirmation.
The rumor that a plot to assassinate
President Arthur had been discovered
arose from a sworn statement filed in
the police department by a man named
Bay ley, an attache of the army, medical
museum of the surgeon general's depart
ment, to the effect that while lying in
bed at his room in house No. 461 Mis
souri avenue on Monday uight.he heard
two men.standlng In front of the house,
plot the assassination of President Ar
thur. One asked the other if he would
swear to do it, and the other answered
that he would kill him within a month.
Mr. Bayley says he saw the men as they
walked oft" and can fully recognize them.
No arrests have been made.
A Stormy Wedding.
The Loves and Stills, conspicu
ous in the IndianTerritory, have long
been divided by a deadly feud. Lately a
Love and a Still became matrimonially
engaged, and it was agreed on all hands
that the wedding should be the occasion
of making a lasting peace. The gather
ing was large, and at first, greatly given
to smiles, kindly words, and hand-shaking
; but It was soon observed that near
ly every male guest carried a pistol, and
before night weapons came into general
use. Two men were killed and several
Tho Now President,.
f 1 V
Chester A. Arthur, who now be
comes President of the United States,
was born In Fairfield, Franklin county,
Vermont, October 5, 1830. He was par
tially educated by his father but pre
pared for entering college In the public
schools of Schenectady. He graduated
from Union College In 1848 and immedi
ately began the Btudy of law, and was
admitted to the bar of New York city
in 1832. Like his lameuled predecessor,
General Arthur was poorly off In this
world's goods, and paid his expenses by
teaching. Soon after being called to the
bar he married Miss Herndon, daughter
of Commander Herndon, who went
down in the Ill-fated Central America
in 183". Mrs. Arthur died in 1879, leav
ing two children, a boy of 14 and a girl
of 8. General Arthur's record as an at
torney is quite creditable. During the
war he was Quartermaster General of
the State of New York. He was ap
pointed Collector of the Port of New
York In 1871 by President Grant and
removed by President Hayes In 1878 for
refusing to observe the civil service reg
ulations adopted by Mr. Hayes.
The Crowd at Cleveland.
A Cleveland special to the Evenhu
Post estimates the number of visitors in
the recent obsequies as follows : There
were 50,000 visitors on Saturday and
100,000 on Monday, while of the local
population of 160,000 more than 100,
000 were In the streets. The proposed
guarding of the vault with a detail of
militia for some time will avoid all pos
sible danger of the body being stolen
until the casket is finally placed in the
ground. An iron cage is being construct
ed for the reception of the casket. The
cage will rest on a cemented stone foun
dation, surrounded by heavy masonry,
which will be part of the foundation for
the monument. The fund for the mon
ument is growing rapidly, and subscrip
tions are solicited of one dollar or less,
which will be registered.
Gulteau'8 Lawyers.
Washington September 20. District
Attorney Corkhill to-day called at the
jail, and being admitted to Guiteau's
cell informed him that the grand jury
would be in session next week and that
his case would then be called up, and
that an indictment would probably fol
low. Colonel Corkhill offered to tele
graph to any counsel Gulteau might
desire, intimating that it was the lnten
tention to give him an early trial. The
oiler was accepted, and later in the day
Colonel Corkhill sent a telegram for the
prisoner to Guiteau's brother-in-law,
George M. Scoville.of Chicago, la which
he requested that gentleman to come
here and defend his case. Gulteau also
requested Scoville to obtain the assist
ance of some able lawyer, and suggested
the name of Emory Storrs, of Chicago,
as such person.
New Jersey wants Gulteau.
Redbank, N. J., September 27. The
legal authorities of Monmouth county
have advised the attorney General of
the state and the attorney general of the
United States upon the propriety of
filing accounts before the grand jury of
Monmouth county, at its meeting next
Tuesday against Guiteau for the murder
of President Garfield. It is held that
the waiver of the coroner's inquest by
the State does not deprive the grand
Jury of this county of its power to indict
and try the criminal; also that the crim
inal law of New Jersey does not disqual
ify a citizen from serving on a Jury sim
ply because be has expressed an opinion
on the case to be tried. If Attorney
General Stockton, of New Jersey, and
Attorney General MacVengh consider
that the trial can be held here the pris
oner will be brought to New Jersey.
The county prosecutor, John Lanuing,
has decided to file before the grand jury
an indictment against Guiteau simply
as a precautionary measure so that if the
Washington authorities deem it best to
have a trial in New Jersey there shall
be no gap left for the escape of Gulteau
by the legal quibbles under the law of
the District of Columbia.
Effigies of Gulteau Burned.
New York, September 20. A num
ber of efligie3 of Gulteau were hung in
different parts of the city to-night and
attracted great crowds of people, who
pelted them with sticks and stones and
hooted and hissed. The police removed
some of them, while others were reinov
by the crowd.
Getting a Notoriety.
Owing to the publication of au ob
Jectlonable nrllcle relating to President
Garfield in the New Brunswick 2'lmen
of Wednesday the 21st ult.,a bitter feeling
was engendered, which Increased as the
article became known. Theuext night
a large crowd collected around the house
of the editor at two different times, but
the police succeeded in keeping order.
On Friday a large number of citizens as
sembled, and in the midst of an exol te
nient burned the editor in efilgy.
Cream that Will Hang.
Dr. Cream and Mrs. Stott were In love
at Belvldere, 111., and they concocted a
peculiar plan for safely murdering the
woman's husband. Stott being ill, the
Doctor was called In to attend him. A
prescription containing a safe amount of
strychnine was sent to a druggist, and
when the medicine came a large quanti
ty of the poison was added. It was cal
culated that Stott 's death would at once
be traced to the strychnine, aud that its
presence in a fatal proportion would be
Hscrlbed to a blunder by the druggists.
The murderers would probably never
have been detected if the woman had
not distrusted her partner. When she
heard that he had himself announced
that death was the result of poisoning,
she mistakenly inferred that he meant
to tlx the crime upon her, and Bhe has
tened to make a statement inculpating
him. His trial has just ended in con
viction, and she will get otT with a
lighter punishment, because she became
a witness for the prosecution.
A Clever Detective.
A Chicago police captain arrested a
wife murderer, but could not find the
remains of the woman, and the case
seemed likely to fall through. Knowing
that the prisoner would be speedily dis
charged unless some proof was forth
coming, the Captain entered the cell
with a paper in his hand, and said:
Your wife isn't dead, after all. She was
found alive where you left her, and
taken to the hospital. This is her sworn
statement of what you did to her. She
wants to see ycu. The murderer was
completely deceived. On the way to the
hospital, as he supposed, he was Induced
to tell where be shot his wife, and there
the body was found.
Tons of Human Bones.
An unpleasant sensation has been
caused in Bristol, England, by the dis
covery that a cargo of 300 tons of human
bones had been landed there to the order
of a local firm of mauure manufacturers.
The bones were shipped at Bodosto and
Constantinople, and are the remains
principally of the defenders of Plevna.
Hair still adheres to some of the skulls.
Sensible People.
A new fashion was set by the Duke of
Argyll at his late wedding. After the
festivities the guests took their departure,
leaving the bride and groom in the house,
where they remained during the honey
moon, literally spending the happy pe
riod at home.
ty Michael Kllley,of Trenton, was at
tacked by a. large rat while asleep In bed
on Saturday night, and had his ear bad
ly bitten in three or four places. The
voracious rodent was captured and dis
patched. Miscellaneous News Items.
Deb Moines, Iowa, Sept. 50. A con
struction train ou the Des Moines and
Northwestern railroad ran oil" the track to
day, killing three men and injuring thirty
tWThe barn on the farm of John Boyer
near Lawiencevllle, Chester county, was
Btruck by lightning on Tuesday afternoon
and set on fire. The building and contents
were entirely cousumed, with the excep
tion of the live stock which was saved.
Michael Mahon, aged 25 years,
residing at Allogheny, N. Y., a brakeman
on the Buffalo, New York aud Pittsburgh,
railroad, was killed by falling between cars
on Saturday night, near North Liberty.
EST Sadie Owens, a Mercer seivaut girl,
took two doses of arsenio to make her
complection clear. She died after the
second dose aud a companion named Jean
nette Duncan, who took oue dosu was bare
ly saved.-
. Wilkksbarre, P., Sept. VI. Charles
Fullroath the well kuown miner in the
employ of the Delaware and Hudson oom
pany, accidentally walked into No. 2 shaft
at Plymouth this evening. He fell a dis
tance of 155 feet. When his body was
brought to the surface it was hardly recog
nizable. ty Whitson, as Town Marshal of Cha
ins, New Mexico, was iustruoted to enforce
an ordinance against carrying weapons.
He saw a pistol in Reiser's belt, and tried
to take it. Then Keiser proposed a duel
at ten paces, aud the officer agreed. It
was a blight moonlight ulgtiV ud the fir
ing was done at otioo, with the customary
formalities. Both were hit mortally.
0"Tue barn of George Ilelnlger, near
Aiitlotam Lake, Berks county, was struck
by lightning on Tuesday evening, aud set
ou fire. Two horses were killed by the
lightning, and tho building, witli nil its
contents, including farming implements
and the crops of the past senson, were en
tirely consumed.
Ati.moiie, Out., Sept. 29. An excur
sion tinln on the nlr Hue to the exhibition
grounds at London, collided with a freight
train at Orwell to-day. Five out of nine
passenger coaches were completely wreck
ed. Five persons are known to have been
killed. Several are missing, and It is sup
posed they are buried in the wreck. About
twenty were severely wounded, and a
largo number were slightly hurt.
London, Sept. 20. In London to-day
the signs of mourning are generally and
spontaneous, and all agree that there was
never such a general wearing of mourning
for a foreigner. Even many of the carters
and drnymen have their whips deoorated
with crape, and in what are usually the
busiest thoroughfares, such as the Strand,
Fleet street and Cheapside, many of the
shops and all the daily newspaper ofiloes
are partially closed. Similar accounts of
mourning manifestations come from every
part of the kingdom, and even from the
remote towns of Ireland and Scotland.
tWEdwatd D. Armstrong aud his niece
made a marriage engagement at New
Windsor 111., aud when the girl became
convinced, through the arguments of her
parents and others, that such a unlou
would be improper, and sent him word
that she would not keep her promise, he
declared his intention to commit suicide.
" But if auy of you can couvince me that
it is worth while to live," he said, " I will
not kill myself." Tliey talked with him a
whole afternoon, and supposed when they
left him that he had changed bis mind ;
but they had not got out of hearing wbeu
he flted the fatal shot.
E37A Sacramento Chinaman imported a
woman from China as his slave, and accord
ing to Chinese ethics iu California was
regarded by his fellow couutrymen there as
her absolute owner. Notwithstanding this
another Chinamen fell in love with her,
and secretly carried her off and married
her. This was looked upon by the Chinese
community in general as an outrage upon
the rights of property, and the purchaser
of the woman was aided by them in various
endeavors to regain possession of her.
Among other devices a criminal prosecu
tion wsb resorted to ou the ground of in
cest, a witness being procured to swear
that the newly married couple were brother
and sister. No lawyer, however, could be
found In Sacramento willing to conduct the
proseoutlon far enough to compel the
District Attorney to take it up, and the
suborned witness failing to appear before
the committing magistrate, the cssewas
dismissed. A warrant was then issued for
the perjurer, but, as usual in such cases
the police failed to find him. The married
couple now live together undisturbed, but
the mau Is said to be in constant danger of
assassination, and it is predicted that he
will not permanently escape that fate.
Fell Against a Sharp Edge.
This is furnished by Mr. Wm. Will,
1013 Fiaukfoid Ave., Philadelphia, Pa:
Home time since I received a severe injury
to my back, by falling against the sharp
edge of a marble step, the. stoue penetrat
ing it at least a half-inch, and leaving a
very painful wound. After suffering for a
time, I oonotuded to apply St. Jucobs Oil,
aud am pleased to say, that the results ex
ceeded my expectations. It speedily allay
ed all pain and swelling, and by continued
use made a perfect cure. I really thiuk it
the moat efticaoious liniment I ever used.
lioctyord III. Itcgiuter.
Hewing Machine Needles. I have nee
dles on hand to suit any of the following
machines: Grover & Baker, Keystone,
Secor, Singer M'f'g., Singer Family,
Domestic, Household, Eldrege, Daunt
less, St. John, Howe, Home Shuttle,
Buckeye, Davis, Weed, Hemington,
Whitney, Wilson, White, New Home,
Empire, Etna, and Blees. Orders re
ceived by mail promptly filled.
F. Mortimer,
New Bloomfield , Pa.
Western Union Telegraph connecting
with all parts of the world. Office at
New Bloomfield in Mortimer's build
inff. tf
On Sunday, ofllee open from 9 to 10 A. M.,
and 5 to 6 P. M.
Wire Cloth for Fly and Mosquito net
tings, also, heavy Wire Cloth for win
dow guards, for sale at Mortimer's.
A. CA1M).
A new enterprlze has been started In
Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, by
J. W. Iiingrose & Co., and that Is the
making of a new style of Leather Fly
Nets. These nets are said to be a great
improvement over any style yet made,
while the price they will be sold at, is no
greater than ia asked for the poorer
article. Store keepers, before supplying
themselves should see these nets and
learn prices, and farmers shoujd ask
the merchant with whom they deal to
get at least a sample to show tnein. For
price list, etc, address J. W. Kinorosu
&. Co., Mechanicsburg, Pa., or Kenne
dy, Willing! & Co., 100 aud 102 North
Srd Street, Philadelphia, 6tf.
Men and Boy's Heavy Boots, and
Ladles' and Children's Slioes at hnf torn
M. Dukes fe Co.
Ladles' Coats, Dolmans, Skirts, Un
derwear, Shawls, Largest assort
ment and lowest prices at
M. DUKKS & Co.
Wanted. A boy to lear Shoetnaklng.
Munt be intelligent and of good moral
character. Apply immediately to
88 ' N. S. EiiEiiBOLE, Loysvllle, Pa.
A full line of Watches, Clocks, Jewel
ry, Blank Books, Pass Books, Walt
Paper, Stationary of all kinds, Accorde
ons, School Bonks, Velvet Frames, Ac,
Ac, to be found at W. 11. Gantt'h,
Newport, Pa. . . 80 y
The best " two for five cents" cigar In
the county, can be had at Mortimer's.
We are offering some bargains hi
boots for Winter wear. The Stock is
the best, but as the assoitraent of sizes
is broken up, we are closing out these
odd lots at great reduction. Perhaps
wehave the sine you want, though in
this Job lot.
F. Mortimer.
Flour nd Feed for Sale. The subscri
ber has Flour aud Feed for sale at the
residence of his son, Albert Fry, on the
Krozier property, iu Centre township.
20 Frederick Fry.
Still Alive I I am still alive and ready
to cut and fit suits in good style. If
wanting any work in my line, give me
a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Samuel Bentzel,
April 6, '80,tf New Bloomfield, Pa.
Largest Stocks
Ever displayed in Central Penn
sylvania. o
When you go to buy you like to find
a good assortment. You have never
looked upon a better one than we are
displaying this season.
We have Men's Suits, (Com
mon) at
'$4.00, $5.00, $700.
W e have men's Suits, Good, at
$8.00, 10.00, 12.00.
We have men's Overcoats at
$3.00, 5.000, 7.00.
We have men's Overcoats at
$8.00, 10.00, 12.00.
We Have Child's Suits at
$2.00, $3.00, $5.00
We have Boy's Suits at
$3.00, 4 00, 6.00
We have Boy's Overcoats at
W $2.60, 4.00, 0.00
We have Men's Heavy Boots, Good at
$1.75,2. 50,3.00
We have Boy's Heavy Boots, Good at
$1.60, 2.00,2.50
We have Ladies' Heavy Shoes at
$1.00, 1.25, 1.60
We have Ladies' Button Shoes at
$1.40, 1.75,2.00
We have Children's Button Shoes at
OOcts. $1.00, 1.25
We have Common Carpets at
20c. 25c. 35c. per yard.
We have Good Carpet at
64o. 60c 75c. per yard.
We have Trunks for
We have Wool Hats (Men's) at
50c 60. 75c
We have Fur Hats at
$1.00, 1.C0, 2.00
We have Ladies' Coats at
$2.50,3.60, 6 00
We have Ladies' Dolmans at
$4.50, 7.00 10.00
We have White Bed Blankets at
2.00, 3.00, 5.00
We have Colored Bed Blankets at
$1.25, 2.00, 3.00
We have a full line of Shawls,
Skirts, Hosiery, Men and
Women's Underwear, Watches,
Jewelry, and the best general
line of Ladies' and Gent's
Furnishing Goods
in the County. Don't for
get the longest established and
most Reliable house.
Winter Season
& CO.,