The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, October 04, 1881, Page 3, Image 3

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June 27th, 1801.
Trains Leave Hunlsbnrg as Follows :
For New Yori? via Allentown, at 8.0S a. m
1.4 and 4 ml p. in. .
. For New Voir via Philadelphia and "Bound
Brook Koute." H.:Vi S.oft a. m. and 1.4ft p. m.
Kor Philadelphia, ill 0.3J, 8.0.j, M.5oa. in., 1.45
and 4. 0u p. m. .
For Heading, at 5.20, 6.30, 8.05. 0.60a. m., 1.45,
4.00, and 8.0H p. in. . ,
For Potlsvllle. at .1.20. 8.0, fl.PO a. m. and 4.00
p. m., and via Schuylkill and Susquehanna
Branch nt2.4 p.m. For Auburn, at, 8.10 a. in.
For Alleutowu,at8.20, 8.05, 0.50 a.m., 1.45 and
1.00 p. in.
The 8.0.1 a. in. and 1.45 p. m. trains have
through cars for .Sew York, via Allentown.
For Allentown mid Way Stations, at 5 20 a. m.
Kor Heading, Phlldelaphla, uud Way millions,
at 1.45 p. in.
Trains Leuve Tor Harilshurg as Follows t
Leave NewYnrk via Allentown, 6.;0 and 9 00
a. in , 1.0(1 and 5.30 p. in.
Leave New York via "Hound Brook Koule."and
Philadelphia at 7.45 a. in., 1.30,4.011, .and o.3u p. in.
arriving ac HarrlsDinn, 1.50, 8.2u, o 20 p. in., and
12.35 a.m.
Leave Philadelphia, at 0.45 a. m.,4.00 ,F.0n
and 7.45 p in.
Leave Pousvllle.fVOn, fl.lna. in. and 4.40 p. in.
Leave rteadiim. at4.oU, J .30,11.50 a. in., 1.3', 0. 15,
7.60 and lo.35 p. in.
Leave fottsvllle vm.Hchuylklll and Susquehanna
Branch, 8.15 a. in., and 4 4 p. in.
Leave Alletuowu.uttlUu, 9.PU a. m., 12.10, 4.S0,
and 9.05 p. in.
Leave New York, via Allentown at 6 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, at 7.45 p. in.
Leave Heading at 7 31 a. in. and 10.35 p. m.
Leave Allentown. atO.Oo p. in.
Leave ITARR1SBUBO for Paxton, Lochleland
Bteelton dally, except Monday, at 5.25. fi 40, 9.35
a. in., mid 2.00 p. in. t dally, except Saturday and
Sunday, at 5.35 p. in., and on Saturday only, 4.45,
6.10, 9.30 p. in.
Returning, leave BTEELTON dally, except
Sunday, at 6.10,7.00, 10.00 a. in. ,2.20 p. in.; dally,
except Saturday mid Sunday, 6.10 p. in., and on
Saturday only 5.10, 6.30, 9,5u p. m.
J. E. WOOTTEN, Gen. Manager.
C.O.Hancock, General Passenger and Ticket
Ageut. .
New Bloomfleld, Penn'a.,
GEO. F. ENSMINGEK, Proprietor.
HAVING leased this property and furnished It
In a comfortauie manner, 1 ask a share of the
public patronage, and assure my friends who stop
with me that every exertion will be made to
render their stay pleasant.
-A careful hostler always In attendance.
April 9, 1878. tf
A Beautiful Hook lor Hie Askins.
By applyhiR personally at the nearest ofllce of
postal card if at a distance) any adult person will
be presented with a beautifully illustrated copy
of a New Book entitled
Story of the Sewing Machine.
containing a handsome and costly steel encrav
IiiK frontispiece; also, 28 finely engraved wood
cuts, and bound in an elaborate bine and gold
lithographic cover. No charge whatever Is made
for this handsome book, which can be obtained
only bv application at the branch and subordi
nate ulllces of The Singer Manufacturing Co.
The Singer Manufacturing Co., ' 0
Principal Ofllce, 31 Union Square,
13 Sly New York City, N. Y.
hop bitters:
(A medicine, not a Drink.)
And thk Pit mcbt ax d Hkst Mftiipal Qtjali.
Tlx OF ALL OIUIH lili liKB.
All OtseaanBof thrPtomach, Howoln, Plnod,
Liver, Ktdneya, and I'rinaryOrgans, Nt;r-
vuuinenB. oipcpicBuncssarin especially
Will be tifttd for rase thev will not. piim r
help, or for anything impure or lmurioui
fouud In them.
Ak yonr dnurglst for Hon Bitten unit try
tiicm before you ileep. Take uo olbcr.
D T. C. tn absolute and IrrenUMIilp cur for
DruokeuueH, line of opium, tobacco and
Send fob Circtlab.
All ftbov. 10M tiY dniirrHl..
Hap Rlttn MfB. Co., Hrwhi.ter, N. V., A Tnrontn, Onl.
38 it
Dissolution of Partnership.
N OTICE Is hereby Riven thst the partnership
lately exlstlngbetween Oeo. A. LlRnett and
. J. Delancy. of Perry county, Pa. under the
firm name of l.iifnett ti Delancy, expired on lfttli
April, 1881. by mutual consent. All debts owing
to the said partnership are to be received by said
tieo. A. Liggett, "lid all demaudson eaid partner
ship are to be presented t.i hi in for payment, until
theiuthof June, 1881. and alter that dav the
accounts of the tlrm will be placed In the hands
of an olllcer fur collection.
June 7, 1881.
ESTATK NOTICE.-Not!celsherebyglve
that letters of administration on the estate
of Susanna Steel, late of New Buffalo borough.
Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been drained
to the undersigned, residing In same place.
All persons indebted to said est at e arerequested
to make Immediate payment and those liaviiiR
claims toKi'esenttheniduly autlieuticatedlftr set
t lenient to
May ?1,1KB1. Administiator.
OM IK Cloths and other Dress Goods in va
rious styles.
REMN ANTS of PRINTS of these we have
a Write quantity in good styles.
J u addition to the above Roods we have a nice
assortment of Ladies Neckties, Corsets, (.crinau
town Yarn, Zephyrs. Shoes for Ladles and ChiU
dreu,aud thousands of other articles.
New Bloomfleld, Pa.
ALL was excitement In the great house
tin (lie hill, for no Chalmers hall was
known for miles around. I hail not
served the family, boy and man, for
thirty years, without sharing It to a cer
tain degree not Incompatible with my
butler's dignity, and all evidence which
I strove sedulously to conceal.
It was occasioned by no less an event
than the return, of the young lady of the
house the only daughter and sole heir
ens of all these broad acres from the
finishing school In Paris, to make her
formal debut In society.
The suite of rooms asslguet) to her had
been thoroughly renovated, and refur
nished In a manner widely dlfl'erentfrom
the solid English comfort which pre
vailed elsewhere throughout the house;
but to look through them was like a sud
den glimpse Into the nest of some hum
ming bird, which had Imparted all its
own brilliancy to Its belongings.
Only a few days before the expected
arrival came a letter, begging permis
sion to brlug with her her dearest friend,
a young lady whose father was an East
Indian ofllcer, and whose return had
been unexpectedly postponed a couple of
Of course the petted daughter's wish
was law, and though the fond father,
reading aloud the letter preferring this
request at the breakfast table, exchanged
a glance of disappointment with his wife
that so soon the privacy of their little
circle must be disturbed, a formal invi
tation to Miss Aline Kevere to the hos
pitalities of Chalmers hall was dispatched
that very day.
I shall never forget the evening of
Miss Chalmers' return. Her cheery,
"How do you do, TeterV" thrilled my
old bones as did the touch of the Utile
hand she kindly ofl'ered me, In memory
perhaps of my long services and the
many rides up and down the broad ha'.la
she had on my shoulder, screaming the
while with glee.
She flitted about all the evening, like
a bee, from flower to flower, and it was
as though a burst of sudden sunshine
had illuminated the old house. She was
a fair, sweet English girl ; but, as all
were seated about the dinner table, I
could not but acknowledge the palm of
beauty must be awarded to her friend.
I had never seen a more exquisite face.
It fairly haunted me; It held In it the
fire of the tropics, the Ice of the Arctic,
the light of the heavens, the shadow of
the night each expression In contradic
tion of the other, each tending to pro
duce harmonious welfare.
I did not think all this out myself, but
some one, long after, in describing Miss
Itevere's face, thus worded It, and I
knew then they had made clear the enig
ma my old brain had so long tried to
sofjte. I would even then have been en
vious, for Miss Chalmers' sake, but that
he seemed so fond, so devoted to her
frleud, that her very gladness was an
unconscious rebuke to me.
It was not long before the house was
filled with guests ladies and ladies'
maids, gentlemen and their valets, com
ing and going, filling the place with
gaiety and excitement. Then came the
announcement of a grand ball. Glad
enough I was when the evening an
nounced for it actually arrived, and I
could feel that the bustle of anticipation
was at an end. .
On her way down to the drawing room
Miss Flo peeped in to see the tables, and
I thought for that once we might com
pare her with Miss Aline. - She was
dressed In white, her neck and arms
bare," but glittering with precious stones.
Some of the family jewels her father had
had reset, and presented to her that very
morning at the breakfast table. I was
not likely to forget the circumstance, for
the old feeling of half dislike with which
I had at first regarded Miss Aline swept
over me as I fancied an envious glitter
Eparkled In the great black eyes as they
rested on the white, glittering gems,
" Will I do, Peter V" asked my young
mistress, sweeping me a mock courtesy,
as she had done when a tiny girl ; and I
half believe Instead of answering her I
brushed away a tear.
The ball was a grand success, and the
sun had risen before sound of the wheels
of the last carriage filled with departing
guests had died away.
There had been many made welcome
that night, but none, I well knew, re
ceived a warmer one than young Mr.
Earle, who had returned home from a
year's absence In foreign countries only
tweuty-four hours before.
I caught a glimpse of him once, as he
was dancing with Miss Flo. Even la
that fleeting moment, I saw how tender,
ly bis strong arm clasped her how
proudly his handsome eyes looked down
upon her how flushed with happiness
was her own fair face, half hidden on his
shoulder; and my heart gave a glad,
exultant leap that so joyous a future was
assurred her.
I well knew what was the unexpressed
family wish, for young Mr. Earle's es
tates adjoined pur own. They were un
fettered, unencumbered and In every way
a splendid patrimony.
I had turned away from this fleeting
glimpse among the great folks, my old
brain filled with the Idle dreams of the
future, when my eyes chanced to fall
upon one who, like myself, wa engross
ed in the animated scene beyond us.
It was Miss Flo' friend, but oh, how
changed I
The mask had fallen from her beauti
ful face. The great black eyes, fairly
scintillating with suppressed feeling,
were fixed upon the two who moved in
such perfect harmony with the music.
A drop of blood was on her scarlet Up,
where her little white teeth had rested.
One small hand was Involuntarily
clenched. Her mouth moved, but no
sound issued from it.
I stood transfixed, a cold shiver run
ning through me. It was this fury
woman whom Miss Flo, gentle and un
conscious, regarded as her dearest friend.
Of what stuff might be made her dear
est foe V I remembered then the look I
had seen these same eyes fix upon the
jewels. Was she envious of my young
lady's fortuue V What danger might not
threaten from this beautiful panthress 1
And yet how dared humble servant,
utter a word of warning.
Even with these thoughts passing in
quick succession through my mind,
there was so sudden and instantaneous
a change swept over Miss Itevere's ex
presslon that I could scarce recall the
other, except as the result of some hid
eous conjuring of my own fancy.
Miss Flo was coming toward her, lean
ing on Mr. Earle's arm.
I returned to my duties with a heavy
heart. I felt a shadow of 111 pending
over us, yet I almost forgot It next day,
when my lady's formal engagement to
Mr. Earle was announced. Bo loved and
protected, what possible harm could
come to her, even through a woman's
malice V
Ah, my unspoken question remained
not long unanswered I It had been all
too natural for these two young hearts
to flow toward each other, obeying the
life Impulse of both. They had loved
each other as children ; they knew each
other as though the bond of brotherhood
and sisterhood united them; their mem
ories circled around the same spot, were
haunted by the same objects.
It was the natural sequence, which all
had anticipated. Therefore, save Mr.
Earle was with us more constantly than
as old, and that there was a new flush ou
Miss Flo's cheek, a softer, tenderer
light iu her blue eyes, It was hard to
realize any change. But one was Im
pending less dlfll cult of realization. The
lovers had a constant companion iu the
person of my young lady's friend. At
first Mr. Earle seemed to dislike her ;
but Miss Flo's sweet Influence and lila
own courtesy led him first to conceal
this, and later to overcome it.
Miss Flo's sweet Influence and hisowu
courtesy, I have Bald ; but there was a
more potent reason still in Miss Itevere's
marvelous fascination. There was not
one in the whole household escaped, save
myself, and even I had to pull myself up
with a sharp turn lest I, too, should be
blinded by its glamour. But It was not
my old eyes with which she had to deal.
Miss Flo, all trusting and unsuspi
cious, threw the two she loved constant
ly together.
"You must like each other for my
sake," she would say.
Is danger ever so threatening as when
it falls on those who dream not It is
near V The sorceress , had the young
master tightly in her coil before he
dreamed that even a silken thread fet
tered him. He struggled then to be free.
The full horror of It all overwhelmed
him. He grew pale and haggard.
But tighter and tighter she drew the
bonds, and, like a bird fascinated by the
serpent, step by step he approached the
maglo influence of her sway.
Sometimes she would flash a sudden,
bewllderiug smile into her eyes; some
times she would assume a pensive coy.
ness ; sometimes a strange thrill of pus
slonate grief would seem to sway her.
One of the most wonderful attractions
was her voice. Even speaking one seem
ed to listen to low music, but in singing
it ranged the gamut of human emotion.
One evening It was in the twilight
Miss Flo and Mr. Earle were sitting to
gether on the broad piazza outside the
long French windows leading into the
drawing room, when just within from
the music room beyond, arose the words
of an impassioned song.
From the dining room across the ball
I could hear the measure, in its "Wonder
ful melody, and knew that she who sang
it was singing to but one, who could not
be deaf to the appeal the words conveyed.
Higher and higher rose the exquisite
voice, trembling with Its weight of pas
sion ; and he, for whose ear atone it was
intended, sat without, a girl's fair band
clasped in his a girl's head resting on
his shoulder a girl's light heart filled
with his image.
Did Mies Aline know that he would
come in obedience to her call t Was It a
mere accident which summoned Miss
Flo from his side.
However that might be, when left
alone, with slow, relticlant movement he
rose, and passing thtough the open win
dow, walk with uncertain step to the
room beyond. The singer sang on.
Lid she see that figure standing still
and silent Just beyond the threshold f
Perhaps the evening shadows hid him,
as her voice suddenly died away in a
choking sob, and ber head bent forward
on the keys.
Instantly he was by her side. Instant
ly he had raised her head to his breast,
with his long faithless arms clasped
about her.
"Aline," he said, "my love, my love!"
And then uplifting the crimson lips to
his, bent and kissed them.
I was busy with my silver, knowing
naught or this, but wondering how I
might uufold to my young mistress my
suspicions, when I heard close beside me
a low startled cry. I glanced up. Miss
Flo was standing on the threshold of the
muslo room. She had seen all. She
would have fallen, but that, springing
ftirward, I caught her in my old arms,
as Mr. Earle came hastily toward us.
I forgot his rank and my position, as
1 waved him off; but even In my bitter
indignation against him, I felt for what
he suffered when I saw the white look
of misery on his young, handsome face.
Up the broad stairs I carried my young
lady to her room and laid her on her
couch. Then her mother came and I
left ber, but as I passed through the
room beyond I saw lying In the empty
grate some torn scraps of paper. Me
chanically, with a servant's orderly in
stinct, I stooped and picked them up,
when my eye was caught by the mean
ing of a single sentence. "The heir of
the adjoining estate "
Of course a 'gentleman" would have
gone no further, but I was but a mere
servant, with the Interests of the family
whom I had served more than two score
years over and beyond all else.
I carefully carried the little handful of
papers up to my room, and there, bit by
bit, with hard work and Infinite spelling,
I made them almost a perfect whole.
"Delay your coming a little longer,
dear father," wrote the traitress. "The
fish is already in my net. I could laugh
at his weakness were there not such a
stake. He is the heir to the adjoining
estate, acres on acres of which I can see
from my window as I write. I shall be
a grand English lady yet, and then who
will taunt me of being the daughter of a
circus rider V We will wipe out that
stain then on my mother's side, and you
shall have your reward for all the sacri
fices you have made for me."
Had I discovered a vein of gold I could
not have gloated more than over these
few words.
Ah, now Indeed, I could avenge my
young lady, and punish her recreant
lover I But the time was not yet ripe ; I
would wait until he had given her his
old and honored name, and then I would
unmask her before she had reaped the
glory, and too late for him to retrieve
the shame.
With this determination, I went back
to my duties, but, passing through the
hall, Mr. Earle's voice, low and yet ex
cited, caught her ear.
"I have been made mad," he said.
"Aline, forgive me for the wrong I have
done you ; but you must bear the truth.
I know now that my feeling toward you
has been the intoxication of your fasci
nation. Never can I wipe from my
memory my darling's white, uncon
scious face 1 I felt as though I had stab
bed ber to the heart, and I knew that
my soul had never wavered in its alle
giance, though your beauty and your
marvelous power had turned my brain.
Aline, say that you do not love me ! Do
not make me feel that I have marred
your life, too."
A stifled voice replied, choked with
feeling :
"I cannot, Arthur I cannot ! Oh, do
not turn from me ! I am doubly helpless
now 1 Flo never will care for you. Let
me teach you the lesson of love for me,
if, Indeed, you have not already learned."
It was not my place I know that, but
I forgot my anger against him in listen
ing to the few manly words which as
sured me his heart was with Flo, and I
strode into the room and put the paper
in bis hands.
"Read this, Mr. Arthur," I said, bold
ly, "before yod answer her."
There is little more to be told. I my
self closed the hall door next morning
bright and early as the carriage bore
Miss Aline Revere ou the first stage of
her journey London ward. We never
saw or heard from her again. '
For long weeks Miss Flo refused even
to see Mr. Arthur Earle for mouths to
look upon him as a friend. Poor fellow !
We were all sorry for him during this
lime; for he had spoken truly his love
had never wavered.
But at last there came a day when
Miss Flo learned to do this, and then
ah, then light stole back into her eyes,
and the color to her cheeks 1
She's been a happy wife this many a
year now, and old Peter is growing al
most useless, save to ride her children.
as be once rode her, through the old
halls upon bis old shoulders, to the echo
of their childish laughter, which keeps
his old heart young.
Look Out for the Rocks.
A gentleman crossing the English
Channel stood near the helmsman. It
was a calm and pleasant evening, and
no one dreamed of a possible danger to '
their good ship. But a sudden flapping
of a sail, as If the wind hud shifted,
caught the ear of the officer on watch,
and he sprang at once to the wheel, ex
amlng closely the compass.
"You are half a point oft the course,"
he said sharply to the man at the wheel.
The deviation was corrected, and the offi
cer returned to his post.
"You must steer very accurately,"
said the looker-on, "when only half a
point Is so much thought of."
"Ah, half a point in many places
might bring us directly on the rocks,"
he said.
So it is In life. Half a point from strict
truthfulness strands us upon the rocks
of falsehood. Half a point from perfect
honesty, and we are steering right for
the rocks of crime. And so of all kin
dred vices. The beginnings are always
small. No one climbs to a summit at
one bound, but goes up one little step at
a time. Children think lightly of what
they call small sins. These rooks do not
look so fearful to them.
Womanly Modesty.
Man loves the mysterious. A cloud
less sky and the full-blown rose leave
him unmoved; but a violet which hides
Its blushiug beauties behind the bush,
and the moon when emerging behind a
cloud, are to him sources of inspiration
and pleasure. Modesty is to merit what
shade is to painting it gives boldness
and prominence. Nothing adds more to
female beauty than modesty. It sheds
around the countenance a halo of light
which is borrowed from virtue. Bota
nists have given the rose hue which
tinges the cup of the white rose the name
of "maiden blush." This pure and del
icate hue is the only paint Christian vir
tue should use. It is the richest orna
ment. A woman without modesty is
like a faded flower, diffusing an unwhole
some odor, which the prudent gardener
will throw from him. Her destiny is
melancholy, for it terminates in shame
and repentance. Beauty passes like the
flowers of the Albie, which bloom and die
in a few hours , but modesly gives the
female charms which supply the place
for transitory freshness of youth.
What We May Do.
No human being can be isolated and
self sustained. The strongest and bravest
and most helpful have yet, acknowledged
or unacknowledged to themselves, mo
ments of hungry soul-yearnlugs for
companionship and sympathy. For the
want of this, what wrecks of humanity
lie strewn about us ! youth wasted for
mocking semblance of friendship; adrift
at the mercy of chance for the grasp of a
firm hand, and a kindly, loving heart to
counsel. It is affecting to see how strong
is this yearning, so fatal to its possessor
if not guided rightly, such a life anchor
if safely placed. "Friendless I" What
tragedy there may be hidden in that one
little word I None to labor for ; none to
weep or smile with ; none to care wheth
er we lose or win in life's struggle! A
kind word or smile, coming to such a
one unexpectedly at such a crisis of life,
how often has it been like the plank to
the drowning man I lacking which he
must surely have perished. These.surely
we may bestow as we pass those less fa
vored than ourselves, whose souls are
waiting for oursympathetic recognition
Luck and Labor.
Luck is ever waiting for something to
turn up. Labor, with keen eyes and
strong will, will turn up something.
Luck lies in bed, and wishes the post
man would bring him the news of a leg
acy. Labor turns out at six o'clock, and
with busy pen or ringing hammer lays
the foundation of a competence. Luck
whines. Labor whistles. Luck relies,
on chance. Labor on character.
Things Not to be Sorry For.
You will not be sorry for hearing be
fore judging, for thinklne before speak
ing, for holding an angry tongue, for
stopping the ears of a tale-bearer, for dis
believing most of all the ill reports, for
being kind to the distressed, for being
patient toward everybody, for doing good
to all men, for asking pardon for all
wrongs, for speaking evil of no one, for
being courteous to all.
(3T Women that have been pronounc
ed incurable by the bes physicians in
the couutry, have been completely cured
of female weakurs by the use of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Plnkham, 23S
Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for
pamphlets. - 40-41.