( I THE TIM KS, NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., SEl'TEMBElt 27, 1881. J v r: $JIoomficlb ftimrs. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Womanly Economy. There Is much talk of the extravagance I of a woman, and tbere Is no doubt that I when a woman puts her hand to the V spending of money she can do it with a 1 jHfi-fect looseness. Women are naturally extremists, and do whatever they do and thluk whatever they think with all their julght. But to this question of spending money there are two sides, and the bal- . . . - . 1 I J I f I ........... 1 r. n 1 1 II It y 'mire ueriut'iny inclines iuwriu I .rather than spending. Women are nat J li rally economists. They have twice the Kill of saving that men have. Think the "auld clothes made to look amalst a well as new." think of the old bonnets Ve trimm'1 and brought out in the lat st style; think of the twisting and turning, the contriving and saving to which many a woman resorts to keep , her family looking respectable, while ' her husband never thinks of stinting hlmstlf in cigars or liquor. Many a '"inan Is kept from pauperism by the J contrivings of his wife; many a family owes the comfortable house they inhabit 1 more to the economy of the mother than the savings of the father. Before j en talk of the extravagance of a J.'vonuui, they -should strive to learn a leeon from their economy. Learn To Work. 'Now, girls, don't allow mother la- Sam your stockings ; attend to this Bim- gde duty yourselves. Fine darning Is .really an acomplishment. Take the care of your entire wardrobe as far as issible. Don't let a button be off your Y fehoes a minute longer than Is necessary. It-takes just about a minute to sew one on, and oh, how much neater a foot looks in a trimly buttoned boot than it ses in a lop sided affair, with half the Ittons off. Every girl should learn to ike the, simple articles of clothing. te the work a Btudy. Once get in habit of looking over your things i you will like it wonderfully. You have the independent feeling that I noed not wait for any one s conven- uu repairing Mid making, but that ti be toreuana in an such matters. lief to your weary mother will be pan you can estimate. When you s as old and as worn as she is, you now now mucu " every little alue of Chocolate. who wish to keep the imag- ebh and vigorous, chocolate is Crage of all beverages. However iously you have lunched, a cup of olate immediately afterward will ce digestion three hours after, and e the way for a good dinner. It i mended to every one who de- liruiri-wnrlr Ilia hnura llA nVinnltl iBifd , to every wit who finds he is become suddenly dull ; to all who id the air damp, the time long, and e atmosphere insupportable; and, ove all, to those who, tormented with ixed idea, have lost their freedom of ought. To make chocolate (it must ver be cut with a knife) an ounce and mlf is requisite for a cup. Dissolve it vdually in hot water, stirring it the ile with a wooden spoon ; let it boil a quanfef of an hour, and serve it hot -teiirHtv or without according to taste. Z3TA practical stock grower advises is brother farmers not to be in a hurry a destroy any animal that may break a eg, for by means of plaster of pari (not and plaster)and some bagging strips, the irab may be set and supported until the ractured bones unite again. His plan laa been, both with calves and sheep, to the strips of basing about the , plaster over with calcined .ted to a thin paste, wind an- that and apply more plaster, ing fas ed with splints of I the plaster sets. The animal around for a few days on three recovers without bjemish. In exchange tells of a farmer who I lw,j ... AAHA f - .1 : i i incupu iwic ui laiuur puui Bull tuu furrow be laid corn stalks length--io on till the whole was plough. "Sther acre he burnt the same ieorn stalks and spread the Uole field then being plant I ATfn. The latter portion started Aitter than the first, and during : ly part of the season was a good jhead, but the latter part of the 5 the first portion went ahead, the H'Uig-i'wt the cornstalks brought it crop. L.i3iAZOo. Mich.. Feb. 2, 1881. ""HJop Bitters will bear recom nestly. All who use them ! hi-in the highest enoomi- them credit, for making he proprietors claim for kept them since they were Aa the public. They took m the first, and maintain Ai more called for than all Joed. So long as they keep fx reputation for purity and fcbiill continue to recom. t something I have never . Uh any other patent rnert- j. j. BAiK one, sir:u. r J J A MBS. LYDI& E. P1NKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEOETAELS COMPOUND. Iff n Powltlvr Cure for nil tlwiif Fnlnlil I'nmplntnt nH WnhtieMea nrommon loourbeat female popnlntloit. It will cure entirely the wont form of Female Com plalntB, nltoTarfontrotiHin, Inflammation end Ulcera tlon, Fftllliiff end Displacement, and the ctmnequent Rplnel Wrnknen, and Is portleulerly adapted to the Clinna-e of LUe, It will dlMolre ancletprHnmorefrrtmOieutemiiln an early atripo of dfTolopjnrtit. The trndrnry to can cerous lnmtora thei-eli chrrked rery wedlly by Its . It rcinorcefalntnem, flatiilenry, deetroynall emTlng foretlmulanta, and rvlterra wpnlcnma of the stomach. It etirei Moating. Heailnches, NerTous Trodtratlon, General Debility, E!utjleeineBst Ueprcsnlon and Indl gefttton. Thnt feellnjf of hcnrlne; down, rnnftnip pain, wefjtnt and backache, la nhreya iwi-ninnently cured by lta ue. It will at all ti mew and under nil plrcuniwtancea act In harmony with the lawn tlmt Rovern the female nyntem, Fortheenreof Kidney Compluiute of cither sexthla Compound i unmirpdwd. M'DlJi E. riNKHAM R YrcrTAHT.K TOM POl)XIl prepared at ?M and KW Wtein Avenue, Lynn.Masw. Trirogt. Six bottleafor $ftP Sent by mail In the form of pill, nlo 1 n the form of lorenire, on receipt of price, 81 por box for either. Mrs. rink ham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pampb lot. Address as above. Mention thit Iiper. Ko family should bo without LTPIA E. HNKTTAM'S LIVER FrLT.3. They cure conntipntlnn, billousneas and torpidity of tliellrer. 23 cent per box. jRd-SoM by nil lrwKlst. -tt 3Uy THE SPRINGFIELD SEWING- MACHINE. Best in the World. The mamiractiu'ftrs of the SPRINGFIELD are aware that, in orclm- In meet the critical and economical demand of the tlinen, the muchlne mill posse a combi nation of mechanical excel lences, making It superior to anv of Ms nrede censors, and at the sa time be offered at a price that will place it within lh means of all. Kully realizing the force of these conditions, they oJTer the SnrinRtleld, confident that It will tlulnil every requirement' that can be expected of a llrst class family and manufacturing machine, livery Machine Is warranted perfect iu construe tion. In case any of the ptris prove detective, when machine Is used for family purposes, within five yeai'9 from date of purchase, the manufactur ers will replace such delective part without charre. This does not apply to needles, shuttles, or bobbins. Made by THE SPRINCFIELD Sewing Machine Company, 13 6m J3PK1NRFIELD, MASS. yALUABLE FARMS PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber otters at Private Sale the fol lowing desirable farms: NO. 1. Is a Farm containing Sixty-three Acres, All good land, tn a good state of cultivation, and having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Out buildings, eituato three miles south of Kloomtleld and teven miles from Duncanuon. There ts on this place plenty of Choice Fruit of all kinds, good water at the door, with running water in nearly every Held. Price. ti,m. Term easy. NO. 2. Is a farm situate in Whea.tield twp., containing about 115 ACRES, having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, with all required Out-bulldings, the lHrn being entirely new. 1 Ins farm Is slluale about six miles from Uuncannon and four miles fiom Bloomlleld. There Is good water near the dooi, plenty of streams on the land, a good Apple di ehard, and other fruit, and will make a desirable home. Price 2,860. Terms easy. NO. 4. Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about two miles from shermausdale, containing about One Hundred Acres, having thereon erected a Good Dwelling, and ether Ont-biiildinjjs, A well of good water at the house and another at the Barn. Ihere Is considerable trtilt on the premises, and the land Is good and well watered rrlce, ift UHi. and payments cau be arranged to suit purchaser. b NO. 5. Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about two miles from Shei maiisdale, containing Hcvcnty Acres, of good land, and having thereon a GOOD DWELLING, and other Outbuildings. There is a good spring near the house, and the F arm is well watered. There is also a Hood Or chard in bearing condition; tills will make a de nimble home. Price. 11,(00. NO. 7. A TRACT OF I.AN1 containing SIXTEEN ACKKS. (half cleared) having ilit-reon erected a GOOD TWO STOKY PLAN K HOUHK. in cmid order. r- This property Is located 2 miles south of Bloomlleld. and has on it plenty of FKU1T of all kinds, and will make a very desirable home a party wauling a small trace i.t laud. 'Ihere isa .running stream of water near the house and a well of good water close to thedoor. .price JlotNi, half to be cash aud tlie balance in two euual au nual payments. - For fun her Information mldress the under digued at New lllooiulicld. Perry county, Pa , or call at his residence lliree miles south of Bloom lleld. C. B. IIAHNISIL August 17, 1880. TillZB THE jnsrTliJtr-. ' H I'lUJ'lllHii.lllfll'l THE GREAT IWltLlXGTON IiOVTB. fTNo other lino runs Three Through Pns. fienger Trnins Dnlly bet-.veen I'hicngo, Ilea Moines, founrll UlnlTs, Otnnha, Lincoln, Pt. Joseph, Atchison, Topekn nnd Knusns City. Direct connections for all points In Knnsns, Nelimskn, I'olorndo. Vyomlng, Montana, No vmiii. Now Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and t'nlifornln. Tho Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Comfortn blo lloute vln llunnlln,! to Fort Scott, Denlsnn, Dnllns, Houston, Austin. Sun Antonio, Galves ton nnd nil points in Texns. Tho unoqiinlctl Indiiffincnts nlTnred by this Lino to Travelers nnd Tourists, lire ns follows! T'-o celebrated l'ullnmn tlil-nlioel) Pnlnco Sleeping Cnrs. rim only on this Line, C, II. Ic Q. Pnlnco llriiwing-Itooin Cars, with Morton's ltecllnlng f 'hnits. No extra charge for Scots In Kccllnlng Chairs. The fnmons C. It. Ic Q. Pnlnco Dlnlnir Cnrs. Oorceous Smoking Cars tilted witli i:icgnnt tliuh-llHckrd Itattan ltn volvinur I hnlrs for tho exoluslvo uso of tlrst clnss pnnocnirers. Steel Truck nnd Snnr-'lnr Hqiiipmont. com bined with their Crent 1 linuii'h ( 'n r A rrnuire inent.mnkcs tliKnlmvo tiilotliers, the favorite Homo to Hie South, Soutli-West, nnd tho Far West. Try It ivnd von vli tlr.'J trnrcllngr n luxury lntend of n discomfort. Thro.iuh Tlcketp vln this Ccletirntcil Lino for srle ut nil ollli.es In tho t'nlteil Suites and Cnnn In. All Informntlon nliout Itntc? of Fnre, Sleep. Inir Car Aecoimnocl itlons. Time Tulilcs, &c, will lie cheerfully given by npplyliiR to J. Q. A. I1RAN. Oen'l Kiistern Airont, aw Wnsliinirton St., Huston, Muss, nnd Hi llrondwiiv, New York. AMES H. WOOD (li'ii. Puss. Ant.. Chicago. T. .1. PO I TI'.H, (Jen. Manager, Chicago. March 15 1H81 Kit $5 Outfit si'iit free to thoRf wlm wih tiipntrnyc In tho mont plt'iiHimt nml prntJtllH ltiiniiicnH known, r.vt'iydiliiK new, Ciipitiil nut !'i'iulrrd. w(n fttrnlsh ynu rvcrytliliifjr. 10 a ly nml upward id ciiHiiy made wiflnmt. utiiyliiM- away I'rnin hnnif nvcr nijrht. iu rtk whatever. Many new work era wanted atiire. Many are making Inrtunea at the Imsinena I.ntlifH make aa much aa men, and ynimu- !oya and Klrl make urea t tay. No one who la willing tn win k falla t( make mo e iimiiey every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary empinvim nt. Tboae who entcau-e at nnee will tlml a short mad to fortune. Ad dreas It. ilALLLT & CO., I'ortland, Maine. 1 ly RFATTY'Q OHANa 1R useful Mom. A Mtfl UL.M I I I O veetn onivfiis. riamw Si2Mip. "ftIlhmtrated cnaloyuefie. Address UEATTV, WuiluiiKton, N . J, lttAly NEW RICH BLOOD! l'arsons' rurflntire rills iiinke New Kich Illood, and will completely change tho blood in theoiitircsvstem iu threo months. Anv person who will take 1 pill each nlglitfrom 1 to lawceks may be restored to sound health. If such a thing bo possible. Sent iiv mall for 8 letter stamps. . tf. ,OH.VSOJV CO., Jiostun, Muss., formerljf Jlnnffor, JVe. tJns Maclllnn ever inveutnl. Will knitapairef stui kint's, with HEEL and TOE complete, In ) minutes. It will alBo knit a great varti'ty of t anry work for which there Is alwevs a ready market. 8enl f nr circular anil terms tn the Tworalily Hnltl liig Watlilue Co.. 4U9 WaslUutwu St., Uutuji (Jum. lflAly NOTICE! T1IE undersigned would respectfully call the attention oi the citizens of Perry county, that he has a large and well (.elected stock of HARDWARE. OltOCKKIES, 1-iKUOM, W INES & LIQUORS, IKON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, BTKEL, IRON AXLES. HPRINUS, SPOKKS. HUBS, FELLOES. SHAFTS. POLES BOW8, BHOOM HANDLES, WIIiK. TWINES, &C. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, Tlaster, ana tement. SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPER LEATHER, FlS&5!: 8VAR. SYRUPH. TEAS. SPICES, TOBACCO, CIOAKS, and SMITH COAL. John Lucas & Co's.. MIXED PAINTS, (ready for use.) The best is the CHEAPEST. .1 w A"rt11r variety of goods not mentioned, allof which were bought at the Lowest Cash Hespectfullv. 8. hi. SHTj'LER, Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. KENDALL'S SPAYIX CURE. It Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints Curb, Ike. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. Has no equal lor any lameness on beast or mull Ir li.u fl,u i.i.. Mv "" vmru nip-iuiiii. lame ness in a person who had suffered 15 ..-. jumiuiimu iiieiiiuaiism.corns, frost bites, or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for bleiu'sh ou horses. Send for il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists i ave It or can get for you Dr. B. J. Kuidall & Co., Plos.,Euosburuh, rails, Vermont. HARKIS & EVVIXO, Agents, Pittsburgh. Pa. For sale by F. Moiitimer, New Bloomlleld, Pa. IT1S PATE NOTICK.-Notleelsheiebyglveu u that letters of Administration have been granted on the es'nte of Samuel Daniels, late of Wlieatfleld twp.. Perry county. Pa., deceased, to Sarah Ann Daniels, lesidlug in same township r. O. address. Dunes niion. All PHiwins Indebted tomid estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those liavlnir claims, to present them for settlement. "" n t t .-r StKAH ANN DANIELR. C. J. T. H iNTiitu, Atfy. Administratrix. TOH PKIN'sTno of every description neatly and promptlv executed at Ueasonalile Hater at the III lomtield TlmeiSteam Job OlUce. L j8 ?-vs. r i T. THE Chicago & North-Western RAILWAY Is the Oldest, Heat Constructed, Best Equipped, and hence the LEADING RAILWAY -OF THE W1XT mul 1VOKTIKWKNT. It Is the short and best route between Chicago and all points in Northern Illinois, Iowa, Pikota. Wjrmlrig, Ne. biaika, Callloi nia, Otegon. Arizona'. Utah, Col orado, Idaho, Moiilano, Nevada, and foi Council Bluffs, Cmaha, Denver, Leadvllle, Salt Lake, San FrtnciEco, Dead wood, Sioux City, Cedar Kaplds. Des Moines, Columbus, and all Points In the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee. (Ireett Hay, O.ihkosh. Sheboygan, Marquette, Fond du Lae Watertown, Houghton, Neeniih, Menasha. St. Paul, Mlnueiolis, Huron, Velga. Fargo, Bismarck. Winona. Lacrosse, OWiilonna, and all points In Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluirsthe Trains of the Chicago i North VVestein and the U. P )t's depart from, arrive at, und use the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connection are made with the Lake Sneie, Michigan Oenttal, Baltimore ( Olilo, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago ft (irand Trunk h'js, and the Kankakee and Pau Handle Homes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN CHICAtiO and COUNCIL 1JLUFFS Pullman Shewn on all KUiM Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents Selling you Tickets via this loud. Examine jour Tickets, and reiuse to buy If they do not reau ovei the Chicago North-Western Hallway. If you wish the Bet Traveling Accommoda tions you will buv your Tickets bv this route, AND WILL TAKE NONKOTHEji. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. 15 MARVIN IIUGHITT, 2d V. P. & tlen'l Mang'r, Cnioiuo, 111. s TARTLINC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of Tnuthtnl imprudence rouging Prema ture Decay, Nervous Dobilltr, Lost Manhood, etc., having tried iu vain every known remedy, has dis covered a nimple self cure, which he will send FRKB to his fi'llnw-siirlerera, address J. II, KCEVEsi, 43 t luillimii mt., N. V. 6Bly $2 W.lrKri. Stcmwln'l(ni(xrA Wliltomi'til nantlmrCm, $r. imll.tliui K'lldlfi. Hollil rol.lflS. Clip.tNiiJ Im-sI fur Jnur own il.r nr .pertil.tlve itrM,i. V.lu.lil. mt luguefnie. tliOJll'SOM. 10., I Hi MauanSk .l.n lurk. 6Bly As A Outfit turuiphed free, with full instmctlnns for I M cnuductliitr the must profitable inisiiiesR thnt V tttiyone- cau eluraKe iu. The bilsiueBS is easy to lenm, andniir lnstructlnus so simple and plnln, that auy ane cnu make trreut profits from the very start. No one can IhII who is willing t' wirk. Women are as suc cessful us men. Boys and irlrls can earn lai-e Bums. Many have made at the business over one hundred dollars iu a slnirle week. Niitliiinr like It ever known before. All who enp-atre are surprised at the ease and rapidity witli which they are alile to make money. ou can enmurp iu this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not have to iuveat capital in it. We take all the risk. Thoae w ho need ready money, should write to us at mice. All furuifked free. Address Ml'E & CO. Augusta, Maine. 1 ly A VCTIONEEMS. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, OITershls services tothecitlzensof Perry and Cumberland counties. Post ottice address, Hlieiniansdale, Perry co.. Pa. HKNUY KElib, AUCTIONEEIl. Would resiiectfully Infoun the citlzensof Perrv County that lie will cry sales t short i.oilee. and at reasonable rates, rlatlslnctlon guaianteed. r Address Hemit Kelu Ickesburg, Pa. Q B. HARNISH, ATJC XI OIS , Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 6tf D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONEER, ICKESBURG, PERRY COUNTY, PA. tojr8e8 moderate. Prompt attention paid JAS. P. LATCHFORD, A VCTIONEER, Would respectfully Inform the public thar he w cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive promnt attention. ri)UMMALU"B MILLS, PERRY CO., PA. Auctioneer. The undersigned given notice that he will crysales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicitedand piompUtteBtloiiwillbe given. "u"''!'" E. I). WELLB, New Buffalo Perry co., Ta How Lost, How Restored ! Just Published, a new edition of T)r. rnr.VPB. WELL'S ESSAY on the radical vurn of Spek matohhihka or feinlnal Weakness, Involuntary Keminal Losses. Impotknct, Mental aud Physical Incapacity, luipeniments tn Marriage, etc., also. Consumption, Epilepsy and Pits, I ml need by self-indulgence nr sexual extravagance. Sea. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essav, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' suc cessful practice, that the alarming com.eiiences of self abuse maylmpldly be cured; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effec tual, by means of which every sulleier. no matter what his condition nmv bs, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands of every man Iu the land Kent under seal, iu a plain envelope, to any ad dress, jmM paid, on receipt of ;six cents or two postage stamps. We have also a sure cure fur Tape Worm. Address THE CULVERNELL MEDICAL CO., - 41 Ann St., New York t N. Y.i Post Olllco Box, VMi. I Illy Newport AdTertUcmcnta. JEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Bsvlngon hand t eomplete assortment of thefol lowing article, the subscriber asks a share of rats patronage. Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also s full stock of Concentrated Romofres, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, rerfumerjt IIAIH OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES Also always on Hand PURE WINES & LTQUOK FOR MEDICINAL and BACRAMENTAL PURPOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B . M . EQY, Newport, Penn'a. R. S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than anyother dealersln this county. We will also take good Timberon the slump ordelivered at our IVIill In exchange foy Lumber,&o, We use ClearUeld Pine and Hera ockonly. W. B. S. COOK & CO., Kewport, Terry t'., Fa. October 10, 1876. JONES' EROS, & CO., ( Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage of the farmers, and the public cenerallv as the HIOHK8T PRICKS the market w 1 afford, will be paid! or all kinds of ' GRAIN, FLOUR. PRODUCE SEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constantly o kand, FISH, SALT, PLA8TEK, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORHB 8HOEH.fto.,Se. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST KATKB. S- Orders promptly tilled, Newport, July SO, 1875 tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Building, NEWPORT, PA. Bole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobacee atThd'SrTc'e.?18 aUPP"ed WUh 00Oit Your orders are solicited. 94 g HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: Sonth East Corner Market Stjuure, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRK INSURANCE POLICIES written In nrsf. class companies on all kinds of insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorablv adjusted aud promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented : itftna.of Hartford, Assets, 6,700.M0 Commercial Uninn. " 1 494 ckhi Fire Association, Phil'a., " 3,778!lK0.' B. HIMES, Agent. Marchll. 18801y I THE GREAT A"r''l"fiiapnacini,rf I 1 1 i TOT 1IJ". K.(n.j-Wrt, Baa ha. Aaal W tMallL ilr. 1-. vhich acts ptonr-tlr oa ipfif Liver. Kniayi, BIomJ, Stumaeh 1 I II R I L. V l " " ThM Kill l a r I a" o mtiinaMljr mmimoM,! IllUIlM I "hen on. i twuri, tlur i j.V-NT-L"5 6ooma ovn or Um adwtmi. II.do. Bl A ft II "" " ,'u "Priori oi I II II 13 "" cooipoanj. whiob rmoiu In.n h W U Lf 111 t heikltlir actiua. and u a toaio. T TpH.TT?TlV fcullJ P liiMm. It u JL V X-l 1U-i-j XJ X alto a mnt valuable ramlTrur Il.ad- & Anti-Bilious th' "rw iiiuumnou. cnuu. ZLm -aY-vrar-a faoua. Gravel. Feniala Weaknes., alt jrsl Xl. fckia lllea&Ma. Sorofulona u4 6l"n lltica(tccliins.oli u(v and aloera. Plyxnl to take. Trial ktt!M, ota. Larue bottlea, 30cu. AlldruvviebiaiiJaountrr otorahav6 It, r will ki it lor yoa. Aieo rri,ared in mi ar ia, and mailed fi.r-J.lrte. ab.,a. Aiikhtii Wixrta IIUUC MLUlCl.SL i:o Pmladelpaia, Fa. J8 e o w ly ITANCV Coodsand Notions, Some new as J rivals, Cheap. F. MOUIIMEK, , A...