fcn.lt WlntJ.1 t-MfiiMiinn.w i L'wi runt nmi' miwt mjumm ' THE TIMES NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., SEITEMMilt (5, 1681. A Scene Not on the Bills. TliDKfl wlio attended tlie circus lant evening were treated to n spectacle not down on tlia bills, lie Tore tlie perform ance began i great commotion wan heard iu or neitr the small teut back of the entrance through which the cavalcade of kulghts, tumblers and elephants, doge And bareback riders ere wont to emerge lit ell their glitter and splendor. Two or three elephants were making n big noise, as if they were mad about something, but peo ple thought poi hops the baggage smasher iiad got hold of their trunks and waited for the show to open heedless of danger. Soon, however, the tent on the side of the entrance bet eon that nud the row of reserved seats was seen to rise, and an en raged elephaut came tooting and unan. nauuoed Into the amphitheatre, lie was closely followed by a keeper, who very unnecessarily shouted, " Let him alone." Without pausing an Instant ho tnada straight for the opposite side of the tent, tearing up the stakes and taking tho ropes with him aa be entered the ling. The seats on the west side were filled with men, women and children, who were terrilled when they saw that the elephant was com ing through, and they jumped rolled and tumbled iu frantic efforts to get out of the -way. Luckily the elephant became entan gled io the chain or rope as he emerged from the ring on that eide, nud his prog ress was checked for a moment, so that the people escaped in time. Beaching the Keats, bo pushed along, smashing a tier at a time as long as he could step on them, and then seizing the others with his trunk, he viciously whirled them over his head, -making i'.h opening clean through to the opeu air on the west side of the big tent, lie then rushed off on to the open prairie south, vt heie he was with difficulty recap tured and chained up. Ionia Mich) Sen tinel. Carolina's Five Dollar Gold Piece. An Alabama editor says : A few days jigo a rare $5 gold coin was hauded us by II r L. Breazeale, of Calera, for inspection. Said uoiu was about the size of a silver quaiti i a tbade thicker, the color of "old gold," und was inscribed as follows: On one side, "Carolina gold, August lst,1843. 140 o. HO carats." On the other side, " C. Betobler. At Itutherf. 5 dollars. The liistory of the coin, as we learned from Mr. Ureazenle, is about this : A gentleman by the name of Beltcher owned and worked a gold mine in North Carolina about the date shown on said coin. At this time transpor tation facilities were not so good as they have become sinco, and the means of com munication were also much more limited. Ou this account Betchler found some diffi culty in getting his gold-dust to market and he formed the idea of coining it him self. Not wishing to infringe upon the government, or to bo considered a counter feiter, he ascertained the exact amount of t,old contained in the different varieties of gold coins coined by the governmcn t, made his own dies, and coined his gold-dust iu his own name, stamping bis own name and the value upon each, as shown above. This was known throughout North Carolina as Uetchler's gold, and passed among the people of that State, and elsewhere where the facts were known, as readily as the gold coiuB that bore the stamp of the gov ernment mints. The $5 coin we saw, and - which Mr. B. had in his possession, is a beautiful one, and is well worthy a place in the cabinet of a tiumismatologist. Cerry The News. Mr. John Etzensperger, manufacturing Jeweler of Noth Attleboro', Miss., lately communicated to us the followiug : I suf fered so much with pains iu my arm, that a: times I was completely helpless. I used that incomparable remedy St. Jacobs Oil, and was completely cured as if by magic. Aitfcborc? Cltronicle. A Railroad Collision. On Sunday evening, nn accident, the oause of which was somewhat similar to that of tho teriiblo catastrophe at May's Lauding, a year ago, but fortunately with out its terrible list of killed and woundod ns an accompaniment, occurred Sunday nijht at 8.30 o'clock on the Pennsylvania Ilailioad a "half mile east of (Overbrook Station. ) The Chicago day express com iug east was blocked to wait for the West Chester accommodation train to pass, when the St. Louis express came dashing along and its engine was driven with ter ' Vi tic force, the whole length of the boiler, .into the rear car of the stationary train, demolishing it almost completely. The hock splintered and damaged every car iu the stauding train. The Chicago truiu was mado up of four ordinary passenger cars and the private Pullman car of General Manager Frank Thomson, which was the fifth and last car. It was empty at the time of the acci dent, the two colored porters having gone into the forward part of the traiu a few moments before. The first four cars wore tilled with passengers, all of whom escaped without serious injury. Mauager Thorn eon was not in his car at the time of the . collision. 1 Just bow such an-accident oould Lave occurred in straight line of track is a mystery, and can only be explained on the ground that the engineer of the St. Louis section did not see the flag, or else was deceived as to its color. (. W, Iluntet, tho proprietor of the Lochlul IIouro, Ilar risburg, w ho was in the fourth car of the Chicago train, was injured abrut the head and face by being thrown against a mir ror, and one gentlemat in the St. 'Louis suffered a contusion, or the arm. and chest fey the shock. Mill IIIIK & CO,, The Lending nud Popular Mace for Clothing, i Boots and Shoes, Carpets AND Oil Cloths, Hats and Caps, Trunks & Valises, LADIES' AND GENT'S Furnishing Goods,&c. gJJ We offer special induce ments in anything in our line for the Next GO Days to close out balance of SUM MER ' GOODS, as we must make room lor our largo Fall and Winter Stock now beinsr manufactured. & EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. V ALUABLE FARMS AT PRIVATE SALE. TIT P aiihenrllmi- .-iftata a tpl .,n ... u.u .1.. ... . .........v.. u.LmiimnHj CHID mc nil' lowing desirable fauns: ISO. 1. Is a Farm coutaUIng Sixty-three Acres, All pood land. In a pood state of cultivation, and buying thereon erected a GOOD D WELLING HO US E, And all necessary Out-bulldings, sltunto three miles south of Bloomlield and seven miles from Duncaunon. There Is on this place plenty of Choice Fruit of all kinds, pond water at the door, with running water fu uearly every Held. I'rlce. I2,3M0. Terms easy. NO. 2. Is a farm situate In W lies. Held twp., containing about 11 J ACHES, having thereon erected a J00D DWELLING HOUSE, with all required Outbuildings, the TUrn being entirely new. This farm Is situate about six miles from Duucammn and four miles from Bloomtlelih There Is pood water near the door, plenty of streams ou the land, a pood Apple Orchard, and other fruit, and will make a desirable home. Trice H.tJcO. Terms easy, NO. 4. Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about two miles from Shermansdale, containing about One Hundred Acres, having thereon erected a Good Dwelling, ami other Out-baHdings, A well of good water at the house and another at the Darn. There Is considerable Irult on the premises, and the land Is pood und well watered. Price, 5.ono, and payments cau be arranged to suit purchaser. NO. 5. . Is a FARM sltuale In Carroll township, about two miles from Shermansdale. couulnliip (seventy Acre8, of food land, and havlnp thereon a GOOD D WELLING, and other Out-buUdings. There Is a pood spring near the house, and the Karat is welt watered. There Is also a ttWoil Or. chard in beariup condition; this will make a de sirable home. Trice, Jl.fixi. NO. 7. . . " A TRACT OF LAND containing SIXTEEN ACRES, (half cleared) havlnp thereon erected a GOOD TWO STOKY PLANK ilOUHK. Jn pood order. -Thls property is located 2 ml south of Bloomlield. and has on It plenty of KHU1T of all kinds, and will make a very desirable home a prty wanting a small tract of land. There Isa running stream of water near tlie house and a well of good water close to the door. Trice tiuou, half to be oash and the balance In two equal an nual payments. For further Information address the tinder signed at New Uloomlleld. ferry county, Ta or uiiu m ins resiuenceituee inues suuiti 01 isiooin. field. C. B. HARKI8IL ML DUKES August 17, 1880. THE NEWPORT New Clothing House I H Is not necessary to be rich to dross well. Style makes the clothes, nud clothes makes the man, at least they give a good lift In that direction. Our styles In ready made CI.OTHINO, for mn And hoys, is our pride. They are equal to Custom Work. Now, all we would ask of you la to come and examine our slock, which comprises all grades of Clothing, from the cheapest to the best. We give you a fow of our sample prices: Our Hard Twisted Men's Suits, Coat, Pants and Vest for H 00, our 7..M) Light Colored Cassl mere Units, all wool, for 110. 110 Dark, all wool, Cassimere Units. Wn defy to be undersold on those suits. They are the best sold for the money in America. 112.60 all wool FlneRultss 815 Finn Worsted Suit! 1:2 1 Fine Black Clolh Units: 822 50 Flue Black Cloth Suits. The poods are, In style and workmanship, equal to custom work, and made of first class material Our Boys' and Children's Clotliins; We have them In all sizes, from three years up. and sell them as low as the lowest, llur Ji.iO Child's Suit Is a beautiful mixed light color. Our jn.Wi Cheviot Knit Is a splendid thing Our fn. all wool, Child's Suit Is nice and splendid. Those are the best mskes of New York Clothing, stjllsh out and durable made. Our Custom Department Is filled with English French, Scotch and American Worsted and Cassl. mere Suitings, which we will made to order at a Low Price, and guarantee a perfect lit. SUITS TO ORDER FOR EIGHTEEN DOLLARS This Is a splendid all wool dark mixed Casslmere Hull. For I 'd we have ten styles or Casslmere and Cheviot Suitings. Our i Scotch Cheviot Suit Is the best thing ever sold for the money. Ourllneof Oents' Furnishing Goods Is com plete In every respect. shirts. Collars, Neck Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Trunks and Valises. It ATS and CATS. Wo keep the very latest styles o( Nobby Hats. A full line of Hat s for men boys and children, which we w ill sell at Low Trices. Now, Wo would say we buy all our Goods from first hands for Cash, and manufacture all our better class of ready made clothing, which ena bles us to undersell all opposition. That means we sell you a better made suit for less money. Money refunded on all goods not found as rep. resented. Please call, whether you wish to jnii -iia-in ui inn. it 111 ue pieaseu to see you. D. GANSMAN, Fashionable Merchant Tailor and Clothier, N. t'jr. Diamond, Frank's Old Hardware Stand, NEWPORT, 1A. March 29, 1811. pUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned. Attorney In fact for the widow and hen s of Jacob Hell, late or Savllle township, deceased, will expose to public sale upon the premises, on Thursday, September 22d, 1SS1, at 10 o'clock A. M.. the Real Estate of said de cedent, situate in Savllle twp.. Perry county. Pa., consisting of tile following tracts of land : 1st. THE MANSION TRACT, BOUNDED BY lands of Samuel Orris, David Orris, Johu Koch enderfer's heirs, and others, contalnltig 27 ACRES, ibPeivhet, net measure. . 2nd. A TRACT OK WOODLAND BOI NDKD by lands of David Orris, Samuel Orris, William Jtlce, and others, conialulugS Acres, H Perches, net. 3rd. A TRACT MOSvTLY OFCLEARED LAND bounded by lands formerly of Thompson Drown s heirs, Win. lllalr. Jacob Hrlngman. ami others, containing 13 Acres and 00 perches. These are the three tracts bought from Henry Orris. 4th. A TRACT OFCLEARED LAND. BOUGHT V.Si ('p"''BeWltmer. bounded by lands of Ueo M. Sheafter, Samuel DufTleld, David Orris, and others, containing 6 Acres. 61 Fetches, net. 6th. A TRACT OF WOODLAND. BOUGHT from Henry Hell's heirs, bounded by lands of Jacob Ilelslnper. George SJM'e, AmosKell, and others, oontalnlug22 refund Perches. Thelmprovetiwtjtsonthe Mansion Tract con sist In part of a ! M- Good House anil Earn M. and all necessary outbuildings; a pood spring of water: good fruit of various klnd-i and the cleared laud Is Iu a good state of cultivation. It Is a desirable property.pleasnntly located withlnone mile of Ickesburg, and will be sild In separate tracts, or altogether, to suit j-urchaseis. TERMS Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid cash : one half of the remainder lo be paid on 1st April. 18H2, wheii possession will be given and deed delivered: and the residue to remain In tlie proierty, and be secured bv mort gage, with Interest from 1st April, 18S2. parable to the widow during life, and at lier decease the principal pajuble to the heirs of ald decedent. HENRY KELL. Aug. 2, 1881. A TTOHNEY IN FACT, V ALUABE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. A OOOD FARM situate in Ravllle town-hip. fXoneaud a half miles south of Ickesburg this county, containing , -A-bout (50 Jcve, Ilavicg thereon erected a Frame House, Hunk Barn, CARPENTER SHOP, AND OTHER OUTBUI1D Ings A good portion of the tract I s excellent bot tom land and Is iti'der pood cultivation. This property Is pleasantly located in a good neigli borhond, tonvenleut to churches, store und BChoolS. tt. The above property will be sold at a reason able price and on easv lurms. For further par ticulars cull at this otllce. A) ESTATE! NOTICE Notice is herMiy given that Letters Testamentary ou the estate of Benjamin Zimmerman, lute of Madiaou township Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to Hie undersigned, residing Iu Audersuuburg, Terry county. Pa. Ail persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will preseut them duly authenticated for aettlemeut to WILLIAM MOOSK, W. H. Bponsler, Att'y. Kxecutor. May 10, leSl. lOB PKIJCTING of every description neatly tlaud promptly executed at Reasonable Kate! at tua Hioouiueiu iiuiesBteaiu Job Omce. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! 1881 SPRING OPENING! 1881 Wi dotlre to speak to ihe citizens of Bloomlield and surrounding country on the subject of Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Wall Papers,' and point out a few facts why you shou:d deal with m. kp A im k fm r muilltLV ?.T" nm M,0Te out of 8"' assortment. iIE;iAi!SE0"r H tk J e omplete and full In all departments. i 25 l'i?M,?.?.,JidJ,.'.,, W"'a"r? 01 "I'berlor choice at the lowest possible prloes. HKCAIJ8K we deal honest with you: g ve you all von can ask for the monevi iin vn free of charge, and strive to please 2nd prollt Jou We to mfm fasJ M Taction of our ' llody ond Tapestry Brussels, Ingrain and 3-riy Carpets, Hall and Stair, Hemp and Hag Carpets, by all our old customers and all new one who will give as the chance to prove what we assert above. OUR BAO CARPETS are made under our Immediate dlrectiou. on our own loams and wecmliiiforilieinaSiipeilorliySupassedbyiionelutheBtate. 1 CARPET RACS taken in exchange for goods, and Carpets made to order. Many Novelties In our Wall Paper Departments. Window fihados and Material for Lambrenulns ami Furulture Coverings, with Cords, Fringes, and Gimps to match. mmurequins. , LINOLEUM, an article superior to Oil Cloth tor kitchens, dining rooms halls and vest!, bules, public olhc.es, and banks. rooms, nam aun vesti- A complete stock throughout, the equal of which has not been opened before by us. thereof!1" ""BretfuHy"'0" ,l'len'K 'ee""8 that ,0U b" Ju,t"le1 ln t,ie doinB STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 East Main Street, CARLISLE, Penn'a. Pass it along. Tell your neighbors that now Is the time to buy a reliable Fertilizer for your fall crops. Try Band's Twenty-Five Dollar Phosphate. PUICE, t?35 PElt TON OF 000 LIIH. On cars or boat In Philadelphia. CTGuaranteed Analysis Printed on each Bag. Beud for Circular Address BAUGH & SONS, Kole Manufacturers, 20 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE . PHILADELPHIA, PA S.For sale by JONES BU03. & CO., Newport, Pa. sM4 Grreab attractions AT DIVES, . P0MER0Y & STEWART'S FOR THIS MONTH. GRANDEST BARGAINS EVER OEEERED I ,rrl'll (1e,Juc,in n LAWNS, GENTS' GAUZE SHIRTS. PARASOLS HOSIERY GLOVES, FANS, and HAMBURG EDGINGS Come Tnd I see the Goods and hear the wonderful low prices at which we have -marked them A, samples' ed it would be advisable to come as soon as possible, or write for DIVES, VOMER OY STEWART, 35 North 3rd Street, HARRISBURG, Pa.' piltE INSURANCE. 7b the FarmmanJ Mschantcs of Perry County We hereby call your attention to the claims of Ths Farmers' ani Mechanics' Mutual Firs Insurance Co., of Perry County, as offering jou good and safe lii9tirar.ee at Net Cost. ,Jt? Company, organized and chartered In 18i2, has Issued over 140.1 policies, and hs now over 8l.!K)U,!0U of property insured; has paid losses since Its oi tjanliition to the amount of 12,702.24 i has laid but one assessment, of V. mills on thedollar, since its organization, netting; the Company the sum of ll.2H3.68, which, with the premiums on policies Issued, has paid all Its o'irreiit expenses and losses Irom lire. The rates charged by the Company are but from 81.20 to St.OU per thousand dollars of valuation for Ave years, and no charges for Survey and Policy, as ether Companies make We claim that It oilers tothe Farmers and Mechanics of Perry county advantages over all other Companies for the following among vther reasons: It Is a home Company. It Insures only in Perry county. It pays no large salaries to Olllcers. It pays no dividends to Rtockholders. It pays its losses promptly and honorably. It Insures at lower rates than any Stock Com pany can. It Insures no borough property, steam estab lishment or foundry.. It makes no assessments ualess actually needed to pay losses by flies. Its Olllcers are your neighbors whom you know, and are chosen by the insured from their owa uumber. GKOHQK riOOBATJGU, President. ' UIHKCTOUS. NICHOLAS HENCH, Savllle township. .1. W. OANTT, Centre township. .IAC01! DUM, Rprlng township. HKYAN OIBNEV, Carroll township. J. JJ. COOI'KH. Tyrone township. TREASUltBli. HOV. DAVID RHEIBLEY. Spring township. Full Information sent upon application to W. W. McCLUKK, Secretary. 23-19 (ireenpark, I'a. SPECTACLES AND EY.K LASSIi.Sr Spectacles for the old, middle aged, and young. Spectacles for all kinds of sights. Spectacles for Headache. A tine and varied assortment. Adjusted properly to suit all eyes by Dr. DAVID II. COOVEIt, Oculist and Optician, NO. 21 SOUTH 3rd 8THEET, (B tween Market and Chestnut Bts.,) HAItUISUUKG, -Oillce hours from A. M. to 3 P. M. Or send a three cent stamp for the Improved method uf adjusting MpeuUules and Kyeii.Ka.it-s." by tue use of which you ctfu nelect your own glasses. ARTIFICIAL YES lyS&RTED. oOT2 VASSAF? COLLECE, 1'oughkeepsie, X. Y, FOK TUB LIBERAL EDUCATION OF WOMEN. Examination for entrance, Sept. 14th. Cata logues seut ou application to 30A37 W. L.DEAN, Keglstrar. 113m BEATTY'S PKONa- 1J Stops. .1 Set golden DANELKLATT-vrwringtiNVfes' REVISED NEW TESTAMENTS. S "lit UST" ATEI W'ePt and Best. Sells at 8 PICTORIAL BIBLES. Agents Wanted, delphia. . J. IIOLMAN & CO.. PMln. iiodiUS R,? MJDAl 'WARDED tho Author. Anew imd great Med leal Work.warrsntodtliebestaniJ cheapest, inriignminahla to Tery man .entitled "the Science of Life tyr.Self.Preaeiration ;' bound in finest f rench maalin.amhossed, tall in,3H0ip.continB beautiful steel nm-aTinKB, 125 prescrin. tions, prino only 1.2S sent by mail; illatratediimple,6centa; 1I MdJ KBIl. No. i Bulfinchst . jjostco. 3:dS8 A nook of Bare Orlzlaalltr. .milled PRACTICAL LIFE. Thft iri'Q. I .Mhl.n. ' 1 -PL. .... inii .1 i J, '""i1" i ne inotviaiiat care- fully considered from the age of responsibility up VJ i - v. """ r.u'icuou. nnnn, soci ety Love, Marriage. Business, &k. how Bread ;i i.,.' .-.."B .ui.uKuts, iro iniorinaiion and Intense common sense. Full page colored " ;"' ents wantsd every, where. Send for Circular, full doscrlntion. terms Xn mlHrAan I n i,.firuii7 fi.. iii. 1 1 . . .M . 5000 Agents Wanted to Sell the Life or PRESIDENT GARFIELD, Including a full and accurate account of his brief S,lilfKe.ye".(Si.n!inJ?l!?".oni lhe "reat conflict TLhJl'& 8f A,VWA"T!S "eded by Conkling; the dlaboical attempt to asasslnate him, with luli partionlars of his extraordinary surgical treat ment. etc Thousands descre full particulars, hence this book : is i selling Immenselv. Terms Liberal. Outfit FIFTY CENTS. Circulars free. Hubbard Bkos , I'nbs., 723 Chestnut Fhlla. 35S8 CUTICURA Permanently Cures Hu mors of the Scalp. Cutlcura remedies are for sale by all druggists Price of CUIICUKA. a Medicinal Jellv small boxes. 50c. i large boxes, tl. CuticI'Ra JJksolv RNT, the new Blood Purifier, II per bottle. CuTr Rt'RA Mcihrinal Shaving Soap. 15e.;Jn bars for pot. aUd ltK C0,,SUI"ers' S1 Principal de- a .. E.KS POTTER. Boston, Mass. a All mailed free on receipt of price. &i30 Wanted on a Salary. Men to Sell Trees, Shrubs. Grape Vines Itoses, etc. N previous experience necessary. Ex pensss paid. J. K. LeCLARK. VMM Nu' seryman, Kochester, N. Y. A ROYAL GENTTeMaN By JODOB TOUKOEE, author of "A FOOL' EKItANO." etc. By turns humorous, pathetic and thrilling. Handsomely Illustrated. Price Ii00. Sold only by lubscrlptloii. Men and Women wanted to take orders, txperleuce a consldetatloD. but Industry and entorprls more valued. A permanent sltuatloa to the right per son. Address IMIUGLASS BKOrilEUS-.mi Chestnut ttreet, Philadelphia. Pa. 3.3d:W Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster. irU?JL1ME.ny mat. WE'-V or FAVORABLY KNOWN. It s ratud In relieving, quick Iu cur 'JEFoJj'AME "ACK. KHEUMAT1SM. KMX. NKV AFKECTION8. and ACHES, and PAINS generally, it is Ue UNK1 VALLEO remedy. JdM FAXCY Hoods and Notions, Soma new ar rivals, Ckeap. ' F. MORTIMER. O'J'kV0!!13 f"r oors. Carriages aatt TabUa. Prices low. F. MORTIMER.