THE .TIM K8 NEW, BLOOM FI KL1 , YA , S1U 1131. Ell l 1881. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Thick or Thin sowing of Wheat The success or failure of the wheat . crop Is frequently owing to those Inscrut able laws of growth which at the right moment Induces a plant to do Its best In the way that pleases us most and which we generally refer to as a favorable sea. son ; but we are compelled to ascribe It largely to the thlnnlng out of the weak plants by the frosts of the w inter, thus leaving the rest more room to fully de velop themselves, as they always will If they have a good chance. In regard to thick and thin sowing of wheat, and whether drilling In the seed is an advantage or not, has of late been considerably discussed. It seems strange to us that any one should have the re motest suspicion that there Is any ad vantage In the old fashioned hand-sowing over the drill ; but there were the figures. The product per acre was against the drill sown wheat, and this not for one single season but for several successive seasons. We have seen in many Instances of wheat sowing with lu the last two years how this result may be exactly so. But Is not because the wheat was sown by drill, but be cause double the quantity per acre was used as seed that ought to have been put in. In a large number of cases the sprouts were to be seen coming up in the rows "as thick as hair on a dog's back." If any remark be made about the thick seeding, we are told it will be thin enough before spring ; the winter will weed them out. But the weeding outcomes from the very fact of thick seeding the plants are rendered weak by their struggle with one another, and the struggle with the winter is too much for them. Instead of the young plants almost touching one another, as we gen erally see them do, no plant should be closer to another than half an inch, if we would have the best results ; and there is a little danger of such plants getting killed in the winter, at least far less danger than from plants sown thick. As to danger there will be. always some, for frequently the plant finds It self in a place where water stands a place where wheat never cares to be. It easily kill in such situations ; and cheat, which rather likes damp places, takes advantage of the condition to sprout and grow, and astonish those who do not look deeply into things, by the trans formation. Even in the very best con ditions the plants will often sufl'er from too much moisture. A heavy rain may fall, saturating the surface soil, and a frost immediately follow. In this case when the thawftig time comes, unless well-covered by snow, there may be loss es. But even here the advantages are all on the side of the plant which has had room to grow and to develop itself perfectly without hinderance from its neighbor. We see from all this why the wheat was improved by the thin ning the winter gave it, and we see how it may be that oucein awhile drill-sown wheat may be worse than hand-sowing. It all centres in an argume nt in favor of comparatively thin sown wheat. Qcr. mantown Telegraph. The Loss of Antmonin. The loss of ammonia in manure is a question frequently discussed. The ex periment of Dr. Voelcker with fresh horse manure, gathered from the stables being mixed with the heaps, will, no doubt, interest and surprise many. In one experiment the amount of ammonia, which was drawn out by long-continued boiling, amounted to 0.6 pounds per ton, which, at twenty cents per pound, would amount to $1.32 per ton. The loss, however, on the land would not amount to a quantity anything like this, for in such case the ammonia was ex tracted with boiling water. A second experiment, with a sample of hot, fer menting horse manure.emitting a strong and pungent odor, lost in like manner less than two pounds per ton, or 39 2-10 cents in value. As the excrement, even as bot as this is, soon cooled when spread upon the ground, and as the fresh earth absorbs the ammonia very rapidly, these experiments would indicate a loss in practice of too small a value to be taken into account, when the conven ience of time is taken into coslderation . A large majority of our farmers are fre quently deterred from drawing out ma nure at times when the hauling would cost very little, on account of the teams standing idle in the barns, for fearof loss by exposure, but so small a loss should never be considered when a question of convenience. - Useful Information. All kinds of berry stains' may be re moved by pouring boiling water on, or rather through, the stained spot: hold the garment over a tub or washbowl, and keep pouring on the boiling water until the stain disappears. This must be done before soap has been used or any attempt made to wash out the spot. Bweet apple slalus may be removed by dipping the stnlued cloth In the juice of ripe tomatoes, then lay It In the sun. shine for a few hours. It may be neces sary to repeat the operation several times. To remove mildew cover the spot with a mixture of soft soap and lemonjulce, and lay the garment In the sunshine. It Is best lint to sprinkle clothes at night' when It Is hot and damp, or they are likely to mildew be. fore morning, A Hint to Farmers. The Hanover Spectator Is right when it asks whether it Is not a great mistake for farmers to crowd their stock, farm ing Implements provender and grain In to their barns, so that If the barn takes fire the flames destroy everything at one fell sweep V Would It not be better to have hay, straw uud fodder uuder the barracks at a safe distance from the building 't And would it not be butter to have horses and cattle housed iu a sepa rate place from the barn '( In a word, Is it prudent a ml economical to build large and costly barns and store them with the most Inflammable material, so that the structure and conteuts may be re duced to HMhes V - - - is- - - Cause and Effect. The main cause of nervousness is In digestion, and that is paused by weak ness of the stomach. No one can have Bound nerves mid good health without using Hop Bitters to strengthen the stomach, purify the blood, and keep the liver and kidneys active, to carry olF all the poisonous and waste matter of the system. Bee other column. Advance. 30 MRS. LYD1A E. PIHKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., 4s E o LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Jfl a PonWlTff Onrc fra11 ita Fnlnltil Jomplutttt n1 WenVnetu ovoiumou loar beat IV-Bule population. It will cure entirely the wont form of Frninlo Com plaints, all ornrlrtn trouMm, Inflammation and TJlcera tlont Fall! tiff anil Dlnplacemiciits, and the consequent Rplnal Weaknru, and it jiartlcularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and epet tumors from tlieutenu In an early stage of deTelopment, Tue tendency to can cerous Immowtlieroli checked Tery speedily by It use. It remorea falntneaa, flatulency, destroys all crarlnff f or stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It curee Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Frostratlon, denera! Debility, Elecnleasnesa, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of beating down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its use. It will at all time and under all circumstances act In harmony with tho laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaint of either lexlhla Compound Is unsurpassed. M IMA E. riNKllAM'S VEGF.TAni.I-l COM POUND la prepared at 833 and gift Western Avenqe, Lynn, Mass. Price $t Slibottlesforfft. Sent by mall In the form of pills, also in the form of loientres, on receipt of price, $1 Pr bo for either. Mrs. Pink ham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Bund for pamph let. Address as above. Mention thi Puper, No family should bo without LTDJAE. PINK RAM '8 LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, billouinH and torpidity of tho liver. 5 cents per box. fitf-Sold Ly nil Druggists, "un 31 ly THE SPRINGFIELD SEWING- MACHINE. Best in the World. The minufioturersof the SPRINGFIELD are aware that. In order to meet the critical and economical demand of the times, the midline must posset a combination of mechanical excel lences, making It superior to anv of its prede cessors, and at the same time be offered at a price that will place it within the means nt all. Fully realizing the force of these conditions, they oiler Die Springfield, contldent that it will tin I Hit every requirement that can be expected of a (list class family and manufacturing machine. Every Machine Is warranted perfect iu construc tion. In case any of the pirts prove defective, when machine Is used for family purposes, within years from date of purchase, the manufactur ers will replace such defective part without charge. Tills does not apply to needles shuttles, or bobbins. Made by THE SPRINGFIELD Sewing Machine Company, 13 6m 8PRINGFIELD, MASS. PRAND BOULEVARD HOTEL, VJ Corner 30th St. unit Itroudway, SfUW YOKK. On Both American & European Plan. Fronting on Central hark, the Oraud Boule vard, Broadway and Fifty-Ninth street, this Ho tel occupies the entire siiare, and was built and furnished at an expense of over 4 It is pue of the most elegant as well as niiest located Iu the cily ; has a paisenger Elevator and all modern Improvements, and Is within one square of the depots of the Sixth and Eighth Avenue Elevated H. h. Cats and still nearer to the Broad way cars convenient and accessible from all Etuis of the oity. Kooms with boara, ti per day. pedal rates for families and permanent guests. . Aug 'ii. 'ou ly) E. H ASliKLL. proprietor. Jk.S IS I Y xyj- jj t u i i tTl''- I r ' i1 C THE CREAT 1WRLIXGTON ROUTE. ITNn other lino runs Threo Throuph Pns Fdigrr Trnlns Dully liot-.vern Chlcngo, pp Moines, Council muffs, Oiniilm, Lincoln, Bt. Joseph, Atchison, Tnpekn nnd Kansns City. Direct rnnnccllons for nil points in Knnsns, Nelmiskn, Colorado, Wyoming:, Montnnti, No vmln. New Mexico, Arlzonu, lUaho.Oregon and California. The Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Comfortn bio Hoiitn vln I Iitini II it; I to Fort Hcntt. Donlson, DnlliiR, Houston, Austin. Pun Antonio, Galves ton nnd nil points It) Texns. Tho uno(imlcd inducements offered by this Iilno to Travelers nnd Tourists, nro n foilowsi T-o relol'rntrd I'ulltntin tin-wheel) httlnco Sleeping Cars, run ntily on Ibis I.lno, C, H. Ic Q. I'alaco Dntu'lng-Tlooirt Curs, with Horton's Ilecllning Chnlrs. No oxtrn rhnrgo for Bent9 In Kccllnltig Chairs, Tho fmnoiis ('.. II. Ic Q. hitlnco 1(1111111? Cars, (lorirocuis SmoUIng Curs fitted with l'.lpgnnt Illgh-Iliifked Hnttan Ito voh lng clinlrs for the exclusive uso of flrst elass pnssontrr.-rs. Htrol Trm-k mid Sunr-'lor Fuulpmrnt. com lilned Willi tli-'ir ! rent T hivMirti Cnr Arrnuge men I, in u k os this, nbnx-o nil others, I tie favorite lloute to tin: Smith, Smith-West, nnd tho Far West. Try It, ami yon will lli:-.l traveling n luxury Instead of n disvi'ifiut. Tiekets vl i this Celclirntrd Mno for si lent nil oilier:; In tin- 1'iiited States und Luna In. All infornintlon nlvnit llntes of Fnre, Sleep, injr Cur Acenmiuudiitinns, Time Tulilcs, &c,t will lie cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. Hl'AN. Ocn'l F, astern Agent, I'M Washinutcin St., Huston, Mass. and ;I7 ItroiKhvav, New York. AldES II. Wool Con. 1'nss. Apt., Chlcngo. T. J. I'O ITi'.ll, (leu. Malinger, Chlcngo. March is . 1881 nt $5 Outfit unit frup tn thnsn nim winh tofii'iif hi tho ntuHt i'l'HH!iiit and ptotHalile biiNhicKH known. Kvi rythintf m w. Capital not reiiuht d. We will furnlHh yon everything. fru a ilwy nnd 11 pwnrtlH in ni-ni ii'utif mimuu riiij i lift nwHv i ! nil nnitie over nitflit. N rink wlmlrvt-r. Miiny ni w wmkcrH wanted t unpo. Man,t urn itmkinrr Ii'rtiinrH nt the hnsliHriH. JjikHi-m rtinke uh inin-h hm men, mid ymnitr Imva and tiirlH nutki' urciit pay. Nimhk wlm in willhifr tt work fiiilri to nmke imr c niom y every (lay tlinn i'iin ho mudn in a week nt anv firdtniiry mploynn iit. Thope wlin ett writ at "in'p will fi ii el a thnrt mad t-i fortune. Ad-tln-HB II. 11 AJjLKT ft CO., Portland, Maine. 1 ly RFATTV'Q OKr.ANs iflitsrrnUtoifs. 5 R?t uu" 1 w l-wh nnlv Itlft. Piano f 12 mi. .I11uifrntPt1 ciitfihiguefn'o. Add rem BKATTY, VVaahinKton, N. J. lUAly NEW RICH BLOOD! l'arsoua' 1'urffiillra l'llta make New Hlch Illood, nnd will completely change tho blond in thoentlrosvstem In three months. Anv person who will tiiko 1 pill ench nightfrom 1 to I '2 weeks may ho restored to sound health. If such a tiling be possible. Sent bv mull for 8 letter slumps. J. ti. JOIIMiOti CO. lioston, Matt., formmtff Jtnngor, Mo. the ticst l'nmllvHnlt- tlnir A! aril in pvor invftntnil. Will knitoDalroE nic fllarlilim tvrr invmitnd. Will knitopairoC hiLkliiKBi Willi JSKKL. and TOR complete, in 0 minutes. It will also knit a ltcuI variety of funr r- wrk Uvr which there Is olwnvs ft rosdy market. S'-nd J or circular nnd terms to tho Twomhly K nit lug IUaclUueC'o4uy Washington bt lionUm Alass. 19a ly .NOTICE! THE undersigned would respectfully call tke attention nf the etlizens of Perry county that be bus a large and well selected stock of HAIiDWARE. filtOl'KHIES, DUUUH. WINKS & MQUOKS. IKON. NAILS, HOUSE and MULE SHOES, STKEI,, IRON AXLES. SPRINGS, KPOKES. HUBS, FELLOES. SHAFTS. r'ULES & BOWS. ' BROOM HANDLES, WIRE. TWINES, tie. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, Plaster, and Cement. SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPER LEATHER, FISH. SALT. 81TOAR8. SYRUPS. TEAS. SPICES. TOBACCO. CIGARS, and SMITH COAL. John Lueas & Co's.. MIXED PAINTS, . (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. ,. An,(' ,larKe varletyof goods not mentioned, all of which were bounht at the Lowest Cash Prices, and he offers the same to bis Patrons at the Very Lowest Prices for Cash or approved iiV mo."o-'?w priees,and Fair dealings to all. Go and see him. Kespectfullv. 8. M. SniILER. Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE. It Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints Curb. &c. It removes all unnatural enlai Rements. Does not blister. Has no equal lor any lameness on beast or man. It has cured hlploint lame, nessln a person who had sutlered 15 Years. Alsficm-H i-Iiaii.kqi iu... frost bites, or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for blemish ou horses. Send for II lustraled circular Hiving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Drinrjrists i ave it or can get for you Dr. B. J. keudall U Co., I'ros.,Enosburgh, Kails, Vermont. HARRIS & EWINO. Agents. Pittsburgh. Pa. For sale by F. Mohtimbr, New Bloomnerd, Pa. INSTATE NOTICK.-Not.lce Is heieby glveu II that lel'ers of Administration have been granted onthees'ate el Kamuel Daniels, late of Wheat Held two.. Perry count v. Pa., deceased, to Sarah Ann Daniels, lesldlng (n sjiine lownsblp. P. O. address. Duiicannon . All persons Indebted to .aid estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims, to present them for settlement. 8K,AU ANN 1AN1KL8. C. J. T. M Istiiib, Att'y. Administratrix. . Jon PRINTING of every description neatly and promptly executed at Keasounble Hater at the bioomiiold TlinetSlenm Job Office. Wa -pr. mMmmwimi ll1' . I V It . ..' I IV ISW i'A'.' W ii 1 V. Tn ' "I 'Plat I MIW"- 1- ZUHito6 NORTH w.gTTWfiATtff; THE Chicago & North-Western 1 tAI L.AVA. Y Is the Oldest, Best Constructed, Best Equipped, and hence the LEADING RAILWAY -OF THE 1VKST hiul KOKT1IWEKT. It Is the short and best route between Chicago and all points In Northern Illinois, Iowa, Dtkota. Wjrnilng, Ne braika, California, Oregon. Arizona. Dtuh, Col orado, ldulio, Alonlanu, Nevada, aiid foi Council Bluffs, Omaha, Denver, leadville, Salt Lake, San Francirco, Eead-T,-ood, Sioux City, Cedar Kaplds. Des Moines, Columbus, and all points In the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee. Green Bay. (Nhkosli. Slteboygan, Manpietto, Fond du Lao Watertown, Huughton, Neeuali, Menasha, Ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo. Bismarck, Winona. LaOiosse, Owalonua, and all nolntsln Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council BlnlTs the Trains of the Chicago & North. Western and the CP h's depart from, arrive at, and use the sume Joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connection are made with tho Lake Sni re. Michigan Oeutial.' Baltimore Ohio. Ft. Wayne mid Pennsylvania, and Chicago ft .Grand Trunk U'js, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Reules. Close connections made at Junction Points. It Is Ilia ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN CHICAGO mid COUNCIL 1JLUITS I'uUmnn Ktecjicrt on all Ntyht Trains. Insist upoii Ticket Agents SHlIng you Tickets via tills road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy If they do not read ovei tho Chicago & North-Western Railway. H jouwifhthe Bet Traveling Accommoda tions you will buy your Tickets bv this route. AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. 15 MARVIN IIUGHITT. 2d V. P. & Geni Maug'r, Cuioaoo, 111. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vintlm of youthful Imprudence canning Prema tura leray, Norvoua Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., htiviiiR trifd in vain every known remedy, ban dis cuvon d a simple flWConre. which be will attid FRKB io lil fclhiw-Riiflfrorfi, add re 6 a J, II, Jllii:VI, 43 I'liatlinni Mt.v . Y. r.niy S2 lVMtrliFd. fttsm wlntterull r.0, Wttltunctnl TTtint1nrrnM :.. IiiiIUIIuii Kihlfi. KolliU'olillls. ClieaiMmnl U-jt for yrmrown lic nr Ppriilllve imrrpii. V1ul.)cnt- uluSuafr.TII0)llSON.tUM JB'JNmu8L New Vurk. 6Bly lK4 A Outfit turnlnhfd free, with full itiFtmrtfnns for I J rniidurtiiiK tli numt prrifltahle tniRjiif that X"V anyune van enfr&Ke iu. 'i'lie buitiPBB is euny to learn, and our inntrtictif)ii mi Mm pie and plain, that any aueriin make ftwut prolitu from the very Ktart. No one chm tail who Ik willintf t work. Women are aa mic t'cHHtul us men. Hoy a and trirlH can earn lare buiiin. Many have made at the nunfneHu over one hundred dtjllara In a aiiiKle week. Nolliiiin" like it ever known before. All who eivnKe are aurpriped at tho ease and rapfditr with which they are able to make money. Von ran eiivne in thia biiHinena duriiiK1 vonr apnro time at K'l'Ht nniht. Voudonot have to invent capital hi It. Weinke all the rfnk. Thnae who need ready monev, nljould write to u at mice. All furnished free. Addreaa Tlti;K4(J). AuKUHta, Maine. '1 ly A UCTIONEEPS. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Terry and Cumberland counties. Post oflice address, Bherniansdale, Ferry co.. Fa. HJiNIlY KELL, AUCTIONEER. Would respectfully Infonn the citizens of perry County that he Hill cry sales st short notice, and at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. M Address llKNitT Kkll. Ickesburg, Pa. B.HARNISH, AUCTIONEEK, Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfactlou guaranteed. , tf D AVID M'COY, AXJCXIOIVEXCR, ICKESBUIfO, PERRY COUNTY, PA. Wl. Charges moderate. Prompt attention paid to all calls. AS. P. LATCH FORD, A UCTIONEER, Would respectfully Inform the public that he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive protunl attention. WUONNALLY'H MILLS. PERKY CO., PA. Auctioneer. The undersigned given Dot lee that be winery sales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are sollcltedand promptatteBtlonwIllbe given. K.D.WELLS, Hew Buffalo Perry eo., Pa How Lost, How Restored ! Just published, a new edition of Dr. CULVER WELL'S ES3AV ou (he ratlieul curd of Speb matohuiuka or Renilnal Wenkness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Imhjtency, Mental aud Physical Incapsclty, ImpedinieuU to Marriage, etc., also, Consumption, Epii,BPBr and Fits. Induced by self-Indulgence orsexual extravagance. &c. The celebrated author. In this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, frm a thirty years' suc cessful practice, that the alarmlug consequences of self abuse maylrspldly be cured: pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effec tual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mav be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, aud radically. M.Thls Lecture should be In the hands of eveiy man Iu the land Seut under seal. Iu a plain envelope, to any hi dress, pot-pail, on receipt of ;six oents or two ?ostage stamps. We have also a sure cure for ape Worm. ' Address THE CULYERWELL MEDICAL CO., i Ann St., New York : N. Y.i Post Oflice Box. . 1 101 y Newport Advertisements. JEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Having on hand a cnmpleta assortment of the fol lowing artlolea, the subscriber "ksks a share of yoa patronage. Drug and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS, Also a full stock of Concentrated Eomedies, ESSENTIAL OILS, Crushes, Terfumerj HAIH OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES Also always on Hand TURK WINES & LIQUOK. FOR MEDICINAL and BACK A MENTAL PU11P0SE9 PHYSICIANS ORDERS CareMy anil Promptly Filled- D . M . E B Y . . Newport, Penn'a. It. S. COOK & CO. Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES,. for LESS MONEY than anyother dealers In this, county. We will also take good Tlmberon the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Luinber,&o, We use Clearlleld Pine and Hem ockouly. W. K. S. COOK & CO., Jiewport, Perry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO, ( Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa.. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage ol the farmers, and the public cenerallv as. the HIGHEST PKIcis the market wH I iord8 will be paidlor all kinds of ' GRAIN, v FLOUK, PEODUCK SEEDS AND 11AILKOAD TIES. We have constantly on hand, PISH, SALT, PLA8TKK, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES. &c..&e. FOR 8 ALE AT THE LOWEST KATES. A. Orders promptly Oiled, Newport, July 20, 1876 tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Rullding, NEWPORT, PA. Sole Agent for Lorilard's Superior Tobacco. atThapnlSs?1' W,th G Vour orders are solicited. 944. g HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In first class companies on all kinds of Insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted -aud promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. tympanies Represented: jEtna.of Hartford. Assets, 18,70f).0O0 lyuiiiineruiai union. 1494 000,Iuii fc, -- . 3,778,000. B. HIMES, Agent. March 11, 1880 ly WANTED CO! ncJ ntiai ACENTS FOR uwa.ufc.ii UM1III J" Llftht on the Great Future in this Life thronah- $100 A Month for Agents. Send for circular and terms. Also send address of two or more book agents and It) eeuts for cost of mailing, and receive the People's Magazine of choice literature free for 6 months. Address P. W. ZIEtiLEK & CO., S115 Arch Street, Phlla delphla. Pa. 38 e o w ly REMNANTS of prints of these we'haTe a Urge quantity In good styles. Iu addition to thealiove goods we have a nice assortment of Ladles Necktien. Corsets, German, town Yarn. Zephyrs, Shoes for Ladies and ChlU dreu, aud thousands of other articles. F. MOKTIMEK, New Bliioinfleld, Pa. E TIMUl.OIOKIUKS. ElKilNGS, INSERT- 1 J 7, MUU til 111 III III KjO f. MORTIMER,