TIIK TIMES, NEW HL00MF1ELD, PA., AUGUST 1(5, 1881. 7 Philadelphia Advertisements. Itoady Mixed Taints ! JUCAS' HEADY MIXED FAINTS ! kowater.no chemicals, no benzine, but, a puhk OIL PAINT, READY FOR USE. SO BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF .PAINT BENT BY MAIL. IT IS PUT ONMKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LEAD ANUOIL. VIZ: NICELY BUUSHKDOUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATER PAINT TUTZ" IT, And Ion Will Proye It to be the Best Liquid Paint lu the Market. JOIIIV LTJOA-S CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Swiss nud Imperial French Urccn, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VA11NISIIES, &c t" For Bample Cards apply to F. Mortl-. mar, New Bloomtluld, Pa., or to John Lucas & Co., Philadelphia. EIGLER&SWEARINGEN' Successors to HUAFFNEK, ZIEGLER & CO.. Importers and Dealers Id Hosiery, loves, IlibboiiN, Suspenders, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Stroet. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A Agents for Lancaster Combs. w. H. KENNEDY TRIMBLE, BRITTON 8 Co., WHOLESALE GllOCERS, No. 505 MARKET 8TLEET, Philadelphia! 7 1 gOWER, POTTS & CO., E302SELLSES, STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALLPAPER. HI. A Mi HOOKS Always ou hand, and made to Order, Nos. 530 Market and 52 Minor Streets, I'll I L AD EL Till A . PA. V. ALSO. Publishers of Sanders' New Read ers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, llobcrt's History of the United States, Felton's Outline Maps, etc. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON, WHOLESALE Hardware House, No. 625 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pcnn'a. JANNEY & ANDREWS, GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting: Twines, &., And a line Assortment of 1770033 and WILLOW WAEE, No. 120 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. , Philadelphia Advertisements. gAMUEL BOMBERGER, with HIi:UMVtOTT A CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IS Dry Goods, Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, Cotton V Woolen C hain. Ac. No. 333 MARKET STREET, v PIIILADELPIIIA. Merchants wishing to select from as largo a stock , can be f ou ii it in the city, and at the LOWEST CASH l'UICKK. should give me a call. . AM until orders shall receive prompt atten tion, nucleate will be taKen (o till tiinm to as to give sin isfnet Inn. August ;tl, lssn.tr. WAINWItlGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. J. S. DOUGHERTY WITH D. J. HOAR & CO., WHOLESALE . BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, ia MABKKT 8TIIEET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. fJALL, SHENkTca, 405 &407 Market Street, I'hiladolphia. (Old Stand of Bum-oft &Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN I R Y O O 0 1) S . January 1 issi. THE SPRIN &FIELD SEWING MACHINE. Uest in Hie World. The nnniiUcturors of the SPRINGFIELD are aware that. In order to meet the critical and economical demands of rlio times, the machine must possess a combination of mechanical excel lcnces, making it superior to anv of Its prede cessors, and at the same time be offered at a price that will place it within the means of all. Fully realizing the force of these conditions, they oiler the Springfield, confident that it will lliillllleveryrequirement that can lie expected of a Hi st class family and manufacturing machine. Every Machine is warranted perfect In construc tion. Incase any of the ptrts prove defective, when machine is used for family purposes, within five years from date or.piircliase, the mantifacltir or, will replace such defective part without charge. This dues not apply to needles, shuttles, or bobbins. Made by THE SPRINGFIELD.. - Sewing Machine Camjtf$K' 13 6m SPRINGFIELD?8 ?'' ! M iff Row on isl. anil rtTinnerli Mwm, nrst-clMsKiCTRlos Ticifts, from ("hlimtj and lorn) point, to DEN. VER COLORADO BPKmOU, and PUEBLO. AND BETtJIiN, lV SIX (0) DIKI-KHKNT boltks. at wonder fully low rule.. TIcphii tlcVMa will be rood Kolnif west wlttiln flllonn (1.1) cava from dali of aale. and to return until October Slat following. I-ultman )alaca Cam are rtm by thla Company frmn CniCAOO to COTJKCILBLTJi'i'a, TOPE K A and KANSAS CITY, forming a line with tnitonerhanireofrara loDENVEa and PUEULO. Plnlnsr Cam are at tactied to all through train.. In which nacala c&n be obtained at tlie reauu ile pnue of aeyenly-uve ceuu. For rates, further Information, and eieeaut Map at liultud Suites tru, aUdruss, J. tt. A. SEAN. Oen'l Eartera Agt, J'7 Broailway.Ne-wYork.and 306 v acUmtloii bt., botiton, Mass. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL BE FOUKD AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. F. MO II TIMER, New liloom field, JACOB STRICKLER, PhTg" U Dealer lu Pure and llellable Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Fine Perfumes, ete. Tobacoo and Cigars, blank Books and Stationery. 4- Prescriptions a specialty. SroitB Two doon East of the Big Spring.' Blooiutield, May 8, 1S61. 21l:33. BROWN'S M 9 r"i r LU jiiiOJ tiv o is rr n it lll( II jj APPETISER oj ij y y i I IltON HITTERS nre highly recommended for nil disease requiring a certain nml cillclein tonic I especially Indiqestian, Vynpepua, Intcrvnttentx revem, uamojAppewc,uym of strength .Lack of Energy , etc. Enriches tlio blood, 5 Btrenpt tens tlio inuscles,nti(l gives now life to tlio norves. They art like a clinrra V on the (liSPsti ve orgunn, remminy ulldyycplic svmpfoms, sticli ns Tnttinq the Food, I I ....... .,, ,.,,, ,,;. a xlv snij linn x-j-fimrauau that will not, blacken tho tooth or plve headache. Sold ly till druggists. U ri tn for flin A 11 C Tlnok (32 pp. of useful nnd amusing read- DROWN CIIEBI1CAL CO., Baltimore, Mil. Professional Cards. CIIAS. J.T.McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law. New Hloomlleld, Perry eo.. Pa. . f Profe"lo,luslne8Bpromptljandfalth. fully attended to. S21v. "TO UN CAIA'IN "WALLIS, Attorney-at La W tl unci District Attonicv. New llloiiinllelil. Perry Co. Pa. -Olllee over Mortimer's new More. All legal MiyT Ihsu"1''"5' 111111 U!iref""y ll""sa"ed. JE. JUNKI N , A t toniey-at-LaTT ' New Itluomllpld. Perry Co., fa. ".Ofllce Next door to the residence of.iudgf Juuklu. 45tf JEWIS l'OXTKlt, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, NEW BLOOJIFIELD. PERKY CO.. PA. a-Clalins promptlv secured collected Wrltliig.sand all legal business carefulh attend eu 10. y CHARK '.B II. SMILEY. Attorney at Law! New iilonnillelil, Perrv Co. Pa, JJ-Ollle 'wo doors east, of .losenh Hinltli's Hotel. August 2, 18T2 WM. A.SPONHLEIt,Attorney.at-Law, ttllce adjoining liis residence, on East Malustreet.New Ulooinlleld, Perry co.. Pa. Ha ly WM. N. SE1I1EHT. Attorney-at-Law. New Klooiiillcld. Perry CO.. Ta. liloomileld.R33 lv. LEWIS POTTER, notakt i-UHMC New Bloom Held. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds. Bonds. Mortgages and Leases .-arefnllf prepared and acknowledgements taken. All Kinus of t'euslon and llouutv papers drawn and certified, will alsotake depositions to be rer.d In auvoourt lu the United States. 7 lOly C1IA8. A. BAHNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloonilleld. Perry co.. Pa j.Otllce on high street. North side, uearlvop positetlie Presbyterian Church. 8 21y ML. LIOGETT. ATTOUNF.r-AT-I,AW, Newport, Ierry County. Pa. Having permanently located at Newport, will give prompt nud carelnl attention to ail bus! bess matters committed to hi scare. Olllce, No. .in North Second Street. Newport, April 2K 1H78. DR. 0. R. BOLLINGER, Physician and Surgeon, Wfinioetn residence on Main Street, New Bloonilleld. Pa. CHKONIC DISEASES TREATED. 18 tf T SUNDY.M.D. U riijslcinii and Siirgoon. A graduatn of Cleveland Medical College. Located permanently In the borough of Bloom Held. Oilers his professional services to the citi zens of HI oom licUl anil Mirroiindiiig viclnilv. Calls lu the country attended to promptly, Olllce In the room formerly occupied bv Dr. 1). II. Sweeney. In the residence of 11. W. Smith. Maiu street, ftew hloonilleld , Pa. Ill Cm D R. K. M. ALEXANDER. SUJtGEOy I) EXT 1ST, New Bloonilleld. Perry County, I flolllll.V Pll 49-Olllce on Main Street, Sotttli Side, nearly opposite the residence of Wm. McKee. -vn UIUI5 uecoiigiiig iii me iiriiiHssiini none In the best manner. i.ALL Wouii Wakiunt- p.n. Tel'lilM lniiilei'',la Od J: W. ROWE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Dentist. Office near Blxler's Mills, where all prolessional business will be promptlv at tended tn. Dental work of all kinds warraniedln price and quality. May 25. '80. Iy. LIGHT-RUNNING Sewing Machine. The roople'b Bowing Machine Is light running has simple tensions, a largo, easily threaded shuttle winds the bobbin without running the worlis cf tho machine, and is so simple tn its construction tUat it Is easily understood. AGENTS WANTED Where our sewing machines are not repre sented, and weofter tho most liberal induce ments. Send for Illustrated Circulars to tho Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA 13 Om E STATU NOTICK. Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate ol John Smith, lateof Carroll twp Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing at Sliennaiisdale, Perry Co., Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will preneut tliem duly autheutluatedfot settlement to CVKCS W. BMfTH, Administrator. i ''. '3 'w J'.-ouil-i-.J ft-' ti -rr'iiw. AYTRUEiTQNIC KIHGSFORD'S OSWEGO For tlm Laundry. Is the hmt. unci most economirnl in tlm world. pert'ec'tlr pur", lice frmn AHcls nml oilier fuiTlan milistqni-Hs Hint Injure Linen. Is stronger limn nnv other, recpilrim nnii h li sqnn titr in using. I uniform, alltp'ns nml finlshrs work Blwnvsthewiine. Kln-Mfnnl'a Pulverised ( omSlirrcli lor I'u.Hin-., Illnni'-Miimre. Cnke. Ac. I pur- nml aeliintn. Prerernlde tn Herinmln Arrowroot. AVhen you ask for Klngsforcl's Oswrgn Siimdi, n that yoii get It, in inferior kinds nro oltun milwtituti d. htf fttt fiistrh.u ftrnr.frn mvryirwi. T. KINUSKllltli A SDN. Oswego, New Vj-k. J nonary 4,1811 Cuu Books! Books! o Gift Books, Children's Hooks, Blank Books, School Books, Billies ! Testaments ! And all Kinds of Hooks AT BEACH'S Book & Drug Store. n Stationery at Wholesale or Itetail 0 r2T Subscriptions taken for nil Newa. papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. YOU CAN BUY THE BLATCKLEY t'iilltril,cr with t opper, Porrfla.lii.or Iron l.liiliiH. Eiii li "no bicni'ilcd with my iniiiiu its manufacturer is warranted in material and con rtruciion. For wile by the bet houses in ilia trade. If yon do not know where to get this pump, write to nie as below, ami I will semi inline of ngent nearest you, who will supply you at my lowest prices. CHA3. 0. BIATCHXEY, MaBufaoturer, 308 Maiket St, FoUadelpbia, Fa, 43 For sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomtleld, Pa. 22 Benj. F. Ghafton. Stoht B. Ladd, llAi.HEUT E. Paine. Xafe OommiiMioner oj Patents, PATENTS. PAIXE, (JKAITON & LAUD, i4fforneys-af.iio omi Sotieitor$ of American and loreipn iKfenfs. No. 412 Firth Street, 'WuMi.iiifg'toM. r. o. Praotlee Patent Law In all Its branches In the Patent Otllco, and In the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the I'niled Slates. Pamphlet scut free ou receipt of stump for postage. 1 S6 OSWEGO H CORN j STARCH I FUflEANDSlLVER I GLOSS " m STARCH pli- V 'iTKlNCSFOHOtSOH !;O.A' (J-A cynical man gays li is wife is only half like a telescope. He can draw Iter out, but lie says lie can't shut her up. g-'Tapa," said an Inquisitive boy, "this morning the dominie prayed for more rain and this afternoon Deacon Illxby prayed for dry weattier to get bla liay In. Now If the Lord loves the Dea con and the dominie just the same, what do you suppose He'll do about It ?" " My son," answered the old gentleman sternly, "whenever you want to ask foolish questions go to your mother; don't come to me." esrl'apa was at bis toilet, and his youngest daughter, aged six.' who found her way Into his dressing room, was) watching the progress of his shinliig razor with the keenest Interest. Pres ently her elder sister came In search of her, urging, "You must come away, May, while papa Is shaving." " I guess not," retorted the ) ttle wit, quickly. "I can stay, 'cause I'm his little shal Terl" KaTThey were talking about ferocious animals, when a Wioklow magistrate remarked: "When I was In danger fr'om a Kerry bull, I sat down and star ed him full in the face." "How did it answer V queried the breathless bystanders. "Excellent! The bull didn't offer to touch me." "Very remarkable very curious ! How do you account for it V " Weil, sometimes I've thought It was because I sat down on the top branch of a very tall tree," said the magistrate. t3r?""Is that au Alderney cow ?" the young man from town asked old Mr. Thlstlepod, out on the Agency road. The old man Is a little near-sighted In his hearing, and he looked at the youth in amazement. "Wall, be replied, "she ain't so all-flred elderly, only two years old last spring. What might be your idea of an old cow, young many" But the young man spake not, neither did he smile, but he looked away off down the road with the yearning expres sion' of a man who has been drafted but doesn't want to go. . How Sal " Disgraced, the Family." A traveler In the state of Illinois some years ago came to a long log hut on the prairie near Cairo, and there halted. He went into the house. It was a wretched allair an empty packing box for a table, while two or three chairs and dis agreeable stools graoed the reception room, the dark walls of which were ornamented by a display of tin-ware and a broken shelf article or two. The woman was crying in one corner, and the man, with tears lu his eyes and a pipe in bis moutb, on a stool, with his sorrowful looking head supported by the palms of his hands. Not a word greeted the interloper. "Weil," said be, you seem to be in awful trouble here. " What's up ?" "Ah, we are almost crazed.neighbor," said the woman ; and we ain't got the patience to see' folks now." " That's all right," said the stranger not much taken aback by the polite re buff; " but can I be of any service to you In all this trouble V" " Well, we've lost our gal; our Sal's gone off and left us," said the old man in tones of deep despair. " Ah, do you know what induced her to leave you ?" remarked the new arri val. " Well, we can't say, neighbor, as how she's so far lost as to be induced, but then she's gone and disgraced us," re marked the afflicted father. "Yes, stranger, and not as I should say it as is her mother but there warn't a pootier gal in all the west than our Sal. She's gone and brought ruin on her own head now," followed the strick en mother. ' "Who has gone off with her?" in quired the visitor. " Well there's the trouble. The grl could have done well, and might have married Martin Kehoe, a capital shoe maker, who although lie has but one eye, plays the flute la a lively manner, and earns a good living. Then, look, what a life she has deserted ; she was here surrounded by all the luxury lu the country," said the father. 41 Yes, who knows what poor Sal will have to eat, drink and wear now V" groaned the old woman. " And who is the fellow who has taken her Into such misery V" " Why, she's gone off and got married to a critter called an editor, as lives la the village, and the Lord only knows how he's to aim a living."