The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, August 16, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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LoCitl l)cpiiiktn(eit.
On n1 nflcr MomUjr, Mar t-tli. Isl, Psssenirer
Trains will run us ion,,.. .
MITI. .''tin Mill
Acc. Ex. Tr'u
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, A.M.:
fir-poclrtcRtlTPaa Weal will stop al tHutrimiimt at
4 4x anil Hi Nmvpui't lit 6.11? a. ui., wlu-ti tlHKt'ri.
lar'UnliiK WMHtrllie way Paaaeutfer leaven Hanii
burKDaili I licutiwrlruUia bully incept Hmulay.
Fsst line Wmt, rtiHy, stoppiuy ou Hundat oklt, at
Imn-ntili-u 4. Ho. Newt'uit, ..61? r. M
lilMlmrifli .;xi'i-esi west steps wlien fliiirrrd. at Iiiin-
cnulimi Ht 0 lyz 1 M .Ht Newport al II. la p. .M., at M II--t-i-Hiuwu
at II. nl c. M. ,
Ml!"! I1iiip.
Considerable Imll Ml In mime imrl
Centre twp., on Wednesday noon.
Don't neglect to attend the large sale
of Kentucky and Virginia horses at
f.oysvllle, ou Tuesday, August 23rd.
Mr. Eby of Elllottsburjr, is opening
au iron ore mine on ex-SherliT Oray'..
;'arru In Spring township.
A Methodist camp-meeting will be
held on the old Waterloo camp ground
ufAbsalom Rice, beginning Thursday,
September 1st, 1881.
A letter received last week from Mr.
Milton ltinehart, from Toledo, (M'io
fiiys, "Carpenters are wanted here badly.
Wages $2.60 per day."
Mt. Zion's Lutheran Sunday School
will picnic at the Warm Springs, on Sat
urday, August 127th. A cordial invito
tiou is given to all.
Samuel Adams of Bridgeport, killed
three rattle-snakes on the Blue Moun
tains a Bhort time ago. They each hud
10 rattles.
The Insurance assessments malto the
registered letter busiuess lively for the
postmasters. If there is not a let up
soon the upper end of this county will
soon get run dry.
Judge Crier's team frightened at the
oars ou Friday a week at Newport and
. turning short around broke the pole.
. They were secured before greater dam
age was done.
While a young man named Owlngs
was driving Into town In Tuesday even
ing from camp-meeting he drove over a
stone pile and his horse stumbled and fell.
. Miss Jennie Darlington who was with
him was thrown out and bad her' head
cut somewhat by striking on a stone. v
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
is putting down another water trough
for fast trains three-fourths of a mile
east Mapleton. The oue already on ' the
north track is one thousand feet long,
and the one being put on the south
truck will be eight hundred feet long.
Several young men of Elliottsburg,
have organized a StrltiR Band, and on
last Saturday night at about ten o'clock,
they stopped at each house of that Til
lage to serenade its citizens, who ex
pressed themselves very much pleased
with the music.
Mr. Henry Miller of Howe township,
railroad watchman rt?&s struck ou the
leg by a piece of a torpedo exptaited by a
passing train. The piece that struck
him passed through his posts and imbed
ded itself into the leg so that it had to be
extracted by Dr. Campbell.
Mr. Newman, of Duncannon, in In's
letters regarding seed wheat, seems to
overlook the fact that there are three
different parties canvassing Terry coun
.ty,with "Seed Wheat". . We presume
he only means to endorse one of them,
viz : Mr. E. W. Glddings.
A Mr. Light, residing on Kelker
street, near Third, fell over dead about
11.30 o'clock yesterday morning, while
talking to Mr. Wenrick, his next door
neighbor, in the latter'g yard, it is pre
sumed from an apoplectic stroke. Mr.
Light was aged about fifty four years
and leaves a family of grown up chil
dren. Patriot of the 1st inst.
On Wednesday noon quite a storm
passed over this vicinity. The wind
did considerable damage to trees and
crops. Two trees that had telegraph
wires fastenened on were blown down
breaking the wire, and obstructing com
munication, for several hours. One
large pine tree below Mr. Oliver Rice's
barn was blown over, and the roots
made a bank like a wall, about 12 feet
high and over 50 feet long. Mrs. Nettie Gettle, of Ohio,
U visiting her father, Mr. Wni. McKee,
I of this borough We are sorry to state that
Mr. M. is in poor health.
Mr. J. D. Burn son of Mr. Wm. Burn
was in town lbt week on a visit to his
father's family. Jimmy is looking well
and doing well at Oxford Pa.
Teq., bands in the following report cf
the weather, for the month of July, 1881.
Average of Thermometer at 8 o'clock
1'. M. t'0 37', and of Barometers 80
inches minus biz-tenths. Average of
greatest htat 78 and of cold C.c 25'.
There fell land two-tenth inches of rain.
Sunday the 10th, was the warmest day,
and Sutuidey the 2nd, the coldest.
Wanted. A Blacksmith to take charge
of a shop. Apply at once to
N. C. Hkyj,
July S0th,81, New Buflklo, Pa.
G. Black, of Philadelphia. 'Ik iH
nc friends in this county. ,v Ut-CV,fl h
i i I .iy , 1 1 i
' Xft at her Report . B. Uc I n ttref
-r- r - v 6
The Seed Wheal. We have received a
K rummunicatlon from Mr. Newman,
miller, at Duncannon, In which he tnytt
lie knows Mr. Glddings who has Intro
duced the "Early Chilli Wheat" Into
this county, and that he fully endorses
all the statements made by Mr. G. In
regard to the quality of the wheat and
be guarantees bis fairness and honesty
In bis dealings. He futher says that Mr.
Glddings came to this county at bis
especial request, as he being a miller,
wag Interested In getting the wheat In
troduced Into this vlclulty. The, only
county Into which the genuine Early
Chill Wheat Is ofTered be says Is Perry.
Mr. Glddings also called on us, being
Introduced by Rev. A. II. Spangler who
knows him well. He showed us docu
ments that proved that persons having
dealings with Mr. Glddings need have
no fears of unfair treatment. Any one
else offering either in this or other coun
ties "Early Chill Wheat" he soys are
frauds, and of course be does not wish
to be classed with chaps of that kind.
All persons who signed Mr. Glddings'
contracts, signed In a book, one name
following another, and received from
him a conlldential circular signed, E.
W. Glddings, sole agent. Those who
signed that contract and have that cir
cular will receive the two bushels of
wheat, In proper time, and are holden
only for half the product, according to
agreement, and have no need to fear
being "snake bitten."
We have received, letters stating that
the Early Chili Wheat was Introduced
into Bedford County In the full of 1879
aud harvested 1880 with entire satisfac
tion upon the sameplau as now 'offered
to farmers here. All who have made
contracts with Mr. Glddings can there
fore feel perfectly safe, but those who
have made coutracts with other persons
for Chill Wheat, will have to wait and
see. Will Mr. J C. Smith now call and
explain V there are several parties who
would be glad to have him do so.
Champlou Bub Hunter. Mr. Samuel
Adams of Bridgeport, this couuty, Is
certainly a most sueessful bee-hunter.
This season he has found six bee-trees,
that coutained from 5 to, 100 pound of
good honey, each, and he says it i9 not
n good year for bees, there were
so may frozen out last winter. Last
year he found and cut seventeen bee
trees, A Bun OIL Quite an excitement was
caused in this place at about 0 o'clock
on Friday evening by a pair of borses
with only a pole attached to them, com
ing Into the square on the run. The
borses fell as they turned towards the
Perry House, and were then caught by
George McKee and Charley Fenstema
ker. The team was found to be one of
Mr. Cromlcigh's from Duncannon, and
proved to be in use by several young
men accompanied by four ladies from
that place. When about a mile from
this town the shackle had become un
coupled from one side of the pole, allow
ing it to drop down, which threw the
carriage around aud causing the other
shackle to break. TMb itlt ;.ue
clear of .'e vet'.ole, and the stajtiUouJ
Vut run. The persons In Ihe ll
were Miss Lizzie Fritz and Mi?
Fritz, of DuncanDon,and Miss tiii
ford nnrl f Ibb Truna Td.,f'f.l tt IT. J,wil
. v . V- nuv. ' J1J - . t ' lulu, V I J 1. 1 1 1 .1
burg, xad Sfr. Jos. Hawley, Z. White,
and A. Rohrbaugh, of Duncannon.
No person was hurt, except the young
man named Rohrbaugh, who was driv
ing, and be was pulled out by the lines
and cut ou the head as he fell in- the
A Heroic Act. Ou Thursday of last
week Henry Penny's daughter, Carrie,
aged seven years, full into the sluice at
the canal lock at Losb's Run and was
rapidly carried out Into the' main chan
nel, Her brother, John, aged eleven
years, was a witness of the peril in
which his little sister's life bad been so
suddenly placed, aud with .heroin brav
ery jumped into the sluice-way for the
purpose of rescuing her, but down the
Blippery planks they 'both were forced
and when they struck the turbulent re
actionary waters the boy was shot pass
ed his sister, but they iu the next second
came together again, when the little
girl, in the struggles of death in a man
ner, clutched at her brother. Grabbing
him by one of his ears she held firmly
on, and he swam to shore, thus rescuing
bis beloved little sister from a watery
grave. iVeto.
A Horse Thief. Last Friday night a
an who registered his name Joseph
Roth bad a horse shipped from the rail
road station at this place to Harrisburg
block yards. He had stolen the horse
irom Benjamin Whltmoyer at Mlddle
burg, Snyder county, and ridden him to
this point for shipment on the cars, a
distance of 42 miles. Harrisburg police
men received information of the theft,
and the thief aud his game were not
loDg In the town till they were gathered
up by the police and sent back to Middle
burg. AliJjHntown Sentinel.
For Boots and Shoes go to M.
& Co.
ltpptilillrnn County fmiTPiitlon. The
Delegates elected on Saturday last, met
In the Court House on Monday, for the
purpose of nominating a couuty ticket.
The Convention organized at 11A.M.,
by the election of Fuank Mohtimeu, as
President, and Capt. F. M. McKijkhan
and J. E. JA( 'Kson, Secretaries, A list of
names for the StHidliig Committee was
then appointed i.ud thS Convention ad
journed uatii 1 P. M.
The following Is a list of the Delegates
BlonrnflHil C. Roth, T. Mortimer,
lllftln Tlinl 8par, Isnao Btokei.
buffalo John B. Peters, O. U. B. Stephens.
(Jaroll Klctiard Jones, Wm. T. Dewalt.
Oentre John Bamleraon, T. M. McKeohon.
Duncannon W. II. Puunoll, J. 11. Blels
tlna. Greenwood Henry Sarver, L. 8. Fry.
Howo D. E. Stephens, M. H. Hopy'e.
Jackaon D. K. McKoo, W. It. Hall.
Juniata David Bird, Joseph Fllcklnper.
1,andlebuif Hobert I. Dlven, Kobert Jones.
.Liverpool Bor. M. II. Urubh, J. K. Honsall.
Liverpool twp. J. A. Wright, Geo. Kline,
Madiaon John 1'. 8 poll n, 8. II. Lay.
Mnrvsvlllo W. K. Fenn, Stephen Iledrlek,
Miller Abram May, Win. Holmes.
MUloratown T. Nauklvell, C. Hopple.
New Butlalo Jaeph Walle, W. H. Jackson.
Newport Henry Binlth, David II. Bpotts,
Oliver John Acker, M. B. Eshleman.
1'enn Jos. E. Jackson, David Bovd.
ltre B. F. Leonard, (V. W. BueaOer.
Sandy Hill. A. K. Dohhs, John BernUelscl.
Bavillo Dr. Uoduerg, W. Bhull.
Hprlng B. P. Cree, A. C. Hollenhau)li.
Toooyne 8. A. Johnston, Peter Belyhler.
Tyrone (ieo. HnohauKh, Geo. W. Patter-
Tuicurora D. M. Ueucli, W. A. Miller,
Watts John Hiieglns, Isaae Hugelns.
WheiitiluUl J. C. Meek, Andrew Pennell.
Two ballots were had, the second bl-.
lot beingSeciist32; J.M. BixlerO; W.
D. Messitner 10; AV. D. Lightrjer 8;
Jos. Smith 4.
, E, B. Welse, of Newport was nomi
nated by acclamation.
Daniel Sheatrer and J.' W. Charles
were nominated on the first ballot. The
vote being Charles 38; StieafVer 40; Hall
12; RumbaugU 14; Lyon 14.
James W. Shull was nominated by
The ballot was A. Green, of Rye twp.,
9; John Bernheiscl of Madibon 30. The
nomination of Mr. Beruhelsel was made
Three ballots were had, D. C. Albright
being nominated on first ballot, as one
candidate, and J. L. McCasky, on the
third ballot, and on motion Albright
and McCasky were declared the unani
mous candidates for Auditor.
M. B. Eshleman, J. E. Stephens,
W. K. Fedn.
Five ballots were had, the last result
ing in the choice of W. H. Jackson of
New Buffalo.
For Judge, the Convention declared in
favor of Hou. B. F. Junkin. The vote
standing '20 for Sponsler, 40 for Junkin,
with power to select bis Conferees.
The chairman of the county commit
tee was left to be selected by the candi
dates nominated.
A Bolt from a Clear Shy, The Dllls
'jurg Bulletin of Thursday lust says :
Last Thursday morning us a number
of the citizens of Washington township
husbandmen were busy working in
their fields under a clear sky, a bolt of
lightning flashed from the heavens.
The shock was so great as to not only
frighten a number of the citizens, but
among the number who received a se
vere shock are Mrs. Wain Hoopes, Mrs.
T. F. Givler, Mr. Joseph Gross. Mr.
Hoopes, who was working in the field,
loading oats, was thrown froai the wag.
on, sustaining slight injuries. Mr. W.
H. Sweitzer who was engaged in thresh
ing near that place was thrown from
his power and his team becoming fran
tic tore lose and ran away. This is one
of the most peculiar cases of globular
lightning that has come uuder our no
tice for some time. We have learned of
no further accidents, but our informant
states there were a number whose
names he was unable to give.
Court Proceedings. The following is a
record of the road proceedings aud busi
ness done at last term of court on Mon
day after we had gone to press :
On motion of Wm. H. Sponsler, Hou.
Samuel Noss, assignee of Samuel Rife,
was discharged from all future duties of
said trust.
Edward R. Sponsler, Esq.,. was ap
pointed auditor to make distribution of
the funds arising from the sale of prop
erty of Lucy aud William Matchett.
Sponsler, atty.
James W. Shull, Ejq., was appointed
an auditor to make distribution of funds
iu the hands of the assignee of Cyrus,
Caroline aud W. E. Clemson. Sponsler
In the matter of the commonwealth
vs. Jesse A. Tompkins, charged with
the attempt to commit a rape upou
Lydia Waste, a daughter of Charles
Waste, of Duncannon, the attorney for
the defendant took out a writ of habeas
corpus for the discharge of the prisoner
on the ground that he was guilty of no
sufllcieut crime to be held for the Octo
ber sessions. The writ was made return
ableaon the 8th of August, at 1 o'clock
p. m. The case having been settled at
home no prosecutor appeared. The
district attorney refused to settle the case
and the court declared itself powerless
aud directed a relieariug on the 10th of
August. After the Court bad adjourned
the uncle of the prisoner paid the costs
and the district attorney agreed to settle
and gave the sheriff a discharge for the
prisoner, who went borne rejoicing.
The couuty, by this action, was suved a
large amount nf costs, as in all rrobabll.
ity no conviction could ever have been
bad of the defendant. District Attorney
Wallts for com. Wm. It. Sponsler for
Tho report of viewers appointed to
view a privato road from a tract of land
In Oliver twp., to the lane leading from
Wilson's house on the road from New
port to Milford, to Dromgold's barn,
uoross the fields of Isaiah Carl, was con
firmed alV?olutely,to be sixteen feet wide,
but as to the damages assessed, there
being a petition for the review of dam
ages, the report was not confirmed as to
Upon the petition for theappolntment
of viewers to change and vacate part of
a public road in Havllle twp., from Sam
uel Bear's to David . M'Coy'g tenant
house,' A. Egolf, Jeremiah Rice, John
Rynard were appointed viewers. Har
nett atty,
Juniata County. We copy the follow
ing from the Juniata county papers of
last week :
On last Wednesday a little daughter
of John Foster, of Milford township,
fell from the top of a fence to the ground,
fracturing an arm at the elbow Joint.
Dr. Crawford rendered the necessary
surgical aid, and the child is doing well.
Ou the morning of the 2d of July,
Mr. Johnson Kennedy, an aged citizen
of Lack township was found dead in his
bed. He retired to bed In the evening,
apparently in his usual health, but dur
ing the silent watches of the night bis
spirit was summoned to the eternal
world. He was about 07 years of age.
A horse Billed at coal oil barrels at the
pike just north of town, onMonday af
ternoon. The animal was so frightened
that it backed over a steep embankment
at the side of the road. The carriage to
which the beast was hitched was upset,
and Mr. Abram Book and Ids wife,
Mrs. Book, were thrown out. The right
shoulder bone of Mrs. Book was broken,
and Mr. Book was hurt in the back.
Mr. Book was bringing his wife to town,
it being her purpose to go to Perry coun
ty on a visit to friends. The harness
was torn aud the carriage was broken.
Mijjlin Sentinel.
Ou Wednesday night of last week a
gray horse belonging to Smith C. Kep
ner, of this place, was stolen from a
f eature field on his farm adjoining Port
loyal. The horse was found running
loose the next morning on the ridge
road near Suloufi's lime kiln, in Tur
bett township. It is supposed the thief
abandoned the horse after riding some
miles away, as the animal had on a bri
dle and saddle, aud appeared to have
been rode pretty hard. 1'ort lioyul
Some town boys went out to one of
Sch weier's fields to fight bumble bees
on Saturday forenoon. They set fire to
the nest, which was near the fence, and
then left. The result of which wns 72
panels offence destroyed by the fire and
two rows of corn scorched.
Mr. Joseph Pennell, of Patterson,
mot with an accident on Saturday.
He was sitting on a box in front of bis
store, when a horse that was hitched to
the railing stamping wl(,h his feet
struck a stick and broke it, a piece of
which flew aud bit Mr. Pennell on the
nose, knocking liim off the box and in
flicting a painful wound. Democrat
una lcegister.
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland papers
of last week :
On Thursday aftenoon a young daugh
ter of Jacob Stoner, tenant of John
Snyder, on the Cathcart farm, near New
Kingston, . was burned in a shocking
manner, and died from the effects about
two hours after. It appears that she
bad kindled a fire, and afterwards took
the coal oil can and began to pour oil on
the fire, when the can exploded, throw,
ing the burning oil over her. Her
screams soon brought assistance, but too
late to be of any avail to her. She
lingered for a couple of hours, when
death relieved her of suffering. Another
death from kindling-flre.with coal oil.
It is soon time that people should learn
the disastrous eflects from it.
On Saturday evening last, while Mrs.
Harry Loy, of Newvllle, was in the act
of blowing out a coal oil lamp, it explod
ed, scattering oil and glass, in all
directions. Fortunately for Mrs. H. tho
oil did not ignite, as her clothing and
fuce were full of the oil. It also damaged
a show case and its contents.
tgrThe Rt. Rev. Bishop Gilmour,
Cleveland, Ohio : Chas. 8. Strickland,
Esq., 0 Boylston street, Boston, Mass. ;
Capt. Paul Boy ton, the World Re
nowned Swimmer; Prof. C, O. Duplh
sis Manager Chicago Gymnasium Chi.
cago, III, ; Wm. H. Wareiug, Esq.,
Asst. General Superintendent, New
York Post Office Hon. Thomas L.
James, Postmaster, New York ; Stacy
Hill, Esq., Mt. Auburn Inclined Plane
Railroad, Cincinnati, Ohio, are among
the myriads who have experienced the
beneficial effects of that most remarka
ble remedy, St. Jacobs Oil, and who
have testified to its eflicacy in unquali
fied terms. Pittsburgh Com. Gazette.
Maplewood Institute for youug ladies
and gentleman, 18 miles west of Phila.,
located on the Phila. & Bait. Central R.
R. Courses of Study English, Scientiflo
and Classical. Students prepared for U.
S. Naval and Military Academies, and
the Amerclan colleges. A thorough
chemical department. Reading taught
by a first class Elocutiouist. Penman
ship by a Professor, master of the beau
ties of the art. A home like department
for little boys. 14 Instructors.
JosErir SnoRTLinoE
(Yalk College) A. M. Principal.
Concoudville, Del. Co. Pa.
County Trice Current.
Bloouuslu, Aug. K )f
Klax.eod 1 to
Potatoes CO
Butter V pouud 14013
Kfigs V dozen 12 "
Dried Apples fl pound 8Jts"
Di'lp-d IVaclies 1 1'2 els. f)ft
Newport, August 13, limi
pumi. Hura ri.0O
" t4uper 3.25
While Wheat old . uusli J25
Ktid Wheat, nil 120
Hye , Tf"5
Corn...'; 4fiet44
Oats V JB pounds 323) ja
Cover Heed ppr pound Fiiffi cents
Tlmnthv Heed , 2 C
Fla Heed I an -
Potatoes rlttr)0
Bacon , lai
l-ard fluents
llama.... lecenls.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Philadelphia, AiiRtntll, 18SL
Flour unsettled: extras .1 onM 60 . Pennsvl.
vanla family, W.WfJ 14.75 Mlnnemta do., U.SCiO
!12: pHleut and til f?li grades. Jn.60W7.CO
Ity flonr. (Ct.2ntf3.ilS,
Col li meal. 12.211.
Wheat. l'J9 It
Corn yellow. 6IWj2o.i mixed. FfiWsa.
Oats quiet: Pennsylvania and western white.
40?41e. : western mlxed,3(.i40.
KUvntz Johnston On July 2th, In
Diincanniin. hy John Toplev. Kii., Wm, Uanntz,
of Loch's Kuu, to Bii9au Johnstuu, of WheatDeld
Lkihtneh Nelson. On JulvSOth, lssl.ut the
Lutheran parsonaRe In Loysvllle hy Kev. Aurand.
Hohert Llphtner to Ml9 Alary Nelson, both ot
bheutler's Valley.
RKiviMoro-On Aug. 12th, 1RS1, In Iinrrlshurg,
Isaiah H. Bktvlnu,toii, formerly of Oeulie twn.,
this county, aped about 60 jeais.
Baik. On July atith, 1RK1, near Aqueduct
Station, Mary Blanche, daughter of Jeremiah and
Lmina Hair, aaed 1 H months and 2 days.
KuMiEK. On Auk. lltlt.lssi, In Madison twp,.
Iaao Ji linger, ned f.8 years, 4 months and 6
Ai'.MSTnom On Aug. 8th. 1RS1. at Tohmpson
town station, Lirartis Armstrong, of (Jieuilleld
Co . bbpiI about 01 years.
Jacoiw. On July 31st. W1 In Wheat field twp.,
Margaret Jacobs, uged 81 years, 8 inuiihts aud &
fllcNnt.. On Ang. fjth, 1SR1, In Perm twp,,
Lewis McNeil, aued about Rn years.
Powr.R. On June 4th, 18S1, at Conneaiitvlllo.
Crawford Co.. l'a., Paniella, wife ol Charles
Power, formerly of this place.
HF.miNr.a. On Aug. 8th, the residence
of Win. A. Sponsler, Ks., In this place, Cather
ine, infant daughter of Charles If. and Annie V,
llergner, aired S montlw and 13 davs. On Aug. Mill, lfHl , in Hunter's A' alley,
Buffalo twp.. Jos. Heller, aired about 7ft years.
White On Aug. 81 h, 18-1, In Allen's Cove,
Clara M. daughter of I, A. aud I. S. White, aged
8 mouths and It days.
NOTIt' Froposnls for building a School
HopsEnear the Old perry Furnace rt. H.,
will be received bv the Centre Township School
B.iard up to Aug. 21th, at 6 P. M.
Huilding to be plank frame, weatherooarded
nnd plastered, 21 xi" leet, with Poi tic 4x5 leet
also Our house 4s7 feet. For spe(Jtlctlons call
onC. Neilson, Es'., Atty., for the Hoard.
The Board leterves the right to reject any or
all bids.
By order ct the Board,
It M. McKekhan. Sec'ry.
Sliippensburg, Fa.
With a full corps of Competent Instructors.
S. For Terms or any Information, address:
11. S. POTTER, A. M-, PitiNCtrAL.
August 0. 1SS1 It
- - "- .
I'ov'jhlwcjtsie, K. Y, -.
Examination for entrance, Sept. 14th. Cata
logues sent ou applications
3UAL7 W.L. DEAN, Registrar.
NOTICE to Trespassers. All persons
aieliereby noillled not to trespass by hum
ing. flhlng or anv trespassing on the land of
Peter Long and It. 11. Campbell. In Toboyite
township, Perry coiintv. Pa., otherwise they will
be strictly deiit with according to law.
8032 A. M. 1R03TLE.
Teachers' Examinations.
The teachers' examinations for 1881 will be held
at the following times and places:
For Madison lw p..(N. K.) Centre 8. H. Aug. 11.
For " " (8. W.i Andersonburg, lii.
For main and Jackson twp . In Blaln " 17.
For Tobovue twp., in New Germantown " 18.
For Lamllsburg and Tyrone twp.. In Land.s-
t.,t-r, A irnal 'i?A
For Spring twp.. In Bprlnpiale 8. If., Aug. itf.
For Juniata twp.. In Maikolville, 2-itli.
For Tuscarora twp., In Locust Grove, " th.
ForMarysvllle and Rye twp., iu Marysville,
August auto.
For Miller twp., in Ba'leysburg, Aug. Slat
For Buffalo ud Howe twps., fu llugijtusS. n.,
September 1st. ... .
For New Buffalo and Watts twp.. In hew Buf
falo, September 2d.
For Carroll twp.. In Shermansdale, Sep.
For Wheattleld twp.. Centre 8. H., 7lh.
For Duncannon und Penn twp., In Duncannon,
Sentembei 8th.
For Liverpool and Liverpool twp., in Liverpool,
September 9th.
For Millerstown and Greenwood twp., in Mil
lerstown, en Tuesday, September 13ih,
The examinations will begin at 8U o'clock, and
will be both oral and w ritten. Moral, as well us
professional qualifications, are essential to per
sons desiring certilleates. Hie examination of
teachers In the district In which they are appli
cants lor schools, will be Insisted upon, that
directors may have tin opportunity of estimating
their qualifications by personal observation. Tho
friends of education are invited to attend these,
County Supt.
New Bloomtleld, July 11, 1881.
nv r t r iT i tt t?
I will sell my farm situate on the valley road
oue quarter mile vsost ot UloomtivUl, containing
1G1 ACRK!?J,
Brat rate In quality and cultivation, and havlcg
erected on it all nenevary and convenient build
in f and Improvements. Iter are simile atd
running vairr in rvviy Held. It can bo usrd lor
Brain or dairy purputcs, or kotu. A tract ot
32 Acres of Woodland,
convenient to It .will be sold with it. I will sell
for a reasonable, price ami on ei.iv terms Ad
dress uio at Gurus Pauk. Pkhky Covntv Pa.
Aug. 2nd. 1m.