THE T1ME3, NEW IILOOMFIELD, PA., AUGUST!), 1881. Philndetphta Adrertlsements. Ready Mixed Taints ! JUCAS' READY MIXED FAINTS ! chemicals, no benzinb, bui a pukk OH. 1'AIIVT, READY FOR USE. Sample Onvils. 10 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF PA1ST BENT BY MAIL. IT IS PUT ON LIKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LEAli AND OIL, VIZ : NICELY BKUHHEP OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATEtt PAINT TRY IT, And Ion Will Prore It to be the Best Liquid Taint in the Market. JOHN LUCAS & CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTUREH8 OF ' Swl99 and Imperial French Urecn, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VARNISHES, &c 13" For Sample Cards apply to F. Morti mer, New Bloomlleld, Pa., or to John Lucas fc Co., Philadelphia. EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Successors to 8HAFFNEK, ZIEGLER & CO.. Importers aud Dealers In Hosiery, Gloves, llibbons, Suspenders, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety ot TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A Agents for Lancaster Combs. w. H. KENNEDY WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON ft Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 505 MARKET STLEET, PHILADELPHIA. 7 1 gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALLPAPER. ISI.AXlt HOOKS Always on hand, and made to Order, Nos. 530 Market and 52? Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 3. ALSO, Publishers ot Sanders' Now Head ers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History ot the United States, Felton's Outline Maps, etc. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON, WHOLESALE Hardware House, No. C25 Market Street, Philadelphia, Poan'a. JANNEY& ANDREWS, W1IOLKSAI.1? GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET STREET, lMiiladelphia, Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Oil Clothe, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting: Twines, &., And a tine Assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WARE, No. 420 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia Advertisements. gAMUEL BOMBERGER, WITH 11 1 hum:, M OT!' V CO.. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, Cotton Woolen C'lii'lii.Ac No. 333 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Merchant wishing to select from as large a stock as can he found 'In tlm city, and at the LOWEST CASH PKICKh, should nlve me a Call. All until orders shall receive prompt atten tion, nndctre will be taaen to llll them m as to give satisfaction. Austi.-t 31, WAIN WRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner ot 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. J S. DOUGHERTY WITH D. J. HOAR & CO., WnOL&SALB BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, WKJ MAKKKT STREET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. JJAUTSHENK & CO., 405 & 407 Market Street, lolt in (Old Stand of Barcrnft & Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IHLY GOODS. January 1 1881. SPRINGFIELD SEWING MACHINE. Best iu the World. The manufacturers of the SPRINGFIELD are aware Kiat. in order to meet the critical and economical demands of flip time, the machine must possess a combination of mechanical excel lences, making It superior to anv of Its prede cessors, and at the same time be offered at a price that will place it within the means of all. Fully realizing the force of these conditions, they offer the Sprlngllold, confident that it will ttullill every requirement that can be expected of a lirst class family and manufacturing machine. Kvery Machine is warranted perfect In construc tion. In case any of the puts prove defective, when machine is used for family purpose, within live years from date of purchase, the manufactur ers will replace such defective part without charge. This doe notapply to needles, shuttles, or bobbins. Made by THE SPRINCFIELD Sewing Machine Company, 13 6m SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Vow on .ale rtrt dating th w.on, nr-a-ola. Kicunsio Tiokkts. fi-ora f'hlcnro antl looul point, to DEN. 5l,9OI'onADO BPRXNOS, and PUEBLO, AND HETBHK, by III (1,1 I'iKKKlil-NT boutm, at wonder fully low ratea, Thcso ticket, will h. (rood irolnK west withlo fifteen (IS) day from date of aulc. and to return Uiilil October a I at following. ullman Palaea Can. are rm by thU Company from CHICAOO to COUNCIL BtUl'FS, TOPEKA and KAN8AS CITY, forming a lint- lih but one change of cam toDENVEft and PTJEHLO. Dining Car art, t titehod to all through train.. Id which nrujB i-au u- ooiainca at ill. n able prtc of leruuty-Uve ceuU, or rates, farther information, and elecnut Mi of United htHtea true, &d drugs, J. Q. A. BEAK, Oen'lEaitern Ayr., 817 Broorlway.NowYork.and 800 V ublimuloa St.. Boston, Main. 2i ua. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. .F. MOllTIMlilt, New lSloom field. JACOB STRICKLER, PH. U Dealer In Pure and Reliable Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Fine Perfumes, etc Tobacco and Cluars, Blank Books aud Stationery. - Prescriptions a specialty, Ktokb Two doors East ot the'DIg Spring. Bloomlleld, May 8. loBl. - . BROWN'S n o) fn) rv o) SURE APPETISER ! IUOX HITTERS nro highly recommended for nil disease requiring 3 ft ocrtam nnd efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Vymepm, Intermittent! I lever, II anf afApp'tte,,Lo of Hlrenjlh,Laek of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, S jl ttrcnjrt hens the inusclcs.nnd gives new life to the nerves.. They ru-t like a ihnrru 9 1 on the digestive orRiais, removing all dytpeptfo nmptom, such as Tattina the Fool P ,u ii.uKi,-umum,jirnnourn,ne. j.iie ouiyiron i reparation I that will not blacken tlio teeth or plvo headache. Sold by nil drugcists. Urite for tlieA ItCTtonk f32 tin. of tiseful nnd Hmusinpt read ing) senfree. 11UOWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. Ltanw I'lOlessioiDil Cards. CH AS. J . T. Ucl NTI It K, Attoruey-at -Law . New Hloomllelil, I'erry co.. Pa. -All prnfesioiial liiiHluess prompt lyaudfaltb fullyattended to. 3 2 1 v. JOHN CALVIN WAI.LIS, Attoriicy-at-La w and 111 si l let Altoi Dry. New llliio'iullPlil' perry Co. Pa. WOlllce over Moi llmei's new iiiie. All legnl business promptly anil carefully l iaiisacleil, May 4, 1W. JE.ilUNK IN,Tttoruey-al-La, New lilmimllelil. I'eri v co., t'a -Oilloe Nexl door to the residence nl.ludiif Jmikln. 45tf JEWIS POTTER," '"" ATTORNEY A'i' I. AAV. NEW Hl.tlOMKIELl). PEV.HV CO..PA. w-CIalms proiuptlv secured collected Writinusiind all Icnal business carefull) attend ed to. d2 yl . CHAKI. 'S ll.MMILKY. Attiiriievat Law. New Uldomllfld, I'eirv Co. Pa. Oilier mm d.iors e.tst. of .Toseph Siullh's Hotel. Auuust 2, 1S7 2 WM. A.SPONSLEU, Attoriiey-at-Law. Olllce adiolnlnir Ills residence, on Kasl Main street, New llloomlleld. Perry co., Pa. 8 2 lj WM. N. SE1I1KHT. Attorney-at-Law, New llloomllt'ld. Perry CO.. Ta Bloomlleld. 3331v. IEWIH POTTEIt, notakt PlTni.ic. New Bloom J Held. Perry Co.. Pa. Deeds, Bunds, MortKHKes and Leases carefullj prepared and acknowledgements taken. All klinls of Pension and Bounty papers drawn aud certllled. will also take depositions to be rei.d in anv court In the United States. 7 loly CIIA8. A. HARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld. Perry Co., Pa .oillceon high .freer. North side, nearly op posiletlie Presbyterian Church. ,3 21y ML. LH1QETT. Attdknrv-at-Law, Newport, I'erry County. Pa. Havlni! perinanentiy located at Newport, will give prompt and careful addition to all busl uess matters committed to his care. Olllce, No. m North Second Street. Newport. April 2 1H7H. DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Physician and Surgeon, Office In residence on Main Street. New Blonmlleld. Pa. CHRONIC DISEASES TREATED. 18 tf T' SUNDY.M. D. " " " U riivslclnn aud Surgeon. A graduate of Cleveland Medical College. Located periiiaueiitlv in the borough of Bloom lleld. oilers his professional services to the citi zens of Bloomlleld aud Mirronudlng viclnlly. Calls In the country attended to promptly. Olllce III the rooln fnrnno-lv oipiiiilfil hv Ili'. 1). 41. Sweenev, 111 the residence of 11. W. Smith. Main street, INew llloomlleld, Pa. 1!) 0m D U. R. M. ALEXANDER, SUJtGKOX DEXTIST. New Bloomtleld, Perry County, Pa. O Olllce on Main Street. South Side, nearly opposite the residence of Win, McKee. Everything belonging to the profession done In the bust manner. 4,A.L Wo UK Wahhant eu. Terms moderate. 28 J W. ROWE, M. D. Plivslt'Iuu and Stirgfou Dcnllst. - Office near Blxler's Mills, where all professional business will be promptly attended to. Dental work of all kinds warrauludlu price and quality, May 25. 'SO. ly. LIGHT-RUNNING PEOPLE'S Sewing Macliino. The Feople'b Bewlns Slachlne Is llght running has simplo tcnslor.3, a large, cosily, threaded shuttle winds tha bobbin without running the works of the machine, and is so simple In Its construction that it Is easily understood. AGENTS WANTED Where our sewing machines are not repre sented, and wo offer the most liberal Induce ments. Send for Illustrated Circulars to the Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA, 13 Cm ESTATE NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that letters of ailministration'on the estate ol John smith, lateof Carroll twp.. Perry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing at Sliermansdale, Perry Co., Pa. All persons indebted to said eslateare request ed to make im mediate payment and those having olalms wlllpreseut them duly authenticated for setllemeutto CYRUS Yf. SMITH, Administrator. April e,18SI. ' ATRUEiTONIC pi KINGSFQRD'S OSWEGO KiNCSFORrjJ CORN STARCH FUREANDSILVER GLOSS STARCH For tlm Laundry, is the iiest snrl must econnnilcnl In llifl world. Is porf.'dlr puri.. t'i-. from ArliU nnd oilier rnrelcii Rill. Hii ii -p. tlmt Inliire Linen. Is strnnnpr thnn any oilier, rciiilrlni tinicli I r niinn tity in nslnit, it iinlfonn. sllll'"iii nnd finishes work sltrnrstlinwimr-. Klui'sf,, ,-,)' 1'ul vi rlrctl Corn Starch hir I'lidilin-s, IllRtir-Miiiixc Cnke. Ac. I pnr" iiml i''liciitn. Prnrnlle to Bermuda Arrowroot. When foil nsk for Klngsford's (Nn-eirn Slnndt, eo tlmt jnu get It, ns inferior kinds are nlien Milmtitiitel. Gvttl by nil first'Cliim Grncer trtntirirre. T. KINtiSFORB A SON. Oawego, New Yjrk. Juuuary 4, 1SS1 fim Books! Books! o Gift Boohs, Children's Boohs, Blank Books, School Books, Bios! Testaments! And all Kinds of Books AT BEACH'S Book & Drug Store. Stationery at Wholesale or Retail 83" Subscriptions taken for all News, papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. YOU CAN BUY THE BLATCHLEY PUMP t'nllnnl.or n idi popper, Porc-lnln,or Iron I.lnlnu. Knell one stenciled with my name as manufacturer is wnrranted In iniitcriHl and con Mruetion. For tale by the best houses in the trade. If you do not know where to pet this pump, writo to me as below, and I will send naiiiu of aitent nearest you, w ho will supply you at my loweH prices. CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. a-For sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomlleld, Pa. 22 Ben J. F. Grafton. Stout B. Ladd, H albert -K. Paine. Late Oommlsttontr ttf Patents. PATENTS. PAISE, Git All ON & LADD, t((ornci-a(-Zat(i ono Solicitor of American and fretpn Patents. Xo. 412 Fifth Street, AVnisililuif ton, I. O. PraetWie Patent Law In all Its branches In the Patent Ctneo, and In the Supreme and Circuit Courts f t the United States. Pamphlet seut tree on rvelpt of stamp for postage. at v OSWEGO NY. . 4V i J"It Is called a poke bonnet because It is necessary for a young tnaa to poke bis face Inside to kiss tbe wearer. O" A Massachusetts woman was re C3Utly burled at tbe age of one hundred. This might be termed a century plant. 3 Chang, the Chinese giant, is not lazy, perhaps, tut he lies lortger In bed than any other man in this country. ty A three year old child discovered the neighbor's hens in the yard scratch ing. In a most Indignant tone she re ported to her mother that Mrs. Smith's hens were " wiping their feet on our grass." t"The editor of the Hackensack lie publican went to call on his girl, when he saw on tbe front steps a sign which said, " Beware of paint." He wentaway sighing, "I never before knew that she painted." KyA Georgia editor says : "Gold Is found in thirty-six counties in this state, silver in three, copper In thirteen, Iron in forty-three, diamonds In twenty-six, whiskey In all of them, and the last gets away with all the rest." O" Unconscious profanity sometimes comes to the most exemplary Christian. A real good brother said recently, " I must get me a copy of the new Bible. I hear the revisers have knocked hell out of it." tST"" Ah, brethren," said a speakerln an ecclesiastical body in North Carolina discussing the question of dancing, "I mightily fear that if we authoritatively permit tbe square dance that some peo ple may soon pinch oil' the corners and make it a round dance." foS" In a class of little girls at school, the question was asked : " What is a fort ?" "A place to put men In," was the ready reply. "What is a fortress, then V asked the teacher. ' ' This seemed a puzzle, till one of the girls answered, u A place to put women In." - J . 1 CHnl .l-.t-. an ox team that once belonged to an In temperate man, and that got so used to, stopping for him at saloons that now, when passing a saloon, the animals will not move until their new owner goes in to get a drink. He doesn't care for the liquor, he says, but is obliged to drink to get his team along. He has refused $cl)00 for the oxen. E"An Austin teacher, who Las fre quent occasion to punish his pupils, asked one of them the other day if he knew why he had been punished. The boy was silent. " Don't you know," said the teacher, " that you were whipped because you were disobedient V "That wasn't the reason," said the boy sullenly. " What was the reason, tht-n ? " Because you are bigger than I am." 63" A colored man who had contract ed a debt some yearsgo with one of our merchants came to town lately and called on his old creditor. " Didn't you 'splain to me dat if I settled up dat ac count you would give me a 'lowance?" said the darkey to the merchant. Yes, I did say so, Sam," said the mer-' chant. " If you are ready to settle your bill now I will make a good allowance," and the merchant waited for the color ed individual to pull out his pocket book. " Well, sir, I hasn't got de mon ey jus' now, but I thought I'd come in an' get de 'lowance." C-jfln a Newbnryport (Mass.) family where there are two boys, one of them brought borne a worthless cur, to the disgust of the rest of the family. At last the older sister offered him half a dollar if he would give the dog awfy. He assented and pocketed tbe coin. When night came, prompted by curios ity, she asked the little fellow to whom he had given his dog, and was told with a charmiug naivete, "Oh, I've given him to my brother." CaT" Well, Father Brown, how did you like the sermon yesterday ! " asked a young preacher. " You see, parsons," was the reply, "I t haven't a fair chauce at them sermons of yours. Iam an old man now and have to sit pretty well back by the stove; and there's old Miss Smithe, Widder TatT, and Rylan'a darters 'n Nabby Blrt In all tbe rest a settin' in front o' me with their mouths wide open a swaller ia' down all the best of the sermon, an' what gets down to me Is pretty poor stuff, parson, pretty poor stuff. .