5 THE TIMES. . ?ENNSTLVANIA B. II. MIDDLE DIVISION. On ami ft.-r Monday, Mty ttu. imi, riMenirrt Traum wilt tint tiiuw , WB8TWAKU. EASTWARD. I Mtri. J'tin M ill Ar.o. Ex. Tr'll mil A H. P.M. P.M. Rill' I. HO 7.11(1 i.m ' iw t'.B 13.(3 S.till .I4 la. 44 4 ns la.ici .ii3 61 12. ft! tUJ a 40 u.rj o.io 0.011 11.111 6.40 ill 12 6 .17 . 6b 11.63 H.1I7 DUX . 16 3. Hi 7 t'O A.M. A. M A.M. WijriMall.Arcv Pa l'r'ii I Tr'u P1U.ii PnlNtlTPAL BTATIONS. 13 SO . M. i.oo 'M I'hlladfli'hia, P.M. !V. V. s.oo: 6. 1.91 1 5 XI 10.16 j nnrri.inii m . MaryHvUI, Hit in. kit mill. H4(li 1.8XI ft 41 10.61 S.4HI 6.47 H. ll'jl 9 . d B.6; f.l I S.OSi I. "7 i 1.16 H. lfl lo.iw! 8.64 7. UO I0.4HI 4. 'ill U.lH (J OS I. 16! 7.011 I 1.65 7.46, j Oil 1:16 I AquiMllU't Iltlliy H, Newport MjllerHtowil, Mtirilll I.ewiMowu J. Hmitlnitduu. Tyronw, Aitnnna, II. 1 11 .31 i 1 1 4'J M.I19 1.13' 1.63 J.3.V I T.ou H'lTSBUltUll. A.U.i I r.M.IA.M.i P.M. tTSTaolllrKxprt'iiB Went will stop nt ttiitciiuuim at 4 4Snmlit NiMvpurt nt 6.o; tt. ui., whmi tlauvetl. f arUoliitf WuM.tlie Way t'ltNHt.iiKer lcavi- Harrli -bnra Oally t lie utlie r Irnfim Ualiy except Btindny. Fait line Went, diifly, fftnpplnir on Sunday only, hi Punriiniioii 4.36, Newport, .f.2 P. M PiMurtli KxpniHS wi't nli'i when tliiirK''1. t Pun raniiiin at 10 Br, M .at Newport at II. t:t . III., at iinl crstowu at II. al P. Al. i t-ii" itoiitM. A pftke walk will take place at Aiuler souburg ou Saturday eveuing Aug 13th. It don't cost much to go west now. The cost is iu coming back. Persons going west of Chicago, can save money by calling at this olllce be fore purchasing their tickets. tf Mr. Joseph Black, last week killed a 1 rattlesnake, four feet, three inches long, having 13 rattles. A dispatch from Mr. J. P. Cromlelgh, who has gone west for his health reports liis eafe arrival at Denver, Colorado. A Union Sunday school picnic will be held at Pine Orove church ou this week Saturday the Kith inst., all friends of .Sunday schools are invited. A letter from Laselle Co., 111., says that harvest hands have been very scarce there, and some farmers have paid $2.00 a day for help. A son of James McC'auley, of Fayette township, Juniata Co., this year bound up thirteen acres of grain in one day with a one horse binding machine. The Newport furnace lias had bad luck again. Ou Friday a break in the ma chinery occurred that will require some days to repair. Saturday evening, a-good rain glad dened the people of this vicinity. It was badly needed, as there has been no rain since July 4th worth mentioning. Reformed Church. There will be u congregational meeting next Sunday at 10 A. M. Members are earnestly re quested to attend. The Volunteer says James H. Gra ham, Jr., Ksq., contemplates making this place his Home. Lawyers are not scarce here. Doctor Fuget has come back to his old office, in Shermansdale, his practice in that vicinity requiring bis entire atten tion, liis practice atGrier's point is now cared for by Dr. Theo. Lightner. In passing through Tyrone twp., a few days ago, a friend saw one man pitching hay with a shovel while the other man took it away with a hoe. Those farmers must be short of tools. It don't take much brains to send a bogus marriage notice ; in fact, it shows that the chap doing it hasn't any. If the fellow who sent us one last week, will own up to it we will show him where the laugh conies iu. On Wednesday last, Jacob Troutman, of Howe Iwp., lost a very valuable breed ing sow. He thinks she ate poison. She leaves nine pigs, which fortunately are large enough to take care of them selves. Ledger. On Monday a horse belonging to the Duncannon Iron Co. became frightened near the rolling mill and throwing Mr. Larmer out of the cart. The horse then ran down to the old tannery in the Cove. Hecord. During a thunder storm in Hunting, don county, on Monday evening, a week, bail fctones the size of hulled wul nuts fell, knocking fruit from the tree, killing chickens, wrecking window glass aud doing other damage. A barn belonging to Mr. Peter Brltch er about one mile N. W., of Blain was burned on Friday morning. About 1(10 bushels each of oats and wheat and all his hay were destroyed. The fire was caused by children playing with matches. A little son of Mr. Abram May, resid ing in Miller twp., was bitten in the foot by a copperhead on Sunday a week. The snake took such a hold that it had to be pulled off. Home remedies were used at once and Dr. Kby was sent for, and the boy's chances for recovery are now good. A young girl aged abouteighleen years, named Seashollz, who has been living t he family of Hon. T. H. Purdy near Sunbury, went to the woods several days ago in company with some neigh hois after berries. She eat a lot of laurel berries supposing them to be tea berries, which poisoned her system, and she died from the effects on Wednesday a week. On Friday a week the chopping and olover seed mill belonging to Mr. George Wentz near Blain took fire and was de stroyed. The engine which was on wheels was got out, but a large quantity of corn was burned. The straw in Mr. "Wenlz'g barn was at one time on fire from the sparks, but was fortunately efn in lime to extirjgulsn the tlame i before it spread. , j A Blair Co., clairvoyant woman' cluims that she predicted the shooting of President Garfield eeveial days btfuie it took place, Laving witnessed the scene iu a vision. Mr, Joseph Barr, a well known citizen of Gnysport, without the vision or trance, predicted the same thing, and a mouth previous to the as. BKsltmtlon told a number of his neigh bors that the thing would happen In the manner It did. Itev. Wm. R. H. Deatrlch has accept, ed the " call" from the New Blooiufleld Charge of the lteformed Church, Bub Ject to the approval of Classes. Mr. Deatrich Is an able ami efficient minis ter, and the charge Is fortunate iu secur ing him. The Sunday School of the St. Samuel's Church will hold a plcnlo on Saturday Aug 20th in the woods near the church. No Huckstering, allowed, as,a table will be had for the benefit of 'the School. Hon. Judge Junkin and W.N. Siebert Ksq , will address the gathering. All ure invited. This Is to certify that the marriage notice concerning Harry C. Gantt and Miss Phemia Leonard, as published In the iiloomfield timks, Aug. 2nd, 1831, is false as far as my knowledge of, the matter is concerned, and I hereby posi tively declare that I did not perform the ceremony. Rkv. J. M. Uiiadeh. Elllotsburg, Aug. 2nd, 1H81. The Carlisle Volrnteer is feeling badly because we do not give it Individual credir, for our " Cumberland county Items." The editor will find that one article in lust week's Times Is creditetl to the " Carlisle Volunteer," and all the others are credited to the Cumberland county papers, aud we believe that the Volun teer is one of them and a very good one too. As several of the articles refer red to however, were in several' papers, besides the Volunteer It looks a9 though the editor of that paper could safely take the medicine It prescribes for us. We do a good deal of work for other papers, which we get 110 credit for,but instead of growling about it, are pleased to see that we are of use to them. A horse hitched to the ratling in front of Zortman's hotel, last Monday noon, made things lively for about two min utes, iu that neighborhood. Without any seeming provocation or flight he tore his hitching strap and took the"' pavement In front of Musser & Allen's store on a dead run, making a bee-line for Eby's drug store, the door of which was open. It is supposed there was too much physic there for him, for he sheer ed oil" to the right and attempted to force himself and buugy between the large hackmetac tree near the .corner, and a hitching post. He managed to get through himself but left the buggy and a portion of the harness behind. John Snyder and Geo. Fritz each got jobs re pairing the broken buggy, and a needy saddler fixed up the harness. We did not learn whoowued the team. Ledger, Personal Mr. J. P. Brlckley and wife of LaudiBburg, will after visiting around a little In this and Cumberland counties, leave for Emporia, Kansas, near which place Mr. B. has purchased a farm, and where he intends to engage iu stook raising. A. C. Kllnk, E?q., of Washington, D. C was In town last week. Jas. H. Ferguson, Esq., of Itenovo, was In attendance at Court, in this bor ough, last week. Mr. Ike Orwan, formerly of Centre twp., now of Clearfield, is at home for a short visit. Mrs. Bates, (sister of Thos. Sutoh) and daughter, of Canton, Ohio, are vis iting friends in this community. Bloomfleld Academy opens Sept. 5th, 1881. Full training for teaching, busi ness or Colleire. Rkv. J Ebo Alt, A.M., Principal. For terms, address Wm, Giiieu, Proprietor. ill Lewlstown Academy begins its 67th year Aug. 31st. Since Its reorganization in 1881 all its graduates applying, have entered college in excellent standing, it has had few changes of teachers, and has grown steadily In the confidence of the public. It is now better prepared than ever to do its thorough work in preparing for college, business,, or teach ing;. Before going elsewhere write for a catalogue and particulars to the prln pal. W. H. Schuyler, Ph. D. Wanted, two school teachers In New Buffalo School District. Oue, for pri mary, and one, for School No. 1 ; Salary $25. and $28. per. month ; Term five months. Schools will be let on or after day of examination. By order of the board. A. Cornet, Pres. B. F. Klugii, Sec. Badly Hurt. Philip Barkley an era ployee'of the Marshall furnace was ter ribly hurt on Wednesday last by a large pile of ore falling up on him complete, ly covering his head, shoulders and body, and crushing him to the ground. He was got out as soon as possible and removed to his home for medical treat ment. Dr. Orris was called to attend to his injuries. His jaw was badly broken and his face was crushed In, while other injuries some of them Internal, make his case a very serious one. . A Strange Hani. Recently while Mr George W. Philips, jr., residing coroner of Second and Liberty streets, was fish, ing along the flats west of Independence island, using a small net for catching crabs for bait, he brought to the surface a clever sized muscle which held firmly between its shells, the head of a dead water snake, about thirty inches in length. The theory is, that while the shell of the mufcle was wide open expos ing the meat, the snake thrust its head between toe uus ana by a quick move ment of the mollusk the shells closed ou the head of the snake aud held it securely till it was drowned. The muscle, strange to sayj was alive when captured. liar, rhlurg Patriot. ' Cumberland County. We copy the fol lowing from the Cumberland papers of last week: A lady named Mrs! Umholtz, from Carlisle, died at the Oakville camp Sun day afternoon. She had been Buljeot to rheumatism and it suddenly going to her heart caused her death. On Saturday last a little child of Mr. David Famer, who lives near the Red Barn, wan drowned In a pond near the house. The child was missed but a short time and when found life was ex. tinct. Dr. Beta, of Oakvllle, was sent for as soon as possible who rendered medical aid but without avail. 0ne day last week Mr. Isaac, Kuhn, of Mifflin township, had the misfortune nf being badly gored by a ferocious bull. Mr. K. had driven the cattle out to water when the bull attacked him, knocking him down and goring him In the side and shoulder. Fortunately for Mr. K. he had a large club in his hand, with which he struck .the animal over the head thereby taming him somewhat. Mr. K. might have sustained more seri ous Injuries had it not been for the club with which he dealt the blows. Junlala County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers of last week : On Friday of last week Mr. refer Andrews, of Fermanagh twp., while leading a horse to water by t lie halter strap, the horse turned suddenly arouud aud kicked him on the forehead and upper lip, crushing In the frontal bone, and Inflicting such injuries as to cause almost instant death. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his sudden departure. Two Tuscarora valley young men, named respectively Hurl and Cussuer, were committed to jail by 'Squire Rich ard Doyle on the chorge of having stolen a lot of carpenter tools and a pig. The young men were scarcely in prison on Friday when Cassner was taken before 'Squire Samuel Loudou and admitted to ball In the sum of two hundred dollars to answer at court. The oldest little daughter of Rev. and Mrs. T. F. Ealy met with what might prove a very serious accident on Tues day, July 20th, by accidentally stepping with her bare foot on a sharp Bcythe that was In her uncle Charles Ramsey's hand as they were gathered around the pump. The wound was attended to at once by kind bauds and the child's father, who had just started for Peru Mills was overtaken and brought back. The child up to this time of writing was getting along favorably. Ou, Thursday of last week a dispute arose between Mr. James Coder, of Aca demla and a Mr. McNamara, a wool merchant of Patterson, in regard to the kicking of a dog, which resulted In Mc Namara striking Mr. C. over the fore head and face with a club, breaking the frontal boue and Inflicting an ugly cut on the left cheek bone. Dr. J. M. Bra zee was summoned and administered to the wants of the Injured man. McNam. nra was arrested and placed under bail to await the result of Coder's injuries, which are Very dangerous, and may yet prove fatal. Thieves entered the clothing store of D. W. Harley, in tills place, on last Thursday night. The entrance to the room was made by prying open the front door, or by prying open oue of the double front doors. A chisel taken form the blacksmith shop of Wm. Ellis on Water street was inserted between the two doors, and the leverage thus secured was sufficient to break the cast metal hasp, into which the bolt of the lock had been turned when Mr. Harley retired for the night. The thieves In the store threw the clothing about on the counters, as If searching for some par. ticular kind of suits. A considerable quantity of burnt paper lay about on the floor behind the couuters, and from the appearance of the ashes and their loca tion near Inflamable stuff the wonder is that the house was not set on fire, by which act thAhieves would have been guilty of the double crime of robbery audarsou. From the amount of paper ashes on the floor the light must have been considerable, and the wonder is that it did not attract attention on the street. It is conjectured by some people that probably a number of thieves were engaged in the work, and that some fitood away up and down the street to signal the approach of persons travel ing at night, when the light could have been put out. Two chisels are missing from the Ellis blacksmith shop; the one was found at Harley 's store door; the point of the other was found at the same place, but the blade and handle were no where to be found. Coats, pants, shoes, hats and neck-ties were stolen. Mijjlintown Sentinel. Special inducements for' the next CO In anything-in our line to make room for fall stock at M. Dukes & Co. For Boots aud Shoes go to M. Dukes & Co. Wanted. A Blacksmith to take charge of a shop. Applv at once to N. C. Heyi, July 30th,81 , New Buffalo, Pa. SUM Alive I I am still alive and ready to cut and fit suits in good style, it wanting any work in my line, give me a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Samuel Bentzel, TAILOR, April 6, 'M.tf New Bloomlield, Pa. A Large House In Newport for rent. The undersigned having been disap pointed in a tenant, offers his house aud grounds for nine dollars per month. Milton B. Eshleman. 19 J Newport, Pa. Take Notice. All persons are hereby notified that tref passing on my laud for hunting or fishing, or for any purpose whatever, is forbidden, and persons bo trespassing or allowing their cattle to trespass will be prosecuted according to law. , y i;330 William Stambaugh. A Free College Course. The BnartforTriiateea of the Ponnaylviinla Rtnte College have determined topntnhllah fifty (50) free cholnrfthlpt In the limitation, one for encta Snnntortnl district In the Slate. These cholarslilps In addition to the tuition, will en title the holders thereof to exemption from the payment of other Collcpa Charges, for Incen dentals, room rent, fuel and nee of furniture. The conditions are, that the scholar, after a competitive examination of the studies re. quired for admission, receive the apoolntment from the Senator of his district, and that said scholar be at least fifteen Tears of age, of good character and fully prepared for admission to the Froshman class. The student so appoint ed shall be entitled to the benefits of his schol arship, for the four years of his College coilrse, provided that his conduct and class standing be satisfactory to the Faculty. Ths subjects for examination for all appli cants are the common English branches, Physical Geography, Higher Algebra(to Quad rlatlcs), Geometry (4 books) and U. 8. His tory. The special requirements of applicants foj- admission to the Sclontlllo course will be the elements of Natural Philosophy. Tho special requirements made of classical stu dents are Ciesar (B books) Cicero's Orations (3) nnd Zenophon's Analasis. A student whose quantisations fall In some respects be low the standard, but are In others so much above the standard as to give a reasonable hope that he will make np his deficiencies, mny bd admitted on probation. This Institu tion now furnishes a thorough course In the different departments and a rare opportunity is given to tome young man In the district, to carry off the prise of a scholarship. The Com mittee of F.xanilnatlnn, and the place of meet lug will be announced at an early day. (District papers please copt.) Important to Travelers. Special In ducements are offered you by the Bur lington Route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found else where In this Issue. Church Notice. Presbyterian Church No prenchlng next Sunday. Sunday School at 0.80 A, M. Wednesday evening prayermeetlug at 8 o'clock. A Difficult Problem Solved. Ambition, competition and over-exertion use up the vital powers of men and women, so that a desire for stimulants seems to be a natural human passion, and drunkenness prevails on account of this necessity for bodily and mental- in vlgoration. Tarker's Ginger Tonic fair ly solves the dilllcult problem, and has brought health anil happiness into many desolate homes. It does not tear down an already debilitated system, but builds it up without intoxicating. 201m For Clothing, Hats and Caps, go to M. Dukes &Co. For Carpets and Oil Cloths, go to M. Dukes fc Co. Cider Making. The undersigned hav ing a patent Cider Mill capable of making 50 barrels of cider per day, is prepared to fill all orders on short notice, at the low price of Three-Fourth of a Vent per gal. Ion. Location, H miles west of Laudis burg. 3130 W. A. & J. F. LicuiTNEn. Money to Lonn. $200. $300, $100, and $500, for one year, on real estate security at (1 per cent. Interest. Apply at once. Joiik C. Wallis, Attorney. New Bloomfleld, Pa. 3tnplcwood Institute for young ladies and gentleman, 1H miles west of Phila., located on the Thila. fe Bait. Central R. R. Courses of Study English, Scientific and Classical. Students prepared for U. S. Naval and Military Academies, and the Amercian colleges. A thorough chemical department. Reading taught by a first class Elocutionist. Penman shli) bv a Professor, master of the beau. ties of the art. A home like department ' tor little Lioys. 14 instruptors. Joseph Shoiitlidmk (Yalk College) A. M. Principal. CONCOHDVILLE, DEL. Co. Pa. 31-44 Fine Colt for Sale. A fine 3-month Colt for sale. Inquire at the Bloomfleld M. E. Parsonage. For a Good Reliable Watch, in every par. ticular and fully guaranteed to give sat isfaction, go to W. H. Gantt, Newport, Perry county, Pa. He has been estab lished since, 1872. 301y ST. ELMO HOTEL Aro. SI? and $10 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Rates re-, duced to Two Dollxks Peii DAY.-y The traveling public still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their comfort. It Is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amuse ment and the different Rail Road depots, as well as all parts of the city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly pass ing the doors. It offers special Induce ments to those visiting the city for business or pleasure. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feoer, Proprietor. A. CA11D. A new euterprlze has been started in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, by J. W. Ringrose & Co., and that is the making of a new style of Leather Fly Nets. These nets are said to be a great improvement over any style yet made, while the price they will be gold at, is no greater than is asked for the poorer article. Store keepers, before Bupplylng themselves should see these nets and learn prices, and farmers should ask the merchant with whom they deal to get at least a sample to show them. For price list, etc, address J. W. Ringhose & Co., Mechanicsburg, Pa., or Kenne dy, Willing & Co., 100 and 102 North 3rd Street, Philadelphia. 5tf. Some Jobs. We have a few special bargains which we will mention. A lot of Tumiilehs, 43 cents per dozen. A ot of Jelly Glasses, 60 cents per dozen. Flour and Feed for Sale. The subscri ber has Flour and Feed for sale at the resldeuce of his gon, Albert Fry, on the Krozler property, iu Centre township. m Fuedeiiick Fky. bounty Price Current. Bloom risu.n. Aiik. 0, sM. Klan seurt , l a, Potitnes 60 Butter pound , 14010 Errs V doien .., 12" Dried Apples V pound Bets" Dried Peaohes Ill tf I2cts. MKWl'OKT MAKKKTB. Nbwpoht, August 0, 1881. Klotir, Kxtra 15.00 " Super 3.2r White Wheat old V hush in ' Ked Wheat. oil 117 Rye 7r) 75 Corn 45048 Data f 32 pounds 320 32 Clover Seed per pound 6tt0 cents Timothy Seed t P0 Flax Sood 1 00 Potatoes 6dfl.r0 Hacnn 8 8 Lard Pents Hams leoenls. Ground Alum Salt,..;... 1 1001 10 Llmeburner's Ooal, SI 00 O 1 26 Stove Coal 4 75 O 5 00 Tea Coal 3 00' Buckwheat Coal ti 50 Gordon's Food per Sack 12 00 CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. CAR1.I8I.B, AuRU9t 5, If SI. tamlly Flour 15 60 Superflne Flour 4 00 White Wheat, new 110 Red Wheat.new 110 Rye 80 Corn 479 47 Oats 35 Clorerseed 4.00a4.58 Timothysned. ., 2 00 Flax Seed tl 15 Philadelphia Produce Market. Philadelphia, August 0, 188L Flour unsettled: extras 13 00Q3 60: Pennsyl vania family, 94.T.O 0 !4.7.r Minnsnta do., I4.8IJ0 15.12 s patent and Inch grades. Jtj.5Ufi7.00 Rve Hour, f3.2rnQ3.25. t'ornmeal. J2.2(i. Wheat, lffi a 123 Corn yellow, filf.2n. : mixed. ffi4?rse. Onts quiet: Pennvl vinia and western white 40llc. : western mlxed,3ya40. KyelOO10Uc. MA.nniA.Gnaa. Lank Brahfokd. on Aug. 4th.l8Hl. In New port, by o. W. Lobaueli, E.. John Wesley Lane to Elleii Bradford, both of Mtllerstowu. D33ATIIS. Browm. On Auk. 2nd. 1881. In Tuscarora twp., Andrew X. Brown, aged 76 years, 7 mouths and 2 days. Wagner. On July 29li. 1BSI, at Marysvllle, Ed ward W. son of . 0. and K. .Wagner, aged 8 years, 11 months and 13 days. Youno. On July 31st, 1881, in Duncannon. Chas. Young, aged 39 years, 4mouths and 24 days. QUMBERLAM) Y ALLEY STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Skippensburg, Pa. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 5th, 1881, With a full corps of Competent Instructors. ADVANTAGES UNSURPASSED. W3. For Terms or any Information, address: B. 8. POTTER. A. M., PRINCIPAL August 9, 1881 It VASSAR COLLECE, 1'oughkeepsle, N. Y. FOR THE LIBERAL EDUCATION OF WOMEN. Examination for entrance, Sept. 14th. Cata logues seut ou application to 3UA37 W.L. DEAN, Registrar. NOTICE to Trespassers. All persons are hereby noil Med not to trespass by hunt ing. Nslilng or any trespassing on the land of l'Hier Long and K. H. Campbell, in Toboyne township, Perry county. Pa., otherwise they will be strictly dealt with according to law. R.H. CAMPBELL. 3032 A. M. TBOSl LE. Teachers' Examinations. The teachers' examinations for 1881 will be held at the following times and places: For Saville twp.. In Ickesburg, August 12th. For Madison twp.. (N. E.) Centre 8. 11. Aug. 15. For (8. W.) Andersonburg, ' lfi. For Blain and Jackson twp.. in Blain " 17. For Toboyne twp., in New Germantown " 18. For Landlsburg and Tyrone twp., In Landis burg, August 22d. For Spring twp., In Sprlngdale 8. H., Aug. 21d. For Juniata twp.. in Markelville, " 24th. For Tuscarora twp., In Locust Grove. " 2-Mh. For Marysvllle aud Rye twp,, In Marysvllle, August 3th. For Miller twp.. In Ballevsburg, Ang. 31st. For Bulfalo aud Howe twps., Iu Uuggius 8. H., September 1st. For New Buffalo and Walts twp., tn New Buf falo, September 2d. For Carroll twp.. In Sliermansdale, Sep. th. For WheatBeld twp.. Centre 8. il., 7th. For Duncannon aud Penn twp., In Duncannon, September 81 1). For Liverpool and Liverpool twp., fn Liverpool, September 9th. For Mlllerstown and Greenwood twp., In Mil lerstown, on Tuesday, .September 13th, The examinations will begin at 8V4 o'clock, and will be both oral and written. Moral, as well us professional qnalitlcations, are essential to per sona desiring cerlilicates. The examination of teachers in the districts in which tney are appli cants for schools, will be Insisted upon, that directors may have an opportunity of estimating their iiualiOcatlons by personal observation. The friends of education aie invited to attend these examinations. J. R. FLICKINGER. County bupt. New Bloomfleld, July 11, 1B81. pitlYATE SALE" OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. I will sell my farm situate on the valley road one quarter mile west ol Uloomlleld, continuing 104 ACRES, lirst rate tn quality and cultivation, and having erected on it all iiectiMtary and convenient build in as aud Improvements. Tliere are shade and running water In every Held. It can be used for grain or dairy purposes, or hoth. A tract ot 32 Acres of Woodland, convenient to It will be sold with It I will sell fur a reasonable price and on env terms AU Uress me at Uueen Fakk. Pehry Ooi'Nrr. Pa. liEOKUE UOOUAUGH. Aug. 2nd. lut.