The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, July 19, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE TIMES, NEW li LOOM FIELD, PA., JULY 111, 1881.
Kansas' Mammoth Cave.
The discovery f tits cave was marie
nbout n month uliioe. Thotiinn Comity be
Ug only cimmly nettled, the discovery
wns nooidontal nud miulo while following a
wounded wolf, who took refuse, tliero, mid
finding a hwiinn skull and other bono,
from which the flcmh hud long elnoe been
removed, at Its entrance. The diROOveror,
supposing it to be t wolf's dun, obtained
the assistance of Mr. Hamilton, who hap
tpened to be in the vicinity, and the owner
of the land, and the three, wall armed and
carrying a lantern, proceeded to the spot
nt the base of a high bluff, and pushing
asldo the umloi brush found at) opoultig lit
the ground, irregular lu shape and about
three feet In diamotor. Into this opoiilng
the patty cautiously proceeded on !!:sir
hands and knees a distance of throo or four
feet, when tho passage-way, enlarging in
every direction, permitted them to nsnume
an erect position, and they found them
selves In an Irregular-shaped room, Its coll
lug sloping upward and out of sight. The
place was iutonscly dark, only a few rays
of sunlight penetrating through the en
trance, and tho light of the lantern seemed
but to make the darkness mnro perceptible.
I'aaslngovor tho wolfs body they found
that the floor of the room was covered
with human skeletons and bones entirely
denuded of flesh, placed in every concelvu
ub'o position ; some stood upright against
tho walls, others in a sitting posture, but
the greater part lny scattered on tho floor
in confused masses. The room was some
what triangular in shnpo, its longest side
belug upward of forty fect and the others
about twenty each. Hung on its walls or
vesting against them, and lying among the
skeletons, wore numerous shields and
epears and other Implements of warfare of
a savage race.
On tho next morning, having procured
two additional lanterns and improvised a
torch, the explorers lo-euterc'd the cave,
and, clamhoriiig over the skeletons to tho
aperture in tho wall noticed tho day previ
ous, they entered it and found themselves
lu it paseago-wny about four feet high and
leu wide, and niched over-head ; tho walls
wore of solid whito rock and covered with
moisture. Tho floor of tho hall-way sloped
downward. The hall-way was about
twenty foet long, and appeared to havo
been cut in the solid rock by skilled work,
loon. At the further extremity it opened
into another chamber, on tlio threshold of
which the party was halted by noises re
sombliug tho movements of animals with
in. Peering into the Egyptian darkness
and discerning nothing, and thinking that
they had found the wolf's abode, one of
them tired his pistol, nud their ears wcro
astounded w ith a succession of reports its
from a dozou pistols, repeated front all
parts of the room. Au involuntary ex
clamation of surprise escaped from one of
the party, and his words, "Great God 1"
were in a liko manner distinctly echoed and
re-echoed as by a dozen voices in as many
tones, finally dying out, nppareutly in the
far distance.
After their astonishment had subsided,
they, wore convinced that they had dis
covered a veritable echo gallery. Leaving
a light at tho entrance to mark its locality,
they proceeded to explore it, and found it
to ho ueaily circular in form and nearly
ono hundred fect in diameter. Tho walls
were perpendicular aud rising to a great
height and having numerous uichos, some
apparently being openings into other cham
bers ; tho lights weio not stroug enough to
reveal the ceiling. The floor was solid
rock and quite level and smooth and very
iamp. On ono side of the room was found
a platform of solid rock about twenty feet
square, tising abiuptly from the floor to a
height of about four feet, otherwise tho
room was quito empty. Mr. Hamilton here
said emplatically : " Nature might have
furnished the outlines of the cave, but
nature uevcr use a square in its work and
never makes right angles aud never
-cliisscled that platform nor the hallway
through which we entered the room It was
the work of llesh aud blood."
On tho other side of the - platform was
found two openings iu the walls, oue of
which resembled the hallway between the
two chambers, but with its Moor obstructed
with masses of rock. The" other was an
arched way about twenty feet high, the
. arch extcudiug to the floor. Passing
through the arch a short distance, they
came to a stream of water about a foot in
depth, passing over a bed of white sand.
The water was very clear and cold, and,
though evidently flowing, had but little
velocity. The width of the stream could
, not be determined, but as far aa the lights
could penetrate it was. arched over by solid
walls of rock, approaching very near its
viurfaoe. Gaylord Kansas) Herald.
C8 Chcstor county hen batched a
white duck from a turkey egg. This is
something on the order of the boy who
said all their family was named Jim except
Sara and bis name was Bill.
Glen's Falls, (N. Y.) Times. -A
. Glen's Falls, N. Y., Deo. 14, 13S0.
JIev. Ma. L. N. St. Oxge,
Dear Si"1. Will you please state below
what satisfaction St. Jacobs Oil gives you,
wliK'h you got of us some time ago, and
oblige v
Leooett & Bush.
Very effective.
L. N. St. Onou.
New Clothing House I
It Is not necessary to be rich to dress well, hlyln
make the clothes. Hint clothes make I tin man, at
least lliey Rive a good llll In that direction.
Our styles In renrtv mud Cl.OTIHNfl, fur men
and hoys, Is our pride. They are einiftl to Custom
Wink. .
Now, all we would ash of ynu Is fit com anil
oxhiiiIiih our stuck, wlili'li enmiii Ise all giadc of
Clothing. Iiom tlio rhevsi to the best.
We Rive you a few of our sample prices:
Our Hind Twisted Mon's Bulls, Cost, Paiitssml
Vest for IVW. Our I7.MI Light Colored. Cas.
mere Hulls, all wool, (or lit). 110 Dark, all wool,
CasslntHie Halts.
We defy to be undersold nn these suits. They
are the bust, sold (or the money In America.
12.M)II wool fine Knits i tin Fine Worsted Hull)
till Fine lllaek Cloth Kultsi li CO Fine
llliick Cloth Hulls.
The goods are, In style and workmanship, eiiual
to custom work, mid made of first class material
Our Hoys' mid CIiUiIitii'h CloUiing
We have them In all sixes, from three years up,
and sell them as low as the lowest. Our (
Child's Hull Is a heiiutlfiil mixed light color. Our
fit. Mi Cheviot Hull Is a splendid Ihlnu Our 1, all
wool, Child's Hult Is nice and splendid. Those Hie
t lie best, make of New York Clothing, stjllsh cut
ami durable mad.
Our Custom Department Is filled with KiikIIsIi,
French, Heotch and American Worsted and Cnssi.
mere Hnltlniis, which we will made to onler at a
Low Price, and gimruiiloe a perfect tit.
This Is a splendid all wool dark mixed Casslineie
for tin we have ten styles of Citsslmnre and
Cheviot Hellions, our I'iHeotcli Cheviot Hull Is
the best tliliin ever sold lor the money.
Ourllneof dent' Furnishing floods Is com.
plete In every respect. Hhlrts. Collars, Neek Ties,
Hilk Handkerchiefs, Trunks and Valises.
HATS and OA I'H. We keep the very latest
styles of Nolihy Hats. A full line of huts (or
men. boys inn) children, which we will sell at
Low l'llces.
Now. We would say we buy aM our (Inods from
first hands or Cash, and nmniifiioluie all our
belter class of ready made clot lit nit, which ena
bles us to undersell all opposition. That means
wo sell you a better made suit (or less money.
Money refunded on nil poods not found as rep.
resented. I'lease cull, whether you wish to
purchase or not. Will be pleased to see you.
Fashionable Merchant Tailor and Clothier,
N. Cor .ilainond, Frank's Old Hardware Bland,
iNnwi'oirr, ia.
March 2(1, 1811.
CUTICURA Permanently Cures Hu
mors of the Scalp.
Oiitletira remedies are for sale bv all driniirlsl
l'rleo of CCIKTIIA. a Medicinal .Id I v. small
boxes, fine, s large boxes, SI. t'l'llrl'HA Hlisoi.v.
ttNT. the hp Blood Fnrlller. ft per bottle. Ci Ti-
barbers and large consumers, fit'e. t'nnclpul di .
v r.h.RM or im t t t'.ii. in s on, mass.
9.AII mulled flee on receipt id price. ilil,'12
5000 Anents Wanted to Sell (he Life of
Including a full and accurate account of Ills brii f
but eventful nomlntstnitlon : the (Trent conllUt
with the "STALWARTS" headed by Conkllngt
thedlnlioieal attempt to assassinate him, medlenl
treatment, etc. 'I lie Intense Interest excltul
causes thousands to desire full particulars,
this door must sell Iminenselv. terms UDeiai.
Outfit AuCKiNTN Clriutlars Iree. Address Ht;n
ii iii linos., Fobs., 72.1 Chestnut Ht., l'hllad. it)i:i2
,iO?i'v .rr"? - a" ..ol"
:"..ea "..ii tor .fl-"
ilin Autnnr.AnimnnilurHat hu'tl
(mil Work.wnrranUid t tin hunt n ml
ctu'ftiMUst, tnd'NpitnsahiB Ut every
man.cntitli'd "the Huienueof Lif
iT,Hnlf.Frwtpr?n(in t" bound in
finBBt Frnnrh muslm, enihosflpd.
full pilt,WKtiiii.(ifuUiim linnutiful
Um enKraviuirs, !U5 pnmurii)
tiotiB, price only $lQ5nnt hy
mail : illustrated KftTiiiiinKcnntB-
end now.AddniRi loabody MtvU
KNOW TPYn V I"' IrBtitiitr Dr. W. II. FAIl.
ui v i r mi muui iv hit.
Ko. 4 lliiltlnubtt. Jiuatun.
Dissolution of Fiirtuership.
NOTICE In hereby Riven tint tlie partnership
lately exlstliiu between (;eo. A. Llutrett and
Q, J. Dulancy, o! Ferry county, Pa., under Iho
linn name ot UKett & Delaney, expired on Ifith
April, 18K1. by mutual consent. All debts owlu
til tllfl Uillfl tim-rilMI-uliIlt fi fa K. ....A I... !.
" " - -!' vj t,s un i snvri iiy nil iu
Geo. A. Lluett,nd all deumndnon said partner-
nuip io iu ur mo.vimcu n mm lorpaymeur, untn
the 20th of June. 1KHI, and after i hat duy the
accounts ot the linn will be placed lu tho nands
ol an olllcer lor collection.
June 7, 1SSI.
How Lost, How Restored!
Just new edition of Tr fltTvmt
WEl.t' KrtSAY on the radical cure of 8pek.
MATKim(K4 or tiemlnal Weakness, Involuntarv
Hemlnal Losses, Imiotkncy, Mental and Physical
Incapacity, lnipeiiiiuuuts to Marriage, etc, also,
Consumition, Kt'ti.ttfsy and Fits. Induced by
self-indulgence nrseual extravagance, &o.
The celebrated autlior. ill this admirable Kssay,
clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' suc
cessful practice, that the alaruiltiK cotr,eiueuces
of self abuse maylrspldly be cured: polutniK out
a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and etlcc.
tual. by means of which every sulferer. no matter
what lils condition niav hi, may cure himself
cheaply, privately, aud radically.
VThis I.eclin-H should be in the hands ct
every man in the land
Kent under seal, iu a p'altt envelope, to anyad
dress, post paid, on receipt of Jsix cents or two
postage stamps. We liavo alio a sinecure for
TapeWorm. Address
41 Ann St., New York: N. V. i l'ost Olllce Box,
J5o. nul y
ITtSTATK XOT1CK. Notleelsherebyglven
li that letters of administration mi tlio estate
of Susanna Htcel, late of New llullalo boroiiKh,
ferry county, fa. deceased, have been iaimd
to the iiuderslKiied. ieidlii(! iu same place.
All persons indebted to said estate urerequested
to make immediate payment and those having
clalinstoni'e.soiiUhenidiilyautlieiiticateil lor set
tlement to
HayFl.lsST Adiniulstiator.
OM IE Cloths and other Dress Goods la va
rious styles.
HI1E ...3 n 1 lilt: JfC" 11
Wvi nre l)liiliij Inij n Splomlld Lino
Of t Men's, Boys and Childrcns'
Light Suits,
Ol Men's nnd Hoys' Summer
Coats nnd Pants,
Ol Men's nnd Hoys' Wliitc,Fancy
nnd Mixed Straw Hats,
Of Men's nnd Hoys' low Wnlking
Shoes nnd light weight Hoots,
Of Men's White, Colored nnd
Fancy Shirts, Ties nnd Hosiery,
Of Ladies' nnd Children's Slip
pers and Wnlking Shoes,
Of Lndies'and Children's Hutton,
Lnce, Cloth nnd Lcnther Shoes,
OfLndics' )usters,Knit Shawls,
Parasols, Fans nnd Skirts,
Of Ladies Ties, Collars, Hand
kerchiefs, Hosiery, etc,
Of Carpets in nil grades and
Of Trunks and Valises, Huggy
Spreads, Counterpanes, etc.
Our immense trade compels
us to buy heavy, and therefore
we can show you more nnd bet
ter goods, unci sell them for less
money than nny other store in
the County,
7btic Fjrmv awt Mxhanlen of I'crry County
We hereby call your attention to the claims of
The Farmers' and Mechanics' Mutual Fire
Insurance Co., of Perry County,
as offering jou good and safo Insurance at Net
This Company, organized and chartered In
1H72, has Issued over Hoo policies, and tils now
over m.WHl.iou of property limned; lias paid
losses since its organization to the amount of
i!,7ii2.i!4 ; has laid but one assessment, ot i'.jinllls
on the dollar, since Its oinanlzatloti, netting the
Company the sum of 81.2h:i.M, which, Willi the
premiums on policies Issued, lias paid all Its
ci ire nt expenses and losses from tire. The rates
charged by the Company tire but from 1.ko to
g.UW per thousand dollars of valuation furtive
years, and no charges for Survey and follcy. as
other Companies make We claim that It oilers
totlie Farmers and Mechanics of ferry county
advantages over all oilier Companies fur the
following among other reasons:
ft is anome Company.
It insures only In feiry county.
It pays no large salaries to (Mlleers.
It pays no dividends to Stockholders.
It pays Its losses promptly and honorably.
It insures at lower rates than any mock Com
pany can.
It Insures no borough property, steam estab
llslimenl; or foundry.
It makes no assessments unless actually needed
to pay losses by II res.
Its oillcers are your neighbors whom you know.
and are chosen by the Insured from tlielr own
ii limber.
NICHOLAS I1ENCH. Bavltle township.
J. W. OANTT, Centietownslilp.
.lAt'OB HUM, Snilng township. '
HHYAN tJIHNEY, Carroll township.
J. U. COOl'EU, Tyrone township.
H0V. DAVID 81IEI11LEV. Spring township,
full Information sent upon application to
V. W. McCLUHK. (Secretary.
23-11 . . ureeupark, fa.
A Bcnutifnl Hook for the Askinjr.
Ily applying persona'ly at the nearest olllce of
InK nlMJEK MAN It 'ACTl'ltlNO CO., (or b
nnurul oui-il II at liat,.itat nt, .,(1
u..tti u u n i tin'iiiiir uh.t ill til l rsi in
b piWHeiitea with a WuutUuily illiistr4ieU Copy
Story of the Sewing Machine.
containing a handsome and costly steel engrav
ing frontispiece j also, 28 finely engraved wood
cuts, and bound iu au elaborate blue and gold
lithographic i cover. No charge whatever Is made
for this handsome book, which cau be obtained
only by application at the branch and subordi
nate ottlces of lite Singer Manufacturing Co.
The Singer Manufacturing Co.,
Principal Onice. 34 Union Square.
53 8 ly Hew York City, N. Y.
The Cyclopaedia War.
Tlio month of Tilly. lflBi. witnesses Ihn
literary work tlili country and the century hnva Hern, It Is the Library of Universal
Knowledge, largo typo eilltlott, In J5 largo octavo volumes, containing; in per rent moro
matter than Aptileton'i Cyclopedia, nt less than one -fifth It cost, and au per cent moro
than lohnson'a Cyclopietlla, at n little mora than' one-fourth Its cost,
Chaiiibrrs'fl 1 Lnryclopirillu, which forms the Imsls of tho Library of Universal Knowl
edge (the last London edition of iftgn .ng reprinted verbatim as a portion of Its con
tents), Is the laborious product f " . of the ripest llrltlsh and ICuro
pcan scholiirshl.. it has devel. I CTQ K f "l'ei through a.ccntury of Cy
cloptrdla making; Its various " iwfcWijr cdltloiishavlngbcrnmanytlincs
revised, In succcsslvo years, till it tins coma to be universally recognized, by those com
petent to Judge, as Btundlnn nt the very front of ureal aggregations of knowledge, and
better ndnpted than nny other Cyclopiedla for popular use. It contains such full and
Important Information ns tho ordinary reader, or tho careful student, Is likely to seek,
upon about 25,000 subjects In every department of human knowledge. Chambers's
Lnryclopn-dlu, however, Is a foreign production, edited anil published for a foreign
market, nud could not bo ex- f- mmm peoted to give ns muc h promi
nence to American topics ns Qr I tlf American renders might de.
sire. i o supply these and W I I Vr other defirlcncles a large corps
of American editots nud writers bnve added Important articles upon about 15,000 topics,
covering tho entire field of human knowledge, bringing tho whole, number of titles under
one alphabetical arrangement to about 40,000. Thus tho work is thoroughly Amerlcanlied,
nnd tho Library of Universal Knowledge: beromcs nt once the latest and most complete
Encyclopedia In the field, at a mere fraction of tho cui t of any similar work which has
preceded it.
PaA "f 1,10 '5 Volumes, complete In crtrn rlolh binding, 115.00. In half
I I IU Vj Russia, sprinkled edges, $30.00. In half Hussl.i, (jilt top, $23.50, In full
hbrnry sheep, marbled edges, $25.00.
The superlative value and Importance of fills Rrertt F.nryclopn-dla lie especially In the
fact that it is brought within the reach of every 0110 who aspires lifter knowledge and
culture. Il ls rmy a libra- g . . ry f universal knowl-
edge. I brings nlihcn.t A VO I Lit I O 11 education c.sily within
the reach even of every lWf WIMfclUII plowbny of the country
mid apprentice boy of the city. Every farmer nnd every merhnnlc in the hind owes It t'
him.;elf and to bis children that such a Cyrlopicdhi shall licm cforwiird form n port of the
outfit of his home. To the professional i.uiii, nud every person of intelligence lu every
walk of life, a Cyclopiedia Is a necessity. 1
Of course the old nnd wealthy publishers whoMinve Rrown rich (it is snld that the
Appletons have mndo n profit of nearly two million dollars on tlielr Cyclopedia) from the
sale of their high-priced publications nro not pleased that tlielr monopolies am broken and
their power overthrown. Of course the book ngents nnd bookseller who have been used
to Betting from 40 to 60 per cent commission for selling, these high. priced books are
r.n"5 n.iii qj .i j t."iiillimiiji nil
$10,000 Reward
though those who nre not nhort-nlghtcd discover that their own Interests, after all, nre
identical wun me interest ot tite people, nnd tlielr real prolils, in tho end, are increased,
by the Immense sale which result from meeting tho people's want. The majority of
booksellers, however, arc better pleased to slttmler than to sell this and our numerous other
standard and incomparably low-priced publications. )ut tho Literary Revolution lin
nlwnys looked to Hit people, In whoso Interests it In, for It patronage, and It has never
looked in vuin, ns our mote tlian
one million volumes printed hint
year (this year being increased
to probably more than two millions) nbundantly prove. You can order the Cvcloiitedla
directly from us, and by uniting with your neighbors und frieinb you can secure club rates
ns follows:
A dl.fvtntit of 10 per ennfc ltl ho allowed to nnr on ordering nt. nni ttnm lltrw nr morn sets of ttm
rrHnpuuiliit 1 und a discount of 13 pur cent wilt iio ullowcd to any ouo orilurluu llvu or nioru m-u at otto
As n special Inducement to our friends and patron to po to work promptly tini vigor
ously, each doing what ho can for tho dissemination of universal knowledge, we propose
to distribute $10,000 in special premiums ns follows, in addition to the regular discount
to clubs:
$5,000 I? OWaril tobe distributed eipmllynnioriKtlin first WO-elidl r.irent who send lis clillis
v 1 Kr"l"l 'U" llm" "V' "'",c''lb,-','', u,U:r Ju"u ul"' b-f" SipU:m-
$5,000 HnTVfl.1fl 1,1 addition to the first lr.,'(iO t lm dlwtrlbiited nmonir Iho KOelul, nifents
' . who. dlirhoc dm usine time, sen. I us the ,ir(;el numhrr of mihm-lbn-n.
nor. less thnn twenty In nnmlier, the rinioiint to tie dlstrltttitcd prouurtlouuitjy totliu wltolc iiumlH-r ur
siihserllMTS which eneli of tin no chili iiKenls rroiv send us.
The mimes of Hie siilm rUH'ni must III every cnsn he' f ortvarded to lis. The first tn.nro nstned will be rfl
trllint"'! n nH-i.f(li-l as rapidly ns tho orders are. received, and tho renuilnliiK Ss.ioiwlll ! dlstrlholcil
firoinplly fin Hcpt. 1st. The munc of the iersoiiH reeelvlnir these rewards will In- printed, with the nrnoiims
received hy each, Kiid tin lint sent to fill the chili fttfeots cntcrln Intfi eoniiMdllhni for them. NohscrllH-is
must he nef uril iiiii fhimn t far Initlvlilunt inc. to ciititlo tho club w;eiit to iho rcwurils under tills offer, and
not bookseller or nicolil who Imy to sell nidilM.
ri'mnim MimritiK in rnltw rluli. mar wii'l tn nn nt nnr for nnmpw mhimen, if thoy 4pnw, In tlift Tirlmw
Rtvli fl nf hltt'llnf, ifivifi m T'i rcrilH for Ihn voluinn In fluth, for fhf vrijnmr- In hnlf llit-ln, Nt'rtnKl. d
'1kc. And I.Z'i fnr thn vnlurnft In Hbrnry nwvp. i)r(t-rn for th full h'. will IHN-.l hy 11 with the ikuioke
j.n.mptiH-- wlfhln our fthlllty to iiuiuufuclurf), IhhIjuiIiik nut luti-r tlmti July ltU, order tK-liiK HUecl lu tlio
onlrrnf Ihflr rncclpt hy nn.
KlM'eltncil tmiri'U ttt Jim " T.ltit-flfv nf TTril v.tart1 fTnntvlnlfrj will umr fiwannnii ttitiMlrrfUa
mtri'Sl (if (lm " I IhrnrV nf TTtt I trnvanl V
rntftloKitf of ftur litrRn llHt nf tuntlnnl puhllf-nf t-n-,
boo It iiuikltitr un.l tvimtu'ttittu hv tiitn. will
t PMMit
retjiMwrt'ti h'uit, or fj vxprimn,
JOHN C. ALDEN, Manaokii. 704 Uroadway. New York.
NTIIili AlU:iI. Nitlt'iMllri
Baugli's Twenty-Five Dollar Pbospliate.
iitioi:, si2r rroiv oir liih.
On enrs or boat In Philadelphia.
Bend for Circular showing (iitarantced Analysis.
1IAUGH & SONS, Hole Manufacturers.
sale liy .lONES IlltOH. & CO., NBwport, Pa.
Dives, Pomeroy L Stewart,
35 North 3rd Street, HARRISBURG, Pa.
10,t)00 Yds. New Figured Laivns, 5, G.J, 10, 2cts.
3,000 Yds. Lace Buntings, 12 cents.
950 Yds. All Wool Buntings in
Black and Colors, 15 cents.
2,500 White Victoria Laivns, 12 cents.
300 Boxen Lisle Thread Gloves, 12J,
15, 17, 20, 25, 28, and 33 cents.
Fans and Parasols. .
"Write for Samples.
InmakliiK our first Spring announcement to our patrons sind lh public, we would call attention
lu our Immense slock of
We liave made irreat accession to our stock and with our Increased facilities for purchasing and
ttreater outlet., we nre enabled to offer unprecedented btrgaio. We have many new fliiiiKS, in
Choice New Coloring. To these good w have trimmings lo match for Combination Suits. W o
also otter reut. bargains in B"MMKK H1LKM In all Hie new ehVct. and special Inducement lit
HI.ACK HII.KH, BCriJl 1E LYONS and CASHMKKKS. We will maintain our long established
mmfitriiH fr carrvlng the lartr-st stock of MOCKNIMJ GOODS IN THH CITy. ( llargaln
In THIBET HUAW'LS. HtWIKltY. Ol.OVKand NOTION Ucpartment complete to every particular.
No such assortment lia ver been exhibited iu liarrlsbuig. Cuarauteed KID GLO t.S a upeciaily.
An Inspeutlon is respectfully requested.
3i. a. iirstciiiirs.
10 I3t
w l (I
Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster.
KNOWN, it Is rautd In reltevliiK. quick in cur
llll. For LA MH HACK. KHKl'MAilSU, KII
teuerally, it Is the UNKt VALI.EU remedy, ifrdtt
cntntilctltin ot tlio lamest
not so well pleased to sell the
Library of Universal Knowledge
on M tier cent rommisslon.
.ii-iivjia a. sr., wi nil j'MkiuiiuC, UIIU li I1U3 IICVCF
To Club Agents.
tMwlerttrm " tar 1 11 umr fmannMi
with tri to i-lnl.-, nrifl 11liiHtr;it.-l imMitthlft rlfwrlhlnie
Ilium filinllf'fltloii. H.'nilt hv lifiiik ilrnft. nif.ii.v unlur.
KcnuUh Ohlulucil hy ruing
I ToruiyenMof Ttcb-1
ins. Blind, UlMd-
Hemedr fail to cnru It aiUra tfa iubfniz. Hxtoct lb
given iMvdwV rlff Frepared by J. P. Millar, M.l
on bottle contain An fifrnftlur and a Pile of Stones.
drucK - ts ami country tttorc have ic or w..) gel it fr tou.
OC ATTV'Q ORGANS. 17 8top, S Set tolden
"tnl I I O tongue Keedsouly tea. Address
DANIEL F. BE ATT Y. Waauiagtou, N. J. TtUi
JUIi PKIXTIXG ol every description neatly
aud promptly executed at Keasoaable I
at the BloouiDeld TiuieiSteam Job OUlce.