THK TIMES, NEW 11L00MFIKU, I'A., JULY f, 181. L Ji i 1 id o I iU t ii Advertisements. Ready Mixed Paints ! u c a s ' HEADY MIXED FAINTJS ! NO WATKIl, NO CIIKMICAL9, NO BENZINE, BUT A rUllE Olli 1MIMT, READY FOll USE. HfllUl3 OlU'tlW. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF .PAINT BENT BT MAIL. IT IS PUT ON LIKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH I w" ANDOIL. VIZ ! NICELY U1UIHHk'mUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WA1E11 FAINT TRY IT, And Yon Will Prove II to ho tho Bent Liquid Puiut lu the Market. JOHN IVUOVH Ac. CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTUKEHS OF Swiss mid Imperial French Ureen, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VAUNISIIKS, &c For Sample Cards apply to F. Morti mer, New BloomUeld, Pa., or lo John Lucas & (Jo., Philadelphia. EIGLER&SWEARINGEN' Successors to HHAFFNEU, ZIEGLEK S Ct)., Importers and Dealers in ' Hosiery, Sloves, lllbboii, fSuspenders, THREADS, COMBS, aud every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street. I'JIILADELPJIIA, PENN'A Agents for Lancaster Combs. w. H. KENNEDY WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, .No. 505 MARKET BTLEET, PHILADELPHIA. 7 1 gOWR , POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And Dealers lu CURTAIN & WALLPAPER. IS I. A Mi 1SUOKS Always on hand, and made to Order, Nos. 530 Market aud 523 Minor Streets, riHLAimLVHIA, l'A. t3, ALSO, Publisher of Sauders' New Road ei's, anil Brook' Arithmetics. Also,, Robert's History of tho United States, Felton's Outline Maps, etc. T LOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON, WHOLESALE Hardware House, No. 025 Market Street, Phi lutl elphla, Penn'n. JANNEY & ANDREWS, HHOLI.SALi: No. 123 MARKET STREET, IMiilatlclphia, Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting: Twines, &., And a line Assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WARE, No. (20 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia Advertisement)!. gAMUEL BOM BERG ER, WITH itin.a,i:, mo it v to.. WHOLESALE DKALEHS IN Dry Goods, Carpets, OIL. CLOTIIH, , CfllfoiuV Woolen Cim I ii, Af. No. 313 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Merchants wishing to select from as large a stm k aw fun be found ;ln the city, ami at Hie LOWKST CASH PUICHS. should (live me a call. All mull orders nIi HI iviimve nrompl Men tion, mid cue will be taw.eii lu till tliein ro as to give satisfaction. August 31, . WAIN WRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Tenn's. J. S. DOUGHERTY WITH D. J. IIOAIt & CO., WBOLESALS BOOT AND SHOE V A It K HOUSE, B1U MAltKKT STItKKT, Philadelphia, Penn'a. JJAlLTsHENKfiTco" 105 A: 107 Market Street, rhilariclntiia, (Id Stand of Barcroft &Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALEltS IN 1 JtY G O O T H . January 1 1831. TH E SPRINGFIELD SEWING MACHINE. Hest in the World. Them iimUctiirersor the SPHINUFIKLD are aware that. In order to the critical and economical demands ot tin times, the m idline must possess a combination of mechanical excel lences, innklni It superior to nnv of Its prede cessors, and at the same time be offered at a price that will place It within the means of all. Fullv reali.lHg the forcu ol these conditions, they oiler I lie Hpilnglleld, coulldent that It will llulllll every requirement that can be expected of a llrst class family aud manufacturing maelilne. Every Machine Is warranted perfect In construc tion. In case any of the puts prove defective, when machine is used for family purposes, within live years from date of purchase, the manufactur ers will replace such delectlve inut without charge. This does not apply to needles shuttles, or bobbins. Made by THE SPRINGFIELD Senilis Machine Company, 13 6m SPUINC1ITELD, MASS, Row on lataitnri flnrtnirrtip noafin, nrnt-'ln8 Kxct'RsioN Tiokrts, fwm (hlcimt tnt local point, to TJEX VEI1 .COLORADO RPRTKQR, ami PVEBLO, AND RETURN, h six (tlWiiKKKRFNT ni;TKS, at woti'Inr fiilly luw iiues. TIkmr ticket will be (rood (foiiifr wwt within Itrtepn ( 1 5) unyw from anlr of Mdo. ami to return until October .', Ut foliuwln?. Pullninn rnlutM) Can nrti tun by this Company I'rnm CHTOAOO to COUNCIL BLtJJb'k'S, TOPKKAnnil KANSAS CITY, fnrmlinf r line with but one ehiuitre of cam to DENVB R mitt PUEBLO. IMnhiir furs aro at tavhixt to all through truin-t, in which mcali can be obtained at llm muoa ble pi le of WYcuty-llve cunts. For rntot, further Information, ana euwuit lnp of Uulted Ktatei ti'uu, addrues, J. Q. A. BEAN, Oen'l Eastern Ajrt., H17 Inmdwny.Kt'wYork,ftnd300 akhiimton bt., liouUm, HUM. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ; HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. F. MOItTIMlSli, Xew liloom field Jacob stricklerTphTg! U Dealer in Fine and Reliable Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Toilet and Fancy Artlclf s. Fine Perfumes, etc Tobacco and Cigars lllunk ltouks aud Stationery. " Fiescrlptions a syeciaitv. SroiiE Two doors Fust of the Hlg Spring. bioomlleid, Muy . Nsl. BROWN'S SURE APPETISER Ii s 1 1 I UOX ItlTTEItfl nrn lilglily rocommentled for nil tllscnscs requirlnir f;n perm in anil cllicicnt tonic rspecially Jmlimrtum, Dinjmniit, Jnla-viiltrnt j? lcvas, lant of Apprtitr,LQi!iif Strmyth jAtrknf Lnrrrif,ct Enrli'lics tlio lilood, i slreiiL'lliens the niiii.cli'R.nnil irives new a rn the dirsl i vo mentis, rcmnvimj nil dynpeptie mimptmn, such tin Trinlinr the Food, Jl.lchi 1),I Ii-tdin Hut fhimarh,lIrnr(burn,cto. TllO only Iron Prllir loll i j 111111 nin i;jm. iiiiicrcii i ins leein or pivo lioaiiavilo. hold by 9 . nil (lruuirUis. AVn'o f, ,r tlm A llOllnnk ffl2 tip. of useful mill nmiifilnc read U ing) --. ,-nifru. -DKOWN C1II23IICAL CO.,IJultlinoro,Md. I srsi" frolevsloiial Cards. CH1AH. J.T. MclNTlltK, Attoruev-at-Law J New hloomltelil, I'eiryeo.. Fa. -All professional business prom ptlj and fait b lullyattended to. H 1 1 v. TOIIN CAI.VIN WAI.I.If and HI si l It t Mliim.y. S, AIloineyat-LllW NfW HlnnliiliPliI IVitv ('n Pii -(llllce over Mnrilniei's new Mine'. All leual business nroinptly ami caieliilly transacted. May 4. lSl". JK..IUNKIN, Attoniey-at l.Kw , New .JIiMiiiilleld. I'ei rv e-;.. fu -i)itlee Next dooi' to the residence ul.fmlKi uiiklii. i ill J EWls, A ITOIIN KV AT I.AW, NICW IILOOMKf KM). PKIIII V CO.. FA "Claims proinptlv secured collected WritiliKsiiiid all leital InisiiiHsr f-urefiilh illend ed lo. .12 I CI1AKI.KH ll.isMILKV. Atlifrnev Hi Law. New Itloomllrld. I'errv I'n. I'a -Olllce twi d, mi's eisi of .Iihh),i Hinlth's hotel. Ailiiiist. i. 1372 WM. A.Sl'ONSMCIi, Attoruet-at-Law Olllce adjoliilni-' his residence, on Fast Mainstreet, New llloomllehl. Ferry co.. Pa. 32 Is WM. N. SK1P.KRT, Attoruey-at-Law. New Hloninlleld. Ferryco.. Ta Bloomlield. nilv, rEWISFOTTKIl. NurAUT public. New Bloom J Held. Perry Co., Fa. Deeds. Bonds, Mm I Klines and Leases earefull) prepared and acknowledgements taken. All kinds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certi lied, will also take deposit ions to be ret.d Id auvcourt In the United .states. 7 10 ly C1IA8. A. BAItNKTT,, i New Hloonineid.l'errved.,P .OIIIce on hluh street. North side, nearly op posltethe Presbyterian Cliiirch. ' 8 21y ML. LlU'.iBTT. Attiiunrv-at-Law. Xewiiort, I'erry County. Pa. Having permanently located at Newport, will give prompt and eareliil attention to nil busl uess m liters committed to lilse:ne, . Olllce, No. so North SccondStreet. . Newport. April 2? 1S7S. D R. 0. P. BOLLINGER, rnysician and surgeon, Olllce In residence on Main Street New Bloomlield. Fa. CHRONIC DISEASES TREATED. 18 If "t "sundy.m. d. U I'll j slcliin nml Surgeon. A irradiiato of Cleveland Medical Oolleee. Located permanentlv In the borough of Bloom. Held, oilers his professional services to the citi zens of Bloomlield and MirrounilliiK vicinity. Calls lu the country attended to promptly. Olllce In the room formeiiv occupied bv Dr. D. H. Sweeney. In the residence of II. W. Smith. Mala street, M-w llloomlleld , Pa. HI tin D U. 11. M. ALEXANDEU, sunoKoy nicy rt st. New Bloomlield. Perry County, Pa. W (lllle ort Main Street, South side," nearly opposite t lie resilience of Win, MeKee Everything In'loiiulnn to the nrotessinn done in the best manner. j.Ai.L Woiik Wakiiast t:i). Terms moderate. 28 J W. ROWE, M. D. i'liTslclun nutl Sur(,reoti Dt'iitlsl. Olllce near Hixler's Ml lis, where all prolesslonal business will be proinpily at tended to. Dental work of all kinds warranted!!! price and quality. May 25. ' PEOPLE'S Sewim? Macliino. um fir Tho 1-eople'i. Eicwlotr Alnrlilne Is llght runnlnB has slaipla t3naion.i, a laro, easily threaded shuttlo winds tho bobbin without running tho works of the machine, and Is so simple In Its construction that It U easily understood. AGENTS WANTED Where our sewln? machines are not repre sented, nnd wooftVr tl:o most liberal induce ments. Send for Illustrated Circulars to the Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA. 13 Cm EST AT li N OTIC K. Notice Is hereby Itlven that letters of administration 011 the estate 01 John KniKh, late of Carroll twp perry county. Pa., deceased. Imve been granted to the under signed, residing at Sliermansdale, Perry Co.. Fa. All persons indebted losald estate are request ed tomakeiinmedlalepavmeut and those having claims will present thom'duly authenticated (or settlement to CVKUS W. SMITH, . Administrator. Aprils. 1881. ATRUEJ0NIC life to the nerves. The n, t IlL-f. n ,.l,or, KlflGSFORD'S OSVEGO iiUflFflfti.. UOfVCIaU CORN STARCH PUREAMDSILVER GLOSS STARCH Fnrtlin t.siindrv is Hie iihsi ,i nil must ernnntnlca) In the world U pur-. fr.-e from Adda and other forelun oli.fioi.M Unit Inlnre I.lncn. Is troniier than any other. mmlrliiK mini, sw (pinli. tlty in itsfim. Is inill'iim. stilt ns nml finishes work al mm the same. Kin .fonl'j Piilvcrln ii ( ornSlnrcli for Pinldili.-s. Illnni-Mimw. dike e.. in pore nn.l lellnun. Prrenil.le In Mentmdn Arrowroot. When fon ask for KliiKfonl's tiswefo Stnri h, we that yim get it, ns Inferior kinds urn nliun ,"iili-tllnt"d. Scltt bfl ttl ftrst-rlitM Ornivm rvrrHirh'rt!. 1. KINOHPOKII &. SOS, Oawc,-o, New Yjrk. Junua-y 4,1331 1m uost fragrant a Refreshing of Perfumes Exceedingly Delicate and Lasting. Price, 3 ct3.; Largs Eottleo, 75 ota. Sold by dealers In Vng, tt Perfumery. Slgnarore of Hit. cox A Co., N. Y., on erery bottle. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC i ne meaio'ne Tor tvory Family. NEVER INTOXICATES. t Madefrom Oinccr, liuclin. Mandrnkt. Slilllneu. nnd other of the best vetretablo remedies known. J r i aukct s uikckr toxic tins remarkahly varied 1 t or. Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator ever made & m mirtn,cuijwcrs, ct isine ereaiesi ntomacn Lnrreet. E The Best Medicine You can Use for Eestoring Health & Strength 3 i It commences to art fmm tho Art Ana Matv-ti J t out the weak organs, and is warranted to cure or J Eiitipuuuiciiscs 01 me uoweis, t-tomacn, liiood, A Kidneys, I.ivcr, Urinary Orgnns, all Complaints of J Women, Nervousness. Sleculcssness. 11 lie urn a J r tUm on J ltrunk.iiati. A Tryabotllcto-day; it may save your life, joct. A L ana i sizes ntnlldriiggists. .veiy genuine bottles f has our signature on outside wrapper, Hiscos & 4.0., jx. Large saving in buying $i sue Jnst TTbat Is 'Wanted. Everybody whose hair is gray or faded has felt the need of n Hair Restorer and dressing that is cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmless. Par. ker'i Hair Balsam satisfies the most fastidious in these respects. Sold by druetpsts at 50c. and $1 . . 211 d ly BEN.t. F, GltAFTON. Stokt B. Ladd, llAi.neKT E. Paine. ' Late (XnnmliMloner 0 Patent- PATENTS. l'AIXF, UluflOX & LADD, Attorncyn-al-Lnm nnit fiol!rltorii 0 American unit Forclpn iVitents. No. 412 Firih Strict, "WjiKliiiijjtoii, I). C. Practice Patent Law In all its branches In the Pitent onico, and 111 the Supi eme and Circuit C jiii ts of the fjnited States. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp for postage. 35 YOU CAN BUY THlj BLATCHLEY PUillP t'nllnfii,or with C'opicr,Porrrliiln,or lion Kuril one tcnciled Willi my lmnie us maniiiui'liirer is unrniuteil in material and ton Mriicllon. For sale by the lK't hoio-es In the trnde. If you do not know wheru to get this pump, wrilo to 1110 as below, and I will tviul tmiiie of nsent neiiresl you, who will mpply you at my lowest prices. CHA3. 0. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 Market Bt., Philadelphia, Fa. For sale bv F. Mortimer. Ne Bioomtleld, Pa. ii mm fl I r -d OSWEGO NY. xJt j Br ,s tW" A limn liolnn tormentetl with corns put Ills foot through, a window and the pane was gone Instantly. a m -- don't so ruuoh mind," ald Mr. llenpeck "I don't o much mind a woman' having a mind of her own, ex cept that In such a case ohe usually takes charge of her husband's also." . .- , C35"Tlie gate money : A naughty man. who had the contribution box ,liiboved under his nose" just after au appeal .to strive to enter In at the straight gate, said he supposed they wanted to make sure of the gate money. 3f" " Courtesy opens many "doors," says the old adage. " This may be true as far as it goes," says a commentator; " but you might stand before a batik building and courtesy till your spinal column was as limber as an old postage stamp, yet the doors wouldn't spring back on tbelr hinges worth a cent." ftlfA farmer one autumn day required a number of reapers ; several presented themselves, aud all were engaged with one exception. The poor man thus omitted said : "Master, won't you hire me V" "No," said the former. "Why not." "Because you ure too little." "Too little 1" cried the man, "does your honor reap your corn at the top V" What could the farmer do but roar with laughter, and send th6 little man to join his comrades In the field ? B-y A man who was too poor to In dulge in any luxuries other than chil dren was presented by a loving but uu reckoniug wife with triplets three boys and lje sought for some family to adopt them. Mr. Clark was rather inclined to take them, but his good wife thought that one would perhaps be enough. They were talking it over before their little eight-year-old daughter, who said : " Why don't you take one of them, ma, or don't they want to break the set J"' . Solemn Thoughts. " Bejabers," said Patrick O'Rafferty, as he was reading about a case of suicide; be japers, if iver I take me own life it will be wld chloroform." " Kivir do the loike of that, Pat," said Mrs O.ltafTerty, "for yer inimie3 will bring it up again ye aftherwards as long as ye live." " I know all that, but little I'll care. It's the best way to doi, for ye see, Mrs. O'Raflerty, ye just doze off, and you don't even know ye are dead till yer wake up and rade about it In the pa pers." " That's thrue," said Mrs. O'llafferty, solemnly' and the subject was dropped." The Minister's Cow. Au exchange tells this droll story of a clergyman's experiment and how it ended : , Borne years ago there lived in Central New York a very worthy and' respecta ble divine known as Father Ooss. He had a hired man named Isaac, who al ways obeyed orders without question. Father Ooss bought a cow one day which proved refractory when milked, refusing to surrender the lacteal fluid, although Isaac used all the persuasive arts of which he was master. He finally reported her delinquencies to his master. " Well, Isaac," said he, " go to the barn aud get those pieces of new rope." Isaac obeyed; the cow was driven into the stable' tied with a piece of the rope, when the Itev. came out, armed with a knife. "Now," he exclaimed to Isaac, "I will get on the cow's back and .you tie my feet beneath her, then you go on with your milking, and with my weight on her back she must give down her milk." Isaac obeyed. The feet were tied, the pail got and milking commenced. But bossy objected, and plunged wild ly about. The stable was low, and the ltev's head was fearfully thumped. " Oh, Isaac, Isaac 1" bawled he " cut the rope." Isaac seized the knife ind cut not the rope which tied the nnster's feet' but the one that tied the w. The stable gate was open, also the yard-gate. Away darted the frantic cow, the ter rified man on her back, helplessly roar ing : " Stop her, stop her !" While madly careering down the road he met a parishioner, who excitedly called : " Why, Mr, Goss, where are you going?" "Only God and this cow know!" groaned he; "I don't." The animal was finally caught and the man released' much frightened but uuburt.