Till. TIMKS, NKVV IiLOOMFIELI), PA., JUNE 28, 1881. Newport Advertisements. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN.: How Lard Cheese Is Made. The thriving country town of (louver neur, elUmteil In the mlilut of the Oulry . section of the Empire Ktnte, nml Inter, sectwl hy the WHters of the Oswegfttchle Ilivcr, fltulit Its source uniting the mli rored lakes of the famous Adirondack region, was vlslteii recently hy ft O'rocn' reporter, who, when strolling mining the hills and valleys in this fivvored section discovered four of Assemblyman Crop' ser's lard cheese factories. The old "Hall" factory, whlcli lor years has enjoyed the repututlnn of turn" logout a very superior quality of chcesct was first visited by tho reporter, at six o'clock In the morning. One by one the patrons drove up to the receiving win clow, anil the milk which they brought in large tin cans was weighed and then drawn oirinto tall tin buckets, which, when lilled, were set into a large vat of Ice water. Nine thousand pounds of milk, which is the product of 500 cows, is dally received at the factory. The milk is allowed to remain in these buck ets twenty-four hours, when the cream, which during this time has arisen to the surface, is removed,and,after being sour. d the application of heat Is placed into a large barrel churn, and is soon trans formed into 300 pounds of creamery but" ter. While one man Is attending to the but ter, another, the cheese maker, looks after the milk from which tho cream has just been taken. This skimmed-milk Is poured Into a large cheese vat and thoroughly mixed with the butter-milk which has just been drained from the butter. Three hundred pounds of fresh milk Is then poured into a large tlu bucket, beside which is another tin buck et of the same size, containing one hun dred pounds of snow white lard that has undergone a steam reliniug process which removes its natural odor and ren ders it hard and tasteless. T he lard and the milk in these two receptacles are heated to a temperature of 135 dcg. P, and theu by means of a faucet at the bot tom of each bucket these liquids are drawn off Into a common funnel and to gether enter a small opening In what is known as the " mixlug machine." The principal part of this machlnecouslsts of an iron case fifteen inches in length and seven incites in diameter, within which a closely fitting iron cylinder, cut rouud with Rcrpw tlirpaiin anil TiO.rnO teeth, re. volves at the rapidity of 4,000 revolutions per minute. The heated milk and lard enters the machine at the bottom and flows out of au aperature in the top a perfect emulsion. This mixture, which is two parts milk and one part lard, is then added to the butter-milk and skim milk which were previously stirred to. gether in the cheese vat. This composi tion is then heated to a temperature of about 100 deg. F, the rennet added, and the whole allowed to stand about 40 min utes, when It coagulates. The curd is then chopped, salted, drained and press ed so as to consolidate the caseine which is mingled with the lard, and expel the whey or serum of the milk. The pres sure to which the cheese are subjected is very great. About thirty days is occu pied in curing these cheese, during which time they are turned over every twenty-four hours. Mr. Hall says the lard is put in for the purpose of improv ing it. " When we send the old fashion ed, skimmed-milk cheese to market, we find that it sells for barely enough to pay the cost of manufacture; but when we improve this kind of cheese by addiug to the milk two pei cent, of steam refined lard, which costs more than full cream cheese ever brings, we find that instead of a dry leathery skimmed-milk cheese we have a Boft, rich and meaty article, which is not only healthful and whole some, but palatable, and brings a good price in the market." Tho reporter visited a number of other factories owned by Crapser & Hull, and found that butter and lard cheese was manufactured in the same manner in each factory. Mr. Crapser has twenty one factories in Northern New York which are manufacturing a fine quality of butter as well as the " patent improv. ed lard cheese," which has caused so much turmoil in the Legislative Hall and In the cheese market. GSTLabels placed in linseed oil uud soaked will hold paint marks plain for years. A Good Foundation. One of the greatest troubles of our peo ple is weakness of the stomach. As this soon causes Indigestion, Nervous ness and Kheumatism, they prevail in almost every American household. There is positively no need for anybody to sutler from these painful troubles who can buy a 00 ct. bottles of Parker's Gin ger Tonic ; for this superior medicine always tones up the stomach and nerv ous system, and keeps the kidneys act . ive in carrying off the foul matters, thus laying a good foundation for perfect fcealth. 20 lm 1 i m CURES DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPUINTS, CURES AU DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, KIDNEYS, SKIN, L BLOOD, HURT DISEASE a'' (TRADE MARK.) SI 1 1 Fl C Juspcp6t(t, Liver I 1 1 la r fweMen, 1'ever d UUIlhVifftie, Ilheunm tlsm, lropnjf, Heart Disease, lilU iousncss, Acrvova debility, etc. Tho Boat REMEDY KNOW to Man! 11,000,000 lioHlcs BOLD SINCE INTO. This Syrup possesses Varied Properties. It Htlmnlatoa th IHjrullne n (he Nnllvit, wlil li rnnvprii the SUtrrli tml Mngnr of the fond into ftturosp. A dl rlnry In I'lynllne cunm VVInil unit Nourlng of the rnml In the nlnmirh, If I lie medicine li taken Immeillntely after Unit tuo (fermentation of fboil 1 pre. nll. Jt. arts im iha T.lvrr. Jt. nets timn tits KMnris. It, lti-itutatrs Hi Hottvta, Jt thtt Jtlttod, Jt. Viitrtn the JViwiu Hyntem. Jt Vromntr ingestion. Jt Knurl Klin, strengthens and Invigorate. Jt carries off the Old Jllnod nntl makes neta Jt onens tlut pore of the skin and induces Itenlthg I'erstlrtttlnn. It neutralizes the hereditary tirlnt.orpolson In tlm blood, which fronrnttcs Scrofula, Ery sipelas, nndnll niumiurof uklti diseases aud. internal humors. Thcro m e no spirits employed In If mnnit Inoturo, midlt.cnti bo taken bv tho must deli cate bubo, or by tho UHediindWhlo, rare only being retjnlred in attention to dlreetlons. DRUGGISTS BELIj IT. Uitboratory, 77 West Od Bt., NEW YORK CITY. Liver ami Kidney Diseases. JlKCMAMt'snumi. Cumberland Co., Pa. Peak Hi k: This Is to certify Hint vnr INDIAN II LOO I SVltlll- has completely cured imp of Liver and Kidney DlM.-be, utter Hie ducluis fulled to give me relief. JAMES K. LUCAS. Sure Cure for Dyspepsia. Mhciianh siiukg, Cumberland Co., 1'n, Deah Km: I was siilterliitf with Dyspepsia, find severe burnlim at the pit of my Htnmuch, with Nausmit.iiiKtMtiiKati dullness of spirits. Iieadacheaml general liiiiKiinr.and t lie use of your INDIAN liLOOD SVRUP entirely cured me. 8. li. TRIUULK. Liver Complaint. Yeihehtown, Mllllln Co.,Pn. Dear Hih: I linye used vnurexecllentINDIAN 15I.OOD SYRUP for l.iver Coinpluliit. and liuve loimd It lo be Just us recommended. 1 would en courage all to use It, SAMUEL DATTOltFF. Never Fails to Cure. Yekiehtown, Mllllln Co., Pa. DeahSik: Myseir and duufihter were allllcled with an Alleellon of Hie Kve mid the use ol your ereat INDIAN lll.OOD SYUUf ellectiiallv cured us. arter having tried varlnus medicines without ellect. IIKHECCA J. JleKALU'S. An Excellent Remedy. Yeageutown, Mllllln Co., l'a. Vrn Sib: Ilavlnc thornuulilv tested the mer its of your 1NDI A N BI.OOD MYKUI, 1 am sutis tied that It Is a valuable medicine. 8. It. 11UACKIN. Greatly Deneflted. Mans's Axe FACTonr, Mllllln Co , Pa. Deah Rih: 1 do hereby certify that your relia ble INDIAN KI.OUD MVKUP has done me much uood. Any one desiring to know the merits of IheHyrup, uua how 1 have been benefited, cau address MUS. ItACIILH K(JVI2. A Splendid Blood Tin-iflcr. Carkick Fi-unacr, Franklin Co., Pa. Dear Sir: This Isto certify that your INDIAN BUHID Si'KUP has cured my little gill of Scrof ula. 1 can recommend It lo be nn excellent Ulo Purillur. 8. J. M UK I'll Y. For Kidney Diseases. ' Cakrick Furnace, Franklin Co., Pa. Dear Sir: I have used yourexcellent IN1HAN Bl,OOi Kl'KUP for Kidney Complaint and Pain In the Hack, and mv wile has used a for Pain 111 the 8:de, and it ellectiiallv cured us both. MK.&MUS. bT. CLAIR. Diseases of the Lungs. Sharon, Mercer county. Pa. Pear Sir: I was atHlcted with Lung and Heart Disease, and have lecelved much benellt, by Hie ute of your INDIAN 11LUU1) SVhUP. till. De FOREST. Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Sharon, Mercer county, Pa. Dear Sir: I have used your INDIAN BLOOD SYllUP lor DyspepsU, with very benollclal re suits, and can recommend to nil "imllurlyalllcted. MISS Cl.AKK, Kidney Disease. NORTHCMiiFRLAMt, Northumberland Co., Ta. Dear Sir: I have used vour INDIAN BLOOD SVKUP tor Kidney Complaint, and received great benellt tlierefrons. JOHN BUltNS. Cures Ague. NOIITUUS1HERI.AND, Northumberland Co., Pa. T?),wA?SJ5:,7,Tile,,,seor '"r 'ellablo INDIAN BLOOD SVIllP has compielelv cured me of Fever and Ague. DANIEL M1LLEK. Liver and Kidney Disease. ScsntTRT, Northuniberlaud Co., Pa. , ,Dfvfw?rS',ll,,;A!;vt?,f'rtlfy 'i-1 voiir valua l.le 1 N pi AN BLOOD 8YKUP haj entiiely cured me of Liver aud Kidney Disease vu..u CHAS. TELTON. For Biliousness. Hyde Park, Lackawanna Co., Pa. DearBir: I was troubled Willi Bilious Com plaint nnd the. use of your INDIAN BLOOD bYKUPettectually cured me. . uuu JOHN N. WILLIAMS. Dyspepsia Cured. Htdl Park, Lackawanna Co., Pa. Dear Rib: Your great INDIAN BLOOD 8YK LP lias cured me of Dyspeosia, MKH. 8. B. ADKIN9. 4 j ill II 1 JffwS(mjriJail Mid LUULU'iusnn THE CREAT 1W11LIXGTON llOVTE. tfT"No other Hub runs Throo Through Pns songnr Trains Dully bot-.vecn Chimin), Des Moines, Counrll Illuirs, Omnlin, Lincoln, ft. Joseph, Alehlson, Tomtkn nnd Knnsns City. Direct eoniipctlons fur nil poliits In Knnsns, NebrnRkn, Cnlorndo, Wynmlng. Mnntnnn, No vniln. New Mexico, Arizuun, Idaho, Oregon and Ciillfornin. Tho Shortest. PprrdlPBt nnd Most Comfortn lilo Itouto vln llnnnihiil to Fort Scott, Denlson, Dallas, Houston, Austin, Bun Antonio, Ualvcs ton nnd nil points In Texas. Tho uiUMiinp(l iiiiliippmpnls offorrd by this LIliO to Travelers and Tourists, are ns follows! Tho oplebrntpd Pullman (lfl-wlpp) Piilnco Hlpppliig ('nrs, run only on this Lino. (7., II. & (,). PiiIhi'O Draivlng-HiMiin Cms. with llorlon's Itocllnlug I huirs. Nu extra ehnrgo for Seats In lipplliilng Chnlrs. Tho famous C, II. A U. I'uIiipo Dining Curs, florireous Snioklng Cnrs tilted with Klegmit lligli-lliieked Kiittun Ito vnlvlng chnlrs lor tho oxcluslvo uso of llrst flnss pnssen,rt:rs. Steel Track mid Superior rrinlpinpnl, com tilned with th"lr CI rent Thmmrh Cur Arriingn tnent, makes ihls.iibovp nllotheis, Ihefiivorlto Homo to the South, South-West, and tho Fur West. Try it, nnd you will Rr.d traveling a luxury Inst end of u dsoo;-if..rt. Thro.igh Tickets vhi this Celehrnted Lino for fi le ut nil olliccs 111 tin: United Suites uud Cuiui'lii. All liifnrmntlnn nbont Itntos of Fnre, Sleep ing Cur AceiinmuMliitlons, Tlnin Tiihles, ic, will lie cheerfully given I v applying to J. Q. A. I) KAN. Oeii'l Eastern Agent, aim Washington St., llofUou, Muss, nnd :il 7 llroiuhviiy, New York. JAMF.S It. Wool i, (ion. 1'nss. Agt., Chlengo. T. .1. POTTKll, tlen. Mmmger, Chieiigo. March 15, 11SI 40t NEW REVISION AOKNTS WANTKH. As made by the most eminent scholars of Eng. land aud America. Half the price of Correspond lug English Edition. Large type, linen-super cul eodeieo jmiier, e'egant, binning. A sepurnto " ('oinpiPlienslve illsiory of the Bible and Its Translations." Including a full nccuiint of Ue New Revision, given to subscribers Best chsnce for agents ever ottered. ft fie ml stamp lor particulars at once. THEHENUY BILL PUHLTHHINO CO.. 17 NOltWIUU. CONN. OPiU 9 Anil tOHI'SIII' Eloblt la'.ll: lii'd; Ki- -irfil . Write ftnl .lijcnsL'. L Mausii, (illncy, Mk-U, 1TA3I1I rmi.iren. 'I lifitlRnttilil rntrntttl.d. Penn unit lvpn T flnBi'r.tuo.ryo itt ruttire,vurtc(iit.' vin. 17A2m $5 Outlit sent frie to those who wish topiiimirc In tho liicist iileasaut uud pmmable liusliiiss known, tverylliliik- new. UhiiJihI lint renuln d. Wo will furnish you ererythlnir. tutu a dny nnd upwards Is i"tly niude Willi. nit KtuyiiiK ciwuy from hniue over liKlll. No risk whatever. Slimy new workers wnnted utimt-e. Many lire mukliur loi tunes ut t lie biisineaH, I.ixlU'H niHke as much us men, unci yonnir boys uud jfirls uiake irreut my. No one w ho i willing to work fHllato niHke lllo'e innuey every cluy tlnin cull be Hindu ill a week ut liny nnlhmry eniiii) nieut. 'J'hose who rtiKWe ul ont o will Hnil a slmrt nmcl to fortuuo. Ail ilrusa H. H ALLUT & CO., 1'oi tlainl, Muiue. t ly RCATTV'Q OKflANS IS useful stops. A sets I w reeds only Sijo. Pianos Jl'.' up. m,IllnstralC(I catalogue free. Address BEATTV, Washington, N. J. l'JAly k J'drfom' J'uriintiro I'UIh uiako New Hifh Blood, and will completely change tho blood In thocntirosvstcm In throo months. Anvpcrsnn who will triko 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may bo restored to sound licallh, if such a thing bo possible. Sent bv mail for 8 letter stump?. I. H. JOIIXSOX tr CO., Huston, Mass., formerly Jinngor, Ma. ISmsWANTED SiilXK, IJiiff Ulacliino evor iiiveutf i. Will kmt u pair uf ttWk.ns, will. IBLLKIj ami XOT3 complete, in U ininuti'8. It will ulso knit a grt-al variety of luncy work for whloli there la (iIwuvh n rewty markpt. sil for cimilar mid terms to the TwomMy K nittlng XUucliiue Co. 1 400 WashlDjiuu ai.t Iiutluu Cii. lPAly OTICE! THF. undersigned would respectfully call the attention ol tho citizens of Periy county tiitit he has a large uud well selected slock of HAHDWAItE. UliOCKHIES, DllUOS. WINES & LKiUOiiS, JHON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, STKEr,, IRON' AXLES, SPRINGS, SPOKES, i , HUBS, FELLOIiS. SHAFTS. POLES BOWS. BitOO?.' HANDLES, WIBK. TWINES, &C. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, Tlastcr, aud Cement. SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPEKLEATHEK, FISS'a5AI'T- 8lT"ATlS.8YBtTP8.TEAR.SPICES, TOBACCO, CIUAKS.aud SMITH COAL. John Lucas & Co s., MIXED 1'AINTS, (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. And a large variety of goods not mentioned, allot which were bought at the Lowest Cash Prices, and he oilers the name to his Patrons at the Very Lowest Prices for Cash or approved trade. His motto Low prices, and Fair dealings to all. Go and see him. ueanugs Hespcct fully. 8. M. BHt'LEK. Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. TOHfKINTIXU of every description neatly land promptly executed at Keasoimble Katnf at the BloouiUeld Times Steam Job Otllce. If, I nr iiiiv I .i'i'A'.'IV"""'"1 IM'KKAfcK nnd IIUI'M' V I A I KM H prorurril lor liivuntcm. Kolilirr. Iiinci wurrnntii fimrurrit iiminlituml anlil. B..l,livr.s i ' nlrailr fnryimr rinliti at nunc. Hi'inl II mti llnniiljr lawa. Manki nml liiitrnrllima. Wo ron rclrlo thniiMiela ..f I'Hn.lnnrn mill ( Mrnt.. VZl iV flt8,prnlciCp.l'i:Nin:. & 1 AT.T A ll'j a, LuniTiuaSsh, fi ualiiuijliia, I). 0 '(-"Jj'iit"!! A'p-'rCuMu''' TUB Chicago & North-Wcstcrn Is the Oldest, B?st Constructed, Best Itcpilpped, and hence the LLADINC RAILWAY OF THE Wi:ST niMl XlTIIHIiT. It Is the short and best route between Chicago and all points In Northern Illinois, Iowa, Ptkota, Wji nilng, Ne braska, Cnliloi ula. Oregon. Arizona, lituh, Col orado, lduho, Monlauo, Nevada, atd foi Council ElufTs, Omaha, Denver, teadvllie, Gait Lake, Gun Franclcco, Dead wood, Sious City, Cedar Kapltla. Des Moines, (Jolumhus. and all points in the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee. Oreen llav. Oihkosh. Sheboygan, Maniuetle. Fond du Lno Watertown, lloiig'hton, Neenuh, Menasha. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo, Bismarck. Winona. LaCrosse, Owalonna, and all points In Minnesota, Dakota, M IscoiiBln and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago North-WcslPin and (he V. P Wn depart from, arrive at, und use the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connectlont are made with the Lakes o, Michigan Cenlial, llaltlmoie t Ohio, Ft. Wnyue and Pennsylvanlii, and Chicago & tirand Trunk It'js, aud the Kankakee and Pan Handle it mites. Close connections made at Junction Points. It Is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN CHICAGO nnd COUNCIL KLUFFS Pullman SkcjKrs on all Xiylit Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents Selling you Tickets via this roud. Examine jour Tickets, uud refuse to buy If they do not read ovel the Chicago North-Western, ltaiiway. If youwiphthe Bi!t Traveling Accommoda tions you will bnv your Tickets bv this route, AND WILL TAKE NONE OTIIEil. All Ticket Agents sell T ickets by Ihls Lino. 15 MAIIVIN HUGHITT. 2d V. P. & Gen'1 Mang'r, Ciiioaoo, 111 TARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful Imprudence canning Prema ture Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., having tried In vain every known remedy, has dis covered n aimple self enre, which he will send FKKE Ui hit rellow-aiillerera, adilresa J, II. Hl'.EVKH, 4.1 lliHlhnm M., K. V. ' 6Bly $2 Wltrh.i. Sttnwlnilcni!rr.9. Wt.ttimi-lal HuntlnC.M . lliillatlMli ai.l.iao. H.. II. I. .I,lil. Ci.riaiiJ Ual leryeiirnwn n.'-iTRrwi'iilnllva purfioaf!. v.tii.l.lo .t lutuli., IllOllI'BU.y to., laa SauaaSU Hen lurk. 6Bly (Kl A Outlit lurnlflieil free, with full Inatnictions for JV I M ci miluetiliM' the liniHt protitaltle hiiflnpRn thnt sCaa V aiiynue cau ciutotfe iu. The hualnesa la easy Ut learn, and our Instructions so simple mid plain, that any aueirun make irrent prolila from the very atari. No one can full whu i willhur to work. Women are aa sue eeKstiil ua men. Buys uud a-lrls can earn lare aunts. Many huve inndti at Hut businesH over one huuilred (luilurs iu a ainirle week. NothiiiK like It ever known belore. All who eniHtfe are RurnrlNed al the ease and ranidlty with whli-li they are able to make money. You can ciiifUL'f iu tliia tinaitieKs during your spare time at a-reut orotll. You do not have to invest CRpital iu it. We tuke all tho risk. Those who need ready money, slumlil write to us nt onee. All furnished free. Address I'lll'EiCII. Auvuata, alaiuu. 1 ly A UCTIONEEMS. Tames cleelan'd U Auctioneer, Offorshls services to the citizen of Perry and Cumberland counties. Post olhce address. Kherniansdnle. Perry co.. Pa. HKNKY KELL, " ' ' AUCTIONEER, Would respectfully inlonn the citizens of Perry County Hint he will cry sales nt short liotlce. and at reasonable rates. Satislaction guaranteed. Address Hekht Keix. Ickesburg. Pa. B. HARNISH, AUCTIONKKK, Delvllle. Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 5U D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONKEU , ICKESBCKG, rERRY COUNTY. PA. . Charges moderate. Prompt attention pall, to ail calls. AS. P. LATCHFORD, A UCTIONEEJt , Would respectfully Inform the public that he wtllcrysalfes at reasonable prices. All orders will receive pronint attention. " DON N ALLY'S MILLS. PERKY CO., FA. Auctioneer. The undersigned given noticethat he wlllcrysalesat any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are sollcltedand prompUtteBtioiiwilibe given. ii. D. WELLS, New Buffalo Perry co., Pa A Great Cause of Human Misery Ih the Iaisu of A LECTURE ON TUB NATURE, TREAT mrnt, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatoi rhu-a, induced by Self Abuse, Involun tiny EitiiiilNSMins, Impoteucy, Nervous Debility, nud Impediments to marriage generally; Cob. sumption. Epilepsy, and Fits: Mental and Phys ical Incapacity, etc. by ROBERT J. CUL ER WKLL, M. D., author of the 'Oreen Book." etc. The, wot Id-renowned author. In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience thattheawful consequences of Self-Ahuse may be elleclHiilly removed without dangerous sur gical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and ellectual. bv which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mav be. may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture will prove a ooon to thou amis and thousauds. Sent under seal, in plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents or two po-duge stamps. We have also a sure cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO., 4CP1J 41 Ann St., KewYorktr. O. Box, .586. jEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Having on hand a enmpMa assortment of the fol lowing artlolea, the iibaorlber aski a share of too patron-, Druga and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Eomodies, ESSENTIAL OILS, Brashes, Tcrfumerj IIAIIt OIL,, AND FANCY ARTICLES Also always on Hand PUKE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSED PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefhlly and Promptly Filled B. M. EBY, Newport, Penn'a. n. s. cook & co., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than anyother dealersln this county. We will also take good limberon the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber.&o, We use Clearlleld Pine and Uem. ockouly. W. B. 8. COOK tt CO., Newport, Perrj Co., l'a. October 10, 1876. - JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Ron,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage ol the farmers, and the public generally, as the. HIGHEST PRICES the market wiliaBord, wlllbe paldforallkludsof ' GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE HEEDS AND RAILROAD TIES We have constv.tly on hand, ffI8H, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSR SHOES, ftc.&e. FOB SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. Orders promptly ailed, Newport. July 20, 1875 t J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Rnllding, XEWPORT, l-A. Sole Agent for Lorilard's Superior Tobaccos -Your orders are solicited. $M g PIIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Sqnare, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In first class companies on all kinds of Insurable pioper ty. at fair rates, and losses honorably adluMed aud promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented : tna.of Hartrord, Assets, Sti.Tno.noo Commercial I'nion. 1 4"4 (si Fire Association, Phll'a,, " 3 T7a!iji' B. HIMES, Agent. March 11, 1880 ly r "OSES. 60LARCE HOUSSft Jf.Pf E? lon- driver b.r..iiK I- v !. Ultable f.-r iuuiiujinuj Wrijii, aoft !y by imiL p-! , ,.j aU ailwle.1. f or S 1 1 1 2 f ,jr 2 1 I O for 3 1 20 f sV; mJI iat ' "3 or '3. CIVE A WAV, iu Premiums aiM Extras, uiore BOSFS Uiau moat eaUbUstuuosu irrow. Oar KEW COIOE !'. rrwu. tlu R",-X pp. tUvuuti, iliM,m,.f uuacriUi, bu uawrat and choicul van. .. - TH DINCtE CONARO CO. om Orowara, West Dnn, Caaatar Ck. Pa. 7towl0t o '1'0,T?,S ,rtr Floors, Carriages and Tables. Price low. F. MORTIMER.