7 Philadelphia Adrortlsements. lloady Mixed Taints ! READY MIXED TAINTS ! inowater.no chemicals, no benzine, but a pure OH. PAINT, READ! FOB USE. Niimplo Onvls. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OP .PAINT BENT BT MAIL. nig ptiT ON I.IKE OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH I LEAD AND OIL. VIZ i NICELY BllUHHKl) OUT. NOT K LOWED ON LIK.K WATER PAINT TRY IX, And Too Will Prove it to be the Best Liquid Paint iu the Market. JOHN LUCAH Ac CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OK Swiss and Imperial French Urecu, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VA11NISIIES, &c HT For Bample Cards apply to F. Mortl mer, Now Bloomllold, Pa., or lo John Lucas & Co., Philadelphia. rpEIGLER & SWEARINGEN Successors to 8H AFFNER, ZIEGLER & CO.. Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Nuspeiiders, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety o TRIMMINGS FANCY GOODS, No. 36. North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A Agents for Lancaster Combs. w. H. KENNEDY WITH THIMBLE, BRITTON c. Co., WHOLESALE GllOCERS, No. 505 MARKET STLEET, PHILADELPHIA. 7 1 gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And Dealers in CURTAIN & WALLPAPER. ItlMIil HOOKS Always ou hand, and made to Order, Nos. 630 Market and 52) Minor Streets, rillLADELFHIA, rA. 3, ALSO. Publishers or Sanders' New Read ers, and Brook' Arithmetics. Also. Hubert's History o( the United States, Felton's Outline Maps, etc. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON, WHOLESALE Hardware House, No. C25 Market 8treet, Philadelphia, Penn'a. JANNEY & ANDREWS, wnoi.i:siT,i: GllOCERS, No. 123 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting: Twines, &., And a tine Assortment of "WOOD and WILLOW WARE, No. 120 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia Advertisements. gAMUEL BOMFERiGiRT " WITH III Kid LI?, ftt'OTT V CO.. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, Cotton fc Woolen CIi it I ),&. No. S33 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Merchants wishing to select from as Ibirb a ruck ni can be found 'In the city, and at the LOWEST CASH PKIceh. shiuild give me a call. All mull orders .lull receive prompt atten tion, aiitl cure will be tuKen to 1111 tliem to as to give sat Ufuct Ion. Augu.-t 31.188U.tf. WAINWIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. J. S. DOUGHERTY WITU D. J. HOAR & CO., WBOI.B3AXB BOOT AND SHOE W A II E 11 O USE, H1SI MAIIKKT STItEKX, Philadelphia, Penn'a. JJALL, SHENK & CO., 105 & 407 Market Street, Philadelphia, (Old Stand of Bnrcroft &Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN O OOTS-. January 1 1831. THE SPRINGFIELD SEWING MACHINE. Uest in the World. The nnnufacturers of the SPRINGFIELD nre aware that. In order to meet the critical and economical demands of the times, the machine must possess a combination of mechanical excel lences, making It superior to anv of lis prede cessors, and at the same t ime be ottered at a price that will place It within the means of all. Fully realizing the foreo of these conditions, they olfer the rlprlnglleld, conlldent that it will tl ii I tl 11 every requirement ' that can be expected of a Itrst class family and manufacturliiK machine. Every Machine Is warranted perfect In construe lion. Incaseanyof the puts prove defective, when machine Is used for family purposes, within live years from date of purchase, the manufactur ers will replace such delectlve part without charee. This does not apply to needles, shuttles, or bobbins. Made by THE SPRINCFIELD Sewing Machine Company, 13 Cm SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Bow on sale unrt dinner the enon, flrst-claan KicuiwioH Tickktu, from C'htraijo nnd Irwrni point!., to DBS. VEU, COL.ORADO SPRINGS, and PUEBLO, AND RETUBN, bv MI (10 inrFKHRNT BorTKfl. nt wun.lor fully low rate. TiVhc l1fkts will I (rood (rolntr wwt within f.rtwti flft) tiny fi-uin tlrtto of nlIp. ml to return until October :ijttt followtutr. Pullman 1'nlaeo Cam ani inn by thin Company from CHICAfK) to COUNCIL BLUFFS, TOI'KAiuir KANSAS CITY, tormina lino with butonr chnniroof phm toDENVEH Ami PUEBLO. Dinhur Car are at tnched to alt tlirmitrli trnlii. In which uifali can be obuiint-d at the ratuoa able price of seventy -live cento. For rtit?t, further information, and eh'L'ant Mnp ot UulUd Ktnte tre, oddrttui, J. Q. A. BEAN, Oen'l Eastern Agf., S17 BroaxiwnyfNewYorh,and 300 WMhinutou bi, iioBton, Mars. 21 U3. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILL BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. r. MOliTIMEli, New Bloom field. JACOB STRICKLER, PH. G. , U Dealer in Pure and Meltable Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Fine Perfumes, ete. Tobacco and (ars, lllnnk Books and Stationery. r Prescriptions specialty. Stohe Two doors East of the 111 a Inn. Bloomneld, May 8, 1881. BROWN'S 1 i i SURE APPETISER ii o) 5) IRON HITTERS are highly recommended for nil diseases requiring j a certain and efficient tonic especially Indigestion, Dytqiejmif, Internment Feverf,Wantnf Appetite,Loftof StrmfftSJko L'nergy,e(c. Enriches (lie blood, strengthens the nmseles,and gives new life to the nerves. They at-t like a clmrm on the digestive orgnns, removing all dyiipeptie inrmptom,iiKh as Tatting the Food, Jli'2chinfl,ireatinllteStomacH,Hmrlburn,elc. TllO only Iron Preparation tliat will not blacken tho teeth or plve headaehe. Hold by nil druggists. Write for the ARC Honk (32 pp. of useful and amusing read ing) sent free. BltOWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. I'rofessional Cards. CHAH..I. T. li:IX'riKK. AUoruey-at-Law . New llloomlleld. Perry co.. Pa. " A 1 1 profession a I business promptly andfaitb fully attended to.!) 2 1 v. JOHN CALVIN WALI.IS, Attorney lit Law and District Attorney. New lllcHiinlleld IVrry Co.. Pa. 7l)lllce nver Mortimer's new More. All legal bit-One- pi'ninptly and carefully truusacted. May 4, ISf. JK..rirNKIN, Attorney-at-Law, . New llloomlleld. Perry co., Pa. .Mllue Next door to the residence ofjudge I li il k I ll . 45tf JKW is I'OTTKlt. ATTUHNKY AT LAW . NEW lil.llDMK'IELl). PEPPY CO.. PA "0lalnis promptl) secnreit collrcteil WrltliiKMiuil all Icmil liiislnes. carefitlli attend ed to. 2 i OUAKLKMILSMILKY. Attorneval Law. New MliionilliHI. Perrv Co. Pa "OI11j tw t diijis e:nt of .los- i'h Smlih's hotel. August i. 1ST 2 WM. A. SPONSLKIt, Altorney-at-Lnw. Olllce adjoinliiK his residence, on East Malnstreet. New Dloomllnlil. Perry co.. Pa. Hi! lj WM. N. SEIISKKT, Atlnruey-at-Law. New Kloointleld. Perrv Co.. Ta Bloomlleld.S:t31v. LE WIM POTTHIt, notakt FUBLic, New Uloora Held. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds. Bunds, Mortgages and Leases carefully prepared and acknowledgments taken. All klndsoi Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certllled.wlll also i.nke deposltlonstn be rei.d In anv court in ttie unit en mates. ; in ly CUAS. A. HA11NETT, Attorney-at-Law, New llloomlleld. Peri y en., Pa B.OIllne on high street. North side, nearly op positc the I'reslivteriau Church. 3 21y 11 T L. LIQUKTT. Atthimry-AT-Law. ItX. Ifewiiort, Perry County, Pa. Having permanently located at Newport, will give protniir ami careiui aireutton to an uusi oess matters eoinmitfed to his care. Ollloe, No. )n North Second Street. Newport. Alirll 2f 1878. DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Physician "and Surgeon, a-Office In residence rn Main Street, New Bloomtleld. Pn, CH11UN10 DISF AfiES THEATED. 18 If T SUNDY, M. D. U Hiyslcliiii and Stirgron. A graduate of Cleveland Medical College. Located permanently In the borough of llloom Held. Oilers his nrofesslonal services to the citi zens of llloomlleld nod Mirrouudlng vicinity. Calls In the country attended to promptly. Olllce In the room formerly occupied by Dr. 1). H. Sweeney, in the resilience ot 11. W. Smith. Mala street, Mw llloomlleld, Pa. In 6m D R. R. M. ALEXANDER, SUItOKOV DENTIST, New Ulouiutleld, Perry County. Ta. 49-Olllce on Malnstreet, Smith Side, nearly Opposite ihe residence of Win. McKee. Everything belonging to the nrofessinn done In the best manner. VAi.L Woiik Warrant Terms muoerule. 28 J, W. ROWE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Di'iitlst. Olllce near n'xler's Mills, where all proleslonal business will be promptly at tended to. Dental work or all kinds warraiuedln price and quality. May 25. 'mi. ly. LIGHT-RUNNING fkofx.:e.'S Sowing Machine. The People'k Bnwlnjf Machine la light running has simple tensions, a largo, easily threaded shuttle winds tho bobbin without running tho works of the machine, and Is so simple In Its construction that It ii easily understood. AGENTS WANTED Where our sewing machines are not repre sented, and wootfor tho most liberal induce ments. Sond for Illustrated Circulars to the Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA. IS Cm EST AT K NOT1CK. Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate ol John Smith, late of Carroll twp., Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under sinned, residing at. Shermaiisdale. Perry Co.. Pa. All uersons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will preseut them duly authenticated fur sell, leineui in CYRUS W. 8MITH, Admluistrator. April 6, 1881. MTRUEJONIC nt rTS t7T i y u mm f.'RS, LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. no;; DlSCOVECKIl OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, The y,g;'llTllr''''ff Tor all Femal3 Complaints. This prfpnrntfon, twits narno Hifrnlflmi, consists of VivfotJjlc rro;m ties tliat are hsmilLMS to tbo most di-l IcntutnenliJ. Vpon or.o trial tho merit of tJii Coin pound will bo roco;;nl:;:Jt asrclicf ia immcdlato and chtn Its use la continued, in nfnety-nino caaos in a hun. ilrtnl, ap':rmancntcuroiscire(.toJttt3iUou.'nda will ten t:rj On account of Its proTon merits, it ii to-day re ro:nine:ided and prescribed by tho lcjt pliysiclaus In t!ic country. It will euro entirely tho womt form of falling of tho uterus, Lencorrhata, Irregular and painful Menstruation, nil Ovarian Troubles, ln3ommntlon end " t'lcoratlon, Floodlnps, all Diiijiloccnients and tho con affluent spinal wcaknesR, end Is especially adapted ti the Chr.ng of Life. It trill dissolve and cxpi tumors from tho uterus In nn early stage of dirvclo;rmrnt. T!io tendency tocanceroun humors thcro Ij checked very speedily !:y its una In f.'.i't it hr-s proved to bo the jrrer.t c;.fc and licst remedy that lias ovsr been discover ed. It permeate tvcry portion of tho system, cn.l gives n;wlKoi:id visor. It removes f."ilntnc!5s,ib.tulcnf y, tic stroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of tho Rtomaeh It cures Cloatlnfy, ITnadarhcs, Nervous rrcrtrntlo, OcncrJ DcMlity, Cleeplccsncis, DcprciUon ai:d ImU (rcition. That fccllngf of bearinc tlcrwn, causing pain, weight and backache. Is alwcys i)cmanenily cured b" lis usa. Hwillntall tinea, tadundernll circumi-tan-cps, act In harmony with the law that governs the femalosyste::i. . For Kidney Complaints of cither sex tills compound Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkfaam's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 2?3 anil 2!3 Wnstera Avenue, Lynn, Mnnt. I'rleo Cl.09. n.x buttl'js for $.1.00. Stmt t;y iiuiil iu t:.e form of pHLs, alst In tho form ofLosencs, on rceript of price, $1.00, per box, for either. Mrs. PINKIIAM freely answers ail letters of inquiry. 8end for iax phlct, Addros.1 as above Mention thia pajw. Ko family should bo without LTDIA XI I'lNKITAM' irvrariLIA Tliey cure Const! ratitrjf tillounuess. nd Torpidity of the Liver. 85 cents per box. OKO. A. KEUY& CO., Central Afcpnts, Pitishmnh. Pa. Also for sale by Jacob httIck ler, ISew Bluonitleld, la. 27uty MoBt Fragrant it Refreshing of Perfumes Exceedingly Delicate and Lasting. Price, 23 cm.: Large Bottles, 73 ct SoldbydeslCTlinDnigiA PrrfnnMTjr. SlgnMon of Hit cox A Co., N . Y., on tyrry bollle. PABKEH'S GINGER TONIC The Medicine for Every Family. NEVER INTOXICATrs. t Madefrom Ginger, llucliu. Mandrake, Stiflingia, f ana otnerol the Uest vegetable remedies known, t Parker's Ginger Toxic ha. remarkably varied t curative power., & isthe greatest Stomach Correct- or, Blood Purifier and Liver Kegulator ever made & : The Best Medicine You can Use : for Kestoring Health & Strength It commence, to ct from the first dow. uarche. I out the weak organs, and i. warranted to cure or help all disease, of the liowels. Stomach, Blood, ' Kidney., Liver, Urinary Organ., allComplaintiof Women, Nervousneu, Sleeplessness, It lie am a I ti.m and Drankeane.s. Try a bottle to-day; it may Rive your life. 5oct. I and $i .izeantalldruggist Every genuine bottla na. our signature on outside wrapper, fiiscox Co., N. Y. Large uving in buying $i uze. Jnst What Is Wanted. Everybody whose hair is gray or faded ha. felt the need of a Hair Restorer and dressing that i. cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmless. Par ker's Hair lialsam satisfies the most fastidious in these respect.. Sold by drufrirUt. at 50c and $1 . 20 d ly Bknv. F. (Jkafton. Stout D. Lasd, Hamikht K. Paine. Late Oummtloner o JMtents. PATENTS. PAIXE, GRAFTON & LADD, Atlorncyt-al-Lnw ami 8ollcita- 0 -4mr(can on Foreign J'atent. Xo. 41 2 Fi nil Street, Praotlco Patent Law In all Its branches In the Patent Olllco, and In the Supreme and Circuit Courts nf the United Stales. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp for postage. 3 To bealers and Consumers of Fish, WE are prepared to .upply yon with Choice Kxtra fiit. MACK H. It hi,, New Ka.it port round, and Like HitKUlMi. at reasonable prlnes Inr CASH. .r III exchange tor drain, Seeds, Potatoes, Lard. Pr.ciin. &.. (tu. JONKd UllOTHERS & CO., Brio Warehouse, 17 2m NEW POUT. Pa. M OMIE Cloths and other Dress Goods In va 7 U rious styles. F. MORTIMER 13?" Wliut la vinegar without a moth er Y It Is orphan very poor. . - . - mm 1 fy Carlylo's niece Is half Inclined to spell Fronde name with an a. tiffThe following recipe for eloquence a " East" orator : " Oet yourself chuck full of the subject, knock out the bung, knock out the bung, and let nature caper." IT" Do you drink V" eaid a temper, ance reformer to a beggar who had im plored alms of him. " Yes, thankyou,', returned the candid pauper; "Where shall we go ?" ftJT " What beautiful hair that young lady has, "remarked Jones.ln a half aud ible tone. "Yes," replied Pingrey, "but It Isn't hers." ""lis false!" cried the lady.suddenly facing the rude fellows. Francis, is your master at home?" "No sir." " Vhen will he return V" " lie gimme orders to say he wasn't at home, but he didn't glmme no orders about when I was to say he would be at home." tW " Are you a good rider?" asked a liveryman. " I am," answered the customer, and just then the horse reared, then stood on his fore feet and the cus tomer fl nlshed the remark from the dung heap, saying, " bee how easy I get off." 0Miss Fealherfuss, sitting In the front pew In the gorgeous new hat was totally oblivious to the Innocent little tag that told to the congregation that that stunning spray of flowers cost just "02c." 83"" And did your husband die iu , hope of a blessed immortality, sister ' Wiggins V" inquired the new minister, who was making bis first call on a fair widow of his congregation. " Bless you, no! was the mournful response "be died in Chicago." H3T A lawyer from the suburbs of Cin cinnati went into the law library at the court house early one morning, and ask ed the janitor what time the librarian would be in. " Nine o'clock, sir." The lawyer came back at nine o'clock and found the same man sitting at an important looking desk. He asked him if the librarian was in yet. "Iam the librarian, sir." "Why," said the law yer, " I was in here before and you said ' the librarian would be in at nine o'clock How does this happen? "Oh, said he, "then I was the janitor; now I am the librarian." That lawyer eaid. two or three very unprofessional words. " Dot Poy of Mine." One of the teachers In th public schools actually received the other day an excuse, unique in its way, and written in behalf of a delinquent pupil by the father. No teacher could hold such an excuse not valid even under the require ments of the new code of the Board of Education. It runs in this wise : " mr. leacner: uoi poy 01 mine vos absent de oder day 'ven he shtaid out. He got one big colt mit in bis neck vat made much trouble all the vile. Please don't give him some bunlshment ven he vas late in the morning. He would get there shust in time every day, but be is not himself to blame, be is got no moth er. She vos dead ten years ago. I am tills poy's parent, by bis mother before she was dead." ' v . How Bob Remembered. " Object teaching" is not always sue cessful, as the following incident related by the Youth' Companion will show : A gentleman called his servant one day and Informed him he wished him to learn tbe names of the books in ' the Bible. "Now," said he, "I will tell you the first and during the day I will ask you where It is, to see if you remember; it is Genesis." Later in the day Bob was called but he could not remember what it was. " Now" said his master, "I have a way to impress it upon your mind so you cannot forget It. Now, Bob we have an old horse In the stable. What do we call it?" "Jenny." "Correct. And we have a little girl In tbe kitchen ; what l we caliber?" "Bis." " Very well. Now put the two togeth er and you have Jenny Sis Genesis." I think you can remember it until to morrow." "Yes.sah." The next morning Bob was summon ed to appear before his master. "Good morning. Bob. Can you give me the name of the first book in tbe Bible this morning?" "Well, what is it?" . " De ole hoss, sab."