0 'THE TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, TA., JUNE 21, 1881. ?r . -M f is. fat HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. When to Cut Hay. It will noon lie lime to cut the curly crop of hay, Tliero lire n number of things to determine the proper time to do this work; first as to the feeding value of the hay. For this, as fur as quality Is concerned, there Is no doubt that the grass and clover should bo cut a triile before the period of full blossom. From this time on to near the end of blossoming, though there may be an Increase In the weight of the hay gath ered, Is of much poorer quality; the nutritive elements have not increased materially, but there Is a much Inrger per cent, of Indigestible woody fiber. Secondly, the value of the aftermath Is Increased by the early cutting, as It has ten or twenty days longer to grow. Thirdly, there Is a prnetlcal advantage In cutting the hay early, as It prolongs the buying season and permits of less hurry and therefore more enre In gath ering the crop. These poiuts apply equally well to the grain crops, they being too frequently harvested later than Is best for the richest fodder and the finest quality of grain. - - . . - - The Kind of a Husband. If you cannot II ml a gentleman to marry, girls, do not marry at all. Hy that term I do not mean a man who Is above the need of work ; he mny be any thing but a gentleman ; but a man who knows how to work, who has self respect enough to keep him from low habits both of speech and action ; who is courteous aud honorable; who Is not afraid of soiling his hands; the farmer, the blacksmith, the carpenter, any man may be a gentleman under dust and soot and chips, but If he is not, girls, don't many him at all I There is enough trouble in life without increasing it in any way. Do not subject yourself to the mortification that would be sure to come with a hu&band who would con tinually cause you to blush for his law Jess actions, for his coarseness and roughness, for his slippery dealings or for his hypocritical pollgh. It is not sufficient that a man looks and dresses well; but he uiunt net and live well beside. . . . . . ... A Good Suggestion to Housekeepers. No one knows until she has tried It, says au experienced housewife to one of our contemporaries, how much she may change the aspect of things about the 1mi.ua ..ilt. n IttMa s.ut-.iluli On a UUUDr .'J lining v. juiiu .n.u.n... v. ' sunshine duy take the old chairs and tables out on the porch or by un open door, and, after thoroughly dusting and wiping oil' with a damp cloth, apply a thin coat of varnish, and so cover up scratches and marred spots of all kl nds. It will dry In a very short time, and you will be surprised to see how much good you have done. A llannel cloth, with a very little linseed oil, is good to rub fur niture with, but the greulest care must be exercised to prevent any oil being left on the wood to attract dust. It must be rubbed until you would not know, that any oil had been used. To Clear a Room of Mosquitoes. These tuneful little pets are beginning their nocturnal songs, and any one who is bothered by them should cut out and save the following receipt, furnished by a correspondent, for their extermination : " Take of guru of camphor a piece "about one-third the size of an egg, aud evapo rate it by placing it in a tin vessel, hold ing It, over a lamp or candle, taking care that it does not ignite. The smoke will soon Mil the room and expel the mosqui toes. One night when I was terribly annoyed by them, I thought of and tried the above, after which I never saw or heard them that night, and in the morn ing there was not one to be found in the room though the window had been left open all night. C3P" Any person may paint a, wooden mantle piece, etc., and obtain the effect of elaborate marble painting by the fol lowing method : first, give the wood two coats of white paint, and when the sec ond coat Is nearly dry take a piece of French chalk, any color you may prefer, and with this draw lines and veins this requires no skill, as the more rudely It they are drawn, the more closely will resemble the natural markings then give a coat of thin white paiut. Into this, the chalk will work un. and the lines will assume the softened and grad-J uatcu enter, teen in rear marble. A glossy surface may be given by an after x coat of copal varnish. Bogus Certificates. It Is no vile drugged stud', pretending to be made of wonderful foreign roots, barks, &o., and putted up by long bogus certificates of pretended miraculous cures, but a simple, pure, effective med icine, made of well known valuable rem edies, that fum lubes Its own certificates . by its cures. We referto Hop Bitters, the purest and best of medicines. Bee another columu. :!o-t jw3 . At- funro CURES JTSPEPS!, LIVER COMPLAINTS, j ILL DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, KIDNEYS, SK1H, I BLOOD. Hurt disease (TRADB MARK.) I. 1 1 ii F il)LraiH, Awr .0 Wlhm9 Affile, Jtheuma tlHin, OropHftf Heart IHncatie, UlU iontmcsa, Nervoua debility, etc. The Best REMEDY KNOWN to Man! II, 000,000 IIol Ilea SOLD SINCE 1ST0. Tills Fynip poKnesmn Varied Proptrtltt. It Humiliates th Ityalln In the Stnllvn, which convert! the HtarrU and Kiinr of the HmmI Into u;liirot. A iIkN rlciiry In IMynllne ru,te Wlnil anil NmirlllK of III fml In Mm atniiinch. If t It,. meil let nets taken I m uteri lately after ettf Inii the ftormentatlun of food it pre Tented. It art vnnn the T.trrr. It arm ,i)mn the Klitnry: it Itfauhttfe the ltnwt& It J'irlf the Ulimtl, It Oulefs the Krrrnae Ryntrm. It f'ramntvn JHaeetton. It Koarlehre, Htrrnnlhnte out! Tnrlqorate. It rnrrlre ntf tha (Hit Illnml and mnkre time It ntietiK the pore of the kln mi tiicfMcr Zlvatlhu lereniratlntu It ncntinllEes tlioliereilllnry tnlnt, or poison In llio hliKid. which nibes Scrofula, ,ry lcliiH, unci till iimmior of skin dUoimu mid Inlet mil himioiti. Thoronre no spirits rmplovod In lis mnnn fnetitro, nnd It, ran ho taken liy llio incmt dell t'tiln babe, or by tlm Hired and feeble, rareonly Ocfiiff riouh-rit tn attention to rfirecrioiis. IMUGGISTS RFXI. IT. Xmborutory, 77 "WVst Ud Ht., . MJW YOUK CITY. Liver ihhI Kidney Diseusfn. Mci'iUNti amino. Cumberland Co., l'a. Deaii Hi K: This Is Ineortirvllmt vour IN Il AN It LOO I HYItltP IiiiniioiiiiiIcIc'Iv cured imp nf Liver una Kidney DlHriiso, iiltii-Hie (luelt)iH fulled to Ulve mo lOMef. JAM 123 K. LUCAS. Sine Cure for Dyspepsia. Mbciumchihuio, Cunibeilanrt Co., I'a. Vtn Km: I wan niitlorlim with i)vtiRpl, linil Severn hiiinhiK at. tlm it or my Mlunmeli, Willi NanseiitliiH Beniiitliiii. UiiIIiipsi ot hiiIi Mh, lieiitliieliiMiiicl (ii'iienil litnuiinr.iiiiil llin me nt your INDIAN nuOl) HYKUP entirely mired inn, B. II. l lil VI 11 1, K, Liver Complaint. YEtoeiiTOWH, Jllllllli Co., r, Irn Rm: t linve nied vnur pxopllent INDIAN Tll.iHiD HYItl'l' Mr l.lier ('initlilaliit. nnd liave liiinul It lei lie Just ii' i Juuiiinuniiled. 1 wtuilil en. coih'hko all to use II. HAMl'EL IJATTOltKF. Never Fails to Cure. Yeagehtown, Mllllln Co., I'a. Deau Hut: Myseir and dminliter were nllllotpd with an AMenllon of tli Kvn and tlm use nl your meat; INDIAN III.OOI) hYlUJI' elTpetuiillv cured lit. after haviiiK trleil varlmis med'eliiei without ellect. UEtlliCCA J. McKAI.II'S. All Excellent Remedy. Yeaiikiitown. Mllllln Co., Pa. Dpau Hut: llavllitt Ihorouishlv tested lh niei' lt.it of ymir IN 1)1 AN lll,(l()D KY'ltUl', 1 am Katm lied that It is u valuahlu lueilleliio. H. It. 1IUACKIN. (Jicutly Renefltcd. Mass's Axe HAcronr.Miniln Co , Pa. Deaii Sin: I do lierehv eprtlfv thai; vour relia ble INDIAN lll.OdD hVKL'P has fliineniH inui-h icood. Any one iletlrliiK to know the luprltH of the Hyrup, an a how 1 have been Iwneilietl. can address MHi. 11AC11I.K KOWIC. A Splendid Rlooil 1'n rider. Cauiiuik Ft'KSACR, KraukllD Co., Pa. Beak Siu: This Is to certify thutyour INDIAN lll.dlil) HVItl'f has cured my little ulrl or Herof. ula. 1 ran reroiiiniend it lo bo mi exnellent Hlu Purifier. 8. J. M I Itl'HV. For Kidney Diseases. Caiuiick Fl'iinace, Pranltllii Co.. Pa. Deaii Hilt: I have used vnureicellent INDIAN 11LOOO h KUP lor Kliluev Coniilnint and Pain In the Had;, aud my wltn has used It for Pain In Hie S:ilo, and it ellectuiiUv euird us liotli. Mil. M 1ST. CI.AIU. Diseases of the Lungs. Siiauos, Mercer county, Pa. Deaii Hik: I wanallllcted wil'il.unn and Heart Disease, and have leeeived imieh beuelll by the Ute of youi'IMJIAN KI.OUD HYKT P. Mil. De K0I1EST. Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Shako N, Mercer county. Pa. DejhHiic 1 linvetiKed your INDIAN III.OOD 8YHUP for Dyspepsia, with very benellolal re. suits, and can recommend to all slmllaiiyalllcted. MBS CLAKK. Kidney Disease. NoiiTHUMDBRLAMi, Northumberland Co., Pa. Deaii Hik: I have used tour INDIAN BLOOD 8YKUP for Kidney Complaint, and received Kieat bene lit therefrom. JOHN BL'KNM. Cures Ague. Northumberland, Northumberland Co., Va, Dear Hut: The use of your reliable INDIAN Bl.OOD SYKVP has complelely cured me ol Fever aud Ague. DAM EL MILLElt. Liver and Kidney. Disease. Scnhurv, Northumberland Co., Pa. DEAnSmi-Thlslsto certify that vour valua ble INDIAN III.OOI) SYHUP has entirely cured me of Liver aud Kidney Disease. CtlAS. PELTON. For Biliousness. Hyde Park, Lackawanna Co., Pa. Dp.au Sir: I was troubled with Unions Com plaint and the use ol your INDIAN 11LOOD bYKLP eilectually cured mo. JOHN N. WILLIAMS. Dyspepsia Cured. Hypl Park, Lackawanna Co,, Pa. Dear Sir: Your ret INDIAN BLOOD SYR LP has cured me ift Dj spensla. MUS. a B. ADKINS. aT-A-lZHZ: THE iter- v'"-J mi (, nm - .jy III III II 1 f THE CREAT JW11LTKGTON ItOVTlS. IITNo ntlinr linn runii Throo Tliroiijrli Pan RfiKtnr Tralim Dully linl-.vren Chicago, Dei Mollies, I "tiiirif'll llluffs, Oiniilm, l.lnenln, Pt. Jodnph, Alchlsiin, Toix'kn nnd Raima City. Dlrei t niniioctltiiis fur nil points In Knnmi, Ncbriifka, I 'nhirniln, Wyiiiiiliiir. Montnnn, No vinla, Now Mexico, Arlziinn, lilahi,Ort'Kou nnd California. Tho Hhiirlost, Ppredlost nnd Most Comfnrtn Mo llniitp via llannlbi.l to Foil Heott, Denlsnii, Dallns, I IihibIi hi, Austin, Ban Aulonio, (iiilvcs tun and nil points In 'l oxim. 'I'ho ii i ii 1 1 1 in ltd liiilui'i'iuenlH nfTnred by thin T.I no to 'rriivelrrs nnd Tourists, nre ns fnllowni 'I'ho rclelinitcd I'll 1 1 fi:iiii (lil-whrel) Piihuio Hli'cpliiR Curs, run only on this l.lnn, ('., II. (e (,i. Ptilueo Driiwlnir-ltniiin Cars, with llitrtiin'ii ltecllnlnir I hnlis. Nu extra ehnrire lor Heats In KeellnlUd ( lin Irs. Tho rumotis (, II. It g. I'nhuo Dltilnir ( nrs. flnrieoiiH Hmolilnv I'nrs ntted with l.loifiinl llluli-llin keil lliillnil Ite vtilvlnir ( lialis fur the jxi luslvo nso of first class piiisiitr(rs. (steel Trark nnd fnnrflor INwIpmrtit. rnm billed with tht'lr (Ireiil 'Ihroiurh Cur Arrniurn nient, niakO'i IhK nlmvp nil others, the ravorltn llimto to UioHoiith, Hiiuili-Wt'M, nnd llio Far West. Try It nnd vmi will (lr.d irnvclliifr n luxury Insti'iid of n illsooiviiii t. Thro, mil Tlelietr. , In llils Cel' lintetl Mno for si lo at nil nlhi io in tho I'nltod Htatcs nnd Ciiiiii la.' All liiformntlon iibnct Hate" nf Fnre, Flrep Iul' Car Ai'ioiiitiioiliilioiis, Time Tallies, Jet' will bo ehenrriilly (riven bv nppl.vliiB lo J. Q. A, HI1AN. (Inn'l F.nstern Aicent, IKil) Yiishiiiton HI., Iloptiiii. Muss, nnd : IT llrn ulwnv, New York. .AilKS II. WflMli Hen. I'nss. Atft.. Chleaim. T. ,1. I'll'ITDll, (Ion. Miiuaucr, L'hlciitfo. March l." p'Bl-4nt NEW REVISION AO J'. NTH M'ANTKI), x W T I'.S TA m MX T. As made by tlm loos' einlnrnt scholars ol Knu laud ami A iikm l- u Half the price of ('oriespoud Iiik Knullsli I'. 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 . Lurjii! type. Ilnen super eal otidoieo paper. eeiiHiir binnhiK. A neparutn " Coniprelienstve llls'ory of tlm lllhln ami Its Translations." InchidliiK a full account of tte New He vision, nlven lo snbsci Ibeis Best t linnee fm iiKenls ever ollered. .Henil Nt.mun tor piirtlcii'ars nt once. TIIlilllCNKY HILL I'UIILISIIINd fir).. 17 NOIUVIOM.CONN. Ami noisrt:it: EJtt ''in-i ii in 1 1 1 , mi !. s. U'ti irrm'- 'S t ift . 1 1 In,!: j! I t nil. V rile .Itlt- IB i.i: Ciite. tJ . )..u: n, i; , Jllcb. lTAHin PFNQIfiiMQ r'or oi.dii:k, I tllvJIvUvS s idiim. fiiilir. ini'ilifn ti Hillilmn. n'hmi.nn.ls rel i-nlltltMl. IVtiHlotm tirn tiiT ln,f.f flii.fr, tin-. i-yu nr milium, viirlrnii' vi'in r miy iriHi'iLu. 'I Iiuii.imiiI, r lioti.liiiii.t. r i,,i ii. i li ii, i iillil.-.l In IV4'lfl.'Atair .....i l..rr.'.i-' I I'ATK.N'I'sl iirtintinii fur Itm'iilui., hiil'iMiTii I iHttil n-urriinl. timrurtil, lintlirli t mill nM. Hulilli-r mil liHr.iii.t.lr f..rri.iirrlliHtt.ticr. Ki iiiI 11 .'tflltilift fur I ti. r ti-n.s..i.iiB- o ....i !...,.. nml llniiiitr Jus. liliuiki, nnil lii.triii lliiii.. U', .vi .ri-irro. ll,..li.:.il.,.f ',., !,.,. , 'r,, A Y.Tll f- w. fltrBornid fV Co. i'kxsms ,t 1 .11 t.vr Au j, Litlo;i.t.is, U Mfiiuiiuu, U. 0 17A2m 1, P Ollttlt sent fri'e to those v.'ho wish liirntriive hi tin, TvMluout iiIiiimiiiiI noil prollltilile ImisIiii-hs I, ii,, ii, Lvcrylliluir new. t'ni'ltiil not fi iiuln il. Wu will furnish you evi l') llilnw. mm n tiny nii'l njnvnrtls Is eiisliy imiile Willi. nil, ntiiymv uwuy from home over luiht. No risk wliiilevi'it. Mttuy iii-w win Iters wiinti-il ut.oni'O. Many itt-e inn klliM lorliun-s nt. flu. Inisiness. 1-iltlli-H liiukH ns iillliil us ineti, nnd yoimi hnn Htid irirls urn ke un-iit ptiy. Noone who Is wlllluir to win k fulls to iiinke inn e inoiii-y every tltiv lluiii i:nti lie rnnile 111 a wi'i lt at any orilliiury . iiioviui'iit. Tliose w ho I'llinure nt oni-e PI find II s'l'ift I'oul to fnrtlluo, Ail lltvss II. II ALLLT fc CO., I'lii-tluntl, llaini-. 1 ly RFATTV'Q OKOANH IS useful to n. f, sets 1Jl-rl I O iveds onlv DtKi. Planus t'.' up. .Illuslrated catiilorjuefree. Address I1ICATTV, Va,hlliKloii, N . J. JliAly 1 I'amniiH' J'ni'frtdi'rt Ml lnako New HIt'll HIikhI, and will completely chango tho blood in thocntli'osvsU'in In three months. Anvpersnn Mho will take 1 pill cneli nlK'it from 1 to laweeks rtuiy bo restored to sound health. If such a thing be possible. Henl bv mall for b letter stamps. . N. .OH.V.SO.V CO., Huston, Man., formerly 7lnii(i', Mn. 1Mi WANTED j,veK.l?&Kt.Kl tilnif Alac-hlno evir tnvrtitnil. Will kiiitapulrof foi -kliim, with IIKKL ami TDK Complete, In 20 intiiiiU-t. it will aIhu knit a Kri-ut varli-ty of runry VAirli fur whli-ti there la alwnvs n rnntly ninrket. K'-ti'l for ilntilnr nnil terms to tlm Twomltly H'llttlnd Macltiue Co., tult Wunliloluu bU. Uunkiu Cluu. IdAly NOTICE! Tni5unilerslued would respectfully call the intention nf the citizens of periy county, that he has a lurge aud well nclecled slock of HA11DWAKE. UllOCKKIKS. DltL'OH. WINKS Si MQUOIiS, IHON. NAILS. HOUSE and MULE SHOES, STKKL, IKON AXLEH, SPRINGS, KPOKES. HUBS, FELLOKH. 8IIAFTR. POLES & HOW'S. BUOOr.' HANDLES, WIKK. T WINKS, tie. ALSO, Taints, Oils, Glass, Piaster, nnd Cement. y SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPER LEATHER, FISH. SALT. 8lTG A US. 8Y KTJPB, TE 8. SPICES. TOBACCO, CKiAKS, and SMITH COAL. John Lucas & C'o's.. 1 MIXED PAINTS, (ready for use.) . The best Is the CHEAPEST. And a lartto variety of goods not mentioned, nllof which were boimht at I lie Lowest Cash Prices, and he offers the sanit, to Ms Patrons at the Very Lowest Prices for Cash or approved trade. His motto Low prlces.and Fair dealings to all. (lo and fee him. hespeclfully. S. M. Sni.'LEK. Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. JOB IMtlNTIXO of every description neatly land promptly executed at heasonahie ltalef at the Hloonilleld Times Steam Job Oltlce. I V -Vii r-Aut V V " P ' , THE Chicago & Nortji-Westcrn 1AIL,AVA.A Is the Oldest, Ilest, Constructed, Hest Etilpperl, and hence the LEADING RAILWAY -OF TUB WI IKT ii ii (I N OIlTHH'i:iHT. It Is the limi t and best route between ClilcnKO and all points In Northern Illinois, Iowa, Dckola, Wjiinlim, Ne biaika, California. OiPKon. Arizona. Utah, Col orado. Idaho, Alonlaiiu, Nevada, aid loi Council Bluffs, Omaha, Dorwar, lealvlllo, Calt Lato, Sen mnclcco, tut wood, Sioux City, Cedar Hiiplds. lies Moines, Columbus, and all points In tlm Territories, and lh West. Also, for Milwaukee. Ilreen Hay, (Mikosh. KhehnvKitn, Mnriiielte, Koud dil Lao Watertown, HoukIiIoii, Neeniih, Meuashn, Nt. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Voliia. Fariio, lllsiiiaick, Winona. Lacrosse, Owaionna, and all points In Mliimmita, Itakota, WlHcnnslii and the Northwest, At Council lllutrs the 1 ruins of the ChlcaynA Norlh Weslern nnil tlm U. P It'js depail. Iroin, arrive at, and use the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connect lout are made with Hie Lake Ho M e. Mlehlean (Jential, llalilmoin ft Ohio. Ft. Wayne anil PennsvlvHiiln, anil Chlonito ft Oinnil Trunk It'js, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Knulcs. Close connections made at Junction Points. It Is tho ONLY LINK running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars 1IK1WKKN CHICAUO nnd COUNCIL BLUFFS ruUinanUk'fjiertionult KUiht Train. Insist upon Ticket ARenls Renins you Tickets via tills road, hxamlne your Tickets, and refuse lo buy If they do not read ovel the Chicago & Ntu id-Western Hallway. H youwiMithe llet Travellnu Accmnmndt f Ions you will buv vour Tickets bv litis route, AND WILL TAK K NONKOTHKIt. All Ticket AKents sell Tickets by tills Linn. J5 MAItVIN HtmillTT. 2d V. P. & Ueu'l Mang'r, Ciiioaiio. Ill, STARTLIWG DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vttitlm of youthful Ittiprtulence cdiistnu I'rema turn.lipi'Ay, Nervous Hi-hlHtr, list Msnhisid, etr., iinviiiH tried in vain every known remmly, lifts dis cuvrn d a simple x-lf onm, which he will m-nd KIIKK ixt his ti'llow-snfli rers, uil.lnm J. II, HKEVKM, 4.1 J IiuIiiiiim Ml., N. Y. , Mlly $2 Watrhfi, fm wlii'Umfl.AA. WrilfmHt Iluntl nff rt tr,. imiutifiti Rui.iifl, H'tihiKfiiiifia, niMH(fit nimI iM'nt rir)"itiritVn n- nr fiiUnv Hir VmIiihIiIm rU I'tltMrrva. tmtMvmshta., n-jsunuswtmru Mlly M F ''"H ftirnlHlH'fl frff, with full IrmtrtH'tfniip far X I J eniirlucllim iimtst nhtal)lp lTiltifn that yymw anyone cati envaKf In. Tli tniKliicHH 1h vtwy Ut Icfirii, ftnd (Mir liifslritrttfiiift nn pItii'Ii mitl j'lnln, tlmt itny ttiiccnfi nmkf Krvat rillf n from (hit very Htiirf. No n' 1'iiti full who In willing t-r work. Woiupii irnui "iur vi Huful nr iiicn. )loMHir(l vtrln cmi vnru Intu' mmiiih. Mhii.v lmv mmlo Hi Ihu IhimIiu'kh over oim liiiiidri'tl dull ii rn In ti flfiifht wiMk. Nolhliitr lltv It fvf-r known lfuri. AM wtm f infiiirc nr Riirprifi'd i tlm cmhh nud mpislltr wllli whh h tlicy are nv to iriHkn motif v. You ciin ciiKHtfc lu thin nHlmnn l tiring vour (tpHrc ttino ut prvut i-rotit. Von doiiol hnw to (uvvnt '.ilf nl In It, vs tiilic all (In rink. 'J'Iiomc who im il n-mly ni"in-y( filioiild wiitc to tiM itt onrf. All iitniJf-lH'iHne. Afldn-jm TUllK k ;(. AiikuMm. Muliiu. 1 1) A UCTIQNEEHS. T A M ES CLEELA N D U Auctioneer, OITer hls services to thficltlreiinof Terry and Cumberlaiid counties. J'oxt oHicv Addinn. ttliHrmanKdalft, I'enyoo.. V. II Al'CTIONKiCIt, Would resnectfnllv liilonn Hie clliensnf Pnrrv ctiunty that he will cry sales t short iiotlce. and at reasonable rates. Kntisfuctlon vuaiuiiteed. Address Hkniit Kki.i,. Ickesliiim, Pa, B. HARNISH, . A-TJCXIOINlCKlt, Delvllle. Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 6 ti D AVID M'COY, aucxioiskiou:, ICKEHBUHO. TEKKV COUNTY, PA.. n. Charges moderate. Prompt atientlpfi paid to ail calls. y TAS. P. LATCH FORD, U A VCTION&Ell, Would respectfully Inform the public that he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orderi will receive pronmi att.-nilon. irUONNALLY'H,MILLB,PEKHy CO., PA. Auctioneer. The undersigned given not lee that he jrtlllery sales at any point In Perry or Dauphin bounties. Orders are sollcltedand promutatteutionwiHbe given. y H. D. WELLH, i' hew Buffalo Perry co., P 7- r A Great Cnnse of Human Misery Im tho Loss ot A LHCTUHE ON THE NATL'HK, TKEAT ment. and KaiSical cure of Hrmlnal Weakness, or Kperniatorrhti'a, Induced by Self Abuse, Involun tary Enimissious, Impotency, Nervous Hebllity, and Impediments to marriage generally; Con sumption. Epilepsy, and Fits: Mental and Phys ical Incapacity, etc. by HOHEKT J. CULVEK WKLL. M. !.. author or the "Green Book." etc. The world-renowned author. In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from Ills own experience that the awful consequences of Keif-Abuse may be ellectHnlly removed without dangerous sur gical operations, bougies. Instruments, rings, or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sulfrrer. no matter what his condition mav be. may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. . This Lecture will prcva boon to thou sands and thousands. Sent under seal. In a plain envelope, to any ad dress, ou receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. We have also a sure cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CULYERttELL MEDICAL CO., 4Cpl j J 41 Ann St., New York : P. O. Box, 4t. Newport AdrertlNeiiienf u. JTEWPORT DRUGSTORE. rtsvlmv On h&nd nnmolftl. ,,.l,..nl nl .... . lowhur artlolM, the subscriber asks s thsreof you" Uniff ami Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Alios full stock of Concentrated Roraodics, KBSENTIAIi OIJL.H, IJniHlies, rcrfuinorj 1IAIH OII, AND FANCY ARTICLES Also always on Hand PUKE WINES & LIQU0I5. Fon MEDICINAL and BACHAMK.NTAL PUKP0HE8 PHYSICIANS OltDEltS Ctxrifaily and Promptly Filial D. M . EDY, Newport, Ponn'a. It. S. (JOOK & (JO., Agree to soil all klndsof LUMI3ER AND SHINGLES, for LKBS MONEVthan any other dealers In thlo county. We will also take uood Tlmheron the' trtiiuip or delivered at our Mill In exchange ror Liimlmr.&o, WeuseClearlleld l'ltie and Uem ockonly. W. R. 8. (JOOK ft CO., Newport, Terry Co., Ta. October 10, 1870. JONES' BROS, & CO., '(Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invltethepatronageol the rarmers, and the publio generally, a the JIIUHIiHT PIUCEH the market wlllaliord, will be paldforall klndsof ORAIN, FLO UK, PKOOUCK HEEDS AND HAILItOAI) TIES We have constantly on hand , FISH, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HOUSE SHOES. Ac, lie. FOR BALK AT THK LOWEST RATES. trv Orders promptly filled, ' Newport, July 20, 1875 tf T B. HARTZELL, u. Wholesale .'oaeco Dealer, IElVIOItT, IA. Sole Agent (or Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos .?lM!Jn,trt,,Mercnants "P5llea with Good at Phlladelphlaprlces. Your orden are solicited. m jg HIME3, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: South East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIFS written In first class companies on all kinds of Insurable proper, ty, at fair rates, aud losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. ComnfttlifM ,.tna.of Hartford. Assets, s,7"0.n"0 v.oiiiiiierciai I'Uion. ' j 41,4 .tO Fire Association, PhU'a., " siTTuiots).' B. HIMES, Agent. March 11, 18S01y ' 6 i w mm a ir m u 1 'THE GREAT A inryti nt th etir pi-n-i p-. t u m u m mom M i-sc.i vrsu Sisp.nUA, Msn'ltt. I I if pa 1st I,la'"'. Kiln.j-Wort, Hughs. Bail Im I V ll-... kt whick acts promefr m If Itll lrir " l.iT.r. KkiiMr.. Bloul, Sumarb 1lllrML.V H""1' ' . m. nix. Tho. FV I 1 1 is I I "u sr. w l.tnau.1 MIBMtl IllUIlM I Ui htm torn i. dlMM4, Uur ftll LlNTD fcMoto. uvm or 1m. aiTMM4. lie 01 r g W t" "to. mat .nmrvtrtST rf I II II "" poisa, whKk nora. ihm M 1 V Sf tit h hu.ltttr aet.3B. Md m m lAnl XiJhi.U-iL.XJ 1 uo , mwr hr B.. & Anti-Biliou byw,. uiiuai.. ciuts- m-m-VT-rr fS"""- rs..l. t.iasl. W..kn.-. .11 I I JIMXl-U'i liu.w t.lnl.uuH.,.11 IlLic .IfecU.us, ea .nj alosrv. PI.., .t la uk. 'Tn.it lottln. i'.oM- Umll.il. AIUrui.uiiaolrr Kor.. hsT.il. or ,tl (Mil lur w. ai ,,,;rwt i.r uMMt tXU, and m:Ud f,r i rt.. . U.K. AUSSM Wi.ti huE ktUlt-lItt . Fkiiuoipiui. ft S8 e owlyi