8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., JUNE 14, 1881. Harnessing Horses three Abreast to Wagons. Tlie American Expregi Company has Introduced Into New York the system of harnessing used on the London omnibuses, by which three horses are harnessed In nearly the same way as we hnrness a team. The change has been made on two of the wagons as an experiment with very satis factory results. The wagons are sup plied with two poles Instead of one, and each of the three horses Is attaohed to a separate whiflletrce. This is found to be u decided improvement ovsr the system sometimes used of putting a horse in shafts and another at each side. The harnessing is practically the same as with two horses, with two poles instead of one. The exper iment is tried upou wagons that deliver goods In the upper part of the city, not only because the londs are frequently too heavy for two horses, but to enable the drivers to make up for lost time with in. croased rate of speed wheu from any cause they are delayed at the start. She Wanted a Husband. CnEYEKNE, Wy., June 0, The case of the marriage of a Chinaman named Lee Chin to Mrs. Eva II. Lee, a white woman, is attracting much attention. The statutes of Wyoming forbid such intermarriage and the couple went to Denver to have the ceremony performed, the Colorado laws permitting it. Mr. aud Mrs. Lee Chin have been indicted for miscegenation. The Chinese Consul at Denver, under di rection of the Chinese Ambassador nt Washington, has become interested in behalf of his couutryman, will contest the case in the courts. Judge W. P. Caroll and Mr. J. C. Baiid have been retained to defeud the case. Meanwhile, a full state ment is being prepared for the Chinese Ambassador to present to the State De partment, and diplomatic correspondence is likely to ensue. If a woman wuuts a Chinaman for a husband, we cannot see whose business it is, aud if other fellows wanted her, why didn't they take her. The Troublesome Tramp. The tramp is beginning to turn up iu the couutry, but instead of traveling singly or iu pairs he is this summer a member of a gang of a score or more of well-armed and desperate bandits. The other day a par ty of thirty-five of these fellows put in an appearance at Olean, Now York, and for several days thereafter terrorized the citi zens of the place. The police force and constables were powerless, and finally the citizens armed themselves attacked the rendezvous of the tramps iu an old railroad round-house. The result was a pitched battle in which the citizens came off con querors. The tramps were routed aud Hed iu every direction, leaving one of their number dying on the iield of battle, three others wounded, and six prisoners. This interesting romance of life in the civilized extreme East is vouched for by a cor respondent of the New York Sim. A Hailstone Cannonade. Dead wood, D. T.f June C A terrific hail and wind-storm passed over this city this afternoon, doing great damage. Hail stones of the size of hens' eggs fell for over two hours. One stone measured twenty two inches in circumference. The whirl wind struck in Deadwood gulch, near the confluence of AYhitewood and Deadwood gulches, completely destroying four houses, killing one woman, the wife of John Vol cott, of St. Louis, and Beriously injuring Mrs. Thomas and her two young children. Hundreds of trees on the hillside were up rooted and hurled in some instances a dis tance of 500 feet. Telegraph poles were torn up for a distanco of nearly a mile. The whirlwind separated before reaching the thickly settled part of the town, other wise the damage would have been very great. Sparrows Stop a Church Clock. The clock in 'the tower of the First Presbyterian church, which generations of Newark's residents set their watches by before the correct time was telegraphed from Washington daily, stopped Monday morning about 9 o'clock. The city time keeper was asked to attend to it, and made an examination. He found that the wheels were clogged with a mass of twine, hay, grass and other stuff, which sparrows had collected from the streets. They had flown in through a hole in the dial, deposit iing it to make their nests. The rubbish had been slowly carried around by the wheels until it had became tightly wedged among them. There was nearly a half peck of it. A Big Haul at Buffalo. Buffalo, June 0 A robbery of be tween 90,000 and $100,000 in bonds from Erie Company Saving Bank has just come to light. The bonds were taken from the treasurer's desk, where they had been placed without any sunpicion of danger after a number of coupons had been cut from them. Several of the stolen bonds Lave been traced to Baltimore. K3T With great pleasure we can recom mend as a radical cure for rheumatism, St. Jacobs Oil. This wonderful remedy has been extensively used by a large num ber of people who daily testify to its mar velous eil'eots. (jouverneur, (iV. Y.) Her. aid. AMONG OUlt We are IMsplnj ins n Splendid Lino Of Men's, Boys and Childrens' Light Suits, Of Men's and Hoys' Summer Coats and Pants, Of Men's and Boys' White.Fancy and Mixed Straw Hats, Of Men's and Boys' low Walking Shoes and light weight Boots, Of Men's White, Colored and Fancy Shirts, Ties and Hosiery, Of Ladies' and Children's Slip pers and Walking Shoes, Of Ladies'and Children's Button, Lace, Cloth and Leather Shoes, OfLadies' Dustersjvnit Shawls, Parasols, Fans and Skirts, Of Ladies Ties, Collars, Hand kerchiefs, Hosiery, etc., Of Carpets in all grades and styles, Of Trunks and Valises, Buggy Spreads, Counterpanes, etc. Our immense trade compels us to buy heavy, and therefore wc can show you more and bet ter goods, and sell them for less money than any other store in the County. & EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. pilE INSURANCE. To the Farmers and Mechanic) of Perry County We hereby call your attention to the claims of The Farmers' and Mechanics' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Ferry County, as offering you good and safe Insurance at Net Cost. This Company, organized and chartered In 1872, lias Issued over 1400 policies, and hs bow over Sl.9Uii.ioo ot property insured; has paid losses since Its organizat ion to the amount ot 2,7(i2.24; has laid uut one assessment, of V, mills on the dollar, since Its organization, netting the Company the sum ot ll.vM3.5S, which, with the premiums on policies Issued, has paid all its current expenses and losses from tire. The rates charged by the Company are but from $1.20 to ta.OOper thousand dollars of valuation for five years, and no charges for Survey and Policy, as other Companies make. We claim that It oilers to the Farmers and Mechanics of Ferry county advantages over all olherCompanlcs for the following among other reasons: It Is a home Company. It insures only In Perry countv. It pays no large salaries to (Ulcers. It pays no dividends to Stockholders. It pays its losses promptly and honorably. It Insures at lower rates than any Stock Com pany can. It insures no borough property, steam estab lishment or foundry. It makes no assessments unless actually needed to pay losses by tires. lis Olllcers are your neighbors whom you know, and are chosen by the insured from their own number. GEOKGK HOOBAUGH, President. DIRECTORS. NICHOLAS HENCH, Savtlle township. J. W. GANTT, Centre township. JACOB DUM, Spring township. HKYAN OIRNEY, Carroll township. J. D. COOrKlt, Tyrone township. TREASURER. HON. DAVID 8HEIBLEY. Spring township. Full Information sent upon application to W. W. McCLUKK, Secretary. 23-19 Ureeupark, Pa. FREE TO EVERYBODY! A Beautiful Book for the Asking. By applying personally at the nearest otllco ot THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO..(or by postal card If at a distance) any adult person will be presented with a beautifully Illustrated copy of a New Bjok entitled GENIUS REWARDED, OR THE Story of the Sewing Machine. containing a handsome and costly steel engrav Id frontispiece; also, 28 finely engraved wood cuts, and bound In an elaborate bfue aud gold lithographic 'cover. No charge whatever is made for this handsome book, which can. be obtained only by application at the branch and subordi nate otlices at The Singer Manufacturing Co. The BlBger Manufacturing Co., rrltc pal Olllce. 81 Union Square, 13 8 ' New York City, N. Y. MARX DIES THE NEWPORT .'New Clothing House I It Is not necessary to be rich to dress well. Style hakes the clothes, mid olnthes makes the man, at least they give a good lift in that direction. Our styles In ready made CLOTHING, for men Sod hoys, Is our pride. They are equal to Custom Work. Now, all we would ask of vou Is to come and examine our stock, which comprises all grades of Clothing, from the cheapest to the best. We give you a few of our sample prices: Our Hard Twisted Men's Suits, Coat, Pants and Vest for 13. (Mi Our 17.60 Light Colored Cassl mere Suits, all Wool, for 10. 110 Dark, all wool, Casslniere Suits, We defy to be undersold on these suits. They are the best sold for the money In America. 112.50 all wool Fine Suits; llo Fine Worsted Suit; 12il Fine Black Cloth Hult: 142.50 Fine Black Cloth Halts. The goods are, In style and workmanship, equal to custom work, and made ot llrst class material Our Boys' ami Children's Clothing We have them In all sizes, from three years up, and sell them as low as the lowest. Our fJ.Ml Child's Suit. Is a beautiful mixed light color. Our 1:.M) Cheviot Hult is a splendid thing. Our i nil wool, Child's Suit Is nice and splendid. Those are the best makes of New York Clothing, stilish cut and durable made. Our Custom Department Is filled with English, French, Scotch and American Worsted and Cassl niere Suitings, which we will made to order at a Low Price, and guarantee a perfect tit. BU1T8 TO OKDF.lt FOR EIGHTEEN DOLLARS This is a splendid all wool dark mixed Casslniere Suit. For 820 we have ten styles ot Casslniere and Cheviot Suitings, our J22 Scotch Cheviot Hult Is the best thing ever sold for the money. Ourllneot Gents' Furnishing Goods Is com plete In every respect. Shirts. Collars, Neck Ties, Bilk Handkerchiefs, Trunks aud Valises. HATS and CAPS. We keep the very latest styles of Nobby lints. A full line of Hats for men, boys and children, w hich we will sell at Low Prices. Now, We would say we buy all our Goods from first hands for Cash, and manufacture all our better class of ready made clothing, which ena bles us to undersell all opposition. That means we sell you a better made suit for less money. Money refunded on all goods not found as rep resented. Please call, whether you wish to purchase or not. Will be pleased to see you. &. GANSMAN, Fashionable Merchant Tailor and Clothier, N, Cor. Diamond, Prank's Old Hardware Stand, NKWPOUT, March 2'J, 1811. VA. G RAND BOULEVARD HOTEL, Curlier .Kllll St. find Ilroiulivily, XI2W YORK. On Both American. & European .Plana. Fronting on Central Park, the Grand Boule vard, Broadway and Fifty-Ninth Street, this Ho. tel occupies the entire square, and was built and furnished nt an expense of over tl'HUMii). It is one of the most elegant as well as II nest located In the city ; has a passenger Elevator and all modern improvements, and ls"wlthln one square of the depots of the Slxlh and Eighth Avenue Elevated It. U. Cars and still nearer to the Broad way cars convenient and accessible from all Sal ts of the city. Booms with board, $2 per day. pedal rates for families and permanent guests. Aug.2t. 'o0 ly E. HASKELL,, Proprietor. INSTATE! NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given li that Letters Testamentary on the estate ot David Graum, late of Penn township, Perry Co., Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under signed residing In the same township. AU'persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to D. K. GHAHM. W. A. Sponsker, Att'y. Executor. May 10, 1881. ESTATE! NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, that letters of administration on the estate of Kev. H. H. ltlchnmnd late of Toroiie township. Perry County, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. P. O. Address Laudisburg, Perry County. Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment aud those having claims will present them duly authenticated lor settlement to ALBERT E. RICHMOND, Chas. H. Pmii.et, Att'y. Administrator. May 10, lbtJl. TAMTE EMERY WHEELS"' GRINDING MACHINES 21d4w For Kfw-IUilln. Foundries, nntl itliu'liliie Hhnim. For circular!, Bililri-na THETANITECO. Htrmiilpburw, Monroe Co., a. Have You Ever Know Any person to be seriously 111 wlthot a weak stomach or inactive liver or kidneys? Aud when those organs are in good condition do you not Mnd their possessor enoylng good health? PAlt K KH'S GINGER TONK! always regulates these important organs, and never falls to make the blood rich and pure, and to strengthen every part of thesystem. It has cured hundreds of desoalr Ing invalids. Ask your neighbor aboul it. 21d4t DC ATTV'Q ORGANS, 17 Btops, fi Set golden "tiil I l w tongue Heeds only J85. Address DANIEL F. BE ATT Y, Washington, N. J. 23dl SOLD MEDAL AWARDED t ho A uthor. A new ntin went M ml leal Work, warranted t Iih best and cheapent, indiKimDriahle to evnry man .entitled "ti) Science of Lift or,Nttlf-Preservation bound in finest French muslin, mbowsfld, full Kilt,3U0ip.oontaini beautiful tewl mrraTiiiKS, l'J5 prescrip tions', price only $1.26 aqnt by mail ; iiluntrntd nam pie, uenta; end now.Addreiui i'eahndv Mntt. If WIUW H'U VVL I V mamuienr in. r. ii. rAK fcllUW iUIuLLl . K.KU, No, 4 UuUmcti.t, lioatoa- 23(126 The Relish of the World Halford Sauce SOLD BY ALL CROCERS. id!6 AGENTS ! AGENTS ! AGENTS I JOHN B. UOUGH'S binn" new book, Jwt tmhlulietl, onllUrri n. uuuim b Dinn- new oook, tuKT uuMuAftf, entitled SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW i c nance evt orrervil to you. Jit Hccnti i i bright and ahudy ildaa of real (V'e, and poi John H. Gough enn portray them. For Pathol, ITiimor. arid tntotae mwrrtf, it ! without uecr. It it the "houiiuwn" Uiak for yfiwuM. and out- Hll Otliura If! ta t. Moth .Amu,,... ,... II.Il ...ml. wanted, men anil women. KowU the Hint, t W ,rWimr 7rn torwend Siciul Ti-nru Kiven. tw,!vmd(r Cirrulitn. AdrireM, a. df iu.i 1'uim., Uurttoru, loan iUdfti To Dealers and Consumers of Fish. WK r prepared to supply you with Choice Extra lat. MACKKKKL, New Kastport round, and Lake HMKUINU. at reasonable prices tor CASH, or in exchange (or Grain, Heeds, Potatoes, Lard, Br.eon . o. , &y . JONK3 BKOl HEItH & CO., Brick Warehouse. 17 2m NEWfOKf. Fa. TfOBlHUNTINOot every description neatly land promptly exeouted at Reasonable Mater at the Bloomlleld Times Steam Job Ofllce. TRY AT YOUR OWN STORE FIRST 4(Mjfou don't fct suited but wish to bun CAllPms, OIL CLOTHS, etc., at thcloS CAIU'JST HOUSE, 111 MARKET STJiEET. No trouble to shoiv Goods, and don't buy unless prices. Ur mottoan(l aool8 lowest cash F. W. Do You Want Heavy Wheat and Large Crops ? THEN USE Bud's Twenty-Five Dollar Pirate. nilCE, fZ2Ci PEll TON OT? 000 On cars or boat. Iu Philadelphia. ANALYSIS GUABA NTEEI). Send for Circular. 11AUGH & SONS, Sole Manufacturers, 20 BOUTII DEL AWAKE AVE., PHILADELPHIA. PA-a-For sale by JONE3 BltOS. & CO., Newport, Pa. 2.3-2G Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 35 North 3rd Street, HARRISBURG, Pa. 10,000 Yds. Neio Figured Lawns, 5, G, lo, 2cts. 3,ooo Yds. Lace Huntings, 12 cents. 950 Yds. All Wool Huntings in Hlachand Colors, 15 cents. 2,500 White Victoria Lawns, I2i cents. 300 Dozen Lisle Thread Gloves, 12, 15, 1,7, 20, 25, 28, and 33 cents. Fans and Farasols. Write for Samples. DIVES, POMEROY & STEWAET, THE LARGEST DltY GOODS HOUSE CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. In making our first Spring announcement to our patrons and the public, we would call attention to our immense slock of DRY GOODS IN ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. We have made great accession to our stock and with our Increased facilities for purchasine and greater outlet, we are enabled to oiler unprecedented bargains. We have many new thiiiKS in Choice New Colorings, lo these goods wi have trimmings to match for Combination Suits. We m A?.,.'ferafl'ebSll,IL"!l,c.H,,?l:vlEK slI'Ka ,n nl1 the new elfects, and special I iducen'ents In BLACK 81LKS, 84.TI! I)E LYONS and CASHMKItKH. We will malntahi oiir loni established rey.1,tIa.V,,M?r.f,ir..cftJj;Xl,,S V'e lanrftt fstock of MOUltNINU GOODS IN THIS CITY. Great Bargains hi THIBET SHAWLS. UOSIEHY. GLOVE and NOTION Department complete in every part Sn ISSteffiKSSfJii; bTea ,n Uarr,sbul'- u'teed kd GLOVESaVla.ty. 31. O. EINSTEIN, 10 13t 223 MARKET St., HAltRISBUKO, Pa. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! 1881 SPRING OPENING! 1881 We desire to speak to the citizens of Bloomlleld and surrounding country on the subject of Carpels, Oil Cloths, and Wall Papers, and point out a few facts why you should deal with us. 5"A,VuE 5,011 can J'e. """"din any kind of goods named above out of a great assortment. HKCAUSKour stock Is complete mid fHll In all departments. !J!':A!!?S you are allorded the pleasure of a superior choice at the lowest possible prices. lihUAUBK we deal honest with you : give you all you can ask for the money; ship vour goods free of charge, and strive to please and pront you. We therefore ask an inspection of our Body and Tapestry Brussels, Ingrain and 3-riy Carpets, Hall and Stair, Hemp aud Bag Carpets, by all our old customers and all new ones who will give as the chance to prove what we assert above. OUR RAQ CARPETS are made underour linmrdlate directlou, on our own loomi. and we ciuim for them a superiority Bupassed by none in the State. CARPET RACS taken in exchange for goods, and Carpets made to order. Many Novelties In our Wall Paper Departments, Window Shades and Material for Lambrenulns and Furniture Coverings, with Cords, Fi luges.uud Ulmps to match. ' . .LINOLEUM, an article superior to Oil Cloth for kitchens, dining rooms, balls and vesti bules, public oUlces, and banks. A complete stock throughout, the equal ot which has not been opened before by us. Again we request a call from you and your friends, feeling that jou will be Justified In the doing thereof. Iteapectfully yours, ' STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 East Main Street, CARLISLE, Penn'a. YOU CAN BUY THE BLATCHLEY PUMP Unllntd,or with Copper. Porcrlaln.nr Iron Lining. Karh one elum-lled with my nnnie tut manulucturor is warrnnted In material ami con st ruetlon. For sale by the bet houses in tlto trade. If you do not know where to get thin pump, wrlto to me as below, ami I will send nauio of aifent nearest you, who will nupply you at my lowest prices. CHAS. O. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by F. Mortimer, New Dloomfleld, Pa. ti FANCY floods and Notions, Some new ar rival, Cheap, F. MOHTIMEK, YINGST, III MARKET ST., HARRISBURG, PA. IN 11 3m ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate of Benjamin Zimmerman, late of Madison township rerry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In Andersouburu Perry county, l'a. M All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to r ,T ' , WILLIAM MOOSE, Wl,n- ?3J',ERl Att executor. May 10, 1981. STATE NOTICK.-Notlce Is hereby glveu that letters of Administration have been granted on the estate ot bamuel Daniels, late of Wheat field twp.. Perry county. Pa., deceased, to Sarah Aim Daniels, residing iu same township. P. O. address, Duncannon. All Demons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those haviiia claims, to present them for settlement. r, t t ,.t bait AH ANN DANIELS. Mavis! Jim y" Administratrix. Dissolution of Partnership. April, 1881. by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be received by said Ueo. A. Ligxett, and all demands on said partner ship are to be presented to him for payment, until tlieUDlhot June, 1881, and after that day the accounts ot the tlrm will be placed In the bauds of an oilicer for collection. t . GEO. J. DKLANCEY. June 7, 1881? TOflCE Is hereby given tht the partnership 11 lately existing between Geo. A. LgKett anil O.J. Delaucv of Perry county, ra.. under the nrm name of I.larotr. & itaintuw j.,irua 1,1. MOM IE Cloths aud other Dress Goods In va rious styles. F. MORTIMER