o4 0 THE TIMES, NEW BL00MF1EL1V PA U .JUNE I J,1 1881.' . Newport Advertisements, nuco. mm N EWPORT DRUGSTORE. ... , , , I ' ' ; y HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Swiss Farming. I have wondered If there are wicbawk. ward ways of doing things outside of Egypt as are practiced here. The farm, lug implements would he laughable If they were not moiiBtroun. Tubal t'aln certainly made better formed Bcythes than are used here. The axes are sim ply long sharp wedges with a hole near , the top, and a short, straight Btick in the hole for a handle. Hay forks are big and awkward, and twice as heavy as our stable forks. Grain Is ofteuer threshed with the old-fashioned Hall than otherwise. I wonder they do not ' tramp It with oxen. . It would be a slow er prooeHS, and how to be slow Is made a special duty here. The ploughs are the climax of agricultural monstrosities. They are great cumbersome things, made almost wholly of wood, with the beam mounted on two wooden wheels big enough for coal carts. My friend used just such a plough yesterday on our farm. I halj deny owuershlpl now, when I think of It. It was pulled by six cows. Two men were driving the cows, and two men were holding the plough up. I followed and looked ou. They were half a day ploughing half an acre. I am glad the whole concern, plough men, cow-driver, and all, were hired, and not a pBrt proper of the farm. I sat on a stone wall for half an hour and reflected whether it were possible Amer icana could not make small special farm ing profitable, their soil and complete implements for farming, in the face of the fact that these people not only made a living, but Bave money on a poor soil, and with the old fashioned tools of Egypt to work it. 1 am certain the w hole secret lies In economy ; in the saving of a hundred little things that shall outbalance even the waste of these awkward implements and these slow methods. There will not a blade of grass be seen among the vines here, nor a weed on the farm. There will not be a twig of wood left to rot, or a potato undug. A gentleman's private garden could not be cleaner or better kept than is the whole fur.ni in Bwlt.era land, cultivation such as is bestowed only on hot-houses In America, Is com mon here to every farm. Not one foot of ground is left uncared for. It may take ugoodvleal of time, with such slow hands to do it, but it is done. Not a chip, not a straw, is wasted. " AVe put this little thing and that little thing to gether," said my friend, " and at the end of the year it makes a good deal." One can not afford waste or bad farming ou land live or six hundred dollars un acre or more. How to Save Cabbages, etc. An excellent preventative against the cabbage worm is to cover the plants with dry uuleached woodashes,using one half to one shovel full to each plant, ac cording to size. This remedy can easily be applied and will pay from a manurl al point of view alone, even if it should not destroy the worms entirely. liut we think it will. HtjVASii Tests. A hard task indeed bugs, that Infest all kinds of running vines. But both of. them, the striped cucumber bug and the large brown bug known as the " Stlnkbug," must be kept oft", if you want to save your cu cumbers, melons, squashes, pumpkins, etc. Often you can hide the plants suc cessfully among other garden stuff, in a . potato patch, or by sowing a ring of ' 'Tbuckwheat or beans around the hill ; I you can also cover them, If the patch is not too large,with boxes, plant protectors or paper. Ashes, or rags saturate! with kerosene or coal tar. and placed around the hills, dry ashes, soot, air-slacked lime, road dust, all are excellent when ducted over the vines freely every morn-s-" inn. Not less effective la the daily arj- plleatlon of liquid manure, which after having been standing in the sun for a number of days, gives off a smell too rank even for the bugs. But no success without constant vigilance. Examine your vines, when young, every day closely, and not only kill all the" stink-bugs" you find, but also de stroy their eggs, deposited generally on ' the under side of the leaves. , Worthless Stuff. . - Not so fsit ray friend ;' If you could seethe sKnJV healthy, blooming men, women ae jehildren that have been raised froitf'ueds of sickness, suffering and almost trSttb, by the use of Hop Bit ters, you woii say "Glorious and inval uable remedy." Bee other column. J'iiladvlphia Prem. ' 23:2t iCTLydia K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound doubtless ranks first as a curative agent in all diseases of the pro creative system, degeneration of the kidneys. Irritation. of the bladder, urina ry calculi, &o., &c. Bend to Mrs. Lydlu . E. Tin It hum, S!!13 Western Avenue, .Lynn Mass., for pamphlets. 23 lit ' CURES f& WKS' ' -DYSPEPSIA, frF i DISUSES Of DYER ' Mi r THE STOMACH, COMPLAINTS, l, Lk KIDNEYS, SKIN, HEART DISEASE i BLOOD. (TRADEMARK.) fl 1 1 H f Jmppptfft TAver I 1 1 K " JHnrnsefi. Fever .0 UUIIbwjlfrHr, Jiheuma ' Hum, lroit. Heart lieane, lilU iouanesa, Nervous tlebillti, eta The Boat REMEDY KNOW to Man! 11,000,000 RoMIcs SOLD 81NCK 1T0. This Fyrup possesses Varied rroperdes. It Mtlmnlntx the Ptyallnn In Inn ftnllva, wlili h converts the (March and Snr ortlm flmil Into glucose, A lie II -rlcnry in I'tyitllne ran tea Wind and Nourlna of tho fiMMl In lit llomarh, If flic medicine In taken I mme.1 lately after imtliiK the fermentation of rood Is pre-, vented. Jt aetm upon the TAvrr. Jt act tt;m rie Klilnrtf'' Jt. JtrpuliUi the IIiiiiiIm. Jt Vurlflrs the llltmd, Jt Oiilcfs the AVrifiiin ftyatem Jt F'mmott IMffmrffm, Jt Nourluhr, liiir(imnn.l Tnvtqorntit, Jt enrrlr off the tHi lllnorl. mid Hlnfcr nen Jt (iimu tlie pom of the sfctn and iicino ilmtthf JVrwjiUviffou. It neutralize fhn hci-edltnry tiilnt, oryiolson In tlin IiIimhI, which neneinten Bcmfuln, Ki y Hlpeliui, nml nil manner of skin diseases and Intel 1111I humors. Thi'iunin no spirits emplovod In Us mnnii. . factum, nml It. mm tie taken by tlio most, delicate- Ijtilm, or hy tlin Hired nml foclilo, fori only briny rrqulmt in attention to (Itrt rllaiiH. 1HITJUUIBTS RKM, IT. laboratory, V? West 8d8t, M;W YOHK CITY. Liver and Kidney Disease. . MiictiANH siiDiin. CtiinUei land Co., 1'a. Dkaii Hir: This Ih to ceillfvllmf vntir 1NPIAN Itl.ddll SVIIUH liiieiniilete)v eiiirilme nl l.lver mill Kidney HlNrase, all. i the iluclniM fulled to Kive me 1 el lei. .lAMKfl K. Ll'UAH. Siiro. Cure for Dysiiriisiu. Mki HAMcsmiKd, Cuiiiiiei liintl (,'d.. l'a. DiAit Kiki-I wan milteriim wllh Dvspepsla, liml severe huinlnx nt. the ilt nf my Mtnmaeli, with NaimentuiK neiiHiitlon. iliillneiH nt siiIj Hh. heailiiehennil Keneiel IiiiiuiioimukI the ue ill your 1MUAN liuiou HYKUfeiitlreivemecl me. H. 1. T It I VI11I.K. Liver Complaint. Ybkieiitown, Mllllln Co., Pa. Drak Slit: I luive ned vonr excellent INDIAN HLOOI) hVKUl' Tiir l.iver (.'oiiiiialiit. anil have Iniiuil It to lie jiiHt un i icuiniiieniied. 1 would en coinage all to nie II. 8AMUEL BATTOUKK. Never Fails to Cure. Yeiuehtowh. Mllllln Co., Pa. Deaii Put: Mynelf and dminlilei' weiealllleleil with an Allecllon of the Kve and the use ol your ureal INDIAN HUMlli HYKUP erfevlunlly uiirud us. after having tiled viirleim medielues wit Imur ellect. KKltKCCA J. MuKAI.U'H. Ail Kxcellent Remedy. Yeaiieutown, Mllllln Co., IM. Dfau Hik: llnvlnir Ihovnturhlv tested the mer lin of your INDIAN 1U,I )OI) MY It UP, 1 am satis lied that It is a valuable inedieliie. 8. It. HKACKIN. (Jreatly Iteucilted. Mann's Axe Pactoiiv, Mllllln Co . Pa. Deaii Hut: I do hereby eertlfv that, yniir relln ble INDIAN HI.Oiil) HYKUP has done me much guild. Any one desiring to know the merits of 1 lie Svni), an u how 1 have been tmnellted, can address , MKS.. KACllLli KUWli. A Splendid Mood Purifier. CAimicK FritNAi k, Fraukllu Co., Pa. Deaii Hut: This Is to certify that vonr INDIAN Ill.oul) HYUUP has cured 111 v little girl of Nerof ula. 1 can recommend It lo be an excellent Wo Puriller. H, J. ML lU'll Y. For Kidney Diseases. Cauhu k PniNACB, Praiiklln Co., Pa. Deaii Shi: I have used youretcollent INDIAN HUK)I HYKUP for Kldnev Complaint and Pain In the Hack, and my wife has Used It, for 1'alu iu the Hide, and It ellcctuall cured us both. MK.&Mlt.S. 8T. CLAIIi; Diseases of the Lungs. 811AHON, Mercer county, Pa. Deaii Sill: I wasattllcted wllh Luiik and Heart Disease, and have lecelved much benelii by the use o( your INDIAN M.OOD HYKL P. Mlt. DE l'OKEHT. Dyspepsia and Indigestion. 811AHON, Mercer county, Ta. Deah 8111: I bave used Vour INDIAN lll.OOl) 8 HUP for Dyspepsia, with very beneficial le. suits, and can recommend to all slmllnrlyalllcted. MI 53 CLAHK. Kidney Disease. NoiiTiiUMBKHLAND, Nortliumberlaiid Co., Pa. Dear Si it: I have used vour' INDIAN IIMKII) RYKUP for KldneyComplalut. and reeelved meat beuelit tliurelioiu. JOHN BLUM. Cures Ague. NoilTHUMiiERLAND. Noi'tlitimbeiiatid Co., Pa. DearSik: The use of your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYItUP lias completelv cured me of Fever and Ague. DANIEL M1LLEU. f Liver and Kidney Disease. Husnusr, Korthiimberland Co., Pa. . Deah Sik: This Is to certify that vour valua ble INDIAN BLOOD 8YKUP lias entliely cured me ol Liver aud Kidney Disease. CUAS. PELTON. For Biliousness. IIvde Pahk, Lackawanna Co., Pa. DeaiiSih: I was troubled with Dillons Com- Iiluintand the use of your INDIAN BLOOD IYUUP ellectually cured me. . JOHN N. WILLIAMS. Dyspepsia Cured. Hydl Pauk, Lackawanna Co., Pa. 1 Dear Sir: Your Kreat INDIAN BLOOD 8YR. UP lias cured me of Dyspepsia, .. . Mlta. 8. B. ADKINS. THS GREAT lWULTxarox iiotrru. rWfto nlhrr lino runsTlirrn Ttirougli Pas senger Train Dully liot'veen ( lileniro, lie Mnlues, ('(innell lllulTs, (linnliil. I.lneiiln, Hi. Joseph, Alehlson, Tupekn nml Knnsns City, Illici t ('iintioclloiiA fur nil points in Kntisn, Nelirnskn, ( nliirnilo, Wynmliig. Mmilniui, Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, I1I11I111, Oregon mid Cnllfornla. Tho Shortest, Ppenllest nml Moot Com fnrta Mc Monte via lliiutillml to Kurt Hcott, llenlson, Dallas, lliiuston, Austin. Pnn Antonio, Onlvcs ton nnd nil point In Toxn. Tlin utieipialeil 1 1 nl 1 H i' tn nut ofTerril by till I.lno t" Traveler anil Tourists, nro us follows! The celebrated Pulltuim (IH-wtierl) Pnlnro Plerplng Cars, run cmlv on this Lino, ('., II. Ic O. I'alueo Dniwltif-Hooii Cars, with Hurtful' ltecllnluir bnlis. No rxlru charge fur Heat III Uecllnlng' ( hairs. Tho fiimnns f, II. A (J. Palaee Dlulng I nr. (lorireoiis Hinoklng Car lltted with Llegiint lllgli-llinkeil Itiittiiu Ite volving 1 'hairs for tbf vxeluslvo use of llrst t'lifs p!neogers. Hleel Track tinil Pntir-'l'ir roulpinrtit, com lilneil wllh Iholr (I real 'I lifntigh ( itr Arrange incut, makes this, above nil others, the In vorltn Itoiue to the South, Suutli-iVest, mill tho Par Wist, Try II. nnd Von will find traveling n luxury Instead ol n (llsisiiifiiri. 'I'hro.igh Tlekets vW t"ls Celelirnleil Mno for si In nl ml ulllccs lu the Cnlted I'tatcs anil ('mill In. All Inlormiitlnn iilintit Hates nf Fare, Sleep Iulp Car Afciiitimtidiitlims, I'lme Tables, will be cheerfully given bv applying to J, Q. A. Iltl AN. (len'l Kastern Agent, , UOM Wiishlngton St.. Iloston, Muss, and '117 llmiulway, New York. .lAttlKH It, WOOD. lieu. I'nss. Ant.. Chicago. T. .1. I'li'lTI'.H, (leu. Malinger, Chicago. March td.lsKl-fnt NEW REVISION AtllO'l'S va.nxi;i. As made by Hie niost; eminent scholar of Eng. land nml America. Hall the price ol Correspond ing English Edition. Large lype. linen-super eu. eudeieii panel, e'egaut. binning. A separate ' Comprehensive History of the Bible and lis Translations." Including a full acccunt of Ue New Kevislou, given to subscribers Best chance loi agents ever tillered. tv8eiitl st.unm lor particular" at once. Tllli HENKY BILL H'HLIHIMMl Co.. 17 NOItVUUli.CON'N. I Ami Tronriisr. mbit . I i J I III I'M III II I ' III,.-. IHI.HUini I Ulll lijj'rus.'. 1) .. :...ui.ii, l.ulhr.v, Mick, 17A:im tllOIUIlO wliium, latlniM, tiiiitliun m i elilMrcn. Thoii.nniliirutcnUtlril. IVnulnnmrtri's Jliir Ju.s'T ntuT'.rtu."e i,r riiiitir,vnririiii. vvlni j i.ipt'iiav. I IK'H-illHM I' I M'riMi'r, ;'l,-l Ml-l. i',illll,.,l I Ml 'III,' A h IT .....I lt..l'r-..- I'A'I'KM'S tiriiiniri'il t,,r ltiv,'iit,rii. s,,'l,li,.ri I limit wiirniiitB t,rf'nrri. 1'HIikIiI.hiiiI mf,l. Hulillori I 11,, I L'ir. n)i it in r Tinir riiint. nt i,ti tr.. 1 lid It LMtnoie ail'-; inr 1 110 i:itll iiti'l liciiii 1 r liiwu. 1, inikM i..-,.. .ti....- f. en n refer to llinii.iiii.l. ,.r l', n.i.r, , ril.nt.. A ll r. .. n. w. f itarnld A Co. I'i-.vkios ,b I'.lltST ill' Ji, Liittllu. I,. IfViir.i,,.,.,,, n 7 17A211I A f" (Inlllt sent fl to these who wish tc uv-tire 111 the Xr-Sinnsi iili iisiiiit nml protlliilili, IiiikIiii km Itiiiiwn. sW Kwryllilnu new. Capital not rispiirrd. We will furnish yon everything. itlll n dny mid npwnrds is eiislly imide without sluyliu hwiii' frnni lumie over night. No risk vhiilever. Slimy new ftorki is winiteil ut e. Mirny Hi'i- milking Pirtluii's nt. the lU"iui'ss. Linlics itiiikc us tinii-h us iiif.ii, nnd yeiiiiK bos uiul girls ftniki-ii'i'iit my. No one who is'wllliiig to work fulls to miiltc liio-e inniii-y every duv tliini ciiti lie niiiili. In 11 week nt any .irdlimry liiplcvmi'iit. Tlmse who engiige ut onec v PI tied s short roud to fortune. Ail diess II. IIAI.LHT CO., 1'iirtliiliil, Miillie. I ly DFflTTV'Q OlKiANH IS useful stois.l set u"ur 1 1 reeds mil v HtiS. Pianos ?I2 up. .llluslrated cittaloKuefice. Address BKATTY, Wailungtoii, N. .1. lUAly NEW" RICH BLOOD! 1 l'limonn' 1'uriimiiui J'W nmko New llich Ttlonil, nnd will coniiletely chango tho lilond in thocntirosvsteni In thrcn months. Anv piTsnn who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to hwecks limy ho restored to sound health. If such n thing bu possible. Sent liv mall for H letter stamps. J. M. ,l(HISO CO., Iloston, Mats., formerly Jtitnyor, Jle tii Ma'hln pvpr liivpiit-l. Will kiiit n piilr ut Dim kiiirj, wiili HLi;L and TOK ciimiltf in 110 iiilmiU'8. It will alto knit a grcul vuricty t unry viirk for which ther In nlwnvn it rcivlv nuirki-t. St-fni ftircin .lliraiul ttTina to the 1'wonibly Knitting Muchiue Co., 4uJ WusUJiiituu bu, liukaj Clah. ' ll'Aly IV O rXJOJE! " THE undersigned would respectfully call the atleiilionoi the citizens of Pertv county that he has a large and well selected stock ol HAKDWAHR. OKOCKIIIKS. i DUUOS. WINKS m LIQUOliS, IltON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, STKEL, IRON AXLES, SPRINGS, SPOKK8, : ' - : HUBS, FELLOKS. SHAFTS. POLES & ROWS. . BKOOA.' HANDLES, VUHK. TWINES, &e. Aieo, Taints, Oils, Class, Tlaster, and Cement. SOLE, CALF, KIP aud LTFER LEATIIEB, FISH. RAI.T. 6COARS. 8YRUP8. TEAS. SPICES. TOBACCO. CIOAUS. Ulld BMITH COAL. John Lucas & Co's., MIXED FAiyTS, (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. ,. And a large variety of goods not mentioned, ah of which were bonulit. at the Lowest Cash Prices, and he otrers the same to his Patron at the Very Lowest Price for Cash or approved trade. Ills molto-I,ow prices.and Fair dealings to all. Oo and see him. hespect fully. S. M. BHX'LKK. ; Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. lOBPllINTINOol every description neatly laud promptly executed at heasoealile Katef at the Bloom Held Times Steam Job Office. 1 mm. THE Chicago & North-Wcstcrn 1JAIL.AVA.A' I the Oldest, Jlptst Colistrucled, Best Einilpped, nml hence the LEADING RAILWAY OF THE wi;sr niui itTiiHi:sT. It I tho short and best route between Chlcngo and ail point In Northern Illinois, Ion a, Dtkola, Wjomln, Ne braika, Callloi ula. Oregon. Ari.ona, llinh, Col. orado, Idaho, MouUliti, Nevada, ai d for Council Bluffs, Omaha, Denvor, leadvllle, Gait lake, Can Francisco, Ectd wood, Sious City, Cedar hapldH. Des Moines, (!olutnhus, and all points lu the Territories, nnd the West. Also, tor Milwaukee. Oreeii Hay, Oihknsh. Hhebovgan, Mm ipictle, Komi (In Lac VVntertown, Houghton, Neenah, Meiiashn, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo. Ulsmiirck. Winona. LaCrosse, Uwaloiiua, ami all points In Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Illuirs the Trains nf Hie Chlcngnft North Western and the II. P lt'js depart, from, arrive at, unit use the same Joint Union DeKit. At Chicago, close connection, are made with the Lake, Sucre, MlchlganOential, lialtlmnie & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylviinln, and Chicago ft (ii and Trunk K'js, aud the Kankakee and Pan Handle Kciilcs. Close coimrctloii made at Jiincllon Point. It Is Ilia ONLY LINK running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars 11KTWEKN CHICAGO and COUNCIL 1ILVFFH I'tilliiHtn fiUrjiei'son nil Kiuht TnHm. lnslt upon Ticket, Agent Belllnir you Ticket via this road. Hxatnlne your Tickets, and refuse to buy II they do not read ovei the Chicago & North-Western Hallway. If you wish tlin Heft Traveling Accommoda tions you will buv your Tickets bv this route. AND WILL TAKE NONE OIHKlt. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by till I, I tin. 15 MARVIN IICOHITT. 2tl V. P. & Oen'l MatiK'r, Ciiiuaiio, lit. DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful Imprudent) csusitnf Prema ture lleciiy, Nervous Ix-liillty, Iist Manhood, etc., Iinvltig tried In vain every known remedy, liss dls-covi-rcil n simple si-lf euro, which lie will send FItKB to Mi fi'llow-siifterers, address J, II, UIOKVl;-, 4.1 1 lilltllli:il hi., N. V. r.Itly $2 Walrlirn. Ktemwln'WHtt r0. Wl.ttti mr-tnl HnntlliK C'hjmi '.. ImlUllfti Kolilffl. Hotl'liT'iMltS. Clia-lit mud nl for jfiitir own or nr-f'tiliitl ve fnimt-n. Vnlim'-ln Cut loifuurrt TllOMl'MU.YAtU.t 13JNaaNt. .Hew York. , , -t 6iy , A fk Ouim f iiniiNlied Trff, wllh full liiKtriirtlons fnr X II ntiitluclhitf thf ninHt itoHhM nfwf ihnt siiyouo t un vuteuH Hi, 'lUf tu,nvM is cany Ui It arii, Rtid our IfiHtriifilfitiri no Pimple and plain, that any ancenn niak ttn nt prrfftta from thn very atari. N (in1 1'iin fall wln la wllliiii t work. Wohh-m ar aa anc ci'riufHl aa tiiMi. Jloyaand ylrla .-an iarn larv atmia. jMimy havu nifirln ut tj IhimIiichh fvir om- hundred tlollnra In a aliiKhi wi-i'k. Nothlna like If i-vit kiicwn ht'lfii'f, All wijn pniiii-c arf aurprlacd at. Hi fane anil rapidiW with whlf h thv arc alile to innk iuoupv. Von ran vunuf in Mii biiHiiipaa during .viur apare tima at tirvnl hniflt. Yon dn tint have to iiivfit rapital in It. WV dike ull t)i riak. fJ hone who nwil n-adv nunwv, atiotilil writ- to tin at om c. All lurufohcd free. Addrcaa J'KI'K k C'(l. Ainruata, Maine. I ly A UCT10NEEHS. j AMESCLEELAND Auctioneer, Or7ers his services tothecltizensof Perry and Cumberland count les. post otlice addresR. Hhermansdale. Perry co,. Pa. TTTKNUY KKLL, XL ALCTIONEEU, Would respectfully Intoim the ciilensnf Perrv uouiiiy that lie will cry sale st.shoit i.otlce. and ul reasonable rates. Satisfaction piiaimiteed. "Address Henry Kki.i,, Ickcsburg. Pn. B. HARNISH, vVTJCXiorwKicrt, Delvllle. Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and atlsfacUou Kuaiauteed. 6tf D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONKER, ICKEHBCIIG, PERKY COUNTY, PA. . Charge moderate, to ail calls. Prompt attention paid AS. P. LATCH FORD, A UCTIONEEli, Would respectfully Inform Hie public that he will cry sale at reasonable prices. All ordera will receive promnt attention. -DONNALLY'8 MILL8 PEKRY CO..PA. Aoctloneer. The underalgned given notice that he will cry sales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are sollcitedand promptatteBtionwillbe given. U.D.WELLB, New Buffalo ' "' ' -' Perry eo., P A Great Cause of Unman Misery A LECTL'KE O.N THE NATURE, TKEAT ment. andHadlcal cure of Heimnal Weakness, or Mperinatorrluea, Induced by .self Abuse, Involun tary Kmmlssions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage ttenerally; Con sumption, Kpllcpsy. and Fits: Mental and Phys ical Incapacity, etc. by KOHEKT .f. CULVEit WELL, M. D.. author of the "Green Hook." etc. The world-renowned author. In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from hi ow n exuerienee that Hie awful consequence of Keif-Abuse may be ellectually removed without dangerous sur gical operations, bouiles, Instruments, rings, or cordials: pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and elfeclual. by which every vulterer. no matter what his condition mav be. may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. 5. This Lecture will prey a boon to thou sands aud thousands. bent under seal. In a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents or I wo postage stamps. We have also a suie cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CCLTERVt ELL MEDICAL CO., 40pl j Ana St., New Yolk ; P. O. Box, 453o. Hivlus- on baud a oomplsU assortment of thefol lowln article, the subscriber asks a share nf u pstroniKS. . UrtiffH and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Homedies, Hrnshe.v rcrfumery. IIAIH OIIj, AMD FANCY ARTICLES Also always on Hand PUHE WINES & LIQUOK FOB MEDICINAL and 8 AUK A MENTAL PUKPOSEH PHYSICIANS ORDERS VarrbUy and Promptly Fillet D . M . E Q Y . Newport, Ponn'a. "ff It. S. COOK & CO., Axrce to anil all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LE88 MONEY than any other rtealerslnthls county. We will also take sood Tlmbcron the atuinu or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, &o, We use Clearlleld i'lne and Hem ockonly. W. B. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Pcrrj Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. TnVl-cl TT-rn o nn (Formerly John Jones A Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. , WE would respectfully Invite the patronage ol the farmers, and the public generally, as the HIGHEST PKICKH the market wlllafford, will be puldlor all kinds of GRAIN, FLO UK, PRODUCE SEEDS AND KA1LKOAD TIES We have constantly on hand, fflBII, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, FOB SALE AT TllSWfflA'fc 9. Orders promptly filled, Newport. July 20, 1S75 tf J B. HARTZELL, Wfl 1 sa - wnoiesaie Tobacco Dealer, Wright's ISiilIdiiig, TKWFOItT, PA. 8oIe Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos XZXT' 'uppita w,th Good Your orders are solicited. 944 HIME8, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: Sonth East Corner Market Sqnare, NEWPORT, PEXN'A. eiFJM IN8HRANCK POLICIFH written In first class companies on all kinds of Insurable niorer ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Jlepresented t Mint. of Hartford, Assets, S,7f.0O0 Commercial Cnion. 1 4M 000 Fire Association, Phll'a., " slrisW B. HIMES, Agent.. March 11. I860 ly ' JflUMMJUtVLH C LOO Ml NO juia onty esuoiisnnient mak nir a SPECIAL businss of bosesToo lXrce HOUSES for ROSES alone. Via deliver Hin.i f ta:,t sultaolu f,ir fiiuuciliuxo bli)oni,Mul.:!v by mail, P'tinV at all pout-onlca. 5 n!enriil sribticii,ynur choice' 39fr S 79 inr SIO 100 for I3. V,o CI Vg r: ri ti,dB,iiirpi Rests Uma EUtist etftebuahnieur.it grow. OurNEvVCUIOC meotpUU TrmatUm on Ik n..'7W pp. t?e,jUniU illM,atr.? iluoilb. fiml uwtttt sud i'h,ao-wt varicti tri fail p THsT DINCEC A CONARt) CO. sm Orawsrs, Wort Orsvt. Chutar Co., Pa. T o w lilt , Ijancy Ooodsaad Notions, Some new ai ! rivals. Cheap. F. MOKTIMEK,