A 4 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, 1A., JUNE 7, 1881. O-bc llUoomficlb Sinus. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Management of the Little Folks. It 1h useless) to endeavor to make a fchllil t'untrol Ills temper If you give wny to you own, to till lilm to tie truthful V hlle you are not ktrlotly no.to Inculcute tipiilues. wlille tHreless of your own drew; the little folk are Uecn olwerverg, and will not reapeotyou unless you are .worthy! lie careful not to Impose un !'Hary Instructions to forbid noth vlthout reason. It In well to Infuse : ii child's mind the wholesome prln of nclfrespeot, to teaoh lilm that lu things are to be avoided and i s cultivated, not because you shy so, necauKe of his own dignity and no- jxmltlon. Ho should they be taught Jthulr earliest years that certain things .'..in fur llmle crniil( fhnl. trpntlptlPSfl. tin n " ' B ' srlflHhness and neatness are not only admirable In themselves and pleasant In the home circle, but they make tlmlr posteMsor welcome In the outer world, and are excellent capital to begin life upon. Children who are waited upon, their wants anticipated, and the machin ery of their little world carefully oiled, are often fretful, exacting and trouble- Food for Fat People. There die three classes of food, theolls, sweets, tJnd starches, the special oillce of VJJjj4-tosupport the animal heat and produce rat, uaving ntueor noinnucnce promotion strength, muscle, oremlur janee. If fat people, therefore, would use i lt-Ht fat and more of lean meats, ilsh, and low;, less or line nour, anu more 01 me whole product of the grains, except the .bull, less of the sweets, particularly In warm weather, and more of fruit acids In a mild form, as in apples, sleep less, be lens indolent, and labor more In the opeu air, the fat would disappear to a certain extent, without no loss of real health. In food we have almost a per fect control in this matter, far better than in the use of drugs. If we have too "touch fat and too little muscle, we have Vnply to use less of the fut forming l-witu, and more of the muscle food. C Buttermilk as a Vermin Destroyer. 1 KflVM flf. f ftifimlwiruhiiriy lY7ril .Vni'jV b Oyler, of Falling (spring, a tamer, says after trying varl- ractlcHU to destroy vermin on live VudVit0' buttermilk was sug Lis ,)r He has tried it many las uevtc (ailed. He simply i the animal afflicted by Vie vermin la through rubbing from head Vi foot with buttermilk, and one BrpIicaiVn visually produces the result desired. t. Oyler believes that many animals Te been permanently Injured by the h of many of the remedies compound A and Bold for this purpose, liutter allk is perfectly harmless. It sleeks ihe hair and aids the growth, and, alto gether, seems to be the simplest and best 'application that Is now used for the purpose we have named." , i Glue. . A glue ready for use is made by adding fo An v ftiinntltv nf vine, pnmninn wlitslrv. V" ' 1 1 " J C5 " Vnstead of water. Put both together In a ottle, cork it tight and set It for three our days,-when It will bo fit for use gout application of heat. Glue thus "'mil Reep Joryears, arid at all I very cold it lu warm iviate the g tight by of the ves- kver fitting nt the es- Jiorlzatiou. made in nt cement ,ipiratIon. U uufweusnt Mf disagreeable odor Lced by persplrajtiou is frequently s.ource of vexation to persons who Subject .to it. Nothing is simpler i to remove this odor much more tnnllvt than bv the arnlicatlon of i: 111 I. o n.l n,r.. I In useA It is first of all necessary to It compouid spirits of ammonia, and Loe twiuUble-spoonfuls In a basin of v'aiihlng the face, bands and tills leaves the skin as clean, V fresh as one could wish. . - r . . . t . . 1 1 .1 I'ciiuuujr uniuiicDB nun verj r Wt, Lease. 'imes In' every ones life Vails and a miserable feel- ir them, often mistaken Danger lurks . in these jtbey arise from impure ised organs. Medical ad- Vve and often unsatisfacto- iliiinRer Tonio will renew 1 jaitn and comfort because 'Wet activity to the Stom ) Kidneys, and purities ilten and women restored jjtli testify lu almost- every ft' bee adv. AavocMe. -4C M rnnro CURES DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPUINTS, I I.UIILJ IP" ALL DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, KIDNEYS, SKIN, A BLOOD. HEART DISEASE (TKADIS MARK.) Liver Urn m m-m &m jt invito vtf i i ht ct UllbWniic. liheunta. . Jtlnvanen l ever 0 tittm, lro)tn, Heart lliaae, JilU inuHiiciM, Mervoiia debility, etc. The Lost REMEDY KNOWN to Man! 11,000,000 ISollle HOLD RIIVCH 1S70. Tlilx Syrup possesses Varied Prnp(rtle. It Ntlmnlntr thn Ptyalln In ihm Nnllra, whirl, rnnvrrti hi Mtarrh nil HuKar ortlin n.oil lnt yclurnao. A illl rlHiirjr In I'tynllne ranwi Wlml ami Mourlna of thn fnoil In th utifinai'h. If tli'mtlli'lnlfltiftkn ImnipillNtely aftnr on 1 1 ii u tho rermentatlun f ftiocl I )re VI.ttlMl. Ji act itjtnn thtt TJitt. it nni imk th iihtnrii ' it ttt'ftulatt'it fiA Itowrtti It i'Mt'lliM th tlluml, it OKfcfj th Nrrrtnt fiynietn It. rmmntvn JHftntttnn, It A'rifWrtirff, Ntrrnfithen antl TuvlfforntM Jt cnrrln off th 4Mil tllttott. and mnkra uew It nimii tlm porrD nf the .( unci induce liinlthtf i'wtittrntlntiM It ntMitnillri' t hn linrinlltnry tulnt, orpolnnn In thn hliHid, which K("('nitrH Hri-iifulu, Kry Bltii'liw, nnil nil nmniiurof skin (Ukuiihus uiid liiti'i iiiil litniHiru. Thiiiuitie nonplrltH omplnvo't In Its mnnn. (ni'tiirn, nnil II, rim lio lalci'ii liy tho iniint ilcll onto hiiho. or Ity thn ittfi'ilunri IihOiIp, rttrnonly brtttnf tvtjHtmHn nilt'ntton to dtrvntlonti DltUUUIST HF.t.L. IT. X-iliorittorv, 77 WVstaaHt., KluW VOHK CITY. Liver nnil Kidney DisnnscN. IMiccllANK Piii'iiu. t'linilici laml On., I'll. PEAK Kim: TIiIhIn tiicertlfvllmlvniir I Kill AN Itl.OOl) HYIUU' liiiii'iiiniilfii'iv ciirt-il inn ol l.lvcr nml Kid lie y UlKcaxu. iilti I-tliu (Imtliim liillrd lu Blve me H'lli'T. .1AM ICS K. 1X-CAH. Sure Cure for Dysneiisln. MttcliAMi ciu'mi, I'mnlicrliiml Co., I'll. Hun Hm: I wiu sulliMlnn with l.vsippqln, liail ni'vniB liiiinliiK nt Urn plr. ill my Hlniimcli, with Niiiiscalinu khiisuIIiiii, ilullnnHs til npli lli. Ix'iKliii'litViiml Ki'imiHl liiiiuuiii.niiil the um (it yuur 1MUAN lil.1101) hVllUPeiilliwyi'iiri'd nm. H. II. J ill IIIU.IC. Liver Coiiiiiliiint. YUKIKHTOWN. ft! I II 1 1 11 Co.. I'll. Iikau Bin: 1 Imve iihi1 your excellent INKI AN lll.OOl) KYKllH lor l.ivri- ('iiniplallit. and have on ltd It to be jiint an iduniiiiiiriKlcil. I wunld en cou in i;e nil to line It. HAM I' HI BATTOKFI'. Never Fails 1 Cure. Yeaoehtown, Miniln Co., I'll. JiRAR Fm: Myself nnil ilniinliter were Bllllcteil with mi Allentlon of thn Kve and thn nun o( your meat INDIAN lll.(Ktl) HYIUU' I'ltVctimlly cured hi. utter having tried viirlmis meileliie wliliiml ellect. ItKttliCCA J. MeKAI.ll'8. An Excellent Remedy. YnAOEUTOWH, Mllllln Co., i'u. Ditaii Hir-. Ilnvlnu thnnuidhlv tested the mer its olynur lNlii.N HMI()I MY HUP, I am sutm tled that It in a vuluauit medicine. . llltACKIN. (i really Ueneflted. Mann's Axb Kactohy, Mltllln Co , Pa. Dear Sill: 1 do heiehv rertlfv that your relia ble INDIAN III.IIO!) HYIUIP liui dime me much liood. Any onedcthlim to know the merlin of Hie Hyiup, alio how 1 liavo been twnellied. c;in address MKS. ltACULU KUWK. A Splendid Klood rurider. Cahkick KiiiNAi B. Franklin Co., Pa. Dear Km: Thin Into certify that your INDIAN It LOO I) KYltllf has cured my Utile pel 11 of Hciof ii hi. 1 can recommcud It lo he an excellent Wo Puritler. H.J. MUKI'HY. For Kidney Piseases. Caiihic K Flunace, lYankllii Co.. Pa. Dear Sir: I haveined ymirexcellent INDIAN lll.OOU KYKUP for Kidney CnniplniiH and Pain In the Hack, and my wife has imed it fur Pain lu the b!(ie, und It ellcctually eiued ni both. MU.& MUS. tT. CLAIR. Diseases of the Lungs. SUAitON, Stereer county. Pa. ' Pear Sir: I was altlicted Willi I.uiir and Heart Disease, and have lecelved much benellt by the use of your INDIAN BLOlil) WYHIIP. Mil. DE FOREST. Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Hiiahon, Mercer county, Vi. Pear Sir: I have used your INDIAN BLOOD 8YKUP for Dyspepsia, with very beneficial re. suits, and cau recommend lo all nlmlliirlyulllcted. MUS CLAltK. Kidney Disense. North cmderlakv), Northumberland Co.. Pa. 1ear Sir: I have used yonr INDIAN BLOOD RYKl'P for KldneyComplalut.aiid received meat benellt tlieieliom. JOHN BUKN8. Cures Ague. Northumberland, Northumberland Co., Ta. Pear Sir: The use of your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP lias completely cured me of Fever and Ague. DAMEL MILLER. Liver and Kidney Disease. SfMiuRV, Northumberland Co., Pa. Pear Sir: ThU Is to certify that vour valua ble IN 1)1 AN BLOOD SYKUP hat entirely cured me of Liver and Kidney Disease. CHA3. P ELTON. For Biliousness. Hyde Fahk, Lackawanna Co., Pa. Pkar8ir: I was troubled wMh Bilious Com plaint and the use of your INDIAN BLOOD BYUUP eltectually cured me. JOHN N. WILLIAMS. Dyspepsia Cured. Htdl Park, Lackawanna Co., Pa. Pear 8ir: Your itreat INDIAN BLOOD SYR UP has cured me of Djspepsia, , MRS. a B. APKIN8. kNDl rTr. , imivm ill il THE CREAT Jl UllLTNGTON JIO UTH. WNn other Htm run Thrro 'riirintifh Pnn ppiurer Trnlim Dully IiuI'vitii Chliiitfii, ln-n Moines, ('iiimcll llliilTs, Oliialm. LIiicmIii, Ht. Jnsepli, Atrhlsiiu, Tiipi lm und Khiisiis l ily. Direct cniini'i tlons fur nil points In Knnsnn, Neliriiskn, Cnlnrniln, Wvonilntr. Mmitiinit, No vmln, Ni'v Mexico, Arizona, Mnho.OrcKoii ami California. Tho Shortest, Speediest nnil Most Cnmfortn Mo Itniilo vln 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . to Fort Hi'oit, lli'tilsnn, Dnlliis. Iliiusiiiii, Austin, Sun Antonio, Waives ton nnil nil points In Tcxns. Tho iiiii'iuiii d liuliici'iiii'iils nlTrred by thin Lino to Travelers und Tourists, lire ns follnwsi Tho cnli'liriilcil I'lillnian lin-wheell 1'iiliicn Hlreplnir Cars, run only on this Lino. C, II. O. I'nliiro Di'iiivliit-Hioti Cars, with Morion's Iteellnliiu t hull n. No f .vtrii rhnrire lor Heats In Itoclliilnir ( hairs. Tim famoiis ('.. It. (J. I'liliii o Dlnlinr his. (lorirroos KiiioUIuk Cars lllteil wllh Lli'iriinl llluh-lliii ked llattini II' volvlnir ( hairs lor tho vxrluslvo lisu of llrst- ('lass paaelllll'I S. Steel Trai li nml Superior ruulpiiient, com Mned wllh tlwlr O irnt '1 hronvh Cur Ai raiiito tnent, in nit os this, n I mii o till oiliors, tlii' favorlto llouti! to IhoKinilh, Soiilh-Wcst, nnil Iho Far West. Try It. nml you will find trnvrllnir n luxury Instead (it II illsi'orMol t. Thro.iirh Tlclii'ts i Pi this Celolirnteil Lino for si lo nt nil nllii'C s In tho liiille.il States mid ( hiiii In. All Information iihont Hates of Fare, Sleop- Inif Car A iiiiiiiimIiiI Ions, Time Tuition, &o., will be cheerfiillv (,'lvon by npplyltiH to J. (J. A. Ill AN. (len'l Kiislorti Airont, ;illll W : I -1 1 1 r 1 tr t . 1 1 1 St., Huston, MllSS. imtl :H7 hfoinlwav, New York. lAMKS It. WOOD. lion. I'uss. Ant.. Chlcnifii. T. .1. l'iTTi:il, (It'll. MiiuuKor, (.'hlrii(ro. March 15 lHl-pit ' NEW REVISION AO KN'I S WANTKI), Hi 14 W 'fl' VJSTA n T. As made bv the most, eminent, ndiolnrs of Kim. laud mid Anierlt'a. Half the price of Coriespond liil! KiikIIsIi Kit II Ion. Larue type. Iliieti niiier eal einleiea paper, e'euunt, 1iIiioIii. A neparaln " Compreiienslvn History of the Bible and Its Translations." luclndliiK ii full account of tie New Revision. Klvi'li to subscribers , Best i hsiiee loi imnnts ever nllercd. 4.Hend stump tor i ii i t i r 1 1 1 i i at otu e, THK IILNRY BILL I'lUtLISIIIMI Cfl.. 17 NORWICH, CONN. tod rmi:rr;jiM: JtnMt tttcil III I I I i: II S.ty.'H'll U'tM'i" in'.lblieil; U"l i i' fil. Ur'le Unt-iij-ciiHi'. I) iJIai.mi, t.'ilnc;-, Mich. 17A:im I LllljIUflO S ili'JHf, tutliiT., Uliilll.r VI i clillilrcn. Thini.ntiilKynti'ntltlr'il. IVn.lniiiirlritii intr iii.i'.r ninii'r.liii'.i.yn ir rtiimi ni.Ttiricn.it rein. 1'ir tiny IM.cii.e. 'rii'ini'iiiMlH i-f .iKiM.-it. r. : titl f .'ilili. r. i'iitlili .1 in INCHKASK nml lllll :,'l V. f I'ATKNTi linsittri-'l fur InvctiPtr.. Hi.lillrr . Intnl wnrrntil. prnrtirri, lnili.litiiiiil .old, Holilll-r; lilllll ll.'lr. lllililr fur vour rlptila nt. ....mi M.....1 I. .Uiltlp. fur "l II. Cllilti-K'.lillrr." nn.l P,.n.l,.n nr.,1 II or law. Maiik. iiimI lii.tnii-iu.ti.. Wu i'niinr,'rli. tlt,.ii.i.ti'l. i.f r.-ii.toiH-r. ninl rilpt't.. A'Mr N. W. f Itiaernld & Co. I'uxsnm 1 ATI.ST All )., LucknimtM.WuiiliUljiwl.l'.O 17A2III Kp (Mil lit srnl free to those who wish toetiviiKe III the Xr- in(ii4t, plt'itsiiitt. unit prohtiililit liiislncHN known. IIW Kviirytlilin new. (Iiipltul not ri'iiulrctl. We will furnish you everylhhnr. lo n dny siul upward. 1. ciimIK- iimde wllltiiilt slayliiv nwii., 'iTnif, h.ttun nVcr iiIkIii. No risk wIisI.mii . 'Aliuiy new wnrkiirs winded id niAf.p. ,1 iryr sji e iiiHhiui fortunes nt I lit IiiinIiichs, l.Hillcs nuike us itiuiil ns ini'ii, slid .viutlur I10.VS HI11I Kli'ls iiiske irretil pity. Noon., wlio Is wllllitv to work fulls lo intik" iiui'e money every dny I ha 11 csn lie niiidd In a week si nnv ordltuiry eniployiiti'tit. 'I'liose who etif111e nt mii'e ivill nnil 11 short rirnd to fortune. Ad tlriinn II. HAI.I.KT CO., l'oillnllil, Mnllie. 1 ly RFiTTVJ OIKIANS IS 11sefnlst01s.fi nets " 1 I I reeds onlv flilfi. Pianos t!2i no. Illustrated cntaloKuefrce. Address BKATTY, WashiiiKton, N. J. lUAly NEW RICH BLOOD! J'limnii' I'liiyiiiirn I'Ulu make New Hlch TIIoimI, and will completely ehaiiKU tho blisid in thncntirosysteui in tlireo tnontlis. Anvperson who will tnko 1 pill eneh nlRht from 1 to 1 2 week tnay be retored to srnniil health, if nucha thing be iiosslblo. Sent bv mall for It letter stamps. 1. b. d Oil SOS .t CO., llottoH, Mans., formerly Jtonffor, Me, MfSWANTED S1vevfrS,Kl nnv Tlli.ihli.n ever lnvclitcil. Will kiiituuiilrof Tuekllnin, Willi IIEKL anil TOR eoiliplrlr, In 21) inltiuti'S. It will ttlsu knit a ureut vnrl'-ty of I uncy- work for whfrli thorn it nlwnvn A ready ntnricei. ivti'I for ciri4ilar and terms tii the Twombly K.t((liMI Muchlue Co., 4u Wuililiiifluu bl., liuui dun. lUAly INOTICE! THE underslKiied would respectfully call the iilteiiiion 01 Hit) cilizens of Peny county, that he has a large aud well selected stock of HARDWARE. (JltOCKKIKS, DKUOS. , WINKS & LIQUORS, J RON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, STKKL, IRON AXLF8. SPRINGS, SPOKES, HUBS, FELLOKH. SHAFTS. POLES ft BOWS. BROOM HANDLES, WIRE. TWINES, &C. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, riaster, and Cement. SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPER LEATHER, FISH. SALT. 81TOABS. RVRUPS, TEAS. SPICES, TOBACCO, CIOAR3, aud SMITH COAL. John Lucas & Co's.. MIXED FAiyiS, (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. And a larR varletvof goods not mentioned, nil of which were boucht. at the Lowest ('ash Prices, and he offers the name to his Patrons at the Very I.owest Prices for Cash or approved trade, ills motto Ixiw prices, aud Fair dealings lu an- i.o mm see mm. Respectfully, S. M. SHULER. Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. A RENTS WANTED for the best aud fastest sell. iiiR Pictorial Hooks and Hlbles . Prices reduc ed 33 per ecul. National Publishing Co., Phila delphia, Pa. tsiJm 11 - feL. U.' .i- 'jf.frH'ai&ju!Mrta .lis'tmiimfrmJ THE Chicago & North-Western ltAlf.AVA.V Is tho Oldest, Bent. Const runted, Bent Equipped, and lienee the LEADINC RAILWAY -OF TII H- IVJOST anil AOEITIIWIS T. It In Iho short and best roiito bet ween Chicago and all poluls in Northei 11 Illinois. Iowa, Dckntii. Wjemlnit, Nn braika, Ciillloriila. Oii'Kou. Ail01111. Uiali, Col ol ndo, Idiilio, Monlano, Novailn, aud foi Council EluiTo, Omaha, Cenrer, loadvlllo, Cnlt lake, Can Franclcco, Scad wood, Sioux City, Cediir llaplds. lies Moines, Coliinilitii, and nil poliilsln Ihn Territories, ami Ihe West. Also, for Milwaukee. (Ireen Hay, (Mikosh, HlieliovKiin, Maripiel In, Pond do I. lie Watertowu. Houi'.llloli, Neeuall, Menaslia. St.. Paul, Minneapolis, Union, VnlKH, I'lUKo. Blsuiaii'k. Winona. Latinissn, Owalonna, and all points In Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and thn Northwest. At Council Blulfstlin Trains of thn ChlnnxoA North Western mid the II. P. Il'yn depart, from, arrive at, and use tlm same Joint Union liepot. At Chleimo, close connect loin are madn with the Lake Slime, MlelileanOeiitial, Ball Hum f Ohio, Kf. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chlenuo fi 1 1 11 lid Trunk ll'js, and Hie Kankakee and Pan Handle Rnulen, Close connections mnde at Junellon Points. It IMlm ONLY LINK iuiiuIiih . Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN CHICAGO mid (OUNCIL IILUFI'S I'ttllmun NhrKronull NUht Train. Insist, upon Ticket AkoiiIs HIIIiik you Tickets via this ronil. Kxamlne your Tickets, nod relusn to liny If they do not. reud ovei I lie CI1IOUK0& N01 lip Western Railway. If you wlMi lite Bert Traveling Aecnuimndii. tlons you will buv your Tickets bv this route, AND WILL TARE NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Linn. 15 ' MARVIN IIIK1IIITT. i2d V. P. & (len'l Miuiil l', Ciiioai3. III. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vlntlm of youthful Imprudpiirft v.nmiittf I'rrnm tum )nty, Ncrvotm Itfltilfty, Jynt AIamIkkmI, (. liiiTitiK tried lu vain ovry huowu mwtly, ham li cover. (1 milmiiloii'-lfciirM, wdich hfl will m-rifl FHI.fi ijn lii L U 'w-nnll.-inrri, arldnaH J, II. HKKVI,, 4:i 4 llHlilHlll HI., . v. Mily $2 Walrlira. hifrnrfti'WH$.l.r.n, WMIoitiiMaI llmillnif Tkm 1 rnllsillf.ii ifi.Mtil, Hflllitilll'J. Cl.MM.t ninl Iff I (or jriMiriiwn r priiti) pmii'HM-a, Vnhmlil mu losuedttt, tmmVMiTt tM.O.t I9J XmhHI. horn ork. fHly (M A ("i'f tiiruffliffl fn. with full tnmnirilf.TiK for Mtv I (J riiuditctiMif I In niMMt irpltiilil' hitHiniuM Hint ymw Riiyuiii! cau entrmcv iu. 'I Ij IiiihIikh in chh Ut h-nrii, anil iitir liiRlruirtifiim no filuiiiln tnl itnlti. that nny nm-mii tnnkf nr ni prufHn rrotu Die vry ntnri. No 1 nit nm full who )m willing t i wurk. Woini-n unt tin miji ('I'HHfiil hh ini'ii. HiiVM Hiitl tffrlH run ffim InrvH nuum. Mil lit' hivn irifldd ill till' tiHHilifHM (iVn '-ffi 'tiniitlrfd (lfilliirH in 11 Kifivlp wiii'k. ' jfttfi'.tntu Yfk it ivvr known hHurM, - Vi v.'i pupil arc nurprlNMl at thn rw Hiirl rupiiliir wllh wmi h they nr ithlc to ninkf iihuicv. You vau ciiHtff lu thin hiiHiiiCHH (lining your Knarf t jtrm nt irnnt urnnt. Vinidoii't liavi to fnvt'Kt rMpltnl in it. We tiikf all tin rlk. Thorn who iM-fil r'uil' in'Hipy, nhoiilil writ- to iim Ht once. All iiiriiiKhi'd tine. Afhlrrna 'i HHK A CO. AiiKUHfu, Maine. 1 ly A UCT10NEE11S. "TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Oilers his services to the citizens of I'errvand Cumberland counties, post ofliee address. Hherniansdale. Perry co.. P. ACCTIONKKR. Would resnecl fully Ihfonn the elll.ennof Pcrrv County that lie will cry nalen nt short hot lee. und at reasonable rales. Hatislactlon (iiiainiileeU. - Address Hbnkt Kki.i.. lekeslmrif. Pn. B. HARNISH, j. VXJCTIOISlCKIt, llelvllle. Perrv Co.. Pa. Charees moderate, and aatlnfactlou guaranteed. b tf D AYID M'COY, AUCTIONEEK, ICKESHUItO, PERRY COUNTY, PA. rnj Ch.irges moderate. Prompt attention paid to all calls. AS. P. LATCHFORD, A UCTIONEEX, Would renpectfully Inform the public that he will cry nales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive proniot attention. "DONN ALLY'S MILLH, PERRY CO., PA. Auctioneer. Tbe undersigned given not lee that he will erysalen at any point In Perrv or Dauphin counties. Orders are aollcltedan promptatteotlon wll'be given. K. D. WELLB, New Buffalo Perrv co., Pa A Great Cause of Human Misery In the I,onh of A LECTURE O.N THE NATIRE. TREAT ment, and Radical cure of Hemlnal Weakness, or Hpermatorrhu-a, induced by Self Abuse, Involun tary Kmmissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generally; Con sumption. Epilepsy, and Fits: Mental and Phys ical Incapacity, ete by ROBERT J. CULVEU WELL. M. D.. author of the "Oreen Book." etc. The world-renowned author. In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that I lie awful consequences of hell-Abuse may be elfectHally removed without dangerous sur gical operat ions, bougies. Instruments, rinps. or cordials: pointing; out a mode of cure at once certain and eltecliial. by which every sutterer. na matter what his condition njav be. may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. i Tills Lecture will prov-a boon to thou sands and thousauds. Kent under seal, in a plain envelope, to anv ad dress, on receipt of s'x cents or two postage stamps. We have also a suia cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CULTERWELL MEDICAL ICplj 41 Ann Bt., New York i V. O. Boi, 45ti& Newport Advertisements. JEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Ifnvlnif on linnd enmilst annurtniitnt nf thafol lowlnv artleina, the aiibncrlher ink a nlinrrof you. rntroiinr. Drufftt and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS,. Also full ntoek of Concontratod Ilomsdlcs, BriiHlios, rcrfumeryi IIAIIt on,, AND FANCY ARTICLES Also always on Hand PUltE WINES & LIQUOR FOIt MEDICINAL and 8ACHAMKNTAL PURP08K8 q q q ej PHYSICIANS OltDKliS Carrfklly nml J'romptfj Filled B. M . EDY, Newport, I'onn'a. n. s. (jook & (X). Agroe to sell all klndsof LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LKBH MONEY than any other dealersln this county. We will also take good Tlinhcron the stump or delivered at our Mill In .exchange for Lumber, &o, We use Clearlleld Pine and ilem. ockonly. W. It. 8. COOK ft CO., Newport, Perry Co., I'a October 10, 1H78. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Hon,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front Ht., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage ol the farmers, and the public generally, as the HIOHKHT PRICKH the market wlllaBOrd will be paldforall klndsof FLOUR, PRODUCK HEEDS AND. RAILROAD TIKr We have constantly on hand, msn, SALT, PI.A8TEH, CEMENT COAL, IRON. HTEE1, HORHK HHOKH.ftc.ft. FOR BALK AT TIIU LOWEST KATES. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf J B. HARTZELLi " Wholesale Tobacco Dealer,. Wrlglit'N IluIMIiifc, IVKWPOItT, IA, Bole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos- WCountry Merchants supplied with Good at Philadelphia prices. Your orders are solicited. ( 441 jg HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFfCE: Sath East Corner Market 8jnarer NEWPORT, PEZTN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICTFS written lo nrn elass companies on all kinds of Insurable proier ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted1 and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Compnnle liepvenertteil t iKtna.of Hartford. Assets, I,7oo.(n Commercial Union. 1 4x4 goo Fire Association, Phll'a., " 8i778 0uo" B. HIMES, Agent. March 11. l8dlv To Dealers and Consumers of Fish. WE are prepared to supply yon with Chelce Extra fat MACKKKKL. New Kistnort round. And Lake Hkkkink. at ranahi. prices for CASH, or In exchange for Grain, beeds. I roiaioes, i-ara, naron.se , ac. JONES BROTHERS CO.. Uriel Warehouse. r 17 ?mi NEWPORT. Pa. ONLY S20i for this style of PHILADE j PHI A HIM, EK. K.iualloiJ Singer in the market. Kerne i tier, we send It to be ex.., Ined befsim you pay fori This is the same style oil companies retail nr si. 1 Machines warranred for ta years. (Send for our lllul el ireular and lesllinoij CHARLES A. WOOD & CO.. 17 N. Teutadt., PUiladelphU, I Address fw lot 71 V r