8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELI), FA., MAY 31. 1881. A Wonderful Escape. At Cincinnati last week, Bernard Koeh ler noil FiIIb Illsgen, two house-painters, Ivqan painting the large house at Betts street and Central Avenue. Three o'clock in the afternoon found them close under, the caves of the house and sixty-five feet from the ground. They hnd Just finished the surface within reach and had started to lower the scnffold a few feet. Wheu the required distance bad been reached Hisgen called to his partner to bang on to the rope until he (Ilifsgen) tied his own, wheu he would come over and perform a like ser vice for blm. Hisgen had just completed his own kuot when Koehler cried out : " Come over quick, I can't bold it." Hisgen, as quickly as possible, started across the aerial bridge, but bad not gone two steps when he saw the man let go his hold and felt the lnddor give way beueath bis feet. As he began to fall, in the ener gy of desperation he, with both bands grasped the almost smooth top of the fourth story window cornice and there hung in the air, a distance of over sixty feet from the pavement. He then gave an exhibition of nerve that terrified every one who saw it. Placing the toe of one boot against the window frame be gave bis body a slight peudulum motion away from the house. A second push gave him a better impetus and as be swung on the return to ward the window he released his hold aud And went crashing through the glass safely to the floor of the fourth story room, from whence he immediately looked out through the aperture he bad made to see what bad become of his companion. Koehler had not been quite so fortunate. As he went shooting through 'the air he caught the banging rope with both hands and lessened bis speed all the way down at the expense of all the cuticle of his palms, which was burned off by the friction. He landed in a sitting posture on the sidewalk and was taken to the hospital with a pair of very sore hips. A TERRIBLE CATASTROPHE. Over 200 Victims. Loneox, Ont., May 24. This evening at 0 o'clock the steamer Victoria, with over GOO excursionists on board, was returning from Spring Bank and when near the Cove Railway Bridge, one mile below the city, the boat suddenly collapse like au egg shell and became a total wreck, level with the water's edge. All the passengers were instantly plunged into the stream, more than half of them being underneath the debris. The first news of the disaster which reached the city was brought by the survivors, who struggled through the streets, wet and weary. The news fell like a thunderbolt, aud a stampede took place for the spot. Arriving there a hor ble sight met their view. Fifty or sixty bodies bad already been recovered, aud were lying on the bank. Those arriving from the city from every direction crowded arouud, anxious to see if any relatives were on boaid. ' About 1,000 families were represented on the excursion and the wail of angTrisli that arose at the sight of the victims was heartrending. Fathers, moth ers, brothers and sisters rushed about panic stricken endeavoring to identify their friends. About 7 o'clock 80 bodies were recovered from under the wreck. Almost every minute some victim was brought to the surface and conveyed to the bank. The steamer Princess Louise was early brought to the spot and the victims were placed on the upper decks. Fires were lighted ou the bauk overlooking the river, petroleum torches weie brought, and the search was continued until night. Later report show that the loss of life is still greater than was expected, as 238 bodies have already been recovered. A DreadfiQDIsaster. St. JosErn,Mo., May 24. An explosion of 15 barrels of Danforth's fluid, stored in a cellar occurred at 0 o'clock last night. The floor over the cellar was occupied as a sa loon aud billiard room was kept by a col ored man. . A number of negroes were in the saloou at the time, all oC whom lost their lives. The exact number canuot be ascertained as yet, but it is variously esti mated at from fifteen to forty-five. Five bodies have been recovered up to this time, all burr.ed beyond recognition. It is said that one white woman was in the place at the time of the casualty. The building was instantly and completely demolished. The inmates were all buried in the debris, which was completely enveloped by the hot flame of the burning fluid. The efforts of the fire department to subdue the flames were of uo avail. Several thousand excited persons surrounded the scene of tbe disaster, and women and children screamed and bewailed the loss of their husbands and fathers or friends. The concussion shook the buildings several blocks around. A War Relic. In a very full report recently published in the Philadelphia Ledger, reference is . made to the case of Mr. George I. Graham, a prominent politician and active journal ist, (oounected with the Philadelphia Sun. day Mirror), who, by using the great Ger man remedy, St. Jacob's Oil, was cured of a troublesome case of rheumatism, con tracted during the war. He closes his statement with "to those who are afflict ed with that complaint, it is worth its weight in gold." Louu Globe-Demo-crat. ALUABE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. The heirs of Frederick Lauver, dee'd, hereby oiler st private sale, Ihe Mauslon Farm of said deceased, situate In Oreenwnod township, Perry county. Pa., adjoining lands of J. Am-ker, J. II. Jones. J. Klpp.itnd others, coiitnliia l;,- AOitKS, about 115 acres denied and In a high state of cultivation, and I lie balance well set with timber. The Improvements are a large double UtAMK IlOUBt!, BANK BARN, Wash and Corn Houses, and other Outbuildings, wlch a never falling well of water near the door. There Is also an excellent Orchard of choice Krult on said farm. This Is a very desirable propeity, belug located In a Valley abounding with lime stone, and within about VA miles of Mlllerstown, and the Pennsylvania!! . K., convenient to Stores, Schools Churches, and Mills. Tittle perfect. For further Information as to terms, etc.. call on the undersigned residing on the farm, or address by null B. A. LAUVER, IT 0l Mlllerstown, Perry Co., Pa yALUABLE FARMS AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber otters at Private Pale the fol lowing desirable farms: KO. 1. . Is a Farm containing Sixty-three Acres, All good land. In a good state of cultivation, and having thereon erected a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Out buildings, situate three miles south of Hloomtleld and even miles from Duncannon. There Is on this place plenty of Choice Fruit of all kinds, pood water at the door, with running water In nearly every Held. Price, 12,300. Terms easy. NO. 2. Is a farm situate In Wheattteld twp containing about US ACRES, having thereon erected a WOOD DWELLING HOUSE, with all required Otit-bttlldlngs, the Htm being entirely new. This farm Is situate about six miles from Duncannon and four miles from Hloomtleld. There Is good water near the door, plenty of streams on the land, a good Apple Orchard, and other fruit, and will make a desirable home. Price 2.8E0. Terms easy. 1NO. 4. Is a Farm situate in Carroll township, about two miles from shermaiisdale, containing about One Hundred Acres, having thereon erected a Good Dwelling, nntl oilier Oiit-biilldiiiRS, A well of good water at the house and another at trie Ham. There Is considerable trult on the Iiremlses, and the land Is good and well watered, 'rice, Jfi.(HH), and payments can be arranged to suit purchaser. NO. 5. Is a FARM situate in Carroll township, about two miles from Sherinansdale. containing tSo-veiitj' .A.c;iei, of good land, and having thereon a OOOD DWELLING, and other Out-buildings. There Is a good spring near the house, nnd the Farm Is well watered. There Is also a Good Or chard In bearing condition; this will make a de sirable home. Price, Sl.Eoo. NO. 7. A TRACT OF LAND containing SIXTEEN ACHES, (half cleared) having thereon erected a GOOD TWO STOHY PLANK HOUSE. Ill good order. This property Is located 2 miles south of Hloomtleld. and has on it plenty of FRUIT of nil kinds, and will make a very desirable home a party wanting a small tract of land. There Is a running stream of water near the house and a well of good water close to the door. Price Slot hi, half to be cash and the balance in two equal an nual payments. For further Information address the under signed at New Bloomlleld. Perry county. Pa., or call at his residence three miles south of Hloom tleld. C. B. 1IARNISH. August 17, 1830. TANITE EMERY WHEELS "I CRINDINQ MACHINES 21dtw For Saw-Mills, Foundries, mill Machine bHa For circulars, aildrt- THE T AN ITF CO. Htroudnburs', Hourue Uo., Pa. Have You Ever Know Any person to be seriously III wltliot a weak stomach or Inactive liver or kidneys? And when those organs are In good coudliinn do you not find their possessor enjoying good health? PAR KER'S GINGER TONIC always regulates these Important organs, and never falls to make the blood rich and pure.aiid to strengthen every part of the system. It lias cured hundreds of despair ing Invalids, Ask your neighbor aboul It. 21dU DC ATTV'Q ORGANS, 17 Stops, n Set golden Dtnl I I O tongue Reeds only J85. Address DANIEL F. BEATT V. Washington, N. J. 19d Make Home Beautiful. Choice subjects. Lowest prices. Rend for Cata logue and price list. Agents wanted. Address J. C. McCURDY & CO., Philadelphia. Pa. lHdtt 6 0LII MEDAL AWARDED the Author. A new anil ureal Med ici.. Work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to eyry luan.aiititled "the Huienceof Life or,8ttlf-I'reservation ;" bound in finest French muslin, em hushed. mil uc1,nupp.coDtainH beautiful Bttl nirraTinsra, 126 prescrip tions, price only $1.25 smit hf mail; iiluntratednaniple,6tHUitB; end now, Address Feabodj Med- FUnttT TUVrTP leal .ntfitutanr lr. W. H. FAR- No. 4 Bulth.ct.it. Boston. 19d4t The Relish of the World I Halford Sauce SOLD BY ALL GROCERS Ud4w AG.ENTS! AGENTS I AGENTS I JOHN B. HOUGH 9 bran' new book. W uuMirtrrf, anMled SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW i cnancs ev.- ontm, to too. m Bcrnes i bright and thatl? aids of real (ye, and pui John B. Gough Hcratf arr drawn rlrnj .J a. an portray them. For Pathrti, Humor, and tnlenne wirkiwr, tt la without a Mr. It la tha "fcwmino ' fcon for Mmf". and out at'lla all other 10 to 1. Both tfimuwl in rinw. lots AkitiU vantrd.,mm and woman. Now la the tlm,. tVrHiMii'e Terri tory and Special T?rmi given. rajr-V-mi yitr (vutfr-, AiMrete, A. II, H Ultl ULNUION Jt CO.. l'ube., UurlforU. Coon 19d4t DR. 0. P. BOLLINGER, Physician and Surgeon, -Office In residence ou Main Street, New ctiomiineiu. ri. CHRONIC DISEASES TREATED. 18 tf REMNANTS of PRINTS-of these we have a Urge quantity In good styles. In addition to the above goods w have a nice evtvuvuiieui. oi L,uia nwue.iiv, morsels, liermail- town arn, zephyrs. noes lor Ladles aud Chll dreu.and tbousauds of other articles. V. MORTIMER, . New Hloomtleld, Pa. V THE NEWPORT New Clothing House! It Is not necessary to be rich to dress well. Style makes the clothes, and clothes makes the man, at least they give a good lift In that direction. Our styles In ready made CLOTHINO, for men and hoys, Is our pride. They are equal to Custom Work. Now, all we would ask of you 11 to come and examine our stock, which comprises all grades of Clothing, from the cheapest to the best. We give you a few of our sample prices: Our Hard Twisted Men's Stilts, Coat, Pants and Vest lor JVOO. Our 7.M) Light Colored Cassl mere Units, all wool, for 110. ill) Dark, all wool, Casslniere Stilts. We defy to he undersold on these stilts. They are the best sold for the money In America. I12.S0 all wool Fine Suits: 115 Fine Worsted Suits 120 Fine Black Cloth Stilts; 122.60 Flue Black Cloth Suits. The goods are, In style and workmanship, equal to custom work, and made of first class material Our Boys' ami Children's CloUiing We have them In all sizes, from three years' up, and sell them as low as the lowest Our ti.no Child's Suit is a beautiful mixed light color. Our M.fiu Cheviot Suit Is a splendid thing. Our V, all wool, Child's Stilt Is nice and splendid. Those are the best makes of New York Clothing, stylish cut and durable made. Our Custom Department Is filled with English, French, Scotch and American Worsted and Cassl mere Suitings, which we will made to order at a Low Price, and guarantee a perfect tit. SUITS TO ORDER FOR EIGHTEEN DOLLARS This Is a splendid all wool dark mixed Casslmere Suit. For J20 we have ten styles of Casslmere and Cheviot Suitings, our til Scotch Cheviot Suit Is the best tiling ever sold for the money. Our line of Gents' Furnishing floods Is com plete In every respect. Shirts. Collars, Neck Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Trunks and Valises. HAT8 and CAPS. We keep the very latest styles of Nobby Hats. A full line of Hats for men, buys and children, which we w ill sell at Low Prices. Now, We would say we buy all our Goods from first hands for Cash, and manufacture all our better class of ready made clothing, which ena bles usto undersell all opposition. That means we sell you a better made suit for less money. Money refunded on all goods not found as rep resented. Please call, whether 3'ou wish to purchase or not. Will be pleased to see you. 2. GANSMAF, Fashionable Merchant Tailor and Clothier, N. Cor. Diamond, Frank's Old Hardware Stand, NEWPORT, PA. March 29, 18U. Books! Books! Gift Books, Children's BooJts, Blank Books, School Books, Hies! Testaments ! And all Kinds of Books AT BEACH'S Book & Drug Store. Stationery at Wholesale or Retail t3J" Subscriptions taken for all News, papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. A Great Cause of Human Misery Is the toss ol A LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREAT ment. and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea, induced by Self -Abuse, Involun tary Kmmlsslons, Iinpotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generally; Con sumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Alental and Phys ical Incapacity, etc. by ROBERT J. CULVElt WELL. M. 1).. author of the "Green Hook." etc. The world-renowned author, Id this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be eitectHally removed without dangerous sur gical operations, bougies. Instruments,' rings, or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sulferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture will prova boon to thou sands aud thousands. , Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. We have also a sure cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 40pl) 41 Ann St., New York; P. O. Box, 4580. GRAND BOULEVARD HOTEL, t!umor 3tltH St. and Ilroadwar, NI3W YOltK. On Both American A European Plam, Fronting on Central Park, the Grand Boule vard. Broadwav and Flftv-Nlnth Street, this Ho tel occupies the entire square, and was built aud furnished at an expense of over (400,000. It is one of tlie most elegant as well as tin est located lu the citv : has a passenger Elevator and ail modern Improvements, and Is within one square of the depots of the Sixth and Eighth Avenue Elevated R. U. Cars and still nearer to the Broad way cars convenient and accessible from all parts of the city. Rooms with board, tl per day. opeuiai rmen lor laiuines mm nernianeur. gtiesis, Aug.2. 'o0 ly . fK. HASKELL, Proprietor, TTtSTATE NOTICE. Notice Is lierebv given JjJ that letters Testamentary on the estate of David Orahm, late of Penn township, Perry Co., r., tieceasru, nave ueen graniea i.o lue uuuer signed residing in the same township. All Dersons indebted to said estatM are reauest. ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated lor BObblOlllBUI, IU , . D. K. GRAHM. W. A. Hponsf.kb, Att'y. Executor May 10, losl. TESTATE NOTIOE.-Notlce is hereby given, XU that letters of administration on the estate of itev. a. . Richmond late of Torone township. Perry County. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. P, O. Address Laudisburg, rrjii; vjuuutjr. r tv. ' All Persons Indebted to salrl tit are reouest ed, to make Immediate payment and those having claims will preseut them duly autheutlcated lor aeuiomrjuv iu AT.BHRT K. RICHMOND. Cms. H. Pmilet, Att'y. Admlulstrator, May 10, Uttl. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 35 North 3rd Street, HARRISBURG, Pa. i- mmmi 10,000 Yds. New Figured Lawns, 5, G, lo, lets 3,ooo Yds. Lace Buntinns. 12i cents. 950 Yds. All Wool Buntings in niacii ana colors, io cents. 2,500 White Victoria Laivns, 12 cents. twuozcn lAsle Thread 20, 25, 28, and 33 cents. Fans and Barasols. Write for Samples. DIVE8, FOMEllOY & STEWART, THE LAKOEST DRY GOODS HOUSE IN CENTBAL PENNSYLVANIA. In making our first Spring announcement to our patrons and the public, we would call attention to our Immense stock of DRY GOODS IN ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. We have made great accession to our atock and Nosuch assortment has i jver been exhibited In Han An Inspection Is respectfully requested. 10 lt OIL CLOTHS. JY, t V T , i v.. v uuiiccuriiiru uai,iii.i. tto jinve many new tilings. HI Choice New Colorl ngs. To these good w, have trimmings to match lor Combination Suits. We m a?'k M"KlqbS,Ti'!i lHrvnvSM B,' V.J1.,1'L S-'i iH 1f,w e,rect"' and special Inducements li BLACK SILKS, SAlIN IlE LYONS and CASHMERES. We win maintain our long established reputation for carrying the largest stock of MOURNING GOODS IN thih citv i7.,. V.i Dt In THIBET SHAWLS. HOSIERY. GLOVE anil notion 1 P ft ft The New Harrisburcr 1QQ1 lODDi CARPET HOUSE. lOOI. No. Ill MARKET STREET, (Patterson's Old Stand.) FRED. Ij ' YlNGST Has Just opened at the above place with an entire new Stock or BODY BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, 1NORAIN CARPETS, all grades. A full line of STRAW MATTING lust opened HALL and STAIR CARPETS OILCLOTHS of all kinds and widths. All gSods guaranteed as represented, aud sold at LOWEST CASH PRICES. . '""- " Our motto being as ever, "Reliable Goods at Reliable Prices." " 14 13t No. Ill Market Street, llarrisburg. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! 1881 SPRING OPENING! 1881 We desire to speak to the citizens of Bloomtteld and surrounding country on the subject of Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Wall Papers, and point out a few facts why you should deal with ns. J?.E AE ,0" cnn V". "llteJ anv kind t Roods named above out of a great assortment. . BECAUSE our slock Is complete and full In all departments. BECAUSE you are afforded the pleasure of a superior choice at the lowest possible prices. BECAUSE we deal honest with you: give you all you can ask for the money; ship your goods free of charge, aud strive to please and prollt you., We therefore ask an Inspection of our Body and Tapestry Brussels, Ingrain and 3-Ply Carpets, Hall and Stair, Hemp and Bag Carpets, by all our old customers and all new ones who will give ns the chance to prove what we assert above. OUR ! RAO CARPETS are made under our Immediate directiou, on our own looms, and we ciaiiu lor them a Superiority Supassed by none in the State. CARPET RACS taken in exchange for goods, and Carpets made to order. Many Novelties In our Wall Paper Departments, Window Shades and Material for Lambrequins, and Furniture Coverings, with Cords, Fringes, aud Gimps to match. LINOLEUM, an article superior to Oil Cloth for kitchens, dining room, halls and vesti bules, public unices, and banks. A complete stock throughout, the equal of which has not been opened before by us. Aftaln we request a call from you and your friends, feeling that you will be Justified In the doing thereof. Respectfully yours, STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 East Main Street, CARLISLE, Penn'a. 11 3m DOWlSr LOWER TH-AJST EVEK. 1881 Carpets for Spring Trade. 1881 LOOK AT THE PRICES! Tap Brussels from 85 cents to $1.10, Body Brussels from $1.60 to $1.65, Ingrain from 80 cents to $1, Best. All other goods in proportion. Now is the time to get the first selection of the New Btock. We have More Carpets and More Patterns than all the other Carpet Hounes in this city. Call and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show Goods Ouirk Bales and Small Profits. SAJVXTJEL ADAMS, Opera House Carpet Store, 31 N. Third Street, HAUKISDUWG, PEAiN'A. ESTATE NOTICK. -Notice Is hereby giv en that Letters of Administration on the estate of Elizabeth Harter, late of Greenwood twp., Perry county, fa., deceased, bave been granted to the undersigned, of Mlllerstown, Ferry county. Pa. All personslndebted to said estate are requested (o miiKe Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly autheutlcated for settlement to W.J. HARTER. Administrator. C. J. T. M'Inttre, Att'y. April 6, 1881. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints 'Curb, &e. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. Has no equal lor any lameness on ueasiur man. It has cured hlp-iolnt lame ness tn a person who naa sunerea 10 Years. Alsocured rheumatism. corns. f roHt-bltes. or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for blemish on horses. Keud lor Il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists I ave It or can get for you. Dr. B. J. Kendall ti Co., Fros.,Euo6burgh, Falls. Vermont. ' HABRI3 & EWINO. Agents. Pittsburgh, Pa. TTAXCY Ooodsand Notions, - Some new ar JU rl ivals, Cheap. F. MORTIMER, Gloves, 12, with our Increased facilities for purchasing and lifdinrrmnnt Anmn Ufa In mm - - Isburg. Guaranteed KID GLOVES a specialty.' 7 H ''' 3L. O. EITVSTHJITV, 223 MARKET St., HARRISBURG, Ta. CARPETS. 9 3m T SUNDY.M.D. U Physician and Surgeon. A graduate of Cleveland Medical College. Located permanently In the borough of Bloom Held. Otters his professional services to the clti J?',1? Blomrleld and surrounding vicinity. Lulls In the country attended tn prompt! v. Onlce Ml fllA -!UI 1.1 lA,m., 1 ., 1 1 ' . . ' ... , . ixrJ, i j WWlUlllCU UV Ur. U. H. SSSi,eX' in I1,8 slleince of! li. W. Smith. Main , . .vu.uv,u, m. 1V OUl" To Dealers and Consumers of Fish, WE are prepared to 'supply yon with Choice ,.,.,HKxt,j MACkltfiEL, New Eastport romid, and Lake HKKKINU. at reasonable prices for CASH, or In exchange tor Oraiu, Seeds. Potatoes, Lard. Bacon. &o.,&o. JOKES BROTHERS & CO., ... Brie n. Warehouse. "2m NEWPORT, Pa. ESTAT E NOTICKNollce la hereby given that letters of administration on thees tate ol John Smith, late of Caakoll twp.. Perry county Pa deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing at Shermansdale, Perry Co Pa A ll persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those bavins claims wlllpreseut them duly autheutlcated fur sottlcmout to CYRUS W. SMITH. April 6. 1881. Administrator.