The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, May 31, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE .TIMES, NEW I1L00M1TKL1), PA.. MAY 31. 1881.
On and after Monday, May
Trains will ruu as tuiluw ,
Hth, 18X1, Faenter
Acs., Pit.
Tr'uj Ex.
A 00.
7. Ml
S 48
S. (Ml
. M.
a. si
6 1C3 Miry.vllk,
Ml 10.89 iJncmiou,
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0 21 13.69
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8 J 51
V.I4 12.441
Km. 19.88
nni ly.yj
8 4i u.ia
b.ixi ii. m
lUHli IjewlHiown
1,1.1 HlllltlliKU'iu..
163 Tyrone
a.aa. lAttooua
u. la
7.01 !
P.M. A.M. ,1
tV-ptrincF.xprp Went will atop at DmicauboH at
.4 ami at Newport nl 6.UT A. m.. when HiivtreU,
tar-(1'ihiir West. the Way l'HHflenirer leave Harrlr
burir Daily tlieutlier tralua Dally excepl Hominy.
Kt line Wear, dally, mpplmr ou Buhday oni.t, nt
l)liuraillinn 4 :i. Newport, M I. M :
PilHliurKli KxpreaH west Htnpa when tlaiwod. at Until
rannoii at III h'2 1'. M .lit .Newport at 11.13 p. M.,at Mil
ltratiiwu at ll.iil e. M.
- llrleritoniN.
Hot Wanted to learn the Printing
business. Apply at tbls oflice.
The People's Freight road Imp been
running at its full capacity for the past
tw6 weeks with wheat and bark.
J. P. King of Tyrone, bad his bouse
entered a few nights since as Is supposed
by trafups, who robbed him of money
and valuables to the amount of f 1,000.
The Sioux Fishing Club, which last
year camped near Newport, have decided
to camp on the Catawissa, near Col urn
bia, this summer.
Isn't it funny, but true nevertheless,
that if you want to get worms for fish
bait you can't find any; but go and dig
garden and in five minutes time you
turn out lots of them.
B. A. D., your communication is hard
ly just to tne party you reier to anu nau
better not be published, and if you know
who he waB, you would prefer that It
should not be.
We acknowledge the receipt of a piece
of music from Lee & Walker, 1113 Chest
nut street, Philadelphia, entitled, " Col.
Thos. A. Bcott's Funeral March." The
piece of music has on the first page a
short sketch of Col. Bcott.
Some fields of corn in this vicinity
luive been plowed up and replanted, the
s-eed proving worthless. A farmer
suggests as a remedy for future trouble
that greater care be taken in the full
with the corn intended for seed.
From the Altoona Tribune of Wednes
day, we learn that a Blx-year old son of
Martin V. Orner, well-known in
Pfoutz's Valley, this county, fell from
a hay loft and was seriously, if not fatal
ly injured.
The question that Esq. Clouser, six
lawyers, and thirty or forty witnesses
was trying to decide on Saturday, was,
whether a certain horee sold by Singer
Whitmer to John Mtnlch was " dumb "
or not, and is not yet decided.
Mlllersburg people have been troubled
with burglars lately and are disposed to
lay the blame on Perry county. A boat
missing from Millersburg the night after
the robberies were committed was found
on this side of, the river near Mt.
On Monday morning in taking down
the old stable In the rear of Ensminger's
Hotel, to make room for a new one,
Alonzo Clouser, of this place, was struck
on the head and badly cut by the falling
of a log. ,
An infant child of "William Slike, for
merly of Lebanon, but at present resid
ing in Union twp., Dauphin county,
was suffocated' on Tuesday by a cat
laying itself on the face of the babe, as
the mother was but temporarily absent
in the garden. The child was but seven
weeks old, and must have suffered great
pain, as the blood was oozing from Us
nose after the cat was taken away.
The Newport ATeic8 says : An accident
occurred on Duncan's Island on Monday
last which might have resulted in the
death or serious Injury to Mrs. Briner,
daughter and daughter-in-law. They
came to Pines' store In a spring wagon
and In turning their, horse he backed
over an embankment, throwing the three
ladies to the bottom, and the 'wagon
and horse on top of them, the horse in
such a position that he was' unable to
move, which probably saved the lives
of all. Assistance being near soon ex
tricated the ladies from their perilous po
sition, and then removing the harness
from the horse, succeeded in getting him
him out, and strange to say all escaped
Injury except Miss B., who received a
few scratches by coming iu contact with
some briars.
Personal. We were sorry to learn of
the death of Mr. Moses F. Noll, former
ly of Tyrone twp., this county. His
death occurred on the 22nd Inst, in
Morris county, Kansas, to which place
he moved several years since. His ill
ness only lasted from Thursday till
Among the former residents of this
vicinity who were home on Sunday,
- were Charley Withrow, Ward Rice, and
James S. M'Kee. They are all looking
Charles Foy, one of the Perry county
boys, now living in llenova, Is here
on a visit. Several others from this
vicinity are working there, and all are
doing well.
Some Wonu. There is no doubt but
Mr. Jesse Clouser of this place feels
relieved. It is natural that he should,
for Dr. Strlckler on Saturday succeeded
In taking from.him a tape worm over
twenty-nine feet in length. The worm
was alive when it came out, and lived
over an hour.
Very Uiifortnnnte.-Dr. Abraham Lesher
of the vicinity of Chambersburg, lost a
coW one day last week in a singular
manner. The Animal In some way
broke the planking of a well on the
premises, and fell Into it. The well Is
thirty feet deep and was about half filled
with water. It Is supposed that the
animal had been In the well for some
time before she was discovered. She
still had her head above the water, but
was almost dead from exhaustion. It
was found Impossible to get her out
alive, and a rope attached to a windless
was put around her neck, and the wind
less turned with crowbars until the
animal was brought to the surface. The
cow was a valuable animal and would
in a short time have come in fresh.
, Killed. John Wormley of Tyrone
township was killed on Thursday last.
He was helping put up a foot-log over
Sherman's Creek near Thos. Morrow's
when by some means the log slipped
from its place and striking on the back
of his head crushed him into the water.
For a moment he was not missed, till
ithe blood rising on the water, caused a
search. He was at once got out by his
comrades, but died in about an hour,
speaking but once after the accident.
He leaves a wife and three children to'
mourn hlssudden death. Several others
were slightly Injured.
A liallrond to Bloomfleld received the
following uotictln a recent Issue of the
Philadelphia Times: The New Bloom
Held journals are agitating the construc
tion of a railroad from that place to
Newport, to connect with the Pennsyl
vania Railroad, and It is stated in the
Democrat that one gentleman proposes
to subscribe f 5,000 if the additional $12,
000 needed to grade and bridge the line
shall be subscribed by others. New
Uloomfleld Is the county town of Perry
and it Is surprising thatTT
Tins been
without a railroad connection until this
lute day, when it Is but six miles distant
from the great trunk line of the State,
.... .1 XI , , , 1 , . - I
uuu mere uouiu ue no uouut oi ine it
success of the enterprise If thecitteTlB"TV
to be directly benefited would give the
aid the Improvement can justly demand
at their hninia)TTstM.nlr pnf'-p"'i'"
can command aid outside of Perry
county, but the way to get help is for
the people most Interested first to he
Methodism iu Perry Coiiutyvyrhe fok
lowing information, wa.a-4rtn.her
from the minutes of Annual BpuSTon of
Central Penn'aOnjfereliCB-tChlch con
vened In Mjrfch lastralTork, Pa.:
There are five full charges Blaln,
New Bloomfleld, Newport, Duncan non
and Liverpool, and parts of three others
Marysvllle, Thompsontown and Port
Royal. They contain twenty preaching
places. At these are found 1242 full
members, and 110 probationers.
They paid to Bupport of the. Gospel,
To superannuated preachers, $120.
To cause of missions, $41 1.
To other benevolence, $92.
For removal of debts on churches and
parsonages, current expenses, and im
provements of church property, $3,542.
Value of church and parsonage prop
erty, $51,200.
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland papers
of last week :
Jas. B. Powell had his hand entl rely
severed from his arm by a circular Baw
at the planing mill of Mosser, Shoop &
Sadler, in New Cumberland on Satur
day last.
On Monday last, a boy named Am
brose Peckard, aged about fourteen,
residing at Jacksonville, while acting
as a self-constituted conductor of the
Harrisburg and Potomac Railroad, at
tempted to couple some freight cars, atv
the above place, and had the first three
fingers of his left hand caught between
the bull noses, which amputated two at
the first Joint and the third was so badly
bruised that it had to be amputated at
the same place. Dr. S. N. Jicker was
called, who dressed the wounded fingers
in the most skillful manner.
The Newville Enterprise gives an
account of an ovarian tumor, removed
from Mrs. Gilbert, of Green Spring. The
patient had suffered for a number of
years, and though repeatedly urged by
her friends to have an operation per
formed, she would not consent until it
became evident that she could not possi
bly live a week longer unless she obtain
ed relief. While the physicians In
consultation could give but little encour
agement, on account of the size of the
tumor and other serious complications,
it was decided to perform the operation
as alast resort. The tumor measured
bixty-one inches around and together
with its surrounding liquid weighed
seventy-five pounds. Mrs. Gilbert did
not long survive the oneration : she died
on Thursday.
. Juniata County. We copy the follow
lug from the Juniata county papers of
last week i
On Wednesday morning of last week
a valuable cow belonging to Hon. John
Balsbach was killed by Pacific express
west at the Market street crossing, in
this place. Fort lioyal Times.
The Infant child of Mr. A. J. Pettitt
died suddenly on Monday morning of
lust week from some unknown cause.
The child appeared to pe in good health
when the parents retired to bed with it,
but when they awoke in the morning
the spirit of the darling child had taken
Hi everlasting flight. Ib.
A hen belonging to Mrs. Naylor, of
Fayette township, this county, recently
hutched a brood of thirteen chickens
among whleh .was one that had four
legs, one eye on the top of Its head, and
no wings. It lived but a short time.
Ho a Cocolainus correspondent Informs
C. D. Shellenberger, a well-known
citizen of Fayette township, cut the
Instep of his foot about six weeks ago
The wound got sore and sickened him,
and how he is so 111 that his life is
despaired of.
More Wand Tor Kent. The subscriber
offers for rent a good ktohk doom 10x80
feht located one and one-hnlf miles
soirth of New Oeiimantown, Perry Co.
The room Is at present occupied by
litni and contains about $1500, worth of
goods. The goods can be bought by the
renter and immediate possession given
or the stock will be retailed and the
room rented fiiomthk 1st ok -next
a run,.
Call and see the room and location.
Terms reasonable, and if desired a
lease of five or more years can be hail.
22-20 J.B. BwAinz.
New Hook for Sale.
A Prodigious Fool, (2d Edition now Ready.)
By John C. Wallls, (District Attorney
of Perry County) Vi mo. 210 pages, ele
gantly bound In extra cloth, $1.25. In
club orders of four or more copies, $1.00
per copy.
"A story (if Ameriran life. It lit a very readable
bonk." rltUliurtfli (Jlirimk-lo.
"We. have peruae,! this bnnk with pleasure. The
laiiKiiaire In pure and lorellile. The Idea la very nriir
inal In the form ol thin alory and eipially well briuiKlit
oul." ilarrlHuurK TeleKraph.
" It 1b a rapftal atiVy, with plenty of Bi'llnn ami annie
Suite telling inelileula. lift 1 utereHt la keel 1111 Irnm the
t pUKti to the laHt." 1'hOadelphia tlhrnnlclo-Herrtld.
Agents wanted. First rate terms given.
Appfy at once.
For sale, sent by mall, postage pre
paid, on receipt of the price, by the
author Jonx C. Wai.lis, New liloora
lleld.Pa. 22
Keep cool. F. Mortimer has lots of
Fans, from 3 eta., upwards.
Renew Your Lease.
There are times in every ones life
when energy fails and a miserable feel
ing eorrn?s over them, often mistaken
for lainess. Danger lurks in these
symptonis, as they arise, from Impure
blood or vllseased organs. Medical ad
Vice isillenslve and often unsatisfacto-
rTarklr's Ginger Tonic will renew
It restores perfect activity to the Stom
ach, Liver and Kidneys, and purifies
the blood, as men and women restored
to robust health testify in almost every
neighborhood. See adv. Advocate. 224t
ELMO HOTEL Kos. S17 and S19
-eet, PiiiT,AiELrniA. Rates re-
ced to Two Dollahs Per Day.
he traveling rmblio still find at this
Hotel the same liberal provision for their
comfort. It is located in the Immediate
centres of business and places of amuse
ment and the different Rail Road depots,
i as well as all parts of the city, are easily
accessible by Street Cars constantly pass
ing the doors. It oilers special Induce
ments to those visiting the city for
business or pleasure.
Your patronage Is respectfully solicited.
Jos. M. Ficoeu, Proprietor.
f A. CARD.
A new enterprize lias been started In
Mechanlcsburg, Cumberland county, by
J. W. Ringrose & Co., and that Is the
making of a new style of Leather Fly
Nets. These nets are said to be a great
improvement over any style yet made,
while the price they .will be sold at, Is no
greater than is asked for the poorer
article. Store keepers, before supplying
themselves should see these nets an 4
learn prices, and farmers should ask
the merchant with whom they deal to
get at least a sample to show them. For
price list, etc., address J. W. Rinouose
& Co., Mechanlcsburg, Pa., or Kenne
dy, Willing & Co., 100 and 102 North
3rd Steet, Philadelphia. 5tf.
Still Alive I I am still alive and ready
to cut and fit suits In good style. If
wanting any work in my line, give me
a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Samuel Bentzel,
April 0, ' New Bloomfleld, Pa.
For choice material, for beauty of
styles and latest fashions, for everything
iu the millinery line at especially mod
erate prices, call at M. L. BELL'S.
Ladies' Hats and Bonnets, Fancy
Braids, Chips, Tuscans, and fine Straws,
Children's Hats and Caps.
'Elegant new width ribbons. Bilks
and Satins in beautiful shades.
A line of Embroideries and Laces
unsurpassed in quantity and quality.
Beautiful Swiss Embroideries and In
sertlngs, Gloves In Lisle, Silk and Kid,
also Lace Mitts, Children's Collars, &c.
Veiling in all shades. Hosiery in great
Old Stand, Centre Square,
10 lrn NEWPORT, PA.
tSTIf yon have plmple, bolls, (alt rheum
rough kin, etc., toko "Llndaev's Blood Search
er." Bold by all druggists. "Hit
Our stock of Men's & Boy's Straw
Goods, Shirts, and neckwear, can't be
M. Dukes, & Co.
Boy your Carpets at the leading place,
an giaun nuu OLytes, at
M. DUKKS, & Co.
Clothes rlugers. We have a few of
the best made. Price only $5.
F. Moktihek,
Good Company, Double Number.
Oootl Company (SJ1.00 a year Springfield,
Maai.) Isauei No8. 1 and 80 together, making
a double number. blnu't. Frederick Bchwatka,
the commander of the Franklin Beared Expe
dition which returned last autumn, hat two of
hl aeries of articlea on experiences and ad
ventures In the Arctlo world, nndor the title,
"In IheLand'oftheMldnlghtBnn." The (list
tells of previous Franklin expeditions, and the
second begins the narrative of his own. In
future articles he will continue the story. 8.
J. Douglass has a paper on the Eskimo race.
A long Installment, about thirty pages, of a
now aerial story is given. It Is printed anony
mously under the title of Mildred's Caprice."
There are also throo complete stories.
As bollts the season there are numerous
articles about travel and adventure In a wide
variety of localities, with many other Inter
esting articles.
The American Revised New Testament.
The Literary llcvolutlon Is prompt with Us
edition of the Revised Testament. The British
monopolists "unchained" their edition on the
morning of May 20th, and at 8:80 P.M., the
same day, the American edition was all In
type, and of the various editions of the entire
Testament and the Gospels published separate
ly as many as 150,000 copies a day will be man
ufactured till the demand is met. The prices
for the very handsome editions, in type nearly
double the alxs of the British edition, are as
The New Testament complete for 10 cents.
Ths Gospels complete for 7 cents. .
The Gospels separately, each for 2 cents.
And in various forms and styles, up 'to full
Turkey Morocco, gilt edges, for the new and
old versions on pages facing for $1.60.
This edition Is for sale by the leading book
sellers of the United Btates, or they will be
sent by mall on receipt of price. Liberal terms
are allowed to clubs. Address, AMERICAN
BOOK EXCHANGE, 704 Broadway, N. Y.
Church Notices.
Presbyterian Church Preaching next
Sunday at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M. Sun
day School at half past 0 A. M. Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening.
M. E. Church. Quarterly Meeting
services. Preaching Saturday morning
and Sunday night by Rev. it. Hinkle,
P. E., and Saturday night and Sunday'
morning by Rev. Colburn, of Newport.
Love feast at 9 A. M., Sunduy.
Silk Mitts. Some pretty styles cheap,
at Mohtijieii'b.
Important to Travelers. Special In
ducements are offered you by the Bur
lington Route. It will pay you to read
their advertisement to be found else
where in this issue.
"Aftcr all, a gentle purgative Is the best
means of curing headache, liver complaint, bil
iousness, Ac. Use "Sellers' Liver Fills." 10 4
Wool Bought at the highest market
price for cash at
Clothing House,
(Franks Old Stand,)
22 4t Newport, Pa.
' ,
The Spring Styles of casBimers are
here and If you want a new suit come
anchsee what we can offer. We have
made to order and guarantee a fit from
the finest assortment of goods ever
shown in the county.
F. Mortimer.
Dental Notioe.
I wish to Inform the people of lower Juniata
and Terry counties, that I have located a Den
tal Otllo at the Martin Hotel In Millerstown,
for the purpose of practising Dentistry Id all
its branches. Having had ample city practice
at Indianapolis, Ind., during the war period,
sending out plate work to nearly all of the
northern Btates, also had an office In the city
of Auburn, N. Y., I will bring to the village of
Millerstown, city practice at the ruling country
prices. I will use no cheap material, conse
quently I will not advertise any of the low
prices. Full set of rubber plates, either upper
or lower, $15 ; filling teeth, from 50c upward
building up teeth with gold, from $3 to $10 and
upward. All work guaranteed. No work
done on trial.
Practical Dentist,
4 Millerstown, Perry Co., Pa.
For cheap Straw Hats go to Morti
mer's. He has received a new supply.
Western Union Telegraph connecting
with all parts of the world. Office at
New Bloojifield iu Mortimer's build
ing, tf
On Sunday, office open from 9 to 1 A. M.,
and 5 to 6 P. M.
It Is a Fact. We have recently open
ed some very pretty novelties in the
dress goods line. We have also received
a large addition to our stock of Prints,
Ginghams, &c, of the new styles. Come
and see then F. Mortimer.
For Ladles' Dusters, Coats, Shawls,
Skirts, Fans, Parasols &c, we have the'
best assortment.
M. Dukes, & Co.
Virginia Horses for Pale. The sub
scriber will sell at Ben. Hitter's hotel, in
Loysville, on SATUIiDAY, June 4th,
1881, one car load of Fine Virginia
Horses, consisting of draught and driv
ing horses, from three to six years old.
Will be sold without reserve. A credit
of 00 days will be given.
HfBad blood always causes tronble. It
may be a family fight or bolls, pimples, Itch,
tetter, &c. but no matter, "Dr. Lindeey's
Blood Searcher" Is the cure-all. 19d4t
Some Jobs. We have a few special
bargains which we will mention. A lot
of TvMitLEKH, 43 cents per dozen. A
lot of Jelly Glasses, 50 cents per dozen.
The Pantograph Binder, is the neatest
and most economical method of binding
up letter, note and bill heads, or any
other kind of statione.-y. The under
signed having bought the right, is pre
pared to furnish all kinds of Commercial
or Legal printing put up In this binder.
Merchants or others wanting work of
this kind, will find our work first class
and prices reasonable. Call and see
specimens or write for prices to
, The Times Office,
tf New Bloomfleld, Pa.
County Price Current.
Dtjotfnat.n, May 3), 1B81
Plat-Heed 1
Potatoes 40
Butter pound lOtflJ'
Eggs V doien i g "
Dried Apples H pound Sits"
Dried Peaohes IU O 12ets. fll
KswroBT, May 28, H81.
Klour, (Cxtra, tfi.00
" Super ; 3.25
White Wheat old V bush 113
Hed Wheat, oli 113
Corn 45048
Oata VI 82 pounds 3S9 40
Clover Seed per pound.... 606 cents
Timothy 8eed 2 IK)
Flax Seed I on
Potatoes, 40811
Bacon SOS
Lard ficcnts
Hams 19 cents.
Ground Alum Salt 1 10 Ol 10
Llmeburner'a Coal 11 00 1 2f
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Pnii.iDKT.PHiA. May 20, 1881.
Flour unsettled: extra H 003 60: Fennyl
vanla family, 4.o0 14.75 Minnesota do., I4.8U0
15.12; patent and high grades. $.6U7.0O
Rye flour, fi 25i.25.
Cnrnmeal. 12.20.
Wheat. 122 125.
Corn yellow. 6162o. i mixed. Efiffl'Ke.
Oats quiet; PeniMvlvsnin and western Whits.
44f49e. : western inlxed,42i;i3.
CArfi-HEi.r. Khp.mkr On May 25Hi,issl, at the
residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. W. H.
logan, G. W. Campbell, M. !., of Newport to
Halile A. Kleiner of Millerstown.
AVintfr Charters On May 22d, at the
M. E. parsonage In Duncanimn, by Hev. ,1. Bell,
.lolin Winter to Rebecca Charters, both of thut
DHATHB. On Mavliith.lSUl, In Sheaffer's Valley.
Tyrone twp , Elizabeth Neeley, aged 69 years, 10
months and 12 days.
OA ntt On May22d,lR81.lnMarysvlIle, Mabel
Oantt. aged 3 years. II- months and 21 (lavs. On May 21st. 1881, In Landlsbnrg,
George 8. Itrexler, In the 47th year of his age.
Noi.i, On May 19th, 1881. in Dunlap, Kansas,
Mr. Moses K. Noll, aped about 88 vears.
WKIIH.EV On May stTtli, 1881. in Loysville, John
WelMey, aged about 24 years.
ESTATE NOTICE. Notioe Isherebygtven
that letters of administration on the estate
of Susanna Kteel, late ol New RutTalo borough.
Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned, residing In same place.
All persons I ndebted to said estate arereqnested
to make Immediate payment and thosehavmg
Qlaiiiistopresentthenidulyauthentfcatedfor set
tlement to
May fl, 1881. Administrator.
T"nllnrf1,or Willi Copper , Forr-!ln,or Iron
I.lnlnK. Kiu'h one Htenclled with my name an
maiiufiu'turor is warranted In material and con
struction. For enlo by the best houses in ho
trade. If vou do not know where to fret this
pump, write to me as below, and I will seti't
name of agent nearest you, who will supply you
at my lowest prices.
CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer,
308 Market Bt, Philadelphia, Pa.
MWVor sale by F. Mortimer, New Bloomfleld,
Pa. 22
Trustees of the M. E. Church, of near Mar
kelville, will receive proposals for the erection of
a plank, weatherboaided Church 32 by 40 feet
up to June K. 1881.
For specifications call on the Secretary at Mar
kelvllie. or at M. E. Parsonage, New Bloomfleld.
Trustees reserve rlnht, to reject all bids.
J. M. JOHNSTON, President,
a T. Watts, Sec'y.
E8TATE NOTICE. Notice Is herby given
that Letters Testamentary on the estate ot
Benjamin Zimmejnian. late of Madison township
Perry county. Fa., deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned, residing iu Andeisonburg,
Perry county. Pa.
All persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make Immediate payment, and those having
claims will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
W. II., Att'y. Kxecutor.
May 10, 1SS1.
INSTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given
Li that letters of Administration have been
granted op the estate of ha nine I Daniels, late of
Wheatlieldtwp., Perry county, Pa., deceased, to
Harah Ann Daniels, residing la same township.
jr. o. address, uuncannou.
All persons indebted to said estate are requested
to maae unuieuiaie payment anu musts uaviug
claims, to present them for settlement. ANN DANIELS.
C. J. T. M'lSTlIiE, Att'y. Administratrix.
May 25. 1881.
THE undersigned Administrator of theestafer
of Mary Milks, late of Greenwood township. Ferry
county. Pa., deceased, by virtue of an order of
the Orphans' Court of said ceuuty, will expose to
public sale upon the premises,
0a Saturday, June 4th, 1881,
: At one o'clock P.M.,
the real estate of raid decedent, situate in Green
wood township, Perry county, being
37 Lots of Ground,
numbered from 10 to 29, both inclusive, and from
No. 50 to No. 65. both inclusive, and also lot No.
67 tn the town laid out by Samuel Grubb and by
him named I.IbKKT V HAL)., iu said township.
The sld Thirty-seven Lota of ground will be
sold either separately, or as a whole, or in two or
more luu to suit purchasers and us the beat in
terests of the estate may require.
TKKMS Ten per ceut ot the purchase money
to be paid cash; forty per oent. thereof to be paid
on couHrmatiou of sale, when posoessioo will be
given and Deed delivered, and lue remainder to
be paid on the 1st of April, IM2, to bo secured by
by J uduineut BohiWi.
Adiulutslraior of Mary B Iks,
April 26, 16SI.