7 I'tiiU lelplita Advertisements. Itoiidy Mixed Paints ! UCAS' READY MIXED PAINTS ! rNO WATER, NO CHEMICALS, NO BENZINE, BUT A PUKB OIL PAINT, READY FOR USE. Nmuplo Onvclw. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF .PA1XT BENT BT MAIL. IT IS POT ONMKK OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LEAD ANDOIL, VIZ: NICELY BKUHHKDOUX. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATK.lt PAINT TRY IT, .And Ion Wilt Prove II to be the Rest Liquid Faint in the Market. JOHN 1L.XJOAH At CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Swiss and Imperial French Grecu, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VARNISHES, &c 1ST For Sample Cards apply to F. MoTH taer, Now Bloomileld, Pa., or to John Lucas & Jo., Philadelphia. 2EI'GLER & SWEARINGEN Successors to HHAFFNEK, ZIEGLER & CO., Importers and Dealers Id Hosiery, loves, llibbons, Nuspenders, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety ot TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A Agents for Lancaster Combs, w. H. KENNEDY WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 503 MARKET STLEET, PHILADELPHIA. 7 1 gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALLPAPER. II I, A Mi KOOKS Always on hand, and made to Order, Nos. 530 Market and 521 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 3. ALSO, Publishers or Sanders' New Read ers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of the United States, Felton's Outline Maps, ete. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON, WHOLESALE Hardware House, No. 025 Market Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a. JANNEY & ANDREWS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 12J MARKET 8TREET, Philadelphia, Pa. ;QRAYBILL & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting: Twines, &., And a tine Assortment ot , TrVOOD and WILLOW WASE, No. t20 Market street, above 1th, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia Advertisements. gAM U EL "BOM BERGErT with iiu.m.i:, KcoTTf v to.. WHOLESALE DEALEltS IN Dry Goods, Car-pet 8, OIL CLOTI1W, Cotton cV Woolen Chain, Ac. No. 333 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Merchants wishing to select from as Iiurb a stock us unit be fminil ;in tlie oliv, and at the LOWEST CASH PHlOKs. hIiimiUI dive me a call S. All nmll orilerssli.nl ipc ve prompt atten tion, ml cure will be taken to till them to as to give siiilsfiietlon. Augiii-t l. 18Hu.tr. WAIN WRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Coruerot 2nd and ArchStreet, Philadelphia Penn'a. J S. DOUGHERTY WtTH D. .1. HO Alt & CO., WBOLBSALK BOOT AND SHOE W A It E H 0 U S E , bill MA11KKT HTItEEX, Philadelphia, Penn'a. JJALL, SHENrT&COi 405 & 107 Market Street, Philadelphia, (')ld Stand of Barcroft & Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS GOODS, January 1 1881. THE SPRINGFIELD SEWING- MACHINE. Best In the World. The manufacturers of the SPRINGFIELD are aware that, in order to inaet the critical and economical demands of the times, the machine must possess a combination of mechanical excel lences, making It superior to anv of Its prede cessors, and at the same time be offered at a price that will place it within the means of all. Fully realizlaR the force of these conditions, theyotferthe Hprlnntleld, confident that It will tliiltlll every requirement that can he expected of a tlrst class family and manufacturing machine. Every Machine Is warranted perfect In construe tlon. In case any of the p.rfs prove defective, when machine Is used for family purposes, within five years from date of purchase, the manufactur ers will replace such detective part without charge. This does not apply to needles, shuttles, or bobbins. Made by THE SPRINGFIELD Sewing Machine Company, . 13 6m SPRINGFIELD, MASS. NO BETTER FERTILIZERS CAN BE USED THAN BAUGIFS $25 PHOSPHATE. BATJGH'8 Economical Fertilizer For Potatoes, Have Been Thoroughly Tested. For Circulars and Prices address BAUGH & SONS, 73m :0 8. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Fa 3-For sale by JONES BROTHERS & CO.. Newport, l'a. I jBLAUTIfUL.fc.VEK f Ul'JSJr,?OF "OSES. 60LARCE HOUSES for. "?P9E? alone. We delivor btromr Tot l'lanti. suitable for imuiodiuto bloom, Biilely by mall, pnnti .uUL Iostoflloi. 0 aplondiil varieties, your choice, all labeled, for li 12 for 82 1 10 for $3 1 20 ior $ I; .?J.rv,?'25 iat. Sl0' 'OO ' '3- e CIVE AWAY, iu Premiums and Extras, more ROSES uian ruoiit esUblishiiionU stow. Our NEW CUIDE, a oompltft TrmtiM on IA Born 70 pp. .I;.inl(y illuitrate.1, describes StM neweiit and choiewt varieties ft to alC THE DINCEE CON ARD CO. ttose Drawers, West Grove. Che.ter Co., Pa. 7 1 o w lot THE UREA I LIVER Aeomponnd of tli aotiva pri ninnies of taoalv)tut, Hr.t,prilt, Mandisks, I)ftnllion, KitlMj-Wort, Buehu, Uni, Ac, vttiuli acts promptly on ths Livtr, Kulnays, Uirod, Stomach and Boweli at the Rama tim. Thas ofuu art ao intiknataly ounnetod that wlit ti ona ia dlMtMd. thr all beooma ui'ra or leu aifeclud. Ileooa ths (mat valua and urxriontr at KIDNEY BLOOD ttiia eoniitouud, wlitoh rvatuna them all In hoalltiv action, and aa a toni. T" TP 1OT X? TiV builds up the tntir system. It la IXHaIILJIjXJ X aloamhnva!uabjurmdyfor Had m-UY-rn l'"on' Graval. "iul Woaknaea, alt V J XM XL. bkin Diauaaea. Sgrofuloua and Syphi Utic affeouwua, old aorra aod itloera. Pleat nut to take. Trial kttte,&'uta. LarKboUIa, biota. All druiaUandeountry atorua htv it, fir will gt it fur you. Alao iro pared iu augar axiawa ItUia, and mailed fur 'IS eta. a box. Anient Wantk. aUME UKUIUNK CO.. PhiLaUatpbta. i"a . S8 o w ly s Our Stock of NEW GOODS for Men's Wear is complete. Frlcesfi'ouiUU ceutsup F. MORTIMER. New Bloomileld. Pa BROWN'S o) 0) SURE APPETISER ! IRON HITTERS firo highly recommended for oil disensea requiring ' it ccrluinand edicient tonic) especial 1 j IndiqeMian, DytmrpiiiQ, Intermittent i'etws, Want of A ppctite,Lm of StrengtLLack of ncrrjy,etc. Enriches tlio blood, strenRthens tho niuscles.nnd gives new life to the nerves. They ni t like n clinriu en thedigoslivoorRans.rCTnoii'tijortrfysprpdVinmpfoms.snch as 7'ntting the Food, J!rkhinij,IfattintheStomacK,ITrnrtburn,ctr,. tho only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tlio teeth or iflve lieadaciie. Bold br nil drugRislH. "Write for the A II C Ttonk (!12 tip. of useful nnd amusing read ing) smlros. DROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. W. jpa aim mmm., awaa REWARD! PmtrndlniE Proi'ovrtonsil ('nns. ("1HAS..I. r. MclNTIKK, Altoinev-af-l a J New Rlnomilelil. IVi i en. . All prote!'sinnnllMiHlneirnmptl andfalth. tullyatteiiden tn. s 2 1 v. JOHN (lAI.V'N WALI.1S, Attorni'V at. Law and District Hniiuv Vpw Hlimmlii-UI lVny Civ Pn aT'OHlce nvpr MitrllnipiN pew MtniH. All lenl bmiiiess piiimpily mill ciin fullv lun sncied. May 4. 18t". J E.J UN KIN. Atturuey-at-La, New Itiiiiimiielii. Pen) km., ra "Oitlce Next dour to Hih ivsIiIhiici nt. Indue Juuklu. t.ll J-EW13 rOTTEIl, ATXUItNEY AT IA . NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERKY CO., PA.' "Claims promptly secured collected WrltliiKsaiid all Icmil business carefullyattend edto. 32 yl CUARLEH 11. HMILKY, Attornify at Law. New Rloomht'ld, I'errv Co. Pa. Otlli!e twj doors east, of Joseph Smith's hotel. August 2, 1872. WM. A.Sl'ONSLER, Attorney-at-Law. Ofllce adJolnliiK his residence, on East Malnstreet.New Uloomtleld, Perry co.. Pa. a 2 ly WM. N. HE1BEHT, Attorney-at-Law. New llloomlleld. I'enyco.. I'a Bloomileld. 3831v. LEWIS PUTTER, notakt public, MewUloom. Held. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds. Bonds, MortKapes and Leases carefully Prepared and acknowledKemeuts taken. All Inds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, will also take depositions to be reed In anycourt In the United States. 7 10 ly HAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Blonmtield.Perryoo.,Pa BOmcn on high street. North side, nearly op posltethe Presbyterlau Church. 3 illy ML. LIOOETT. Attoh rt-at- Law, Keiaport, Perry County. Pa. Having permanently located at Newport, will give prompt and careful attention to all busi ness milters committed to his care. Olllce, No. 8i North Second Street. Newport, April 2? 1878. WM. A. lUOItltlSON, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOR. NbwGkkmantown. Perryco .. Pa. Remlttanceswillbe made promptly for all Collections made. 744 D R. R. M. ALEXANDER, 8U11GKOS DENTIST, New Bloomileld. Perry County, Pa. MSf Olllce on Main Street, South Wdj, nearly opposite the residence nf Win. MoKph. Everything beloiiKliiK to the profession done In the best manner. Ai.l Wohk Wakiiant eu. Terms moderate. 28 j w.rowe.mjd! riijslclun and Surgeon Icntlst. Olllce near B I x lei's Mills, where nil professional business will be promptly attended to. Dental work of all kinds warrauledlu price and quality. May 25. 'MP. ly. lighMunning PEOPLE'S Sowing Machine. The Feople'k Sewing Machine Is light runnine has simple tcnslorjj, a large, easlly tbroaded shuttlo winds tho bobbin without running tho works of tho machlno, and la bo simple in its construction that It Is easily understood. AGENTS WANTED Where our sewing machines are not repre sented, and wo oiler the most liberal Induce ments. Send for Illustrated Circulars to the Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA. 13 Oin ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is heieby lven that letters of Administration Cimi 'lta iiiento -rfiuiea-o have been (trained on the estate of Catherine Kline, lale of the Borough of Mui js ville, Perry county. Pa., deceased, by Reiilsier of said county, to Jacob Kline, lesldlllg lu said Bor ouuh of Marysvllle. All persons Indebted to nald estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims, to piesuiit litem tor settlement. JACOB KLINE, Lewis Pottpk, Atfy. Administrator. March, 2U, liwi. A.TRUE.TONIC Si Tor any ease of Itch PILES ing, Hllnil, iiieed- Inir, lllroratpfl or I Fltm that lteBluar'n lllc Reanetly fall to cure. It allays the luhlng, ahaorbs ths tiimorn. alrat imnudiulf rpllnf. Prepared by J. P. Miller. M. I).. I Philadelphia, Pa. CAUTION. A'fummn'unfriiuTai. $ firr on bnttU eontning hit signature and a I'lleof Stones. All driiKKifti and country .lores nave it or will get it fur vou. MB3. LYE3IA L PIMKHAM. Or" LYNN, MASS. DISCOVEREIt or LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The 1'n.ltlvo Cnro Tor all Temale Complaints. ThUprrpanitlon, its its name irlffninefl, con(rlrt ot Vegetable Projwrtlos that aro liarniKs to tho moot del icate inralld. Upon ono trial tho merits of this Com pound will be rocosnizail, aa relief la iinmedlato j and when lta usols continued, In ninety-nine cases In a nun. drctl, anennancntcurolHeflcctcdraaiUotiimndB will tes tify. On account of Its proren merits, it la to-day ro comment led and preserved by tho best physicians in the country. It will cure entirely tho worst form of falling of the uterus. Lcucorrha?, irregular and painful Menstroatlon, all Orarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Floodlns, all Displacements and the con sequent spinal weakness, and Is especially adapted to the Change of Life, ltwilldtssolre and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to rancorous humors there is chockod Tory speedily by its uso in fact it has proved to bo the (Treat C3t and best remedy that has ever boon discern-r-ed. It pcrmoatos orory portion of the system, and gives new life and vtffor. It removes f aintncs3,flatulency, de stroys all craving for Btlmulouts, and rcliovcs wcokncfia of the stomach It cures r.loatinfr, Tlctulaches, Ncrrous Trostratlon, General Dobllity, Sleeplessness, Dcprceelon and Indi gestlon. Tliat fooling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured br Its use. It will at all timea, and under cJl circumstan ces, act in harmony with tho bw that governs the femMo system. For ladncy Complaints of either ni this compounj is unsurpassod. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 3 and 235 Westorn Avonuo, Lynn, Maw. Price 81.00. S.x bottles for 6.00. Bent by mail In tho form of pills, also In the form of Losenges, on receipt . of price, fl.00, per box, for either. Mrs. PLN'KUA freely answers all lettors of inquiry. Send for pam phlet. j4flldross as above Mention th It paper. No family should be without LYDIA C PINK HAM Livrn riLLS. They cure Constipation. Biliousness, ud torpidity of the Urer. 85 cents per box. -GKO. A.. KELLYft CO., Oennral Aprents, Plusbuvph, Pa. Also (or sale by Jacob 8tricK ler, New lilonnlleld, i'a. 27iily Profitable Reading for Everybody a business men oc women, leacners, mechanics, , farmers, nuiustcrs, motacrs, and all who arc tirct1 larnicn, iitinisicrs, motacrs, aim an wno arc iirct ut bv the constant toil and worrv of vour work -u Jo aaon i arm imoxicnunr?'ijitieM, nut ii' Are voU fcUilyriiikl lruui Ltysuciissia. ivliuma. asm, Ncurahia. or vi:h Cower. Kidncv or Liver. fcompiainii, yon can no cured hy usmir If you are wasting away with Consumption, Female Weakness or any sickness ; if you have al bad couph or old, you will find sure relief in 1 it you are enfeebled by dicaie. ate or tiii-' .pation. ani your system needs invigorating, or, if you nave pimplcsand blotc!ic, and your blood1 'needs purifying, you nn nlwav denend on ' Made from Gingor, Buchu, Mandrake, btillm nil and other of the hest medicines known it the Bost Health & Strength Restorer Ever' Usod far superior to Bitters, Essence of Gin-- rcr and other 'I onics, as it novcr intoxicstesj inu cuminiies inr neft curaiivc prnpcriies or nn. It flaa SriTed Hundreds of LIychj It flayj have Yoars. ( - City a ;oc. Lottie of your dru-jcist, and to avoul Kcoiuiicrfeits be sure our signature i.i o i t!ie out-. sule wrapper. Hxrot & t.o.. l..hrmwti, N. Yi ' Parker's Hair Balsam. rEEr The Bost & Xokt Economical lUIr Droastns; Containing only ingredient, that are beneficial to tho hair and ...-alp, tha IIalsam will be found far more batiifactory than any other preparation. It Noior Fulls to nestoroflraj or faded llalr to the original youthful color and i. warranted tq remove danilrulf, prevent bnl.lnys.. and promote a growth of young hair. by arugsuti at 50 ett. 29 d ly Bbsj. F. Grafton. Stouy B. I.adu, Mai.dekt R. Paink. Late QjinmhsloHer tf Patents. PATENTS. I'AIXE, GRAFTON & LADD, Hornejs-nf-Zoio and Solicitor! of American inui treign intents. No. 412 Firth Street, AVnwiantrtoH, D. C. Prantlcx Patent Law In all Its branches In the Patent Olllou, ami In tits (Supremo and Circuit Courts ot lite United Minus, l'aruplilet sent tree uu reoeljit ufstituip for postage. 36 V'iChSl, : yr.J(i st 3 tW Beauties of orthograpby : " Did you ever hear a Cockney spell saloon t Bez'6: There's a lieea an' a hay an' a hell, two hoes an' a ben 1" b33T The youDg mau who dropped a ten-cent piece down his sweet-heart's neck, and called her a dime savings bank, hud a dividend declared, on the spot. They had been at the masquerade, when she recognized him at once. " Was It the loud beating of your heart, my darling, that told you I was near V" murmured he. ' "Oh, no," she replied, " I recognized your crooked legs." tW lie was making a call, and they were talking of literature. "The Pilgrim's Progress," she re marked, "always seems to me painful. Of course you are familiar with Bun yan V He said be " had one on each foot and they bothered him a good deal." Sir "Bob Brown, did you say that my father bad not as much sense as Billy Smith's little yellow dog V" " No, I never said any such thing. I never said that your father had not as much sense as Billy Smith's yellow dog. All I said was that Billy Smith's little yellow dog had more sense than your father ; that's all I ever said." W A youth who attended a Scotch revival meeting for the fun of the thing, ironically Inquired 'of ' the minister " whether be could work a miracle or notV" The young man's curiosity was fully satisfied by the minister kicking him out of the church, with the malediction, " We cannot work miracles but we can cast out devils 1" JS" The reason given by the colored man for not going too near the hind legs of a famous roan mule was so satisfac tory that we can afford to adopt it as an excuse for not doing many other things: " De reason," he said, " why I nebber 'proach dat roan' mule from de reah is dat I'm too fond of ray family an' don't belong to no church, nudder." An Artless Infant. The following is told of a well-known " beauty lady" who is happy in the possession of a little girl, about five years old, almost as pretty aa her moth er : Not long ago an elderly, and high ly respectable gentleman made an after noon call, and, as elderly gentlemen often do, lie took up the child and kiss ed her. " You must not do that," said the child struggling. " I am a respectable married woman 1" "What do you mean, my deari"' asked the astonished visitor. " Oh, that's what mamma always says when gentlemen kiss her I" replied the artless infant. . . A Disgusted Dutchman. There was a slight blaze on the roof of a house on Russell street, a few days ago, and when the insurance adjusters went up to make their survey they found that two dollars would cover the loss. "Twotollar," exclaimed the owner, when he heard the decision, " I can take no two tollar." " But you see for yourself that a dozen shingles and an hour's work will make good all damages." " Shentlemen's you doan' put me off like dot. Vhen my vife finds dot we vhas on fire she screems boieece and murder und falls down stairs. Would you let your wife fall down stairs for dot sum 'i If so, I goes home mit yer and sees der fuu." ".We do not insure husbands and wives, but buildings," was the reply. " I knows dat, but mein eldest poy he runferder fire-pox und falls, a picket fence oafer und breaks his good clothes alltobiece. Twotollurl Dot doan' bay for me gomlng here." " Yes, but we can only pay for actual damages." "Dot's all I vhant. Who stole my dog vhen my house vims un fire t Dot dog ish gone, und he vhas ten tollars wort," " We didn't insure your dog." " Und mebbe you don't insure dem poys who sat on der fence and sang out : " Dot olt Dutchman's ret nose has sot his house on fire !" Do you tlnk me dot sass for two tollar Und vhen der firemens gomes here, dey preak mein clothes-line down mit der ladders, und dey spill wasser all oafer my garpets. Two tollar 1 Vhell, vhell 1 you go right avhay from here und I dake dot olt in surance bolicy und steps him Inter der mut, py Bhiniiny."