V I 0 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., MAY 17, 1881. 1 HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. A Foolish Mistake Don't make the mistake of confouuil ltiff a remedy of acknowledged merit with the numerous quack medicines that are now so common. We speak, from experience when we gay that Park er's dinger Tonic Is a RterliiiK health restorative and will do all that is claim ed for it. We have used it ourselves with the happiest results for ltheumn tlsm and when worn out ly overwork. Bee advertisement. IN 1m Wicked For Clergymen. Rev. , of Washington, D. C, writes: "I believe it to he all wrong and even wicked for clergymen or other public men to be led in to giving testi monials to quack doctors or vile stud's called medicines, but when a really meritorious article made of valuable remedies known to all, that all physi cians use and trust in daily, we should freely commend it. I therefore cheer fully and heartily commend Hop Hit ters for the good they have done me and my friends, firmly believing they have no equal for family use. I will not be without tueui." Acio York Baptist Weekly. 19 lit Sunshine Cake. Tut the whites of eleven eggs into a a clean, cold howl, and heat to a still', dry froth. The yolks of four eggs were beaten light and poured in the beaten whites, and one cup of granulated bu gar, one cupful of unsifted flour, to which add one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, and the whole then sifted once, and one teasponfulof flavoring added. The cake then turned Into a heated pan, perfectly clean and dry, and set in a quick oven. There is considerable skill required to make this cake properly, but the most particular part is the baking. The flour should be sifted and the other ingredients all measured out and ready for use before the eggs are beaten, and the cake should then be mixed with as little delay as possible. A fter ills placed In the oven the cold air should not strike it, and the stove should not be jarred, as even a slight shake would cause it to sink in the middle. After it 1b baked the pan should be turned upBide down, and be so situated that a draft of air could pass between the inverted top and the table, and when perfectly cooled the cake will fall out. The icing for the cake Is prepared by beating the yolks of three eggs lightly and mixing with them one cup of powdered sugar, ttaen adding the juice of one-half a lemon, and after ward another cup of sugar. It is then Epread over the cake, aud set at the door of the range and frequently turned until the icing is hardened. Will They Live up to it? A number of Maine girls have formed a protective union aud adopted a series of resolutions for their government. The following extract from the constitution and by-laws gives a very fair idea of the nature of the objects and aims of the society : " That we will ' receive the attention of no self-styled young gentle man who has not learned some business or engaged in some steady employment, for it is apprehended that after the bird is caught it may starve in the cage. That we will promise marriage to no young man who is in the habit of tippling, for we are assured that his wife will come to want and his children go barefoot. That we will marry no man who is not a patron of his neighborhood paper, for it is not only a strong evi dence of his want of intelligence, hut that he will prove too stingy to provide for his family, to educate his children, or encourage Institutions of learning in his community." - A Useful Recipe. The following recipe for keeping lamp chimneys from cracking is taken from the Diamond, a Leipzig journal, devoted to the glass interest: Place your tum blers, chimneys or vessels which you de sire to keep from cracking in a pot filled with cold water, and a little cooking salt, allow the mixture to boil over a ft re, a ml then to cool slowly. Glass treated in this way is said not to crack, even if exposed to very sudden changes of temperature. Chimneys are said to become very dura ble by this process, which may also be extended to crockery and stoneware,por ct lain, etc. How to Make Icing. . For hard icing, to the unbeaten white of every egg required add one-quarter of a pound of powdered sugar, a very small quantity of cream of tartar and flavoring to taste, and mix gradually. Place the icing on different parts of the cake, and allow it to Vpread of itself. On the side the icing is spread with a silver knife dipped in Ice-water, and carefully wiped if crumbs of cake should accidentally collect on the blade. Soft icing is made in the same manner, but with half the quantity of sugar. , 0"To stone raisins easily, pour boil ing water over them, aud drain it off. 1li1ia Ifviiuina tliolTl mill tliov nnmo mif clean and with ease.1 I m CURES DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CURES ULL DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, KIDNETS, SKIH, I BLOOD. HEART DISEASE g (TRADE si a niu CURES i Dusnensla, Liver Diseases. Fever t 'Anne, liheuma tlsm. Dropsy, Heart Disease, lilU tousncss, jyervoua debility, etc. The Best REMEDY KNOWN to Man! 11,000,000 Bottles SOLD SINCE! 1870. This Syrup possesses Varied Properties. It Rttmnlates tho Ptyalln In the flnltvB, n hlrh convert! hi (March mil Bugar of (lie fowl Into stlonos. A dvfl rtciiry In I'tyHlIno riawi Wind and NouHiiff of the food In .lie stomach. If the intHllrine Is taken limited I nt ply after I'utliiu the fermentation of food I pre vented. It art upon the T.lrrr. It arte timn the Hidnejn. It KffftUtUnt the llnicrtu. It J'iWt the Hhmtl. It Qttirte the NrreoH System It Vromotre IJIfteetion. It JVmiWsu-s, Strengthens nnd Tnrlqnrntr. It carries off the tMil IHaod and mnkre new It nimi the pore of tlie lc( and induce Henlthft Perepivittion It neiitrnllzrH t lie hnrralltnry tulnt, or poison In tin! blixxl. which ptetiemfcs Burcnuln, Ki y HipcluH. ind nil nmniior of skin diseases aud internal hnmora. Thereare no spirits employed In Its mnnn. fnctnre, nml it, cim bo taken by tlm most deli cate babe, or by the aged and feeble, careonlu being mjuirrrttn attt-ntlon. to direction. naUGGISTS SELL. IT. 3Lvboru,tor5', 77 West ad Bt., KLW YOKK CITY. Liver and Kidney Diseases. MEctiANicanuno. Cumberland Co., Pa. Dear Si r:-TI)Ik In to certify that your IN II AN BLOOD NY UUP has completely cured me of 1,1 ver and Kidney Disease , after the doctors failed to give me relief. JAMES K. LUCAS. Sure Cure for Dyspepsia. MEcnANicsnuHQ, Cumberland Co., Pa. llHAit Bir: I was sintering with Dyspepsia, had severe burning at the pit of my Stomach, with Nauseating sensation, dullness of spirits, headache and general lanuuor.aud the use of your INDIAN 13LOOD BVllltP entirely cured me . B.1I. TKIMBLK. Liver Complaint. Ybauertown, JimilnCoPa. Pear Sir: I have used yourexeelleutlNDIAN BLOOD HYKVP for l.lver Complaint, and have liHinil It to be Just as recommended. I would en courage all to use it. SAMUEL BATTOHfT. Never Fails to Cure. Yeageutown, MlllllnCo., Pa. Dear &tR : Myself and daughter wereallllcted with an Affection of the Fve and the use of your great INDIAN BLOOD BYKUI effectually cured us. after having tried various med'cines without, etlect. liEBECOA J. McKALIPB. An Excellent Ilemcdy. Yeagektown, Minn ii Co., Pa. Dpar Sir: Having tliorouglilv tested the mer its of your INDIAN BLOOD MYKUP, 1 am satis tied that it is a valuable medicine. B. It. BttACKIN. Greatly Benefited. Mann's Axe FACTORT.MIIIIln Co , Pa. Dear Sir: I do hereby certify that your relia ble INDIAN BLOOD BVKUP has done me much good. Any one desiring to know the merits of I lie Syrup, ana how 1 have been benefited, can address AUW. ItAClILK KOVYK. A Splendid Blood Pnrifler. Carhick Furnace, Franklin Co., To. Dear Sir: This Isto certify thatyour INDIAN BLOOD BVKUP has cured my little girl of Ncrof n la. 1 can recommend It .to lie an excellent Bio Purifier. 8. J. MURPHY. For Kidney Diseases. Cakrick Furnace, Franklin Co., Pa. Dear Sir: I have used yourexcellent INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Kidnev Complaint and Pain In the Back, and my wife has used It for Pain in the S:de, and it effectually cured us both. Allt. & MK8. ST. CLAllt. Diseases of the Lungs. Sharon, Mercer county. Pa. Dear Sir: I wasaflllcted with Lung and Heart Disease, anil have leeeived much benellt by the use of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. MK. De FOREST. Dyspepsia aud Indigestion. Sharon, Mercer county, Pa. Dear Sir: I have Used your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Dyspepsia, witli very benellcial re sults, and can recommend to all simllarlyafllcted. ilbs CLARK. Kidiiey Disease. Northumberland, Northumberland Co., Pa. Dear Sir: I have used tour INDIAN BLOOD 8YKUP for Kidney Complaint, and received great benellt therefrom. JOHN BURNS. Cures Ague. Northumberland, Northumberland Co., Pa. Dear Sir: The nse of your reliable INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP has completely cured me of L'avar a nil .....a I., h'lLf LITTlU Fever and Ague. DANIEL MILLER, Liver and Kidney Disease. Scnbuby, Northumberland Co., Pa. Dear Sir: This is to certify that vour valua ble INDIAN Bl.ooo SYRUP has entirely cured ine of Liver aud Kidney Disease. CUAS. PELTON. For Biliousness. Hyde Park, Lackawanna Co., Pa. . Dear Sir: I was troubled with Bilious Com- glaiiit and the use of your INDIAN BLOOD YKUP effectually cured me. JOHN N.WILLIAMS. Dyspepsia Cured. Htol Park, Lackawanna Co., Pa. DEAR 8m:-Ypur great INDIAN BLOOD SYR. UP has cured nle of Dyspepsia, MRS. a B. ADKIN8. T.n:z:3i the H t"-' 'Or IT"' 'fcUU i.jf.-i' " icr.fr' 1 i ir THE CREAT IWItLIXGTOK JtOUTE. fVNo other linn runs Thrr-o Through Pan. senger Trains Dully between Chicago, Dos Moines, Council Bluffs, Onmhn, Lincoln, Pt. Joseph, Atchison, Tupekn and Kansas City. Direct connection for all polnts In Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, ldnho, Oregon and California. Tho Shortest. Speediest nnd Most Comfortn bio Route vlnllannibi',1 to Fort Scott, Denison, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Galves ton and all points In Texas. Tho linerpinled Inducements ofTered bythlt Ilno to Travelers nnd Tourists, are as follows! Tho rololirateil Pullman (Ill-wheel) Pnlaeo Sleeping Cars, run oulv on this Line, C B. le Q. I'alnco Drawing-Hoo'm Cars, with Ilorton'a ' Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for Seats in Reclining ( hairs. Tho fnmous C, II. & Q. Pahieo Dining Cnra, Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Llegnnt High-Harked Rattan Re volving chairs for tho exclusive use of flrst . class pnengers. Steel Track nnd Superior Enulpmrnt. com bined with their flrent '1 hrough Cur Arrange ment, makes ih, above nil others, the favorite Route to the South, Soutli-Wcst, and tho Far West. Try It, nnd you will find traveling a luxury Instead of a lUis'i'fort. Thro,igh Tickets vhi this Celebrated Lino for sr lo at all oilier s In tho United States and Cana.la. All Information about Rates of Fare, Sleep ing Car Accommodations, Time Tables, &c, will be cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. BRAN. Gen'l Fastern Agent, (Kill Washington St., Boston, Mass. nnd :II7 llroadwav, New York. jAblES It. Wool . (I en. Puss. Agt.. Chicago. T. ,K POTTElt, Gen. Manager, Chicago. March 15 1S81 40t NEW REVISION AO KNTS WANTED. JV 15 W T K.VJTA M T. As made by the most eminent, ncliolars of Eng. laud anil Amerli a. Half the price of Correspond ing English Edition. Large type, linen-super cal emleieo panel', eegaur. binning. A separate "Comprehensive History of the Bible and its Translations." Including a lull account of tie New Revision, given to subscribers Best dunce foi agents ever uttered. .Send stamp lor particular" al once. rn u ii tsu v in i i. viTiti.istiiKd ni 17 NORWICH; CONN. OFiU Anii ronVISITir? IHnhlt i-iut'tl in I J l 'Ml-hivs. Tell J ui.ri-1'-la'!blii'il; lis l i i"l. rile fini ng i-usi'. I' l.Au::, (oulncy, MkU, l"A3m pciJO;najQ i or soldikrs, I tllOIUIlO wldum, fiitliura. uiutltvn oi Hiildrcn. I'hiusnniliiretpntUlpi. IVnHiotinrirrn for loRBr.f fltiKvr.tuv.i'Te t riiitiire,viirioie vint ir iinrlllM'Me. Tlinn.:iiii. i,f ieiii.,wT. nut tilltil to ISil'ICKASK itn.l MoriiTV. ri.iliin-rj Ui ) lu'lrnuiiiify fur voiir rinlita nt em.' K .stiimi.a for ''T fie ('itiM-n-rioldier." ami Peuni iii a ...r iiT,,..,.. :.-. Vi..:l: .v.. ":": " .Mining nmi lli.inirU(1t5. ,1 U riiri ri'rt'rto Mniti.r,,,,!. f IVit.lr.iirr. unit f'llrfnt.. p' iti f1." f Itwrald A Co. Iexion Ss 1 AfKHT Att'ya, LuckTJujUtf.VS itaUiuu tuu, I). C l"A2m A ( Ontllt Hoiit iiv'o lo tlinse M ho wi(h topjiKHtfHn tlie xr(nnHt pl''Hmit and profitable lniHiiii'MH known. V w KveryUiiiiK n'W. Capltul not rrtiuired. We will furninh you pverylliliifr. HtO a Any nnd upwardn in euwily ihhiIm withnut Ktiiylnv away from home nvcr niiiht. Nm rink whuh'ViT, Muny new workern wan ted at mice. Many an.' iimkiiiM' t'ortniicn Ht the IniHinertri, rmlit ts ituike an niin h n men. ami yuiinjr lioyn hikI irirlH maUcyrfat iay. Noonewho Ih willin(r to work fiiiln to ninki mo- v money every day than can he made In week at any ordiiuiry t-nii't" nn-nt. Thone who emi-atce at oin-e (i hud a n'lort ro ul to fortuuo. Ad lruHd H. HAJjLET k CO., Portland, Maine. 1 ly DCATTV'Q Oltr: A NajSusefulBtors.fi hpU 1 V I'Apfln imlv fiift. Fiunns 12 lip. IIUiMmted Cittalutiuefieo. Address BKATTY, WiishiiiKton, N.J. lDAly NEW RlGfrBLOOD! Joroii' J'lii'folli'fl Villa make New Rich P.lood, anil will completely rhango tho bliHul in thociitirosystem in tlireo months. Anvpersnn who will take 1 pill each nlghtfrom 1 to laweeks may lio restored to sound health, if such a thing bcjiosslble. Sent bv mail for b letter stamps. 1. M. ,IOUS(N A- CO., Huston, Mass., formerly Jtatttfor. file. AGENTS WANTED the licit I n ml I y It nit tin ir IVIaelkinn ever invented. Will kiutapuirof Btinkintis. witli llfKl and TOK complete, In lea minutes. It will a loo knit a great variety of fancy work for which there Is olwnvn n ready market. Situ! 1 or circular and terms to the Twomlily Ilulttlii AXucUiuo C o.. Wuttliiotuu Ht., BubluU Ola. notices" THK undersigned would respectfully call the attention of t lie citl'eiiK of Peny county, that he has a large and well selected stock of IIAHDWARK. G ROCK If IKS, I)KU(;s. WINES & LIQUORS, . IRON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, STKKL, IRON AXLES, SPKINOd. SI ORES, HUBS, KELLOKS. SHAFTS. fOLES & BOWS. BROOf.' HANDLES, WIRE. TWINES, Sc. Also, Paints, Oils, Glass, Plaster, and Cement SOLE, CALF, KIP uud UPPER LEATHER, FISH. SALT. SUOARS. 8YRUP8, TEAS. SPICES TOBACCO, CIGARS, and SMITH COAL. John Lucas (fcCo's.. MIXED VAJNTS, (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. And a larde varletyof goods not mentioned, allot which were bouclif. ut the Lowest Cash Prices, aud he offers the same to his Patrotis at the Very Lowest Price for Cash nr approved trade. His motto Uw prices, and Fair dealings to all. ( and see him. Respectfully. 8. M. SHUI.KR. Liverpool, Perry Co. T. AOENTH WANTED for the best and fastest sell, lug Pictorial Hooks and Bibles. Prlum reiluc. ed H8 percent. Nallonul Publishing Co., Phi a delpliia, I'a. PaUm 1 H I! SB T II E Chicago North-Wcstem 11A1L.AVA.Y Is the Oldest, Best, Constructed, Best Equipped, and hence the LEADING RAILWAY -OF THE WKHT ami AOUTIIWI ST. It is the short and best route between Chicago and all points In Northern Illinois, Iowa, Deknta. Wjomlnir, Ne braska, California, Oreiton, Arizona. Utah, Col orado, Idaho, Monlano, Nevada, atd foi Council Bluffs, Omaha, Denver, leadville, Salt lake, San Francisco, Bead wood, Gious City, Cedar Raphls. Des Moines, Columbus, and all points In the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee. Green Bay. Oihkosh. Slieboynan, Marquette, Fond du Lao Watertown. Hoimhton, Neenah, Menasha, Ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga. Fargo. Bismarck. Winona. LaCrosse, Owaionna, and all points In Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin aud the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago North-Western and the U. P R'ys depart from, arrive at, aud use the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago, close connectloiH are made with the Lake Snore, Michigan Uential, Baltimore Hi Ohio. Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago n maim 1 1 mi k n )9, aiiaine jvanxaKee ana pan Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It Is the ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN CHICAUO and COUNCIL KLUFFS Pullman Sleejmrs on all Night Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents Selling you Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read ovei the Chicago & Ninth-Western Railway. If you wish the Best Traveling Accommoda. Hons you will bnv your Tickets bv this route, AND WILL TAKE, NONE OTHER. All Tic kec Agents sell Tickets by this Line. 15 MARVIN HUGHITT. 2d V. P. & Gen'l Mang'r, Chioaoo, 111. TART LING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. k viotim of youthful Imprudence cauring Prema ture l)ersy, Nervona Pebility, Lost Manhood, etc., LavitiK tried lu vain every ktinwn remedy, h din covered ft wimble self cure, wbicu he will ee nd FREE o bit follow -8U flerern, address J. H REEVES 4,1 C liulhiiiii M.f K. V. 5Bly $2 WatrliM. Btemwln.Iern$rt.r,B. Wliltemctal nnntlneri IiiiIUIIiiii ttolttlG. SolMRdliiyiS. Cheapest and Im-iI lor your own iiw nr pr ill alive niiwiaM, Vnliialle cut aiuvuttfree. IHUMlOS CO., lad .auau8t. new York, fiBly DR. HUTCHINSON'S WORM DESTROYER An OidamlTrled Krmeriy. Jirmovetthc H'unn$ and the $ecretions thtU keep them alive. We guarantee ita viitue. We have hundreds of Testimonials, col lected in the last 15 yenrs, proving conclusively (here i no remedy equal to Dr. Hntelilnson' Worm Dcatroyer to remove the Worms (all k inds, Hound, Beat, Lonti, and fftipc), that infest the hmnan aystem. PhyslcianB buy them and Rive them to their Buffering patientA. There in no humbug or quackery abotit thia thoroughly reliable medicine. Price, K5o per box. A. W.WRIGHT & CO., Wholesale Druggists, Market and Front Streets, Philadelphia February 15. 18K1 3in a Outfit furnished free, with full inptmrlinna for coiidiKitiuw the innut profltablf tuiHinePB tlmt anyone cuu enKUKf iu. The bu8iues in easy to h-arn, and our inatrurtiniia no fiinp)r and lnin, that any amunn inuk' ifrnit ntltf from the vt ry atart. No on- riiii fail who it willing' t work. Wmiini arc as auc roHHt'ul aa men, Hoya and rirln run iHrn Jarwn anma. Sltiny iiave mad" at tlie tuisinfan over one hundred dollars in a aiiiKlo week. Nnthinif like it ever known befnt-H. All who PturHKO are aitriHerl nt the ease and rapidity with which thy are utile to make monev. You cim vnteattf iu tliia bnaiiifaa durinK'your ajmrt time at K'"t'at nrotlt. Vou do not have to invest capital in it. tVotnliHall the rink, ThoBe who need ready moupy, ahniild write to iiaut once. All furnished free. Address THUE k CO. AuKUatu, Maine. 1 ly nt MKht on the (ireat Future In this Life thrnuah the Dark Valley hikI in tlie Life Kternal. ILLL'S XHATKD. hell9fat. l'ays over $100 A Month for Agents. Hcnd fur circular and terni. Also send address of two nr more book huchm and in cents tor cost of inalliii)!. ai d receive tlie i'eonle's Mairazine of chuice literaiure free for 6 tnontln. Address, P. W. ZIKULEU 6i CO., Ul") Arch Street, Fhila delplilii. fit. XSeowly AVCT10KEEHS. AMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers Ills servieea to thecltizenstof Ferry and Cumberlaud counties 1'osl otlice addresn. Bherniansdale. I'enyco.. Pa. HKXKV KELL, AUCTION fc'HK, Would reaped fully into in Ihe ciiizmsof Perry County Hint he will vr i-alts ! sli.iit i.otlee. aud at reasiHiable rates. Katifaction tiiiaianteed. Addifss HbHY Km.l.. lekeshiim. I'a. Q B.HARNISH, AUCTIONKKIl, Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satlafactiou guaranteed. 5 tl D AVID M'COY, AUCTION 1CEK , ICKESBUHG. PERRY COUMT, PA. 3u Charges moderate. Prompt atteuttonpald to ail calls. JAS. PrLATCHFORDi ' A UCTION EE n , Would respectfully Inform Ihe publle that he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive pronmt attentiou. f-DONNALLY'B MILLS, PERRY CO., PA. Auctioneer. The undersigned given notice that he wlllerysalesat any point In Perry or Uauphlu eouutles. Urders are sollcltedaad promptatteatlonwlllbe Klven. J. D. WFLI.8, Sf Huffalo Perry eo., Pa Newport Advertisements. jEWPORT DRUG STORE. Htvlniron band a complete assortment of thefol lowlnn artloles, the subscriber asks a snare of yn pstronsKS. Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Also a full stock of Concentrated Eomedies, ESSENTIAL OILS. " Brushes, Perfumery HAIIi OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Band PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURP08E9 Sj 55; PHYSICIANS ORDERS CarefMy and Promptly Filled B. M . E B Y . Newport, Penn'a. R. S. COOK& CO., Agree to sell all kind, of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this county. We will also take good Tlmberon the stump or delivered at our Mill in exchange for Lumber, &o, We use Clearfield Pine and Hem. ockonly. W. B. 8. COOK A CO., Newport, Perrj Co., Pa. Ootober 10, 1876. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones & Son,) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa. WE would respectfully Invite the patronage oi the farmers, and the public generally, as the HIGHEST PRICES the market will afford, willbe paldforallkindsof GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE HEEDS AMD RAILROAD TIBS We have constantly on hand. PISH, SALT, PLASTER, CEMENT COAL, IRON, STEEL, HORSR SHOES. &e.,&e. FOR SALE AT THK LOWEST RATES. Oft. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 tf J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Building.' JfEWPOKT, PA. 8ole Agent for Lorilard's Superior Tobaccos .?M0l.ln,tr?.M,,r.cllants "uPI-llod with Goodt at Philadelphia prices. Your orders are solicited. 944 jg HIME8, Fire Insurance Agent. OFFICE: Sonth East Corner tfartet Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In first. class companies on all kinds of Insurable pioper. ty. at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted and promptly paid. Correspondence solicited. Companies Represented : jtftna.of Hartford. Assets, $8,700,000 Commercial Union. " 1 414 nno Fire Association, Phll'a., 3'778'ooo' B. HIMES, Agent. March 11, 1880 ly PENSIONS ARC PAID verr toldior dib)f in 11 ue "f duty .by jwi'iilent tr oilier im, A VI OI Xl.,f nnv kuid.loMof itnr, to or myr, Kl P IX Ki , tl but iiiit,. ai eiutti uf Luutr vr VarluM Vrlna giv o tail lucre U oi imnu. n muwf , orphaui ami du pendent father or tDuttiirt oi oUirt h.i ilictlin ttt army gut peusiuu, BOl'NT V Du chnm for wound, lnjnriva or rupturs, iivna full bounty. Solid II 110,1 4 forouuv 'fiisinu and rinuaty Acts, AddrfHg P. H. Fftzgernld A CpM cu;n A.v.i. lnmuuai'uli.. uj. u rvfvrlu K.A.W I'uviii. Wm'I I.,. Hun. Huki,. I'. M K. F. ttnrty. IVICnml llAMK. Will Of IttliiUUUpvliS. (UU. Uua Feb. If, 1881 3m A M OM IK Cloths and other Dress Goods la va rious siyies. F. MOBTIMEB