8 TIIK TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIEM), PA., MAY 10. 1881. Swallows a Lizard. l'otor Lemon, of IIIIO Atwalvr street, Detroit la ilia victim of n most distressing accident and suiter untold agony or body mid mind. Two jenis 110 lie awnllowod n lizard in n glass of wntor, and tlio animal 1ms llveil ntid nourished In Ills stomach, growing to large (linionsloiiR, mid entailing great itiiaory on the pro'i ietor of lila tttrniige abode. Mr. Lemon in now 00 years of ago, and lias dwindled from 17.1 pounds (his weight, at the time of the rtcoldnnt) to 78 pounds. lie now looks like n living sktileioii. lie 1ms tried all known means to get rid of his tormentor, without success, and now expects death to relieve him. The lizard can be felt with tho baud just below the libs and above the loins, and w lion taken hold of can be heard to squeak or cry. A. system of poisoning has latterly boeu resorted to of killing it, but it con tinues to thrive. It circulates about the Htomacb, causing Mr. Lenien great pain, and at these times bo vomits profusely. The result Is to make him very weak. The lizard will remain quiet for several hours at a time, and then begin bis antics, nppaiently invigorated by his rest. Mr. Lemen enn only rest when the lizard does. The position most conducive) to rent is ly ing Hat upon his back. The unfortunate man is a native of Montreal, but has lived iu Detroit since he was 1.1 years old. Viullanoe Committee In Troy. The Police Commissioners of Troy, N. Y., are unable to agree upon a Huperln tendent and ooaseuently the city is with out auy 1'olioe. Tho board met on the 4th iust., and then adjourned for a week. Home of the ex-ofllcors have been employ ed as watchmen by the citizens. Roughs in Houth Troy Hied a load of straw in an alloy, and the ilames communicated to a tenement house, which was dostoyed . The Fire Department turned out promptly and prevented a further spread of the lire. The wiudows of stores in Bouth Troy have been smashed with stones by gangs of young roughs, and several personal lights and aimiilts have taken place, but nothing yot like a general disturbance. The mem bers of the old police force, who have pa trolled the city at night, expeoted that a force would be appointed on the OtU iust. They are now getting tired of doing duty for nothing, and some of thorn will proba bly stop. No dclluito plan of action has yot been agreed upou, but the Legislature will be petitioned for relief. Vigilnuce Committees will be organized in South Troy, if the depredations are continued. Beat the Crowd. William Mulloch Is a resident of Hedge hog Harbor, Wisconsin. A short time since he incurred the displeasure of a portion of bis neighbors, and a committee was appointed to furnish him with a sul of tar and feathers. They called at his residence, built a lire In the yard, with which they warmed the tar, tore open a pillow which they had with them and arranged the featbeiB ready for use, They then summoned Mr. Mulloch by geutly heaving stones through tbe win dow. Being apprised of tbe intentions of bis visitors, William appeared at bis door with a Winchester rifle and announ ced bis readiness to participate in tbe con templated picuic, and gave notice of his intentions to begin bis part of tbe programme at once. Tbe crowd saw tire iu bis eye and suddenly decamped, leaving the tar and feathers as trophies of his bloodless victory. The Clock of a Bank Vault Stops. The time clock on tbe vault of tbe First National Bunk, at Minneapolis, got dead and stopped over Sunday, and was not run niny Monday morning. What they were to do about it became exceedingly interest ing to the bauk officials as tbe business hours approached, and they were about telegraphing to Chicago for currency, when the president chanced to think that clockwork can be started occasionally by shaking. A. sledge hammer and stick of timber were brought into use, aud the time clock responded in a gratifying man ner, so that business went on as usual and the financiers recovered from their cold jtweat. A Western Fight. At El Paso, III., on Monday uight P. C. Hansom, recently defeated at tbe munoi pal electiou for Mayor, shot and killed Walter Bullock, a lawyer aud an old citi zen of Woodford county. Bullock was talking to a friend on west Front strut, when Ransom passed and overheard a remark about tbe electiou. lie demanded a retraction of the expression and on Bul lock's refusal, drew a revolver and shot liim through tbe bead, heart and shoulder. Bullock fell, gasped two or three times and died. Ransom walked down the street, and waited outside the bank till ar rested. An infuriated mob followed him to the jail with threats of lynching, but no actual violeuce was attempted. t3T"Iwne new cases of small-pox have appeared at Adams, Mass. There has been 21 cases there in two weeks. THE NEWPORT New Clothing House! It Is nut necessary to tie rich to il rein well. Style nuked I lie chillies, and clothes makes llm man, at leant limy ulvo a Rood lift In that direction. Our styles In rrnrty untile CLOTHINO, for men anil hoys, Is our prlilo. 'I hiy aie tiiual to Custom Work. Now, all we wi'iiltl ask fit von Is to come and examine our stuck, which comprises nil ri mil's uf Clothing, from the cheapest to the best. We Rive you a few of our sample prices i (inr Hard Twisted Men's Bults.C'oat, Pant and Vest for IVim. Our I7.NI Light Cnliired Cuss. mere Hulls, all wool, for I1U, I0 Dark, all wool, L'asslinere Bulls. We defy to lie undersold on these suits. They are the best sold fur the money In America. IllMlnll won) Finn Hulls i lift Finn Worsted Hulti ail Fine lllnck Cloth Hulls: fll Ml Fine lllack Cloth Halts. The goods are, In style and worldnanshlt, eipinl to custom work, and made of llrat class material Our Hoys' and Children's Clollilns?' We have them In all sizes, from three years up, and sell llmitt as low as the lowest. Our tJ.Ml Child's Rult Is a heiiiitlfol mined Unlit color. Our t'l.M) Cheviot Hult Is splendid thing Ourtl. all wool, Child's Hull Is nice aud splendid. Those are the best nukes of New Vork Clothing, stylish cut and durable made. Our Custom Department Is tilled with English, French, Hcotch aud Alum lean Worsted and Cassl. mere Huttings, which we will made to order at a Low Price, and guarantee a perfect lit. HU1T8 TO ORDER FOB KIUIITKKN DOLLARS This Is a splendid all wool dark mixed Casslmero Hult. For 12(1 we have ten styles of Casslmere and Cheviot Huttings. Our ti Mooted Cheviot Hult Is the best thing ever sold for the money. Our line of Oents' Furnishing floods Is com plete In every respect. Hlilrls.Collars. Neck Ties, Hllk Handkerchiefs, Trunks and Valises. HATS and CAPS. We keep the verv latest Styles of Nobby Mats. A full line of Hats for men, bovs aud children, which we will sell at Low Prices. Now, We would say we buy all our Ooods from first hands for Cash, and manufacture all our belter class of ready made clothing, which ena bles us to undersell all opposition. That means we sell you a bettor made suit tor less money. Money refunded on all goods not found as rep resented. Please eall, whether you wish to purchase or not. Will be pleased to see you. 1). GANSMAN, Fashionable Merchant Tailor and Clothier, N. Cor. Diamond, Frank's Old Hardware Htaud, N10VIOllrA l'A. March 29, 1841. You lever Seen As many Goods under one roof in any store in Perry County as we are displaying this Spring. We Have More CLOTHING, Thau auy other Store iu the County. We Have More- Boots and Shoos, Than any other Store in the County. We Have More Carpels and Oil Cloths, Than any other Store in tbe County. We Have More Hats, Caps, & Ms, Than any other Store in the County. We Have More . Ladies' k Gents' Foroisliinj Goods, Than any other Store Iu the County. We buy in large quantities, carry a better assortment, and sell cheaper than any other Store in the County. MARX DUKES & CO., EBY'S NEW BUILDING, .NEWPORT, PA. To Dealers and Consumers of Fish, WE are prepared to supply yon with Cholee Kxtra fat MACK KREL; New Kastpnrt round, and Lake Hkhuinu. at reasonable prices for CABU, or In exuhange for Oralu, Heeds, Potatoes, Lard. Hr.oon . ikn.,&a. JONES BROTHERS ft CO., , Brick Warehouse. 17 2m NEWPORT. Fa. TACOB STRICKLER, PH. G. U Dealer In Pure and Reliable Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Fine Perfumes, eto Tobacco and Cigars, Blank Books aud tilatlonery. af Prescriptions a specialty. Htokk Two doors East of the Big Baring. Bloomlleld, May 8, 181. THE LARGEST DRY (J00DS HOUSE -IN- OJSN Tit A L, 1 MSJNnSTB YLVANI A. In making our llrst Spring announcement to our patrons and the pulilln, we would eall niioiiiinh to our immense stunk of " " DRY-GOODS IN ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. We have made great accession to our stock and with our Innreasnd facilities for purchasing and freater nutlet, we are enabled til niter unprecedented lurHiiliM. We hare many new thliius in iholee New Colorings. 'I o lliesn booiN w i have trimmings to match for Combination Hulls i wJ alsn otter treat bargain in HUM M Kit Kl I, Km In nil the nen effect, end special liuliicnrin',1. i., III.ACK HII.KH, H J'l iM UK l.YONH and OANII M KIM'.S. We will maintain our lei ui est a hi i she reputation for carrying the largest stock of MOCKNINO OOOHH IN TIIH Ti y. Ureal li La V. iu Till 111'. T 811 AWLS. HOSIERY. l LOVE and NOTION Department complete In every pail cniar No such assortment liasi-ver been eihihlUd In ilarrlaimrg. Guaranteed KID ULOVEMa aneeiituV An Inspection is respectfully requested. 1 lf 10t MAUKKT St., HAUIMMUUItU, I'a. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 35 North 3rd Street, HARRISBURG, Pa. i i New Goods to Trim Dresses. Bright Plaids at 12 J rents, to trim G cent Dress Goods. Plaids and Koman Stripes nt 20, 25, !33, JJ7 and 50, to trim Dress Goods at 12, 18, IU, 25, and 33c. Trimming Silks at 55, 75, 87 cents, and $1.00. Trimming Satins at 87$ cents, and $1.00. I,AK(4I A;ltTMi:NT OF lItlS . I TV. II A MS. Write to us for Samples. DIV5H, I'OMEUOY & BTEWAIIT, OIL CLOTHS. ' 1866. The New CARPET No. Ill MARKET STREET, (Patterson's Old Stand.) lias Just opened at the above place with an entire new Stock of IIOOY nilttSSKf.S. TAPKST KV Sl'iV ifMiiS,-MVi;i S A. f Ii.'.A. E""??.-. ! .A..";" . "' BIKAW mattinu' juA opened. r'esentK "ldl"- A11 '' " Our motto being as ever, "Kellable Ooods at No. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! 1881 SPRING OPENING! 1881 We desire to speak to the citizens of Bloomlleld and surrounding country on the subject ol Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Wall Papers, and point out a few facts why you should deal with u. uw?i im yo" c?" "l,m,,ln any kind of Bonds named above out of a great assortment. HKUAUHK our Mock Is complete and fail in all departments. i!EAH2!5 '0 are afforded the pleasure of a superior choice at the lowest possible prices. HKCAUHK we deal honest with you i Rive you all you can ask for the moneyi ship your goods free of charge, and strive to please aud prollt you. We therefore ask au Inspection of our Body ami Tapestry Brussels, Ingrain and 3-PIy Carpets, Hall and Stair, Hemp and Hag Carpets, by all our old customers and all new ones who will give as the chance to prove what we assert above. OUR RAO CARPETS are made underour immediate dlrectlou, on our own looms, and we claim for thein a Huperlurlty Hupassed by none iu the state. CARPET RACS taken In exchange for goods, and Carpets made to order. Many Novelties In our Wall Paper Departments. Window Shades and Material for Lambreuu'lns and Furniture Coverings, with Cords, l'rliiges, aud Olmps to match. inioreu,uins, tWSMbSlt "Plorto 011 Clth for kitchen,, dining room,, ball, and ves.l- A complete stock throughout, the equal of which has not been opened before by us. there"' " WeMeTu1ctful'iyly,5Srs.y0U y"r tr9n,l!'' feelln tIiat ou wl" 08 Justified In the doing STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 East Main Street, DOWN LOWER TI-IJST EVER. 1881 Carpets for Spring Trade. 1881 LOOK AT THE PRICES ! Tap Brussels from 85 cents to $1.10. Body Brussels from $1.60 to S1.C5. Ioirrain from CO ceuU to $1, Best. All other goods Iu proportion. Now Is tbe time to get tbe first selection of tbe New Stock. We Lave More Carpets and More Patterns than all the other Carpet Houses In 8aleand No trouble to show (ioods. Quick SAMUEL ADAMS, Opera House Carpet Store, 31 N. Third Street, IIAllKISBUltO, I'EININW. ' 9 3m ESTATK NOTICK. -Notice Is herebygly. en that Letters of Administration on the estate of Elizabeth liarter, late of Greenwood twp.. Perry county. I'a.. deceased. Iiave been granted to the undersigned, of Mlllerstowu.Perry county. Pa. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested fo make Immediate payment, aud those having claim, to present them duly authenticated for settlement to W.J. HARTER. Administrator. C J. T. M'Intire, Att y. April Maui,' KENDALL'S SPAVIN IUEeT It Is sure to cure Bpavius, Splints Curb. &c. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Does not blister. Has no euuai lor any lameness on ueasi or man. It lias cured hip mint lame ness la a person who bad suffered IS years, jtlsocured rlieumatism.corns. frost bites, or any bruises, cut or larcenes. It has no equal for blemish on horses, bend for il lustrated circular giving poslMve proof. Price one dollar. All DrugKisis ave it or can get for you. Dr. B. J. Kendall li Co., Pros., Euosburgh, Fall,, Vermont. HARRIS & EWING. Agents. PlttsburgliPa. Our Stock of NEW GOODB . for Men' Wearls complete. Prloesfrom eeutsup. F. HOBTIMKlt. New BJeomtield. Pa CARPETS. Ilarrislmrir 1QQ1 HOUSE. "OOI. Kellable Prices." 14 Lit Ill Market Street, Harrinburg. CARLISLE, Penn'a. 11 3m T SUNDY.M.D. U Physician and Surgeon. A graduate of Cleveland Medical College. Located permanently in the borough of Bloom neld. Oilers bis professional services to the eitl. "' M Bloomlleld and urroundlng vicinity. Calls In the country attended to promptly, Ottlce In the room formerly occupied by Ir. I. H. Sweeney. In the residence of II. W. Smith. Malu treet, Hem Bloomlieid , Pa. 10 6m ESTATE NOTICK. Not Ice Is herebyglven that letters testamentary on the last will and testament of Christian Korrer. decessed. late of Carroll township. Perry county. Ha., have beeu granted to the undersigned, residing in same township. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and thosehavlug claims topreseuttheiudulyautheuticaltdlor set tlement JOHN KICHEY. MARTIN t . PUltUER. ESTATK NOTICK. Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate ( John Smith, lateof Carroll twp.. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing at HhermaDSdaln. Perry Co.. Pa. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present thein duly authenticated for settlement to CYRUS W. SMITH. . . Administrator. Aprils. 1881. MEN WANTED lMXM Uraiies, Bhrubs, llnses.etc. (, f xperlence re. J'.V'iV,1!. Elai-y anil ,,., pid. J. K. I,K ( LAIEK, Hofhester, N. V. lTdtw TAfJITE Crindinq machines 1 'm ftnsw.TMIII.. oiini rim. n nil J'rrr rfriulurf, (il(lri'a THRTAWITT'.CO, 8t mini) mi nr, IHoiiroo Oo.,i'fc 17dlw AGENTS WANTED p UK K n "t ake oi dei s inr the 1'iieapest, most vuinpicut and accur ate edlllon of the REVISED NEW TESTAMENT And Full Illnlorof Its Kerlslon. Now ready for Agents. Most desirable edition, Inw priced, anil wanted by tliourauds every where. Hare chance for men or Indies to make money last. Particulars free. Out lit Mi. Act. quick. Address II l Mil A KM HROXIIKRS, 723 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. IU 2t RC ATTV'Q OltflANR, 17 m.oiis. RHeTgolden Jfrl... ! 1 1 tongue Heeds only IM. Address PANIKM'. BUAT'f Y, Washington, N. J. Id4i; Make Home Beuu Choice subjects. Lowest prices. Send fur f.'aia ,.",!.';B.a.n,,."'l,',, I'"'- Atfents wanted. Address J. C.JVlcC'OROy i CO., Philadelphia, Pa. I19d4t eoiou wroai fWAtoro tn Authnr.A nw Jlfl'i iff Wat Me. iml Wnrk.WArmntnfl t h hnttinnd rnritiit, InrDxponmiliifi to uvnry H)M'rfHTrvftMofi (" irutid in fltH'fii hrciii h miiHlin.nil-'HiNM. fnlltUt,iOfp.ontftirib(ant,fiil intrrlTillVM. i 'F, nrnanfin. tumn, (.Hid mily i5 nnnfe hf No. 4 lliilhaoh it. ijoatuu. IMft The llellsh of the World Halford Sauce SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. Rdiw iOIlN B. OOtltjrt S W a.w book. rt J',''"t 1 n nrnn- diw pool SUNLIGHT AND i b lh tnf ehsniw trn offrd to ion. II. Srrnn arfrirswa from tin bright ml Huul not Uf,, ,n,l portTsjS u al'. John, It. (Uvunt, MO fiorlrsr tlim. For Psthm, 1 1 omor. snil lolmw lmrtt. It It vlllinut Mer. II ! Hit "l.n(" bmlc for Jmt, nd oiit- wsnb.d,mrn and wonwo. Now I. th. tim. V Eh-Ih frrri- A. U, W OUrUl.NUl ON i VO tuba., Hartford, Coiid, lddlt NOTICE! THE undersigned would respectfully eall the attention of the olll.ens of perry county, that lie lias a large and well selected slock of HARDWARE, OltOCKKIEH, URUOH. WINES MCJUOR8, IKON. NAII.R, HOUSE and MULE SHOES, BTKEf,. IRON AXI.K8, fPRINUtt, SPOKK8. nuns, FEM.OEH. BIIAFTS. POLES ft BOWH. BltOOFt HANDLES, MIKE, TWINE8.6C. ALSO. Paints, Oils, Glass, Tlaster, and Cement HOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPER LEATHER, FIBH. RAIT. SCnARS.BYRUPfl.TEAS.BPICES. TOBACCO, CIUAKH, and BMITU COAL. John Lucas & Co's.. MIXED TAINTS, (ready for use.) The best Is the CHEAPEST. And a large variety of goods not mentioned, allot which were bought at the Lowest Cash Prices, and he oilers the same to his Patrons at the Very Iwest Prices for Cash or approved trade. Jlls motto Ixw prices, and Fair dealings to all. Co and see htm. Respectfully, S. n. BHCLEH. Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. Books! Books! Gift Boolts, Children's Hooks, Blank Books, School Books, BiWes ! Testaments ! And all Kinds of Books AT BEACH'S Book & Drug Store. a Stationery at Wholesale or Eetail O Subscriptions taken for all News, papers and Magazines. E. C. BEACH, ' Newport, Penn'a. NO BETTER FERTILIZERS CAN BR USED THAN BAUGIFS $25 PHOSPHATE. 33A.XJaiI'S Economical Fertilizer For l'otutoki, Have Been Thoroughly Tested. For Circulars and Prices address BAUGH A. BONS, 7 Sin) & Delaware Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa .For sale by JONE-S BROTHERS CO.. Mewport, Pa. (