8 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA., MAY 3, 1881. A Prison Plot. At Coin in bin, H. C, Inst week, one of the guards was arrested, charged with counterfeit ititf silver cuireucy. After a preliminary examination he was vent to jail in default of bail to await bis trial nt the approaching session of the U.S. Court. Tlio clroumstnitces which led to the nr re.it are as follows : Colonel Liscomb, the superintendent of the penitentiary, had information causing him to suspeot that some of the couviota wore making arrangements to escape. In pursuing his investigations he directed one of tho white prisoners to secrete himself under the bed of one of the suspected negro convicts. While there other uunvlots came in and engaged in conversation with the negro nbouc the plot and disclosed the plau of operation, all of which was duly reported by the man under the bed, to the proper authorities, who immediately summoned twenty or thirty of the oonvicts for exam ination. When they found that thoir plot had beeu discovered some of them peach ed on other, and many openly confessed their complicity in . the affair. It was ascertained that eighty ef the negro con victs had entered into a conspiracy to es cape at all hazards. They bad managed to conceal clubs, batches, knives and axes and bad agreed to escape at daybreak Sunday morning, May 1st. When the guards came to release them from their cells they would simultaneous rusk upon aud overpower them, and if necessary murder them. The plau was well arrang ed, and doubtless would have been executed but for the discovery made by the superin tendent. When the officers were prosecuting their search for evidence against the conspira tors they discovered a band of counter feiters among the white convicts, and found dies aid other implements for coun terfeiting concealed iu the cells. Large quantities of coin, silver dollars, fifty cet pieces and quarters were also found. These base coins were so skillfully made that but for their light weight no bank clerk could have detected their spurious character. It is said that Columbia is flooded with this money. The matter baa caused much excitement here, especially since it is said that some of the guards are implicated. It is expected that other arrests will be made aud additional facts elicited. 1ST" An English traveller says that iu many portions of Russia, beds at betels are not provided with sheets, and in order to procure those " luxulres" be bad to pay a considerably additional item in bis bill. Had be made inquiries be would have dis covered that it is oustomary with Russians of any position when travelling in their own country to carry their own bed cov ering with them ; in faot on being shown to a sleeping-apartment at an inn the couch is provided with a mattress and pillow only ; blankets and sheets are sup posed to be included in the guest's bag gage. Should be bave omitted to briag such things, which would be unlikely in a native, then covering would ba furnished and charged for. The Czar's gently-nurtured subject! bave a repugnance to sleep ing under bedclothes which in their time may have warmed the recumbent bodies of any number of their miscellaneous coun trymen, or au equally heterogeneous col lection of foreigners. It is a whim of fastidious cleanliness, that is all. The people of every nation bave their little peculiarities. Terrible Western Floods. St Joseph, Mo., April 2?. The river at this point is twenty-two feet six inch, es above low water mark and slowly rising. Many families bave been resoued from their inundated bouses in the bottom lands during the day generally in destitute circumstances. All the movable fiat boats have been in use removing people and stock. An old man and his wife 70 to 80 years of age were to day rescusd from the Elmwood Bottoms, where they were living in a small one-story bouse, having been for two or three days Burrounded by the swift ourrent a mile or more from land and the water two feet deep in the house. It is reported that Charles Mann and two women were drowned mar Craig to-day in attempting to escape the flood in a small boat. A Dying Convict' Request. Three years ago a powerful colored burglar was sent to the Eastern Peniten tiary from Harrisburg aud shortly after bis admission to that institution he con tracted consumption, a disease that pre vails to an alarming extent among those subject to close confinement. Ills death has been expected for several days past. On Saturday last bis term expired and lie called bis keeper to hira and in a feeble voice requested that be be removed from the Penitentiary, as he did not want to die there. He was yesterday taken to the Almshouse. Philadelphia ires. tW A little boy was terribly bitten by a rabid dog at Eldridge'a Hill, Salem county, N. J., a few days ago. Tho brute knock ed the little fellow down, and standing over him tore bis flesh in a number of places. THE NEWPORT New Clothing House! It Is not nceessnryto be rich to dress well. Slyln makes I tie clothe, unit Hollies mnkes (lie mini, ut least the; give a good till In that direction. Our styles In ready ninrte fil.OTIHNO, for men and hoys, is our prlife. Tliry are e iiial to Custom Work. Now, all we would ask of yon Is to come, mid e sii ml lie our stork, which rmnpi lues nil guides of Clutlilnii, from the cheapest to the bust. We give you a few of our sample prlcest Our Hard Twisted Men's Hults, Coat, Pants sod Vest for Si.no. Our 17.60 Light Colored Oassl mere Hulls, all wool, for 110. 1U Dark, all wool, Casslmere Hulls. Wn defy to tie undersold on these suits. They are the best sold far the money In America. 112.60 all wool Fine Hults i Ills Klnn Worsted Hulti 121) Kins Black Cloth Hulls: ill 60 Fine lllack Cloth Hults. The goods are. In style and workmanship, equal to custom work, and made of llrst class material Our Hoys' mid Children's Clothing Weliave them In all sizes, from three years up. and sell I horn as low as the lowest. Our Jt.Ml Chilli's Suit Is a heautiriil mixed tight color. Our t:Ml Cheviot Hult Is a splendid tiling Our ", all wool. Child's Hull Is nice and splendid. Those am the best makes of New York Clothing, stylish cut and durable made. Our Custom Department Is tilled with English, French, Hi'tch and American Worsted and Cassl mere Hitltlngs, which we will made to order at a Low Price, and guarautee a perfect nt. SUITS TO OitDHR l'OR KKJIITEKN DOLLARS This Is a splendid all wool dark mixed Canst mere Hult. For 120 we have ten styles of Casslmere and Cheviot Huttings. Our ttl (scotch Cheviot Huit Is the best thing ever sold for the money. Ourtlnenf Gents' Furnishing Goods Is com. plele In every respect. Hhlrts.Collnrs, Neck Ties, Hllk Handkerchiefs, Trunks and Valises. HATS and OA PH. We keep the very latest styles of Nobby Hats. A full line of Hats lor men, boys aud children, which we w ill sell at Low Prices. Now, We would say we buy all our Goods from first hands for Cash, and manufacture all our better olass of ready made clothing, which ena bles us to undersell all opposition. That means we sell you a better made suit for less money. Monev refunded on all goods not found as ep resented. Please call, whether you wish to purchase or not. Will be pleased to see you. 1). GANSMAN, Fashionable Merchant Tailor and Clothier, N. Cor. Diamond, Frank's Old Hardware Stand, rsricwroirr, ia.. March 29, 1811. You lever Seen As many Goods under one roof in any store in Perry County as we are displaying this Spring. We Have Move CLOTHING, Than any other Store in the County. We Hare More Boots and Shoos, Than any other Store In the County. We Hare More Carpets and I (Mis, Than any other Store in the County. We Have More Hats, Caps, & Ms, Than any other Store In the County. We Hare More Ladies' k Cents' Furnishing Goods, Than any other Store In the County. We buy in large quantities, carry a better assortment, and sell cheaper than any other Store in the County. & EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. MARX DIES N 0TICET0 CONTRACTORS. Raotai nMnn.nl. mill I.a . . . I i. . ux'udhio mi. uo icvBivr.i mini April 20r.h. at 12 o'clock; noon, bv the Building Com mlttee of the Laudisburg Charge of the Reformed Church, to rebuild their Parsonage. Kids me solicited for doing the work In parts, or entire. The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Plans and spec ill cations can be seen, and all necessary Information obtained by calling on the undersigned at Landlshnrg, perry countv. Pa. - HKNKV R1NKSMITH, Cuairmau. H. T. PpiWOT.KK, Secretary. April 11. mi, ESTATE NOTICK.-Notlce Is hereby given that letters of Administration Cum 7efa msnto Annexo have been granted on the estate of Catherine Kline, late of the Borough of Marys vllle. Perry county. Pa., deceased, by Register of said county, to Jacob Kline, residing lu Mid Bor ough of Marysvllle. All penous indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment aud those having claims, to present them tor settlement. JACOB KLINE, ..I'Kww Porria, Att'y. Administrator. March, 29, 1881. mrv t nmienn iaiv nnmiu irraiTa, IN CENTIIAL lJJCKNBYLru.ISriA.. in making our llrst Spring announcement to our pstrons and the pttbllo, we would call attention to our Immense slock of DRY GOODS IN ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. We have made great Recession to our stock and with our Increased facilities fur purchasing mid floater outlet, we are enabled to otter unprecedented bargains. We have many new tilings, in iholce New Colorings. To these poods wi have trimmings to match tor Combination Hults. Wo also otter great bargains In Hl'MM Kit HILKh In nil the new etfecls, and special Inducements Iu BLACK HILKH, HTM 1K LYONS and CAHHMKKKH. We will maintain our Ions esl.iilillf.licd reputation for carrying the largest stock of MOUKNIM) GOODS IN TIIH CITY", (treat Bargain In THIBET HHAWLH. HOSIERY. ol.OVKand NOTION Department complete In every particular. No such assortment has ver been exhibited in Harrisburg. Guaranteed KID GLOVES a specialty. An Impaction is respectfully requested. 10 13b ivr. o. i3rTVHrri32XTV, 2U8 MA11KET St., HAltUIHBUItU, Pa. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 35 North 3rd Street, HARRISBURG, Pa. New Goods to Trim Dresses. Bright Fluids at 12$ cents, to trim 6 cent Dress Goods. Plaids and lloman Stripes at 20, 25, 33, 37 and 50, to trim Dress Goods at 12$, 18, 19, 2.3, and 33c. Trimming Silks at 55, 75, 87 cents, and $1.00. Trimming Satins at 87 cents, and $1.00. I,AIM.K ANMIItTJUKXT or IHIKSS CIIXUIIAHI.N. Write to us lor Samples. DIVlilB, POMEEOY JSa 8TEWAET, OIL CLOTHS. 1866. The New Harrisburg CARPET HOUSE. CARPETS. 1881. No. Ill MARKET STREET, (Patterson's Old Stand.) FRED. W.YINGST Has just opened at the above place with an entire new Stock of BODY BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, INtJKAIN CARPETS, all grades. A full line of STRAW MATTING lust opened HALL and STAIR CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS of all kinds and widths" All good guaranteed as represented, and sold at LOWEST CASU PRICKS. si"cii Our motto being as ever, "Reliable Goods at Reliable Prices." 14 Ut No. Ill Market Street, Harrisburg. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! 1881 SPRING OPENING! 1881 We desire to speak to the citizens of Bloom Held and surrounding country on the subject of Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Wall Papers, and point out a few facts why you should deal with us. 5EAJJJ?E ,ou can ,be. ,ll,ed.ln any kind of goods named above out of a great assortment. , HKCAU8K our Block Is complete and full In all departments. BECAUSE you are afforded the pleasure of a superior choice at the lowest possible prices. BECAUSE we deal honest with you: give you all you can ask for the money; ship your goods free of charge, and strive to please and protit you. We therefore ask an inspection of our Body and Tapestry Brussels, Ingrain and 3-riy Carpets, Hall and Statr, Hemp and Rag Carpets, by all our old customers and all new ones who will give as the chance to prove what we assert above. OUR RAO CARPETS nre made under our Immediate dlrectlou, on our own looms, and we Claim lor ilium a Superiority gupassed by uone iu the State. CARPET RACS taken In exchange for goods, and Carpets made to order. Many Novelties In our Wall Paper Departments, Window Shades and Material for Lambrequins, and Furniture Coverings, with Cords, Fringes, and Ulmps to match. LINOLEUM, an article superior to Oil Cloth for kitchens, dining rooms, halls and vesti bules, public oillees, and banks. a A complete stock throughout, the equal of which has not been opened before by us. Again we request a call from you and your friends, feeling that you will be Justified In the doing thereof. Respectfully yours, STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 East Main Street, CARLISLE, Penn'a. 11 3m DOWN LOWER THAN EVER. 1881 Carpets for Spring Trade. 1881 LOOK AT THE PRICES! Tap Brussels from 85 cents to $1.10. Body Brussels from from 30 cenU to $1, Best. .50 to 5 1. 05, Id grain AH other goods iu proportion. Now is the time to get the first selection of the New Stock. We have More Carpets and More Patterns than all the other Carpet Houses In this city. Call and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show Goods. Quick Bales aud Small Profits. SAMUEL ADAMS, Opera House Carpet Store, 31 N. Third Street, IIAXlXtlSOTJIlO, PENN'A. 0 3m 1 Canvassers In every county In this State to take orders for Nursery block. Hteady and de slrable Employment at I Good Waxes. Experl 'ence in the business not , required. Nurseries widely and favorably known. For terms address C. L. VAN DUSEN, Geneva. N. Y. Van Dimen Nurseries, established 1839. Also Stock at Wholesale. 16K13C TTT I 11 J I mm, ESTATE NOT1CJ5. -Notice Isherebyglv en that Letters of Administration on the estate of Elizabeth llarter, late of Greenwood twp.. Perry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, of Milleistowu, Perry county. Pa. All uernons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to preseut Ihera duly autheutlcated for settlement to . W. J. HAKTEB. . ,,,, Administrator. C J. T. M'Iktibk, Att y. April.fi, lal. AS. P. LATCHF0RD, A U CTIONEER , Would respeot fully Inform the public that he will cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive pronint attention. -DONNALLV'U MILLS. PEKKY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Otters his services to the citizens of Terry and Cumberland counties. Post office address, ttherniansdale, Perry co.. Pa. HKNHV KELL, AUCTIONEER. Would respectfully lnloim the citizens of Perry Couuty that lie will cry sales at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Batislactlon guaranteed. M-Address Hsnkt Keix, Ickesburg, Pa. Q B. HARNISH, AUCTIONEER , Charges moderate, and 6tf Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa. satisfaction guaranteed. D AVID M'COY, AUCTIONEER, ICKESBURO, PEBKY COUNTY. PA. WV Charges moderate. Prompt attention paid toatleaua. o It CLOTHS for Floors, Carriages and jauies. i-i rices low. F. MORTIMER. MEN WANTED ?MSKUi fih itand (frill I UU OKNAMKNTAl.Tnrir. Grapes, Shrubs, Koses. etn. I ex pi' N. Y ?ii iil; t7,,ll,,ry " eP;iej paid. J. K. Lr. Kxpertenee re. 17dt TAMTE EMfRY WHEELS "" GRINDING MACHINES 17d4w For ftnw-lttm. 1'nnnilrlfn, mid -lllH'lilrn. Mhopn, tor circular,, hlr-.. TlTETANlTttCO. Ntrrmrlnbunt-, Mourus (Jo, p, SUNLIUtIT AND SHADOW lithe tart chance ever rrflr-,t f i V. T.W. 1 Mtn twt chance evr nnVrvrt to rrm. Itt BrvnM a7-Z fnjrnlb. bright, . .Uj.lfJZa XZ'Z on John IS. Goufffi Mil. nil olbrn 10 to 1. Slllh lho,m,mlii nrrZT VmUfli , iory nri.1 Njrriil JWm girrn. Bt-frn'l tnr firrtilim Arlil.,... A. J. ttOU'i ULsilXUN 1 CO.l'ub.Turd. lfdlt GO ID MEDAL AWARDED tho A uf lim. A nw atvl icrnnt MJ. Ir.il Work, whit ii tr tlm bent anil ehftfipfMt, indiupMniiftMn to evnry tnftn.eiitiiffd "the Ncienconf I Aim full Bilt,WlOpp.CfnUinbtsiTitifnl vnirrannirs. i,ri tirmcrin. tmnif pric onl Hi aftflent hj mail; JllufltrntdMmiplft,flcfrnta nntl nfiw.AfidrvsB iofilodj Mfd K Ell. Ho. 4 itulfiueh ft. Bottoa. AGENTS WANTED QUICK to tak or liKio for tliHClieiipest.moMtcijiiipleKj and accurate edition of the REVISED NFW TESTAMENT and Full History of Its Revision. Now ready for ARenfs. Most desirable edition, low priced. Agents report Immense success, even to M) orders per day. This Is a rare chance. Par ticulars free. Ouittt fine. Act outck. Address Hi; Bit Alt!) HHOd..Pubs.,7M Chestnut Bt .Phil adelphia. Pa 15d4t RF ATTY'55 PR'ns, n stops, uset Koiden ui.ni I I O tmiBiie Reeds on y 05. Address DANIEL F. BEATTli, Washington, N. J. 16d4t ACENTS WANTED QUICK tn take orders lor the cheapest, most complete and accur ate edlllon of the REVISED NEW TESTAMENT Ana Full History of Its Revision. Now ready for Agent. Most desirable edition, low priced. ami wanted by thousands every where. Hare chance for men or ladies to make money fast. Particulars free. Outm 50c. Act outck. Address HUBBARD BROTHERS, 723 Chestnut Btreet, Philadelphia. Pa. 10 21 T SUNDY, M. D. U Physician and Surgron. A graduate of Cleveland Medical Collece. located permanently In the borough of Bloom, held. Oners his professional services to the clti zens of Rloomlleld and (.unrounding vicinity. Calls in the country attended to promptly. Office Iu the room formerly occupied by Dr. D. H. Sweeney, in the residence of il. W. Smith. Main street, rtew Blooinneld, Pa. 19 6m E9XATK NOTICE. Notice I sherebyglven that letters testamentary on the last will and testament of Christian Korrer, deceased, late of Carroll township, Parry county. Pa., have been granted to the undersigned, residing In same township. All persons Indebted to said estate arereqnested to make immediate payment and thosehavlng claims to presentthemdulyauthenticatedfor set tlement JOHN RICHET. MARTIN F. FORRER. ESTATE NOTICENollce Is hereby Riven that letters of administration on the estate ol John Smith, lateof Carroll twp.. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing at Shermaosdale, Perry Co.. Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those haviag claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to CYRUS W. SMITH, . ... ,. . Administrator. April S. 1881. KENDALL'S SPATIN CURE. It Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints Curb, &c. It removes all unnatural enlargements. Doe not blister. Has no equal ior any lameness on beast or man. -It has cured hlp-iolnt lame ness In a person who had suffered 15 years. Alsocured rheumatism corns frostbites, or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for blemish on horses. Send for il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Price one dollar. All Druggists I ave it or can get lor you. Dr. B. J. Kendall Ut Co., Pros., Enosburgh. Falls, Vermont. HARRIS & EWINO, Agents. Pittsburgh, Pa. NOTICE! THE undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Perry eounty, that he has a large and well selected stock of HARDWARE, GROCEKfES, DHUOM. WINES LIQUORS. IRON. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, 8TEEL. IRON AXLES, SPRINGS. SPOKES, HUBS, FELLOES. BUAFT8. POLES & BOWS, BROOM HANDLES, WIRE. TWINES, AO. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, Plaster, and Cement. SOLE, CALF, KIP and UPPER LEATHER, FI8H. SALT. 8UO AR9. SYRUP8, TEA8. SPICES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, and SMITH COAL. John Lucas ft Co's., MIXED FAINTS, (ready for nse.) The best Is theTHEAPEST. And a large variety of goods not mentioned, allot which were bought at the Lowest Cash Prices, and he offers the same to his Patrons at the Very lowest Prices for Cash or approved trade. His motto Low prices, and Fair dealings to all. Go and see him. Respectfully. S. U. 8HULER, Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. Notice to Taxpayers. NOTICE Is hereby given that the Appeal based on the Spring changes of lgsl will be held in theCounty Commissioners' Otnce, In Bloomtleld, as follows: Kor the Boroughs of Duncannon, Liverpool, Marysvllle. Newport and New Buffalo, and the Towushipsof Buffalo, Greenwood, Howe, Liver pool, Miller. Oliver. Penn. Rye, Watts and Wheat field, on TUESDAY the 3d day of May. 1881. Kor the Boroughs of Blaln, Bloomtleld and Landis burg, and the Townships of Carroll, Centre. Jack sou, Juniata. Maditoa. Saady Hill, Saville.Sprlng. Toboyne, Tuscarora and Tyrone, on WEDNES DAY the4thriayof May. 1881, where and at which times all persons feeling aggrieved will be heard by the Coinmisaioaers aud Assessors of the several districts. J. W. GANTT. J NO. W.CHARLES. HENRY 8HUMAKER, ... . 'r.unty Commissioners. AlUitt: Calvin Nhukm, Clerk. April 4, IsaL