THE TIMES, NEW IJL00MFIEL1), PA., MAY 3, 1881. Philadelphia Advertisement?. Ready Mixed Paints ! LUCAS' READY MIXED PAINTS ! chemicals, no benzine, but a puke Oil. PAINT, READY FOR USE. Nlllliplc OllIcl. 80 BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF .PAINT BENT Bt MAIL. IT IS PUT ONMKR OTnF.n PAINT. MADE WITH LKAD AND OIL, VIZ t NICKLV BltUHHKI) OUT. NOT FLOWED ON L1KK WATER PAINT TRY IT, And Ton Will Prore It to be the Rest Liquid Paint lu the Market. JOHN LUCAS Ac CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Swiss and Imperial French Green, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, VARNISHES, &c HT For Sample Cards apply to F. Mortl mer, Now Blooinlluld, Fa., or lo Joliu Lucas & Co., Philadelphia. JEIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Successors to BHAFFNER.ZIEGLERftCO., Importers and Dealers In Hoftlery, Sloves, lllbbons, Mugpendera, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fouri h Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A Agents for Lancaster Combs, w. H. KENNEDY WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 603 MARKET STLEET, PHILADELPHIA. 7 1 gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALLPAPER. ISM Mi HOOKS Always on hand, and made to Order, Nos. 630 Market and 621 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 3, ALSO, Publishers of Sanders' New Read ers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also. Robert's History of the United States, Feltou's Outline Maps, etc. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON, WHOLESALE Hardware House, No. C-5 Market Street, L'JiIlAilelpfcl.1, Peun'rt. JANNEY & ANDREWS, IVIIOLlSALi: GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET STREET, riiiladelphia, I'n. QRAYBILL & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting: Twines, &., 'And a line Assortment of 'WOOD and WILLOW WAEE, No. 120 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia Advertisements. QJAMUEL BOMBERGER, with uir.m.i:. SCOTT A CO.. WHOLESALE DKALEKS IN Dry Goods, Oirpets, OIL CLOTI1H, Col I on (V Woolen No. 913 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Merchnnt wishing to select from as Inigo a stock hi can be foil nil In the city, and al (lie LOWEST CASH ritichs, should give me a call A 11 Ml st 31, " W AINWHIGIIT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street. Philadelphia Penn'a. J. S. DOUGHERTY D. J. HOAU & CO., WHOLBSAL1 BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, OliJ MAKKKT 8T11EKT( Philadelphia, Penn'a. jjallTshenk & CO., 7 405 & 407 Market Street, Plilliult lj'iln, (')ld Stand of Bat-croft &Co.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 1 UY C4 O 0 1 SS . January 1 1B81. DRUGS. DRUGS. JACOB STRICKLER, (Successor to Dr. M. B. Strlckler) PHARMACIST, NEW BLOOMFIELl). PENN'A, HAVING succeeded the late firm of Dr. M. H. Strlckler In the Drug Business at his store, room, on MAIN 8TRKKT, two doors East of the Big Spring, I will endeavor to make It lu every way worthy the patronage of the public. Personal ami strict attention AT ALL TIMES given to the compounding and dispensing Physi cians' presclptlons. so as to Insure accuracy and guard against accidents. ISIiAK IX MIM that my stock has been recently selected and care taken to hare everything cf the BEST QUALI TY. The public may rest assured that ALL med icines that leave inv store shall he as represented -PURE and UNADULTERATED. I HAVE CONSTANTLY 0.1 HAM) II AIR OIL and POMADES 11 A I It, TOOTH and NAIL BRUSHES. bUKOEONS. TOILET. and CARRIAGE SPONGES. PUFF BOXES. TOILET POWDERS. CASTILE aud FANCV SOAPS PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS, Together with Fresh and Genuine Patent Medl. clues of every description. ALSO, Segars, Tobacco, School Books, &c. ORANGES, LEMONS & BANANAS, In season. Pure Wines nml Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. TerniM, Strictly By strict attention to business. I hope to merl the confidence aud favor of the public JACOB STRICKLER, Ph. Q. April 29. 1879. THE SPRINGFIELD SEWING MACHINE. Best In the World. The manufacturers of the 8PRTNGFIELI) are aware that, lu order to meet the critical aud economical demands of the times, the machine must possess a combination of mechanical excel lences, making It superior to anv of Its prede. cessors. and at the same time be offered at a price that will place It within the means of all. Fully resiling the force of these conditions, they otter the Sprlnglleld, conlldent (hat It will It it 1 tl II every requirement that can be expected of a llrst class family and manufacturing machine. Every Machine Is warranted perfect lu construe, tlon. In case any of the pris prove defective, when machine Is used for family purposes, within live years from date of purchase, the manufactur ers will replace such defective part without charts. This does not apply to ueedles shuttles, or bobbins. Made by THE SPRINGFIELD Sewing Machine Company, 13 6ni SPRINGFIELD, MASS. ivn p rmJiMiM ir.i I w v . n n OF LYNN, MASS. mscovriirn or LYDIA E. PlfrKtlAKI'8 . VEGETABLE COMPOUND. For all Female Complaints, Trilff prtvttrAtlnn, u lt nturto ultrnlflrn, rmutMn nf Voi;ctalilo rrojMjrtlcs tliat aru liarmlutui lu ilio niunt tM Irate Inralld, UKn ono trial the merit of this Coin pound will bo ronojrnlapd, tu rcllof Is Immediate) mid whin It unci Is non 1 1 nurd, In ninety -nlnu caw In nliun. tired, npi'rmAnontciinilMtirLK'tcdlU)tliouii.iiids will tes tify. On account of It prorcn merit. It H trwlny n commanded and proscribed by tho bot pliyslclans In tho country. It will cure fmttroly tlio wornt form of fulling of tho utrnis, Uucorrhna, Irregular and painful Hcnutnmtlon.ollOvfirianTrmililnd, Inflammation mid Ulceration, Flooding, nil DlMplaccmcnts and the con oqiicnt splnnl wrakiiDintnnd Is rnpfvlolly ednptrd to t'm CImnjro of Ufa. It wJH dissolve and rxpnl tumors f:-oin t!ioutnrusln an early rtarro of durnlomient. T!iu txidnnny to AatinorotM humors thoro ii tltockuj rtry ivwodlly by Its uo. In fact It 1ms proTi'd ti ho tint (rrirt rr.t and bout remedy thnt hog erer bt?en (IIhcoti r rd. U pormoatps ovury portion of tho synti'in, t::.l t;lvi m now Ufns.:idTlor. Hrcmovmfalntncrs.fliitulty, i'n stroys nllcrarlntf for stimulants, and rcll(jrcsr.-fa1;n.t of tho titomarh Itcurcg Hloatlnir, Hradarlios, Krrroua rroslrttlnp, Ocncral iJcblUtylooplcfwncs, lJot;rri:lon ar.d haA pestlon. Tfmt feeling of bcnHn(r(!(jwn, canning pr.!n, weight and bacltncho, Is alrnyn pcrmnm nt!y cored Iti use. It wtllrtt all times, nntl under i It clreumfttcn ces, ant In liarraony with tho lu.w thut poTcrns the foiimle system. For KUlnc7Complaintsof eltlu r m x this cotnpouinl ifluiisnrpowcd. Lydia E. Pinkbam'a Vegetable CompounJ t Is prepared at T3 and 2H6 Western Aronuo, Lynn, ?lo-s, ' Trico O'-. B.s bttttk's for ty.w. Bent by mall In iho formofpllKalolntheforrn ufljoxcnces, on reetl;it ot prleo, ti.oo, per bost, fur either, airs, IMNKIIAM fret lyaninwcrs all letters of Inquiry. Bend for aiii' phlct. Addrosinsabora Stmt inn this jtajter. No family nhuuld lie without LYDIA 2. I'lNKMAM LIV" TILLS. They cure Conciliation. tUloumic-A Mid Torpidity of the Urur. Ej ci-nts per bo. .(HO. A. KEU,Y&Cf)., (iennral Affnnts, Also fur sule by Jacob Hm Ick lnr, New Ulonnllcld, Fa. H7nly 1 lUIUUUlU IIUUUI1J5 IUI UVUIUUU Ilusines men c women, teacliers. mc hanit v' farmers, iriinislcrs. nun Iters, and all w! ion re tirci'. Wut ly 1 he c:ist:iut luil un J worry cf your work ! 'Mon't flriitk intfixi.'iii't-y biiicr, but t!-c ' r:om plninti, yn' ctu b cured by iisjnrr laaaifeiMigaiauKiH If you nre wasting tnvay witli ConsuiiiiiiioiTj Female Veatins or any &irkncts ; if you have a lad cfMi-h f-rrl I, you v ill liiifl nurn relief in 1 Oa'Jtt.a'JilM It vuu nie onlcc.'jlcd bv disctisu. one nr nalion. ani ;oiir sysiem needs itivii;urntine, or if yim Itave piunj'.ca an J blutelict, nntl your blood needs pttriiyiii', yoi r.m nl fiv .Made Hum Ui.inor, Uu jMj, M.indrnke. 8ttllin- nil and oilier n f the b't in:dtciii ktmwn' it die Co't Honlih & 8trennt'i Rostoror Ever' J30C1 far siijifrior lo JJiti'jis, r.sseiH.-es of (Jin-, jr-jcr and ot.icr loni'.i, OHit pjvrr i:ufxicPtos. ui'i 1 t nct cnrni"i I'Mipcriii" or nil. It Una Smi'il Ilniitlrcil'. ori.vta( It May Kitvo loitrs. Jluy a foe. botiljof your dm v.i .t. :iiv! tn nvnu) fiuiUuriuiu Lj I 'irc our hitkhi.. j i 1 out ;iile wmiu'"", I Ir-tr-nv fic I ., f ; .1 f,'. V Parker's Hair Dalsan. Tlio lint & 31 rst iTonnmlrnl Hair Orossln? Crnt 'tiiiiii-x only ingredients that nr? binriitiiil to the hair a id scalp, (he JUlkam will be found far moro Tiatiifautory any oihcr preparation. It NoTor Falls to HestoroOraj or Faded Ilulr to the original youthful color mid i warranted to remove d-uuh-uif, prevent b:ili:icss an I promote a growth of young hair. Hold by druggists at softs. 2 d 1y BKNJ. K. (iltAFTON. KTOHV U. LAUD, llAI.HFItT K. PAINB. Late Commissioner of Patent. PATENTS. PAIKF, 0RAIT0N & LAUD, Attorneyt-at-Lmn nml 8ollMto of American atul ttreign JHttentt. No. 412 Firih Slrcot, AVnwlilnton, I). C. Practice Patent Law In all Its branches In the Patent Olllco, and in the Supreme and Circuit Courts or the United Stales. Pamphlet sent free on recelptof stamp for postage. 85 A Great Cause of Human Misery .Is the MaOhh ot A LECTUKK ON TUB NATUKK, TREAT ment, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhea, induced by Self Abuse, Involun tary KmmlHSioiis, Iiupotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generally; Con. sumption. Kpllepsy. and Fits: Menial and Phys ical Incapacity, etc. by UORERT .1. CULVER WKLL. M. 1).. author ol the "Oreen Book." elo. The world-renowned author. In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful cnnseitiences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous sur gical operations, bougies. Instruments, rings, or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sutlerer. no matter what his condition mav be. may cure him self cheaply, privately and ratllcallv. V This Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands aud thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. We have also a sure cure for Tape Vol 111. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 40pl i 41 Aim 8t., New York ; P. O. Box, 4586. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL VfUAj BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. F. M OR TIMER, Xew Hloom field. fj Professional Cards. CHAS.J.T, MdlNTIKR, Attorney-at Law, New llliiomtlnld, Perry 00.. Pa. "All professionalliuslnesspromptlyandfalth fully attended to. 8 1 It, JOHN CALVIN WALLIS, Attor ney at-Law and District Attorney. New Hlmiinlleld. Perry Co., Pa. WOMcn over Miirtlmer's new store. All legal butlness iiroiuptly and carefully transacted. Mny 4, I SHI. JB.JU.NK.IN, Attoruey-at-Law, . New llloiimlleld, Perry 00., Pa, wOlllce-i-Next door to the residence ot Judge Junklu. 4Ut JKWIS rOTXKll, A'l TOItNKV AT LAW. NEW I1LOOMFIKLI), PRRHV CO., PA, WClalms promptly secured collected WrltiiiKsaud all legal business carefullyattend d to. 62 yl CHARLES 11. SM1LKV. Attorney at LawT New Hlonmllrlrl, Perrv Co. Pa. WOlllcn two doors tti of Joseph Smith's hotel, August 2, 1872, WM. A.8PONSI.KR, Attorner-at-Law, Oltlce adJolnliiK his residence, on Rasl Malnstreet, New Illoomlleld, Perry 00., Fa. 82 ly WM. N. BE1BFRT. Attorney-at Law, New Bloom Held, Perry CO., Pa. Bloomtleld. 833 1v. LKWISPOTTKtt, HOTART PUBLIC, New Bloom. Held. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds. Bonds, MortKKes and Leases carefully Erepared aud acknowledKements taken. All Inds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certified, will also take depositions to be reul In auvoourt in the United States. 7 10 ly OI1A8. A. HARNETT. Attorney at Law, New lllomnfteul. Perry eo Pa F.OIflce on hlh -treet. North side, nearly op toilethe Presbyterian Church, 8 21y ML. LKmiETT. Att.hsy-at-Law, . tfewport. Perry Vuunty. Pa. Having permanently located at Newport, will Kive prompt and careful attention to all busi ness mutters committed lo his cere, Olllce, No. M 1 North Second SI reef. Newport. April if 187. WM. A. MOItHlfsON, JUSTICE OF TU K PKACR and OF.NERAL COLLECTOR. NrwOkkmantown. Perryco., Pa. - llemlttaiioeswlll be made promptly for all Bollectlonsmade. 744 D R. II. M. ALEXANDER, 8UHOEOK DENTIST, New Illoomlleld, Perry County, Pa. Olllus onCtrllsle, St., dlrectlvopposlte the Pres. byterlan Cliiucli. EvPryililug IicIoiiuIiik to the profession done In the best manner. rvAl.l, WoiiK Wakiianteii. Terms modemte. 2S W, R0WE, M. D. Fliyslclmi nml Nurse on Dentist. Olllce near Itixler's Mills, wlie-e all prolesslonal business will Im nroiiipilv al tended lo. Dental work of all kinds wariantediu price and quality. Way 25. '8U. ly. PRAND BOULEVARD HOTEL, " VJ Corner Slllli fat. mid Ilrouil tvny, 1VK1V YOIIK. On Loth Amcrkan A- European Plan. Frniitiifon Central Park, the Grand Boule vard, Broadway and Fifty-Ninth Street, this Ho tel occupies tlieentlre square, and was built and furnished at an expense of over II hi.oiw. It is one of the most elegant as well as n nest located in the city 1 lies a passenger Klevalor and all mortem Improvement. Btid Is within one square of the depots of the Sixth and Eighth Avenue Elevated R. K. Cais and still nearer tnthe Broad, way cars-convenient and accessible from all parts of the cltv. Rooms witli board, il per day. Special rates for families and oermanent iiuesls. Aug 21. 'el) ly IK. M ASK.KLL, Proprietor. LIGHT-RUNNIN& PEOPLE'S Sowing Machine. The reople'n fiewlnir machine Is light running has simple tonsioru, a largo, easily threaded ahuttlo winds the bobbin without running tho worfjs of the machine, and is so simple In Its construction that It is easily understood. ACENTS WANTED Where our newlnff machines are nrt repre sented, and we offer the most liberal Induce ments. Send for Illustrated Circulars to the Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA. 13 Om ONLY 82O; for this style of PHILADEL PHIA SINtiEll. Equal toany SliiKerlu the market. Remem ber, we send it to be exam ined liefore you pay for it. This Is the same style other companies retail for t')0. All Machines warranted for three years. Send fur our Illustrat ed Circular nd Testimonials. CHARLES A. WOOD It CO., 17 N. Tenth St . Philadelphia. Pa. ELASTIC TRUSS tim rid dirjvrtnv from 1 othxn, Sftllln canurr, ktopul Ulrtiid VotUktrm of tb b.t.i. akiu ik VRU83 J' tvfumihilinuallhl(lararl 17 ) nlcbl. and rajlrl can criln. Aturnbl tbd tiuup. Seal bj cuU, ClrcnUn itm, EGULESTOS TRUSS CO., CMcago.Ii 9 8t A F ANOY fnisand Notions, Some new ar rivals, oca 11. V. MORTIMER, J'P W 1 1) Don,t you wsn, ""'eheap I II Lilll. If voudo. don'', fall tn amine the splendid assortment for sale by F MOHTIM bit. You can suit yourtt l.iu Hj le aud price. Address 9w 13t nufirNftini r Tu f-Nothlng In wholly bad. Kven ft dark lantern lias its bright Hide. . - . t3T" When I die I want to go where there Is no snow to shovel." His wife replied that she presumed he would. tyAn Irish gentleman, speaking of the scarcity of feed in Utah, says that thouxands of cattle have to be killed to save their lives. I JTlt Is useless tor physicians to argue against short-sleeved dresses. The con stltiitioii of the United states says: "The right to hear arras shall not be Interfered with." tlT Women are such Inconstant crea tures. . A young lady recently remarked rather Inelegantly, It must be confess ed that she hated "that iHggs fellow, he Is such a soft cake!" Well in less than three months she took the cake. tWA man went into a house last night and picked up a gun. Of course he didn't know it was loaded. It went otT. Bo did the man. And the man who owns the gun, or, rather, who own ed, the gun, would give $50 to know where they went. g$A few days ago Gustavus De 8 in I tli went to a portrait painter to have his picture painted. The artist asked him if he wanted it one-third life size. "No," was the reply, "do you think I want to look like I was two thirds dead '( I want it full size, like I was full of life." $yAfter all the evidence was In, a Judge asked the accused, who was charged with stealing a watch, if he had anything more to offer. "I did hev a old silver watch to offer yer, Jedge, but my lawyer borrered it and hasn't fetched it back y It." . -Mfa - - Br" Come, mother, come," says the son-in-law to the old lady, In obedience to the pitiful request of his wife Dot to be disagreeable, " let us make it up. I said there was no woman in the world as unbearable as you are, didn't I, at which you felt hurt? Well, I take it all back there are others !" . . - tar" Mr. (jlllhooly," said a dlmlnu tive boy with a handful of bills, " when are you going to pay this bill for them boots you have got on " How old are you, sonny V" Ten years old." " Go tell your pa that you have got too much curiosity for your age." Standing on his Dignity. A prohibitionist went into a Galves ton saloon, under the influence of liq uor, and asked a prominent politician to treat. " You can't be thirsty again. You have just had a drink." "Ofcoursh I'm not thlrsthy," was the indignant response. "If I don't drinksh schepten when I lsh thirstby, what ish the 'vantage I have got over a Leash t of the field VUalvetilon New. KT" I say, Jones, that dog of yours gave me an awful fright last night. As I was pasting your house he came tear ing out of the yard, barking and yelp ing like all possessed," said Fogg. "Oh he won't hurt you Fogg, he's perfectly harmless." " Y'es, that's what I told Mrs. F. this morning. He's perfectly harmless. He began to be harmless just after he ran at me last night. I had my revol ver in my pocket. Good morning, Jones!" ey When young Hodge first came to town, bis father told him it would be polite when being helped to dinner, to say to tne none, "iiair mat, tr you please." It so happened that at the first dinner to which he was invited, a sucking pig was one of the dishes. The host pointing his knife to the young porker, asked, " Well, Mr. Hodge, will you have' this our favorite dish, or a haunch of mutton?" Upon which recollecting his lesnou, be replied, "Half that, If you please," to the con sternation of all present. Judicial Pleasantry. A lawyer was pleading before a Scotch Judge. Happening to have a client, a female defendant in the ac tion, of the name or llckle, he com. meuced his speech la the followicg humorous strain "Tickle, my client, the defendant, my lord." The audi ence amused with the oddity of the speech, were almost thrown into hys terics of laughter, by the Judge re plying, " Tickle her yourself, Harry, you are as well able to do it as I."