THE TIMES. NEW UL00MFIEL1), PA., Al'ltlL 20, 1881. Philadelphia Advertisements. Ready Mixed Taints ! T UCAS HEADY MIXED PAINTS I HO WATER, MO CHEMICALS, NO BENZINE, BUT A rUKB Oil, PAINT, READY FOR USE. 80 BEAUTIFUL HIIADL'S OF .PAINT BENT BY. MAIL. IT IS PUT ONMKK OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LEAD ANDOll., VIZ ! NICELY BKUHHKI) OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATER PAINT TIVY IT, And Ton Will Prore It to be the Best Liquid Paint In the Market. JOHN LUCAS St CO., Philadelphia, MANUFACTURERS OF Swiss and Imperial French Ureen, WHITE LEAD, COLOR8, VARNISHES, &c tW For Bample Cards apply to F. Mortl lUier, Now Bloomllold, Fa., or to John Lucas dc Co., Philadelphia. eigLer&swearingen Successors to HUAFFNBR, ZIEQLER A CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, Oloves, lllbboiiM, Nimpemlers, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A . Agents for Lancaster Combs. H. KENNEDY WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON ft Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 505 MARKET 8TLEET, PHILADELPHIA. 7 1 gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALL PAPER. lilYtXK HOOKS Always on hand, and made to Order, Nos. 630 Market and 621 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 3. ALSO. Publishers of Banders' New Read ers, and Brookv Arithmetics. Also. Robert's History of the United States, Kelton's Outline Maps, etc. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON, WHOLESALE Hardware House, No. C25 Market 8treet, Philadelphia, Penn'a. JANNEY & ANDREWS, WIIOL12SAL.I2 GROCERS, No. 123 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Ia. QRAYBILL & CO., ' WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, "Wadding, Batting: Twines, &., And a tine Assortment of 'WOOD and WILLOW WARE, No. 120 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia Advertisements. gAMUEL BOM BERG ER, " WITH mi:m.i:, kcott v to.. WHOLR8A I.E DItAI.EHS IS Dry (Hoods, Carpets, OIL CLOTIIH, Cotton fc Woolen Clin I ii, do. No. 313 MARKET BTRBET, PHILADELPHIA. Merchants wlshlna to select from as larpe a stuck as can be found 'in the city, and at tho LOW KMT CASH PRICKS, should give me a call, August ai.lH80.lf. WAINWRiailT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Comer of 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. , S. DOUGHERTY wrrii D. J. HOAR & CO., WHOLBBALB BOOT AND SHOE VV A 11 E II 0 U 8 E , Bill MAHKKT 8TIIKKT, Philadelphia, Penn'a. JJALL, SHENK & CO., 405 & 407 Market Street, Philadelphia, (Old Stand of Barcroft &C'o.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS GOODN. DRUGS. January 1 1S81. DRUGS. JACOB STRICKLER, (Successor to Dr. M. B. Strlckler) PHARMACIST, NEW DL00MFIELD, PENN'A, HAVING succeeded the late firm of Dr. M. B. Strlckler In the Drug Business at Ills Store room, on MAIN STREET, two doors East of the Big Spring, I will endeavor to make It In every way worthy the patronage of the public Personal and strict attention AT ALL TIMES given to the compounding and dispensing I'liysl. claim' preoptions, so a to insure accuracy and guard against accidents. Ill ill I IV ITIIM) that my stock has been recentlyselected and care taken to have everything of the BEST QUALI TY. The pubtlo may rest assured that ALL med icines that leave my store shall lie as represented -PUKE aud UNADULTERATED. I II AYE CONSTANTLY ON HAND HAIR OIL and POMADES HAIR, TOOTH and NAIL BRUSHES. SURG EONS, TOILET, and CARRIAGE SPONGES. PUFF BOXKS. TOILET POWDERS, CASTILE aud FANCY SOAPS PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS, Together with Fresh and Genuine Patent Medi cines of every dascrlption. ALSO, Segars, Tobacco, School Books, &c. ORANGES, LEMONS & BANANAS, In season. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Terms, Strictly Cttfcli. By strict attention to business. I hope to merl the and favor of the public. JACOB STRICKLER, Ph. G. April 29. 1879. THE SPRINGFIELD SEWING MACHINE. Best in the World. The manufacturers of the SPRINGFIELD are aware that, In order to meet the critical and economical demands of the times, the machine must possess a combination of nieohanical excel lences, making It superior to anv of its prede cessors, and at the same time be offered at a price that will place it within the means of all. Fully realizing the force of these conditions, they oiler the Springfield, confident that It will tlultlll every requirement that can be expected of a first-class family liftvl manufacturing machine. Every Machine is warranted perfect In construc tion. In case any of the parts prove defective, when machine is used for family purposes, within live years from date of purchase, the manufactur ers will replace such detective part without charge. This does not apply to needles, shuttles, or bobbins. Made by THE SPRINCFIELD Sewing Machine Company, 13 6m SPRINGFIELD, MASS. t:rz. lydia e. pinkham. OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVKIIEn Of i LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEQETABL3 COMPOUND. The Positive rnre For all Female Complaints. TJitu pmpfimllon, m It name ntpjnlflwi, conitlitU of Writable l'l-opm-tlM that arc liartnlims to tho inont dot Iratvlnrnltil. Upon ono trial the mnrlts of this Com fKmad will ho rocoffnlKxl, mrolis Is ltnmmllatni unci whrn tn nun is continual, In nlnrtj-nlne cam In a hun. rtrod, lipcniianontctirolselToctoflxstlititiMinchi will t tl Ty. On arentini of It proven nvrltn, It Id to-day m coimnrndfd and proscrllmd by the bout pliyslclans hi t!io roil n try. It will curt entirely llio worwt form of filling of the utrnis Leucorrhnu, Irrctpilnr and painful Mrntnmtlon,ftllOrarian Trouble, Inflammation and Ulceration, floodlnits, all Displacement s and the con sequent spinal weakness, and In especially adapted to t!ie Clianire of Ufe. JtwllldlmKilvo and mjiH tumors fi-ointhontoriMlnanenrly stnire of dnrelopmrnt. The tntlcncy to cancerous humors there Li cbeckud wry tipoedlly by Its am, In twt It ha1 prorcd to be (he great cut and best remedy that baa ever boon discover ed. It permeates ovury portion of tho system, tnj u'lvt s ncwllfoandrlffon Itro!ncirefui:itnen,f!nti:lrny. t'.o stroysallcmTlng for stUDuianta,iiud rt'llcrTc-s wen'mcn of tho stomach ItcnrofiUlfMiUnff, ncmlurhM, Kervous VrtmirrAU.u Uenor.! Debility, (UocpIeonncHSt iVpruiKloti , And IikII trestlon. Tlmt fooling of liearlniror.ii, cnmlntt pnln, weight and backache. Is always pcrsmnentty cured It" Itsuse. ItwIUntalltlmcAandtindert.ll clrtniuiKtiin ces, act In harmony with the law tlint trorerns the female system. For Kidney Com plaints of either set this compound Is unmirpassod. Lydia C. Pinkbam'o Vegetable Compound Is prepared at K13 and 236 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mn. rrioo$ Rix bottles for tA.00. Bent by mall In the form of pills, also In the form of Lonontrrs, on reerljit of price, tl.oo, per bni, for either. Mis. FINKIIA2I freely answers all letters of Inquiry, Send for para phlet. Address as ahova Mention tht paper No family should be without LTD1A E. FINKflAM LIVi:nriLLH. Tliey cure Constipation. llUlousuesa, Mid Torpidity of the Liver. 85 ceiita per Lmt. .OKO. A. KKLLYA CO., Uenetal ArmiH, PHlMbiiiRli, r. Ainu (or Bale by Jacob Htrlr.K ler. New Hlonntield, Pa. 27uly Profitablo Hoading for Everybody ijuaiiicHn men a. women, icncncrs, mcLnanits. farmers, iitiiiitcrn, mothers. and all who nri; tirct1 nut by I he constant toil ami worry of your work ! 'ion't flrinlc intnxim(inv;'ltittcrs, nut mk; ' Aro you sulluntig Iroin Uypvutn, Klicunm-J itrfm, Neuralgia, or with Dowel, Kidney or Liveil i.'omplainls, yoii run be cured ly ueinir 1 U you are waituig aw;iy with Couiiuiiipuoii. Female Weakness or any sickness ; if you have ul hail cou-h or enM, yon will find sure relief in 1 if vuuare en ice bled lv tlittuhc. uye or ditai-' pation, and your system needs iuvmoratine, or, if youhuveptniplesund blotchcn, niuVymir blootJ' needs pnrif) iiur, yfni mn nlurtv f(fteii(! on ' Made from Ginnor, Buohj, Mandrake, btitlin-. !ute Bozi Health & Strength Restorer tvorl rtlm atirl (illinrrif I i liat itwiIii-iiim Lhhumi it a.i usoa iar superior to jiiueiti, I'.ssenr-M ol (.in-, (;er mid oilier 'I onic tt it novor InloKicalot. nid romoiiies tic het curative iiropertics of nil.' It Hun Snred lhiiiilred of Live ; ) It Hay! Hn to Yours, I iiiy a $nc. not t loot your druM, and to nvoiir rnimtcifeits be mm our Mnatur-j i t) i t!if out side vr:itior. Ilmrnv eV (it.. Cie-ui. u, V. V Parker's Hair Balsam. Tho Unst A 3Iost lonomtcal Hair Droaslnp; C'ontaiuinir only ingredients that are beneficial to the hair inwt hcalp, tlm Halsam will be found far mure t-atUhiutory than any other preparation. It Never Falls to ItestoroClroy or Failed Hnlr to the original youthful color mid U warranted to remove l.udni!f, prevent Italdiu-t nnd promote a growth of young liuir. Soid by tiruggistt at 50 cts, 29 d ly BKNJ. P. GKaPTON. Htoht B. Laud, IIai.iirkt K. Pains. Late CommiHHioner qf Patents PATENTS. PAINE, URAFTON & LAUD, Atlorneyaut-Law and Solicitor qf American and tbreipn Patents. Jfo. 412 Fltth Street, Wnnliintj-toii, r. C Practice Patent Law In all Its branches In the Patent Olllco, and In the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United mates. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp for postage. 3 A Great Cause of Human Misery Is the L.OHH ot A LECTURE ON THE NATUKE. TKEAT men t. and Hadlcal cure ot Seminal Weakness, or Hperniatorrhira, induced by Self Abuse, Involun tary Kminlssious, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generally; Con. sumption, Epilepsy, and Fits: Mental and I'll vh. leal Incapacity, etc. by KOBERT .T. CULVEK WELL. M. D.. author of the "Ureen Book." etc. The world-renowned author. In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from Ills own experience that the awful consequences of Keif-Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous sur glcal operations, bougies, Instruments, rings, or cordials: pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and elfectual. by which every sufferer, no mallei- what his condition mav be. may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. 9.Thls Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands and thousands. Kent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents or two pos'tane stamps. We have also a sure cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CULVER HELL MEDICAL CO., 40plj 41 Ann St., New York: P. O. Box, 4586. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL WILT, BE FOUND AT OUR NEW STORE-ROOM. F. MO It TIMER, Xew liloom field. Professional Cards. CIIAH.J.T.MdINTIHE, Attorney at Law, New llliinmneld, Perry oo., Pa. All professional business promptlyaudfaltl fully attended to. B 3 It JOHN OALVIN WALU8, Attorney at Law and District Attorney. New ItloomrtHd. Perry Co., Pa. MrOlllne over Mori liner's new store. All legal business promptly and carefully transacted. May 4, 1st". Jl, JUS KIN. Attorney at-Law, New llioomllelil. Perry eo., Pa. "Ofllue-4Woxtdoor to the residence of Judge Junklu. 46W JVRWtS l'OTTKK, ATT'OIIN KY AT LAW, NEW DI.OOMFIRLD, PERRY CO., PA. -()lalms promptly snoured oolleoled Wrltlngsaiid all legal business earefullyattend ed to. it yl CHARLES II.AMILKr, Attorney at Law." ' New Hlonmllelil, Perry Co. Pa. Olllce two doors east of Joseph Smith's hotel. August , 1H72. 1TM. A.BPONHf.EK, Attorney-at-Uw, Vy Odlce adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Bloomlleld, Perry oo., Pa. 8 2 ly WM. N. REIBERT. Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, I'erryco.,Pa. Illoomtleld, 8 331y. IKWIS POTTER. NOTARTPUBUO, New Bloom. A field. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Lesses carefully Erepared and acknowledgements taken. All Inds of Pension and Bounty papers drawn and certilled.wlll also take depositions to be reed la anyeourt In the United States. Tluly CIIA8. A. BARNKTT, Attorney-at-Law, New Rlonmneld.Perryoo.,Pa positethe Presliyterlan (jiiiirch nurmcenn nignireei, nonnsiue, nearly op iy ML. LIOUETT. ArroBxny-AT-Lsw, Newport, Perry Vounly. Pa. Having permanently located at Newport, will give prompt and careful attention to all busl ness matters nommltfed to his care. Olltce, No. o North Second Street. Newport, April 2t 1H7S. -11TM. A. MOItHISON, VV JUHTfCK OK THE PEACE and OENERAL COI.LKCTOK, NbwOrkmantowh. Perryoo.,Pa. -llsinlttanneswlllbe made promptly for all Collections made. 744 D K. It. M. ALEXANDER, SUJIGEOX DEXTIHT, New Bloomlleld, Perry County, Pa. Otlloe onCarllsle, Ht., dlrentlynppnslte the Pres. byterian Church. Everything belonging to the profession done In the best manner. a.Au. WoiiK Wakiiantkd. Terms moderate. 2s W. ROWE, M. D. Physician ami Hit recoil Dcnllsl. Otlloe near Blxler's Mills, where all professional business will he promptly attended to, Dental work of all kinds warraulediu price and quality. May 26. '80. ly. G RAND BOULEVARD HOTEL, turner 3tli fit. and llroadwar, WAV YOItlC. On Both American A European Plum. Prontlngon Central Park, the Grand Boule vard. Broadway and Fifty. Ninth Street, this Ho tel occupies the entire square, and was built and furnished at an fx peine of over ftno.oou. It is one of the most elegant as well as itnest located In the city ; has a passenger Elevator and all modern improvements, and Is within one square of the depots of the Sixth and Eighth Avenue Elevated It. H. Cars and still nearer to the Broad way cars convenient and accessible from all tiarts of the city. Kooms with board, 12 per day. Ipeclal rates for families and permanent guests. Aug. 24. 'eO ly) E. UASKELL, Proprietor. LIGHT-RUNNING PEOPLE'S Sowing Machine. Tho Feople'M Sewing Machine I, light running has simple tensions, a large, easily threaded shuttle winds the bobbin without running the works of the machine, and is so simple in its construction that it is easily understood. AGENTS WANTED Where our sewing machines are not repre sented, and we offer the most liberal induce ments. Send for Illustrated Circulars to the Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA. 13 tim ONLY S2D, for this style of PHILADEL PHIA SINGER. Equal to any Singer In the market. Remem ber, we send it to be exam ined before you pay for It. This is the same style other companies retail for SoO. All Machines warranted for three years. Send for our Illustrat ed Circular and Testimonials. CHARLES A. WOOD s CO.. 17 N. Tenth St., Philadelphia. Pa. J.- -1 JP ELASTIC TRUSS U fmd lisbrtat tnm .1 1 Mm b cap.hoiwlih 8.lf.AdjwU MllloOi Of tt body, w mm mcp pv I T-rtta 1 lTiWlffbl. ud rum trula. Ida mj, 4vnu.U 9 8t A F AXCV Goods and Notions, Soma new ar rivals. Cheap. r. MUK11MEK, 11 r VP WV I ft Bon't yon want somecheap a f n Wtan goods lor rm and Suits r lliLil 0 II Lull. If you do, don't fail to ex amine the splendid assortment for sale by F MORTIMER. Vou can suit yoursvltin style and price. Address w 13t tAr p "j jSEtlIIBLcjf UTId reply to the question, " what are the wild wave say lug V we would tuggest that It must be, " Come and tee us ueit summer, and don't forget we charge fourteen dollars a week for board." ItrOld Mrg. Walker was rending the market reports In a Charleston paper. "Cotton Is declining!" exclaimed the old lady. ' Well, I thought as much the last thread t used was remarkably feeble." ruYes, Slr," said Mr. Gallagher, 11 It was funny enough to make a donk ey laugh. I laughed till I cried." And then, as he saw the smile go round the room lie grew red In the face and went away mad. . B- . fjTBald IMIllngton, majestically', " we musn't be too hard on the young fellows, I suppose I was as big a fool as any of them when I Was young." " Xp" replied Fogg, " and you are not an old man now, Bllllngton." ty" What I want," said a very pom pous debater, "Is Just a grain of com mon sense hi this matter." "Well," retorted 'his opponent, quickly, "It will require the eiTorts of a special Prov idence to give It to you.'.' t3"An exchange prints an article headed "How Oilcloth is Made." We have read it through carefully, but have failed to find the Information we seek, which is how oilcloth Is always made so all 11 red cold to the bare feet. tA certain gentleman recently lost his wife, and a young miss of six, who came to the funeral, said to his little daughter of about the same age, " Your pa will marry again, won't he?" "Oh yes, but not until after the funeral." y" I'm sitting on the style, Mary," he warbled, as he unconsciously plank ed himself on her new white bonntt. " Oh, whisper- what thou feelest," she murmured, as she promptly introduced an inch and a half of shawl-pin through his epidermis. ty" I declare, John, I never saw such a inau I You are always getting some new wrinkle." And the brute calmly replied. " Matilda, you are not, thank fortune. If you had a new wrinkle you would not know where to put It dear." Carl Preitzel's Contemplations. Ofer it don't vas your brinclpal to pay der interest, it should been to your Interest to pay der brinclpal. Dere vas no " probability" about der vedder dls vlnder;it vas a cerdaindy sure. Dat vas much easier dot a camel could valk out mit a needle's eye as a man could lif by his mudder by law. " Der Lord sees all tings;" und it vas a consolin' thought to somo ob der poys dot der Lord don't Till tell. Home of our preacher shendlemans stbudy so much Edernidy about dot dey hafe no conceptions of present Time. Lliicqyo Tribune. Expected he would Speak. . A servant girl who lived with a lady In Edinburgh surprised her mistress by giving her warning. The lady inquired the cause, and found It was a sweet heart. " And who is the lad V Inquired the mistress. " Oh, he's a nice lad ; a lad that sits in the kirk Just foment me." "Are you sure be intends to marry you V " I dare say he does, mem." " Have you had much of each other's company yet?" "Not yet." "When did you converse with him last?" "Deed, we have not conversed any yet." " Then how should you suppose that he is going to marry you ?" "Oh," replied the Mmple girl, "he's been long looking at me, and I think he'll soon be speaking. " Improvement for Miad and Body. For genuine merit there is no tonic sold that begins to compare with Park, er's Ginger Tonic. One SO cent bottle contains more life and strength restoring power than a bushel of malt or a gallon of pure milk. As an appetizer, blood puritler and kidney correcter, it meets with astonishing success, and invalids find its use promptly followed by renew, ed energy and vivacity, mental and phys ical improvement, aud gradual rea to ra tion to perfect health, t?ee advertisement In another column. 14 lm