THE TIMES, NEW 11L00MF1EL1), TA. Al'ltlL 9, 1881. 8 Secrets of an old Trunk. TliB Tort JervU (N.Y.) Union says ; This town has just bad a sonsiitlou of an unusual nature, cruised by the fludlng of a fortune lu an old trunk recently by Mr. George E. Waters, a woll known business man, of the firm of Watera & Colo, pro. vision morohatits. Mr. Watera went to the garret of bla resldenoo to get some bed ulothlng which bad been stored away In au old trunk, and lu order to get them out quickly, kicked the trunk over, when a false bottom full out, revealing some pa pers. Uxnminatiun proved these patera to be a New York banker's securities for $0,000 worth of government bonda which had beeu placed In his bauds several years ngo. Mr. Watera also found title deeds to an old homestead property formerly belonging to his mother, located at Kings ton. No sooner hud he found the valua ble papers than he started for New York, where he found the bonds safe. With ac cumulated interest, the bonds are now worth 112,903. Mr. Waters Is a young man and was worth $20,000 before be made this lucky And. The trunk in which these securities were concealed belonged to Mr. Walter's father, who went to Cal ifornia when the gold fever first broke out und came home with a fortune in gold dust iu this trunk. Mr. Waters, sr., bas been , dead over six years, and It is believed that he put the papers in the false bottom of the trunk and forgot about them, as he did not refer to their existence In any of bis papers. A Scared Dutchman. A despatch from Muscatine, Iowa gives particulars of the trouble experienced by a fugitive from a constable's posse In Gosh en township a week ago Saturday night. About midnight on that night Constable Stafford and five others went to the house of Daniel Fobs, a newly-arrived German, to search for stolen goods which Fobs was charged with having received. Fobs, who does not understand a word of English, became terrified on the approach of the posse armed with guns and ran out in the snow barefooted and clad only in pants and 'drawers. He started on the snow across the prairie and the posse followed, firing three shots at the fugitive. He was chased a mile or more until he reached Cedar River. After running along the bank for a Bhort distance be plunged in and swam bci-osb. His pursuers, thinking he bad been swept under the ice, abandon ed the chase and went homo. Un Monday morning Foes was found clinging to a wire fence, up to his kuees in ice and wa ter. A warrant bas been sworn out against the officers for assault with intont to kill. The citizens of the vtciuity are greatly incensed-, and determined to punish the officers for their inhuman treatment of Foss. - - A Mixed Case. Gabriel Winter of Flushing, L. I., afcer duly executing his will fifty-one years ago, carefully pasted it between the cover and flyleaf of a copy of the Revised Statutes, informing no one of the fact, so that on bis death, thirty-odd years later, the most vigorous search failed to discover it. Meanwhile his wife, believing he bad made a will leaving her sole owner of the property, which was valued at more than a quarter of a million dollars, devised It at her death in a way to suit herself. But as the husband's will bad not been fouud, hers proved worthless, and administrators proceeded to distribute the property among the heiis-at-law ; and now, after these parties and purchasers from them have held their possessions for nearly twenty yoars, a son-in-law casually looking over the books in the library discovers the long lost will. The efl'ect of this on the present holders of the devised property we leave for the lawyers to decide, congratulating thfetn on the fine foraging-ground it offers them. tSPJoseph Hardiug, a tramp was arrest ed last Saturday at Wister'a furnace, hav ing with him at least six hundred pennies, two new suits of clothes and a bundle con taining new clothiug, a knife, a razor, la dies neckwear and silk handkerchief. The tramp stated at the time he had purchased the goods of another tramp at Millersburg. It was suspected that he had been connect ed in the robbery of a country store and he was commitcd to jail to await develop- ' ments. Yesterday Officer Morton, of Sunbury, who had seen an account of the arrest in the papers, arrived in . this city and identified the man as one of a gang who had robbed a country store about three miles from Sunbury. The officer stated that besides other goods the thieves had carried off about $33 in money. Officer Morton took the prisoner to Sun- ; bury Wednesday afternoon. Patriot. Grand Opening of the New Clothing House. lluvlnff oiiened with an entire new stock of MENS' lilA'S' and ClULDRliN 8 CLOTHING, We would Invite the Citizens of Bloomlleld aid surrounding country to call and Inspect onrBtoek wmcn comprises not atone r inn uinming out aiso a lull line of Business and Working Clolhini. We give you a (ew sample 1'rtces: Our 122.00 fine Dress Suits are superior to any- tiling mown nere. Our 118.00 Dress Suit Is a tine (English Worsted) Butt. Our 115.(0 Dress Suit Is a splendid Suit. Our12.Su Dress Suit must be seen to be appre ciates Our tit. 00 Dress Bulls are all wool, and rlrstclass. Our rr.50 Dres Suit Is a splendid Suit, well worth sio.tiu Thenars a'l welltnade and stylish cut. Clothing and will lit like made to measure. We niter a Work he Mult. Coat. Pants, and vest, or narti twisted worsted lor SS.OO This Is the cheapest Suit (or style ami durability In America. OVa CUSTOM BEPAETMENT tscomnoied of Ensllsh and French Bitltlims. and the best makes of American Goods which we will make to measure at a low Pries. We employ a good cutter and guarantee a perfect lit. We also keen a full line of Boys' and Children' ready made Clothing at a low price. Fashionable Men s aim Hoys' nais aim i;aps, line uenia- rur nlshlng Goods, Neck Wear, and Trunks and Valises, etc. Now we would sav we come to Newport to stay and make friends, therefore we Introduce noth ing but Honest (foods, which we are able to recommend. Monev refunded on all Goods not found as represented. Please call whether yon visn ro purenase or inr. we win do pieasou to see you. Notice name and location. D. GANBMAN, Merchant Tailor and Fashionable Clothier, COR. SECOND ST., and CENTRE 8U ARB. (J. W. Franks' old Hardware Stand,) NEWPOUT. PA. March 29, 1841. THE LARGEST DRY GOODS HOUSE IN You lever Seen As many Goods under one roof in any store in Terry County as we are displaying this opring. We Have 3Iore CLOTHING, Thau any other Store In the County. We Have More Boots and Shoes, Than any other Store in the County. We Have More . Than any other Store in the County. We Have More Hats, Caps, & Trunks, Than any other Store in the County. We Have More I dip?' & ftnnk' Fiipnisliiiiff Cnnds IJUUIUU IV UVlllO 1 Ul U1U11111 UUUUUi Than any other Store in the County. "We buy in large quantities, carry a better assortment, and sell cheaper than any other Store in the County. MARX DUKES & CO, EBY'S NEW BUILDINC, NEWPORT, PA. N 0TICET0 CONTRACTORS. CISNTltAX, PKNNBYLVANIA. aklngottr first Spring announcement to our patrons and the public, we would call attention to our Immense stockof DRY GOODS IN ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. CURES DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINTS, J5 HI IB T DISEASE (TRADE MAKE.) i JtifapepHa. Liver CUI1E3 ALL DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, KIDNEYS, SHIN, k . BLOOD. We have made great accession to our stork and with our Inoroased facilities for nnrchasimr ami freator outlet, we are enabled to ollnr unprecedented bargains. We hare many new things, In hole New Coloring. To these good wi have trimmings to match for Combination Suits. Wn also offer ereat. bargains In Ht'M M KM HI I, KM In all the new effects, and special Inducements In iilach. mi i.ittt, b 1 1 iis nuna ana uahh mkhkh. we win maintain our ions estanusned reputation for carrying the largest stock of MOUKNINU GOODS IN THId CfTY. (treat bargains In THIBET SHAWLS. HOSIERY, GLOVE and NOTION Department complete In every particular. No suoh assortment has tver Deen exhibited In Uarrlsburg. Uuaranteea KID ULOVEHa speolalty. An Inspection Is respectfully requested. 10 13t 1ST. i. I3XTVHT13ITV, 223 MARKET St., HAIIUISBURO, Pa. CURES . Disease, tever tft ) A a u e. Jiheum n- tism, Dropnyf Heart Dle8e, UiU iouaneas, Nervmia debility t etc. The Best REMEDY ENOW to ManI 11,000,000 Bottles SOLD S1NCE1 1870. This Syrup possesses Varied Properties. It Stimulates the Ptyallne In the ultra, which ttonverta ! Starch and fStiwar ortlie fbort into clncoir. A dell- ciwnt'jr In Ptyallna ckhhi Wind i souring ortnsraon in the stomacn fiioineistaicen immediately a the fermentation or food u p re nd If the medicine I taken Immediately after vented. It arts upon the TAvrr. It art upon the Kidneys. It Ileanlates tha iioweli. It l'urlflf the JHoorf. It Oubttfl the Nervous System It Promotes ZHftestlon. It KourinheD, Strengthens and Invigorates. It carries off the Oitl Blood and makes nettt It onens tlim nores of the skin and induces Healthy Perspiration. It neiitrnlliM.8 the hereditary tnlnt, or poison In the blood, which freneraUw Scrofula, JSry stuelaa. end all manner of skin diseases and Internal humors. There are no snlrits emnloved In Its manu facture, and It can betnken by the most deli cate babe, or by the nged and feeble, ears only being required In attention to directions. DRUGGISTS IT. Iiaboratory, 77 "West 3d Bt., SEW XOBKCITY. Liver niifl Kidney Diseases. MBciiANtcsnuRo, Cumberland Co., Fa. Dear Hih: This Is to certlfvthat your INDIAN HI. (MID 8YKUI has completely cured me of Liver and Kidney Dlseane, aftrr the doctors failed to give me relief. JAiMliS It. L.UUAS. Sure Cure for Dyspepsia. . Mbciunh.'SIiuhg, Cumberland Cr, Pa. DBA ll Sin: I was sutterlnir with Dvsnensla. nan xevere nuniing at me pic oi my Biomacii, with Nauseating HHiisatlou. dullness of soliits. headache and general languor.and the use of your inuiAB ni.uuu oxuur euureiy cured me. . it. ini nui.E. Liver Complaint. YEUiEiirowN, Mlfllln Co., Fa. De.ab Sin: T have used your eicellent INDIAN RI.OOI) HYKUP for Liver Uomnialiit. and have lound It to be lust a recommended. I would en courage all to use It. Never Fails to Cure. .1'EAOKitTOWN, Mlfllln Co., Fa. DrarSih: Myself and daughter were afflicted with an Affection of the Eve and the use of your great Indian 1U.OU1) BYKur enectuauy curea us. after having tried various medicines without etieci. nfcuniAA o. aiciyai.ii-d. An Excellent Remedy. I'EAGimrowN, Mlfllln Co., Pa. Dr.Mi HiR: Having thoroughly tested the mer its of your INDIAN BLOOD HYKUF, lam satis- nea mat it is a vaiuaoie menicine. H. It. UHACKIN. Greatly Ilcneflted. Mann's Axb FAOTOHT.MIIllln Co , Pa. Dear Hih: I do hereby certify that vour relia ble INDIAN BLOOD 8YKUP has done me much good. Any one desiring to know the merits of inenvrup, ana now i nave ueen Denenten, cau address Mils. KACULU KOWK. A Splendid Blood Turiner. CakhU'K Fuknack, Franklin Co., Pa. Dkar Sir: This Isto certify that vour INDIAN BLOOD HVRUt ha cured my little girl of Hcrof ula. I can recommend It to be an excellent blood further. a. J. MUltfUY. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 35 North 3rd Street, HARRISBURG, Pa. New Goods to Trim Dresses. Bright Plaids at 12 cents, to trim u cent Uress uoous. Tlaids and Roman Stripes at 20, 25, 33, 37 and 50, 'to trim Dress Goods at 12, 18, 19, 2-, and 33c. Trimming Silks at 55, 75, 87 cents, and $1.00. Trimming Satins at 87 cents, and $1,00. f.iiiui: AWNoitTui:!' ov iki;sm UIXUIIAJTIS. Write to us for Samples. - . DIVES, POMEROY fe 8TEWAET, MU. OILCLOTHS. For Kidney Diseases. Carrick Furnacb, Franklin Co., Pa. DEAnSiR: I have used your excellent INDIAN BLOOD MVKUP for Kidney Complaint and I'aln In the Hack, and my wife has used it for Palo lu the Hide, aim it eiiacrnaiiy curea us Dotn. en a. ai raua. bi. i;iaik. Diseases of the Lungs. Sbaron, Mercer county, Pa. DkarHir: I was afflicted with Lunar and Heart Disease, and have leceiveu niucn Denellt by use of your ihdiain uLuiuiBrnur. us ruA&si, the behllt therefion. JOHN UUUNS. A Lucky Purchase. An old book-case was sold at auction iu East Kallowtield towu8hlp,Cbester county, last week for a trifling sum, and after the purchaser bad taken it home a secret drawer was discovered which contained 147 old coins, 18o copper and 12 silver. Bever- ' several of the pieces are very rare, and valued highly by numismatists. Healed proposals will be received until April 2i')il at li o'clock, noon, bv the Building Com. mltteeol the Land sours Chance OI lueitoformed Church, to rebuild their Parsonage. Bids are solicited tor doing the work lu parts, or entire. The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Plans and speciti cations can be sees, and all necessary Information obtained by calling on the uuaersigneu at i.anuistmrg, i-rrry oouniy, ta. HUNRV IUNK8M1T1I, Chairman. H. T. pp.ikoi.kk, secretary. April 12. mi. XpSTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given I1i that let'em of Administration Cum DMa. mento Annero have been granted on the estate of Catherine Kline, late of the Borough of Marys vllle, Perry county. Pa., deceased, by Register of said county, to Jacob Kline, residing In said Bor ough of Marysville. Alt nnrtunia indebted to said estate are reauestd to make Immediate payment and those having eiaiuis, to present mem lor wiiimiiniu. JACOB KLINE. Lewis Pottfr, Atl'y. AiliuluUi rator. March, , 1SS1. CARPETS. 1866. The New Harrisburg 1QQ1 CARPET HOUSE. IOOI. No. Ill MARKET STREET, (Patterson's Old Stand.) Has just opened at theabove place with an entire new 8tock of BODY BRUSSHLR, TAPESTRY HHUH8ELS, INORAIN CARPETS, all grades. A full line of STRAW MATTING Just opened, HALL and STAIR CARPETS OIL CLOTHS or all kinds and widths. All goods guaranteed as represented, and sold at LOWEST CASH PRICES. Our motto being as ever, "Reliable Uoods at Reliable Prices." 14 13t No. Ill Market Street, Uarrlsburg. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! 1881 SPRING OPENING! 1881 We desire to speak to the citizens of Bloomlleld and surrounding country on the subject of Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Wall Papers, and point out a few facts why you should deal with us. HEDAU8E you can be suited In any kind of goods named above out of a great assortment. HKCAtJHK our stock Is complete and fall in all departments. HKCAUBE you are afforded the pleasure of a superior choice at the lowest possible prices. WWII A wa final with vnll irlVA vmi nil vnn nnn nalr fnr Hia mnnair. ah In inur free of charge, and strive to please and protlt you. We therefore ask an Inspection of our Body and Tapestry Brussels, Ingrain and 3-Ply Carpets, Hall and siair, Jienip anu nag carpets, by 11 our old customers and all new ones who will give bs the chance to prove what we assert above. OUP RIO CARPETS are made under our immediate dlrectlou. on our own looms, and we ciaim for ilium a Superiority ttupassed by none lu the State. CARPET RACS taken tn exchange for goods, and Carpets made to order. Manv Novelties In our Wall Paner Departments. Window Shades and Material for Lnmbreouin. and Furniture Coverings, with Cords, Fringes, and Ulmps to match. LINOLEUM, an article sunerlor to Oil Cloth for kitchens, dlnlnz rooms, halls and vesti bules, public unices, and banks. A complete stock throughout, the equal of which has not been opened before by us. Asaln we request a call from you and your friends, feeling that you will be instilled in the doinz thereof. Respectfully yours, STEPHENS & BEETEM, 21 East Main Street, CARLISLE, Penn'a. 11 3m Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Siiahom, Mercer county, Pa. Dear Bib: I have used your INDIAN BLOOD HYitur lor uyHpepsia, wiin very Denenciai re sults, and cau recoinmena to an siiniiariyatnctea. M153 CLAUtt.. Kidney Disease. NoimiuMniHLAND, Northumberland Co., Fa. Dear Bib: I have used your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP for Kidney Complaint, and received great DOAVN LOWER TIXAJNT EVER. 1881 Carpets for Spring Trade. 1881 LOOK AT THE PRICES! Tap Brussels from 85 cents to $1.10, Body Brussels from $1.50 to $1.05, Ingrain iroiu iu cents to ?i, uegi. All other gooda in proportion. Now ia the time to get the first selection of the New Stock. We have More Carpets and More Patterns than all the other Garnet Houses in this city. Call and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show Goods. Quick Hales and Small Profits. SAJMTJEL ADAMS, Opera House Carpet Btore, 31 N. Third Street, IIAURISBUllG, PEIVIV'A. 9 3ui Cures Ague. Noutuujjiiehland, Northumberland Co., Pa. DsahSir': The use of vour reliable INDIAN BLOOD 81 ItllP has completely cured me of Pever and Ague. DANIEL MILLKK. Liver and Kidney Disease. Bunburt, Northumberland Co., Pa. Dear Hih: This Is to certifv that vour valna. blelNDIAN 11LOOD NY HUP has entirely cured uo ui uiui ana ivmuey uisease. Ctf A3. PELTON. For Biliousness. Hyde Pahk, Lackawanna Co.. Pa. Deab Sir: I was troubled with Bilious C'om P'alnt and the use of your INDIAN BLOOD uihva cucvtuaiij uuicu inn, t JOHN N. WILLIAMS. Dyspepsia Cured. Hydl Park, Lackawanna Co.. Pa. Dear Sir: Your great INDIAN BLOOD SYR- x iiuo emeu uiv ui isjspepaia, MRS. 8. B. ADKINS. Notice to Taxpayers. NOTICE Is bereby given that the Appeal based on IheHpring changes of IXil will oe held In the County Commissioners' Ollice, lu Bloomlleld, as follows: For the Boroughs of Duncannon, Liverpool, Marysville, Newport and New Buffalo, and the Townships of Buffalo, (ireenwood, Howe, Liver pool, Miller. Oliver. Penn, Rye, Watts and Wheat held, on TUESDAY the 3d day of May. 1881. Por the Boroughs of Blaln, Bloomrield and Landis burg, and the Townships of Carroll, Centre, Jack son, Juniata, Madlsoa, Handy Hill, Haville.Hprlng, Toboyne, Tuscarora and Tyrone, on WEDNES DAY the 4th day of May, 1881, where and at which times all persons feeling aggrieved will be heard bv the Commissioners and Assessors of the several districts. J. W. t.ANTT, JNO. W.CHARLKS. HENRY bHUMAKKR. County Coinmisuiouers. 4ejf(: Calvin Nkilson, Clerk. April 4, 1881. UCATTV'C ORGANS. 17 Stops, 18et golden Dun I I I O tongue Heeds only Go. Address DANIEL P. BEATTY, Washington, N. J. 15d4t o It, CLOTHS for Floors, Carriages and Tables. Prices low. F. MORTIMER. JOB PRINTING of every description neatly and promptly exeeuted at Reasonable Kale ai lue Bioouineiu Atiiieaoieaiuiruu vniuv. ACENTS WANTED OUICK to take or. dei s lor tlin cheapest, mostcouipleie aud accurate edition oi the REVISED NFW TESTAMENT and Full History of Its Revision. Now readv for Agents. Most desirable edition, low priced. Agents report Immense success, even to 50 orders per day. This is a rare chance. Par ticulars free. On lot 60c. Act quick. Address HUBBARD BRO&, Pubs., 723 Chestnut St , Phil adelphia, Pa I5d4t E9TATK NOTICE. Not Ice Is herebygtven that letters testamentary on the last will and testament of Christian Korrer. deceased, lare of Carroll township. Perry county, Pa., have been grauled to the undersigned, residing in same township. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and thnsehavlug claims to present themduly authenticated for set tlement JOHN FIOHEY. MARTIN F. FORRER. ESTATK NOT1CK. Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate ol John Smith, lateof Carroll twp., Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing at Hhermansdale, Perry Co., Pa. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present theui duly authenticated for settlement to CVRCS W. SMITH , April 5. ISM Administrator. 0