0 THK TIJWKS, NKVV BLOOM FIK1J), PA. AWUL 19, 1881. loomficlir imts. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. Controlling Vicious Horse. A new and very simple method of training vicious horses was exhibited In West Philadelphia recently, and the manner In which some of the wildest horses were subdued was astonishing. The first trial was that of a kicking or "bucking" mare, which her owner said had allowed no rider on her back for a period of at least Ave years. She be. came tame In about so many minutes, and allowed herself to be ridden about without a sign of her former wlldness. The means by which the result was ac complished was by a piece of light rope which was passed around the front jaw of the mare just above the upper teeth, crossed in her mouth and thence secur ed back of her neck. It was claimed that no horse will kick or jump when thus secured, and that a "bucking" horse after receiving the treatment a few times, will abandon his vicious ways forever. A very simple method was also shown by which a kicking horse could be shod. It consisted in connect ing the animal's head and tail by means of a rope fastened to the tall and then to the bit, and then drawn tightly enough to incline the animal's head to one side. This, it is claimed, makes it absolutely impossible for the horse to kick on the side of the rope. At the same exhibition, a horse, which for nany years had to be bound on the ground to be shod, suffered the black smith to operate on him without at tempting to kick while secured in the manner described. Lebanon Courier. Cheap and Tasteful Furnishings. A woman of good taste and judgment such as can only be obtained by experi ence and observation, says that if you wish your home to look well and peat, and at the same time exercise economy, you should buy everything of the simplest sort ; get your stone china of the plainest shapes, eschew acorn tops for your sugar bowl, and scroll handles for your tureens, and figured borders for your plates. - Qet straight-legged chairs with as little moulding as the makers allow, buy your carpets and lounges of small and modest figuring, don't get that vivid crimson carpet because it "looks warm," or "you have an eye for color," or that red and white or the green and white pattern, because it is the last out. Take the oldest, cheapest and best thing in the shop, if it is in taste and will look well with the rest of your belongings. 80 many old styles are coming up again that yours will have a chance of being modish any day, and if they suit each other they will please, no matter how old fashioned they may be; and if they are good and plain they will look well long after the gay things have become tiresome and shabby. People who have plenty of money need pay no attention to these hints, tbey can indulge their fancy in bright colors and filagree work one year, and replace with Eastlake solidity the next year. - .paj - CSfWheu a horse is uneasy and suf fers and turns around his nose to his flanks, he is troubled with indigestion and this also effects the kidneys. When a horse is not working, good hay is sufficient without corn, and too much corn will then be apt to cause trouble, The remedy for such trouble is to lessen the grain if he is in good condition, give a pint ef linseed-oil, and repeat the next day. Then give a. dram each of ground ginger and carbonate of soda twice a day In some bran and cut bay wetted, r in a bran mash. A7! Y. Time. tySunflower seed is recommended as food for poultry. It gives a glossy appearance to the plumage. It is excel lent for stimulating the production of eggs, and fowls are fond of It. A Rus sian variety has been lately introduced into this country which is remarkable for the size of Its flower. Specimens of it exhibited in Philadelphia measured eighteen to twenty inches in diameter. (3" A lady who has raised a large number of hens says that after vainly trying the recommended remedies for lice she has hit upon the plan of giving them once or twice a week a large loaf made of Graham flour in which a handful of sulphur has been mixed. The hens like It, and are freed from lice, and kept healthy through the season. The Height of Folly. To wait until you are down on your bed with disease you may not get over for months, is the height of folly, when you might be easily cured during the early symptoms by using Parker's Gin ger Toulo. It costs only a trifle, can never do any barm, and possesses cura tive properties in the highest degree. We have known the palest, sickliest looking men, women and children be come the rosiest and healthiest, Irom the timely use of this pure family medicine. Meeadver. In another column. 14 ltu Great and Special vflcr lor Thirty Days Only! HORACE WATERS & CO.'S New "FAVORITE" Organ, &nn Boxed and Shipped with Stool and Book for $J W U 5 OCTAVES, 13 STOPS, (ill of prisUen! mo,) 5 SETS OF REEDS, miking a grniiri total of j t uciHTua 01 ruinii.j B& Solo slops TWO SWELLS (full organ Slid knee ewelll,) , OCTAVE -COUPLER, (which doubles the power,) SUB-BASS, Bent fin trlnl fur IK dsys, nmt freight paid both wnjj If uol satis factory. CAUTION-M Organ advertised tlvo H8 of reeds unless U lias IT octaves i f lived. Illustrntod C:it:;-u i mailed free. PIANOS or. ftltMftnd&Vfltrirtlfiir Olilv HORACE WATERS &CO., Meutior till uier. THE CREAT JtUHLIXGTON ROUTE. t3ffNo other lino run Throe Through Pbs. eoniror Trains Unlly botwecn ClilcnRO, 1p Moines, Council LI11IT3, Omnhn, Lincoln. 8t. Joseph, Atchison, Topckn nnd Ransns City. Direct connections for nil points In Knnsns, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montnnn, Ne vada. Now Mexico, Arizona, lduho, Oregon and California. Tho Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Comforta blo Route via Hunnlhi.l to Fort Scott, Denison, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Galves ton nnd nil points in Texas. Tho unequnled Inducements offered by this Line to Travelers nnd Tourists, are as follows: Tho celebrated Pullman (l-whecl) Piilaco Sleeping Cars, run only on this I, Inc. C, II. & 8. Palaco Drnwlng-Tlootrt Cars, with Horton's ecllninK Chairs. No extra chanro for Seats in Kocllnlnfr Chairs. Tho famous C. n. & Q. Palace Dluina: (,'nrs. Oorpreous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant Ilinh-linckcd Kattnn Ite volvlnit Chairs for tho exclusive uso ot flrst class passengers. Steel Track and Superior Foulpment. com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, above nil others, the favorite Houto to tho South, 8outh-Wcst, and tho Fur West. Try it, nnd you will find traveling a luxury Instead of n discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celehrnted Line for sale at all olliccs in tho United States and Canada. All Information about Itntes of Faro, Sleep ing Car Accommodations, Time Tables, &c, will be cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. BTCAN. Oen'l Eastern Agent, UOtl Washington St., Doston, Mnsg. and ;I17 llroadwuy, New York. JAMES K. Wnon. (Jen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. T. J. POTTKU, Gen. Manager, Chicugo. March 15,1881 lOt THIEVES AM) DETECTIVES ! By ALLAN PINKERTON, the (treatest living imtecuve. a thrilling ana la'cinatiiig uook, irom private tecoros never oeiore puwii'iieii Send for circular and terms. Agents wanted. l.idlt 11. W. KKLLV, Philadelphia. Pa. The Kelish of the World ! Halford Sauce SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. Tid4w MADAME GRISWOLD'S PATENT SKIUT-8UPP0HTINO CORSETS have booni the favor its of theatre: sombin ina etmt fort and health' with eiesanoe of form to m remarkable degree, and are mgniy enaorBta by nhnicians. Thev received I the Himhmt Award at Uie Oentenninl KzDosition. Price 1,60 and npwards Z.ady Canvassers Wanted everywhere. Theee ooraeU are not sold to merchants. Kxclu8iv territory Riven. Agents make this a Perma nent and Profitable busioena. Head lor terms to Mme. imswoLD A Co., &23 K roadway, N. Y.,or to Oeneral Western Ant. J. 1(. Wysant 4 Co.. Fradonia, W.Y., O.B. Putnam. J2t State Street, Chicago, 111. 13d4t Recent Travels and Explorations In KlHt.K LANDS, consisting of Sketches written from personal observations; giving results of recent researches In the East, and tue recovery of many piaces In Sacred History long cons dered lost. Latest, Cheapest, and most attractive book on the Holy Land. Klchly Illustrated with New Maps and IliS beautiful Kngravlngs. A splendid chance for good fluents. Address, PH1LIPH & Jiurii, two Biouoway, new ioir. AGENTS I AEIVTS ! AIJ!;TS JOHN B. OUUOII'8 bnn' sew book, just jnMuM. rimilrd sunlight and U th betl ctumc vr offtrrd to you. lta Hcrnm an: drawn tu criauo vr offtrrd to you. lti Hcrnm an art l bright and atiatiy iltlct of rmal lJet mid portru.ia . John li. (ion fjli Irom UM Dm ui ana aiiatiy ildca of rmal lye, tuid uuty can portray them. For Pathoa, Humor, and foiVnoc inifrft, It la w inioui a peer, li la tnc "Ixkhhik mwA' fnr Aum. rnu otit all other 10 to 1. 8Hh thmiMi in vn . Vt vnita wanted. mn and woman. Now l thti lltn . ' - 'iWiwitf Tim lor and ifimcml 7Vru Kiven. UfSttui iur (. dilreM A IK V Olt l UlAii i OS i CO., I'uU., liarllurd, tuua f 010. 0K MEDAL AWARDED t M Aulnor. A likKinrl ifn.nl 1 tr.nl Work,warranUtd tli lioat and tjueapeht, tnaitntaliiaU every luan,mtalMiMthtiMoienc0of l.if or.Klf Fracerratioq ; t round in flnt Krtsnnb niuahn, emtruaad, lull ailt.HU) pp.cunUina tmituUful tM)l ntrrat inua, Vi& iii-fHuriu- tiona, pne only VtStTjaeiit hf mailt illuatrtHlAtiitle,cenlat d mw,Addra i'naUidy Mtd- IKI1W THYPTP lllMiitutiir lr.W.H PAli. V II U VUU4 I K KU, No. 4 liulflib at, Uoaton. I5d4t It :?;fT-?" ff s y -.1, iw,. .... Jl : :,'J.if!,JPji:;l!!:.ii!ill.:' M1: i . 1: upwufxi rnni'. enrrm h'ith, ivrj V-JJ ISf i n .1 This Great and Bneelul efiVr la on one of the hndfomrt Btd mcift runiiilrtn Ort nna lit our vuiaiogue. The CASK 1 kimii Wil.MT, WELL 111)11 JINI1 uiuiii.T riMianan. and tho tfKiS 10NE la muii audawrrr Hill HIIAT tAKIftll mid rowan. The thirteen Stop nro! l)lapann, Dnlrlnna Principal, II mil buy, Milto.Clarloiiat.CelfHln, Octavo -Coupler, Hub Ums, Kcbo, luilrrt. Vox llnmauaand Lubrillant We warrant Itala Oman la ba flrat rluaa In every rea per I , tiud guarantee It for rtx year to give entire allafactiou. It Is tie Greatest Bargain e?cr Offered. Hut of a rellnble honse 1IOMACK WATKIIM Lite now been In busi ness for TiunTT-rivi Jnnra and aold nearly 4),HM Pianos and Orguits, nnd nil iv lllff aallaluellon. i ...... 1..,-. full Ini.irovuuiouU, with etoul, cover and book, sunt ylOU 1. uminnuiiK " li: lull Manufacturers and Dealers, btfU llrunUwuy, New a oi k. THE Chicago & North-Western ItAILAVAY Is the OJUest, BeM. Constructed, Best Etiulpped, ana nence me LEADINC RAILWAY -OFTHE- U I.ST and AOltTJIU 1:1. It Is the short and bust route between Chicago and ail points 111 Northern Illinois. Iowa, Utknta. Wjoinlng. N braka. Calllornla. Oregon. Arizona. Utah, Col orado, Idaho, Moulaiio, Nevada, aud I01 Council Bluffs, Omaha, Denver, leadville, Sa:t Laue, San rrancisco, Sean wood, Sious City, Cedar Kaplds. l)es Moines, Columbus aud all liol 11 is 111 cut Territories, and tue aim, tor Milwaukee, ureen Hay. OsliKotn, BiieuoyRan, Maniuette. Koud du Lao, Waiertown, HoimliUin, Necnali. Menasha.Ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Km no, KIsinarcK, Winona. LaCrosse, Owatimna. an I all points In Minnesota, i akota, wisuonsin auu me nonnwesi. At Council Blulfi the Trains of the Clilcaao& Norlh-NVeslern and the U. P. K'vs deiiart from. arrive at, and use the same J ilut Union Depot. AtChlcaao. close eonnectlniM are made with the Lake Same, Michigan Uentinl, lUlllmoie St Ohio. Kr. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and CIiIchro A (J rand Trunk K'js, and the Kuukakee aud Pau iiamue it 'uies. Close connections made at Junction Points. It Is lha ONLY LINE running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN CHICAGO and COUNCIL BLUFFS Pullman SlecjKrs on all Night Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents Srlllng 7011 Tickets via I his road. Kxamine your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read ovei t lie Ohioagodi North-Western Kaltway. If jouwifhtlie Best Traveling Accommoda tions you will buv your Tickets by this route, AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHEH. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. 15 MARVIN HUGH1TT. 2d V. P. Si Ueu'l Manu'r, CtuoaUO, 111. STARTLBNG DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vintim of youlhfnl imprudence caiiHin Prema ture Decay, Kervoua Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., having trifd in vain every known remedy, has dis covert d a simple self cure, which he will eem FRKE to hif ft'llow-HUtterers, addresa J, 11. BfcEYi:, 43 I'liuthum Nt.t N. V. 6Bly $2 Wtchfi, hiem wlnrlert3.fl0. Wtiftemolril llantlnCaM $5. ImitAlluti KoltllC boll.lKoltUIX ChMpeil nd beat for your own u or p(-iilHllva nrfKtf ViIiiadIo mt aljtfuufi, TUOVltrOJiACo., 13.auauSt. XowYurk. ' 6Bly DR. HUTCHINSON'S IVORM DESTROYER AnCMclandTrledKemei. JtmwvfstheWormt and the accretions thai keep Vutn alive. We guarantee lis virtue. We have hundreds of Testimonials, col lected In the last 16 years, proving conclusively there is no remedy equal to lr. HutcUliisoii'a Worm BentTojrer to remove the Worms (all kindB, Bound, Seal, Lung, and Tape), that infext the human system. Physlciam buy than and give them to their suffering patients. There is no humbug or quackery about this thoroughly reliable medicine. Price, Siio. per box. A. W.WRIGHT & CO.. Wholesale Drurglits, Market and Front Streets, Philadelphia. February 15. 1861 Sm a (K4 A Outfit tnriiiHhfd free, with full iuntmction for V I M c)nilit(!thiK the nuwt prtitulle btiHiutH thut V V anyone can eiiKatf" in. The bun! lit a in eauy to lfrn, and nnr inntructioiiH no Bitiiple and pluln. that any auecau niaki' Krt at protAtx from the very htart. No ouh rAku mil wm ih willing 1 1 work. tmten are nw sue CfBHilll an Ilimi. Htivaand irirlH run f-nm lnttrA nm Many Imve madt at thu hitrdnoHa over oiih huudrrd aoiiarainaHMiKit wees. noUtinir like it ever kuow before. All who PiiKitu-e ave HiirnriKed at the pahh an ruphlitv with which they are utile to make mouer. Vou uuu viiKavt4 ut tliia buMiueHH duiing-your a pure time at (jiMii-iiiMi, i uii lint nam ui invfHt CHniiai ID IS. We-Uke-Hll the lltk. ThoHe who neetl rt-utlv lllf HIV V - Hhoiild writ Ui n at once. All furuiahed free. Add reus accents Vor GOLDEN DAWN or Light on the (ireat. Future In this Ufe thronch the D.ii'tt Valley and In the Life Kternal. 1LLUS- XUA l fcu. bens last, rays over $100 A Month for Agents. Bend for elroiilar and term. Also send address of two or more book aiienls and M cents for eost of mallliiK. ard receive the people's Magazine of cliotce hleialiire free for 6 (nonllis. Address, r. w. uuibuii et tu,, via a run oireei, i una delphta, 1'a. Meowly Newport Advortisemonts. JEWPORT DRUG STORE. Hvlnon htnd complete assortment of the fob lowluu srtlolM, the subsorlber asks a sksrsof year rtrone, Druga and Medicines, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS, Also a full stock of Concentrated Eomociles, KSSKNTIAL, OILS. Crushes, rerfumery IIAIH OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also alwayi on Hand PUKE WINES & LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL and BACH AMENTA L rUKPOSEU PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefblly and Promptly filled B. M . EBY, Newport, Penn'a. ii. s. COOK & CO., ARree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers In this con nly. We will also take Kood Tiinberon the stump or delivered at our Mill In exchange for Lumber, &o, We use Clearlleld fine and Uem. ockouly. W. B. 8. COOK CO., Kewport, Perry Co., Pa. October 10, 1878. JONES' BROS, & CO., ( Formerly John Jones A Son.) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry County, Pa, WE would respectfully Invite tbe patronage of the farmers, and the publie generally, as the HIOHEHT ntlCEH the market will afford, will be paid for all kinds of GRAIN, FLOUK, PRODUCE HEEDS AND KAILKOAD TIES We have constantly on hand, PISH, SALT, PLA8TEK, CEMENT" COAL, IKON. STEEL, HORSE SHOES. &e.,ftc FOR BALE AT THE LOWEST KATES. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1876 tf J B. HARTZELL, . Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, Wright's Building, NKWPOItT, PA. Sole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos, -Country Merchants supplied wltb Goods at ruiiauoiyuia prices. tw Your orders are solicited . 9 44 B. HIMES, Fire Insurance Agent. . OFFICE: South East Corner Market Square, NEWPORT, PENN'A. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES written In Hrst class companies on all kinds of Insurable proper ty, at fair rates, and losses honorably adjusted auu proinpiiy paia. uorrespouuence solicited. Companies Represented : itttna.of Hartford, Assets, lajflO.nno. Commercial Union, " MW.ouo. nrc Association, rnu a., " S,778,U0U. B. HIMES, Agent. March 11, 1880 ly PENSIONS ARC PAID Trr lolditr aiiaM.d la lino ii f duly , by aevttleftt ur uthrinie. A WOI M ofaiiy kind, lo ut ir.Kvr.tM or vyts HVlTVUK if but .li"tt,Uu uu ef Lmhc ut uric e Vein ftiT a lntiion. I udor new law Iheusaudi &r ruuuva to an ineronM of iivaoion. Kluwi.oriihanauid iltftdtnt fftthvrs or not hurt of miaitrt hn dlrdi th army t a penal tmt ItOl'NX li rtiHrfta for wouud, initiriva or niptitr, 5tvfti1l bounty. Bend auaii tor ootj iiata ami lUmnty Aoia, AUUr- P. H. Ftiarnld A Cp- Aivnta, IndiKiihi uha. V-farlo V.A.W.lUvU. l'ra't lnNtia Ruikin Co., and K. V. KriiitVilv. I'rvn'l ('ulr,l Hunk. bulU ( lukitaaufulia. aiu liuft Feb. 1 l81-3ra A M OM1K Clot In and other Dress Hoods to va rious ityles. K MORTIMER Books! Books! Gift Boohs, Children Books, Blank Books, School Books, Billies ! Testaments ! And all Kinds of Books AT BBACIVS Book & JJirug Store. Stationery at Wholesale or Eetail y Subscriptions taken for all Ncw- papera and MagRzlnes. E. C. BEACH, Newport, Penn'a. November 18, 1879 A UCTIONEEES. J AS. P. LATCHF0RD, A UC TIO N E E li , Wmillt IWfllwnirillltt lnrn.m 1. - . 1. 1 1 - 11.-. . w 11 cry sales at reasonable prices. All orders will receive pronint attention. ruvniiiJiLfS BUL.L.H, fKKRY CO., PA. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, OfTers hls services to the citizens of Terry and Cumberland counties. Post ofllce address' Diierinausuaie, l erryco., ra. Anctioneer. The underslirtid notlcethat he wlllcrysales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and prompttttteatiouwlllbeelven. J. 1). WCLJiH, Mew Buffalo Perrvcc.Pa Q B. HARNISH, AUCTIONEEK, Dfllvlllfl. Pflrnr Cn Tn niorasmAiiAu BatlHfactlou guaranteed. 6tf JJAVIDM'COY, AUCTIONEEK, ICJtESBURG, PERRY COUNTY, PA. HKxnr obi,, w AUCTIONEER, Would respect fully inioim the citizens of Perry vouniy mat lie iu cry sales at short botlre. aixl at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. JW Address II kr v Km T ..I. . --"" 1.1.1 .PEDVUI H, X 11 KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. It Is sure to cure Spavins, Splints Curb, dc. It removes all unnatural enlargements. joes not blister. Has no equal lor any lameness on beast or man. It has cured hip-loint lame ness in a person who had suffered IS tears. Alsoeured iheuniatiion enrns frost bites, or any bruises, cut or lameness. It has no equal for blemish on horses, fend for Il lustrated circular giving positive proof. Priee one dollar. All Druggist I ave It or can get for you. Dr. B. J. Kendall ii Co., Pros.,Enoskurith. Falls, Vermont. HARRIS & EWINfi, Agents. Pittsburgh,' Pa. NOTICE! THE undersigned would respectfully eall the attention of the citizens of Perry county, that he has a large and well selected stoek of - HARDWARE. GKOCKKIES. DRUGS. WINES & LIQUORS, I RUN. NAILS, HORSE and MULE SHOES, STEEL. IRON AXLES, SPRINGS, SPOKES, HUBS. FELLOES. SHAFTS. POLES & BOWS. BROOM HANDLES, WIRE. TWINE8,e. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Glass, Plaster, and Cement. SOLE, CALF, KIP and CPPEE LEATHER, FISH. SALT. 8UG ARS, SYRUPS. TEA8.8PICES. TOBACCO, CIGARS, aud SMITH COAL. John Lucas & Co's.. MIXED FAINTS, . (ready for use.) The best is the CHEAPEST. And a large variety of goods notmentloned. all of which were bouuht at the Lowest Cash Prices, and he offers the same to his Tatrons at Uie Very Lowest Prices lor Cash or 'approved trade. His motto I-ow prices, aud Fair dealings to all. Go and see him. Respectfully, 8. M. 8HULEK. Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. jK p Outnt sent free to three who wish toenrsgre in tbe Nr-lm.wt i!-.Niiit slid profitable 'bnmue kuowa. Srw E very Uiiuir new. Citl uot rmulriU.' W. will fumiBh yon every-tnlus-. la a dy sod upward. t esitily msde without HUytiiff aw.y from hoiu. uvtr iiiKht. No rink whatever. Many uw wurkere wantt d at iihcc. Many are makiUK fortuuw. at th. tm.iur.. iAilif. make a. much aa ruu, au4 youn boys aud r'irla make yreat pay. Noont who ia wUlmff to work alia to uiak. inure money .very day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. " Thoa. who emraKe at once will hiul a .hurt has to fortuaa. Ad ilraaali. UALLK'l' A CO., Porllaud. al.iae. 1 ), EstTATK NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that letters testamenlary on the estate of busau Rice, late of kUdlnou township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing In the same township. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will preseul them duly authenticated for settlement to 8 A HAH RICE. January 18. 1S81 tit ' tixecuti Ix. AG ENTS WANTED for the lieit and fastest sell, lug Pictorial Hooks and Kihlea. 1 Prices reduc ed S.H ner eeul. National Publishing Co., Phila delphia, Pa. 9a3ai 1 ''"Wlw