The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, April 12, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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    , '
On and ftr Mnnrtny, Jan. 17tU, MM, Passenger
Trains will ruu loiiuwa ,
Mffl. J'ns Mill
Aoo. Ci. Tr'u
A.M. P.M. P V,
.(H i.M 7.n
t.w l ot t in
it II. u
I.N 11.44 4
7.47 11.88 .8
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11.11 1.17
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II w
A. M
7. 80
4. fti
I. It
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1. 11
I 44
80 11.19
IMI 11.11
1.00 ll.4
I. Hi
iu i n i in
Litwlntiiwu J.
I 16
i on iM lot IMTTBIURUM.
Hr"PaHfl.cKipress Tfwl will stop It nmicsnnOH al
4 4o ami itt Nuwport at t.ll a. ui., wumi flavirtKl. .
l4r(lnliiK WHt,tha Way Panafiiwr leave Harris
barn Dally Miautlinr tralna Dally eicppl Sunday.
Fan! line West, dally, atoppliipr ou Bvnoat ontr, at
Bunrammn 4.US, Newport, 4.6 P. M
Pacini) Kant nun dally except Monday, at'ipplnif
whi'a flat-it. il, at Newnort, 11.97 A. M lluncauupn
11.47, arrlvluv at Philadelphia at 1.45 P. M.
Don't Forget, If you desire to change
your poBt oflloe to send the old address
as well ob the new one.
Uriel' Item.
Mr. George J. Hench formerly of
Blaln has moved to Center, where he
will continue the mercantile business.
Pheflrmof Evineer & Ilencb. Blaln,
las been dissolved and la now Evlnger
& Adair, Mr. Hench having moved to
Mr. E. M. Abogast of Juniata co., lias
been appointed freight agent at Millers
town and Miss llothrottk Is passenger
agent In place of her father deceased.
The tramp in jail for annoylngcltlzens
of the County, attempted to escape trial
by hanging himself on Thursday, but
was seen in time to save him.
1 The Duncannon Record says: While
Thomas Dill was digging sand on Dun
can's Island last week he found a pocket
book which had been buried there for a
year -or more.
f. few days ago a German hlB wife and
(three children, all under four years of
age, started from Philadelphia. They
stopped one day in Harrisburg and
when they continued the journey, they
' had five children.
John Deckard of Buffalo twp., was
pretty badly injured on Wednesday by
being thrown out of a buggy. The ac
cldent happened near Montgomery's
Ferry, and was caused by the animal he
was driving running off.
The News says the Seglebaum-Joneg
, case was settled on Saturday by the
latter paying $20 out of which the coats
already incurred were paid, leaving
Seglebaum $15 as compensation for a
cut bead and a bruised arm.
Messrs. Abe Horting and Lem Web
ster, accompanied by two daughters of
Rev. Colburn, while crossing the river
at Newport on Sunday a week had an
upset, but all got safely to shore very
wet and scared, but otherwise safe. Since
the bridge is gone accidents in crossing
are rather frequent.
(Tin crossing to Cumberland county by
Doubling Gap last week, Mr. Bhaller of
Madison twp., says that in some places
the axles of the wagon pushed the
enow along, so great was the depth of
the drifts. This was new experience to
him though he has wagoned the road for
many years.
The Mifflin county constables have
not yet been sworn Into office because
Judge Belford didn't put In an appear
ance at the court room on Monday. He
1b in possession of a ' house which la
claimed by another party, and having
barricaded and provisioned the same for
a three months siege proposes to make
things lively for those who seek to oust
Umbrella Flirtation To place your
umbrella in a rack indicates that it is
about to change owners. An umbrella
carried over the woman, the man get
ting nothing but the drippings of the
rain signifies courtship. When the
man has the umbrella and the woman
the drippings, it indicates marriage.
To carry it at right angles under your
arm signifies that an eye is to be lost by
the man who follows you. To put a
cotton umbrella by the Bide of a nice
silk one signifies "exchange is no
' robbery."
The Phlloma'thean Literary Society
will meet in Academy Hall on next
Friday evening at 7 o'clock. The ex
ercises will consist of selections by Rev.
A. H. Spangler and Wm. R. Pomeroy,
and the reading of the following histor
ical queries : Jackson township by Wm.
H. Sponsler, Duncannon Iron Works
by C. W. Baker, Koseburg P. O., by J.
W. M'Kee, Cove Forge by B. H. Stew
art, Marysvllle Bound House by J. W.
Beers. The following resolution will be
discussed : Besolved that in the judg
ment of this Society the separation of
Church and State is to the best interest
of both. Principal disputants, George
Bouse and C. W. Blnesmlth. A cordial
Invitation is extended to all persons
interested In the welfare of the Society
- to be present at its meetings, the Society
. having resolved that henceforth the
doors be thrown open to the public and
a general invltion given to be present.
L. E. Donnally, Sec'y.
Church Notices . ,
M. E. Church. Preaching next Sun
day at 10:U0 A. M., Sunday School at
0:15, and prayermeetlng on Sunday and
Thursday evenings.
Reformed Church. Preaching next
Sunday at 10:30 A. M. Prayermeetlng
on Tuesday evening.
Lutheran Church. Preaobing in the
Lutheran church next Sunday at -':30
P. M.
Personal Mr. D. B. Lupfer formerly
of this place, but recently of Selinsgrove
has removed to Hteelton.
Dr. Wilson, is now In this town paint
ing the portraits of some of our oltWus.
Rev. CI. W. Klracofe has removed
from Shermansdale to Llttlestown,
Adams county.
Will Shuler formeily of this place lias
located at South Pueblo, Col., where he
Is in the tobacco business.
Mr. OeorgeM'Keef of New Washing,
ton, Crawford county, Ohio, accom
panied by his wife and daughter, are
guests of Mr. Wm. M'Kee, of this town.
John, Bon of Mr. Wilson McKee of
this borough la home on a visit. He
starts this week for New Mexico. John
has our best wishes for his success.
Nathanel Bush of Juniata twp., has
got the western fever again, and once
more has moved to Mitchell co., Kan
sas. We are sorry to learn of the serioua
Illness of the wife of Mr. Luclen D,
Woodruir, at JohnBtowu. Mrs. W.,
who waa from this place has many
friends here.
We are glad to Bee that our old friend
Mr. James D. Burn, formerly employed
here, baa made a venture in business for
himself. We hope Jimmy will make
money, and if business integrity and
energy will do it he la bound to succeed.
Leg Broken. On Wednesday last,
Jacob Holmau of Liverpool, In attempt
ing to mount a horse in front of the
Owens House, fell and broke his leg.
This is the second time the same limb
baa been broken within a year. The
fracture waa adjusted by Dr. A. A.
Muney, and the patient is doing as well
as can be expected.
Of Interest to Teachers. Dr. Hlgbee,
the new State Superintendent of public
instruction, Is calling in the permanent
certificates held by teachers, and will
compel them to undergo a re-examination
before they can take out new ones.
Many of the teachers employed in this
connty hold such certificates from the
State, which licenses the holder to teach
in any part of the State. Without one
a teacher can not teach outside of his
own county. The examination of appli
cants for State certificates ia very rigid,
and teachers holding such certificates
will likely be compelled to devote
months to refreshing their memory in
certain branches. Patriot.
A Surprise. Administrator Hlnes, of
Greencastle, Pa., in settling up the es
tate of the late Jacob Smelt zen, in Bell
tw(., made a discovery which proves
Interesting. The will leaves each of hla
three eons a farm, and to each of his
three daughters the turn of $1,000 ia left.
In addition to thia part of bis estate,
waa left three pots of gold and silver
coin which had been buried under the
hearth in the kitchen. The exact
amount cannot bo correctly determined,
but it is supposed to be In the neighbor
hood of $10,000. No one even suspected
that such a treasure waa burled there,
as the old man had never mentioned it
to any one. The deceased carried a
tumor weighing sixty pounds on his
right leg for the last thirty years of his
life. Valley Spirit.
Highway Robbery .-Saturday afternoon
last, a daring and , dastardly robbery
occured in the pines, above Al. Clouser'a
residence, on the road to Newport cem
etery. From all the information we
could learn, the particulars are about as
follows : Levi Steinbarger, who resides
in Penn township, waa In Newport, and
had a sum of money amounting to about
$125. While In town he ran across
gome old cronies, with whom he Imbib
ed a little too freely, rendering himself
unfit to take care of himself. Just before
the arrival of the Mail train west, at
three o'clock, on which he intended to
take passage for Lewis town, one of his
friends "took him a walk" to the loca
tiou above mentioned, where they were
met by three others. While in a semi
unconscious condition, from the effects
of drink, Levi says he was robbed of his
money. Persons who Baw the party say
they could recognize them, and it is to
hoped that Levi will make information,
and have the punishment meted out, as
deserved. A highway robbery to be per
petrated in or near our town, and left go
unpunished, is not a very good recom
mendation to the peace of Newport.
Newport Ledger.
Harden Seeds. We have this season
-"had seeds put up especially for our
iraue, irom mose rreiin grown. We
can warrant them to be true to name
and good.
F. Mortimer, t f
Cumberland County. We copy the fol
lowing from the Cumberland papers
of last week :
Sunday morning, Aprils, Mr. Wm.
Bentz, of Mt. Holly Springs, whilst Bit
ting at the break fast-table, was seized
with sickness, and expired shortly after.
The cause of his death was dropsy of the
A Lower Allen township school teach
er.nomed Miller,returnlna from Mechan
icuburg to bis home on Thursday night,
waa stopped by a party who asked him
to let him ride with blm ; and, after get
ting Into the buggy, drew a revolver and
told Miller be had been to MeohanitJa
burg and got some money, and be want
ed it. Miller grasped for the revolver
and the robber shot, the ball passing
through the fleshy part of Miller's band.
The robber then went through Miller
and took about $126.
On Sunday last the large barn belong,
ing to Mr. Amos Miller, in Middlesex
twp,'. near what Is known as the Ridge,
was totally destroyed by fire, together
with its contents, except the stock and a
covered wagon. A number of children
were playing In the wagon-shed, which
was attached to the barn, when they
built a fire, the flames from which com.
rounlcated to some corn fodder on the
loft, and from thence to the barn, and
In a short time both structures were
enveloped in flames. It waa with diffi
culty tbat the stock was rescued. Thia
will be a heavy loss to Mr. Miller, as
there was no Insuranco on the property.
Juniata County. We copy the follow
ing from the Juniata county papers of
last week :
Jacob Leedy, aged 80 years, died at
hla home In Lack twp., oil the 20th ult.
Insurance $100,000. .
Recently George, a son of Daniel Mo
Connel, of Tuibet twp., waa thrown
from a horse, sustaining an ugly gash
on ills lip and another on his forehead.
Henry Tllzell, of Lack township,
while on bis way home from Mlflliu
towu took sick and was compelled to
Btop at a bouse in Spruce Hill township
where be died.
Bealetown has had a fire. A ttone
dwelling in the narrows owned by Mr.
Wm. Van Swerlngen waa seen to be
ablaze about half-past eight o'clock on
Tuesday evening. The roof was on Are,
and every other step bad been pried off
the Btairs. It waa put out as supposed
and the party of helpers returned. In
the morning however it waa all burnt
out from cellar to garret. It was un
occupied. A sad accident, which resulted In the
death of a young lady occurred In
Monroe township, on Sunday last. The
facta as we can learn them are about as
follows : A Miss Clodfelter was going
up Btairs and took with her to put away
a coat belonging to. her brother. She at
tempted to bang it up it slipped from
the book and fell upon the floor. In one
of the pockets was an old fashioned sin
gle barreled pistol, with cock and cap,
and in the fall the cock struck the floor,
exploding the cap, which discharged the
pistol, sending its contents, two buck
shot, into her chest, near the region of
the heart. She lived about an hour
after the accident. Will our young men
heed the lesson and quit carrying fire
arms. Tribune.
On Tuesday night of last week the
Lutheran Parsonage and Shields' hotel
at McAlisterville were entered by burg
lars. Two gallons of gin, a tin buoket
ful of ale and ten pounds of beef ware
taken from the hotel. The Parsonage
was entered by prying open a shutter.
The thieves entered the room tbat Rev.
Copenhaver and wife occupied. Hla
wife heard them and wakened Mr.
Copenhaver, who jumped from his bed,
and the robbers fled. On examing the
house Mr. Copenhaver found that they
bad been in every room, had turned
things upside down generally, and had
taken some clothing and other articles
In a basket which be found setting on
the porch the thieves in their hurry to
get away leaving the basket behind.
Mr. Copenhaver 's hat waa taken, but he
got it the next day hanging on a fence.
Mammoth Pearl Potatoes.
I have a lot of this excellent variety of
potatoes a seedling of the Victor rais
ed from seed purchased of A. C. Ashald,
of the original stock, which I will sell at
$1.26 per bushel, 05 cents half bushel,
85 cents per peck, and 20 cents half peck.
This potato is free from rot, never hollow,
skin and fleBh pure, pearly white. Eyes
few and even with the surface. Bipena
in August, and yields better than any
other variety I have ever raised.
6 2m
Eshcol, Perry Co., Pa.
Still Alive t-I am still alive and ready
to cut and fit suita in good style. If
wanting any work in my line, give me
a call. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Samuel Bkntzel,
April 6, ' New Bloomneld, Pa.
Bloomfleld Academy The next regular
Term of twelve weeks opens on Monday
April 4th, 1H81. The Course of Instruc
tions Includes full preparations for Col
lege, the elements of the Natural Scien
ces illustrated by complete apparatus,
and a thorough course for teachers.
For particulars address,
J. B. Flickingeu. A. M., Prln.
or Wm. Gkiek, Proprietor,
10 2m New Bloomfleld, Pa.
ST. ELMO HOTEL JVo. 317 and S19
Arch Street, Philadelphia. Bates re
duced to Two Dollars Per Day.
The traveling publio still find at thia
Hotel the same liberal provision forthelr
comfort. It is located in the immediate
centres of business and places of amuse
ment and the different Rail Boad depots,
as well as all parts of the city, are easily
accessible by Street Cars constantly pass
ing the doora. It offers special induce
ments to those visiting the city for
business or pleasure.
Your patronage is respectfully solicited.
Joa. M. Fe8eb, Proprietor.
A new enterprize has been started in
Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, by
J. W. Bingrose & Co., and that is the
making of a new style of Leather Fly
Nets. These nets are said to be a great
improvement over any style yet made,
while the price they will be sold at, la no
greater than ia asked for the poorer
article. Store keepera, before supplying
themselves should Bee these nets and
learn prloes, and farmers should ask
the merchant with whom they deal to
get at least a sample to show them. For
price list, etc., address J. W. Bingrobe
& Co., Mechanicsburg, Pa., or Kenne
iy, Willing & Co., 100 and 102 North
3rd Street, Philadelphia. 6tf.
Wheat grista exchanged on sight or
ground in a few hours. We have no
low water now since tapping the Penn.
sylvanla canal. We have the only
Smith purifier In the county, and allow
no one to make better flour. We pay
five cents advance on market rates for
Mediterranean or Lancaster wheat. We
also sell Plllsbury's XXXX flour on
commission, which ia the best In the
t Newport, Pa.
For a pure and unadulterated Coffee
buy the Cup and Saucer, or Dom Pedro
brands Boasted Coffee, put up by Janney
& Andrews. Wholesale Grocers, Phila
delphia. It la the best Boasted Coffee
now in the market. 8 8m
remon coming to Bloomfleld during
Court will save money by having their
watches repaired by J. Ken. Mathews,
who can be found at tbe Rlnesmlth
TVe are now displaying for the Spring
Trade one of the largest and best select
ed lines of Clothing ever displayed in
Perry county. M. Dukes A Co.,
Newport, Pa.
Important to Trarelera. Special in
ducementa are offered you by the Bur
lington Route. It will pay you to read
their advertisement to be found else
where in this issue.
Erery body likes to find a good assort
ment of goods to select from. Jn Boots
and Shoes we can suit you In this re
spect. M. Dukeh & Co.
Carpets and Oil Cloths, largest assort
ment in the County at
M. Dukes & Co.
If you want Hats and Caps, Trunks
and Valises, Shirts, Ties, etc., go to
M. Dukes A Co., Newport.
It la a Fact. We have recently open
ed some very pretty novelties In the
dress goods line. We have also received
a large addition to our stock of Prints,
Ginghams, Ac, of the new styles. Come
and see them. F. Mortimer.
Knlres, Forks, and Spoons in a good
assortment can be bought at low prices
of F. Mortimer.
Prunes are extra nice this season. We
have a fresh supply and the price is low.
Also raisins, citrons, etc.
F. Mortimer.
Bay your Ladies' and Gents' Furnish
ing Goods at M.Dukes A Co.,
Newport, Pa.
The Spring Styles of cassimers are
here and: if you want a new suit come
and see what we can offer. We have
made to order and guarantee a fit from
tbe finest assortment of goods ever
shown in the county.
F. Mortimer.
Connty Price Current.
Bloom rici.D. April 11, nil
Flai-Beod I i
Potatoes 3
Butter V pouad 200)12
Elf ft sozen 12 "
Dried Apples V pound, 3oti"
Dried reache 1 12eti.-
Niwfokt, Aprils, 1U1.
Flour, Kitra K.C0
" Super -25
White Wheat old bush ICS
Red Wheat, eld 101
Cor 4145
Oats V S2 pounds 330 33
CloTer Seed per pound 6 centt
Timothy Beed t M
Flax Seed,'. 1 M
Potatoes M4B50
bacon, IO
Lard, Scents
Hams lBeanti.
Ground Alnm Salt, 1 141 It
Llmebuner's Goal II 00 0 1 3a
Store Coal, 4 75 O It
Pea Coal ICO
Buckwheat Coal 12 U
Gordon's Food per Back 12 M
ClSUlLS, April 8. 1111.
Vamlljr Flour H H
Superfine Flour 1 00
White Wheat, new 105
Red 1(5
Rye 7
Corn 35 0 42
Oatt 35
Clorereeed 4.0ta4.M
Tlmothynefd .' IN
Phllttielplila Produce Market.
FwLAinLraiA, April 9, 1UL
Flour unsettled; extras 13 00O3 60: Fenwl
anla family, H.50 O M. 75 Minnesota do., (4.6fl
16.12; patent and high grades, 16.50427.00
RyeOour, SS.260a.25.
Cornmeal. K.20.
Wheat. 11 O 120.
Corn yellow. MOSfio. ; mixed. UQ'tc.
Oats quIetrPennsylranta and western whIM.
Utt'M. : weitern mixed.UO&l.
Bdriv- Albkut On April 3d, 1881, at tbe Pres
byterian Parsonage, Bealetown, Juniata Co., by
Iter. 8 A. Darenport. Mr. Peter L. Burd. ( Me.
Cullooh'a Mills, to Miss Anna K. Albert, of An
dersouburg, Perry county.
Rows SuosifAKBR On March 80th, 1881, at
the Preabvierian parsonage, by Her. W. H.
Logan, Josiah Roweto Mlnorra Shoemaker, all
el Millerstown, this county.
8H4TT0 LErusR On March 27th, 1881, In Mew
FulWIo, by Jos. Watte, Bug.. Michael Bhatto, o(
Watts twp., to Amanoa Leller. o( BuOalo twp.
H01.VA14 RiDLSOn March S7th. 1881. In Liv
erpool, by O.C. Tharp. Esq.. Jacob Holman to
little Radle, both ol BuOalo twp.
Koi'rh Hcitut.THinsi On April .d, 1881, at the
residence ot Kamuel C'oouy. by Rey. F. 8. Linda
man. Taylor Kounh to Mary J. Bcbultheite, both
ot Madison twp.
Htimbacoii A dims. On the nth, of March
1881. at tbe reslileuoH ot the bride's parents In
4!euter twp.. Mr. Ueury Btantbaugh to Miss
Emma Adaius.
T)rslh notii. nut Mwmllnir s llnwi Inwrlwl wlUimit
eiifor'i'rilitiliwuf llrtininct, l'oetry, or ottir rfinarkii
Cmnsit-On March ?mh. 1881, In Centre twp.,
Lizzie H. C!otiwr, acd 83 years and 11 day.
Ai.nmnnT On March 24lh. IBM. In Clarion.
Wright county. Iowa, AH Alice Albright, aged
4 years, 7 months and 2 days.
W.Tfnlf lln A nrll 0.1 In Ma..u. u-l.l-
L., daughter of Chrhllsn and Matilda Watson,
aged 3 months and 8 days.
Cnow On March 27th. 1811. In RiifTnln twn..
Jaoob Crow, aged about (0 years.
LinmoK On March 271 h. 1881. In wtt ton
David Llddick, aged 78 yrs, 9 months and 4 days,
Kmo On March 81st, 1881, at the residence of
lisr son, W. 0. King, In IJuncannnn, Mrs. Hasan
King, widow of ths late Robert S. King, aged 7t
yeai s, 4 months and 2 days.
LtnmoK On March 80th, 1881, In Ccntrs twp.,
George M., son of Jacob Llddluk, aged 2 years,
8 months and 8 days.
Barfr On April 8th, 1881. In Tyrone twp., Mr.
Frederick baker aged about 75 years.
FBNmct.a. - At Laodlsbnrg. on tha 27lh of
March, iHHl. Mary Elizabeth, daughter of dwnnel
H-anjlKarabPennlcle.aged 1 year, 1U months
and 24 darn.
(Hi. Parents I who with tender love,
lias wept beside dear Mitry's grave,
llast thou not sought a friend above,
Who died thy little one to save.
Then lift thy weary, weeping eye
Above the waves that round thee swell.
Is not thy darling safe high?
Cans' t though not whisper all Is well. Is well, though nevermore
Ilnr little form toeaith be given.
Bhe rests where sin and grief are over,
And thou can'st meet thy child la heaven.
Healed proposals will be received until April
28'h, at 12 o'clock, noon, bv the Building Com.
rnlttee of the Laidlsburg Charge of the Reformed
Church, to rebuild their Parsonage. Bids are
solicited for doing the work in parts, or entire.
The Committee reserves the right to reject any
or all bids
Plansand specifications can be seen, and ail
necessary Information obtained by calling on the
undersigned at Landlsburg, I'rry county. Pa.
, HENRY KINK3MITH. Chairman.
H. T. Pr-mm.KH, Secretary.
April 12. 1881.
E8TATK KOTICK Notice Is hereby given
that letters of Administration Cum lYntu.
mr.nto have been granted on the estato
of Catherine Kline, late of the Borough of Marys
vllle, Perry county. Pa., deceased, by Register of
said county, to Jacob Kline, residing In said Bor
ough of Marysvllle.
All persons Indebted to said estate are requested
to make Immediate payment and those having
claims, to present them for settlement.
Lewis Potti r, Att'y. Administrator.
March, 29. 1881.
ESTATE NOTIC'KNotlcelsherebyglTen
that letters testamentary on the last will
and testament of Christian Korrer. decetsed, late
of Carrell township, Perry county, Pa., have been
granted to the undersigned, residing in same
All persons Indebted to said estate arereqnestd
to make immedinte payment and those having
claims to present theniduly authenticated lor set
tlement JOHN RICHEY.
Wm. H., Att'y.
March 22, 1881.
ESTATE NOTICE-Nollce Is hereby given
that letters of administration on the estate
ol John Nmllh, late of Carroll twp., Perry county.
Pa., deceased, have been granted to the upder
signed, residing at Hhermansdale, Perry Co., Pa.
All persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment and those having
claims will present them duly authenticated lor
settlement to
Cras. H. Smiley, Att'y.
April 5. 1881
You lever Seen
As many Goods under one roof
in any store in Perry County as
we are displaying this Spring.
We Have More
Than any other Store in the County.
We Jldre More
Boots and Shoes,
Than any other Btore in the County.
We Have More
Carpels and Oil Ms,
Than any other Store in tbe County..
We Have More
Hats, Caps, & Tfnnis,
Than any other Store in the County..
We Have More
Ladies' k Gents' Fureisliifig Goods,
Than any other Store in the County.
"We buy in large quantities,
carry a better assortment, and
sell cheaper than any other Store
in the County.