The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, April 05, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Mysterious Plot In Ohio.
A Columbus, O,, paper says, some
weeks ago F. Cv Bossion, k lending olll
r.en, president of tlie Commercial Bank,
And ft man of largo wealth, received a
letter written on a piece of coarse paper,
ia a disguised hand, declaring that his
wealth was more tjian enough for one
man, and he ought to be willing to divide
.1 portion of it among four poor men.
The letter in blasphemous language de
clared that unless he ooi) sen ted to give up
$100,000 he would ba murdered. It then
provided that in case Sessions acceded to
this proposition, which the writer doclar
td they did not doubt, he was to insert ft
"'personal', iu a local paper, aigned with
the four letter "II. E. D. 0.," and as
a further earnost of his intontions he was
to tell no one of tho letter, and was for ft
given number of eveuings to walk certain
apeoifled street.
At first Mr. Sessions thought the Utter
the vaporing of some lunatio, but finally
held oonsultatioo with leading citizens,
among them William Deshler, president
of tho Fianklin National bank, ex-Uv-rnor
Dennison and President Green, of
the Hocking Valley railroad. Some of
these regarded the letter a unworthy of
attention, but after further reflection it
was thought wise to consult the police.
The Chief of Police deemed the letter a
veritable attempt at blackmail, and at his
suggestion the capture of the guilty par
ties was attempted. A detective was sta
tioned at Sessions' residence en Broad
street, and so well made up with beard
and clothing to resemble Sessions' that
Mr. Sessions was deceived by his appear
ance. Session inserted a "personal" in the
city papers, declaring that he could not
afford to give so large ft sum as that asked
and suggested $25,000. Soon after this ft
letter similar to the first was sent to Ses
sions, deolaring that the party would not
accept less than the first named amount.
For several evenings the disguised detect
ive took the walk suggested in the first
letter, shadowed by other detectives dis
guised as colored servants and young
women and their lovers. They report
many suspicious circumstances which led
them to believe that the letters of warning
were written by persons who "meant busi
ness." Among other thiugs they report that
during one night ft covered wagon driven
by a stranger followed the detective over
las rounds for four successive hours and
then took its stand near the banker's
house, where it stood when the disguised
detective returned to that point. At oth
er times a man walked close to the detec
tive and looked into his face, but disap
peared into an alley wbeu other people
came along.
The detectives were so anxious to arrest
the right parties that they were overcare
iul and hence arrested no one, although
the actions of several persons were
sufficiently suspicious to have warranted
thoir arrest. So the matter stands at
present. If the affair is a hoax it has
been well played, for twenty-flve men
wore engaged in attempting to ferret it
out, under charge of the Chief of Police.
Mr Sessions' family have been much
alarmed by the letters, and for a time will
witch over bis safety with more than
usual interest.
A Mysterious Trunk.
During the absence of Mr. Dandy, of
Chicago from his home, an intoxicated
expressman called with a trunk, and, pre
senting to Mis. Dandy a card endorsed
with the name of Mr, Dandy's father, who
was away in the West, demanded one
dollar. Mrs. Dandy refused to give it,
not believing the card to be genuine ; but
when, later, another expressman called
with the same trunk, accepted it with
-some hesitation. When Mr. Dandy re
turned home he was satisfied that the
trunk did not belong to him. Very prop
erly be went to the West Madison Street
Police Station and notified the officers in
charge a to the facts. The officers were
exceedingly uncivil and refused to give
him any satisfaction, or do anything in the
premises, although Mr. Dandy protested
that the case was sufficiently mysterious
-to demand their attention.
A Loving Couple. .
The people iu the gallery at the mas
querade bull on Thursday evening inDu
buque were regaled with ft fight between a
young man aud his lady love. She was
dlirting aud he wanted her to stop. She
wouldn't stop, and told him so. He got
mad and threatened to thresh her. Blows
were exchanged, and it is said that she
pulled a revolver, aud, pointing it at him
told him if he raised a finger she would
bore hi in full of holes. A policeman
was called and the lovers were boanced.
A Terrible Charge.
Flushing, L J., March 81. Sarah
A. and Susan Lead, mother and daugh
ter, were arrested here this morning ou
a charge of murdering a child of the
latter by burying it alive in the garden.
They were subsequently arraigned and
. commlted.
11 heel lane ou Nevr Horns.
tW It la stated that along the east bank
of the Missouri river, cattle are lying doad
in heaps. The losses are very groat all
through the section,
tSTA Virginia paper records the faot
that two young men, sons of millionaire
of Baltimore, have engaged work at ft
tannery in Luray, intending to learn the
trade thoroughly,
IV It i sad to think that at the present
day the names of patent medioine propri
etor are better known to the American
people than are the names of those gallant
patriot who signed the Declaration of
OTA child of Thomas Cumming, of
Munoie lad., awoke tho other morning
to find its ear pinned to the quilt by a fish
hook, which had been dropped somehow
into the bed. The hook had passed entire
ly through the ear, and had to be cut in
two before it could be removed,
lyThree Jeffersen county Ind., farm
er who supplied ft oheese faotory with
milk think that the live erawllsh found in
the tank where they emptied their milk
must have jumped Into tho can when they
were crossing a creek near by.
1ST A young Canadian couple eloped the
other day and were married. A few days
previous the would-be groom induced a
friend te take a trunk to the house of the
lady and ask permission to lsave it there
until he could procure a boaidiug place.
When the friend called for the trunk the
young lady had filled It with her clothing,
and it wa haaded over to her at the rail
road station.
EST An unusual case of marital infelicity
is recorded from Plymouth township,
Montgomery county. Less than four
weeks ago a young man named Brown
was introduced to a Mis Blee, and after
a courtship of two week they were mar
ried. Within a week after tho wedding
they went to housekeeping, but in a few
days a rupture occurred, and before the
end of the fourth week of thoir acquaint
ance, the husband attempted suicido by
drinking laudanum. A physician saved
his life, and he has since concluded to
make the best of hi bargain.
" How much is the ante?" whisper
ed a Bed Gulch miner with a single $20
gold piece to the deacon with the colleetlon
plate in the Baptist church at Black Bun,
Col. He was told to contribute whatever
he chose, whereupon he said he'd chip iu
a dollar, and proceeded to take f 19 change.
The deacon replied that no change was
given. A struggle ensued, the plate 'was
upset, and tho congregation wero in the
act of "jumping the deacon's claim,"
when the minister, an old Californian,
leaned over the pnlpit with a large navy
revolver and observed : " The brethren
will please take notice that I've got the
drop on them, and auy brother who de
clines to take hi seat or touches any of
that money will have a funeral at his
house to-morrow at two o'clock P. M.
Our mining friend from Bed Qulch will
kindly release the deacon's throat or he is
a dead man." The $20 gold piece went
to save the heathen.
New York, March 27. Thomas F.
Egan, a printer living at 153 east Forty
second street, went out with his wife last
night, leaving their niece, Miss Nellie
Cunningham, aged 19 years, alone iu the
house. Soon after two burglars entered
tho parlor, and when Miss Cunningham
screamed, one ruffian stuffed a handker
chief in ber mouth and the other bound
her with a clothes liue. Having tied her
so she oould not move, they removed the
handkerchief, threatening to kill her if
she made a noise; they then demanded
information as to where Mrs. Egan's jewels
and money were, but Miss Cunningham
refused to tell them, when one of the ruf
fians struck her in the face. Still exas
perated by ber refusal to answer their
question, the other burglar stabbed her
several times in arms, faoe, and band with
a penknife. The yonng lady became
unconscious, when the robbers fearing
they had killed ber, fled. Miss Cunning
ham was fouud in a state of insensibility
by ber aunt. To-day she became partly
paralyzed and was unable to speak. The
police arrested John R. Champ, a man of
bad reputation, and Miss Cunningham
recognised him as one of ber assailants.
They have a clue to the other.
Answers to Puzzles In Vol. I. No. 12.
Ans. to No. 1. Muggins.
. Am. to No 3.
Dent T END
Ward D R A W
Ads. to No. 8. Mother Bbiptou.
Am. to No. 4.
Aus. to No. 6. Underscored
tW This department will he discontinued
durlog the summer mouths.
Grand Opening of tho New
Clothing House.
Having opened with n entire new stock of
We would Invite the Citizens of Blooinlleld and
surrounding country loeall and Inspect ourHtosk
which comprises not alone Klne Clothing but also
a full linn of Business and Working Clothing.
We give you a few sample Prices:
Our 122.00 fine Press Bulta are superior to any
tin k shown here.
Our I1IS.00 Dress Butt Is a tine (English Worsted)
,Our tll.tO Dress Suit Is a splendid Suit.
Our 112 0 Dress Suit must be seen to be appre
ciated. Our tin, 00 Dress Suits are all wool, and Orstclass.
Our Dres Suit Is a splendid Suit, well worth
These are a'l wellmde and stylish cut Clothing
and will fir like made to measure. WeolTera
Working Unit. Coat. Pants, and Vest, of hard
twisted worsted lor SB.OO This Is the cheapest
Hull for style and durability Iu America.
Is composed of English and French Suitings, and
the best makes of American Ooods which we wlU
make to measure at. a low Trice. We employ a
good cutter and guarantee a perfect lit.
We also keep a full line of Ttovsand Children'
ready made Clothing at a low price. Fashionable
Men's and Boys' Hals and Caps, tine (tents' Fur.
tilshlng Ooods, neck Wear, and Trunks and
Valises, etc.
New we would sav we come to Newport to stay
and make friends, tnrrciore we Introduce noih.
Ing but Honest Ooods, which we are able to
recommend. Money refunded on all Hoods not
found as represented. Please call whether you
wish to purchase or not. We will be pleased to
Bee you. Notice name and location.
Merchant Tailor and Fashionable Clothier,
(J. W. Franks' old Hardware Stand,)
March 29, 1841.
THE subscriber offers at Private Sale the fol
lowing desirable farms:
NO. 1.
Is a Farm, contalalng
Sixty-Eight Acres,
All good land. In a good state of cultivation, and
having thereon erected a
And all necessary Outbuildings, situate three
miles south of Hloomtleld and feven miles from
Duncannon. There Is on Mils place plenty of
Choice Fruit of all kinds, good water at the door,
with running water In nearly every Held. Trice,
12,800. Terms easy.
?(0. 2.
Is a farm situate In Wlieatffeld twp., containing
having thereon erected a
with all required Out-buildings, the Hun being
entirely new. This farm is situate about six miles
from Duncannon and four miles from Ulnomtleld.
There Is good water near the door, plenty of
streams on the land, a giHd Apple Orchard, and
other fruit, and will make a desirable home. Trice
2,850. Terms easy,
AO. 4.
Is a Farm situate In Carroll township, about two
miles from Shermansdule, containing about
One Hundred Acres,
having thereon erected a
Good Dwelling aud other Out building,
A well of good wuter at the house and another at
the Bain. There Is couslderable Unit on the
premises, and the land Is good and well watered.
Trice,, and paymeuts can be arranged to
suit purchaser,
NO. 5.
Is a FARM situate In Carroll township, about two
miles from Hherinausdule, containing
Hcvcnty AcreM,
of good land, and having thereon a GOOD
DWELLING, and other Out-buildings.
There la good spring near the house, and the
Farm Is Well watered. There Is also a Oood Or
chard iu bearing condition; this will make a de
sirable home. Trice, 11,600.
SO. 7.
ACRliS, (half cleared) having thereon erected a
order. This property is located 2 miles south
of Bloomlleld. and has on it plenty of KHU1T of
all kinds, and will make a very desirable home
a party wanting a small tract of land. There Is a
running stream of water near -die house and a
well of good water close to the door. Trios $1000,
half to be cash aud the balance In two equal an
nual paymeuts.
- For further Information address the under
signed at New Hloonilield. Terry county, Ta., or
call at bis residence three miles south of Bloom
lleld. C. B. HARNISH.
August 17, 1830.
make experiments on your buildings with untiled
and unreliable auticles at your expense.
for water and benzine II. to to 12.(0 per gallon.
the Lucas reliable and guaranteed Tinted Gloss
Circulars aud Sample Cards of Paint mailed on
HI North Third Street,
13 6m Philadelphia, Pa.
The New
No. Ill MARKET STREET, (Patterson's Old Stand.)
WMLAixrYf1 n entire new Btock of BODY nRtJRREI.H, TAPESTRT
11A11 and ?'HTA Kl ARVtK1.?iiari,,r1?.1S"'.A,,fuM "f RTltAW MATTING just opened.
JtAi.i, ana n 1 AIK CA KTKTH OIL CLOTH of all kinds and widths. All noods siiarantml
represented, and sold at LOWEST CASH PRICK " """" "oou guaranteed as
Our motto being as ever, "Reliable Goods at Reliable Prices." 14 lat
No. Ill Market Street, Hanlsbnrg.
We desire to speak to the citizens of Bloomlleld and surrounding country on the subject of
Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Wall Papers,
and point out a few facts why you should deal with us.
u$?Aim2? r" c?n S. "ltd I" any kind of goods named above out of a great assortment
!&A!gS u,,r stock J" c'"Plte " fHll In all departments. 8 TO"m"-
! HftAK2E i.'IuBreilTo"11 V.'." Pleft,u,: ' superior choice at the lowest possible prices.
l,fCAUHK we e"nest with you: mv you afl you can ask for the money t ship your goods
free of charge, aud strive to please aud prollt you. We therefore ask an Inspection of ou
Body and Tapestry Brussels, Ingrain and 3-PIy Carpets, Hall and
Stair, Hemp and ltn Carpets,
by all our old customers and all new ones who will give bs the chance to prove what we assert above.
9VR. RAQ CARPETS are made under our immediate dlrectlou, on our own looms, and
we clulm for them a Superiority supassed by none iu the (State. "".
CARPET R ACS taken In exchange for goods, and Carpets made to order.
-y 0,roJ ties In our Wall Paper Departments. Window Shades and Material for Lambrequins,
aud Furniture Coverings, with Cords, Fringes, aud Gimps to match.
LINOLEUM, an article superior to Oil Cloth for kitchens, dining roomi, hullt and vesti
bules, public oillcea, aud banks.
A complete stock throughout, the equal of which has not been opened before by us.
thereof1" Kespectfiifly ' 'ours5""1 Ui y"r frlen(la' feelln tllat u wl" be Justllled In the doing
21 East Main Street, CARLISLE, Penn'a. 11 3m
1881 Carpets for Spring Trade. 1881
Tap Brussels from 85 cents to $1.10. Body Brussels from $1.60 to $1.05. Inirraln
from 80 cents to $1, Best.
All other goods la proportion. Now Is the time to get the first selection of
the New Stock.
We have More Carpets and More Patterns than all the other Carppt Houses In
this city. Cal and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show Ooods. Quick
Bales and Small Profits.'
Opera House Carpet Store, 81 N. Third Street,
IIAirRIHijUllG, PENN'A. 9 3m
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
NEW SPRING PRINTS at 5, 6, 7, and 8 cents,
BARGAINS In BLACK SILKS at .65, .75, .871, .02, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, and 1 75
BLACK SATIN DE LYONS at 1.25 and L50.
BLACK SATINS at .871, 1.00, 1.25, and 1.C0.
COLORED SILKS at .69, .75, and 1.00
COLORED SATINS at .871, and 1.00.
Samples sent by mail with pleasure. .3
Why order of unknown and Irresponsible
a Rents, when everything of known value can be
h ad, fresh and reliable, and for
lly buying Direct from GEO. F. McFAKLAND'B
mvj;itsni: mjksj:uii:n,
Harrisburg, Penn'a.
Our location Is uneq nailed for shipping. Five
main lines of railroad center here, giving us
- Cheap Freights and Quick Transit
In any direction. Our stock fur Hpring, 1881, Is
the largest aud Unest we have ever oHeied, com
prising Fruit and Shade Trees, Shrubbery,
Grapo Vines, Small Fruits,
Roses, etc., etc.
Is easy and profitable. We have the best sorts,
new and old. for general culture. Prices low,
Office and Qreenkouaes: 1422 North Second St.
Ntimeriet: 2'A norlh of City, on Hue of P.K.K.
Sirinttlale lYull Urm: 18th, l'Jtli, State aud
BrlgRS Streets.
RockHUt Fruit Farm: 6 miles north, on line of
r. k. k.
12 Proprietor.
Economical Fertilizer
For Potatoes,
Have Been Thoroughly Tested.
For Circulars and Prices' address
7 8m 30 8. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa
a.For 'e by JONES BROTHEKS & CO.,
Newport, Pa.
Ever Known
Any person to be seriously III without a weak
stomach or Inactive liver or kidneys? And when
these organ are In good condition, do you nit
find their possesror enjoying good health? PaK
Klilt'H UINGKK TONIC always regulutes these
Important oigam. and never falls to make the
blood rich aud pure, and tostrengthen every part
of the system. It has cured hundreds of dlspairlng
Invalids. Ask your neighbor about It. Udit
By ALLAN PINKERTON, the greatest living
Detective. A thrilling aud faolnating book,
from private records never before published.
Send for circulars and terms. Agents wanted.
13d4t U. W. KELLY, Philadelphia. Pa.
The Ilelish of the World?
Halford Sauce
. fid4w
F ta xwm bMtna tha f avnv. .
in com fort in A htsalth
Ita of thsawa: onrahin.
With eltw&noa of form to 1
a nuuu-ltabl dooTM, and
are mijjniy tnavrnea oj
i Dhniciana. TbevMoaiMH
) the Highest Award at til
iwiinujuiai niuutiuoo. 1
Pnca 41.60 aud nunnfi I
rerrwher. Theae eoraeta are not anlrf Lr msuhanta.'
Exclusive tOTTitorr gnren. Agent makethtaa Pnaa.
neat aud PTohtableliaaiDeaa. Hnd for teruia to Mm.
RiawoLp A Ca. 83S Broadway, N. V.. or to Uenera!
Wtn Areata. J. B. Wytant A Co.. Frtnloaia, K.Y.. Putuaiu.Urj SUt Street, Ckiuao, UL
lteceut Travels and Explorations
In BIBLE LANDS, consisting of Sketches written
from personal otwervallnus; giving results of
recent researches In the Kant, aud toe recoverv
of many p. aces in ."Sxetvd History lng considered
lost. Latest. Ch-apest. and most attractive book
on the Holy Land. Xlchiy II Inst rated, with New
Maps and IfcJ beautllul Kniravings. A splendid
chance lor good niieuts Address, PHILIPS 4c
HUNT, 805 Broadway, New York. 3dU
RCATTY'Q ORGANS. IS Stops, 4 Set Heeds.
ufcHI I "oulyliA Address UANIULP,
BKATTY. Washington, N. J. Ud
V. Tiii I MJ
' sr