The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, March 29, 1881, Image 1

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NO. 13.
Ad Independent Family Newspaper,
To subicrlbers reitdlnn In THii county, whers
w hays no postage to pay, a discount of 2S cenfs
from ths above tnrin will be made It payment is
madeia advance.
W Advertising rattft furnished uponappllca
Beledt Poetry.
Muzzer bought a baby,
'Ittle bltey sing j
81nkl raos could put him
Frou my rubber ring.
An't bs awful ugly?
An't be awful pink (
" Jusl come down from heaven."
Vat'iaflb, I sink.
Doctor told anozzer
Great big awful lie ;
Nose an't out of joint zen,
Vat an't why I cry.
Mamma stays up bedroom
Guess he makes her sick
Frow htm In r.e gutter,
j f I can right quick.
Cuddle him and love him !
Call him "Bressed sing !"
Don't care If my kitten an't
Got a bit of string !
Bend me off with Biddy
Every single day.
"Be a good boy, Charlie !
Run away aud play."
" Blnk I ought to love him !"
Mo, I won't so zare!
Nassy, crying baby,
Not got any hair,
Got all my nice kisses,
Got my place In bed,
Mean to take my drum stick,
And crack him on the head.
Vision of a Shipwreck in the
Gulf of Suez.
IN 18G9 I was in Suez, in 'command
of the British steamship Neera, be
longing to the Bombay and Bengal
steamship company a company own
ing a line of steamers born of the
necessities of the manufacturing world
when the supply of American cotton
was so largely cut off by the war of
the rebellion. The line was under the
management of Wm. F. Stearns, now
deceased, son of the late Professor
Stearns, of Amherst College a man
who, going to India penniless, devel
oped qualities which enabled him to
rise on the flood-tide of prosperity to a
colossal fortune and high social posi
tion, but, as it proved, only to see his
riches float out on the receding tide,
and leave his family but poorly pro
vided for at his untimely death.
The Neera was lying in Suez Roads,
the canal not being yet open, awaiting
passengers, etc., before sailing on her
return voyage to Bombay. The Pen
insular and Oriental company's steam
ship Camatic was also about ready to
sail for the same port, and only wait
ing mails and passengers. It happen
ed that the passengers for the two
steamers came across the Isthmus
together), aud that two old friends and
schoolmates met, the one to join the
Neera and the other the Carnatic. A
day was spent by the friends, who
unexpectedly met on the Egyptian
desert, in recounting their experience
wince they last parted, and, naturally
enough, there was a good deal of
badinage between them as to the com
parative merits of the two steamers,
aud as to which should first land on
the "coral strand" upon which these
"griffins" were to be initiated into their
duties in the " Civil Service" to which
they had been newly appointed.
The Carnatic was the first to be
ready, and sailed from Suez in the
morning ; the Neera left early in the
evening, some ten or twelve hours
after the mail steamer. The night
was fine, and at breakfast time we had
passed Shadtian Island, were out of
the Gulf of Suez and into the lied Hea
proper. Breakfast was served on the
deck, uuder double awnings of heavy
canvas. The young gentleman who
had left his friends the dity- before
seemed somewhat depressed in spirits
and during breakfast said rather anx
iously: "Captain, at what time did we
stop last night?"
" Stop ! We have not stopped since
leaving, ' was the reply.
" Not even to take soundings ?"
" No ; the engines have not been
eased since leaving port."
The young man seemed much sur
prised, and finally said that ho had a
most vivid and remarkable dream dur
ing the night, and this he proceeded
to relate in substance, as follows :
"In my dream it appeared to me
that the steamer was stopped during
the night, and that I went on deck to
ascertain the cause. I saw a boat
pulling off from the island to intercept
us, and a lantern was waved to arrest
our attention. As the boat came near
er I saw my friend Morton standing
in the stern. As ho came up the
gangway I said, Tor God's sake,
Morton, what brings you here'!' I
never saw him plainer, nor heard his
voice more distinctly than when he
said : The Carnatic has struck a rock
and gone down ; the passengers and
crew are on an island close by, all safe,
aud we want your ship to take them
on board.' I dreamed that our ship
stopped until other boats came off
with the remainder of the people, and
Ave then proceeded."
The narration 6f the dream made a
profound impression upon the passen
gers, but the captain, as in duty
bound, laughed it off. The young
man proved a jolly sort of fellow, but
was called "the dreamer" during the
rest of the voyage.
On arriving at Aden, five days later,
before our anchor was down, we were
hailed by a boat which had been dis
patched from the Peninsular and Ori
ental office and asked if we had any
news of the Carnatic, that ship being
a day overdue. We had no news to
give, but our dreamer quietly remark
ed to me : " You may find that there
is more in my dream than you sup
posed." A few hours completed our coaling,
and we were off again for Bombay.
On arrival at that port wo -heard the
news of the loss of the Carnatic, and
the circumstances were just as narrat
ed to us two weeks before. The ship
struck on a rock near Shaduan Island,
some twelve hours after leaving Suez.
The passengers and crew were landed
on the island. The steamer subse
quently slid off the rock and went
down in deep water. During the
night a steamer's lights were seen by
the shipwrecked crew, and a boat was
sent out to intercept her. Our dream
er's friend Morton went in the first
boat. The remainder of the people
were subsequently taken on board,
and the rescuing steamer proceeded
on her voyage to Suez. Except that
another steamer, not the Neera, res
cued the paiiy, the dreamer told the
story as well as it could be told to
day. It seems probable that our dream
er's vision was shown him at the very
moment the shipwrecked people were
embarking upon the steamer which
came to their aid, and that the Neera
was not ten miles from the scene at
the time..
It may be stated, in conclusion, to
show the perfection to which the postal
system of the world has arrived, that
the only letter addressed to the writer
which ever failed to reach him in all
his twenty years' wanderings wont
down in the Carnatic.
How the Bet Was Settled.
A BARTENDER always takes the
opposite view of everything. The
other day Mr. Gallagher was in a
Court' street saloon and tipped his
chair too far back and went over and
jammed his head into a euspador and
was considerably hurt.
The incident annoyed him, and the
bartender told him he hadn't ought to
swear. Gallagher said that under the
influence of sudden pain five men out
of six would swear.
The bartender wouldn't believe it,
and the result was a bet. Then, for
the test, Gallagher got an ordinary
brick and heated it fearfully hot and
placed it on the marble bar.
Now a brick doesn't show heat, and
therefore it was not surprising that
when Mr. Guff came in and saw the
brick on the bar he should pick it
ityi. He, however, showed no disposi
tion to put it in his pocket or do any
thing else with it. He immediately
laid it down and made frantic gestures
and said a number of wicked things.
Then came a butcher, who also picked
up the brick and put it down. He
looked around savagely, and after free
ing his mind of some unholy senti
ments, said he hoped he shouldn't see
anybody laugh, as he prefon-ed not to
be under the necessity of doing mur
der. The next victim was a Chinaman,
and he spoke every word of English
he knew, and two-thirds of what he
remarked would have beeu considered
improper in a Sunday school. He
joined Mr. Guff and the butcher in
sucking his fingers and watching for
the next man.
The next one came in the form of a
prominent politician, and as he placed
the brick upon the bar his language
sounded like after-election talk.
The bartender began to be nervous,
but the next man merely pranced
about and wildly waved his hands
without saying a word. It appeared
that he was a dumb man. So the next
man would decide the bet.
He was a young man from the lum
ber districts of Maine and didn't look
like a talkative chap. But when he
got hold of that brick his jaw seemed
to become loose, and the way he
blasphemed even shocked a parrot,
and the butcher said he'd give seventy
five dollars if he could talk like
Gallagher had won. He rose up
and explained the affair.
The six, headed by the young man
from Maine, started for him as one
man. They pulled him all over the
place. They brushed the ceiling with
him, used him for a football, threw
him down the cellar, tore his clothes
off, and made him drink water. They
said they wanted to see if it would
make him swear. It did.
A Case with Romance and Deep Mystery.
A SPECIAL dispatch from Provi
dence Rhode Island, says f The
Quaker portion of this community has
been rocked to its very centre over the
tragic death of one of their society,
a very pretty little blonde, thirty-one
years of age, and named Elsie Ann
Chace. Miss Chace was the only
daughter of Collins and Elsie M.
Chace, and lived with her parents on
the old Chace farm, near the Pawtuck
et line in the northern suberbs 6f the
city. Her father, died two or three
years ago, and, leaving no will, one
third of his estate went to his widow
and two-thirds to his daughter. After
Collins Chace died, Neil Neilson, a
Swede, was employed by the widow
as a man of all work. Neilson was
thirty-three years old, good looking
mild mannered, unobtrusive, of good
reputation, but almost unable to con
verse except in his native tongue.
During his engagement as general
utility man about the farm, he became
very much attached to Elsie, who fre
quently accompanied him into the
field and about the farm, apparently
reciprocating his attachment. Her
mother was much averse to her mar
rying anyone, and being literally un
der her mother's thumb her life was
anything but a happy one. However,
Neilson persuaded Elsie to marry him,
and on October 24, 1880, the two
drove to East Providence, where they
were united by Rev. L. S. Woodworth
of Rumford. Their marriage was a
clandestine one. Elsie metdiim at the
trysting place, and going to Pawtuck
et they hired a team and drove to the
place where they were married. After
the ceremony a certificate was asked
for, but as Mr. "Woodworth did not
have any blanks with him they were
forced to return home without it,
though one was afterward sent to
Neilson by the town clerk of East
Elsie told her mother of the mar
riage on the following morning, and,
as expected, a row ensued. For a day
or two Mrs. Chace refusod to recognize
her son-in-law, but afterward she ap
peared to have relented, and Neilson
and his wife maintained an affectionate
relationship that promised to be a last
ing one. No chango was manifest in
the feeling of the household on the
subject of the marriage until one day
Dr. Welcome O. Brown, also a member
of the Society of Friends, came to the
farm. The doctor who is general ad
viser for the family, had a talk with
Mrs. Chace, the result of which was
the sudden removal of Elsie from the
farm to the residence of Elizabeth
Medder of this city, also a Friend.
Neilson had a very tender and affec
tionate interview with his wife that
very day, and was at a loss to account
for her disappearance. After" Elsie
had gone Dr. Brown went for the
Swede, and, under the threat of arrest
and imprisonment, frightened the poor
fellow so thoroughly that he picked
up his effects and went away. It was
more than a week before he obtained
a clue to the whereabouts of his wife.
Then he found her with a Friend.
Huldah M. Beebe, Oak street this city.
He had a writ of habeas corpus issued,
and his wife brought into court, but
Elsie Jiad beeu so thoroughly intimi
dated that she refused to go with her
husband, and Huldah Beebe prevent
ed her from speaking to him after the
court had ruled in the case, although
she desired to do so. Elsie was taken
back to the old farm house, and there
lived until her death, on the 28th of
January last.
" The manner of her death aroused
the suspicions of the city authorities,
who ordered an inquest to be held.
On the day of her death Elsie com
pluined, when sitting at the breakfast
table, of being sick at her stomach,
and of having a severe headache. An
hour later she attempted to sweep aud
dust, but became so ill that she had to
lie down on the lounge. She began
to vomit freely, ejecting a yellowish
substance, which grew darker and
darker as the sickness continued. Af
ter she had been in that condition for
six hours, her mother sent for Dr.
Brown, who reached the farm at 4 p.
rn. He gave her a little brandy and
water, but seeing that she was sinking
he sent for Dr. Lloyd Morton, of
Pawtucket, who got to the house just
in time to see the poor girl die, but
not until she had repeatedly protested
that she had eaten or drunk nothing
to make her sick. Coroner Palmer,
the city physician, ordered an autopsy,
wliich was made by Dr. Morton, Dr.
Brown beiug"present by courtesy and
passing the time in taking notes of
the examination and in repeating
them to Mrs. Chace, who was in an
adjoining room. Dr. Morton's report
only strengthened the suspicions al
ready entertained by Coroner Palmer,
and by his orders the stomach of the
dead wife, with some of the matter
ejected by her when alive, was sent to
Henry W. Vaughen, analytical chem
ist, and formerly state assayer. Chem
ist Vaughen made a careful analysis of
the stomach and its contents, return
ing a statement to Coroner Palmer
last Thursday noon. A coroner's jury
was then sworn in, the body viewed
and identified as that of Elsie A.
Chace, and an adjournment made to
the central police station. The body
when taken from the tomb and ex
posed to view was fully preserved.
" At the inquest it was determined
to examine every member of the
household, and an officer was sent to
the farm to summon them. He found
that the work girl and a woman named
Esten, who attended Elsie through
her last painful hours, had been spirit
ed away. He called the mother, aud
in response was met by Huldah Beebe,
who allowed the officer to believe that
she was Mrs. Chace, until he began to
read the legal document requiring her
presence in court, when she remarked :
' Thee is mistaken. I am not Elsie M.
Chace.' The officer was then shown
into a room, where Mrs. Chace was re
clining on a lounge. She was too
weak to talk or move, but when threat
ened with arrest if she did not com
ply with the summons, quickly got up
and dressed and drove to town.
" At the inquest Mrs. Chace told
the story of her daughter's death
without the slightest sign of emotion
in her voice or features. She declared
that her daughter had drunk notliing
but milk that morning, and though
suspecting poison at first, she came to
the conclusion that her daughter 'died
from natural causes. Dr. Morton then
gave the result of his autopsy, which
he declared, showed conclusively that
Elsie had been killed by arsenical
poisoning. Dr. Brown was next called.
He detailed his visit to the farm, said
that he found the girl sick with symp
toms of poisoning, but would not in
ject morphine when requested so to .
do by the suffering woman, as ho
'f oared complications.' He was press
ed for an answer as to what ho con
sidered was the actual cause of her
death, and replied, Gastroenteric irri
tation, brought on by sudden cold and
undue exposuro to inclement weather.
He was sure that Elsie had not been
poisoned i she had denied to him that
she had done or taken anything to
make her sick."
:Dr. Brown was permitted to re
main and hear the next witness, Chem
ist Vaughen, who read the result of
the several analyses made by him. He
showed that the stomach and vomit
were filled with commercial arsenic,
and that between thirty and forty
grains of the poison had been recover
ed. He estimated the dose taken as a
teaspoonful and a half. While this
testimony was being given Dr. Brown
was fidgety as could be, squirming
about in his chair like an eel.
" Coroner Palmer rested the inquest
at this point, intending to take up the
case some day this week. He will
introduce testimony showing that
Elsie was perpetually and systematic
ally bulldozed, and that there was a
lack of harmony between her mother
and herself. One very peculiar feature
of the case is the fact that two days
before Elsie's death she made a will
bequeathing all her property to her
mother, and cutting off her husband
entirely. The will will be contested,
the Friends having come forward and
taken up the Swede's side, and it is
said that the will, which was witness
ed by Dr. Brown and alleged to have
been signed in Ids office, will be
broken on the ground of undue influ
ence. . That the girl was murdered is
generally believed about town. Vari
ous motives are assigned for the deed,
and the police believe they have got
on the trail of the perpetrators. The'
Swede attempted to attend the funeral
of his wife, but was driven away from
the house by Dr. Brown, thereby creat
ing the turmoil existing in the Society
of Friends."
Why He Suffered.
After a little dissertation on the
troubles and annoyances of hotel
clerks, a San Francisco paper relates
the following anecdote. A recent
visitor from Australia was rather taken
aback the other day by the politeness
of the Hotel, where he had taken
up his quarters. The day after his
arrival, which happened to be one of
the windiest of the season, he went
out for a stroll around the streets of
'Frisco to see the sights and exhibit
his linen covered hemlet. He return
ed to the hotel rubbing his eyes and
very much disgusted, remarked to
the clerk :
" You have a great deal of dust here
in San Francisco."
" Y-a-s," drawled the clerk, "I suffer
from it myself."
"Weak eyes?" inquired the stranger.
" No, sir."
"Your lungs are effected then?"
"Not much," yawned the clerk.
"In what way tlien, do you suffer
from the dust 1 ' asked the somewhat
surprised Australian.
" By hearing about sixty times an
hour every fool who comes in here
say, ' You have a good deal of dust
here in San Francisco.' "
Husbands, on Commission.
A Chicago merchant accompanied a
Milwaukee gentleman an old friend
to his home, where he had been
many times a guest before. In a con
versation with the charming daughter
of his host, he rallied her on ber con
tinuance in a state oi single blessed
ness. She replied ti;at none of the
Milwaukee beaux were to her taste,
and in an indifferent way inquired if
Chicago had any nice young men dis
engaged. Receiving an affirmative
reply, she remained a minute or two
in a brown study, and then brighten
ing up, said in a bantering tone :
" WelL you are a commission mer
chant ; send me down a nice young
man and I will allow you a commission
of 10 cents a pound."
The Milwaukee girl got her nice
young man in due time. The commis
sion charges were just $19.50.